Hope Sabbath School Lesson 6 More Lessons From Jesus, The Master Teacher

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to hope sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the word of god we're in the middle of a series on lessons for life education from the bible today more lessons from the master teacher some stories that will move your heart and hopefully also be practical lessons as you live for jesus in the coming week so welcome to hope sabbath school we're glad you're with us and welcome to the team and again look at us we're the remnant here uh working with a health pandemic just five of us instead of 12. but god's been blessing anyway hasn't he yes yeah and we have more chance to share we're praying the holy spirit would guide us as we talk today some lessons from jesus and we're glad you're with us too wherever you are we've got hope sabbath school members that we know of in over 200 countries around the world we'd love to hear from you you can write to us at sshope hope tv.org share with us how god's blessing you maybe you've started teaching an in-depth interactive class in your own community we'd love to hear how god is blessing you and here's some notes edwin writes to us from zimbabwe and edwin says i truly enjoy hope sabbath school in my house in zimbabwe amen i find i'm learning more as the studies are coming directly to my home and i have insights from the bible you're doing a great job and i wish you all god's blessings well edwin i just want to thank you for writing sometimes we may think we're here in a studio just now we're only six of us right but to think that in a home in zimbabwe maybe in a boat in vietnam or that god is reaching people with a life-changing word isn't that amazing yes we're just so glad that you're part of our hope sabbath school family this is from the country where i was born from the uk and solomon writes that's a wise name and he's and solomon says i watch your programs since the lockdown now you know with the health pandemic a lot of people have not been allowed to go to group bible studies they've not been allowed to go to churches they haven't been allowed to go to college or classes right schools yes since the lockdown i've been watching hope sabbasco and we say amen yeah the god can work good right yes even in spite of the challenge and i love every bit of hope sabbath school i pray that god will give you strength to carry on well solomon we're praying he'd give us strength too it's not easy and we had to adjust a little to not being able to have our group of 12 that we've had for over 10 years a larger group rotating through of course but god's got a mission and we're sharing together and we're glad you're part of our hope sabba school family a donor writes to us from florida in the united states and says greetings in the name of jesus our soon coming king amen i like that i enjoy the teaching of hope sabbath school every time i have a chance to watch it and i wanted to send a donation god bless you all keep up the good work with your team and a donation of a hundred dollars amen amen now i just want to say thank you we're part of a great miracle together and at this time of year we appreciate your partnership in mission hope tv.org donate you can go and say i want to be a part of sharing the good news of jesus with a hurting world thank you so much for your support here's a note from martin in new york in the united states of america just a short note hello hope sabbath school hello you're doing good that's that's kind of colloquial expression but i don't know about this one billy keep your leg on the gas oh okay um thanks for your good driving i guess that's a colloquial expression maybe keep moving right i don't know where i've not heard that one keep your leg on the gas that sounds dangerous but we're going to keep moving in the power of the holy spirit martin thanks for writing to us from new york in the united states one last note from innocence in malawi okay malawi is the heart of africa right and innocence writes and says greetings in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ waves of innocence i write to express my interest in the bible that has developed ever since i started watching health status wow with the aid of your class on hope channel i was chosen to be doing a bible study on the local hope channel here in malawi well that's called uh discipleship right learning we learn from jesus and then we go out and share yeah god bless you all well innocence hope channel malawi will be in our prayers yeah because actually what do we discover there's no one more effective in reaching a local community than someone from that community we speak the language we understand the culture but here we're an international group and we're glad that you're part of our international family too we're praying that as we study the word of god today more lessons from the master teacher lessons for life that you would be blessed but before we have our study we've got our theme song now with the restrictions we're not all going to be singing but we need you to sing so that we can hide god's word in our hearts it's from proverbs 19 and verse 20 listen to counsel receive instruction that you may be wise in your latter days let's sing together listen to counsel receive instructions that you may be wise you may be wise in your latter days listen to counsel receive instruction that you may be wise you may be wise in your latter days trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding listen to cancer receive instruction that you may be wise you may be wise in your latter days listen to counsel receive instruction that you may be wise you may be wise in your latter days a merry heart does good like medicine but a broken spirit dries their bones a merry heart does