Hope Sabbath School Lesson 6 The sealed People of God

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are in the middle of a life-changing series on the book of Revelation some people say I cannot understand revelation but the word says blessed are those who read and blessed are those who hear and keep the things written in the book our topic today is such an encouraging one the sealed People of God you can have assurance by the time we're done with our study not only knowing what they look like but how you can be part of the sealed people of God so welcome to Hope Sabbath school what a great series this has been and I'm excited today because Lisa one of our team is going to be leading the study we're excited because young adults around the world are downloading the single interactive outline and you're starting study groups in your own villages in your own towns in your own cities tens of thousands of groups starting and it's great to see us all being part of this last day work of sharing the truth about Jesus so we're looking forward to a great study together and welcome to each one of you including some of you who've written to us from around the world you can write to us at SS hope at hope TV org we're always delighted to hear from you has anyone here been to Honduras no okay well here we've got a note from ELISA ELISA in Honduras greetings brothers and sisters may the Lord continue to bless your lives are right from Honduras to let you know how blessed I feel whenever I watch hope Sabbath school please pray for me and my relationship with God love in Christ that's a significant prayer to pray isn't it we want to remember you ELISA and your relationship with God and we're glad you're part of our Hope Service school family here is a note from mark in Ghana now I know we've got some who at least would claim Ghanaian heritage so would you wave it mark alright a charity right there Ghanaian roots right and Daisy yep so we we're just glad you're part of our hopes have a school family mark from Ghana see and and he writes and says I love you all god bless you for the things you're doing you've been saving lost souls and then well we would say thank you that Jesus has been saving lost souls but we know what you mean mark he's been using hopes have a school and we say thank you Jesus thanks for writing to a smart from the beautiful country of Ghana Karen with a see Karen with a see Raisa was from Colorado and she says thank you for hope Sabbath school I watch on Direct TV channel 368 in these days many ordinary people are experiencing persecution in lesser but still painful ways for following Jesus is she right yeah absolutely even in countries that have freedom people are persecuted there's a movement now not only to be an atheist but to be an anti theist that means you're actually against people who believe in God she says it's happening some are being persecuted in painful ways and I am one of those people hmm but hope Sabbath school keeps me focused on the Word of God and lifts my spirits so that I can live and serve Jesus I'm glad I do observe its goal thank you Karen for writing to us also I feel like I'm part of the family there at a time when most of my family is gone I appreciate your dedication in giving your time and energy and resources in this work I will make a donation online well thank you Karen you can go to Hope tv.org slash donate but you know what what you said that's so true if you were to know the story of our team today well even Lisa who's going to teach today you flew for about five hours to get here didn't you and others on our team you flew for several hours you drove some of you drove for five minutes but but we're all here and we're volunteers would dedicate it to the mission and Karen we're glad that you want to be part of that mission your testimony means a great deal to us here's a note from a donor in California and and the donor writes and says I watch hope sabbath-school every day on DirecTV same Channel 368 I love your interaction and I've learned a lot I'm 82 years young and I have had two strokes please pray for me for strength and wisdom to learn God's will for me and to understand his word as I study my Bible amen yeah she sent a donation of $20 you know each of us can be part partnering together in this worldwide ministry and I just want to thank each one of you that that you say Derrick I'd like to be a part of that because we can't all go to Zambia we can't all go to your home country of Kenya but we can all see the gospel going perhaps even to areas where where we're not even allowed to go in person and that's the beauty of Hope service cool here's one last note from moonu moonu Zambia and mu nu writes and says I want to convey my gratitude for this great work Jesus Christ is doing many souls will be saved out there you're teaching carries truth and like some of us who never had time to listen to the calling of God little did I know that I have now set time to meditate on his word every day raised God you know hope Sabbath school is not just like a passive watch the program it's an interactive in-depth study and praise God moon the brother Munna that you are setting time aside every day thanks to hope Channel I always follow you study for one year now let God continue pouring out his blessings in your lives until the message reaches everyone well thanks so much for writing to us and if you've not ridden or you'd like to write again write to us at SS hope at hope TV org we'd be excited to hear from you we'd also like to hear you sing right now you can join us in our theme song for this series for the book of Revelation taken from Revelation chapter one seventeen and eighteen if you haven't got a copy yet go to our website hope TV org slash hope SS you can download the mp3 file the Sheep music let's sing it together [Applause] do not