Hope Sabbath School Lesson 11 From Battle To Victory

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are coming along in an amazing series of studies on the Book of Daniel today from battle to victory it's another picture of how God works out his purpose the Most High God who rules in the affairs of men if you've missed anything in this series you want to go back because each chapter builds upon another go to our website hope tv.org slash Hope SS and you can watch the whole series and by the way we've also got a special series of Bible studies on Daniel and revelation chapter by chapter those two prophetic books intricately linked together go to Hope Bible study org that's hope Bible study org keep studying we have so much more that we can learn but we're glad you're with us today for hope Sabbath school and welcome to the team what a great series of studies this has been I feel like I've been blessed beyond measure and we're learning the basic truth that there's a God who rules over the world but he wants to rule over our lives he wants to be our Lord and Savior and we're just excited that we can be part of his kingdom even as we study today we're happy to hear from you our hopes Abba school members around the world here's a email from Cyprus I don't know have we heard from Cyprus before Moses writes and he says I'm the oldest seventh-day Adventist Christian on the island of Cyprus and the grandson of the very first seventh-day Adventist here in Cyprus every Friday evening my wife and I have been watching hope Sabbath school and we're blessed by the dedication of the twelve disciples well we're all disciples of Jesus don't we we love the lesson it's such in such an interesting and constructive way blessings to all Moses while Moses you didn't tell us how old you are but you're still following Jesus and for that we praise God looking forward to his soon return Joanne writes to us giorgia in the United States of America some of you have lived in Georgia and Joanne says hello hope sabbath-school family I would like to extend a greeting to each one of you I've been watching hope Sabbath school for about three years I was searching for something else and I saw hope and the word school caught my eye isn't it amazing how the Holy Spirit leads people I clicked on it and there was hope service cool I've been watching ever since I've also copied several of your studies from the archives which is very resourceful I thank God for you and all that you do to spread the gospel you love adoration and thankfulness toward the Lord and Savior is evident in your teaching such heartfelt commitment I appreciate you and I will send a donation soon well thank you Joanne but thank you also for writing to us because it brings great encouragement to know you were just kind of clicking through the channels and God led you to Hope Sabbath school here's a note from the other side of the world Sylla Vario and he greets us with this word and then you tell me where he's from are you ready bula-bula [Music] all right nobody's been to Fiji apparently bula from Fiji Hope Service cool it's always a blessing to hear and watch you from hereis in my home my lovely wife and my children not forgetting our church members the new town SDA church in Vanuatu well thanks for writing to us silly Vario all the way from Fiji here's a note from from a donor in Idaho in the United States of America and the donor says you have been a great blessing in our home we're not always able to attend our local rural church for services we deeply appreciate appreciate being able to worship and study along with hope Sabbath school thank you and a gift for twenty five hundred dollars to help the Ministry of Hope channel I just want to thank all of our donors we're all part of a great miracle of God and these are all volunteers here and we are part of a mission to help prepare people for the soon coming of Jesus thank you for your support here's one last note from Habakkuk that's a good Bible name Habakkuk lives in Liberia I just want to praise the Lord so much for hope Sabbath school that he'll always use you to simplify his word to his people in these last days by the way the smiles are very charming especially yours I think he's talking to Stephanie there may the Lord bless you and keep you you know it's really true isn't it that that even our expressions can be a witness for Jesus and Habakkuk I'm sure you've got a beautiful smile too we're glad you're part of our hopes Abbey school family and let's keep smiling for Jesus so that doesn't Jesus say you are the light of the world that's because the light of Jesus who is the light of the world shines through us right now we've got a scripture song we'd like to sing it's word-for-word from Daniels book Daniel chapter 2 verses 2223 written when he was just a young man as a prayer to God oh I put a little tune to it so we can memorize it I'm sure you've learned it by now if not you can download it from our website let's sing it together [Music] blessed be the name of God or ever and ever for wisdom [Music] is blessed be the name of God forever for wisdom and might are tears and he changes lives and the seasons he removes kings and raises up kings he is wizard to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding he reveals deep and secret things he knows what is in the darkness and dwells within he reveals deep secret things he knows wise in the darkness [Music] I