good like medicine but a broken spirit dries the bones listen to council receive instruction that you may be wise [Music] you may be wise in your latter days listen to counsel receive instruction that you may be wise you may be wise in your latter days pleasant words are like a honeycomb sweetness to the soul and hell to the bones pleasant words are like a honeycomb sweetness to the soul and health to the bones listen to counsel receive instruction that you may be wise you may be wise in your later days listen to counsel receive instruction that you may be wise you may be wise in your latter days you may be wise in your latter days our father in heaven as we're continuing our series on lessons for life we're so grateful for jesus the master teacher and as we learn more lessons from jesus today i pray that that hearts would be set free burdens would be lifted sins would be forgiven people yes people would be reconciled to god as they see how much you love us may the holy spirit work in us today in our study i pray in jesus name amen amen amen you know as we begin reading the bible it becomes very apparent that sin causes separation from god that's right and that is vividly pictured in genesis right after sin right after our first parents listen to the deceptions of satan in genesis chapter 3 verses 7 and 8. now we've talked about the temptation and how this fallen angel once called lucifer now called that old serpent the devil and satan tells lies about the character of god we've studied about that in the series but this whole idea that that sin causes us to want to hide from god let's look at that stephanie could you begin our study in genesis chapter 3 and just read for us verses 7 and 8. all right and i'll be reading from the king james version and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons and they heard the voice of the lord god walking in the garden in the cool of the day and adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the lord god amongst the trees of the garden now if you keep looking in your bible or if you're watching on hope channel somewhere where you are look in your bible the next verse the lord asks them a question right they feel naked they're hiding anybody tell me just what's the question where are you where are you now i have a question for you and for our hope sabbath school members around the world didn't the lord know where they were why does he call out where are you what is he trying to teach them even in this estranged condition that they have created through sin stephanie i think he wanted to help them recognize that something had happened there was a fear that was not supposed to be there all right but they already felt that because they felt naked and they were sewing uh leaves together to try to cover themselves before they'd been covered with a beautiful robe of light where are you what's he trying to convey to them i think i think he was trying to say why are you hiding in other words like wondering why is it that you were not here where you used to be why are you hiding but he knew why they were hiding he knew what had happened didn't he or was he like ignorant about it no jason why is he calling out to them they're hiding from him he wants to show that even though they've made a mistake there he still cares about the relationship he's still reaching out he still wants to be in communion with them maybe things are going to have to change a little bit because of sin but he still wants you know to be with us he has not uh cut us off and did his part he's taking the initiative to reach out to us even though we're hiding yeah really yeah and um what jason is saying is very true and also i think about the character of god that you know he's like he's a gentleman like he's not going to barge in and force himself onto you and if you remember i think in revelations 3 talking about you know he's knocking at the door so he's not he's taking the initiative yeah he's taking that initiative but at the same time he respects you enough to be like well you know you need to give me permission um um into your life so it's that's you know along god's character about you know being a gentleman now gary you have a little boy he's tiny right now but let's imagine he grows a little bit and he does something that he knows is naughty and he hides you know he's in the closet under the stairs there are you going to leave him there forever no no i i would i would call for him want him to come out let us let us talk about what's going what what's happened yeah yeah and if there there's anything we need to do to patch our relationship up and try not to repeat this we would do what we have to do so you talked about consequences yeah also about your love for him right exactly yeah i'm doing this because i love you or i'm i'm i want you to still love me too right you don't have to hide no yeah no now now think this is really important because someone watching hope sabbath school today has been hiding from god all right but i want to tell you and i'm speaking to you right now you do not need to hide from god he's looking for you because he loves you so help me now stories in the bible where which show how common it is for people to try to hide from god rather we should be running to him and we're hiding can you think of any story of of people that felt their sin had dislocated them from god jason well i think of the story of jonah okay he he literally tried to run away from god multiple times in there and uh and and yet even in that story and i don't know if you want me to share the whole story but you can share for some there's a whole book of the bible yes that has his name and by the way some people say that that's not real that's a ridiculous story but jesus speaks about the experience of jonah yeah so to