Hope Sabbath School Lesson 5 From Pride To Humility

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God I'm excited about this series of studies on the Book of Daniel such practical lessons for our lives today our topic today from pride to humility but it's the story for each one of us as we learn a lesson from great king Nebuchadnezzar welcome to you and welcome to the team what a great series if you're learning more about the Book of Daniel I just want to encourage you to continue you study in fact we even have another series of Bible studies at Hope Bible study org chapter by chapter on Daniel and revelation great companion to this series of studies so Hope Bible studies or a great place to go if you want to continue to learn more about the Word of God we're always happy to hear from you our hope Sabbath school members around the world here's one from Julius in the Philippines high hopes Sabbath school members that was weak high hopes Sabbath school members I'm thankful for your program it's really helping me as a teacher in our local church truly if technology is used for good it is a powerful medium especially in sharing the gospel well Julius thanks for writing to us from the Philippines we're glad that you're not only participating in hopes after school but you're a teacher to sharing God's Word malooley writes from Zimbabwe and said I like Hope Sabbath school a lot it's nice to see so many people of different cultures meeting together in the Word of God I take a look at each other here we don't all look the same right that's the beautiful thing every nation kindred tongue and people and we've got hope Sabbath school members now in two hundred and twelve countries around the world so God is doing amazing things by the way if you haven't downloaded our hope channel app it's a free app from the App Store you'll be able to choose different languages even if you'd like to share God's word with someone else you love malooley loves the fact that we look like the world may God in we bless you for that I was particularly touched man Lully writes about the Bible study on the loss of freedom I think I have lost my freedom to pornography and evil thoughts I desperately need your prayers I'm tired of relapsing I want to be free in Jesus please pray for me and not only for me but for countless other young people who have similar problems thank you and god bless you amen we're gonna pray for you and we pray for one another malooley in this corrupt generation that we can be men and women who live with integrity here's a note from Thor belly-to-belly from South Africa I know I'm gonna get an email telling me how I should have said that the Sabbath hope Sabbath school panel has been a blessing to my life for the past four years very good I have become a teacher in my local church amen it's great isn't it multiplying the impact thanks for writing to us here's a note from a donor we don't mention the name but thank you to all of our partners in ministry this partners from Florida in the United States and says blessings please accept this small donation I hope to be able to send more in the future I am all of 71 years I've done my threescore years and ten god is greatly to be praised it's been rough but often it's been rough often but God has always been there praise Him god bless you and your efforts and this donor included a gift for a hundred and thirty dollars thank you for partnering with us in ministry and all together we're part of a great miracle of God so thank you so much one last note all the nickel this is from Jamaica from Prince in Jamaica you have made studying the Scriptures inspiring the interactive method of study gives everyone a chance to express his or her understanding of the word of God and applying it to our lives keep the good work you were touching many lives and we say thanks so much for writing to us Prince from Jamaica and thanks to each one of you we'd love to hear from you you can write to us at SS hope at hope TV org and by the way this series on Daniel it is amazing if you've missed any at the beginning go to Hope TV org slash hope SS to our website you can follow the whole series there you can even download the scripture song the sheep music you can be actively involved you can download the outline and start an interactive Bible study in your own area right now we'd like to sing our theme song and it was written by the prophet Daniel recorded in Daniel chapter 2 it was his prayer Daniel 2 22 23 and as I was thinking about that song I was thinking one of our team members is about the same age as Daniel was at that time 20 21 years of age so I asked Addison come up here Addison if he'd sing with us and lead us in our scripture song blessed be the name of God forever and ever let's sing it together [Music] blessed be the name of God forever are [Music] who is the man might our is and he changes the times and the seasons he removes kings and raises up kings he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding he reveals to the secret things he knows what is in the darkness and my clouds with he reveals deep and secret things he knows what is in the darkness and my Wells will I thank you and praise you O God of my father's you have given me [Music] I thank you Oh God [Music] right that's a beauty [Music] right is any changes the times and the seasons heroes Kingdom raises up kings he has risen to the wise and knowledge do those who have understand me [Music] he knows why [Music] even secret things he knows waiting [Music] thank you [Music] that should be the name of God forever and ever for wisdom and might are [Music] and I say you say right thank you so much for that beautiful song and I imagine the prophet Daniel when we get to the kingdom and we're walking along blessed be then they wait that's my prayer