honestly, i went overboard!!! | book haul

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okay everyone this is uh this is what we're trying to achieve here hello everybody today I'm going to be doing a book haul I'm very excited about this book haul because it is a strange stack of books that I have here um I actually kind of want to issue you a challenge because because I've chosen such an eclectic strange mix of books I think that I will mention at least one book you've never heard of so if you go through this video and you know everything you've heard of every book that I mention here you get some sort of a gold star but because this is a weird pile as you just saw I put the pile down and I see no other option really than to just go from top to bottom so in no real order from top to bottom here are some books that I got over the last few months I started quarantine by really not buying any books at all I thought I really loved buying books in person in book shops I'll do that once the quarantine is over but obviously this is an ending anytime soon so I slowly started buying books from online bookstores and I did that over and over and over and over and over again and then as things got harder and sadder I bought more and more books and now here we are with like 21 books to show you so these two books are some of the latest I got in the mail they are there they're by Tommy orange and in my own moccasins a memoir of resilience by Helen not so these are both books that I picked up from iron dog books which is an independent bookshop in Vancouver that is run by um a First Nation staff which is really cool so this book I've literally never heard someone say a bad thing about like I've never heard anyone review this that would didn't love it and so it's about twelve different characters all from different Native communities working towards getting to a powwow and I love the idea of reading so many different characters but that are all moving towards the same central point that's something that you know it's kind of common think about like the Avengers you're thinking about the Avengers like ever one's bubbling to the same point or the same fight or the same moment but everyone's going in such different directions it's really fun so it's also like the font is pretty big and stuff and it's pretty short so I should be able to read this quickly should I'd start like a stack back here if I put will start a stack it's gonna tumble though um in my own moccasins was a book that I had not heard of myself but I saw it on I think already most people are gonna be like yep haven't heard of that one so this is great because it's a Canadian author who lives in northeastern British Columbia and the reason I picked it up was because it was on Iron Dog books website as a recommended book so um I thought you know trust the experts and I love how little this book is like can you tell how little it is you know what I'll just go to my next book so that you can see like this is a normal hardcover and this is like it's tiny it's also very slim um really love the shape of it so excited about that it's also has the fancy French flaps that's so that's the sign of quality right there but then if we move on to the next one it's a beautifully foolish endeavor by Hank green so a lot of let it let it let it look I'm really excited so this is the sequel to an absolutely remarkable thing a book that I read two years ago when it came out and you know I thought I would like it but I didn't expect to love it as deeply as I did I ended up just absolutely adoring that book I cannot get over that book I'm rereading it right now I meant to reread it earlier so that I feel like this is one just one boy right here I don't know what that guy is doing um I meant to reread it earlier I didn't so I'm currently rereading it so that I can jump into this one really remembering all of the backstory and so that I can get the full impact of this I'm so excited I'm nervous I'm nervous in the way that you are nervous whenever you're reading the sequel to a book you love like will it hold up will the characters end up happy will the world end up okay I've been reading a lot of books about the Internet this year I've kind of read a lot over the years but especially this year and so I'm very excited to get hankerings perspective on the internet and humanity okay I decided to be smart and start a second pile so this book already again I think I'm gonna stump you all with this one founders at work stories of startups early days Jessica Livingston um remember when I just used to read ye remember when I read like books that were popular and people cared no longer now I'm reading a book about startups because again I'm very fascinated on the internet but I'm also very fascinated and pursuing starting my own online business nah nothing to report quite yet but there is a lot of learning to be done right and I love right at the end of the introduction Jessica loosen puts it perfectly I'm especially hoping this book inspires people who want to start startups the fame that comes with success makes startup founders seem like they're a breed apart perhaps if people can see how these companies actually started it will be less daunting for them to envision starting something of their own I hope a lot of the people who read these stories will think hey these guys were once just like me maybe I could do it too so it's this book where she interviews a lot of massive names in the startup world um and talks to them about the first year of their business to kind of debunk this myth that you need to have a lot of money or you need to know exactly what you're doing and I've started flipping through it and it's so much fun I cannot wait to read this book I saw it recommended all over the internet in different places for stuff about startups and businesses and internet businesses so I'm excited even though it looks like a textbook I think it'll be fun