Hope Sabbath School Lesson 4 facing opposition

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are in the middle of a series on Ezra and Nehemiah one book in the Hebrew Scriptures we've kind of divided it into two and now we put it back together because Ezra the priest then Nehemiah the government official were leaders who were willing to be used by God in an amazing way and God wants to use men and women in our generation to do amazing things for him so it's a great study today the call of God and I'm excited as you can see because Lisa's going to be teaching and it's a call for men and women young and old all of us to be part of God's great movement and we're just glad that you're with us today what a great series of studies this has been you know I just thought how can two thousand four hundred year old writings of a Jewish scribe priest and a government official be so relevant for our lives today but we'll discover they God has a call for each one of us and we're always happy to hear from you our hope Sabbath school members oh I forgot to tell you something we have an awesome app I've got one on my phone you can get hope Sabbath school on here you can even choose whether your main location is North America you can pull it up in Chinese or in Arabic you can pull it up in give me another language French German it's there many different languages to think we've broadcasted 60 languages so great app if you don't know how to download the app from the App Store or Google Play ask your children or your grandchildren oh sure you have but it's a free app hope Channel and we're glad that you'll be blessed here's a note this is an amazing story from Alex Alex is from Vanuatu in the South Pacific studying on a full scholarship in Japan and here's his story hello hopes have a school members I was born in the small island of Vanuatu in the South Pacific after one year my father left and I never saw him again for years growing up I've had this desire to see him in my 20s I went asking his own brother who still lives in Vanuatu others but no one seemed to help then last year I miraculously was given a scholarship to study in Okayama Japan it was last year I got my father's phone number from a church friend who had my dad's contact information from a businessman know how that worked connected me to my father he sent me this picture finally after 32 years he met his father again in person Wow December 26 2018 in Hong Kong and he said God is amazing I can't express my praise to God meeting him after 32 years Wow greetings to all brothers and sisters from Okayama Japan it's a blessing to sit on Friday evenings and study hope Sava school with you amen well Alex thanks so much for writing to us and give our greetings to your father what a beautiful reunion I'm sure that must have been Kiros writes from Ethiopia and says first of all I want to tell you that you are all cool awesome and blessed I'm proud of you all may the heavenly God bless you I'm 20 years old I'm attending university studying software engineering please pray for me and my family well cure us thank you for calling us cool awesome and we're glad you're part of our hopes have a school family here's another young person writing from Jamaica Bijan writes from Jamaica anybody from Jamaica anybody have Jamaican roots Oh Marcus Jamaican roots my mom your mom okay it's my first time writing says Bijan and it's a pleasure I'm 19 years old living in Jamaica whenever I get a chance I'll watch some of the hope Sabbath school episodes on the television you've inspired me and others from around the world may the heavenly Father grant you the wisdom and strength to carry out your work if I remember correctly he says it was baptized when I was eight years old my mother got baptized but I wasn't really sure of what I was doing simply following my mother but I'm more mature now and I've learned more of what Jesus asked of me I've asked him to change my heart to change my mind and to teach me more about Jesus his words are truly remarkable and at times when I read the Bible tears fill my eyes my main point is I'm currently struggling feeling depressed at times lonely many times a voice in my head says there there are negative things but it and it brings doubt to my mind but I would ask you to pray for me so these thoughts vanish and I will have positive thoughts I want proper health I would like to minister to the people around the world and become a man of God and do his work hey man that awesome amen Bijan thanks for writing to us from Jamaica and we will pray for you and we praise God for what he's doing in your heart here's a note from a donor I'm not gonna mention the name the donor writes from Illinois and says I've been donating to Hope channel for several years now perhaps you've noticed some of the amounts of my donations change I'd like to explain why they fluctuate because I give to my church to Hope Channel and to other ministries so the gospel will continue to be preached in all the world amen it's good isn't it the Holy Spirit Guides us with a donation of $65 a precious partner in mission thank you it was supporting Hope Sabbath school and the other Bible ministries of Hope channel here's one last note from Terence in Canada Terence says I very rarely miss watching Hope Sabbath school and I enjoy input from the team you're doing an excellent work and I appreciate the methodology and the variety of Nations represented just take a look now look at each other look don't don't get too excited do you notice we don't all look the same it's awesome yeah every nation kindred tongue and people and and Terrance says I appreciate that I download the outline you use every week and incorporate it with mine when it's my turn to teach I'm amazed I shouldn't be the way hope Sabbath school has grown and the active viewers around the world praise the Lord keep up the great work you're doing it's one of the Lord's appointed means for reaching people with Bible truths so desperately needed today god bless you will Terrance we are excited