what a prayer to share with the world and to think that boys and girls men and women around the world are hiding that word in their hearts praise God and as we study our topic today from pride to humility it's not just being humiliated No but humble under the mighty hand of God right because God then he's gonna lift us up he's got a great plan so we can learn a lesson from an ancient king let's pray father in heaven thank you so much your word is indeed a lamp to our feet and a light to our path we have learned that Jesus is the very foundation of the scripture and we pray even in our study of Daniel chapter 4 that we would learn to see Jesus there too calling us to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God that God's perfect plan would be fulfilled in each of our lives guide us today we pray each hope Sabbath school member around the world in the name of Jesus amen we're in Daniel chapter 4 what a great book this is and we're gonna study about an ancient king who actually wrote part of the book he gives his testimony in the middle of this text and we're going to start after his declaration in chapter 4 and verse 4 and Jonathan would you read for us verses 4 & 5 of Daniel chapter 4 alright I'll be reading from the English standard version I never kid Nezzer was at ease in my house and prospering in my palace I saw a dream that made me afraid as I lay in the bed the fancies and the visions of my head alarmed me now there's something if you've read the chapter that's different between this experience and the experience recorded in Daniel chapter 2 Stephanie do you remember what the difference is in Daniel chapter 2 he could not remember the dream and by the way it appears he was given that dream on several okay right my dreams he said but in this situation we're going to discover if you'd read on for us verses 10 through 17 that the problem is not that he couldn't remember the dream but he troubled him because he didn't understand what it meant let's take a look at Daniel 4 verses 10 through 17 alright and I'll be reading from the King James Version thus were the visions of mine head in my bed I saw and behold a tree in the midst of the earth and the height thereof was great the tree grew and was strong and the height thereof reached unto heaven and the sight thereof to the end of all the earth the leaves thereof were fair and the fruit thereof much and it was meat for all the beasts of the field had shadow under it and the fowls of the heaven dwelt in the boughs thereof and all flesh was fed of it I saw in the visions of my head upon my bed and behold a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven he cried aloud and said thus hew down the tree and cut off his branches shake off his leaves and scatter his fruit let the beasts get away from under it and the fowls from his branches nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth even with a band of iron and brass in the tender grass of the field and let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let his portion be with the beasts in the grass of the earth let his heart be changed from man's and let a beasts heart be given unto him and let seven times pass over him this matter is by the decree of the Watchers and the demand by the word of the Holy Ones to the intent that the Living may know that the most high rules in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will and set it up over it the basest of men who so if Nebuchadnezzar was guessing you've got this tree and then a command to chop it down if he was guessing what might he guess this was about himself you'd think he might guess it was himself him losing his kingdom as as what was prophesied to him earlier okay anybody else that you might guess besides it was about him do you think he that was the one guess yeah well he was gonna be Conqueror of someone else and he's gonna chop someone else down okay so maybe it was someone other than him or maybe the tree was his kingdom that was going to be cut I mean there's a lot of things but but then this story talks about a heart of a man - so it sounds like it's a person doesn't it but maybe somebody else may be sinking I hope that's someone else right I hope that someone is I hope it's not me well we're going to discover Jonathan you ever thought on that it's interesting that he had to ask us like he seems like you would almost have a good guess that it's about himself well yeah but maybe he's hoping it isn't about him right we're going to discover it is about him so before we look at the interpretation why do you think God gives this dream to this pagan monarch what do we know about God why does he Nicolle give him that dream he promises that he'll give us instruction he'll teach us he doesn't he always wants to give us knowledge so we'll be ready for what's coming and so I think in this situation he's just did the same thing he's God and so he's like listen I'm telling you what's coming so you can be prepared for what's ahead of you you know there's a text in the songs maybe Daisy you could find it in psalm 32 which talks about him wanting to teach us and it basically says don't be unteachable so again why is he giving him this dream to warn him instructions instruction what he loves him right yes where he's a pig and king how many of God's children does he love he loves cemani she's warning him but but he's warning him out of love you alluded to God wanting to teach us Daisy would you read psalm 32 verses 8 through 10 I'll be reading from the New Living Translation the Lord says I will guide you along the best pathway for your life I will advise you and watch over you do not be like a senseless horse or meal that needs a bit and brittle to keep it under control many sorrows come to the wicked but I'm failing love surrounds those who