unpack the story for us why is he running away from god so basically he was a prophet yes he's god's prophet and his job is to share uh god's messages largely apparently with god's people israel however then god sends him a message saying i would like you to give a message not to my people israel but to your enemy in nineveh the assyrians and jonah's like no i don't want to give a message to the enemy i only want to give a message to my people and god says i've given you this message and so jonah thinks well how can i get away from god so he actually tries to go in the opposite direction from nineveh he gets on a ship and he tries to go far away yet god sends a storm and there's a process there where it's discovered that jonah is actually hiding from god running away from god jonah has himself be thrown into the water he's like well you know this is my consequence i disobeyed god and yet god doesn't leave him stranded in the water god actually sends a big fish to swallow him up he's in there for a few days he gets a chance to think about god's love and mercy and what he's done and then god has the fish spit him out and jonah goes straight to nineveh and shares the message that god had asked him to and interestingly enough the people of nineveh actually respond to the message and they repent and turn to god so here's an amazing story and it's in a book called the book of jonah about a reluctant prophet who obviously didn't understand the mercy of god did he yeah it took a while for him to really grasp that but but he's trying to hide from god can you think of another story of someone who sins and and he's running away billy yeah i'm thinking of kane like after i finish killing abel you know he's running away and god basically found him and he basically he started um making them accountable for you know what happened to and yet if you've we've studied that in this series with cain in genesis 4 what's what's the message that god communicates even to cain yeah mercy it is mercy he doesn't just say you killed your brother i know strike you down yeah he he says i'm going to protect you i'll put a mark on you so people know that i'm protecting you yeah right and we don't know the end of the story stephanie i don't know the end of the story i'm assuming from being a little boy that he never repented but i don't know do i that's right i really don't know i just know that thieves dying on the cross can say i'm not going to hide from god anymore there's another story of someone running away i'd like us to look at in it's the story of jacob in genesis 28 verses 10 through 17. he's running away not only from his brother because he's done something that really dishonored god sabina would you pick up the story for us in genesis 28 verses 10 to 17. sure so i'll be reading from the new international version genesis chapter 28 verse 10 to 17 jacob left beersheba and set out for haran when he reached at a certain place he stopped for the night because the sun had set taking one of the stones there he put it under his head and laid down to his leap he had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth with its top reaching to heaven and the angels of god were ascending and descending on it there above it stood to the lord and he said i am the lord the god of your father abraham and the god of isaac i will give you and your i will give you and your descendants the land of which are lying your descendants will be like the dust of the earth and you will spread out to the west and to the east to the north and to the south all peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring i am with you and will watch over you wherever you go and i will bring you back to this land i will not leave you until i have done what i have promised to you amen when jacob awoke from his sleep he taught surely the lord is in this place and i was not aware of it he was afraid and said how awesome is this place this is none other than the house of god this is the gate of heaven now what he didn't know is that that ladder we we speak about jacob's ladder right it wasn't actually his ladder but you know what i mean jacob's dream ladder uh that ladder represented can you finish the sentence jesus jesus jesus yes john 1 51 talks about that ladder that connection between heaven and earth that again instead of god trying to separate from us he's trying to connect with us right yes i'm thinking of that beautiful text in john 3 16 and 17. would someone read that for us john jason do you have it you're looking for it john 3 16. oftentimes we read verse 16 and that's beautiful but verse 17 is an important message for people who've been trying to hide from god because they they think he doesn't love them he doesn't want to connect with them and i've got it here in the new king james version john chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life for god did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved so that message that god um is trying to let us know that he knows where we're hiding and that we don't need to hide that's right yes we don't need to hide from him he's not come to condemn us but to save us yes where do we see that in the ministry of jesus we're talking about more lessons from the master teacher you don't need to hide from me because i'm actually looking for you anyone have a story that you'd like to share gary um the woman with the issue of blood in luke 8 i believe all right i know that story is recorded in several places but you're thinking of luke's account there uh jesus is on his way actually to raise a little girl from the dead yeah right jairus had a daughter yeah but what verses would you want to read from luke chapter 8 i would read uh beginning verse 43 yeah 43 43 and down through verse 48. 