Hope Sabbath School Lesson 12 A Message Worth Sharing

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to hope sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the word of god i'm excited about this series on making friends for god we need to first make friends with god of course but then he sends us out to make friends for god our topic today a message worth sharing and i'm praying you'll be blessed as we study today welcome to the team and welcome to you around the world we're always happy to hear from you our hope sabbath school family here's just a few emails but we'd like you to write to us sshope hope tv.org i want to tell you when i get those emails when we share with the entire team we're encouraged we even get a little excited because we do this so that lives can be changed by the power of jesus amen so write to us at sshopehopetv.org here's one from erland in kansas in the united states he says i was on a nine-month rotation deployment in the u.s army in romania there were no seventh-day adventist churches near or on my post and i was not allowed to attend church off post but hope sabbath school saved me amen is that awesome that's awesome i accepted jesus as my savior 25 years ago as a soldier i moved around a lot but god was always by my side most my co-workers know about the seventh-day adventist faith now and i've been watching hope sabbath school every saturday morning for the last eight months before i start my worship in my room wow praise god thank you hope sabbath school well erlan thank you i know you're not in romania anymore but i want to thank god that this media ministry reaches people wherever they are we get people in mining camps in the outbacks of australia and people on islands in the pacific praise god for what's happening thanks for writing to us here's one from boniface in rwanda anyone been to rwanda beautiful country right in the heart of africa i love hope sabbath school you are very smart and humble i'm glad they added i ain't humble keep proclaiming the word of god well boniface thanks for writing to us you know if there's any wisdom we know where it comes from right the bible says if you lack wisdom ask god who gives liberally here's a note from a donor in alabama in the united states thanks for writing to us from alabama dear hope sabbath school panel thank you for your study of the bible your outlines and your willingness to share and your openness to receive god's grace and mercy it's a blessing to me and i thank you this donation is for you to keep sharing god's word and a gift of 350 dollars for hope sabbath school thank you from alabama we appreciate your support where donuts awarded ministry here's a note from adriana in nevada also in the united states of america adriana says i really love to hear the panel's comments i find myself with more desire to go deeper into god's word since i discovered hope sabasco right you see we don't want to just be passive observers we want to be interactive participants right get into the word of god and be blessed one last note from howard in zambia lots of hope sabbath school members in zambia greetings in the name of the lord jesus christ my name's howard by the way do you know there's probably over a million hope sabbath school members just in zambia i just want to say thank you for hope sabbath school and for the great work you are doing it's true as we behold the word of god we are changed amen continue the great work i love the team and all your contributions may god bless you all howard we are honored we you know we have a hope channel zambia you ought to check that out lots of exciting things happening in your beautiful country there in the heart of africa and we're excited that you can be part of our hope sabbath school family but right now we need you all to sing with us our theme song is taken from psalm 105 word for word from the new king james version oh give thanks to the lord call upon his name make known his deeds that's what we're doing making friends for god let's sing it [Music] together [Music] make known his deeds among the people [Music] words [Music] let the hearts of those [Music] in his rejoices seek his face ever more remember his marvelous works which he has oh give thanks to the lord call upon his name all give thanks to the lord his [Music] let's pray our father in heaven thank you that we can study the word of god today a message worth sharing for this whole series we've been talking about making friends for god but i just pray as we consider this message that the holy spirit would empower us to see how important it is to share the truth contained in your word especially the message that jesus shared in the book of revelation so guide us in our study each hope sabbath school member around the world in the name of jesus amen amen amen we're going to start in john chapter 14. jesus is about to leave and he's got a message for his troubled disciples why are they troubled because he said he's about to leave and he's been their mentor and their lord and savior john 14 rick if you could begin our study in john 14 for some people this is like their favorite bible text for others they've never heard it so let's read this with with the enthusiasm and as you listen to the word of god hear the promise of jesus absolutely absolutely i'm reading from john 14 1-3 this is the new living translation don't let your hearts be troubled trust in god and trust also in me there is more than enough room in my father's house if this were not so would i not have told you for i am going to prepare a place for you when everything is ready i will come and get you so that you will always be with me where i am so that's a beautiful promise from jesus wish we could take the whole topic on that but but let's see how the disciples take that message and uh repeat it shall we let's go to ii peter