trust the Lord don't be unteachable right China now God doesn't forces sometimes he can catch our attention in fairly dramatic ways though right but he doesn't ever force us but there's this sense of his appealing to Nebuchadnezzar right Jason it seems quite clear that God doesn't think Nebuchadnezzar is unteachable because he keeps coming back and giving him dreams and giving him messages and giving him all these different opportunities we've been studying in the Book of Daniel I really does appear does God know the end from the beginning of course he wants everyone to be saved doesn't he we're gonna see a remarkable change of heart at the end of this chapter before he's always talking about the god of Daniel the god of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego right but but something needs to happen ok so let's go to verses 6 and 7 Haiti if you could read for us was still in Daniel 4 6 & 7 he does he knows the dream in fact he outlines it very detailed way doesn't he he's got this one but what does it mean who does he go to find counsel alright and I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it says therefore I issued a decree to bring in all the wise men of Babylon before me that they might make known to me the interpretation of the dream then the magician's the astrologers the Chaldeans and the soothsayers came in and I told them the dream but they did not make known to me its interpretation so what lesson hasn't he learned Gary they've got a book of dreams they found it in excavations right does God does God hinder them from faking an answer to this interpretation or what what do you think they don't even give it an attempt makes me wonder if human nature if when in these matters is often to do things that will benefit themselves and so they're trying to oh well even if they do see something like it takes godliness to truly say something to somebody that is going to put it in a finger in a very sore spot and say that is an interesting thought John is that maybe they didn't know what it meant but they had a fairly good idea but they're like we don't want to say that exactly maybe he'll cut us in two and make our houses into dung hills like he said in the previous chapter so maybe they had a fairly good idea but they're like oh we have no idea what that means right let's keep reading this story in Daniel chapter 4 verses 8 & 9 and verse 18 Rick would you read that for us Daniel 4 verse 8 and 9 and verse 18 sure Daniel 4:8 and this is the NIV version finally Daniel came into my presence and I told him the dream he is called Belteshazzar after the name of my god and the spirit of the holy gods is in him I said belt of Shazzer chief of the magician's I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you and no mystery is too difficult for you here is my dream interpret it for me and then verse 18 and verse 18 this is the dream that I King Nebuchadnezzar had now belteshazzar tell me what it means for none of the wise men in my kingdom can interpret it for me but you can because the spirit of the holy gods is in you know I know stated a couple of times but let me have you repeat it what's the difference between these other wise men and Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar he knows that he recognizes so here's the question for you Addison if he knows the Spirit of God is in this young man what does he call him first yeah Nebuchadnezzar was very much confused you know he yeah he didn't quite understand like he hadn't made God his personal God okay we that's true he moving but he said over and over again the Spirit of God is and he says it right here right so why doesn't he call him first I mean isn't this not that long after you know the Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace I mean that's true in Daniel of course wasn't there at that time so you'd have to go back to the interpretation of the dream in Daniel 2 or the fact that they were 10 times wiser that's a hyperbole of course but they were like so much martyr than any of the other wise men of Babylon there's gotta be something though getting psychologists here why doesn't he call him first Haiti I mean I don't really know them exactly the answer but I think that maybe he thinks he's gonna tell him something that he does not want to hear oh maybe he doesn't want to hear the truth yeah yeah is that possible so he went to them thinking they're gonna tell me what I want to hear yes I never thought of that that's a possibility anyone else Daisy I was thinking it's possible that he still had confidence in his own God like you don't want to put God the true God above the gods he was worshiping and I think to that point in ancient cultures a lot of these Emperor's or kings in this case they thought they were God so there's not this sense of I have to it's almost like if I say it then it's it's God I'm God it's right right for him and you see that in that statue that he built he wanted people to worship Him sure yeah do even like people in high position have to deal with peer pressure is it peer pressure when you're at the top of the pile there's someone on top somewhere else who's looking and saying you should know what to do here you Stephanie there's usually a protocol yeah okay meaning this is what you do first and then if that doesn't work you do you follow the next step but I tend to think that he he had a poor memory I think you think he got it or like Addison said he knew about yes but he's not yet embraced a personal connection Travis it had to be something about coming to Daniel that would show submission to God like it ah like by coming to Daniel you're giving your authorities so it's big it's bigger than just information and I like the idea that maybe he didn't come at first because he knew he'd get the the truth Sean I