43-48 and what translation are you reading from i'll be reading from the king james version and uh we're talking here about we don't need to hide from god right yeah he's actually wanting us to find him yeah yeah okay um verse 43 and a woman having an issue of blood 12 years which had spent all of her living upon physicians neither could be healed of any came behind him and touched the border of his garment and immediately her issue of blood staunched and jesus said who touched me when all denied peter and they that were with him said master the multitude throng thee and press thee and sayest thou who toucheth me and jesus said somebody had touched me for i perceive that virtue has gone out for me and when the woman saw that she was not hid she came trembling and falling down before him she declared onto him before all the people of what cause she had touched him and how she was healed immediately and he said unto her daughter be of good comfort thy faith had made thee whole go in peace isn't that beautiful yeah my heart is just filled with joy to hear that story you know my favorite biography of the life of jesus is called the desire of ages and in that book the author speaks about the fact that when jesus was on his way he saw the woman and he actually moved closer to her wow now you say well i don't know about that that's not in the text but that's so much like god isn't it yeah i didn't come to to have you hide from me but to find you what what encouragement sabine you're smiling and saying beautiful what encouragement do you see in that story that jesus is telling this woman but not only her but maybe us maybe yes hope sabba school members around the world we don't need to hide from god yes i feel i feel very comforted i feel like you know even as a christian as a person that seeks god daily and reads the bible i try my best but still i know that i have things that i need to work on my life until the last day before he comes or i die so it's very comforting to me knowing that he will always be there for me that he will hear me that he will try to help me the best that he can and as long as i do my part as well so i it makes me feel warm in my heart with his presence and his love towards me what do you think about the the name he has for her daughter yes that's a very intimate yeah i don't know that he was old enough to be like a father to her but uh he's speaking the words of a heavenly father isn't he yes daughter yes but also the name of you know family you know right as if you know he has a relationship so she's not a stranger that she is you know my my family and sometimes for instance um i have friends that you know they are not related to me but we have you know a slang that we said you know he's my fam like he's my family he's not a friend he's my family my family yeah so i think that's maybe that's the same thing jesus is doing can you think of another story in the ministry of jesus that is a beautiful illustration that we don't need to be hiding from god we we actually he's looking for us yes sabine i can think of peter and peter we know the story he denied jesus and right after jesus's resurrection there was a re-encounter of peter and jesus and jesus asks him if he loves him still and i think that's very moving also to me to see how peter who denied christ such a point of rendering him to his enemies was there again just trying to find a place of comfort for peter and even using him further in ministry so that's for me a great story also and that that uh what some call the reinstatement of peter is in john chapter 21. yeah where three times he asks him do you love me yes but i don't know if i had denied and cursed and said i didn't even know jesus i'm sure someone would be whispering in my ear jesus is coming hide right yes yes but we need to be running to him not running away from him what about the story of zacchaeus i like zacchaeus because he was short and i'm i'm not that tall myself but uh what do we learn from the story of zacchaeus um do you think he was up in the tree billy so that jesus would see him or was he up in the tree so he could see jesus in other words was he like the exhibitionist here i am jesus see me or was she just trying to get a glimpse of of the master what takes us to that story i think in in luke 19 you can unpack it for us basically uh well the background is that you know zacchaeus was the chief publican so he was like you know the the republicans of the republicans and the republican is another word for tax cuts and uh mind you that you know if he was um that he had that title uh one of jesus's disciple matthew was also a tax collector so they had a relationship so i think my um my guess is that you know zacchaeus heard about jesus and he saw that one of his co-workers you know went you know to follow jesus and there's that jesus was passing through his town so he went in to say okay you know who is that person that that's passing through my town and i think what jesus did that i think a lot of us you know can learn from is that jesus was not ashamed of you know um calling him or you know looking for him so when jesus was passing through and zacchaeus because of his height you know he could not see jesus uh jesus you know made himself available to him and intentionally asked him hey you know i want to hang out with you and zacchaeus you know did not expect that because all he wanted to do was maybe out of curiosity to see okay who is that man who maybe stole my coworker uh or i've heard about um but jesus was intentional about um finding somebody who maybe have been hiding from him for for a while you know i think his heart was open i think he was searching but did he have any idea that jesus would stop focus on him and say i'd like to spend the day with you today yeah um i think in a sense it was not so much so he could be seen