thank you and praise you O God of my father's you have given me wisdom I thank you and praise you O God of my father's you have given me wisdom I must be the name of God forever for wisdom and might are blessed be the name of God [Music] for wisdom [Music] and changes the times and the seasons he removes kings and raises up kids he has wisdom to the wise and those tumors he knows one thing [Music] even secret things he knows what is in the darkness [Music] blessed be the name of God forever never for wisdom and might are [Music] you know some people might say it's so hard memorizing the Bible but when you put it to a tune like that you know you might even wake up one morning I sleep either day it's just in your heart that's what it means isn't it your word I have hidden in my heart it's not talking about the bump-bump-bump I've hidden God's Word in my mind and he says that his word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path I praise God for that thankful that Daniel wrote his prayer down that we could memorize we're thankful now that we can study an important topic from battle to victory why don't you join us as we pray and ask for the Holy Spirit's guidance Father in Heaven thank you so much that your word is a lamp to our feet a light to our path name maybe hope Sabbath school members even today who feel like they're caught in a great battle help us to learn as we study in Daniel chapter 10 that the battle is real but victory is sure when we trust in God that we have the assurance that Jesus will gain the victory for us so bless us as we study today may your Holy Spirit be our teacher we pray in the name of Jesus amen Daniel chapter 10 Daniel we discovered was fasting and praying in Chapter 9 he's fasting and praying again and Kim if you'd begin our study in chapter 10 of Daniel let's take a look at the first three verses I'll be reading from the New King James Version in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel whose name was called Belteshazzar the message was true but the appointed time was long and he understood the message and had understanding of the vision in those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks I ate no Pleasant food no meat or wine came into my mouth nor did i anoint myself at time at all till three whole weeks were fulfilled so we've gone now from the time of Belshazzar remember we were in the first year of Belshazzar then in the third year of Belshazzar now where are we historically third year of Cyrus king of Persia what is Daniel mourning about now he's grieving he's fasting and praying is it still related to the 70 years of captivity or is it something else does anybody know the answer to that you say Derick I don't know for sure but Rodney what might he be really sad about at this point the Jews might have gone back from from Babylon to their homeland the first wave yes the first wave of the return and they were facing great difficulties and challenges in rebuilding the temple is he making that up or is that in the Bible somewhere it's in the Bible isn't it Rodney would do you have that passage it's in Ezra chapter four and it will even give the reference that it's the same timeframe that is happening so word comes back to Daniel that the first wave of Exile has gone back Rodney read first Ezra chapter 4 verses 1 to 5 let's see what's happening for them back in Jerusalem and I'm reading from the New King James Version now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the descendants of the captivity were building the Temple of the Lord God of Israel they came to the ruble and the heads of the father's houses and said to them let us build with you for we seek your God as you do and we are sacrificed to him since the days of Azharuddin king of Assyria who brought us there but zerubabbel at Joshua and the rest of the heads of the father's houses of Israel said to them you may do nothing with us to build a house for God but we alone will build to the Lord God of Israel as King Cyrus the king of Persia has commanded us then the people of the land tried to discourage the people of Judah they troubled them in building and hired counselors against them to frustrate their purpose all the days of sloths king of Persia even until the reign of Darius king of Persia why didn't Daniel go home with the first wave what's the answer to that question why didn't he go home any idea Stephanie what what what might have been the reason why he didn't go back home I think God needed him where he was you know is doesn't Jesus say my will is not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me yes so we know for sure that Daniel was a man of Prayer Lord what do you want me to do and the answer is yeah I want you to stay I've got to work for you to do but he receives word that those who've gone back in that first wave or having a terrible time and how is that affecting him Travis he's mourning but also I think it said he's realizing this was my previous vision and nine words said in chapter 9 where it said that the walls will be built in trouble sometimes and he's like Lord my people are suffering so he's definitely feeling the pain of his own people he he confessed their sins he's now feeling their anxiety and their struggle and there's one little indication in verse 12 that as he's fasting and praying that he's not just talking to himself Alex would you read verse 12 of Daniel chapter 10 sure and I'll be