was just gonna say it also says that he called all the wise men yes then at last Dana came so I'm not going in between the lines too much but you know sometimes when you want to hear something you want everybody to give you the advice you want counsel from everybody and okay so happened that Daniel was the last person to speak and you know as we've said in a previous study he was you know we have the expression he's at the bottom here right he's not like a senior counselor so he's probably standing way in the back and not just by choice but because the other people wanting to be up front or pushing their way forward but finally Daniel comes Nicole would you read for us in chapter 4 how the dream is interpreted verses 19 to 26 but I'd like you to especially listen to verse 19 rather than speculate about why verse 19 is there let's hear the whole picture and then come back what why isn't verse 19 saying what it what it is okay the New King James Version of Daniel chapter 4 verses 19 to 26 says then Daniel whose name was bout to Shazzer was astonished for a time and his thoughts troubled him so the King spoke and said about the Shazzer do not let the dream or its interpretation trouble you about DeShazer answered and said my lord made the dream concern those who hate you and its interpretation concern your enemies the tree that you saw which grew and became strong whose height reached to the heavens and which could be seen by all the earth whose leaves were lovely and its fruit abundant in which was food for all or nowit's the beasts of the field dwelt and in whose branches the birds of the heaven had their home it is you O king who have grown and become strong for your greatness has grown and reaches to the heavens and your Dominion to the end of the earth and in as much as the King saw a watcher a holy one coming down from heaven saying chop down the tree and destroy it but leave its stump and roots in the earth bound with a band of iron and bronze in the tender grass of the field let it be wet with the dew of heaven and let him graze with the beasts of a field so seven times pass over him this is the interpretation o king and this is a decree of the Most High which has come upon my lord the king they shall drive you from men your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field and they shall make you eat grass like oxen they shall wet you with the dew of heaven and seven times shall pass over you to you know that the most high rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he chooses and in in as much as they gave the command to leave the stump and roots of the tree your kingdom shall be assured to you after you come to know that heaven rules say no wonder the counties didn't want to give the answer to the dream if they even knew it right but Daniel was very clear it's you it's you okay right talk to me about verse 19 he's what astonished troubled what does that tell you Sean about Daniel I think he really cared for how he delivered the message to the king he wanted him to be very receptive of it versus just outright being very condemning so he's you're telling me he's feeling Lord I want to say this in a way that you'd want me to say it yeah okay I think there's some important there what what else do you think Addison and then Jonathan I think that Daniel truly cared about in person yeah I think he had a relationship with the king after all these years of working with him and he could just tell in these verses just how he's feeling for mm-hmm which would tie in with why as Sean said he wants to deliver the message exactly you know you're gonna die you know you're gonna be he wants to know how to say it because he wants to reveal the compassionate rod to Jonathan everything same same idea yeah Rick I think when you consider his history having been a prisoner and brought here against his will he's not a Babylonian it could be easy for him to delight in the right the growing of this kind amor this king and he has the love of God in his heart you know and I think for us we need to think about how do we relate to others that are different or not of our ethnicity or even someone who has mistreated us because Daniel you know I don't think he enjoyed being stolen from his home and man we know he was cared for by the chief of the eunuchs so he probably went through some suffering that that could have crushed his spirit yeah right but instead of coming with an iron fist he comes with a heart of love how am I going to share this in a way that God's purpose will be fulfilled well let's look at verse 27 and Gary would you read verse 27 for us here's Hugh's a heartfelt appeal by Daniel to the king okay and I'll be reading from the new earth from the King James Version verse 27 wherefore O king let my counsel be acceptable unto thee and break off thy sins by righteousness and then iniquities by showing mercy to the poor if it may be a lengthening of thy tranquility so you know change what's the word the Bible word for that repentance right yeah repent while there's still time heartfelt appeal can you think of some other stories in the Bible where someone was heading in the wrong way and God sent a message to them telling them that they needed to repent while there was still time it's not the only one is it Gary who comes to your mind David who you're thinking after he had committed adultery with Uriah the Hittite wife and then murderer had ordered the execution work wasn't an execution it was it was murder there wasn't it put him in the front line and then withdraw the troops so a call to repent yeah Nathan comes and says just like Daniel says you're the tree Nathan says you're the man right man why does God give that kind of pointed message remind us again what is it ticket I think sometimes when you were given the message directly