he was up there but so he could see but jesus takes that opportunity right stephanie to say i i see you up there with the birds i see you yes and i'm seeking for you and jesus knew i mean in verse 8 it talks zacchaeus is sharing this is what i'm doing i'm restoring what i have taken wrongfully and so jesus wanted to give him positive positive feedback you know i think i think he wanted him to know i i know what you're doing and i want you to know you're on the right track there are plenty of people who hide from god because they think he won't forgive them right yeah i've done bad things and uh maybe zacchaeus wasn't a murderer but he was a robber yeah he had extorted money unreasonably from his own people yes and yet jesus says god is not trying to hide from you you don't need to hide from him i'm going to take us through another story we're talking about more lessons from the master teacher it's a story that happened in the region of tyre and sidon to give a little setting for that could someone read mark 7 and verse 24 and answer the question what is jesus doing in the region of tyre and sidon mark chapter 7 and verse 24. jason could you read that for us i've got the new king james version here and it says in mark chapter 7 verse 24 from there he arose and went to the region of tyre and sidon and he entered a house and wanted no one to know it but he could not be hidden why do you think he went to tyron's side and remember that the jews didn't want anything to do with the gentiles the samaritans or the other gentiles they've considered them to be unclean and yet jesus is going way out of uh the land of israel up into the region of tyre and sidon which was on the mediterranean coast there why is he going there really yeah i think well one of the reasons what if you reading the context was that you know he was like the crowds were following him and he became a bit frustrated because they were following him for the wrong reasons yeah and uh so he wanted to basically leave and go to uh tyra and siren but also for the fact that he wanted to expose the disciples uh about a lesson that you know we're gonna discover later on that you know faith does not is not only for the israelites that people outside of um uh the people were jews also possess a lot of faith and he was using i think he knew that you know he he could give him a perfect example by you know that encounter that he has with the lady um who had the her daughter demon possessed let's take a look at that story shall we gary maybe you can read it for us in matthew chapter 15 verses 21 to 24. it does seem like you said billy that jesus almost wants a break from the massive crowds but he never takes a break from revealing the love of god does he no yeah but it's not to a crowd of five thousand now it's just uh to one person let's pick up the story in matthew 15 verses 21 to 24. okay and i'll be reading from the king james version then jesus went dense and departed into the coasts of tyre and sidon and behold a woman of canaan came out of the same coasts and cried unto him saying have mercy on me o lord thou son of david my daughter is grievously vexed with the devil but he answered her not a word and said and his disciples came and besought him saying send her away for she crieth after us but he answered and said i am not sent unto the lost but unto the lost sheep of the house of israel. uh maybe we better read that uh last verse in another translation sabina can you read verse 24 of matthew 15 yes so i have here verse 24 he answered i was sent only to the lost sheep of israel how would you feel if you were a gentile in the area of tyre and sidon and you come crying out to jesus for help and the disciples are telling her to go away and jesus says i was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of israel how would you feel discriminated discriminated against angry angry hopeless hopeless so i wish we could see the video because we don't see the body language of jesus yeah exactly he doesn't go away he stays there present look at what mark records in in mark 7 and verse 26 this story is recorded you can keep your place in matthew's gospel this story is recorded in uh in several of the gospel accounts but in mark 7 and verse 26 billy what does it say in your bible yes i'll be reading from um the king james version mark 7 mark 7 verse 26 the woman was a greek a sour phoenician by nation and she besought him that he would cast out the devil out of her daughter why do you know stephanie that jesus is not going to walk away from that situation and do nothing because he wants to demonstrate who he really is okay and that is that is the god of love who is doesn't turn anyone away doesn't he say a fulfillment of the prophecy that he came to set the captives free that's right right those who are oppressed you know that jesus isn't going to walk away yes so why does he just say well i'm only called to the lost sheep of the house of israel well maybe we don't know maybe he's trying to teach the disciples something sabina i'm thinking that he also was provoking the disciples here and also provoking the pharisees if there was any around but and i'm saying that because if we look a little before this story and that's from the beginning of chapter 7 we know that jesus right before going to tyre and sidon he had an encounter with pharisees who were criticizing jesus for you know unclean habits or for doing things that were not according to them jewish enough or according to the law right and uh to them jesus responded the following that's on mark chapter seven verse six if i may read surely give us a moment to find mark chapter seven it's the same and verse six verse six just a little before the story we were following uh so jesus responding to this pharisees right they were uh blaming him