that you are finding I've got mine here somewhere Lisa's gonna be teaching in just a minute I've got my single page outline you can download that from our website hope tv.org slash hope SS you can start your own in-depth interactive Bible study right but before we get into our study we've got a song to sing it's from Psalm 25 three thousand-year-old scriptures on my right for a little tune it's kind of a happy tune and I'd invite you to sing it right now [Music] let me not be ashamed trial let me not be ashamed show me away [Music] Oh [Music] my soul my god I trust in you [Music] Amen why you were smiling and kind of singing along right there these are we're ready to hear a word from the Lord vanity leaders in prayers you're thinking that's pray Heavenly Father I pray that today you may open our ears that we may hear your calling upon our lives that we may respond and accept your call in Jesus name Amen amen we continue today an exciting series on Ezra and Nehemiah and the title of this lesson is God's call now there are some people who are wondering well what does that mean what does God's call or calling what does that mean can anyone give us a brief definition of what a call from God is Stephanie well you know we often think of it as a you know we get phone calls from people and yet God speaks to us in a different way he speaks to us through his word and I believe that he can lead us in our path through his word wonderful and Chaves another Bible says that all are called but few are chosen and I think of responding to God's mercy his his message of love is when we all can be called you just have to respond to this love I would see it as an appeal it's God's appeal he's asking us to do something all right so let's look at two different individuals in the Bible who receive God's call and we'll start with Ezra so I'd like Huia if you could read for us God's call on Ezra's life and that's in Ezra chapter 7 verses 1 to 10 here we will hear and see what how God called Ezra to an important ministry thank you I'll be reading from the New King James Version Ezra chapter 7 verse 1 through 10 now after these things in the reign of artaxerxes king of persia ezra the son of suryya the son of Azariah the son of Hilkiah the son of shalom the son of Zadok the son of a he took the son of a Mariah the son of Azariah the son of Marriott the son of Zira here the son of who's I the son of book II the son of a bee-sh or the son of FINA 'has the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the chief priests this ezra came up from babylon and he was a skilled scribe in the law of moses which the lord god of israel had given the King granted him all his requests according to the hand of the Lord his God upon him some of the children of Israel the priests the Levites the singers the gatekeepers the net name came up to Jerusalem in the seventh year of king artaxerxes and ezra came to jerusalem in the fifth month which was in the seventh year of the king on the first day of the first month he began his journey from babylon and on the first day of the fifth month he came to Jerusalem according to the good hand of his god upon him for Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord and to do it and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel amen thank you for reading that oh yeah what can we learn about God's call to Ezra just in those verses that pilla read what can we learn Jason well one thing I look at his lineage and I see his family so sometimes your family can be part of your call your family can give you some direction God can use your family to give you some guidance wonderful so family is an important part of it especially if God has called previous people in your family there must be something about that family that God finds trustworthy what's another thing we learn Marcus of in verse 10 specifically it says that he had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord and to do it and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments and from that we can see that he really wanted God to lay upon him wisdom just like Solomon before I don't know if you guys noticed but there's a specific phrase that's used God was upon him what does that mean when we see this the hand of God being upon someone's life Travis think it's guidance and protection you have both I was just reading that as the King granted him all his requests according to the hand of the Lord so God was guiding the people around him and guiding him with his thoughts with his actions and everything he was doing it's very interesting of the places where the hand of law is mentioned the hand of the Lord was on Ezekiel and he preached the bones and they lived the hand of the Lord was on Elijah and he ran a marathon in front of a chariot so to me it's like empowerment - it's it's it's enabling us to respond to the call to do what he's asking us to do so here we see thank you so much pastor Derek that that God's hand was upon Azra but he played a part in it - he prepared his heart he was willing and wanting to do God's will and so we see God collaborating with Ezra in this important step that he's about to make well I want you to turn over one book and let's look at Nehemia a contemporary of Ezra and see how God called him to a specific ministry Laurel could you read for us Nehemiah's chapter 1 verses 1 to 2 11 ok I'll be reading from the new American Standard Bible the words of Nehemiah the son of Hokulea now it now it happened in the month of Shibley in the 20th year while I was in Susa the capital thewhen ayah one of my brothers some men from Judah came and I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped and had survived the captivity and about Jerusalem they said to me the remnant there in the province who survived the captivity are in great distress and reproach and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down and its gates are burned with fire when I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven I said I beseech you O Lord God heaven the great and