Complete Office Renovation! | Before & After

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welcome to my disastrous office it has been my greatest dream and desire to have my own office since i was in high school the idea of like writers and artists having their own office or studio where they can just go to write to work to focus to rest to chill out just have their own space with their work and their books when buying this house it was one of my absolute must-haves i cannot buy a house that doesn't have a room that will be my designated office just for me so this is it as you can see it has become a disaster i have now been living in the house for two months and i got a desk that i'm obsessed with and but other than that this room has just become a place to put all my stuff because i haven't made it good yet so that's what we're gonna do [Music] the room is empty so before the sun went down i was able to take my before footage which i'm so excited about already i've learned you need more before footage than you think because it's so satisfying to get to look back on it and be like this room just a few weeks ago was horrible it is now time for me to tear everything apart so i know a lot of people think that they like this fake wood paneling but you don't you really don't um i tried to film on camera how badly this wood paneling has been installed slash how it's fallen from grace in the years that it's been up and i can't really capture it in real life it's bubbling the edges are so uneven there's little nails everywhere you can't really see it on camera so you just have to trust me i'm so excited to tear it down i'm going to tear down the walls and try and do as little damage as possible to the plaster behind it but obviously they've already put nails everywhere so there is damage that's fine i got spackle and i'm going to tear up the floor and i've already investigated there's no chance of asbestos in this floor because there's no adhesive or tile here it was just carpet and then this cardboardy wood layer what would i even call that i don't even know basically cardboard layer underneath so i just have to rip it all up i'm so excited it's gonna look i'm ju i don't even know what it's gonna look like but it's gonna look better anything will look better than this dingy looking thing so let's go [Music] hello everyone it's everyone okay i'm tired i just realized i got tired and so i was like i'll do an update and now you can hear it i hadn't realized you could hear it so there's a lot of things to update you on actually number one the walls came down pretty well mainly for example here that's pretty good it's just some glue i've gotta i don't know how to get rid of that yet sandpaper maybe but then there was this horrifying wall that looks like the chamber of secrets has been opened or whatever uh ron gary and scott thought it was really important that they memorialized themselves with glue i think that's fantastic and hilarious and honestly really creepy my mom walked in here and was horrified this is the growing pile of garbage and so i've now started tearing up the carpet so this is i mean like the thing i'm most excited about because walls i mean i know i can fix them and paint them and they'll look good but flooring is not something i've done much dealing with it's pretty gross i mean to be fair all this is disgusting um but very exciting two things one you can see what i'm talking about this weird little cardboard material is in separate chunks so i i'm really hoping i can just peel this up similarly to how i've been peeling all of that up um god i think it might be not as hard as i feared and then but the second thing is look in the closet the wood paneling is there the wood planking so just please jesus let that be all over here and save me thousands flooring good morning i'm sleepy but i just came into this room to really look at the situation and what is youch all right this is what we're looking at it's a lot it is such a disaster uh from beginning to end a giant disaster but i'm excited to continue the efforts i hate this light i hate it i can't wait to get rid of it honestly if it was if this yellowy part just didn't look so gross this would be cool but it looks gross anyways okay so up first is removing all of this material gross so that i can finish removing the carpet and this last wall's worth of stuff and then i can remove this flooring and i can definitely get all of that done today the final thing i want to do is start to tackle scraping all of this crap off oh god that's gonna suck [Music] hey hello i'm so tired i was just watching back one of the time lapses of me tearing up the flooring layer and it looks so easy it looks like i'm just tearing up paper and i mean it is it is it's cardboard of some type but it's nailed down there are so many nails it's so hard to rip up and i'm exhausted so i was taking a break but so looking at the room before versus now it is so much brighter and so let's talk about design let's talk about design for a second because this is my office i know for certain that the wall across from me is going to be it doesn't mean anything to you guys but the wall across for me is going to be my bookshelves because it's the biggest wall that doesn't have a window a door or a mantelpiece so that's going to be my bookshelves hyped on that other than that i'm like the off the desk could go over there over here whatever um but i had decided the color of the walls was going to be a dark green it's really nice that it's so bright and light in here and it makes me think maybe i should just lean into that and i do basically i like don't want to have the house be a very s like sterile white um i have nothing against white rooms i've always had white rooms um and i i enjoy them but i was like you know let's have let's take some risks take get some opportunities um to paint something so