reading from the King James Version then said he unto me fear not Daniel for from the first day that thou did set that heart to understand and to chasten thyself before they God died words were hurt and I am come for that words now he's also going to talk to him about prophecy as well but he God cares about every aspect of our lives doesn't he and he's grieving because his people went home and they're having a very difficult time well as he's praying he receive another divine revelation and China if you could read for us in Daniel chapter 10 verses four through seven and as Shane who reads this description of this glorious being are there any other pictures in the Bible that come to mind you say that sounds like because all Scripture is given by inspiration of God right who is this glorious being let's look in Daniel 10 verses 4 through 7 and I'll be reading from the King James Version and in the four and twentieth day of the first month as I was by the side of the Great River which is hid aquel then I lifted up my eyes and looked and behold a certain man clothed in linen whose loins were girded with fine gold of UEFA's his body was also like the barrel and his face was as the appearance of lightning and his eyes as the lamp of fire and his arms and his feet like in color to polish brass and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude an I Daniel alone saw the vision for the men that were with me saw not the vision but a Greek but a great quaking fell upon them so that they fled to hit to hide themselves there's a lot in that story right let's start with the details of verse 4 why does it matter 24th day first month where I was standing Nicole why does that matter well it's the once against historical timeframe where we are and it makes it more realistic that this actually is happening it's not just this isn't if someone's right right I think maybe I had a vision I'm not sure no no very specific right what do you think about the description the chainage is read do you have some sympathy for Daniel as he's trying to describe is this a real being or is this like a symbolic picture what do you think Shannon it sounds something like something supernatural so much so that he was afraid and like everyone else around him ran well they they didn't even see the vision and they ran right yeah so this apparently this awareness that a divine being is they don't even see him but they're running right talk to me about you know scripture holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit Daniels struggling to describe this glorious being Stephanie that's what I was going to say it seems like he's trying to find words to describe what he's seeing but it does remind me of the words in Revelation which after women ok Revelation chapter 1 verses like 12 to 18 somewhere in there yes so this is remember we said well let me just pause a minute and tell our viewers Daniel and revelation are interconnected that's why we have a Bible study series for you hope Bible study org you can study chapter by chapter from both books and as Stephanie you're using that as an illustration of how tied they are together give us that description in Revelation chapter 1 and the King James Version says and I turned to see the voice that spake with me and being turned I saw seven golden candlesticks and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of Man clothed with a garment down to the to the foot and Girt with the paps with a golden girdle his head and his hairs were like were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass as if they were burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters and he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword and his countenance was as the Sun shineth in his strength and when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me fear not I am the first and the last I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am Alive for evermore amen and have the keys of hell and of death I imagine you know in the kingdom of heaven Daniel and John talking and saying I had a hard time describing bathroom who would they see well it depends because once pre-incarnate and once the Incarnate but who are they seeing they see the son of God right there seeing the son of God in all of his glory revelation of course son of god has already become flesh and dwelt among us Jesus fully son of God the Son of man this is before the Incarnation he's seeing the Son of God in all of his glory how does he respond John would you look at verses 8 and 9 how would how would we respond if the Son of God and all of his glory showed up and spoke to us though and again the King James says in verses 8 and 9 therefore I was left alone and I saw this great vision and there remained and no strength in me for my comeliness was turned in me to corruption and I retained no strength yet I heard the voice of his words and when I heard the voice of his words then I was in a deep sleep on my face and my face toward the ground what do you think how is he responding is he afraid a lot of times when an angel comes the angel has to say fear not is he afraid or is he just say no how is he feeling well based on his actions he fell into a state of humility like this is someone into worship yeah collapsed even huh just like he's in the presence of the only one yeah divine the son of God he's in his presence and it's an overwhelming experience you know some people think