awesome God who preserves the Covenant and the loving kindness of those who love him and keep his Commandments let your ear now be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer of your servant which I am praying before you now day and night on behalf of the sons of Israel your servants confessing the sins of the son of Israel which we have sinned against you I and my father's house have sinned we have acted very corruptly against you and have not kept the commandments nor the statues nor the ordinance which you commanded your servant Moses remember the word which you commanded your service Moses saying if you are unfaithful I will scatter you among the peoples but if you return to me and keep my Commandments and do them though though those of you who have who have been scattered were in the most remote part of the heavens I will gather them from there and bring them to the place where I have chosen to cause my name to dwell they are your servants and your people whom you redeemed by your great power and by your strong hand O Lord I beseech you may your ear be attempted to the prayer of your servant and the prayer of your servants who delight to revere your name and make your servant successful today and grant him compassion before this man now I was the cup bearer to the king Thank You Laurel how did God call Nehemiah did he speak directly to him in a vision or a whisper or how Stephanie honey how did God call him to me it looks like he had already put up that burden on his heart before he even heard from Hannah and I and the other men who came because he asked them how are they he inquired of them and so that was already a burden on his heart and I believe the Lord must have put that on his heart for him to ask and throughout that God was leading that's how I see just sometimes God calls us very dramatically and in one instance but I think he was working throughout his life absolutely and so you see something that's very simple common but it's an extraordinary opportunity that Nehemiah saw wow I think God is calling me to do something in this instant and it's through that working of the Holy Spirit in his life Jason do you see something else yes so if you read this prayer it seems quite clear this prayer doesn't just come out of nowhere it's clear that there's a relationship that's been established before hand so this prayer is built off a line of his communication with God and we don't have the full story but you can see that there's other things that have happened in his life from this prayer do you see any commonalities between Ezra and Nehemiah apart from the fact that both books are back-to-back so it's probably the same time period Jonathan yeah I think they both had pointed themselves with the prophecies and knew what was going to happen I mean he points out how Moses had said this basically prophecy that when they when you get sent out that when you return that God would bring him back and so that they had grounded themselves and what God was about they had this relationship with God so they knew what God wanted to do who yeah I think in the context of what we're studying they're both called to rebuild you know lead the people of God to rebuild Jerusalem that's a similarity that I find here so what they're asked to do was similar right even though they you know it was it would have been possible for them I to say no Nestor's doing that already but he was also willing to be a co laborer in this effort so I loved that team men ship workmanship you know working together to do God's work you know that's a powerful idea Lisa because someone could say well I don't need to teach an interactive Bible study because Lisa's doing it where Stephanie's doing it with Derrick's doing it and the answer is but God wants you to do it too you know so that's a good point name I could have just said well Ezra's doing it but the call was also on his life so now let's look at the timing because what is important in God's call is the time that God calls you to do something specific and so what was the significance of Ezra's timing in 457 BC and so we'll have to go to the Book of Daniel to see this Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 to 27 and Gladys would you like to read that sure Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 to 27 and we want to look particularly at the timing of Ezra's call I'll be reading from the New International Version Daniel chapter 9 verses 24 to 27 seventy sevens are decree for your people and your holy city to finish transgression to put an end to sin to atone for wickedness to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place know and understand this from the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One the ruler comes there will be seven sevens and sixty-two sevens it will be revealed with streets in a trench but in times of trouble after the sixty-two sevens The Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing the people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city in the century and the end will come like a flood war will continue until the end and desolations have been decreed he will confirm a covenant with many for one seven and in the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice and offering and at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation until the end that is decreed is poured out on him okay Thank You Gladys so we see here that Ezra skal was going to be what is known as the 70 week prophecy in the Book of Daniel and so I want us to fast forward to AD 27 which is the at the end of that 69 weeks to see what happened as Daniel would prophesy was going to take place and so we're gonna go to the New Testament Luke chapter 3 and we're going to read from verses 1 to 6 and verse 21 and 22 Pedro would you like to read first Luke chapter 3 verses 1 to 6 and 21 and 22 I'm waiting for the New King James Version now in the fifth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesars point is Pilate being governor of Judea Herod being Tetrarch of Galilee