the thing is like obviously with my room i painted the floor pink so i had fun in there now in here i'm like what should i do because i i think that if i do dark green it's just going to make the room feel really dark and small and it's not that big of a room like it's perfect size for my office i love it but you know it's not a huge room so if i make it all green i'm scared it's just gonna feel so small and like like a cave like a dark cave so what if i paint it white but i have some fun with the details good night [Music] now good morning look at this room it looks so different it looks so much better so yesterday i did the first and second coats of paint um and it just looks phenomenal you can see it just looks so much better but it definitely needs a third and possibly fourth coat now that i'm in here there was a lot of areas we had to fix and they were kind of showing through and the walls were like a gray before so it's showing up a little patchy so i'm gonna do the third coat right now and then we'll see where we are in a few hours once it's dried in the meantime so i'm gonna do the third coat and then while it's drying i'm gonna start working on the bookshelves i'm so excited i am just here to say how tired i am i am so tired i'm exhausted i'm finishing the third coat of paint right now and i just want to go to sleep this is such a disc of light good morning hello everyone uh university of guelph where i did my undergrad so the room is painted hallelujah the room is painted it is this beautiful white that i love it's called vanilla kiss it's a little bit more gray than it is white i feel like actually right behind me you can tell that very well because the trim of the mantelpiece and the baseboard is white and then you can see that the white i picked for the walls is a bit more gray it just i don't know it feels a little more pleasant to me it's beautiful but it is very bland it is quite boring and so it's time to spice it up that is where these cans come in i am going to paint the mint piece blue and the trim purple i think that this is going to make the room have so much more character but still feel really clean and beautiful hello everyone um very exciting updates around here the mantelpiece is blue the trim is purple the doorway is purple and blue i am so in love with these colors you can see i started putting little blue bottles on there um but the other thing is i've started putting in my bookshelves i'm having such an existential crisis about the bookshelves because i don't know if they're too far apart um you can see there that there's quite a lot of space between the books and the next shelf and i don't think i like that so i didn't install the rest yet because i wanted to take some time to see if this would grow on me how i felt about it but i don't think i like it so i think i'm going to move these two shelves a little bit down so that they're all stacked closer together but the next thing i need to do is paint the rest of the trim so i just finished taping it all out and that's what i'm going to do now and then that will be like a giant exciting mission finish to all the trim painted that will mean the walls are done except for that gaping hole which i need to install a door on but i'm just kind of thinking about that as a separate project like when i did my bedroom i completely finished the bedroom and then the closet for the bedroom was like a different whole room basically so that's what i'm kind of doing there that's the closet for this room it's gonna get done but right now it's sort of a separate project because it's gonna be a lot of work but yes this has just been a little update gonna do that and then i think what i'm gonna do is clear no then i'm gonna finish the bookshelves then i'm gonna clear out everything from this room again and then do the floor so many exciting things i've seen that some sectors of the home renovation restoration community can be pretty intense about how people restore stuff and like keep it completely natural don't stain it or don't do this and that to it i'm just making this house the house i want it to be and i want to have dark floors so i'm gonna stain them right now you can see that they are pretty white and i want them to be like a richer darker color so today i'm going to stain them i'm going to start by doing this i'm going to start by doing a pre-stained wood conditioner this isn't sponsored but i am using this because i i was reading loads loads about staining floors because i don't want to mess this up and so many people were like recommending for all sorts of staining projects but like to use wood conditioner especially for pine which is what probably is um and it's an extra step but that's fine it adds like 20 minutes to the process per section that's fine so i'm gonna do that and then i'm gonna go in with special walnut and um when i did a stain test with this it didn't show up that dark kind of just looked dirty and i was like i thought this was a different color and my dad showed me that you have to you have to really really stir this like a lot because all of the color kind of sank to the bottom and after stirring in a long while that's when it was good so that's just a little tip but i'm gonna get started i'm a little anxious but we'll see okay i just did this pre-stained wood conditioner it's really exciting because this has nothing to do with the color that we're gonna see but even just seeing this kind of more saturated rich color it looks so beautiful so now is the moment of truth it's time for me to do the staining i'm nervous it said to wipe off any excess but there is no excess the wood just soaked it all up so it's time for me just to do it i've just gotta go i've got a stain and i don't have any rubber gloves so i'm just gonna mess my hands completely up but that's fine the floors are done yes i have never in my entire life had to refinish