you would not get it and so God uses other stories to get to you okay less he did with the man with the sheep okay but it's pretty direct when he says it's you right why Travis in Revelation he says to those I love I rebuke and chasten so rebuke comes and chastening comes we can we know that it's a from a god that loves us so that's another great illustration with David think of another one after you come and okay the city of Nineveh for one thing but then Jonah on the other hand - especially Jonah so Jonah says forty days and you can all be burned up yeah and I think I think Jonah is that opposite kind of Daniel Daniel seems to have compassion yes Jonah is like all of them right and that's one of the lessons yeah sure because again God's desire is to show compassion right for Nebuchadnezzar - and one more story Jonathan I was thinking of all the stories in the Old Testament where you have these kings I mean God had four prophesied that there would be an end to Israel and to Judah but there was repeatedly these times where God said but it will not X will not happen in your time your time yeah and it I almost wonder like okay is he saying that it will never happen to it to the king or is he saying that they will just extend the time or that God would not have do it entirely so question and I'm going to come to Nicole's point here was this inevitable I mean the story rate with Jonah they repented mmm and God said okay praise it you know that's that that's my desire right yeah it was this inevitable or would would God have have said we don't need to do that because he's turned his heart toward me interesting thought Nicole I was gonna say the story of Saul you know he was persecuting it's all that Isis yes he was persecuting and God said he got you in the light and he turned his life around and so you know even when we're down at the at the road where we're doing things that are against God he can still use us if we're willing and open to him turning us around and and I like what you said at the end him turning us around because what we the most we can do is give him a mission to turn us around right because we may be so set like Nebuchadnezzar in a certain way but it's an interesting thought maybe we'll get an email from you wherever you are in the world saying I think he could have been avoided if he'd repented you can send a note to us by the way that says hope at hook tv.org interesting thought we'll have to ask someone when we get to the kingdom of Haiti well I was just gonna add to that that the Bible kind of explains it if we have time to go to the Book of Ezekiel chapter 18 okay um let's take time Ezekiel as many of you know what verse in Ezekiel 18 27 and 28 okay Ezekiel chapter 18 verses 27 and 28 now Ezekiel as you know was a contemporary prophet to Daniel Ezekiel wasn't living in Babylon he was living down the river but he was a contemporary along with Jeremiah and where was Jeremiah living anybody know he was still back in Jerusalem that's right but these are contemporary prophets you want to read Ezekiel 18 yes verse 27 and 28 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version right and it says again when a wicked man turns away from the wickedness which he committed and does what is lawful and right he preserves himself alive because he considers and turns away from all the transgressions which he committed he shall surely live he shall not die contemporary prophet a message from the Lord so I think we could close could could conclude that if Nebuchadnezzar said I don't want that that happened to me I repent humble myself under the mighty hand of God it could have been avoided well let's look and see how he responds to Daniels appeal Jason could you read for us Daniel for verses 28 to 30 I'll be reading from the New King James Version Daniel chapter 4 verses 28 through 30 all this came upon King Nebuchadnezzar at the end of the 12 months he was walking about the Royal Palace of Babylon the King spoke saying is not this great Babylon that I have built for a royal dwelling by my mighty power and for the honor of my majesty how long did the appeal last we don't know could have been a few hours right all that we know is that a year later he's back totally forgot mm-hmm let's see what happens next but before we do in the story I'm thinking oh you told me that he could have turned if he'd humbled himself and avoided this seven times crawling around like an animal in the field can you think about the Bible stories where you said if only they had humbled themselves they could have avoided a lot of heartache and trouble Jason I think of the story of Samson he had a lot of power and opportunity and he was a judge in Israel yet because of his pride and wanting to to have his own selfishness he did a lot of things where he messed of his life and in the end he did right but he missed out on a lot of opportunities to lead God's people particularly spiritually when he chose said there's this pagan wife but she really catches my attention his parents said when you find a sweet girl within Israel who'd catch your attention but that pride gets in the way doesn't it pride comes before destruction scripture says and a haughty spirit before Oh before a false Samson was a good example of someone else Travis I think a pharaoh over repeated warnings over and over and over and over in the time of Moses and the appeals to this Pharaoh right God love using to Humble himself hmm be so easy to say that was only back then right what holds us back from humbling ourselves before God we could avoid so much heartache right what holds is is it just I mean is it that's just the way I am what holds us back Shawn to say that's just the way I am is you know not it doesn't give God credit to change you I think what holds us back sometimes it's just we