his brother Philip Treyarch of Korea in the region of chachani cheese and lasagna rhetoric of ability while Anna's and Caiaphas were high priests the Word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the world earnest and he went into all the regions around the Jordan preaching and baptism of repentance for the remission of a sin as is written in the book of the word of Isaiah the prophet saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord make his paths straight every Valley shall be filled in every mountain and Hill brought low a crooked place shall be made straight in the rough ways smooth and all flesh shall see the salvation of God hey thank you petrol so what was John signaling an important event in this prophecy that Daniel was talking about what was the specific theme that was going to take place Travis the anointing of Jesus yes absolutely the anointing of Jesus at the beginning of his ministry at the end of those 69 weeks yeah in the context of this God's timing that we read previously in Daniel we see that it was a specific time period giving for given for the people of Israel that 70 weeks was cut off or 70 we could determine for them so now we can learn from there that the year that Ezra was called became very important or significant for our calculation from our reading that is said that from the going forth of the command to rebuild Jerusalem was the beginning of that year seventy weeks which was 490 years according to Bible prophecy the beginning of that so from understanding the beginning we calculate the 69 week which Daniel said that would be the coming of the Anointed One the Messiah and as we just read that was the exact year that Jesus the Messiah was anointed or baptized I see we can see we can now see the clear prophecy being fulfilled absolutely and if the children of Israel were studying like we are they would know that this year something greed and miraculous would take place but as we find out at ad 31 what happened they crucified Jesus to fulfill that prophecy when they could have accepted his ministry and the words that he was speaking from God in his ministry so here we learned that as Priya said that God's timing is perfect that he has a larger plan for our lives that that is going to fulfill a great work that he has in this world and for all of us so now let's look at Acts chapter 7 because this prophecy extends all the way to 80 37 and what happened at the conclusion of these 490 years in Acts chapter 7 verses 54 to chapter 8 verses 3 Abigail would you like to read for us okay and I'll be reading from the New Living Translation Acts chapter 7 54 the Jewish leaders were inflated by Stephens accusation and they shook the offense at him in a rage chapter 8 verse 3 but Saul was going everywhere to destroy the church he went from house to house dragging out both men and women to throw them into prison all right thank you so this is the end of those 70 weeks is the stoning of Stephen that would actually bring in us into a new time in the Biblical prophecy so here we're learning about the timing of God key events in history that Ezra who was way in history in ancient times who couldn't foresee that all these events were gonna take place but if he accepted God's call he would be part of an amazing prophecy that would affect the lives of all of us as Christians in the coming of Christ and the stoning of Stephen and the conversion of Paul and in the early church and the later church that we were part of today so I hope that you see that God's calling for life is bigger than us it affects so many lives across generations across time lines and if we accept that then we can see how these key events can line up especially in our lives now here's something interesting as we're reading about Ezra and Nehemiah their call was very specific and that was to lead the children of Israel from captivity from Babylon where they lived and back to their homeland do you think that we're all called in the same way to ask people to come out of captivity similar to that situation do you think that we all have a similar calling as Christians Jonathan what do you think I've thought about the call is kind of that you have these people that they've they've become accustomed to where they're living they're living in this non-christian on that yeah God following environment and God's calling them back to come and to set up a stab lachemann of true worship and so I think we are called as well to lift that up to call people back to truly following and devoting themselves to true worship and re-establishing maybe things that have fallen down his things in his sanctuary that have been distorted Marcus thank you so much Jonathan so I didn't get to make the point before but I think both Ezra and Nehemiah were unsatisfied with the current condition and so I think for a lot of us as Christians we we should be unsatisfied with the things that we see around us and then God can use us to to push forward his his message in his glory and it's sometimes it's not even something as big as you know oh I heard I heard the voice or something like that it can be just being warm and friendly or even preparing a meal for somebody you don't always have to be in the forefront to be part of God's call you can work wherever you are in doing something for the joy of the Lord to make sure that somebody else's day or somebody else's life is brighter absolutely and I think Marcus hits a very good point that the way God calls us is gonna be different from each person it could be a desire to do something good to speak the truth to do acts of mercy and sometimes God has that desire that burning desire to do something good and sometimes we think it's our own but really God is planting that seed in our heart to affect society and so I love that you highlighted that point ooh yeah I think it's we can also learn from here that um I don't think everyone is called exactly like Ezra and Nehemiah but God has placed us in this specific timeline of history I mean God could have you know made us