and let's go to chapter 3 verses 9 to 13. christian if you could read that peter of course one of the 12 apostles and we're looking in second peter 3 verses 9 through 13. very good i'm reading from the new king james version the bible says the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but is long suffering towards us not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with the great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up therefore since all these things will be dissolved what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness looking for and hastening the coming of the day of god because of which the heavens will be dissolved being on fire and the elements will melt with fervent heat nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells so how did peter know ab the the promise about the glorious return of jesus how did he know about that do you well jesus told him he was there when jesus said don't let your heart be troubled but he was also given revelation wasn't he earlier in second peter 1 it says no prophecy is of any private interpretation remember that but holy men of god holy women of god spake as they were moved by the holy spirit that's right so this revelation let's look at another example of that in first thessalonians chapter 4. amy if you could read that for us i love this passage saul of tarsus was not there for you when jesus said let not your heart be troubled right no he was not one of the in fact he was a an enemy of the followers of jesus but i want you to notice as amy reads that he says at the beginning i got this truth by special revelation from god and let's see what he says first thessalonians 4 15-17 and this is new king james version for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord so i'm telling you this by the word of the lord he says do you think jesus appeared to him uh maybe in a private space and and shared this with him is that possible yeah how else does the lord reveal his word in the scripture well i mean this was something that was given to him as a message from jesus could he have had a dream yes i mean he did didn't he he went to the third heavens at one point daniel has visions where the son of man appears right so we don't know exactly how but he says this was a word from the lord that he's coming back and by the way we learned something that he didn't tell us in john 14's record that when he comes back in glory what else is going to happen besides us seeing him come and being caught up to meet him the dead in christ remember jesus said all who sleep in the grave will hear his voice and come forth unfortunately there's a resurrection of salvation and a resurrection of damnation that's a whole other topic we need to commit to christ today so that we're in the resurrection of the righteous if we fall asleep before he comes back right right now let me ask you a question jesus said don't let your heart be troubled i'm coming back peter says the day of the lord will come paul says the lord gave me a revelation he's coming back why is it so important when we make friends for god to tell them that jesus is coming back again in glory why is that so important what do you think christian well you know god god is is not just a heavenly father but he's a king he's the king of kings and lord of lords the bible says that he has a kingdom in fact when jesus taught his disciples how to pray he said he included thy kingdom come and so so it's important because what we're doing is we're waiting for the coming of our king and our king has a kingdom you know there are some groups within christianity who say nothing about the return of jesus they just say well you just die when you die you go to heaven right but jesus said no you sleep until the resurrection and that happens when he returns in glory so what would be the danger of saying well i i'm i'm not going to hear about that i'll just wait i'll die and then i'll go to heaven why do i need to hear about the return of jesus well let's see what jesus says matthew 24 verses verse 44. i remember hearing a christian tell me well obviously jesus didn't believe he was coming back literally like that's what he said right billy what does jesus say in matthew 24 and verse 44 yes so i'll be reading from the king james version matthew 24 verse 44 therefore be also ready for in such an hour as you think not the son of man cometh so why do we need to tell people that jesus is coming back a message worth sharing so we won't give you anything yeah so that so we don't get caught off guard exactly you know there's a parable about five wise and five foolish right and uh they're all hoping the bridegroom will come but they're not prepared right yes and i mean if we look at the scripture in every generation god raised up a certain group of people or certain individuals to warn the people about what was coming i mean if we look at the time of noah god raised up noah to warn the people so that they could prepare we have moses joseph elijah isaiah jeremiah at every important point of history god always had his people to prepare the world and in our generation today the next big event that is coming is the end of the world and the coming of jesus christ and so i believe god has called his people uh to warn the world and to prepare people for his coming which is a perfect sequel after rick's comment to the book of revelation because god is going to call a people to help his people all of them prepare for his glorious return rick i was just going to piggyback on what he said i think the being ready part is important because when you look at it in the biblical context like you said with the the parable that comes next there's two actually or three or four parables that come next that jesus talks about being ready and there's so much confusion in our world today about what happens