okay the next one I got sent to me by the publisher and it is the Great Gatsby the graphic so obviously by F scott Fitzgerald but this is illustrated by I am Morten and the text is adept by Fred Fordham so ill man let me just give you a flippy through here so you can get a gist of the art style um what can I say I love new graphic novel I love The Great Gatsby so I'm here for Great Gatsby adaptation well it well I don't know well I love it I'm not sure I um the adaptation of Animal Farm I can show you this boy I read this boy earlier this year you can let me show you the art style and I absolutely loved it so I think that this this trend to do adaptations of classic novels into graphic novels can work so we shall see we shall see up next we have half-breed by Mariah Maria Campbell so this is one excitingly I started on audiobook and I am loving the audiobook so I'm really glad to be doing both because she reads the audiobook and I mean there is nothing I love more and the memoir read by an author I okay I'll put a poll up here please vote in this poll because I thought I posted this on Instagram and I thought I said something that I believed was not controversial but it turns out that I was like people there was pushback do you prefer it when a book is read by the author now here's the thing with memoirs a hundred percent of the time I think they should be read by the author they do state it's their story let them tell their story but I can totally I get it with some authors don't have like a beautiful reading voice or they're just shy or not that great at reading out loud for you know seven hours but for the most part I prefer when they operate so this is another memoir of an indigenous woman who grew up here in Canada what really excited me and if originally intrigued me was the title half-breed um obviously a slur and like a controversial thing to call someone but I'm a half-breed so I'm allowed to say as a mixed-race person I've always been so interested in learning more about the maytee people I've heard that this is brutal but I'm really excited to read it on to a very different book beat read but it'd be more opposite beat read by Emily Henry this is a book that I bought because my best friend raylene recommended to me we run a podcast together I will link the podcast down below but yeah I don't know if she really put she pitched it so well and when I read the description it's about two authors an author who writes very kind of happy fluffy books and an author who writes very depressing sad serious books they're both having writer's block they both go to this beach to have like kind of a retreat for a summer and they decide to challenge each other to switch Chandra's he'll write something that ends happily and she'll write something more serious and that just sounds like so much fun like to me reading about authors falling in love and having a writing challenge that sounds perfect and I heard really good things about this so I'm hope I'm hoping that I like it as much as I've heard everyone else liking it and seriously good flop okay on the flop test muy bueno I got three more Canadian books for you up next which is exciting um kind of they match in color scheme a mind spread out on the ground love the title by Alicia Eliot these are essays written by the author who is an indigenous woman raised in North America and I think again the second essay is called half-breed a racial biography in five parts that was like the essay that convinced me to get it I was just really excited to read it so here I am love the cover and this one I'm waiting for um my library to give me the audiobook because I have just ice I heard the sample and the sample sounded great but then I also got split tooth by Tonya to gawk Tonya to gawk is a Canadian Inuit throat singer and if you've never heard throat singing I mean I just recommend you type it into Google this book also has pictures in it actually this is a great plug I've got a great opportunity to plug something here so allow me if you will I've been listening to a lot of audiobooks through my local library but when my library doesn't have a book or one you know it has it but it says it's gonna take 18 weeks to arrive and I can't wait I've been using libro FM they're not sponsoring this video but I have an affiliate link down in the description if you want to check it out I get a little affiliate knock-back but you get a couple cool like free ebooks and stuff and it is the greatest because you can support your local bookstore it's not owned by Amazon like audible is so it supports local book shops it helps like an independent book loving company so it's really cool and I've been using it a lot I'm currently listening to digital minimalism and I'm very loving it and I really like the service I really love their team over there so check it out link down below but yeah like I said not sponsored I just think they're really cool in the last book on this little section what is this whole like this is what happens when I don't go into a bookstore to buy books like because I'm just like every I'll just see a book online I'm like oh yeah that sounds great buy it and then like it shows up three weeks later I'm like what a strange purchase that isn't related to anything else in my life this came because I saw my friend talk about it on Instagram and she really sold it as this like lesbian queer gothic spooky but fun story it's that classic story of like you drop out of university and you go back to your hometown but some gothic II spooky ghosty stuff happens somewhere called Crystal Beach I'm not too sure it's also like a very strange shape for a book can you give you agree with me look I'll show you a normal sized hardcover and so you can see how square it is it's like a very square short stout it's don't ok these next two books are they the same book no but is there a theme here yes so I read this book earlier this year I talked about it in a video where