in God could have let us be among those time period of like Ezra or Nehemiah God could have placed us anywhere in history you know but he chose two places here now in this century in this timeline so I think God has the reason and a calling for us for this time period and moreover I think God has also his reasons in giving us or placing us in different cultural through a cultural identity I mean look at this team we're all from different parts of the world I think God is very intentional in placing us in different parts of the world in different time zones and specifically for his purpose we we may not understand the big picture but we are indeed called by God to do what we can for him you know is thinking Lisa while you talked about Ezra you know leading God's people out of cap Tivoli in Babylon I just heard the word of revelation 18:2 called to come out of her my people talking about spiritual Babylon about confusion they've lost the truth of God's Word but notice he says my people these are God's children he's wanting them to come out and and there will be modern day Ezra's and nehemiah's men and women who have the courage to say God loves you with an immeasurable and unfailing love he wants to bring you out of the confusion we're out of the captivity that you're in so I think it's very relevant for us today absolutely and so now I want us to look at different types of calls we've talked so much about Ezra Nehemiah but I want to look at other individuals who God called for a specific reason I think Marcus talked about doing specific works for his glory and so I'm gonna pick on Heidi for a minute I know that you are a mother and I want you to think about Mary the mother of Jesus and and God's calling on her life could you talk about how God called her to - something's really special unlike other women of her time well she was selected before she had even gotten married to be the mother of Jesus the Son of God the Messiah which is a great responsibility because the mother is the one that forms the character of the child that we formed society's moms but to be given that responsibility of the son of God that is a big one that is a huge weight on her shoulders because everything she taught him was gonna be later seen in his ministry also you know but she did that I just think she's amazing and the way that it all happened though we see that even though God had a special calling for her that doesn't mean that everything was gonna be smooth and easy because the fact that she got pregnant out of marriage you know there was a lot of social stigma and a lot of judgment on her that made it emotionally incredibly difficult but God was with her all the time and God can be with all of us amazing thank you so much for sharing Heidi okay so here is out verse I want us to read this and discuss it it's Matthew chapter 22 verses 14 Billy could you read for us Matthew chapter 22 verses 14 [Applause] okay I'll be reading from the King James Version Matthew 22 verse 14 for many are called but few are chosen right what does that mean I know that some people have heard this before for some people this is the first time when it says that many are called but few are chosen what does that mean so I I think when it says many I think that this is just speaking generally but I think they all are called not not just many meaning like there's a specific number all are called and then the choice is up to us God has given us freewill and we choose when he calls us whether to obey Him or not so the choice is ours and unfortunately it's telling us that not many do choose to follow him mm-hmm all right that's wonderful Travis what do you think I think the words of Peter you are chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people to proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness or Babylon into his marvelous marvelous light when we respond to the call of God we want to share that grace-filled message with the world then we are responding and we become the chosen it's wonderful because there's some people who believe that you know they believe that God has a has only called specific people that before you're born he knows he was going to be saved and who's not but it's clear from Scripture that we're all called to accept Jesus we all have that invitation to be part of God's kingdom however there is a part as Heidi said that we have to play either to accept or to reject and and God can't make that choice for us we have to make that choice for us and so I want us to look at a Bible character Moses and if you go the way to the book of Exodus I want us to look at his interaction with God I mean he's a man who wrestled with his colleague and wasn't immediately excited about it and so if you go to Exodus chapter 3 and Abigail if you could read verses 1 to 12 okay and I'll be reading from the New Living Translation Exodus chapter 3 verses 1 to 12 one day Moses was tending the flock of his father-in-law Jethro the priest of Midian he led the flock far into the wilderness and came to sin hide the mountain of God there at the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a black blazing fire from the middle of a bush Moses stared in amazement though the bush was engulfed in flames it didn't burn up this is amazing Moses said to himself why isn't that bush burning up I must go see it when the Lord saw Moses coming to take a closer look God called to him from the middle of the bush Moses Moses Here I am Moses replied do not come any closer the Lord won't take off your sandals for you are standing on holy ground I am the God of your father the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob when Moses heard this he covered his face because he was afraid to look at God then the Lord told him I have certainly seen the oppression of my people in Egypt I have heard their cries of distress because of the harsh slave drivers yes I am aware of their suffering so I have come down to rescue them from the power of the Egyptians and lead them out of Egypt it's your own fertile and spacious