be afraid I am the first and the last I am [Music] and behold I am Alive forever and I had the keys I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end I am [Music] Almighty they are mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is a great word from Jesus isn't it and I just imagine some time where we may go through a challenge they don't just whispered remember the song here's my word you do not be afraid I'm the first and the last well Lisa I'm excited about this study on the seal people of God leaders and prayers would begin our study let's bow our heads and pray dear Heavenly Father we just want to thank you for this opportunity to study your word we thank you for Jesus who loves us and who's called us into this wonderful truth now open our ears that we may hear your voice speaking into our lives and give us understanding we pray in Jesus name Amen amen amen what a wonderful study of Revelation it's been don't you think amen amen we've been studying a lot about Jesus the center of this book and I know some of you this is probably the first or a second or third time that you're reading the book of Revelation what were your initial thoughts think of think way back so when you first heard about the book of Revelation what went through your mind what were you thinking anyone Pedro well when I came to the faith I was I was afraid of the book of Revelation was a little guy and coming to understanding the gospel I dive into the book of Revelation with that fear but when I came across to the book it became my best my best friend because it's a revelation of Jesus Christ a man being a blessing today initially you were bit apprehensive a bit scared did anyone else feel that way like I don't want to read this so scary didn't even have nightmares what I had the same impression too when I first read the book of Revelation I was really afraid but thank God we have this lesson that gives us hope that if we love Jesus and we accept him in our lives that he actually takes care of us amen there's a wonderful truth and so I wanted to get into the middle of the book of Revelation and that is Revelation chapter 7 we're continuing in a series learning about what things are happening in church history but also what will happen at the end of it and the last seal that we talked about in previous lesson talks about some things that are happening in nature and things start to fall apart and things that will happen in the future but now we're concerned as Pedro and some of us how will God take care of us when that time comes so we're in Revelation chapter 7 verses 1 to 3 and I'd like Gary could you read for us Revelation chapter 7 verses 1 to 3 okay and I'll be reading from the New King James Version revelation 7 verses 1 to 3 after these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth on the sea or on any tree then I saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the Living God and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea saying do not harm the earth the sea or the trees till we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads thank you Gary now we've learned that the book of Revelation is a symbolic book meaning that some of the things that we'll read are not literal but they represent things so let's start with the first thing that we hear in this first part of Revelation chapter 7 what does Wen's mean do any of you have an idea what winds may represent because it's symbolic petrol well we see there's hurricanes that bring great wind and destruction so once the symbolism of wars and destruction coming up on the earth okay destruction definitely does anyone have an idea what kind of destruction in particular or is that still vague to our understanding now I would think I would think that there would be times I think of the story when Jesus and His disciples were on the boat and a great storm came that the enemy may try to use nature to bring destruction I think there are times where God you got him holding back then natural consequence of all of the sin in the world he's trying to protect us but but at some point though that that protection will be removed and so the chaos that has that's just kind of the earth is kind of shaking will be unleashed so on I think there's a lot of reasons why the winds may blow but here at least God is saying to his angels hold back this destruction I want to make sure that my people are sealed absolutely so this is physical destruction upon the earth and the four winds are the four corners of the earth so it's not just one particular place this is all over the world so there's nowhere that you can actually hide from this destruction but here's a promise one of my favorite promises and I'd like Daisy to read 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 9 to 10 this is God's promise to us some of us who love Jesus who have accepted Christ were reading this and are probably scared about this destruction that's coming to the earth but here's a wonderful promise that we're given after reading through the New Living Translation the Lord isn't really slow about his promise as some people think no he is being patient for your sake he does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent but the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise and the very elements themselves will disappear and fire and the earth and everything on it will be found to just will be found to deserve judgment okay thank you daisy so we're told that there's a promise that God is not wanting anyone to perish even though this destruction is widespread but he wants everyone to come to repentance and this goes back to verse 3 if we go back to Revelation where it talks about the angels are told to restrain the winds to hold back this destruction until something is going to happen so now we're looking at the sealing of God's people