after death and a lot of people today just say well i don't even care i don't even know i'm just gonna live however i want now i'm just gonna live for myself and specifically the parables talk about helping each other uh giving a servant food at the proper time reaching out um whatever you've done to the least of these my brothers that's that's the kind of things jesus says about being ready and so we want to share this message the other danger about being ready is that we as christians could think we're ready and we could just pack our bags and wait and just sit at home like okay jesus get me out of here this place is you know a mess and that's not what he calls us to do either no he wants us to go to the world right after be ready is the parable of the virgins and the end of that parable unless you think well do i have to do something else jesus says to some i never knew you we do not have a current relationship now i don't know if he knew them at some point but he's saying i don't know you now anyway they had lamps they had some oil but it was going out right but this message is so important because he wants us to be ready that's right and the way to be ready then is to be ready now right which means a living connection with jesus which like rick said will be manifested in the way i live that's not how i'm saved that manifests this living connection with the savior right right but then the book of revelation adds as puya said god's raising up a last day messenger or group of messengers to prepare the world for the soon coming of jesus let's read the introduction to the book of revelation and for you could you read the first 10 verses of revelation chapter 1. apparently there's a blessing for people who read and for those who hear and most of all for those who do the things written in the book revelation 1 verses 1 to 10. and i'll be reading from the new king james version the revelation of jesus christ which god gave him to show his servants things which which must shortly take place and he sent and signified it by his angel to his servant john who bore witness to the word of god and to the testimony of jesus christ to all things that he saw blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it for the time is near john to the seven churches which are in asia grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come and from the seven spirits who are before his throne and from jesus christ the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth to him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and has made us kings and priests to his god and father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever amen behold he is coming with clouds and every eye will see him even they who pierced him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him even so amen i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end says the lord who is and who was and who is to come the almighty i john both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of jesus christ was on the island that is called patmos for the word of god and for the testimony of jesus christ i was in the spirit on the lord's day and i heard behind me a loud voice as of a trumpet and he's going to then record the vision that he received by the way pat moss what do you know about panmas was it a resort island somewhere eugene do you say uh anybody billy do you know anything about now it's it's a resort island but back then no it was a rocky island off of the coast of now um today's turkey so it was held for prisoners of various crimes um and yeah so people work there and basically spend the rest of their lives so why did john the apostle end up there it's kind of sounds like the american alcatraz you know the rock that's where you get put and you never get off why was john there does anybody know rick there was persecution at that time and the christian you know were not viewed by the powers that be the romans as a friendly they they were viewed as hostile and so john was one of the leaders so tradition has they tried to kill him yeah other ways finally gave up put him on an island and probably the enemy of our souls thought finally we've silenced him right and what happens on patmos for you you receive revelation from jesus he writes the book of revelation uh and it's a revelation of jesus christ i want to look did you notice a reference to the return of jesus there by the way yes verse seven what does it say he's coming with clouds and by the way some people are confused about the coming of jesus you know they've heard of it but they've also seen these movies about you know some kind of secret event people and like oh amy's missing where did she go oh we got left behind that's not in the bible it does say one taken the other left jesus talked about that but then when they said where lord he said where the body is the the eagles will fly in other words those who are left are not left alive right we want to be with those who are caught up to meet the lord in the air right and it's not secret every eye and by the way there's going to be resurrection at the same time right so this is not a secret event it's a glorious event when jesus comes but look at how uh john describes the end of all things in the book of revelation in revelation 14 amy if you could read verses 14 through 16 and then we're going to back up and see some messages that come before that matthew excuse me revelation 14 verses 14 through 16. okay and again i'm reading from new king james then i looked and behold a white cloud and on the clouds at one like the son of man having in his head having on his head a golden crown and in his hand a sharp sickle and another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud thrust in your sickle and reap for the time has come for you to reap for the harvest of the earth is ripe so he