land it is a land flowing with milk and honey the land where the Canaanites hit hit hit so tight I'm right parasite highlights and Jebusites now live look the cry of the people of Israel has reached me and I have seen how harshly the Egyptians abuse them now go for I am sending you to Pharaoh you must lead my people out of Egypt but Moses protested to God Who am I to appear before Pharaoh Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt God answered I will be with you and this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you when you have brought the people out of Egypt you will worship God at this very mountain thank you so much avi go what can we learn about first of all Moses and his response when God says hey I have this great opportunity for you to be part of this deliverance what was his initial reaction apprehension eager okay he was scared yeah and what in particular I think there's a couple things that Abigail said about his response some questions that he asked why me why should I go before Pharaoh do sense any insecurity lack of confidence maybe in himself in fact later on and two chapters you'll see that he had us a problem his speech that probably made him feel inferior or unable to be articulate and going before Pharaoh but how did God respond later on we know how the story continues how did God respond in dealing with that challenge or his fear was he mad at him and say well if you reject this I'm done with you and I'll pick someone else how did God accommodate this fear or apprehension in the confidence I said I am going to be with you so he reaffirmed him he said I will be with you and he gave him a sign not like if he happens he said when it happens you will be worshiping me here you will come here so it is it was an assurance this will happen and it will be with you so God was reassuring him is there something else that God did to allow him to accept maybe him another opportunity Jason also I'm thinking even at the start here when God came to him he didn't just straight up start speaking to him he utilized his curiosity he got Moses to kind of come aside and see this bush that wasn't burning so the way God's God communicates to someone he utilized it in a way that Moses could come to him and that wouldn't be so intimidating at the start that's very good Jonathan yeah on that point it seems to me like God kind of interacts with us in a very real way it's not just like okay I know this is gonna happen it's I mean it's like he's it says when God saw that Moses looked in this way so it's almost like God is up there and he's working with us and even he knows who we are he knows how we work and he knows that Moses is gonna have a hard time with his speech speech and so he works with Moses and and and encourages him and prepares him to play this role and later on we will see throughout the Bible that there are also other individuals that God calls who may feel inadequate I'm prepared and I think that's where that step of faith and not relying on your own abilities or your own strength but relying on the Word of God that God is going to be with me he's going to bring the deliverance I think that's the part that we learn a lot from Moses his life however there are other people who choose to completely reject and go the opposite direction for example Jonah what do we learn about Jonah's life if someone's to give us a summary of his response negative response to God's call Jason sure so the story of Jonah Jonah is a prophet he's following God but then he gets a very specific request that he doesn't like which is to go to a city where the enemy is and to speak against it and let them know that if they don't repent God's gonna have to bring some judgment there Jonah doesn't want to go give that message even though he's a prophet of God so he tries to run away he gets in a ship going the opposite direction God ends up allowing his storm to come up and through the process of this storm the ships about ready to be parish basically however Jonah realizes that this storm is something kind of supernatural and so he has himself get thrown overboard God rescues him though in the belly of a fish he's this big fish he's there for three days and then when the fish spits him out Jonah finally goes and he finally gives the message to Nineveh but then even when he gives the message Jonah still isn't totally happy because the people actually respond and what happens thereafter after I think something about you know God brings this really burning Sun and he's really hot and he brings a plan to give shade I mean it goes on and on and it almost seems like Jonah and got it doing this dance you know where God is trying to move in one direction Jonah's like no I want to go this direction so how how does God respond if we choose to reject his call especially especially in this occasion with Jonah's life how does God respond Travis well first I want to be fair to Jonah because it wasn't actually the message wasn't repent or I will destroy the city his message was I'm going to destroy the city so that's a that's a totally different message but but I think God is amazing how he works through this because through this experience he converts a boatload of people converts Jonah and converts an entire city even through our disorganized self you know when we sometimes turn our backs God can still work he can still get our attention turn us around and he could still work you know through some of the errors that we make as humans what I see here is the patience of God you know how much he cares for us even even after we reject his call time to time you know he still cares for he still gives us opportunity to serve Him so I think God's response to us is that he never gives up on us amen well what I like about the story of Jonah is that we he doesn't realize the black that God wants to bring to his life and when we look into the salvation many times we don't understand that God wants to bring a blessing to our lives that we cannot even see and but we have to act by faith and that's