of not walking according to the tradition of the elders and eating of the food with unclean hands that's how jesus respond to them that's mark chapter 7 verse 6 and verse 7 and i'm reading from the new international version he replied isaiah was right when he prophesized about you hypocrites as it is written these people honor me with their lips but their hearts are far from me they worship me in vain their teachings are but rules taught by men so i believe that jesus was presenting a counterpoint to what just had happened with them and with the pharisees and i think that's a beautiful message here as billy was saying already pointing to the fact that he had come not only for the jews but also for the gentiles but he had first came to these people who had ignored him or they were being so hypocritical and was trying to bring people who had a true heart of worship like the heart of this lady the cyrophonisian woman we're going to read the rest of the story but you would agree with me she's not just saying i'd like a selfie with you right right because you're famous he's saying i need help i need help my daughter is being tormented by an evil spirit you know jesus is not going to turn away from that situation right so let's see how the story continues in matthew chapter 15 verses 25 to 28. stephanie could you read that for us sure the king james version says then came she and worshiped him saying lord help me but he answered and said it is not meat to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs and she said truth lord yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall off the masters from their master's table then jesus answered and said unto her o woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt and her daughter was made whole from that very hour amazing story i don't remember many times when jesus exclaimed to a person exactly great is your faith i think maybe to the centurion who had faith to believe that jesus could just say the word i don't remember him saying it to the religious leaders you know i don't remember him saying even to wonderful leaders like nicodemus great is your faith but to this woman he says great is your faith and his her daughter was healed from that very hour i mean imagine the disciples who've been with jesus when they heard that i think maybe they are drunk they were shocked because they expected the fact that they were with jesus and they saw all these miracles that they would possess you know as much faith but jesus never turned to them saying that you know great is your faith he turned to somebody who's not part of his circle and expressing to them that listen you know we should not judge a person by you know their nationality their ethnicity and think that they cannot possess um a godly faith and i think that that's a lesson we should learn uh today is that yes we should we should not expect that only certain groups you know possess you know godly faith anybody uh can possess the faith and uh we should go outside of our perception sometimes to um yeah to meet these people i'm i just the text flashed into my mind where jesus said in john 10 i think it may be verse 16 other sheep i have that are not of this fault them also i'm a spring and there will be one flock and one shepherd and also revelation 18 and verse 4 where he says come out of her my people yeah so so this syrophoenician woman could have been in a place of confusion and false teaching and doc idols and all kinds of things but he says this is my daughter there right she's reaching out to god yes and i'm not going to turn away from her yes billy gave us some application but we're talking about more lessons from the master teacher what what lesson could i learn from life from this story lesson for life jason learned that god's people are maybe in places we don't always expect okay yes another lesson gary i mean from the the disciples perspective learning that we need to soften our hearts in our application in our application of you know god's um representative it's not there's no us or them it's all of us and we all need a savior that's right i remember in a previous study a christian said we have blind spots that we don't even know we have that's right we treat people in a certain way because that's the way our community treats those people or our parents treated those people and we need to ask god to open our eyes i think that's what he was trying to do with the disciples right let me show you how god feels about about this this woman in in her need sabine and stephanie yeah another lesson that i think it's very important that we can learn from this is that you know sometimes maybe even our face our traditions right that we cultivate in the church or whatever uh environment where you are worshiping god even in your house with your family members that sometimes days may be hindering other people from coming to god so we need to be very careful because jesus he was walking with these disciples who were familiar with the traditional thought that was okay this lady was not supposed to be here and they are acting on these thoughts right they think they are doing right they think they are doing just what they were supposed to do and jesus is challenging them and provoking them to say well i think that these traditions are actually keeping the people that i want close to me far so i think that's another lesson that i take to myself to be to be watching if what i'm doing is really aligned with what jesus wants me to do or if it's just part of my tradition or thinking of um maybe my culture my culture my culture whatever is it yeah stephanie something that came to my mind was that the woman's great faith actually was a teaching point that jesus used for his disciples so someone who an unlikely witness or an unlikely disciple