I'm just gonna stroll up to the throne and make my case you know angels bow down right cry holy holy holy Lord God Almighty well here he is he's lost his strength he's fallen to his face to the ground and then someone is gonna come up Travis and touch him and let's see who that is in verses 10 through 12 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version suddenly a hand touch me which made me tremble on my knees and on the palms of my hands and he said to me Oh Daniel man greatly beloved understand the words that I speak to you and stand upright for I have now been sent to you well he was speaking this word to me I stood trembling then he said to me do not fear Daniel for from the first day then you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before God your words were heard and I have come because of your words so who is this individual this is not the Son of God now right who's this individual capable it's an agent probably Gabriel right because he's been sent like he was before and what position is Daniel in at this point did you get the description no he's got up from being flat on his face trembling what does it say he's on his knees and the palms and I think we call that crawling don't wait so he's kind of you know he's not quite flat on the floor but he's not up yet and this angel comes puts a hand on him and offers a word of encouragement to him and gives him a revelation this this study is about battle to victory gives us a revelation that we would not know unless the Prophet wrote it down Evelyn could you read for us verses 13 and 14 of Daniel chapter 10 I will be reading from the New King James Version but the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days and behold Michael one of the chief Prince's came to help me for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days for the vision refers to many days yet to come the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days can a human prince withstand a covering cherub from the throne room of God so Abigail what does this mean the spiritual Prince is going to the you know the cosmic conflict the Prince of the darkness trying to stop God's angel from doing you know his work so there is there are spiritual forces what Jesus calls principalities and powers right at work and this angel Gabriel says I was in a spiritual battle with with a fallen angel who claims authority over the kingdom of Persia how long was that did that take until he got some help so what does that tell you about this great battle mm-hmm it's real intense ongoing it's intense no joke certainly not a joke you know today there's all kinds of movies and things and and there's like confusion you know people think well it's just make-believe this is telling me and of course we learned in the life of Jesus this is not imaginary battle here this is principalities and powers it also reveals that there are large things at stake because of this battle large things are at stake whole kingdoms destiny of Nations and people he needed help he it says that he was here he Michael came and helped him so if he needs help with this with the spiritual banner what do we think would we think we are we clearly need help also yes so let's do a computer search if we can because some people don't think that there are any forces of evil that's just you know that's just kind of maybe a bad thought in your mind but it's not real it's imaginary take me to some passages of scripture that show that this battle that is described by Gabriel in Daniel 10 is very real what what Bible text comes to your mind immediately anybody have one patient six all right Stephanie the book of Ephesians chapter six is one we could go to lots of them and we will I want to just show how real this cosmic battle is but you're you're here this is after the Ministry of Jesus and his ascension to heaven right and Paul's writing to Christians and Ephesus what does he say to them and I'll read from verses 10 through 17 the King James Version says finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places hmm wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand stand therefore having your loins Girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace above all taking the shield of faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for All Saints so where do you see the the intensity of the battle described here some specifics verse twelve verse twelve we don't wrestle against flesh alright these are not human forces right but they're organized aren't they since apologies powers rulers of the darkness of this age spiritual hosts of wickedness it's an organized Confederacy of evil right what else you have to be armed you have to be protected right right and yeah what's the most important part of the protection or would you say us all of it just like the protection on your feet we need what oh that's one word in the Greek it's the word panoply from which we get the english word panoply it's a covering right a covering so we've got this if I can use the word defensive armor but we also have an offensive job weapon what is it the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God yeah you know that's also very interesting it's not just talking about the Bible uses the word which means the specific saying of God the specific word you know what you can't fight the enemy like holding up a Bible right some people think that they sleep with a