who sought on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth and the earth was reaped who's sitting on the throne the one like son of man yeah this is it's interesting that john describes him one like the son of man is like well i met him i was with him for three and a half years but he looks a little more glorious than he did before right king of kings lord of lords in all of his glory surrounded by his angels but he sees jesus there the lamb as he's described seated on the throne well that's not the only place that talks about the end of all things with christ coming there's several other references let's look at a couple of them in revelation chapter 19 verses 11 through 16. rick if you could read that and then billy if you could read revelation 22 12 to 14. by the way you can't read revelation without saying jesus is coming back you know even so come lord jesus is the last words right let's see how it describes the the return in revelation 19 11 11-16 this is from the new living translation says i saw heaven opened and a white horse was standing there its rider was named faithful and true for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war his eyes were like flames of fire and on his head were many crowns a name was written on him that no one understood except himself he wore a robe dipped in blood and his title was the word of god the armies of heaven dressed in the finest of pure white linen followed him on white horses from his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations he will rule them with an iron rod he will release the fierce wrath of god the almighty like juice flowing from a wine pressed on his robe at his thigh was written his title or this title king of all kings and lord of all lords we're going to see that someday pouya yes that's going to be an amazing day why do you think the bible calls him the word of god it reminds me of what john earlier wrote in his first book in the first chapter yeah can you quote it sure in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god yeah he was in the beginning with god and all things were made through him and without him nothing was made that was made and verse 14 the word flesh so this is the word of god this is talking about jesus incarnate son of god jesus our savior right but he's coming back now uh in power and great glory billy what does it say in revelation 22 12-14 so revelation 22 12-14 says i'm reading from the king james version and behold i come quickly and my reward is with me to give to every man according as his work shall be i am alpha and omega the beginning and the end the first and the last blessed are they that do his commitment that they may have right to the tree of life and may enter through the gates into the city amy you've worked in many parts of the world and i know you've shared with people who didn't know anything about the fact that we have a savior but not only that that he's coming back in glory can you share a time when you shared that truth and you just saw how powerful that was yeah we had a friend whose granddaughter passed away quite unexpectedly and she really struggled with that her granddaughter was the last hope that she had all of her life was being poured into this little girl and when she died she felt like she had lost everything and she even told us you know i'm not sure that i want to remain in this church anymore because you know god took my granddaughter away and so we invited her to stay with us for a while and while she was with us we shared this verse with her and said you know there is hope jesus is coming again and if you believe and if you're loyal to jesus you're gonna you'll be in heaven and i believe your granddaughter will be there too and that changed everything for her when she went back home she became truly an evangelist for jesus in the adventist church everywhere the pastor went she asked to go with him wherever the elders went she has to go with them all through her country proclaiming jesus is coming again be ready be ready jesus is coming again there is hope it was a beautiful beautiful thing you know i really believe that god's lastly people should be foremost in proclaiming the truth about the coming of jesus and we can do that in a lot of ways including helping those who are in need and say why are you so nice of me well jesus is coming back and this is what he asked me to do while i'm waiting right but he wants you to be ready too by trusting him as your savior the book of revelation is amazing proclaiming that truth but it also proclaims a special message right before revelation 14 that amy read verses 14 through 16 is a message of three angels let's take a look in revelation chapter 14 beginning with verse six christian could you read for us verses six and seven we're in revelation chapter 14. okay and i'll be reading from the new king james version and it says then i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth to every nation tribe tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who made heaven and earth the sea and the springs of water so i have a question who is this angel that's flying in the midst of heaven is it gabriel or i don't know the names of any other angels it's like gabriel who who's the angel pouya i believe the angel represents the people who are messengers for god so we could be a part of this description of the angel this everlasting gospel but it reminds me of what jesus said at the end of mark's gospel uh let's take a look at that rick could you read mark 16 and verse 15. sure the evil then i want to know what this everlasting gospel is um but there's a message to bring what did jesus say in mark 16 and verse 15. mark 16 verse 15 in the new living translation and he told them go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone all right so priya is saying we're the angel