birthday book haul!!!

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace hello everybody I was gonna film this book haul video and I thought I'm wearing an orange hat and a blue shirt I should just do some weird blue and orange makeup did it thought hey this looks pretty cool and then remembered I don't even know how I possibly could have forgotten the after eye films video I need to go to my accountant so I'm gonna show up to my accountant looking like this that's fine I have to hide Who I am as mentioned I am doing a book haul my birthday just passed I am now 25 years old I have a plan this is a fun factor of mine I have a plan to live to be a hundred and six years old I would like to live to be a hundred and six because that would mean that I exist in three centuries I was born in 94 I will live all of the this period and then I will get into the 21 hundreds which I just think would be so cool so you know I'm not even a quarter of the way there yet by my bizarre maths I actually only got two books for my birthday which feels a little weird but I bought myself a lot of books recently and in the spirit of the festivities I just feel like it's kind of all birthday so let's start with the actual birthday books as they are the reason for the season that's not true at all my boyfriend got me toil and trouble fifteen tales of women in witchcraft this is an anthology of 15y a short stories about witches so far I've read two of them I didn't really like the first one and I did like the second one so classic anthology you don't know what you're gonna get I really love which is I really love why a fun witchiness think Sabrina the Teenage Witch so I asked for this and I was really excited to get it and now I'm reading it at the perfect time right because now it's October it's Halloween but then my parents also gave me a $25 gift card two chapters my favorite thing per se on my birthday doesn't matter if it's my birthday Christmas for the last 25 years if you give me a gift card two chapters I love you and so I got on earth or briefly gorgeous by ocean Blanc I have been so excited for this book for so long for so long but it is $35 and I just can't just I just couldn't justify it for some reason I'm like $35 for one book he's so expensive and I used my $25 gift card and still have to pay like $10 on this so yeah very expensive but I'm very excited I think I'm gonna love this book like I just have this feeling that it's gonna be a five-star book you know how everyone does those five-star prediction videos where they're like I think I'm gonna give these books 5 stars this I've never done that video but this and next it's just a bunch of books that I bought myself um let's start with this one again one of my most anticipated oh I spoil it books of the year pumpkin heads by faith Aaron Hicks and Rainbow Rowell so faith Aaron Hicks is the illustrator and Rainbow Rowell wrote the story and oh my god I'm so excited to read it I actually I'm gonna read this today because I've just been waiting and waiting and waiting and so excited this is a love story set in a pumpkin patch that's all I know it's all I need to know I've been a big rainbow Ralph reader for years but I also really like faith Aaron Hicks I have some of her graphic novels back here here's one um friends with boys I think I didn't love this story but I love the illustration so with this one I'm like so excited I think it's gonna be really really cute so yeah and next let's do things by color-coding because I recently went to a book shop and I bought these two books because they were both super read and I don't know what the heck was happening that day but I was in a red mood apparently you know it's funny my cat her name is Max insert clip here max loves read things she is obsessed with red things like if you put two pieces of yarn and one red she'll go for the red one and when we moved from one of our houses a few years ago we you know removing furniture and my mom discovered that machs had a nest of red things just like red pieces of paper red string red random red things so maybe I'm Max is rubbing off on me but regardless I saw both of these books they have nothing to do with one another I don't I never actually okay I've heard of this one haven't heard of this one but this one is modern love by constants de Jong I was totally sucked in by this cover flipped it over read that it explores the dilemmas of being a 27 year old broke female loser and I was like I'm there and then I read the first sentence and I was hooked everywhere I go I see losers I'm like I'm so curious about the main character but also the structure of this book is supposed to be quite strange it's supposed to play with narrative prose I just thought I'd give it a shot and then this other book I have heard of how to write an autobiographical NOT an autobiographical how to write an autobiographical novel by Alexander Chi so this is by an author who has written an autobiographical novel about Hengist I'm in Edinburgh yeah it's just called Edinburgh but then this is a collection of essays kind of about how he wrote that but also just about writing and I love books about writing I have my stack I'll insert clip here of my stack of books about writing and there are a few others thrown around because like one of my favorite books of all time is or two of my favorite books on writing and what I talk about when I talk about running those are both books about running so uh running no writing so I really love books about writing and I got very curious about this and whatever mystique I got from these two read books I was like yeah but then I noticed that I did it again and