Bible on their chest if they feel they're under attack we need the Bible in our heart right so the specific words of God where do we see that in the life of Jesus hmm when he was tempted Denise don't sin to bread and how does he reply it is written jump off the pinnacle of the temple shana how does he respond it is written about anna worship me I'll give you everything any response it is written and that says the devil left him and we say right it's a real battle by the way some people think the battle that Jesus had in the wilderness was just kind of a parable it was a real battle the battle is intense so thank you for sharing that passage principalities fiery darts I'll give you an opportunity in our study to share with you felt fiery darts coming at you that's real - mm-hmm not real fire but real attack of the enemy give me another Bible passage Nancy that shows that this cosmic battle described in in Daniel 10 is very real mm-hmm I'm thinking of job okay so job the second chapter and verses one through five okay job let's take a moment to find that job chapter one or chapter two you want to read okay chapter one gives us a little insight into the battle but you reading chapter two verses 1 to 5 right so Satan has already come in chapter 1 and attacked him but job responded positively toward God he said naked I came from my mother's room and naked blessed be the name of the Lord but then in Chapter 2 should I start reading now verses 1 through 5 this is from the New King James Version it says again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them to present himself before the Lord and the Lord said to Satan from where do you come Satan answered the Lord and said from going to and fro on the earth and from walking back and forth on it then the Lord said to Satan have you considered my servant job that there is none like him on the earth a blameless and upright man one who fears God and shuns evil and still he holds fast to his integrity although you incited me against him to destroy him without cause so Satan answered the Lord and said skin for skin yes all that a man has he will give for his life but stretch out your hand now and touch his bone in his flesh and he will surely curse you to your face why was Satan allowed to come into this heavenly Council hmm what do you think Kenneth because some we gave the ownership that God gave to our first parents Adam and Eve we three deceptive means we handed it over to Satan so he's walking to and fro on the earth with what kind of attitude hmm like the oldest heart longs to me he's wrong it doesn't belong to him the Bible says the earth is the Lord's yeah but he claims Dominion yeah because our first parents disobeyed God right yeah so he claims to be the prince of this world and so it describes this battle what what is he saying that is not true Satan what does he say what won't God do do you know you have to read the rest of the chapter Satan says stretch out your hand does God do that no what does God do you have to read the next verse you can do it you do that but you can't take his life it's like you think that the devil would figure out who's in charge right yeah but but clearly he's caused havoc in the family and in his business now he's attacking job's life the battle is very real mm-hmm and praise God job doesn't curse God and die right he says even if he even if God slays me which God would not do but allows me to be put to death yes like the martyrs down through the ages I'm still gonna trust him yes I love that verse where he says I know that my redeemer lives you know he hasn't even read the story about the Incarnation he's long before that but by faith he believes in the plan of salvation and also but there's another amazing example thank you for sharing that one of the battle being very real now again let's go back to to focus on Daniel 10 that Daniel is grieving because things have been hard I'll take a few other verses but just giving the context again the battles been really hard and he's grieving because actually it's this same kingdom of darkness that's opposing his people who are trying to get rebuilt in Jerusalem right you know that they are the enemy okay the kingdom of darkness isn't an enemy he's breathing about that the angel comes to him with some words of encouragement but even that angel experiences this battle right and Michael has to come to his aid we've looked at Ephesians chapter six we've looked at job chapter one is that one other Travis an important verse that you think we should add Luke 22:31 okay Luke chapter 22 and verse 31 give us a moment to find that here Jesus says I remembering correctly is been praying for Simon Peter Luke chapter 22 and verse 31 so you're telling me the battle is not only something Jesus experienced but every follower of Jesus and I would like to read Luke 26 41 after this because it goes along with wow you would like to read two verses we alright we'll give you the opportunity to start with Luke 22 and verse 31 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version and the Lord said Simon Simon indeed Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat I wish I could read on where Jesus says but I prayed for you so who's this Simon Simon Peter right one of the leading disciples and of course he gets overconfident ends up denying Jesus but he's shown mercy and comes back amen but okay Satan has sought to sift you hmm you know what sifting