um not just i'm the angel but we're the engineer we are the angel we're the messenger and how far do we have to go the end of the world yes christian you know the the greek word translated angel is angelos which means messenger right so there are there heavenly messengers absolutely sure are there earthly messages yes they say i think we're messages right now so take that good news takes it to the whole world that reminds us of acts 1 and verse 8 2. amy and jesus says if we don't say anything the rocks will cry out that was with the triumphal entry right right yeah so someone's going to bring the message and he's actually asking us to do it right for you and and i find it really interesting here in revelation 14 verse 6 that it specifically is that to every nation tribe tongue and people it's very specific that we should go out to every single group of people on this earth with this message that's powerful especially for me coming from a small ethnic group you know it's really meaningful that god is very intentional in reaching every single person on this earth hope sabbath school is now in over 200 countries i think we're broadcasting in 70 languages but that's not everybody yet is it no there's a lot of work to be done to go to every nation kindred tongue and people why is this messenger amy crying with a loud voice because it's urgent and everybody has to hear if i don't speak up loudly i have a naturally quiet voice if i don't intentionally speak loudly people here won't hear me and so you know if somebody is to hear if everyone's to hear it needs to be loud and i think the volume also speaks to the intensity and the urgency all right it's important and it's urgent really and at the same time i think a lot of people are waiting to hear it they're looking for answers um and when you're i think verse 7 of revelation 14 talks about uh the judgment is is coming right if you think about like we live in a world where there's a lot of injustice and a lot of people are craving for justice so although some people may be scared to hear that judgment is coming but some people are actually been waiting for justice in their government and the people that you know they rule under are not given justice so therefore when they hear that there will there is that ultimate just judgment that will take place and things will set right they are craving for the sense of justice so it's not just you know declaring that but there is a lot of receptive people are waiting to hear a word of justice so if we're just here by accident with the survival of the fittest there may never be justice right but this says we're created by god and there is a judgment but there's also forgiveness of sins right so we can be ready for that glorious return now this angel crying in a loud voice rick you read jesus words in mark good news here it's called the everlasting gospel what is that uh could you could you tell me what the everlasting gospel is that that this last day messenger team is crying out with a loud voice and in my version it says good news which is a translation of the greek and literally gospel means good news and it's the story of jesus incarnate the word of god and all these descriptions who came died in our place provided salvation for everyone every language kindred tongue any person that has ever lived their salvation is provided for if they would have it and that's good news and i think that's the other part of the loudness it's not just judgments coming which is important yeah it's like wow you everything you need and want and hope for is met in jesus christ and whoever believes in him should not perish isn't that in john 3 and verse 16 but have ever lost everlasting life so i like that it's not just this is urgent it's like i got some good news for you right yeah great news when we're excited we get loud hey guess what just happened i mean if i won the lottery i would be yelling around the house yes amy and i think it's everlasting because this has always been the message you know from the fall god promised i'm gonna make this right one day everything will be made right and again we're seeing so from the beginning from the fall all the way through time you know even beyond my grandparents time way back forever that's been the message it hasn't changed just like god hasn't changed his message hasn't changed either so are there any other gospels besides the everlasting gospel well paul mentioned some you say derek is that a trick question uh you know there are probably a lot of other gospels a lot of false goals pseudo false gospels okay which might say what what what what are some false gospels that you can that there's other means of salvation apart from christ okay or you have to earn it you have to earn it maybe beat yourself or do it do enough good works do enough good works maybe god really doesn't love you but he'll let you in or the opposite it doesn't matter what you do because god is a loving forgiving god which he is but that's often portrayed out of perspective he's also just holy mentioned earlier right so so there are you're right paul talks about if anyone preaches another gospel right let let him be accursed i mean why because there is only one and it's the everlasting good news of jesus of jesus that's right jesus is the heart and the center of that good news so this angel which is not some angel but our angel team not just hope sabbath school right all of god's people are called to proclaim he's coming soon and then there were those words uh let's look it again in verse seven uh christian could you read it again revelation 14 verse 7 what does the messenger tell the world to do fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who made heaven and earth the sea and the springs of water so some of us have hear that fear god and they say that's exactly why i don't like to go to