how takes place and what that entails so Jonathan could you read for us Revelation chapter 7 verses 3 to 4 alright I'm reading from the New International Version verse 3 do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God then I heard the number of those who were sealed 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel okay Thank You Jonathan let's talk about this I some people get really confused about the ceiling and the number 144,000 so let's first start with the seal what is the seal that Jonathan has read about in Revelation chapter 7 what is the seal Travis the seals the character of God okay character of God seals character inside Daisy it's just like I mean a seal has I think three things that makes it significant which is the territory the owner and what was the other one though but pretty much when king puts the seal on something it shows the power the authority behind whatever so if God has put on his seal on his children he's saying these are my people and on the the territory where they are I mean where he has his power that they belong to me so you've got a spot of his sealant on the people's foreheads it means there are his people he's claiming ownership of them right this is great Jonathan yeah just I like what he's saying it seems like a because it's not just like okay some mark that goes on people it's something that actually is real it's like when you push a seal onto something it's just waxing it takes on the mold of the seal and just as what I think it's saying is that these people have have had God's God's character impressed into who they are so that they now reflect and cannot be swayed by any of the the fear and all the things around them they trust in God and they have his character mm-hmm that's very good and I think you know we talked about this in a previous study they've chosen to say I want to belong to God and I want his character to be reelected my life you know and then of course the work of the Holy Spirit but I've made that choice just like accepting that white raiment so it's it's not as Jonathan said some kind of you know barcode that's the tattooed onto our heads it's actually a symbol that we have chosen and it's our forehead right what we think we've chosen to say I choose to belong to God and I choose to accept his salvation absolutely and so we know that as Daisy said it's an identifying mark which means out of the whole population there there has to be some order who has chosen Jesus who has accepted Christ but who has completely rejected him and so this and I'm thinking of like farmyard animals if anyone's growing up on a farm and and if you have a lot of cattle you know you want to seal them so that someone can't take your cattle because clearly that is my cattle and so it's an identifying mark that this this person has chosen me and and wants me in their life and so it identifies them so that as we read ahead that it will protect them for the things that are to come I mean and pastor Derek bought a really good point about it being in the forehead and that is as Jenna Jonathan read it is a decision that we make that we're convinced that this is what I want from my life so no one's going to be sealed who doesn't want to be sealed they made that choice for themselves and they have been convinced that Jesus is the one now how so this is where the controversy comes in how do we you know how do we get into this elite group and Jonathan said they're 144,000 how how can we be those sealed protected mvs and time so I want us to read some scripture to know how we can be part of this this group of people who are going to be protected at the end of Earth's history and so Billy I want you to read 2nd Timothy 2 verses 19 Chris could you read Ephesians 1:13 to 14 Leonardo if you could read Ephesians 4 verse 30 and so these verses will give us a better understand is how we can join this group how we can choose to be sealed when the time of the end comes Billy Jonas start us off yes so I'll be reading from the King James Version second Timothy 2 verse 19 says nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his and let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity so Ephesians chapter 1 verses 13 and 14 and I'm reading from the English standard version in him you also when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and believed in him were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it to the praise of his glory then I do I'll be reading officience chapter 4 verse 30 from the New King James Version and says and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption now the Holy Spirit is the seal again it's symbolic how could we grieve the Holy Spirit how could we choose not to be part of God's chosen people and I want us to think practically in our day-to-day lives how could we grieve the Holy Spirit Pedro well grieving the Holy Spirit is about not doing what he's constantly us to do you know God has given us he's his law for us to follow and so we can have a better life and rejecting that message from him is basically I don't want you next to me and you're grieving him by rejecting his friendship okay okay I think too when we talk about rejecting the Holy Spirit it's more than just making a mistake because we all make mistakes even those of us that follow Christ it's the idea that God and Christ is coming to you're trying to work on your heart through the Holy Spirit and you constantly reject that spirit you know you might say you might say with your mouth yes I believe in Jesus Christ and all this kind of stuff but with your actions and the way you act and the way that you react when God tries to work on your heart in your mind you don't listen to anything he has a say you just constantly reject that thing that he's trying to that that path that he's trying to put you on mm-hmm Daisy sure I think