is right hmm like to shake you until you fall apart hmm that's how real the battle is you want to read Matthew 26 Matthew 26 verse 41 41 so Matthew chapter 26 give us a moment verse 41 and this actually adds some more light to the situation to the situation Matthew 26 and verse 41 and again I'll be reading from a new King James Version and he says watch and pray unless you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is so the battle is real yeah even angel Gabriel experiences the intensity of the battle and Mark Michael here is called interestingly one of the princes but in later in daniel is called the archangel or the leader of the angels which is another topic we'll look at this key being apparently is even more powerful than the covering cherub Gabriel mm-hmm that's interesting Michael comes to the aid of Gabriel so the battle is very real and the battle is also real in our lives so I'm gonna give you an opportunity to testify maybe there's someone watching hope Sabbath school today and saying I'm under attack right now I feel the Battle of the kingdom of darkness maybe you got an email from someone today and and they say I'm under attack Alex I I need somebody to pray for me the battle is real want to give you an opportunity to share a time when when you felt like the kingdom of darkness was trying to hinder God's purpose and his plan for your life does anybody have a testimony to share yes Nancy so whenever I'm getting ready to be on Hope Sabbath school things happen you know once I was in a car accident a few days before it was really I hit my head really hard I got a concussion from it other times it'll be relationship things someone will say something that's and it just gets me down it just seems and it's whenever it's getting close to the time to beyond hope sighs now the skeptic could say that's just coincidence right right I mean we all have times we have car accidents or what do you think hmm is it possible it's just a coincidence it's always it's always possible but if I understand the cosmic battle I can think of times in my life when I was preparing to do something important for God and I just felt like this hmm you don't have to be doing bad things to come under attack I can think of times where I've had to just go to my godly wife who not only write scripture songs but she prays for me and say I need prayer I feel this this attack of the enemy mm-hmm now someone watching will go WOW has happened to you - mmm anybody else have an experience where you just felt like the the kingdom of darkness was trying to get in the way of God's plan and his purpose Travis this was quite a few years ago now but I remember I was just kept studying studying the Bible and went to classes and learning about scriptures and I wanted to be sold out for Jesus and and holded evangelistic series and and so is working with the team in a church to do an evangelistic series and and there was still things in my life sins that I hadn't gotten rid of yet but I still you know that you're just on fire for God and you're recognizing these things and trying to figure it out and and we faced opposition in the church and opposition within the family and it was one thing after another till I finally just said you know what I quit and I walked away from I walked away from all of it in the pastor begged me to come and I told them when I remember walking away that day I had a sign that I told I said God if you want me to continue in ministry you have to have Derek Morris call me and you were a part of this and I the next day the pastor asked me to come back and I said no I told God what it had to be and the unique thing is that you and I didn't really talk back then and can I share a part of the story I got up one morning and I was in prayer and somehow I bumped my phone it was before 5:00 a.m. in was Wisconsin it was nearly 6:00 a.m. where I live and I bumped the phone and I saw it was dialing Travis and I'm like oh no it's only five o'clock you know have you ever bumped someone accidentally oh no wait what happened when you receive just a no voice message just my name came up on your phone it was the very that the following day after I told God that out loud in my truck just cried it out to him and I don't know know why I had said that and I said well that's that's that's it and he's not gonna call me and I told the pastor the pastor begged me the next day and I said no I told God with the sign was in the ass what and I told him and he kind of weld okay that's maybe a bit strange and then the next morning at 5:00 in the morning an app I downloaded the day before is calling in your name is on it and I thought what is going on and later that day I called Derek and I told him what had happened and I just began weeping and he said to me I don't know what happened I got up in the morning and my phone was calling you it was and right there I just weeped and I said okay this is tough and I just learned from that circumstance I'm in a spiritual battle yes and the next time I go into this I'm gonna have the armor of God on every door closed so Satan can't come in yes Ephesians chapter 6 take up the whole armor look put on the whole armor those are both active verbs they're imperatives actually yeah put on take up which tells you it doesn't happen passively it doesn't happen passively it doesn't happen by accident take ups put on and he's speaking to Christians which means that followers