church because this horrible picture of god and these pictures of of dangling people over eternal fire and what does it mean to fear god from the bible not just your opinion yes billy so it's just having a sense of reverence and respect in in for god so it's not that typical you know fear you're afraid of afraid but it's more of reverence yeah do you know in the greek and the hebrew and i'm not a linguist but the word used can be translated either way isn't that right and it all depends on the relationship if the relationship is there it's reverence but but but you're not afraid but if the relationship's not there it's fear right running for the rocks right so the relationship with god is key yes christian a good biblical perspective on the meaning of fear is found in psalms chapter 34 uh verses eight and nine oh let's read that together okay psalm 34 psalms 34 verses 8 and 9. and and i'll read from the new king james version psalm 34 verses 8 9. how does that read in your bible it says oh taste and see that the lord is good i mean that alone for me gives me a very positive right you know context right right blessed is the man who trusts in him and then he goes on to say oh fear the lord you you his saints there is no want to those who fear him so again this is not a negative experience if you've tasted and seen that the lord is good reverence of the lord no there's no lack to those who reverence him so the message is jesus is coming back the good news everlasting good news right we need to reverence god and do what and worship no before that give give glory glory glory how do we do that like wait a minute god is surrounded by myriads of angels uh and he's glorious beyond our imagination how can we as frail mortals give glory to god what would you say in answer to that for you i think paul talks about giving glory to god in first corinthians 10 31 okay what is it let's let's find it there first corinthians 10 31 chapter 10 and verse 31 you know lord what does he say there and i'll read from the new king james version therefore whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do all to the glory of god so we're not to to give glory to god is not that we're making god more glorious right he's already glorious right what does it mean then that in our daily lives in in everything that we do if we live according to his will we are in some in some way we're shining the light of his love to others and around the world and that brings glory to his name that brings glory to christians you know at the very heart of getting glory to god i believe there is thanksgiving and let me let me tell you why i say that uh can i share a verse in your verse chapter 17. give us give us uh the verse and then a moment to find it sure luke chapter 17 and what verse verse um verse 15. okay hold on let us find it yes this is a very uh well yeah the ten lepers said that were healed by jesus remember the teleporters they all left they all went to raced you know to see the priest and then didn't one come back and one came back but notice verse 15 and one of them when he saw that he was healed returned and i love this next part with the loud voice that's like revelation 14. with the loud voice and it gets better glory he glorified god okay but notice what verse 16 says and he fell down on his face at his feet giving thanks or giving him thanks and he was a samaritan so this story equates glorifying god with giving him thanks and i pray that there's something there praises thanks and i like that loud voice you know it's like you know he was excited he was he was grateful he was expressing his devotion right yeah so reverencing god giving him glory and what else does it say in revelation 14 worship worshiping well we do it we do it because of the time what's the time the hour judgment has come right what's that talking about well we could take a whole hour studying that the the prophecy about a judgment can anybody tell me about that when jesus comes he brings his reward with him doesn't he that's what revelation tells us put you so it seems that before jesus actually comes back there's a judgment that has already taken place and which would indicate that by the time jesus comes back everything has been decided which means we need to be ready right because at some point back to revelation the lord will stand up and say he who is just let him be just still he who is unjust let him be unjust still it's settled behold i come quickly my reward is with me right so that's the urgency it's good news i'm excited right right but it's also urgent because time is short doesn't it say somewhere in the bible isn't it in revelation that the devil knows his time is short well if he knows his time is short we ought to recognize the time is short too right that's right but connected to the message of this uh angel or the message we're called to bring is not only to reverence god and to glorify him because of this end time but also what did it say christian go back to revelation 14 and verse 7 the second half uh revelation chapter 14 verse 7 and it says saying with a loud voice fear god and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who made heaven and earth the sea and the springs of water does that language worship does that language there remind you of anywhere else in the bible worship him who made the heaven and the earth right yes it reminds me of the ten commandments on that specifically the fourth commandment of the ten commandments in exodus 20 verse eight where it uh talked about god being the creator and inviting the people to worship him because he's the creator and the commandment says should we read it together it's fairly important i read a story today about someone who came to conviction about this bible truth which is an end time message and his family was very upset with him and his brother said i'm