Hope Sabbath School: Lesson 3- The Message of Jesus to the Seven Churches

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[Music] [Applause] [Applause] welcome to Hope Sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the Word of God we are in the middle of an amazing series on the book of Revelation today the messages of Jesus to the seven churches those were seven literal churches that's also describing the history of the Christian Church and also the condition of churches and of our lives today so lots of lessons that can bless our lives and I'm glad you're with us for hope Sabbath school and what have you learned so far from my series of the book of Revelation anybody what's the most important lesson you've learned Travis Jesus is dwelling among us alright Jesus is dwelling among us Lisa all about Jesus it's all about Jesus and we're gonna be excited today as we learn more about Jesus and we're glad that you're part of our hopes have a school family here are just a few emails from John in the Solomon Islands who'd like to go visit John and the Solomon Islands alright I think we all would he writes he says hello hopes have a school team I'm a church member and I'm blessed listening to you and the Solomon Islands your discussions actually support us by dissecting the study where it's easily understood and put into practice you're touching the world dramatically in preparing souls for the soon coming of Jesus continue with God's work and it's a privilege to share for him once again love from the Solomon Islands well we're glad you wrote to us John and we're glad that you're also sharing the Word of God with your people there here's a note from ciona in the Kingdom of Tonga and he sent me a picture I thought you've got to see this wonderful witness for Christ he's an attorney he's a commissioner of oaths in the Kingdom of Tonga and there he is Sione and he says I am truly blessed by hope the channel I'm from the friendly Islands of Tonga in the South Pacific I've been teaching Sabbath School in my little Church of about 30 members since 2005 but only started using the hope Sabbath school guide since watching hope Channel in 2017 now you know that single page outline that we use for our study so he was an amazing story he says I wish to share with you at the beginning of 2018 when I started our lesson study each Sabbath using this hope Sabbath school outline the neighbors whose houses are surrounding our little church would come and sit outside their houses so they could listen to the interactive study and I'll have to raise my voice louder so they could hear to the Word of God our young people started inviting their friends from other churches to come to our lessons study and I can see each Sabbath the members of our service school increase and we say that's awesome that's without a loudspeaker thank you for your global ministry may God bless you and if every one of you well and then he says Oh for our two kindest regards from Tonga well thanks so much see Annette for writing to us from the Kingdom of Tonga it's exciting to see what God's doing isn't it yes wouldn't it be exciting where you have a Bible study that people start sitting outside leave the windows open Josh the windows open here's a note from Daniel in Texas he says I was raised in the church but drifted away for many years I gave my heart to Jesus and came back to him just a few years ago amen when they asked me about a year ago what I wanted to do for the church I did not answer instead I said to the Lord I'm not gonna tell you what I want to do for you I'm going to let you tell me what you want me to do for you soon after that I was asked to become a Sabbath school teacher Wow I felt unqualified and inadequate but I watch hope Sabbath school every week and it helped me prepare to teach is that awesome Daniel thanks for writing from Texas and you know it really is true when we teach the word we learn even more for ourselves don't we here's a note from an Antigua they say that right Joshua if Antigua did well mean that you're from Antigua yes I was just there are you were just there okay well this this is from a donor in Antigua I'm not gonna read the donors name but she says greetings in Jesus name enclosed is a gift of $40 for use as you see fit in spreading the good news of salvation keep up the good work until Jesus comes well to our sister in Antigua thank you for being part of our ministry you know hope Sabbath schools our donors supported ministry and what you do go to Hope TV org slash donate you can you imagine if a thousand people gave $10 that's ten thousand dollars well this is 40 that would be forty thousand dollars thanks so much for being part of our ministry here's a note from Stephen in Kenya anybody without wait Lisa that's your home wave-wave to Stephen in Kenya alright praise Jesus you're really blessing me your program adds life to my experience with Jesus following you from moranga County in central Kenya and Stevens the church elder well Lisa gave you a special smile because that's your home country - we're glad that you wrote to us you know it's amazing to me we've gone all the way from Solomon Islands to Tonga to Kenya that God is touching people's hearts around the world and we're just glad you're part of our hopes have a school family but right now we want to sing our scripture song it's taken from the book of Revelation it's word-for-word from Jesus revelation 1 17 and 18 and I think also verse 8 so there's a red letters of Revelation chapter 1 and if you have not yet learned it go to our website hope TV org slash hope SS you can download the mp3 file the sheet music sing it in your Bible study let's sing it together right now [Music] do not be afraid [Music] I am the a pioneer I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amen you know the the word amen