it also could be just to add to what he was saying it's also a lifestyle you know we choose to live a certain way it says do not grieve the Holy Spirit by the way you live so you know you're doing certain things that goes against God's command or God's requirements but then you choose to do that disregarding God's command and that would grieve away the Holy Spirit so Patricia you have a young child and you love that child so much you do so much for that child how would it feel as a mother after all that you've done for your child for your child to just reject you and say I don't want to be part of you anymore how would that feel very sad yeah and I'm sure the Holy Spirit grieves he feels sad because he's you know he's there for us he nurtures us he tells us about Jesus there's a there's a hurt in his heart for being rejected and how many of you have been rejected it's not a very good feeling is it so what can we do in our day-to-day lives to accept Jesus what can we do to be part of God's family what do you think there are things that we can do consciously every day to let God know that we've chosen him you know it's thinking back to what Trevor said about the character of God being reflected as people with that the seal people of God that the Holy Spirit comes to help us all the way through the New Testament it says walk in the spirit you know Jesus when it says in the power of the Holy Spirit he went in his ministry and he promised to bring to our remembrance the things that Jesus has said so it's kind of like Penrice that the Holy Spirit's coming he's on our side and he's wanting to empower us to live in harmony with God's good plan to reflect the character of God again that's not to save ourselves were saved by grace but the Bible does say right after saved by grace we are his workmanship created for good works so we walk in the spirit by the spirit and it's the spirit who actually seals us that's what I'm hearing okay Patricia well I think surrender is naturally a very difficult thing for us to do as humans because we want to be in control but if everyday we come back to the Bible and look at what Jesus did for us you know then that I think that's part of the answer to it's very good charity the Holy Spirit is not a foe he's a friend and with a friend you spend time with them and you do things that please them and bring happiness to them and so in doing that with the Holy Spirit by obeying the laws of God and His commandments that's how we can not just find favor with him but find pleasure in walking with always bear and you know the thing that brings the greatest joy to the Holy Spirit is when we tell people about Jesus man that's that's it you'll receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be witnesses for me jesus said so I do believe the Holy Spirit is pleased with hope service goal that's not the only thing but will one part of that right and I think sometimes we think oh well I'll please the Holy Spirit if I don't do this and I don't do that and it's like you want to really please the Holy Spirit tell people about Jesus amen because God so loved the world that He gave His only Son you men back to charity's point this is a relationship all of us have been in relationships before it it takes time and commitment and earlier on in our previous study we talked about not losing our first love that we are we really want to be with Jesus and we have to refresh ourselves every so often and three things that we can do every day to let God know that you're my number one priority the most important thing in my life so going back to what Jonathan read earlier we've learned that the seal people God receive a seal an identifying mark that's symbolic we can't see it but it is the Holy Spirit who is going to offer protection and the things that are about to happen Jonathan read something I think if you don't mind John if you'd read again verse three and four we're given a number and we're going to talk about that in a moment alright again reading from the NIV I do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God then I heard the number of those who are sealed 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel okay Thank You Jonathan now let's talk about this number many people have different theories different conclusions about what this number is and what are some of those things that you've heard about the 144,000 and we'll get a definitive answer today cherry some people believe it's a literal number okay and some people believe it's a figurative number okay Thank You JD one thing is very clear at least reading it they are living at the end time yeah so we're not talking about the redeemed through all the ages right because they've opened the sixth seal I mean then the seventh seal is about to be opened and that's when everything is ended so so these are God's people mm-hmm at the very end of time okay God's people at the very end of time and the next couple verses which we won't read actually itemizes the number so we have twelve thousand from twelve tribes of Israel but if we go through that list you'll notice that two tribes are in there that are not in the original number that we've seen the Old Testament and we see two tribes that have been put in so Dan and Ephraim are not in that list but instead we have Joseph and we have Levi which was never counted as part of the twelve tribes so we know that they're not Israelites Hebrews living at the time but symbolically as charity says they represent God's people and the twelve tribes are a complete number or a completeness of God's endtime Church his people who have chosen him only God knows this number pastor Derek as far as we know it could be you it could be me it may not be us but we know that whoever lives that those end times will be identified by God and I think that's what we know from Scripture I