what God was asking Jonah by faith go and preach to this country and tell them about the destruction of all common for them to repent but sometimes our stubbornness or not a belief will prevent that so we're supposed to act on faith as we continue to receive the call of God faith is really important idea what do you think I just think that it's incredible how a patient like who you said God is with us he sees where we are in our journey and for some of us we might need three days in the belly of a great fish three decades I know that God has called me to do things and I've tucked my tail and run you know but God is patient he doesn't give up he keeps working with you where you are in your walk with him until he gets you to that place that he always knew you know that he wanted you to be in that you were capable of thank you you know I was thinking with Jonah back to something Marcus had said earlier that Ezra you know he kind of determined in his heart that he wanted to be open to God to know the will of God and to obey it and share it and and and you don't hear that at all with Jonah he was a prophet but you don't hear that God came to Jonah Jonah had purposed in his heart he just wanted to and so his natural reaction is his human wisdom that's a bad assignment it's not going to work I don't even want it to work and so he runs away I think you know the life application is that heart preparation because like you said we'll have a choice but we actually have a choice before he asks us to do something - yes and that's the pair of hearts amen oh yeah absolutely and I think that in a previous lesson we've heard that you know God asks us small things to prepares for a big ask so we're on this journey with God he's preparing us he's setting us up to make the right choice so it's not a surprise it's the natural next step but if we're not committing ourselves daily if we're not surrendering to his will daily it's gonna be really difficult when the time comes to make that step to receive the blessing that Pedro said when it comes when we obey Him and do his call whoo yeah and another aspect of lesson we can learn I believe from the stories is how much God values the freedom of choice that he has given us god never forces us well if we compare the stories of Nehemiah Ezra on one hand who willingly followed God and accepted his call right away and on the other hand we have people like Moses you know who was finding excuses and we have Jonah who ran away regardless of you know the decision that they made we can see that God did not force his will upon men instead he gave them the opportunity to make decision for themselves so I believe we can see here how God valued the freedom of choice that he has given us and God like compromise with them because even with Moses he's like I see you're scared how about if I bring your brother to help okay one thing I see from free of his mention is this is God's fearing people you know Jonah and Moses there were followers of God but they were afraid of going for the text that God was asking to do know God respect those that don't want to be on his side but those that wants to he comes after it says you know you been telling me that you want to be on my side but I want to give the task you rejected so he comes after us and he's patient with us I think that's what also the lessons ringing is God is patient with us as we struggle through accepting this calling and I think something that Pedro is on to is that God can read our hearts he knows deep down inside whether there's a willingness or whether no matter how much he tries we're just never gonna come around and I want to show you something here in Matthew chapter 19 verses 16 to 22 here's an individual who received a call but he just wasn't going to do it and so Laurel if you could read for us Matthew chapter 19 verses 16 to 22 okay I'll be reading from the new American Standard Bible and someone came to him and said teacher what good thing shall I do that I may attain eternal life and he said to him why are you asking me about what is good there is only one who is good but if you wish to enter into life keep the commandments then he said to him which ones and Jesus said you shall not commit murder you shall not commit adultery you should not steal you shall not bear false witness honor your father and your mother and you shall love your neighbor as yourself the young man said to him all these things I have kept what am I still lacking jesus said to him if you wish to be complete go and sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven and come follow me but the but when the young man heard this statement he went away grieving for he was one who owned much property so in light of all this what do you think about the rich young ruler what do you think in God's approach with him and in presenting this opportunity and his dismissal completely what do we learn from that interaction Travis this story has brought it up in the last year has just brought a whole new meaning to me as I can do to to glean from the Scriptures what this meant and as we continue on the disciples are really discouraged or like how can this rich Jew if he can't enter heaven how are we going to like how can anyone be saved but then Jesus says something really astonishing with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible and when I think about the stories what we're talking about it's possible for the rich young ruler to be saved it's possible for people like Jonah to be saved and it just shows the mercy and the love of God with it's impossible well the way we act and what we do but with God these things are possible Marcus well for the rich young ruler it wasn't like Jesus needed to add another commandment right it was like the letter of the law was being fulfilled and he said I keep this I keep this I keep this but the true worship that Jesus was requiring was that of heart submission and so because he had a great amount of possessions he at jesus said to him sell all that you have so what is greatest