in the book of Revelation sometimes the whole group says that's right it means a heart agrees right let it be so it's a beautiful thing to hear the word of Jesus and he's declaring let it be so I am the Alpha and the Omega and today as we're studying the messages of Jesus to the seven churches we gotta see what does that mean for us today what is the word from Jesus for us today we're glad you're joining us for Hope Sabbath school let's pray that our ears could be open to hear father in heaven I just thank you so much your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path we believe that no prophecy comes of any private interpretation but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit and we thank you that you preserve that word for us today and for the promised blessing for those who read and who hear the message of the book of Revelation so may that promise be fulfilled with each one who joins for Hope Sabbath School today we pray in the name of Jesus amen well we're basically in Revelation chapter two and three today and you see that's not very much but as I look at what we have to cover we've only got an hour study to cover some life-changing messages as we begin so we're going to go to Revelation chapter 2 in our previous study we're in a series on the book of Revelation we began looking at the first church Ephesus but I want to review that again with you as we continue and Jason could you give us a summary reading chapter two verses one through seven I want you specifically to notice we've talked about this church that lost its first love I want you to listen to how Jesus is described and how does this message relate to us today okay so let's hear from Revelation chapter two verses one through seven I'll be reading from the New King James Version Revelation chapter two verses one through seven to the Angel of the Church of Ephesus right these things says he who holds the seven stars in his right hand who walks in the midst of the seven golden lampstands I know your works your labor your patience and that you cannot bear those who are evil and you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not and have found them liars and you have persevered and have patience and have labored for my name's sake and have not become weary nevertheless I have this against you that you have left your first love remember therefore from where you have fallen repent and do the first works or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent but this you have that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans which I also hate he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches to him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of God all right so was there a Christian Church in Ephesus there was right in fact in Ephesians chapter 1 it says Paul says I know of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints so when that church was founded it was a church that loved God and loved the saints right what has happened to this church according to the message of Jesus to the church in Ephesus what's happened Jonathan they have lost their first love so does that mean they don't love Jesus anymore or that they don't love him like they once did Marcus what do you think it just means that they don't love him as they once did not with the same passion and the same fervor as when they first learned about the gospel okay now Travis I'd say that they lost that Jesus wasn't their motivation anymore you know I struggled with that because I just can't imagine traditionally that they just don't love him anymore but they don't love him like they did with that first love they've lost their first love now the interesting thing and we're going to see this in all seven churches they're not only literal churches but but it it seems as you look at this seven and why seven churches there were many more than seven churches right but the spirit impresses here as Jesus shares with joined seven churches are chosen and they represent not only different conditions but they represent the history of the Christian Church from its start to the to the conclusion so so we look this is the early Christian Church what first century how long did it take before they lost their first love not very long Lisa I mean is there any indication even in the New Testament Jonathan that they're losing their first love yeah both Paul and John I believe are start talking about this other influence that's coming in and warning about these things saying that something is going to slip in and that's a counterfeit that's going to draw people away you know my Bible for this section says the loveless church ouch but they've lost that that passion that first love experience with Jesus so how does Jesus describe himself did you notice that these things says he who what holds the seven stars in his right hand and does what now what what are the stars the churches the Angels right and by the way that word anger loss can be a heavenly angel or it can be a an earthly messenger some believe this would be the leaders or leader of the church there and is that an encouraging thing that the Lord holds him in his head yes but they lost their first love what is it where's the encouragement there they lost their first love but he's still holding them in his hand Lisa I think as we said earlier this is the first century so the church is going through a lot of persecution and people are you know almost lost hope the disciples have been persecuted and to know that even though we've lost a lot Christ still is with us is very comforting to people who are looking for love and looking for a shepherd to guide them into the future so he's holding the Stars and what else is he doing walking we're not away from right he's walking in the midst of the seven churches now if it represents this early period