said that Leonardo yeah I wanted to point out Revelation chapter 14 verse 4 one of the ways we can see this is not a literal number is that here in chapter 14 verse 4 it says these are the ones who were not defiled with women for they are virgins so every married person it's impossible so if you read along you know these are one of the one of the characteristics is that they're virgins and of course this verse is talking about not actually being unfaithful to God by following doctrines of men that's what it means right here when when it says virgins you know we're it's talking about people that are really faithful to God in in his will and by and you know by his law so the even virgins here is not literal it's a symbol absolutely and I know that for me one time in fact this is a story one time when I was coming out of the Train here in Washington DC I saw a man preaching outside and he was letting people know you need to join the tribes of Israel and they're alive and you know joining our lead group and I looked at him I said no one really knows where those tribes are in fact as far as we know ever since the Assyrian attack on Israel the tribes are scattered so the original twelve tribes of Israel's we know I really not existent today but it's a spiritual number of those who've chosen Christ and so we need to maintain our relationship with Jesus that needs to be the focus at the center amen so let's move on we're going to move to a different group of people or so it seems but really they're their same group of people can I have Travis if you'd read for us Revelation chapter 7 verses 9 to 14 when I'll be reading from the New King James Version chapter 7 revelation 7 9 to 14 after these things I looked and behold a great multitude which no one could number of all that nations tribes peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hands and crying out with a loud voice saying salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb all the angel stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures and fell on their faces before the throne and worshipped God saying amen blessing and glory and wisdom Thanksgiving and honour power and might be to our God for ever and ever amen even then one of the elders answered saying to me who are these arrayed in white robes and where did they come from and I said to him sir you know so he said to me these are they that come out of the Great Tribulation and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb amen thank you for eating that Travis so here we have a great multitude in some version says great multitude and what is the difference between the 144 that we read earlier and the great multitude is there a difference or are they the same group of people Travis can I just make a suggestion and someone may disagree with me okay but when we looked earlier in chapter 6 they were crying for the rocks to fall on them this is representative of Jesus second coming is it possible the 144,000 that are sealed or though everyone raised from the dead from the earth is that possible because John says I heard and then in verse 9 he says I looked and I saw so the thing he heard about he saw so he hears about 144,000 and then he sees a multitude no one can number and they're the redeemed from the earth okay Jonathan sorry so you're saying the people that um got raised from the dead is it possible okay I was wondering cuz it says they and with those who came to the Great Tribulation in verse 14 there's appear to be living at the end yeah I was wondering something else and of course you know we the safe answer is we'll ask Jesus to get there but but it's possible that this symbolic number if it's symbolic of 144 complete is indeed a great multitude which no one can number but these are the ones that Jonathan said have come through the Great Tribulation and in the sequence of the seals it appears that they are the ones who are living when Christ returns so it could be that we're not going 143 thousand nine hundred 70 71 72 but it's actually a I would say hallelujah if it's a great multitude that no one can number because it means that that God gathered many people when when he finally returns in glory huge oh yes we see on chapter 6 we talk about the complete the Saints there under the out there and they complete their numbers and we see here the 144,000 as a reference that the number 12 several times through the number to the tribes of Judah go to the tribes of Israel and number 12 in prophecies represent completeness so God is talking about complete good group of people they follow him to the end and like pastor said it could be we were asked that question when we get to hell yeah alright so I want us to kind of hone in on one aspect of this which i think is really important probably even more important than the number is what they're wearing and it says that they're wearing white robes any idea what that symbolism means Lorna is it symbolizes of faithfulness to Christ yeah faithfulness to Christ definitely charity purification purification holiness Jesus righteousness Jesus righteousness very good so these people all have one thing in common even though they have different tribes and nationalities and languages and from all of the earth they only have one thing in common which is what they're wearing and they're wearing white robes how do we make our robes pure and holy how do we make ourselves righteous because there's some people reading this and they're saying well I not wearing a white robe right now you know I know what I did last night but what do what can we do didn't appear to God as pure and holy and righteous Chris I think the key is we can't do anything that's the point and honestly the great thing about this entire story is that it's something that Jesus gives us it's a gift and he gives us our job is just to accept Christ and it