enjoy being in the in the light being you know the star of the show it's really the spirit of saying that you start to cherish because that's kind of what held him back he wanted to be the one so anytime you start I guess I'll say feeling yourself every time you think you know I'm the one I need all the attention and you don't take any time for self-reflection or even listen to what God is saying then that's kind of the thing that holds you back and you know if God was some kind of harsh tyrant that would be one thing but doesn't he say humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and he will lift you up I mean he's not trying to say yeah you're right you're nothing and I'm great God he's actually wanting to lift us up isn't it bless us Daisy I'm also thinking of lack of understanding sometimes when we do things a certain way we feel like it's good it's good for us but we don't understand that if God is trying to tell us to turn away from it it's not because he doesn't want us to be happy but he knows the danger that lies ahead of us if we keep going that way so he's true because we don't understand that concept it's like we're stuck there maybe understood it better they would allow God to help us change to do what he wants us to do there is a text in Proverbs that says there's a way that seems right a person but the end is the way of death but it does seem bright it's not like I think I'm gonna ruin my life it looks right that's where we need to ask for wisdom right so that we don't make foolish decisions and it calls I was going to say I was an add to what Sean said and you know we don't like to be uncomfortable and when you when you look at humility when you look at changing who we are through God's power it's uncomfortable for us and so it holds us back I think is the fact that it may be it may be an uncomfortable road to get there and we don't want to take that chance that we don't we might not be in our own comfort in our own pride in our own sins and so we choose not to go to that route I imagine the Angels going this may feel uncomfortable that's gonna feel uncomfortable right if only that could be avoided well let's keep reading the judgment comes but even with the judgment comes mercy Daniel chapter 4 verses 31 Haiti could you read for us 31 to 33 of Daniel chapter 4 sure I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it says while the word was still in the Kings mouth a voice fell from heaven King Nebuchadnezzar to you it is spoken the kingdom has departed from you and they shall drive you from men and your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field they shall make you eat grass like oxen and seven times shall pass over you until you know that the most high rules in the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he chooses that very hour the word was fulfilled concerning Nebuchadnezzar he was driven from men and ate grass like oxen his body was what would they do of heaven till his hair had grown like Eagles feathers and his nails like birds claws mm-hmm not too attractive to look at right do you see any hope any mercy in that declaration by the watcher any hope there it's it's only for a set period of time doesn't it say until you know so it's still a choice but it's not a hopeless situation he gives he there's some hope embedded there so I'm hearing this story I'm thinking seven years like an animal I thought we've been studying that God is love why would God bring such a stern judgment on this King Jason God is full of love and mercy and because of his love and mercy he's gonna do whatever he needs to do to draw you to him and for some people like a powerful King it might take seven years of having to live like an animal to recognize the love of God but what if someone said but that's not fair that's not fair Gary he didn't ask for that he didn't ask for it but I want to I mean my personal view of life is life is not fair salvation is not fair we don't deserve salvation we deserve condemnation and damnation but he gives this to us as a gift and God is doing whatever he can to save each and every one of us knowing that that salvation is so much more amazing than wherever we are right now I'm imagining a voice of a little child saying to mommy or daddy there's no fair that I have to say in and do my homework or do piano practice all my friends are playing outside because she's just sees that little moment right yeah but God sees something much bigger yes I wonder if Nebuchadnezzar I already know the answer I wonder if he'll look back and say was worth it it was worth it yeah it was worth it Travis I was just gonna say when he's standing under the tree of life looking in the eyes of Jesus he's going to say thank you for that thank you a lot of our testimony because sometimes when you're going through a trial it's so painful what's so difficult you understand why God is allowing you to go through it but when by God's grace you'd get through it to the end and you look back in like wow now I understand why God let me go through then you will be thinking and praising God for it so it's yeah that period of time seven years living like that was horrible but it's not worse than eternal damnation mhm and now it chapter 4 Nebuchadnezzar steps up and and it gives it a little mark more of his testimony so let's take a look at that Jonathan in verse 34 through 36 alright I'm reading from the English standard version at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted my eyes to heaven and my reason returned to me and I blessed the most high and praised and honored him who lives forever for his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion and his kingdom endures from generation to generation all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing and he does according to his