of church history and it's also a literal Church are there Ephesus churches today in other words will the seven churches also represent different types of churches today as well have you have you met any churches don't give me a name that once seemed really on fire and and appeared of lost their first love yes Joshua tell me where it is but how could that happen there's this common trend that I've seen with many churches who desire to grow maybe they start off really small it's a church plant and then they go out and they evangelize and they tell people about Jesus and people start to come in and they say hey let's raise money and build a real church because this is just a small little plant and then they finally get the money and they build their church and just like that they become complacent and so when they had this goal in mind the specific goal which was represented by a building once they got it all of a sudden their energy their fervor is gone they became complacent it's interesting and we will I will get to this later but it's interesting that some of the challenges of the early church are the challenges of the endtime Church right they're cold lukewarm you know well lukewarm and losing your first love sounds somewhat similar doesn't it yeah yeah neither hot or cold so there are some challenges Tricia Lee yeah I'm just gonna act what Joshua said that they they haven't they're still fervent they are just very passionate about getting rid of evil in their ranks and so they're passionate about getting rid of evil and calling out false apostles but they're not as passionate about Jesus or about their first love so it's just that they have a misguided passion and so let's keep our energy focused on the true source which is on Christ and sight it can happen to anyone if we just get so focused and passionate about rooting out evil or rooting out the bad things that we're not focusing on Jesus anymore now isn't it a text somewhere that talks about fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith where is that is it hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 - fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy set before him endured the cross right so you're saying that the antidote whether it was in the literal Church in Ephesus or in the early Christian period or in our life in our lives today is to keep our eyes focused on Jesus we're just summarizing the first part that we actually looked at in our previous study we need to move on to the second church which is Smyrna and they were actually Smyrna churches today but there was a Smyrna Church back then and it also represented a period markers of church history so would you read for us from Revelation chapter 2 verses 8 through 11 sure and while Marcus is reading also listen to how Jesus is described because you said it was encouraging the first time right even though they lost their first love he's still holding them and walking in their midst revelation 2 verses 8 through 11 I'll be reading from the King James Version and unto the Angel of the church in Smyrna write these things saith the first and the last which was dead and is alive I know thy works and tribulation and poverty but thou art rich and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the synagogue of Satan fear none of these things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that you may be tried and ye shall have tribulation 10 days be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death now again this is the literal city sumona what was going on there keeps they were being persecuted that's right they were suffering so what's the significance of the way Jesus is described he's nothing he was dead and he is alive so anybody going under facing death and persecution he's saying don't worry you'll be raised up too if you have to go through this I'm the victor I remember the scripture son I have the keys thank you right of Hades and of death he's literally the grave and a death Jesus has the keys so he's reminding us of his what authority and his victory over death right all right I'm the one who was dead not alive forevermore yes if you tie this message that Jesus is given to this faithful believers like in Matthew chapter 28 verse 20 he says that I'll be with you to the very end and John went to prison in Patmos but God was with him so he's telling you that be faithful unto the end right right showing that he's not going to leave them no was there persecution even in the first century yes absolutely disciples were killed like most of the disciples were killed John's thrown off onto a rocky island called Patmos which is where as Kenneth pointed out God still works right and gives a revelation of Jesus Christ to him but the church continues to grow and so persecution intensifies what period of church history is that you see this persecution intensifying Marcus this is a approximately a hundred ad to about 313 ad and if you look particularly at its verse I believe it's verse 10 it says fear none of these things those things which thou shalt suffer behold the devil shall cast some of you into prison that's persecution that you may be tried and ye shall have tribulation ten days be thou faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life and we know historically at that point in time the Roman Emperor Diocletian was actually persecuting intensely the Christians of that day from about 303 ad to around 313 ad so there's a dramatic fulfillment in the big picture of the history of the Christian Church while they were already being persecuted back in the first century in the smyrna church right right what about today are there any Smyrna churches today where might we find some Smyrna churches by the way the Lord doesn't give them a lot of rebuke does it yeah he says hold on and be faithful where might we