I discussed like taking a week off of social media I reviewed it there how to do nothing resisting the attention economy by Jenny Odell I listen to this on audiobook again I super recommend this audiobook so if you're wanting to try out that libro FM thing try this one it was a short fun interesting and thought-provoking read I really enjoyed it and so when I finished it because I listened to it through my library I really wanted a physical coffee so I picked this up and I love I mean they're pink the end pages are pink I love that but when I finished this book I was very curious about like other books or discussing unplugging living in now and I found do nothing how to do nothing and do nothing not related not by the same person or anything this has a sloth on it so obviously winning some sort of an award there the subtitle on this one is resisting the attention economy and the subtitle on this one is how to break away from overworking overdoing and under like there's a bit there's an element of cheese here right for sure but I'm really looking forward to this one um I'm waiting on the audio book still from Libby so I might break and get it from libro if am excited to read it stop sabotaging our well-being but work aside and start living instead of doing so I think good ideas will be pulled from here all right up next what do I got I mean this is just the strangest hey just I don't know man I don't know I love reading I just love reading everything um I get asked often asked like what's your favorite genre and I just panic because I don't know what my favorite genre is anymore it used to be like young adult contemporary that was Lou Jean ER I read the most of that was the genre that I like would just read everything of and like generally enjoyed but now I've just been wanting to read everything everything excites me so like what are we talking about here here we've got the chrysalids by John Wyndham this is a controversial book in my life because I read it in grade 9 when I was 13 14 in high school and I hated it I really disliked it but what I realized years later was that I don't think I hated the book I think I hated the class and the two things got conflated I hated my grade 9 English class I thought it was the worst class ever I hated going I hated English I hated like everything about it but I was just horrible and so I think that this book suffered because when I think about this book that is about an apocalypse a nuclear apocalypse that has affected the way that people are born and bore people are born with differ deformities and if you were born with the deformity you were kind of sent away to the Badlands kind of an idea and it's about like purity and religion and all of those things sound like I would actually really enjoy it now so I think I've got to give this book another shot wow that's a tiny font that's unfortunate I'll tell you that right now that's unfortunate it's a classic tale of like a teenager young young person realizing that maybe the government around them isn't as smart as it seems and then the other book that I got is I'm laughing not because of the specific books just because of how random this hole is this is what the quarantine has done to me it's just unhinged my book buying and I'm just buying everything that I want the story of my life by Helen Keller okay so the other day I was remembering that movie the miracle worker that we all like had to watch as kids and I was like you know what that's incredible did Helen Keller go on to like become a really prolific writer unlike didn't she become like a super badass then I looked up her Wikipedia page and this is exactly what happened with Frida Kahlo and now look where we are I literally the other day I was a yesterday I was looking through my photos on my like camera roll and you can on Apple photos you can like search terms and like search faces like it recognizes people and will show you every photo you've ever taken of a person and I was scrolling through like with the different people categories that I had like my brother my mom my boyfriend me my friends and then it was free to kalos face and I was like what and I clicked on Frida Kahlo and it showed me so many photos that I have saved to my camera roll of Frida Kahlo of my Frida Kahlo books of like just different random Frida Kahlo pictures I've taken Frida Kahlo anyway this is what happened my Helen Keller experience is very similar to my Frida Kahlo experience where I completely read her Wikipedia page and I'm so fascinated about her life and I wanted to learn more so I ended up buying her book and I went with this edition by Signet classics because I'm a lot of books by Cygnet classics and I love these editions they're very satisfying least soft they're not floppy so that's too bad but they're really soft and just like very smudgy I don't know how to explain that they have like a lot of movability it's actually a lot shorter than it looks because this has a lot of her letters involved and I don't think that the letter I think that the letters are just like bonus materials so those are those okay all right well you know what we have we have a theme the last six books that I have here are all graphic novels so I'm trying to remember I feel like there are some books that I'm forgetting to show you that's okay that's okay this is enough heart-stopper by Alice Osmond this chair has a tilt and it keeps like slowly spinning me away okay well so hard stop by Alice Osmond I read radio sounds by Alice oh it's been many many years ago and I absolutely adored it and I've been meaning to read more by her ever since and heart-stopper absolutely is the place like the next stop for me I'm so excited about this book I've heard so many people say great and wonderful things by it Oh Rainbow Rowell loved it gosh that's wonderful um it's got a really beautiful like teal like green color palette which I really love in graphic novels when they when they pick