going to go and turn him back and he said to his brother you can read see what it says and he read this passage and what does it say and i'll be reading from the new king james version exodus 20 verse 8 through 11. remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord your god in it you shall do no work you nor your son nor your daughter nor your male servant nor your female servant nor your cattle nor your stranger who is within your gates for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth the sea and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hollowed it so got good news to bring right good news everlasting gospel what jesus has accomplished for us and that he's coming back again in glory and he wants us to be ready right so we want to reverence him and give him glory give him glory and worship him as our creator and savior savior and soon coming king and the sabbath becomes a sign of that commitment we're not saved by keeping the sabbath no we're saved by jesus but the sabbath is that sign isn't it right a sabbath is a beautiful sign of who jesus is and what he's done for us yes chris you know another meeting and i just thought about this when you said that another meaning of fear it's not just being awe and respect but often times it's used in the scripture to mean obey god fear god obey god and so the call to fear god is also a call to obey god and when it points us to his law to the fourth commandment remember the sabbath day to keep it holy it's a call to respond in obedience and loving obedience and and worship to to a god who is who is returning that's the only the first part of the message we're going to go to revelation 14 verses 8 through 10 now i kind of like verse 6 and 7 is really kind of happy and let's share the good news but amy could you read on first verses 8 through 10 of revelation 14. yes new king james version again and another angel followed saying babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication then a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice if anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of god which has poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lamb you say well babylon that sounds like a bad place to be right i mean made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication uh that that's talking about spiritual adultery right babylon represents that um force that entity that is opposed to faithfulness to god right and and it's saying it's fallen now if that's all we read we'd say well that's good it's fallen but we need to read chapter 18 verses one to four because we've got some work to do [Music] what does it how does that read in your bible rick revelation 18 verses 1 through 4 because if i'm understanding correctly god has his people in babylon that's a startling thought because babylon's fallen but what does it say in revelation 18 1-4 sure i'm reading from the new living translation after all of this i saw another angel come down from heaven with great authority and the earth grew bright with his splendor he gave a mighty shout babylon is fallen that great city has fallen she has become a home for demons she is a hideous she is a hideous hideout sorry for every foul spirit and a hideout for every foul vulture and every fowl and dreadful animal for all the nations have fallen because of the wine of her passionate immorality the kings of the world have committed adultery with her because of her desires for extravagant luxury the merchants of this world have grown rich if you would have stopped there by the way i need you to read verse four okay but if you were to stop there you'd say yep they're bad you know we've got to stay away from from anything to do with babylon or any babylonian whatever that means someone who's caught in that system of rebellion against god but what does verse 4 say of revelation 18 verse 4 then i heard another voice calling from heaven come away from her my people do not take part in her sins or you will be punished with her now it's interesting of course that's a new living translation i think right come away uh may convey something a little different from what my translation says does anyone else another translation pouya what translation do you have i have the new king james version and how does it read there in revelation 18 verse 4. it says come out of her my people out of her is there difference possibly between come away it could be right come away could be well i'm not there i'm just kind of over here but come out clear come out says that you're in it's kind of like when the angels came to lot and his family in sodom before the final destruction and said what get out right right and don't look back come out of her my people yes billy i'm glad you brought up the uh story of law because what happened is that i think a lot of people have been living in babylon so so long that they don't think that they're in a bad place so it their senses are are dulled down so i think a lot of people the reason why god is calling us to come out of babylon is because in a sense like a lot of people don't realize that they're they're in a bad place until the angel of god has to basically make it loud and clear that no you need to get out so i'm glad that you brought up the the story of lord because it's it's similar to what how we're living now that we're enjoying babylon so much so why should we get out so you know it's interesting if you read the story of uh lot and his family first it says they pitched their tent toward sodom right right and and before long they're in sodom and before long sodom is in them yeah and they can't get i mean he had many other family besides the two girls that came with his wife and she even looked back right in the story of it's like it got inside right so this is urgent if if the good news appeal is urgent this appeals