find some Smyrna churches today lavinia various parts of the world we're blessed in our country to have freedom of religion we have a constitutional which enshrines basic freedoms granted to all citizens but that's not necessarily the case in other parts of the world uh you know I travel to different parts of the world with my responsibilities with the hope channel and without mentioning names I was just in the last couple of months one place where they shut down 60 churches mmm another place where they said it's 10 times more difficult than it used to be mm-hmm people are put in prison just for believing in Jesus Wow right so there are Smyrna churches today what would what would the one how does he describe himself again what would the one who's the first than the last who was dead and came to life what would he say Jonathan to those people and again I don't want to mention countries which might make it difficult for the Christians who were there but you know some of those places right where people are losing their lives what would Jesus the ones the first and the last say to them I mean I think he says the same thing that I mean he is the beginning he is life he is resurrection from the dead and so you don't have to live out of fear you can trust God will raise you up just like he raised me up yeah Joshua one thing that I'm noticing about this church is that they seem to be in a better position than many of the other churches that we'll read about out of the seven because you know although they're going through persecutions although things around them aren't the best god I mean Jesus doesn't really say anything negative directly about them so maybe we should pray for persecution we're fine what do you think I don't know don't well the bible does say blessed if you're persecuted for right I don't know we should seek persecution right but Joshua makes an important point maybe when everything is just very comfortable and even even we have our nice religious organization we can just relax and and we're in danger when persecution comes maybe we have to make a definite decision where where we stand does that make sense yes and what's the promise to the Smyrna believers wherever they are in Earth's history they will not be hurt by the second death they what's the difference between the first death and the second death that's an interesting term the second death the Bible describes the first death as sleep as asleep right and when do believers wake from that sleep it's clear in the Bible isn't it the dead in Christ shall rise first it's in the book of Revelation so the dead in Christ what's the second death there's structure that's the final destruction fire comes down from heaven destroys those who refuse to accept God's saving grace and and of course the earth is also purified and there's a new heavens and a new earth that's the final death just like there is a a an eternal life there is an eternal death that's what the Bible calls the second death so don't be afraid because even if you die you're gonna rise again you're gonna rise again and you will not be hurt by the second death that's an encourage message yes Jonathan how does a verse go that bright says he who loses his life in this life shall gain an eternal life I think that that can be applied to us whether or not work and during physical persecution but that perspective that yes it's the eternal life is what really matters and we can go through and that would enable me to face the first death mm-hmm without fear yeah right that's why I said do not yeah that's why he says do not fear he's got the keys all right let's move on we've got the early Christian Church which tragically having once had a first love it's kind of lost that first love experience then we've got Satan saying what the church keeps growing I'm gonna crush the church with persecution but then comes another strategy it's sometime after 313 ad if we're looking at the big picture right and this church is described as the in my Bible the compromising church Joshua would you read for us from revelation 2 verses 12 through 17 17 and I'll be reading from the New King James Version the Bible says and to the Angel of the church in Pergamos write these things say he who has the sharp two-edged sword I know your works and where you dwell where Satan's throne is and you hold fast to my name and did not deny my faith even in the days in which Antipas was my faithful martyr who was killed among you where Satan dwells but I have a few things against you because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality thus you have also those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans which thing I hate repent or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches to him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to and I will give him a white stone and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it so this church this compromising Church described the church in Pergamos literal Church what kind of compromises are they making again they're they're allowing pagan ideas that's the nick elation idea right now mixing paganism and Christianity together and why do you think Jesus is described as the one with the two edged sword Jonathan yeah I'm kind of read a verse real quick I mean absolutely I think it fits really well with Hebrews 4:12 Hebrews chapter 4 what translation in new I new international version new International Version Hebrews chapter four he says for the word of God is alive and active sharper than any double-edged sword it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit joints and marrow it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart is that talking about the Bible or about Jesus the Bible what verse 13 says there's no creature hidden from his sight right and the logos which is the word used