will among the the most of the hosts of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth and none can stay his hand or say to him what have you done at the same time my reason returned to me and for the glory of my kingdom my majesty and splendor returned to me my counselors and Lords sought me and I was established in my kingdom and still more greatness was added to me so what's the difference between this testimony and the testimony in the end of Daniel chapter 2 and the testimony at the end of Daniel chapter 3 it's a big difference what is it anybody who's been Stephanie you've been with us through the series so far God is more personal to him in this whereas before his declarations were praise the god of Daniel praise the god of Shadrach peak out against them we'll cut you up that's right but here more personal yes I what does it say here I blessed the most high and praised and ordered his name who lives for ever and ever well it's a humble testimony let's read on in verse 37 and Addison could you read that for us sure I'm reading from the King James Version now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honored the king of heaven all whose works are truth and his ways judgment and those that walk in pride he is able to obey we're laughing why because he experienced it he's speaking now from his own testimony saying he can do that I know but what do you see here that just impresses you about this I mean this is a king of Babylon giving a personal testimony that's recorded in the Book of Daniel mmm what it what impresses you about it take a look at it again praising and honoring the king of heaven yes rather than saying I am the head I'm the whole statue of gold it's like there is a Most High God who rules over over all things Jonathan there's no limit to God's boundaries I mean he's not just restricted to one people one group he wants the hearts of all of us and it's willing to do whatever needs to be done so what do we call that that change of heart what's the word for that conversion okay that's kind of a that's a Christian term isn't it we we might use the word transformation right transformation it's if when it at the beginning Daniel 2 and 3 he had what in formation that's right was it true absolutely but now he's got transfer transformation and it happened when he did what humbled himself before God humbled himself and so I want to get practical Rick I'll take your point first I want to get practical we in the last section of our study and give you an opportunity I don't think any of you crawled around on hands and knees 11 years but a time when when you were down and and you lifted your eyes toward heaven and God worked a transformation for you break your point first well I think I love the imagery here because first he's on the roof looking down on his kingdom and saying look how great I am I'm up here they're all down there and then the next imagery he's on the grass looking up as an animal if you will and and I think there's something that God is doing in all of us and I think the seven years is beautiful because we build a lot of stuff into our lives over many many years and I think so times we wish God could just take it like that but it's a process time and in my you know speaking of my life I have definitely had times I think where God has kind of repeated lessons for me that I've been slow to learn and then the one once it gets that breaking point in a beautiful moment are you just like okay god it's yours I get it I got to let this go like this is not of you and it's just ruining my life and and that's a beautiful place to be in and then he learned that too I think that was a paradox when he when Rick said to the brave breaking point it's a beautiful place people know what the breaking point is giving up doing it yourself and saying god I'm lifting my eyes towards you so let's share Nebuchadnezzar was what more than 2500 close to 2,600 years ago what what about today a testimony do you want to share a testimony tickets to her comment related to yeah okay about time and the time from the time that Daniel interpreted the dream and to the time that he actually went through the 12 months it just shows that how God is so patient with us and how he gives us time to process everything and even during the trouble would say when he was going through all that he gave him time in order for him to see who God is and so he gives you time and your pride in your selfish walk and then he you realized that and you don't listen again and then you go through the troubles so at the end when he said you are true and just there is no way you could get that like this it takes time for you to even say those words that you are true enjoy and that's what called me at the end of the story but we wish you could happen more quickly right and I suppose it could if we would more quickly turn our eyes to what Evan and humble ourselves but God doesn't give up on us someone have a testimony of your experience days yeah it's not quite exactly like how what happens to Nebuchadnezzar but I was thinking back to when I was dating when I got to college and I felt like I was old enough to start have my own relationships do it however way I wanted you know just my way and not follow any rules or whatever and god of course lets us know when we we're heading down the wrong path somehow he lets us know that hey you're not going down you're not going the right path you need to turn around and in my case I guess I got the warnings and then I chose to turn away it wasn't easy so like King Nebuchadnezzar he wasn't ready to feel that discomfort of having to switch for being prideful and humble himself but in my case I guess I chose that path and it wasn't pretty it was very difficult for me when I decided to break off and let God change me I lost