on this earth that we want and that we desire is that which means-- which must give up in order to meet Jesus at the throats Jesus asked for him to give up the the greatest thing that was blocking him from getting all the way to God so what I hear from you is even in our lives when we're being called to something there could be something that's blocking us from receiving that Jonathan what do you think just put an interesting how he he goes to lots of Commandments but he leaves out some I mean he doesn't talk about well he starts with the second Testament where it's all about our relationship with other people but then he leaves out the last commandment and leaves out all the first and I think that's the core of his problem is I mean the last one is doubt shalt not covet which goes to the point of that's the foundation of it's not just about what you do it's about what what our hearts are and the relationship with God and that's the true source that's the spring of everything else so if we're receiving God's call we have to be willing to go all the way and not just pick and choose what we like and what we don't like Billy what do you think um just looking at the pattern of Jesus of God you know since Moses and we talked about know how God is patient in Jonah how God is persistent in looking at the rich young ruler I mean he's young so like a lot of years you know to think about his decision and if we're based if God is you know true he's he's always the same I'm willing to bet that you know throughout his life he's so contemplating that decision and if God is consistent I'm willing to bet that no he God still pursuing him even after that in that decision because God is that type of Prayer he's not gonna give up on that rich weren't you young really good he was young could have been that one mistake but just I've joined on just like the Moses I think God was still pursuing him and he leaves us hanging so I think maybe heaven will find out stay tuned right so as we wrap up this lesson we've been talking about God's call and appeal to our hearts to do something extraordinary for God's kingdom in one sentence what stands out to you look at all the examples that we've looked at Ezra and Maya Jonah marry the rich young ruler what stands out to you as we learn about God's call Petro total submission okay God has a place for us in his work and we just had to be willing and able to do it okay very good have to go and though we feel like we are not you know qualified or we are not worthy of doing his work if we are willing to do it he will give us all the strength and all the wisdom to to do what He has called us to do good Chavis God is long-suffering he's patient with us he pursues us he wants us all to be in heaven Jonathan yeah that I'm God has things that he wants to do in today's world and if we take the time to be acquainted with them and to know what he has said about our time in history that we can be a part of it mm-hmm a pair of hearts all right pastor Derek well I you know I just think like Gladys that God wants to use everyone yes and if I learned something from from this great study would be that we have a choice I know Gladys said willing and able I would say just willing you don't have to be able God's the one that makes us able and then a great example was his Mary as Katie was saying you know who would say okay I can handle raising the Messiah you know no way but but but you know she says let it be so according to your word right because things that are impossible for human beings impossible for that man and I think that's it's not saying well I think I'm able to do that remember Moses I mean before he was trained in all of the military arts of the Egyptians forty years early he'd have said I could do that so I think it's just being willing and God is the one who makes his a so thank you so much pastor Derek and all of you I really do believe that God has a call for all of us the first important call is to receive Christ in our lives and to receive him as our personal Savior and through a loving relationship a daily walk a daily submission that God will prepare us to do really amazing things and my prayer is that we will say yes yes Lord I'm willing to go wherever to do whatever according to your will and may God blesses thanks so much Lisa for that challenge and maybe as you've been watching hope Sabbath school today maybe the spirit of God's been speaking to your heart that's what the call is it's an appeal and saying do you remember what I've been talking to you about you don't have to feel capable you just have to be willing because there's there's a little saying I remember that all of God's biddings are enablings that means that whatever he asks us to do he'll empower us to do and learn that from Ezra Nehemiah we're going to continue to study in in this series can I say an ordinary priest and an ordinary government official are gonna be used by God in Supernatural ways and God wants to do that through your life and through mine even today are you open are you willing to say yes let's pray and make that important commitment today father in heaven as Lisa told us the first response is to say Jesus be my Savior but also Jesus be Lord of all and whatever you ask me to do thank you that you'll empower me to do it guide us each step of our journey and hear our prayer today in Jesus name Amen well as Rowe was willing Nehemiah was willing and some who went with them were willing and God would use them to bless a whole community God wants to do that for you so commit to him God where if you asked me to go I'll go and go in his strength and be a blessing to those around me [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
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Keywords: hopesabbathschool, hope Sabbath school, Derek Morris, Seventh-Day Adventist
Id: PPnZd4fl6r0
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Length: 58min 28sec (3508 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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