for the word of God here is the one who was in the beginning with the word is it so is it Jesus or is it the Bible or is it both is one the Living Word and one the written word what did Jesus say about the written word this sort testifies about me right so you would say then that the truth that Jesus speaks and the truth in the scripture is the two-edged sword yeah and and Christ himself that by the truth that he lives and he speaks is able to cut through things that maybe are hidden in the in the soul thing like cutting and dividing these things were it's it's things are hidden in our heart that the truth of the scripture and the truth of Krait speak is able to lay bare the things that need laid bared in in this church and in in our lives so why do you think that people mix paganism and truth together what's the rationale for that either back there in Pergamos or during that period of church history where the church now becomes legal right not only legal religion lots of people come into the church time of emperor constantine and following right he marches his whole army through the river they say and they're all baptized they actually come up just wet soldiers but to him they've all become Christians why do you think what's the rationale for mixing paganism and Christianity together hiding what it might be just that people are afraid now to offend people they were then and they still are now this very much applies to us there are a lot of things that you see happening even in the Christian world and people are too afraid to say something because they're like oh no you know I'm they're gonna get upset with me they're not gonna like what I have to say but I heard someone saying just this week that we need to be afraid to offend God and not afraid to offend a man mm-hmm Wow so they've certainly seen persecution and now it seems to be a time of ease with Joshua you said is a dangerous time right why else might Alex you mix paganism and then Lavinia why what we mix it together no it's also it's a compromise and so it's it's allowing people to compromise it's allowing them to keep the things that they're comfortable with in their lives they're adding religion to it so it just it makes them it makes them satisfy the things that religion but allowing them to keep the things that they're used to but if we brought their idols in and called them Saints and we brought some of their festivals in and baptized you've heard the expression baptized paganism yeah we baptize it wouldn't that make it easier for them mmm they've become the Church of Nea what are you thinking about this motivation to compromise sure I was only going to say in addition to what Jonathan said you attract a broader audience you by compromising you mean yeah generally speaking yeah as you know more more people have more of what they want without having to to leave anything aside so maybe the rationale might be well if we want our church to grow if we kind of mix it all together and baptize some paganism and maybe not make it such a great sacrifice to follow Jesus is is that a danger today yeah yeah myself we don't mix paganism in with Christianity I think there's also a temptation for power and I think that at this period of church history and even today in lands where Christianity was being preached those who were pagans had the positions of power and authority and in order to kind of broke her that power agreement okay we'll adopt your beliefs you adopt ours therefore you create these political alliances but you know we need to be careful because the Word of God is the truth and we need to be able to know how to give that truth the way that we have received it from Christ so if this is not only a period of church history and a literal church of course it could also be churches doing that today yeah well we got to move on because there's seven we want to move on to Revelation trishal a chapter 2 verse 18 to 29 Thea Tyra not a well-known City at least in the rest of the scriptures we don't hear a lot of it like Ephesus and Philip I but Thyatira one of the churches again literal Church but also representing a period of church history and maybe representing some churches at all times during the history of the Christian Church reading from the New King James Version and to the angel of the church in Thyatira write these things say the Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire and his feet like fine brass I know your works love service faith and your patience and as for your work last are more than the first nevertheless I have a few things against you because you allow that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols and I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality and she did not repent indeed I will cast her into a sickbed and those who commit adultery with her into Great Tribulation unless they repent of their deeds I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am he who searches the minds and hearts and I will give to each one of you according to your works now to you I say and to the rest in Thyatira as many as do not have this doctrine who have not known the depths of Satan as they say I will put you I will put on you no other burden but but hold fast what you have till I come and he who overcomes and keeps my works until the end to him I will give power over the nation's he shall rule them with a rod of iron they shall be dashed to pieces like The Potter's vessels as I also have received from my father and that will give him the morning star he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches does it surprise you that there is a faithful remnant living in the midst of this corrupt Church does that surprise you no no why doesn't it surprise you I mean it's like it's like totally gone over to the ways of Satan the reason is if you he makes some