some friends people treated me badly because I had chosen to break off a relationship and it was a horrible experience for a number of years but looking back I realized that through that period of time God was transforming me to let go of certain behaviors I had picked up during that relationship period and then at the end of it when I was ready he actually brought the right person into my life so it's you know what did you marry him oh yes oh not that person it was the right person right person that's what I mean yeah so the warning signs come we can choose to accept it and if we do it doesn't mean that life will be smooth for us but at the end of the show I said the transformation period we do reap the benefits but if we choose to be stubborn and and waits of God forces us to make that choice we still feel even the worst experience until we learn that we need to obey God you know I appreciate what Daisy said that the following God's leading is not always easy or painless but God had your your best right he wondered what was best for you and when you made that decision you were choosing to humble yourself under his hand not just say well let me find someone else God then meets the desires of your heart and that that's a beautiful testimony somebody else share an experience where God finally caught your attention to look up and humble yourself Travis I this was a probably eight or nine years ago but I was I used to hunt and so I would go and sit in a tree all day long waiting for a deer to come by and and I remember Brad brought books bring Brooks to read with me while I would sit there and I would just enjoy the time there but I remember coming across the story of Zacchaeus and I was a I was a proud businessman at that time and things were going very well for me and you'd had some early childhood Christian influences but at that time sitting up in the tree where were you in your I had been I did hadn't had a relationship with God for over 20 years so you're sitting up in a tree close to heaven and reading and reading about in this book called the desire of Ages I'm reading through it and also I come across the story of Zacchaeus and as I'm reading it I the Holy Spirit must suggest I finally placed myself in a position where Jesus could reach me and I remember I was in the middle of this woods and I had camouflage makeup on my face and I just started weeping and I was just crying uncontrollably and I realized that he loved me even after 20-some years of you know just going down this wrong path that he still loved me and I made a decision that day that I was going to give everything up for him and like like Daisy mentioned it hasn't been easy boy there's been a lot of trips and stumbles along the way but God is faithful amen and I'm so happy I don't regret that decision so I have a question what is a hunter up in the tree doing with desire of Ages and apparently God was like you talked about Jason God's not giving up right God was still working yeah yeah slowly you weren't going to church every week no I don't even know why I booked Sabbath school but you had that book about Jesus yeah and that story caught your attention yeah and you turned your eyes toward heaven erect my heart you're gonna have to share that testimony with King Nebuchadnezzar in the kingdom of heaven one more is there a story notice they're not all the same and that's okay we all have different journeys anyone else have a testimony if not I'm gonna turn us to a text that I think is important in Philippians chapter 2 our closing passage in our study verses 1 through 11 is really an appeal from God to keep a humble heart and Jesus is the beautiful example of that Stephanie would you take us to Philippians 2 verses 1 through 4 is about how we relate to each other and then 5 through 11 is the example of Jesus because the antidote to a proud spirit is to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus let's listen to what Paul says in Philippians 2 verses 1 through 11 and the King James James Version says if there be therefore any consolation in Christ if any comfort of love if any fellowship of the Spirit if any bowels of Mercy fulfill ye my my joy that G be like-minded having the same love being of one Accord of one mind let nothing be done through strife or vainglory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the dead of the cross wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father amen keeping our eyes where big makes not Jesus and that we bow in in reverence and we say God your God I'm not meet in my life we can avoid the pitfalls that King Nebuchadnezzar experienced we can learn to keep our eyes fixed on him you know that's my prayer for each one of us and I think Nebuchadnezzar would say the same thing lift your eyes toward heaven because there was only one true God who rules not only over history but he wants to rule sovereign in your life amen let's pray that that can happen father in heaven each day we would pray you would be Sovereign Lord Lord Jesus thank you that you have made a way we fix our eyes on you as our Savior and our soon coming King in the name of Jesus we pray this prayer amen thanks for joining us for hope Sabbath school were just in the middle of our journey through this amazing book of Daniel a lesson today from pride to humility keeping her eyes fixed on God who loves us with an everlasting love go out share that good news with those around you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 44,191
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Keywords: hope Sabbath school, Derek Morris, Seventh-Day Adventist
Id: JgywbSn9HZM
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Length: 58min 33sec (3513 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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