urgent too right come out of her my people amy and i i like the distinction like we're making between the come out and you know come apart or come away from you know coming out requires a change of heart it requires an actual decision i am going to make this change and actually moving away actually getting yourself out whereas you know come aside from well i can still window shop you know i can still stand there and watch and long for and desire but to come out means that i'm changing my desire i'm changing what i'm longing for yeah that that language have come out reminds me of something peter says could someone read first peter chapter two uh verses nine and ten uh first peter chapter two verses nine and ten and then we wanna go back to revelation again because this is an this is an urgent appeal this this is not a this is not the happy appeal of the first angel good news this is an urgent appeal a warning appeal first peter chapter 2 verses 9 and 10 for you could you read that for us sure and i'll be reading from the new king james version but you are a chosen generation a royal priesthood a holy nation his own special people that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light who once were not a people but are now the people of god who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy there's something really important there that we're not just calling out of but we're calling into into right out of darkness into his marvelous light it's all that's the good news it's all about jesus right right coming into his marvelous light and the bible speaks about those who accept that call in revelation 14 and verse 12. and then i have a question for you to wrap up revelation 14 12 the message goes out the angel which is all who profess christ as we're preparing for his soon return fear god give glory to him the hour of his judgment has come worship him as our creator the sabbath being so important and then the warning to come out what does it say in revelation 14 and verse 12 that those people who come out of darkness into his marvelous light will look like amy do you have that revelation 14 12. so revelation 14 12 and this is from new king james version here is the patience of the saints here are those who keep the commandments of god and the faith of jesus it's interesting puja that you mentioned that one of the commandments is the sabbath right and that will be important in the end time but it also says have no other gods before me don't take my name in vain right don't bow down to idols or take my name in vain honor your father and mother relationships don't steal kill right they keep the commandments of god and have faith in the faith of jesus is that faith like jesus or faith in jesus or all of the above jesus right yeah yes that's connected to him now i've got to ask a question as we close this is an important message really so when is the ideal time to go to your friend to go to your work associate and tell them i've got a special message for you jesus is coming back he wants us all to be ready there's going to be a judgment final decision dealing with sin when's the ideal time how do you know when's the best time to tell them i think the best time is the right time in the right time maybe right now it may be right now could it be so you'd say today i'd say today i'd say today and and um so and let me put some cautious i think some people will do it the wrong way okay and they need to know how to deliver that message but the message is so it's urgent that needs to be christian you know and the message the response has to be in the context of of of trust and of confidence i believe that the most effective way is to is to make friends that's the theme of the quarter and by that means to win their confidence when their trust and then they're going to their hearts are going to be opened all right so it's based on a trust relationship uh how do i know i say oh i need is there a promise i can come to doesn't it say somewhere in the bible uh i will instruct you and teach you right the way you should go so you said you got to do it in the right way right time but it's urgent so if i don't know how to do it what should i do pray pray and say god help me teach me hmm don't don't like rick said just think i'm just gonna try to stay out of trouble till jesus comes we have a message to share right it's good news and it's also urgent and jesus is coming back soon yes amy and the bible says pray without ceasing and i think that this is what it means is keeping that line of communication open with god so that when he speaks the word behind you saying turn right or turn left you hear it so we're going to pray before we share we're going to pray while we share that's right we're going to pray after we share but let's share the urgent message you with me that's a challenge for each one of us you've got a message to share jesus is coming back the angels share the message come out of confusion and come into his marvelous light let's pray we can be faithful witnesses in sharing that message father in heaven you could have sent angels from heaven but you sent your followers as messengers may we be empowered by your holy spirit may we be faithful messengers of the good news in jesus name amen amen well thanks for joining us for hope sabbath we're not done with the series on making friends for god but i just pray that you would say god make me a faithful messenger help me not to be silent but go out and share that good news with those around me you
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 37,872
Rating: 4.6911197 out of 5
Keywords: Hope Sabbath School, Seventh-Day Adventist, Derek Morris
Id: ISc7AMQyd6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 33sec (3513 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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