reference to some Old Testament characters like if you remember doing a Hardee's where just bill was there Elijah thought no o Israel by God awesome faithful people so you you're pointing back because this mentions symbolically Jezebel no there was actually a Jezebel in Thyatira but the Old Testament was the false prophet s right before the lead of apostasy really right pagan apostasy and king ahab with her and and yet kenneth is saying that in the midst of that corruption this is the corrupt time of the christian church you got elijah back then representing god's remnant and how many did the Lord say it not bowed the knee Elijah's like no I have 7000 is that number 7 again that's interesting God has a remnant even in the midst of that corruption during that time what what period would that be that just seems to have gone into great apostasy and yet God's got a remnant the church has become corrupt Jason this sounds like the medieval time period so somewhere from the early persecutions up to the Reformation time and what can be called the Middle Ages or some might even say the Dark Ages mm-hmm well we've got to keep moving by the way there could be some of those Dark Age churches even today yeah right but we need to always remember what even in those dark age churches those Saye tired churches what there's a remnant there in fact revelation 18 the Lord says the message of the angel is come out of her my people so be careful that we don't give up yes even during that time we need to move on to the church in sardis you say some of the others no no discouragement given to them but Sardis I don't find an awful lot of affirmation laurel could you read for us chapter 3 now verses 1 to 6 we're looking at this 5th period of church history and my Bible says the dead church that's the tragic combination of words the dead church all right I'll be reading from the new American Standard Bible revelations 3 1 through 6 to the Angel of the church in Sardis right he who has the seven spirits of God and the Seven Stars says this I know your deeds that you have a name that you are alive but you are dead wake up and strengthen the things that remain which were about to die for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of my god so remember what you have received and heard and keep it and repent therefore if you do not wake up I will come like a thief and you will not know at what hour I will come to you but you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments and they will walk with me in white for they are worthy he who overcomes will thus be closed in white garment and I will not erase his name from the book of life and I will confess his name before my father and before his angels he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches so this is the my Bible says the dead church you've got a name that you're alive but you're dead literal church right in SAR in Sardis wherever that was you say but there are a lot of other churches how come they only chose these seven but they represent different conditions and they also represent the history of the church right it could be other churches what what antidote is there for this terrible condition that the Sardis Church is in is there any hope yes what's the hope be watchful wake up Jesus Jesus thank you if you don't know the answer whether I say what's the hope the answer is the answer is Jesus because apparently there were a few even in Sardis who have not defiled their garments right Travis I would like to say when we look back at the Church it said to those who overcome he was going to give them the Morningstar yes and this period brings us into the time of the Reformation and John Wycliffe was called the Morningstar of the Reformation because he brought Jesus back to the center right back to front and center again and and then they said the books were that they wouldn't blot him out of the book of life so this takes us back to like a judgment that could take place or something like that so we see like the Reformation starting here in this night period we've got to move on to Philadelphia Philadelphia is my favorite one by the way and always used to think how come I miss Philadelphia because I think we're in the last days of Earth's history but I do believe there are Philadelphia Christians today I do believe there are even Philadelphia churches today just like there was a Philadelphia Church back then and this represents a another era in the Christian history of the Christian Church the Great Awakening the great mission movement and let's read about the church in Philadelphia and Jonathan could you read for us from verses 7 through 13 in Revelation chapter 3 alright I'll be reading from the New International Version - the angel of the church in Philadelphia right these are the words of him who is holy and true who holds the key of David what he opens no one can shut and what he shuts no one can open I know your deeds see I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut I know that you have little strength yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name I will make those who are the synagogue of Satan who claim to be Jews though they are not but are liars I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you since you have kept my command to endure patiently I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come in the world to test the inhabitants of the earth I'm coming soon hold on to what you have so that no one will take your crown the one who is victorious I will make a pillar the temple of my god never again will they leave it I will write on them the name of my god and the name of the city of my god the New Jerusalem which is coming down out of heaven from my god and I will write also write on them my new name whoever has ears let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches so what's your impression as you hear the words to the church in Philadelphia Marcus well the impression is that this is like a great spiritual revival it's like a Great Awakening so whereas the last couple of churches we may I might think I might believe that the those are like the Roman Catholic Church this is definitely the Protestant Church and the Protestant Reformation this is around the same time when America is formed as well mid 1700s to later late mid 1800s so there's a great spiritual awakening and the things of Jesus Christ are coming back into the forefront back into the make the mainstream people and you know it's really important to remember as we think about this movement that God whether we're speaking about the church or in the Dark Ages or during the Reformation that God has his remnant in all of those places right unfortunately the truth of God's Word have been abandoned and there's a Reformation calling back to the truths of God's Word what do you think during this Philadelphia well whether it's the literal Philadelphia Church or this time coming up Reformation Great Awakening were there Fiat IRA Christians during that time were there Sardis Christians during that time were there yes Ephesus Christians who lost their first love yes so what's it saying that the general description of these people is that they're loving God and on fire for God mm-hmm do you know any philadelphia churches today yeah you met any like that have you been somewhere yes yeah where have you been where you've seen a Philadelphia Church yes Travis I preached in a church over by Detroit and just was really I was really excited to see the love that that church had for their community and for others and I just as I'm just never forget you know preaching there was just an amazing time and you're a lay preacher so that was you saw that fervent I guess the comparison between Philadelphia and Ephesus would be they still had the first love experience here is that right yeah you saw that anyone else see someone like that I don't see all of you going whoo-whoo-whoo we need more Philadelphia churches right Jason at various times in my life there been one or two churches that very much impacted me because I felt they were like a Philadelphia Church we were very active in ministry but yet we also had a close connection with our group as well it wasn't just about you know going out and doing things it was also about building up the church and caring for all ages and all the different groups within the church and so I just felt the presence of God really in the church and really in the community of believers so how can we have more Philadelphia churches we're gonna look at the last year which is Laodicea how can we have more Philadelphia churches today which replicate if you will or resemble that first Littoral Philadelphia Church we're gonna happen yeah Joshua you need a passion for Christ passion for Christ Travis we just got to bring Jesus back to front and center so the church before this they came out of that era where Jesus was front and center and if we keep Jesus front and center the church will be like him will behold when we behold they come changed so here we got one more period of church history I wish we could stop and say we end with Philadelphia but apparently last time Church let's look and see in Revelation chapter 3 and I'm going to ask Katie if you would read for us verses 14 through 20 to remember there's a literal church called Laodicea there's also big picture so we're at the end of this history of the Christian Church and it also could represent literal congregations today alright I'll be reading from the New King James Version and it says and to the Angel of the Church of Laodicea --nz write these things says the Amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God I know your works that you are neither cold nor hot I could wish you were cold or hot so then because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will vomit you out of my mouth because you say I am rich have become wealthy and have need of nothing and do not know that you are wretched miserable poor blind and make it I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire that you may be rich and white garments that you may be clothed that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed and anoint your eyes with eyesalve that you may see as many as I love I rebuke and chasten therefore be zealous and repent behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me to him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne as I also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches now if I just read one verse in last part of verse 16 in revelation 3 I will vomit you out of my mouth I might come to the false conclusion what what would the false conclusion be just from their one I will vomit you out of my mouth they're lost that they're lost that's right that that the that Christ who's in the midst of his seven churches who holds the Stars in his hands he's rejecting this later see in church whether the literal church back there in the city of Laodicea or this last day Church the last of the seven right but the history of the Christian Church that he's rejecting that Joe says I will vomit you out of my mouth why why is that a false conclusion from from what the text is saying where do you find some hope Trisha lay in the counsel of in verse 20 he still says behold I'm at the door knocking so that invitation remains if there was no hope he wouldn't be at the door knocking and inviting an invitation to fellowship with us he says if anyone opens the door he's gonna come in what does that mean Alex what does it mean I'm knocking open the door come in what's that talking about I haven't the door of our hearts you know he he's not a forceful God he's not gonna