I got a bunch of light blue books um these are so exciting I want to read these all right away I wish I could read books so much faster um okay sheets by Brenna thumbr tumbler sorry this is about a ghost who haunts a launderette I just think that that sounds so cute and the illustration style is very unique for a graphic novel I haven't really seen this kind of style before so I'm really excited by this I think that this is gonna be really adorable and again I should read this in October because it's Halloween II it's got ghosts um and then I got the bell jar I still be a Plath okay obviously the bell jar has been on my radar I know about the bell jar but I just haven't been that keen to pick it up nothing about what I'd heard about it made me like run out and buy it but you know I do like collecting classics I like the idea that someday I'll get around to them and the bell jar was definitely some a book that I thought I'd pick up one day but I never found an Edition that I really liked until I found this boy so I was in London recently I was in foils and foils never lets me down never lets me down but I saw this edition which is this new version that favor in favor again Faber and Faber never lets me down I love them but they put up this new edition and it just it speaks to me it's a little hypnotic I really love it a lot and I you know I bought it picked it up brought it home and then read again read the first for this I think I read the first like page and I was like woah woah this is such good writing so now I'm really excited about this I'm really nervous that I'm gonna do that thing where I like hold it off to read it and at the perfect moment but I'm they're trying not do that because this was so good and then I got before the coffee gets cold so I got this one actually because of gene from genes thoughts I saw her post about this I think on her Instagram and I was like well that looks really cute it's called before the coffee gets cold and it's a Japanese translated fiction and I was I'm there for it and then I looked up what it's about it's a bit it's like speculative sci-fi about a coffee shop where you go you order coffee and then you travel through time and you can travel through time just enough time where you have to get back before your coffee gets cold so it's such a bizarre concept like what a weird little idea but I think that sounds so much fun like so much fun and I really want to check it out and I I tend to really enjoy Asian translated literature so I'm here also signed and it has this really cool signature so that's fun I also feel like this wallpaper looks very cool because it's very shimmery like it's a really interesting bold cover design because there's so much negative space down here hmm alright now we move into the white book section nonfiction white books so this is wild by Cheryl Strayed you may have heard of it very long time ago I read their tiny beautiful things where is it oh it's up there can you see it um I know you can't it's out of its out of the it's out of the shot but tiny beautiful things bye Cheryl Strayed recently I got the crazy cool opportunity to go and interview Margaret Atwood and Cheryl Strayed moderated the roundtable so I bought wild in the airport took it to the shoot just fingers crossed that she would be able to sign it and she did and she was so nice she was so lovely Cheryl Strayed is a beautiful soul I'm gonna tell you that right now so I've seen the film for wild really enjoyed it read her other book really enjoyed it so I know I'm gonna love this um I again I hope I read this soon because I'm in a very hiking kind of a mood I was honestly just planning to go on a hike later today and then I got no one is too small to make a difference by Greta Sundberg this is a collection of some of her speeches Greta Sundberg you may notice may recognize she is an incredible incredible activist I think now she's 15 she's 15 or 16 um but she does us climate strike every Friday she doesn't go to school she strikes for the climate and it's become a really big movement and I honestly find her a massive inspiration excitingly on the inside of this like I was reading just her egg nom her bio and it says that she has a second book coming out which is more of a memoir so this is just you know collection of her essay of her speeches but I'm very excited also for her memoir whenever that comes out probably next year but yes this is cool all right next up short stories I didn't plan to break it up in such good little sections but it's working out beautifully um okay so these are both books that I got on massive sale like oh yeah this one was six dollars down from you know the original cover price of 35 and this boy was four dollars so down from well the sticker is covering it but I assumed it was probably like $18 these are both just collections of short stories so a Tessa I don't know how to pronounce this MOSFET I need to look that up but homesick for another world she wrote my year of rest and relaxation which again out of frame but I swear I have it but have I read it no I have not oh but I just I'm in a short stories mood I feel I feel like short stories are very interesting super underrated apparently it's like impossible to sell short stories like publishers never really make money off of short story collections they're very much passion projects and obviously there are exceptions like there are exceptions to everything but for the most part short stories just don't really sell very well um and I think that's sad because I think it's a very interesting form obviously you guys know I love short books short books are the best novellas for the win