jesus used that person in the sense that he did not initially give her what she asked for but he knew her faith was great and that she would be persistent and then jesus gave her what she asked for and used it as an example a teaching moment that's why we should we wish we had the video right yes uh because you we see him reciting only going to the lost sheep and yet looking at her with compassion and she's like i'm going to press on i'm going to tell jesus what i need yeah and sensing that he's not going to turn away from her yeah i get the sense that we we could take away that god's love is big enough it's not just for you know his people that are there even if you don't know or you don't believe he still loves you yeah and it it can cover you too you come to him in faith it's large enough for both groups you know another great teaching moment in the ministry of jesus and a lesson for us we're talking about um loving and accepting people like god does is a story we've alluded to in the past but it seems like it comes back as one that's so timely for us in john chapter 8 verses 2 to 11. and i think we should take the time to look at that story it's uh you know some versions of the bible have it as a footnote because some manuscripts don't don't have it included but it just sounds so much like jesus it's the story of jesus showing mercy and compassion it's a teaching moment jason i wonder if you could read that story for us we're going to listen carefully uh starting in john chapter 8 and verse 2. and all the way through 11. yes why don't you read all the way down to verse 11 and then we'll discuss it together all right and i've got the new king james version here john chapter 8 verses 2 through 11. now early in the morning he came again to the temple and all the people came to him and he sat down and taught them then the scribes and pharisees brought to him a woman caught in adultery and when they had set her in the midst they said to him teacher this woman was caught in adultery in the very act now moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned but what do you say this they said testing him that they might have something of which to accuse him but jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with his finger as though he did not hear so when they continued asking him he raised himself up and said to them he who is without sin among you let him throw a stone at her first and again he stooped down and wrote on the ground then those who heard it being convicted by their conscience went out one by one beginning with the oldest even to the last and jesus was left alone and the woman standing in the midst when jesus had raised himself up and saw no one but the woman he said to her woman where are those accusers of yours has no one condemned you she said no one lord and jesus said to her neither do i condemn you go and sin no more so what's the lesson for us today we know this woman made a mistake you say well she was set up and i think you're right but she still went along with it now maybe she was being forced or pressured i'd i don't know all of the details of that let's just agree she's in a very compromised situation um and and we see the way that jesus handles that situation with such mercy for everybody yes right yeah um what what what's a takeaway lesson for life as you think about your life as a follower of jesus today there's got to be some applications here for us really yeah i think you know always stand um defend the oppressed i think a lot of times we may not agree for instance jesus definitely didn't agree with you know her practice but he still stood up for her um so any lesson is that you know it seems that you know the pattern that god always have is that he's always standing on the side of the oppressed um that's something that i think it's a quote from somebody that you always see jesus defending those who are being oppressed and that's that's a lesson that we need to carry don't follow the crowd the crowd may be on the wrong path but always always be on the side of the oppressed because you may not agree with them but uh they deserve that protection maybe you might be the only person to protect them i'm thinking that jesus did that luke 15 when he ate with republicans and sinners yes they were oppressed by their community and and jesus is accused of being like them but he's not accepting their behavior but he's accepting them right yeah so that that's a powerful lesson someone else what lesson can you learn from the story stephanie there are two parties here it's the scribes and pharisees who brought her and the woman who was caught in adultery both were in sin both were one was open and was revealed the other ones may not have been revealed because the truth wasn't being seen but both were in sin and jesus had mercy and compassion on both and my takeaway is lord help me to love both parties that are in the situation and that's that's a miracle because i don't i i know i can't do it by myself it's very easy to take sides yeah or to think you deserve what you have coming to you right yeah so i'm going to ask you to scan now we mentioned the way jesus treated peter and that was a great example can you think any of any other stories that as you see the way that jesus acted it's a lesson for life for you you say wow that that is a wonderful teaching moment just the way jesus acted in that situation i have one came to my mind but i'm going to let you share is there one that you can think of well i'm going to just share one more thing and i don't know why it came to me maybe because of the same thing with the serophenician woman that disciples were trying to tell her to go away was when the mothers brought their children and the disciples acted the same way they're not oppressed but they're marginalized