floors but it is now a thing i know how to do and i'm so in love with these floors holy crap we are right at the finish line of finishing this office the things i need to do now are remove the tape which is more annoying than i thought it would be paint the trim along the top because i kind of messed it up when i was painting the walls fix up that door entrance and then finish the bookshelves so there's five things between me and the end of this video and but i am going to move my desk back in here because it is now a functioning office the rest of the things i need to do i can do around a little bit of furniture which is thrilling [Music] it looks so good hold on let me get the chair hello i have not done an update in a little while but things are so close to being done um this closet is my big next problem and it's not that big i think we can do it soon as you can see it's a closet but it's such an awkward space in size and i had ideas for it and then i thought what if i got a shelf that could just go in and i found it this perfect shelf so it's gonna be like a built-in i just have to cut the wall out there so that's what me and my dad are gonna do right now [Music] we have made a very excellent progress here very exciting hello everyone and welcome to my office the moment has come to do the final reveal i am so happy i'm so happy about just having my own office i'm so happy with how it turned out i'm so happy that it's done and i'm so excited to show you so let's go alright let's start with the doorway and work our way around so i this this is perhaps my most genius decision the blue and purple combo is to die for and i'm so glad that i just went for it and did some wild colors in here because even though the walls are white the purple and the blue make this room feel really fun and weird and funky i suppose but because the walls are white and the ceiling is white it feels very bright in here the other thing we have here is a little shoe rack i don't like the shoe rack but it was like ten dollars at canadian tire so it was within budget and then some hangers for my coats and stuff because this house at least not currently i'm gonna have to build one this house does not have a closet downstairs so there's not like our shoes and coats are just a mess so i've brought my mess into here and i really like having this little area for just my coats and my shoes and stuff if we swivel over here we have the bookshelves so i made an entire video about how i built these shelves it was a large process but i am so happy with them i am so proud of them it is so beautiful to have literally a like floor-to-wall bookshelf i love it i'm also going to do a bookshelf tour at some point so i won't go too much into them except to say that i learned so much about wood finishing and woodworking and i'm excited to take those skills and implement them in different rooms in the house for sure let's go to the other wall so here is one of the reading corners in this room wow this chair i bought in 2016 and it was like the first proper piece of furniture i've ever bought myself and to see it thriving in this room is really exciting i think that the color of this chair goes so beautifully with the purple and blue of the trim and i didn't plan that so that worked out well the other big deal here is obviously this mantlepiece paint oh guys i'm just so proud of myself for going with these colors because everyone should do this everyone should paint their trim and their mental pieces and they're just every time i see this blue mantle piece i am absolutely thrilled i will link the paint colors that i used down in the description since i get a lot of questions about that so i'll put them down there if you want the exact shade that i used um so this corner of the room presented the largest challenge um because if you will recall there was a door here a very cheap and ugly door but a door nonetheless and i was thinking of basically replacing the door and making it into a really cool closet but i also had this kind of a slant idea a plan b to just put a built-in bookshelf in there because i didn't need that much space in this closet for storage and then i found this perfect shelf so i got this second hand you know it was like it was at an antique store and i got it for a really good price i don't remember now but i remember being really jazzed about how cheap it was and it was so perfect because back here is a mess but that's perfect every office needs areas that can just be like a disastrous mess of for me camera equipment and then i've got some drawers where i can put paperwork and art supplies and stuff so this is so so functional and the fact that it's built in it's solid me and my dad like screwed it into place so it's completely solid and it just sort of melds into the wall brilliant brilliant um up here we have these beautiful tea towels oh my goodness these tea towels were made by a.s king my favorite why a author send me tea towels as a housewarming gift so i've peaked and then i also hung up these cameras um with these really cute these this is i felt like this was a thrifty idea if i was on tick-tock which i'm not but if i was on tick-tock this is the kind of tick-tock content i'd be making i bought these drawer pulls that have these really cute gems are not gems what are geodes what do people call these like the cool rocks i just put an anchor in the wall and then i just spun them in and they're super solid and i can just hang the cameras off and i think it's such a cute fun quirky way um to create some hooks on the wall instead of just putting a nail in or something onto the desk here we are at the desk so this was my greatest thrift find well was it that might be we'll get to that in a second this is basically my dream desk i love a massive massive desk and i was looking for old desks on facebook marketplace and i actually got this desk like