force his way into our hearts but he's a loving God and he's knocking he wants to come in he wants to join us he wants to fellowship with us but he's not gonna he's not going to do it unless we open the door and invite him into our hearts invite him into our lives so this layer the see in church this this last stretch of the description of the history of the Christian Church how did they get lukewarm and I know that in the literal city of later seer they were hot springs and cold springs by the time all the water got there it was all warm you know and so they understood they got that but how did they get there to that lukewarm condition that the Lord says if you don't repent I'm gonna spin you out of my mouth I think it's like Joshua was saying that you know they fell into a comfort zone yeah and they just think oh I'm everything's okay and when you lose like that I don't know you forget that you have a need for God you know it's easy to then turn away and become lukewarm whereas the other people that were being persecuted they realized me and I have a need for God and that made the difference so maybe we should pray God whatever needs to happen to show me my great need of you mm-hmm yeah let it happen is that a dangerous prayer to pray yeah you say not if you're praying to a savior who loves you right Lisa and also the verse says that even though they were rich and wealthy they didn't know that they were wretched and poor and blind inside so this church probably felt like oh you know I can run to the store and get a quick fix for my problem instead of going to Christ and so I think that this kind of describes where we are as a modern church where we have we've been blessed with so many things to help us but we don't go to the source of the help which is Christ who can really go in the inside of us and heal us and make us whole so as you think about the big picture now seven literal churches there were many more but the lord chooses seven symbol of a completeness right and he shows the history of the Christian Church and also I think the condition of the church at all times in Earth's history you choose the one there's some Philadelphia churches there's some Laodicean churches what is the most important lesson that you learned from this study Haiti because we know we don't understand everything about the book but the Bible did promise a blessing to those who read and hear this book right what's the most important lesson you learn one thing that's really standing out to me is there's hope for everyone yes yes bye are any of the seven churches yes despite our failures despite the state that you might be in spiritually God is reaching out his hand to you you know he's knocking on that door he does not give up he is fighting and persisting for you and all you have to do is accept there's hope for all of us I'll be eternal life and they would have been hope for all down through those ages too right because everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved someone else what's an important lesson you learned Alex well I see it's a trend through all these churches that he overcomes and if we're to overcome and be faithful to him I highlighted them on the he will offer to eat they let them eat from the tree of life and not be hurt by the second death he would give to eat of the hidden manna you would give power over the nation's he would clothe them in white raiment what and will confess our name before the Father and he will make it smiling by the way well he's just a sauce and he will make them a pillar in this temple and he will grant with them to sit with him on his throne as he sat with his father as him when he overcame so here's the question please think very carefully before you answer this one how do we become an overcomer is this talking about saving ourselves that somehow we like whoa how do I be carryin svit tree in my life and all of those promises of Jesus become mine so how does it happen get to surrender yeah you keep saying if you have an ear here so listen surrender let go whatever it is that we're doing and accept the change that God's trying to work inside of us if we keep trying to do it our own way well we'll be stuck just in these places and the name that Jesus is given in every one of these is what we need and I think revelation 3:19 provides hope for all of us it reads as many as I love I rebuke or rebuke and chasten therefore be zealous and repent ultimately he loves us and he wants us to repent and turn to him amen and that's the message from the seven churches there's no one beyond the Grace and love of God he wants us to know his love repent and to come to him and to experience the salvation only he can provide it's a message of encouragement and I pray that you would accept His grace whatever condition you see yourself in of those seven churches accept that grace today let's pray father in heaven you've provided all that we need Jesus you are all that we need may we accept your grace your salvation your power in our lives to live for you and honor you and we thank you in your Holy Name Amen well I feel like we just started studying this amazing book of Revelation and in fact the council given to these churches if we're late will relate to us at different times in our lives we need to hear blessing as one who years but also we need to do the things written in the book and then go out take the word [Applause] [Music]
Channel: HopeSabbathSchool
Views: 22,851
Rating: 4.6457562 out of 5
Keywords: seventh-day adventist, hopesabbathschool, hope sabbath school, gospel, religion, Bible study, Jesus Christ, christianity, Revelation, end times, seven churches
Id: y04jAZYxvro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 13sec (3493 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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