is his righteousness that covers us freely amen BeeZee just adding on this exactly what Jesus did when he came down to earth you know he exchanged his righteousness and took on our sin which he died on the cross and paid the price for it so if we accept Jesus Christ he freely gives us his righteousness to cover us and that's the robe of righteousness that we're talking about in this verse Thank You Daisy it's really encouraging to me to know that it's not my own works it's not my clothing that will get me to heaven but it's what Christ gives which is a gift it's not something that I earn from my good works but it's out of his love and His grace for me and so these individuals have not only accepted Jesus and repented but they've accepted his righteousness as their righteousness they've accepted his life as their life and that is really really encouraging for all of us who are still growing in that journey that we don't have to beat ourselves down because we're not yet at the highest level that we think we should be but the way God looks at us if we've accepted Jesus he sees us as pure and righteous and worthy as his bride with a lot of love amen you know I'm struggling with the passage they washed their robes and made them white because in the Old Testament it says all of our righteousness is like filthy rags it's almost like we take our clothes we put them in there and I really imagined that they disintegrate and what comes out is the gift of his white robe you know and we go really how did that come out of that and the answer is the grace of God amen right God says okay here is it it's a perfect size you know we'll cover you and I think I think we won't go yeah I made a really nice robe I think we're gonna say it's all of God's grace there indication though that um it isn't just something that like is out there and just kind of magically covers us that it is something that there is some indication that there's something that happens to these people that their actual characters aren't trans it's not just okay they've put some garment that covered them and they're still kind of dirty inside it that somehow they've surrendered and they've trusted in the lamb and God's blood has actually changed our characters and made them to have this the the seal of God's character impressed in our minds and our actions and that's a miracle too right and I love what Jonathan said the outside reflects what's really inside so the transforming work of Christ has seeped in through the the cotton of that robe into the heart and to the soul and so we see a transformed life amen JD and what Jonathan's thing is that that character is the reflection of Christ so that when he looks at us he sees his own reflection which covers us that grace and allows it he's gonna have that white room well I like one word that you not to mention was surrender you know that's the only thing we were supposed to do and this process is related to God he can wash us if we surrender ourselves to him amen TV just adding to what he said as well the surrender comes in and just as we read in a few verses previously that do not grieve away the spirit by the way you live there's a transformation when God puts his seal on you you don't continue to live the way you used to live but you submit to the Holy Spirit to to creating you a new character you're not the old person you used to be anymore but you become a new person amen amen Chris and I think just piggybacking on what everyone is saying yeah I think it comes in the idea of grace and understanding that grace is not just the forgiveness of God but it is also the transformative power because without God without the Holy Spirit we can't even surrender so that is His grace and you can come in and transform us so that way we can be fully made righteous amen amen amen this is really great anything crazy to me and I hope it's encouraging to everyone to know that this is really a work of a lifetime right and we need to continue to grow in Christ so let's move along in our study we're going to talk about the characteristics of these really special people in my eyes that are wearing white robes that have palm palm branches in their hands that are seen by God as righteous and holy and blameless I'm going to talk about their characteristics because those are things that we should be thinking about as we continue to grow in Christ and so I'm gonna ask Lorna if you would read for us Revelation chapter 14 verses 1 to 4 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version then I look and behold a lamb standing on Mount Zion and with him 144,000 having his father's name written on their foreheads and I heard a voice from heaven like the voice of many waters and like the voice of loud thunder and I heard the sound of harpies playing their harps they sang as it were a new song before the truth before the four living creatures and the elders and no one could learn that so except the 144,000 who were redeemed from the earth sorry these are the ones who were not defiled with women for they are virgins the these are the ones who follow the lamb wherever he goes this were redeemed from among men being first fruits to God and to the lamb amen amen so they're not already talked about one of this aspects which in some version talks about being virgins so in the book of Revelation we're using symbolic language and women represent the church or doctrine or teaching and so not being defiled by women isn't sexual promiscuity but it really is the pureness of their doctrine that they have the truth about Jesus and they're remaining faithful to it I like that part they're faithful to what they know and they're not trading that for something else let's talk about another characteristic they follow the lamb wherever he goes what does that mean is there an actual land that they're they're following every