of Jesus also experience first spiritual attacks in fact maybe more yeah is that possible oh yeah I said it yeah you know they hated me though I hate you so the battle is very real and we're seeing that come out of Daniel chapter with the contention that occurs well we've got to keep going but I'm praying that someone watching maybe you're watching and you're going I thought it was just me that was in this battle the battle is real but I've got good news we've got the armour of God Jesus is our strong deliverer and Jesus wins that's what we want to focus on Daniel chapter 10 and verse 19 Abigail would you read verse 19 for us because the enemy is using intimidation and violence to hinder God's purpose and plans for our lives but where do we see some good news yes and I'll be reading from the New Living Translation Daniel 10 vs. 19 don't be afraid he said for you are very precious to God peace be encouraged be strong and he spoke these words to me I suddenly felt stronger and said to him please speak to me My Lord for you have strengthened me you are greatly beloved be or not you say well I wish a ranger would say that to me mm-hmm but actually God Himself is that it to us give me some Bible promises maybe some folks Evelynn are not as acquainted with the Bible can you think of a Bible promise that speaks about not needing to be afraid there are lots of them is there one that comes to your mind while you're thinking rodney has one make me read one absolutely no one Joshua 1 Joshua chapter 1 okay and I will read verse ix I was thinking you might read verse nine yes Joshua Joshua chapter one and verse and verse nine and what translation of the Bible do you have I have a new King James Version alright here Joshua has just begun his work as the leader following the great man of God Moses and what's the word there in Joshua 1:9 have I not commanded you be strong and of a good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go is that Moses speaking to Joshua Oh know who's speaking to Joshua God himself verse 1 it says the Lord spoke to Joshua right the strong and of good courage do not fear or be dismayed all right now you found what Evelyn and we'll come to Stephanie by the way this is important it's not just well I heard someone say well I think no we're reading promises from the Bible the battle is real but God comes to Daniel and says you're greatly beloved don't be afraid right Evelyn where would you like to read um so Psalms chapter 27 verse 1 Psalm 27 verse what is one of the Psalms of David Psalm 27 by the way I used to think that all of the Psalms were written by David I was wrong there are lots of other songs written by Moses and Asaph and but this I think is a psalm of David and you'd like to read verse 1 I'll be reading from the New King James Version the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid I was wanting to put one word in there too to make it even more clear because David obviously knows where he stands but I would tell people when who when okay so when the Lord is your light and salvation you don't have anyone to fear right when the Lord is the strength of your life you don't need to be afraid so what's key there what makes the difference we need to have the Lord with us I make the choice to say be the Lord of my life right yeah be my the God of my salvation that's the same as Ephesians 6 I need to do what to the armor Jesus I belong to you and the Prophet says put on the armor you're going to experience what the battle you're gonna experience the spiritual battle but we don't need to be afraid Stephanie you had another encouraging word by the way the verse you read may be exactly the verse someone on hope Santa school needs to hear today it may be a verse that was given to her as a child and she forgot it but she's gonna hear it again so what's the verse that the spirit brought to your mind Exodus 14 verses 13 and 14 second book of the Old Testament Scriptures Exodus chapter 14 yes verses 13 and 14 14 you know I really like it when we do this kind of Bible study now it's not just random we're focusing on why we don't need to be afraid right because of the victory that is ours in God Exodus 14 13 and 14 correct and I'm reading from the King James Version and Moses said unto the people fear ye not stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will show you today for the Egyptians whom you ye have seen today you shall see them again no more forever the Lord will fight she'll fight for you and ye shall hold your peace what's the setting do you know in in Exodus 14 John just relates from the banks of the Red Sea and what's behind the Egyptian armies are fast approaching I mean this is a lethal weapon yep and they're in the sights of the lethal weapon and God says what still stand still stand still watch what God's going to do now that's only meaningful if I take in my stand under the banner of the Lord right now if I've taken my stand under his banner well we could look at some other Bible text but I want to give you a chance in the last few minutes of our study to share another testimony not where you felt Satan trying to hinder God's purpose but where God delivered you from fear as you trusted wholly in him anybody have a testimony where where it's like well he delivered me so I know that my life of my future rests in his care Alex I was at a point in my life and I've shared part of this testimony before on here but I was