I should make up in novellas for the win short books are the best but yeah I just think that they're really interesting and I right more short stories and I want to you know the main advice writing advice that anyone any writer will ever give is in order to read in order to read in order to write you need to read and it's just because the more reading that you do the more exposure you get to other people's writing the more it strengthens your own so I just want to read a bunch of short stories to strengthen my own short stories and it's kind of like um even if you're trying to figure out how to write a novel say reading short stories it's still going to be really helpful because you're still gonna learn about narrative structure I'll be in a different form but it could be something that sparks an idea or it's more like a micro cause um a small test of how someone forms a narrative as opposed to a longer one and then this one is when watched by Leopold II in core um honestly I don't know much about these I just thought they were both on sale both authors that I think sound really cool and I just wanted to give him a shot especially because they were so cheap I was like I can just give these a shot I'm also thinking next year of doing like a couple of readathons with myself one of which would be to read all of my short story collections and then make a big video like reviewing all of my short story collections so let me know down below if you'd be interested in that all right we only have two books left and honestly they couldn't be random er so because everything else has fit very nicely into a good little pile these two are gonna go in the random pile hello and welcome to miscellaneous so this book I bought for myself when I was in Greece I had a trip to Greece with my friend Momo we had such a cool time and she made a video about our trip filming some of the awesome book shops that we went to I'm gonna link that down below definitely check that out because you can see some of the beautiful bookstores who into in Greece but the most beautiful one we went to is called Atlantis books it was in Santorini I loved it it was so beautiful very Shakespeare and company esque but I wanted to get a book there and I wasn't seeing anything that I already knew about that I was that was calling to me and then I saw this random book called Orphic Paris by recall it is a memoir of his time in Paris but it says it combines autobiography diary SC sa poetry and photographs so it has like this really weird kind of format and I started to read it and this stuff like this to me is very romantic it's very wistful oh my time and party you know that kind of stuff so I'm really into that vibe I'm really into that wistful nostalgia of travel kind of vibe cuz I feel it often I'm often like oh I remember when I was in ex place and I will start to get that nostalgic thing and so yeah I just really wanted to check this out I think memoir is also something I keep saying that it's it's a genre I'm really interested write it right now and and it's like yeah I'm honestly I'm probably I'm obviously just interested in all genres so I'm very curious about writing I feel that in 2020 it's gonna be the year of writing for Ariel and so I kind of feel like I'm bunkering down on getting all these good books and I'm gonna like just binge and learn from and will hopefully like inform my writing and show me what kind of writing projects I could do myself and then the last book was a present this is a Scanner Darkly by philip k dick i have not read anything by him obviously his biggest one is Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep which is the basis for the Blade Runner movies so this was given to me by my friend Dylan and it was such a beautiful moment because um he is my boyfriend's friend and we just hung out at his house and he was like Ariel I want to give you a book and he just went through all of his shelves and picked this one up for me all I know about this book is what it says on the back but what it says is that it's about a guy named Bob who sells a drug and nobody knows but what the drug does is it splits your mind into and so suddenly there's Bob but there's also Fred and Bob is Fred and Fred is Bob and Fred the guy who has like becomes the second person is a law enforcement officer and he's trying to get Bob so it seems very like kind of confusing but there's nothing like some good sci-fi and that is my book haul thank you so much for Squarespace for sponsoring this video they are an all-in-one platform to create beautiful websites they have really good site management because they have an app where you can control everything on the go and they also have a really good traffic overview function so that you can see exactly how many people are visiting your web pages which are the most popular how do you make more people visit your website etc I use Twitter space for my website and I know how beautiful the websites are and how easy it is to use so if you want to check it out and get a free trial and 10% off your first purchase you can check out Squarespace comm forward slash Ariel thank you to Squarespace for sponsoring this video I really hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you did please let me know down below in the comments I'm now gonna go talk to my accountant looking like I'll see you guys in my next one
Channel: Ariel Bissett
Views: 51,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arielbissett, ariel, bissett, books, book, book review, booktube, book haul
Id: vNyGWJ-4zvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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