single day or what does that mean practically to follow the lamb wherever he goes Loreena keep your eyes on Jesus keeping your eyes on Jesus absolutely his Commandments okay you know I love this description to follow the lamb that's to follow Jesus wherever he goes because he said I'll be with you always even to the end of the age and so to me it's basically saying Jesus whatever is your agenda is my agenda Yeah right I think Paul talks about that he says it's no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and it's like Jesus you just whatever you want I'll follow you wherever you go to me that SPECT of the word surrender that made her mention and Jonathan - it's a total surrender and it's not just one day a week is your whole life wherever he leads us okay so can someone read Revelation chapter 14 verse 5 Petro could you read verse 5 of that chapter I'll be reading from New King James Version 14 verse 5 and in their mouth was found no deceit for they are without fault before the throne of God they're without fault in some version says blameless or is there another word that's used any other version so blameless or without fault is that even possible to stand before God as perfect Wow well we're going to read it I would like Leonardo if you could read for us Romans chapter 3 verses 19 to 23 Patricia if he could read 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verses 21 Daisy if you could read 1st John 1:9 that's Romans 3 first 19 through 23 okay I'll be reading from the New King James Version Romans chapter 3 verse 19 now we know that whatever the law says it says to those who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in his sight for by the law is the knowledge of sin but now the righteousness of God apart from the from the law is revealed being witnessed by the law and prophets even the righteousness of God which is through faith in Jesus Christ to all and not all who believe for those is for there is no difference for all have sinned and fall short and fall short of the glory of God thank you Patricia are you really from the New King James Version 2nd Corinthians 5:21 says for he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him seesee first John 1 verse 9 I'll be reading from a New Living Translation and but if we confess our sins to him he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness amen so what do we know about standing blameless before God Dustin what do we know about based on these verses what do we know how is it possible that we can stand before God as fog lifts in some versions or blameless I think it it only depends on our relationship with with Christ really because I don't think in our own strength knowing through the law how sinful we are that that we can really boast of anything that we have it's it's all through a relationship with Christ I'm a romantic man definitely definitely so it's not our own works it's what Christ has done for us that is perfect Patricia Jesus took our sin and then he gave us his righteousness we men that's a good trade you know some have asked how holy God can faithful and just how can he be just to just cancel all of our sin and cleanse us when the wages of sin is death and Patricia answered that in the scripture from second Corinthians he took care of our penalty and offered us the gift of his holiness and they and the eternal life enjoy that he alone deserves and to me I cannot even imagine I I think if I was standing before the throne of God standing with that fault I think I fall down really how would the rest of you feel standing before God and and he tells you you're thoughtless and my eyes your you're blameless you're perfect in my eyes how would you feel hearing those words from a powerful God I would be in tears I would just cry because if if you if you really think about what you have been through in this life you know what you have done and what you really deserve and here's someone I'm not just someone but you know the king of the entire universe is saying you're forgiven like how of all oh it doesn't be on the floor to have a like thank you thank you like you know it's your such joy mm-hmm Billie how I looking at you and he's not seeing you and you said oh yeah he's actually seeing Jesus because Jesus covers us so much that you know we can't he doesn't see past Jesus yeah he sees Jesus and were behind Jesus in the imagery that you know when we sinned before the throne of God it's similar to the Old Testament when when there was this old this priest and he was standing in a representation of the children of Israel and it's you know you see Jesus is the one who is covering that that our fault so we never alone even when we're standing before God when we stand before God was sitting with Jesus and he doesn't see past Jesus when he looked at us amen amen so here's a challenge for us as a class how can we tell people this truth because this is great news for all of us like Daisy it brings us to tears it's so good that God when we stand before his throne sees Jesus and us how can we convince someone about that truth that is really really important I think we be like Jesus when you see people we see past their skin color we see past their outward appearance and we see in their heart and that's what Jesus did is that he he's laying the foundation that you know when we see people that we treat them as if to their best ability and that we don't become friends with people because we think that you know well you know they're going to be converted to Christianity or they're gonna serve the church even if they rejected we need to be there for them because Jesus in the gospel says that God the Sun shines on the just and the unjust likewise our actions needs to be not biased towards good people quote unquote what needs to be everywhere in by our love will awaken love ELISA I remember a story of