within a month of moving into this house even though i didn't really have a place to put it it didn't i didn't even know what this room was going to be at like design wise but i knew that this was the perfect desk for me and i'm obsessed with it it was like 250 dollars and i haggled down i'm always proud when i bargained down a price on facebook marketplace um but honestly if the guy had been like no i i'll sell it to you for the i forget what the original price was i still would have bought it because it's perfect and i've been looking at desks online and desks can be really expensive so anyways i'm obsessed with this desk i then got this chair i just got this one off of wayfair i'm going to be honest with you i wanted something that would arrive quickly and looked comfortable and has had good reviews so i'm happy with it though it is comfortable i've learned a lot about curtains i ended up having to make my own curtain rods literally just bought some wooden poles at the hardware store stained them finished them because these windows are so big especially the trim the trim add so much length to them that none of the curtain rods i was finding at like home depot or home hardware were big enough were long enough um so i just made my own i think the real piezo rosie stomps here is this lamp another facebook marketplace fine i think i got this lamp for like 20 which is insane because because of how much i love it like i would have paid so much more for it but i think the fact that it was 20 makes it even better and here we are at the final section of the room my i maybe this is my greatest online purchase from facebook marketplace this couch is unbelievable it is straight out of a jane austen when i sit here i feel fancy the lady who sold it to me um she owned a bed and breakfast and they were selling the furniture from the bed and breakfast because she was gonna go and live her dreams and live in an rv for a couple of years and i was like you're incredible she gave me this cushion so i don't know if i would have got this cushion but it belongs here and then you can also see that i've got the mirror the mirror is very handy because obviously i do a lot of filming as part of my job and so it's good for me to be able to do my makeup right there and i'll just like put on my eyeliner and make sure i look presentable before i hit record so you know it is a functional office i try to make it look good for you guys though i'm oh my god it's so beautiful in here i will also say right there i'm not thrilled with this situation i definitely eventually want to have something like i don't know a little shelf or a chest of drawers or something for now this little table is what i had and there was no use in buying something until i found the perfect thing but yeah it's just the router it's just they should really make routers more beautiful because they always look so clunky the final thing we should talk about is the floor so i decided while sanding the floor when i discovered that um a lot of the paint was lead to just stop sanding it because i already like i was far enough that i would be able to stain most of it and make it look beautiful and i thought it would look cool to just leave the edges of it anyways and i love it and i can i already know it's going to be divisive divisive people aren't going to like it i love it i think it looks like a gothic old like mansion that completely fell apart fell into disarray was abandoned and ignored but and that is an aesthetic that i like i think like it makes this carpet look more dramatic and the bookshelves look more dramatic and it just gives it a lot of character so i think that's really cool i'm very happy with it if you're not that's okay don't tell me and so there we have it that's my office we did it huge project a whole room completely done it has taken a lot longer than i thought it would but it is so beautiful that i don't care i'm really really proud of this room everywhere i look i can see the project that went into it the work that went into it i learned so much throughout doing this room that i know i will be able to implement into other rooms and i had so much fun getting to like really get a little crazy with my design ideas with my william morris curtains and my blue mantelpiece i really hope you enjoyed this video before you go here is a word from our sponsor skillshare who's whose help went directly into buying paint thank you so much to skillshare for sponsoring this video i am very grateful for their support for making these renovations possible and for making the renovation videos possible skillshare is an online learning community where millions come together to take the next step in their creative journey with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people on topics including illustration design photography video freelancing and more it's curated specifically for learning meaning there are no ads and they're always launching new premium classes so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity takes you if you are undergoing a home renovation or there's just a room in your house you really want to spice up skillshare has a couple of really cool interior design courses including this one by lauren cox called interior design basics simple steps to your perfect space the first thousand of my subscribers to click the link down in the description will get one entire month for free so click on that link down below and thank you again to skillshare for sponsoring this video alright thank you so much for hanging out with me and i will see you guys in my next video goodbye
Channel: Ariel Bissett
Views: 162,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arielbissett, ariel, bissett, books, book, book review, booktube, ariel bissett
Id: 1EOi-I3k6xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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