right this is just children tell them to go away and jesus actually there says he got angry it said allow the children to come to me do not hinder them the kingdom of heaven belongs to them so that's to me is a lesson that that everyone is a candidate for the kingdom and everyone yeah uh god has time for them because he loves them someone else you another story came in in what we were thinking um yeah thinking about you know the jesus when he found out that his cousin john the baptist was killed he went in just to you know take some time out just to reflect and grieve but even in his grieving he had compassion um because it says in the story that um the crowd was following him you know he was trying to you know go away you know uh for some solitude from solitude and the crowd was following him and he had compassion on them um he could easily have justified that hey my my cousin you know just you know got killed i need time but he did not he sacrificed his his precious time in order to serve other people billy you were quoting right from the scripture when you said he had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd remember yeah and that's a beautiful uh illustration for us right to have compassion on people even when we may have our own list of to-do lists right things we want to get done another story you see jason that really jesus the master teacher would like us to learn a lesson for life i think of the story of the feeding of the 5 000 so a case where jesus actually cares about the crowd because we've seen obviously parts here where he cares about someone who's separated from the crowd but jesus cares about the crowd too the whole crowd yes and in this case you know the disciples are saying oh the people they're hungry we'll send them away make them go buy some food or find food but jesus and i think it says in the scripture he had compassion and he performs a miracle to feed everyone because he cares about the larger group he cares about everyone there too including their physical needs and their spiritual needs i can hear someone saying derek if i if i followed all of these wonderful lessons from jesus it would like turn my life upside down yeah could be a good thing right rather than just being preoccupied about my next entertainment or my next trip or whatever anyone else another story that really touches your heart gary i was gonna say say when mary anoints jesus in that it it just shows it's a story of his abundant love for us i mean he wasn't treated properly when he arrived at that banquet he wasn't greeted as he should have been but this but mary has this fragrant perfume and everyone's like what is this what's going on and they even accuse her like you know you spent all this money on him for this it could have been used for the for something else and jesus stands up for her speaks to her kindness and her love for him and commends her for that and i mean there's nothing that we can give for god that is too much even when everyone else says how could you do that you don't have that like you spent a whole year's wage on this little tiny box of perfume for him and it could have been something something else something better but god said jesus said no thank you for doing this for me you know uh it's interesting that stories recounted in john 12 1-6 that john gives a little insight actually that judas was complaining because he was a thief yeah he liked to take the money from the from the uh what do you call that the money bag the money back the money box he doesn't care about this woman or about what she was doing yeah so the takeaway lesson for us in that story you would say that nothing is too much to do yeah for god for god yeah yeah and don't criticize people who pour out their whole life in service for god yes yeah powerful story takeaway lesson from jesus if if if you said i'm going to take one lesson for life from jesus the master teacher today there's many what would your lesson be jason jesus cares about everyone all right so i should too that's what you're telling me all right take away lessons stephanie pray for the vision of jesus pray for the vision of jesus which would be that would allow me to see beyond my prejudice see beyond my prejudice that's a powerful prayer sabine a single lesson um to be a loving and lovable christian that will be attractive to others just that just like jesus was right he was so attractive and i want to be like him a loving and lovable christian see beyond my prejudice help everyone great to have you here we'd love to hear from you what's your takeaway lesson write to sshope hopetv.org jesus the master teacher gives us lessons for life it's an education not just to be more knowledgeable but to reflect the beauty of his love to the world let's pray together father in heaven you spoke to hearts today you showed us from the life of jesus the master teacher lessons for our life today not to earn your love but because you love us and want us to spend eternity with you and to reflect the beauty of your character even today may the holy spirit impress us with what we've learned and may our lives be changed by the power of your holy spirit in jesus name amen amen amen well thanks for joining us for hope sabbath school i know that what god taught you today may have been different from what he taught me but the holy spirit is leading us into truth so we can be the people of god that he's called us to be in these last days of earth history take what you've learned and go out and be a blessing to those around you [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 38,435
Rating: 4.7964773 out of 5
Keywords: Hope Sabbath School, Seventh-Day Adventist, Derek Morris
Id: pwRo7a_O-I4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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