someone showing the love of God to to a broken person a kind of a you might say a person who'd fallen deep in sin and and the person looked at the one who was helping said who are you are you Jesus really are you Jesus and the person you know says no but I am a follower of Jesus I think that's what you're talking about Billy that if someone could catch a glimpse of Jesus by the way we show the love of Jesus to them they might have courage to believe especially if we gave our testimony of where we used to be and maybe someone can do that you know we go well if you could be there by the grace of God yeah maybe I could be there too amen you know look how you changed than I do there's a saying that it says that sometimes the only Bible people will will read is your life and that is very true sometimes people they have access to the Bible everywhere even in in in your iPhone or any technology it's everywhere but sometimes the only Bible they will ever read in their lives it's your life it's your example is your friendship is your way of showing love and showing Jesus through your life so it's very important actually the way we live and and if we live by what we believe then I think many people will come to Jesus only by our example I'd like to share a verse yeah like that is captured that captures this load this discussion he's right it's in Colossians 1 verses 27 and 28 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version Colossians 1:27 and 28 to them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory him we preach warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus so it's it's Christ in us that hope of glory we preach it we teach it we live it so that we can all be perfect like that like what we've been talking about amen you know I'm thinking also you know the Bible says if anyone is in Christ she or he is a new creation and I think that that are the key point for the redeemed like Jonathan said they don't just have the robe on in the seal they've actually become a new creation and like Chris said that's just as much a miracle of God's grace as our sins being washed away right amen a new creation and I think back to what Leonardo was saying it's not just we are a nice person it's like you're a new creation especially if they knew us before right and I know probably hope Sabbath school members look and think everybody here has never sinned you know never fallen and and the truth is it's only by the grace of God but we can't actually be a new creation through that living connection with Jesus amen so I think this has has not been a great study so no more nightmares no more fear when we talk about revelation that Jesus is at the center of it all and he is with us he's in us he is our robe he is our light he's our heart and soon one day we'll be just like him perfect and blameless spotless and God's love but he has given Christ by exalting him above all men that same love is gonna be for us too and we will conquer this world of sin and I want to challenge all of us today to share this truth or someone who needs to hear that encouraging word maybe you know someone who's struggling in their walk with Christ maybe struggling to be perfect to have everything together and know this is a journey of a lifetime and before you know it you'll be stepping into that robe and into the wonderful heaven that God has prepared for us amen thank you so much for sharing what a great study you know I I had to smile when when Lisa was teaching and she said about the hundred and forty-four thousand which i think is a great multitude that no one can number that we'll be living when Christ comes and she said some of us may not be there and she looked at me like I was too old and I might not make it the whole way to the end but you know it's okay I'm when the Lord calls the redeemed who are sleeping in the ground I'm gonna be looking for you among 144,000 amen but you know the truth is that every day is a gift and so today the Bible says if you hear my voice don't harden your heart today accept the gift of the salvation that only Jesus can provide and the miracle that you'll not only forgive your sins and give you a robe of his righteousness but he'll make you a new creation he will really change you from the inside out and he'll send you out to be a witness for him to tell him to tell his good news to the world I I long for that new creation experience every day to you let's pray that that will happen and thank God for this study today for the for the privilege that we can look forward to being part of the redeemed and can experience that peace even today Father in Heaven it's a beautiful picture and certainly each one of us who's been part of our hopes out of school study would say Lord come quickly let me be part of that great multitude wearing the white robes and and yes standing faultless before your throne but Lord we know there's room for all of the redeemed and so whether we fall asleep in Jesus and rise in the resurrection of the righteous or whether we're living when we see the sky roll back like a scroll and see you coming in glory Lord we're just thankful that we can be part of the redeemed and thank you for your saving grace and I pray especially for those who need to accept your salvation today that we would say yes Jesus saved me and helped me to follow you wherever you go I pray it in Jesus name Amen well thanks for joining us go out and be a blessing to those around you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 17,359
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Keywords: hope Sabbath School, Derek Morris, sealed people of God, Seventh-Day Adventist, hopesabbathschool
Id: HjfUKqdu3ao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 15sec (3495 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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