one color and they use that for the coloration love it um I'm surprised by kind of how thick the lines are I don't know if that means anything to anyone but just as a person who reads a lot of graphic novels the lines usually aren't this thick so um I think that sounds looks really cool yeah okay we're starting a third pilot can't be bought no I wanted to show up then I have new kid by Gerry craft super excited about this this is about a character who is in seventh grade he loves drawing he goes to a new school and he's the only black kid in his class and sorts about him like feeling like he's weird and like he doesn't fit in and trying to I mean is what I get from the file what do I know I haven't read it I'm a fraud what can I say that's what a book Hall is it's a it's a it's an experiment in being a fraud we're so close okay next up I got clumsy by yeah this is why I know I'm forgetting other books because I bought this book with some other books and they're not here like I definitely haven't shown you this one look how beautiful this book is the hour of the star by Clarisse les Spectre so many people have told me to check out this author that she's like the greatest thing that's ever come out of Brazil um I have to stop though I'll just I'll show you what I've got clumsy is a graphic novel um it has a very simplistic kind of funny art style and it's about the it seems like it's about it doesn't have a bio and I just saw it in a new and used bookshop did I just show you something that was like not safe for work I'm sorry it seems to kind of be just a disjointed like collection of moments from a relationship I thought it looked really cute what's hilarious is that I then went on to drop it on concrete and dented the corner which is obviously very sad but ironic because it's called clumsy okay then I have which boy or the which boy bye Molly knocks Ostertag I just saw this one floating around and I thought it looked really beautiful I loved the idea of it it's set in a household where boys grow up to be shape shifters and girls grow up to be witches and then our main character aster is a boy but he is a witch so I don't I don't know more than that but I think it looks so beautiful and I'm really excited these are the kinds of graphic novels but I just sit down and fly through um the color palette is so rich two more guys just two more I swear I got this place by well it's not by anyone is it the forward is by Alicia Alicia Alicia Elliot from a mine spread out on the ground heck yeah so this is um ten different stories illustrated by 10 different illustrators from indigenous communities in Canada what's because it's by 10 different authors if I really like one of the art styles or stories I can look them up and see what other work they've done okay and then the last book I just randomly saw I don't even remember where I don't remember I don't remember I don't remember how any of this happened it's been months I've been stuck in this house and I just buy books through the portal of the internet I don't know how they get here so young Francis but I Hartley Lynne Harley Leonard's another Canadian I love like shouting out when the author's Canadian uh Toronto they're from Toronto this is a book about a young woman named Frances get it young Frances just seems like the story of a girl why do we end on this one the one I know like the least of it it's the story of a girl who's kind of like working in a more of a corporate job and she's trying to break free find a better more meaningful way of life um wow that's gorgeous but that's the the insides of this book are actually black and white so I just love graphic novels so much I've gotten obviously quite a few I'm really hyped on that train okay everyone this was my book hole let me know if you've read any of these books that are sitting proudly behind me let me know which one I should get to first if you've read one that you're like ah Ariel please read that one immediately I'm also gonna be taking August off of the internet I have a couple of videos that will be coming out through then but I'm hoping to read a lot more so hopefully I make a little bit of a dent in this pile but who knows who knows maybe I'll just buy 80 more books and read those instead or just buy 20 more books and read my old books instead it's a life's journey here with these books before I go I need to thank school here so much for sponsoring this video Skillshare is a learning community where millions of creatives come together to take the next step in their creative journey with thousands literal thousands of classes on all sorts of creative topics like photography illustration creative writing and so much more it's also incredibly affordable at less than $10 a month if you use the link down in the description you'll get two months for free for free my friend has sent me a film camera oh my god let me show you the camera hasn't arrived yet but I've already bought the film I am so excited to learn about film photography it's something that has fascinated me for years one of my favorite art forms to look at and so I am absolutely going to be using Skillshare to learn about film photography like this beautiful course called dynamic portrait photography working with natural light it has classes like direct like back like lens flare shadow play props all of these sorts of things that I'm so excited to learn about so if you're also interested in learning about a new skill or a new topic definitely check out the link down below thank you so much as Skillshare for sponsoring my video and supporting my channel thank you so much for watching the video I will see you guys in my next one bye
Channel: Ariel Bissett
Views: 113,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arielbissett, ariel, bissett, books, book, book review, booktube, ariel bissett
Id: h--HdIFH6zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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