important in my life where I was I was scared about what the future was holding for me I was heavy into drugs and in doing things the world going out to clubs and such and and I was in a rut I couldn't get out of this rut and I my only resource left was God and I I knew to look to him and I cried out to him I said Lord I can't get through this by myself I've tried you've seen me try before and I fall every time get me out of this rut that I'm in and it was a scary prayer to pray because in my mind you know the only thing I thought could get me out of this is either going to jail for something you know for a long time for something for some of the people's hanging out with or something bad happening to me through other things nobody the devil would say the only two options or jail or death but you confused to believe that God has a different plan for me you know and is there's a couple months laughter that but it just in a very very very real way he picked me up and turned me around he pulled me out of the situation I was in pulled me away from the situation I was in for like a month and a half and put me in touch with the right people and I turn around and I haven't looked back since and here he is on hopes episode what does that tell you I was able victorious mm-hmm God is able he's able the battles real but God is able to deliver those who call upon him someone else a time when God delivered you from fear as you trusted wholly in him anybody else have a story to share I have a psalm others you have a song a Bible text okay well others are thinking all right Psalm 23 verses 4 through 6 alright this is a psalm of David Psalm 23 probably one of the best-known Psalms for anyone who's been reading them it's the one about the Lord being our Shepherd isn't it and what translation will you be reading from them new King James Version and you want to read verses 4 through 6 of Psalm 23 alright yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever do we know how old David was when he wrote this Psalm any idea anyone I think he was still a shepherd boy okay he's still writing at least in shepherd language isn't he so she is saying he's probably still a shepherd which would mean he was fairly young maybe even still a teenager right early twenties and he says even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death he's going to have to do that many times with King Sol trying to kill him right I will fear no evil women you're with me he knew that's enough and he uses the imagery of a shepherd rod and staff right for guidance and for protection Evelyn did you have a testimony you wanted to share yeah just something quick well I knew from a while back God was calling me to step out of my comfort zone and he was saying Evelyn you need to evangelize maybe do it by we'll study or preach and I was afraid of it and so early this year I was praying to God I was like God if you're leaving me to do ministry guide me to it and I just want to be happy and rejoice in you so I was afraid for a while because I was like what if I'm not following God's will what if I don't follow through and I got in contact with milena here in Hope Sabbath school and she said we're looking for a Bible study partner like Oh or a Bible worker partner will you please be my partner sounds like you know what this is the perfect opportunity and I know I know God led me to that so that's my little testimony that I know God led me into doing his his work and now you're here on Hope Sabbath school and you're your professional goal is not to be a pastor you're you're studying to be a nurse to be a nurse how many people think Christian nurses are a good idea absolutely you know when we are delivered from fear to say God let your purpose be fulfilled in my life we can have perfect peace doesn't it say he'll keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you why because she trusts in you because he trusts in you and that battle that we experienced Daniel chapter 10 talks about it even holy angels are involved in this cosmic battle like Gabriel but Michael the leader of the Angels comes we're gonna learn more about Michael in a future study here in the book of Daniel but deliverance comes from the Lord and we can experience that same deliverance in our lives we can experience the same supernatural protection we can hear the same words that Daniel heard you are greatly beloved by God what a precious promise that is let's rejoice in his victory whatever challenge were facing today let's pray our Father in Heaven many who are watching hope Sabbath school today realize the battle is intense and I just thank you for the assurance that there is victory in you but some may be learning for the first time and I pray that rather than being fearful about this real cosmic battle we would come to you stand under your protection stand under your banner and be at peace in your victory I thank you in the name of Jesus amen but thanks for joining us what an amazing study what a peace and joy is ours beloved children who God go out and share that good news [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you
Channel: Hope Sabbath School - Official
Views: 25,632
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Keywords: Hope Sabbath School, hopesabbathschool, Derek Morris, Seventh-Day Adventist
Id: wxiCvXJXLm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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