Watch Me Fly the $5 Million HondaJet Including Tips & Tricks

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everybody I am Honda progestin and that is the HondaJet I'm at Honda aircraft out of North Carolina and I am going to show you guys production of the jet inside and outside the jet and even a flight of the jet stay tuned you don't want to miss this episode [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] everybody I'm at Greensboro North Carolina and I was privileged to have the opportunity to see this jet being built check out the outside and actually take a flight so to see it being built was unbelievable it comes in as a fuselage and then one of the first things they do is put on the wing yes right I said the wing because the two sides that look like two wings are actually one piece' go all the way across and then they start working on some of the electronics and they do some of the paint and it's just going to step-by-step what's interesting though is that it each section brings the plane through their section so they just move it from one section to the next to the next until final completion goes into a paint booth it comes out and gets painted one of there's very very special colors this one here is yellow behind me it was really cool to see the only thing I can really compare it to would be like the NSX plant but even cooler it was really really awesome to actually be there and witnessed what I saw so let's check out what it looks like when it's all completed come on guys we're going to start all the way up here at the nose or what makes the HondaJet very unique does the nose of a Honda jet remind you of something well if it looks like a Ferragamo shoe you'd be absolutely correct the designer actually saw Ferragamo shoe while I was vacationing in Hawaii to store and that's what inspired him for the front end not only is it the fastest jet in its class is also the most fuel-efficient the highest flying best room inside with some of the best range it also has plenty of room for luggage check this out up in the front you open these up and just like you'd expect listen they really have a really good sound to them they're very very structurally fitted and those from inside that's the only part of the room there's also more room in the back as you guys can plainly seen you're probably nervous before the HondaJet has this turbine jets on top of the wing not attached to the fuselage like most airplanes and reason for that as many reasons I guess it makes it more fuel-efficient it also makes a quieter inside less vibration and more room for passengers in fact there's three more inches of legroom inside his nearest competitor that's pretty awesome Davies wing design again making it more fuel-efficient and just like Honda come here for a second look at all these these little tiny little arrows help again with wind and aerodynamics what's also very interesting about this jet that makes it different is it gets fueled in one spot not two spots that's response even though it has three gas tanks has two main gas tanks and one bladder they all get filled up right here and you know how the fuel gets to the tanks gravity I mean as long as you have gravity you might as well use it right there's more storage right back here here's the cool part watch this and then inside here 400 pounds of luggage and and I'm going to say that's going to fit I'm going to say 13 bags I mean it's it's huge inside and a lot of that is because of these engines where they work so these engines were attached to the fuselage like most of them you won't have all that room so that's a quick overview of the outside but let's check out the inside this is where the fun really happens and it's little things come look at this for a second if women have heels there's no holes here for them to fall in and it gives you a really good grip and when this door is actually open the other side check this out it doubles as the table its Honda they're smart they think of stuff like that let's go inside and see what else we can find and then we're inside and I feel very very relaxed it's one two three four five six passengers in a pilot and that's important because this is actually single pilot certified which unlike a lot of the other planes in this class you need a pilot and a co-pilot actually a single pilot can fly this which is pretty cool these seats are extremely comfortable they move around in a bunch of different direction so they recline of course but in this one lever is going to push it forward and backward but they also go out to the side so this like almost infinite number of then you just lock it watching and it's locked into position these armrests they go in which is really nice they slide out and go down into position let's see if this headrest moves of course that person move tons of cup holders one two three four five six seven eight and there's two up front so that's nine ten I don't think I missed any so 10 cup holders 11 there's one in the door when we put the seat down so there's a Loving Cup holders so just like typical Honda there's more cup holders than our seats for people tables very nice and everything's solid everything's finished everything says HondaJet which absolutely love there are a couple of options and there's an option that they have for like a cap of control like on the new Odyssey it's an app that you can get and then you can control the lights and the shades and the music and everything back here tons of lighting though there's lighting everywhere all the way around up on the top these windows when it gets light they get darker when it gets darker to get lighter how cool is that and everybody asks about this not all airplanes have laboratories or bathrooms not only does the HondaJet have a bathroom it's a pretty nice bathroom as well so it's completely when you lock it you see down there when I lock this these two go all the way down so it's completely private and inside check this out inside the laboratory I don't need to show you the toilet but I will show you the sink get there's some storage under here of course your storage under there that's unique toilet paper roll is kind of uniquely place right there so doesn't pick up any other room there's a skylight up top and again when you're in here it's completely private all the stuff is cool but the real real cool things happen up from the cockpit that's where I am now and that's why we're about to take a flight where I was told I could actually fly the HondaJet me flight ham jet how awesome is this going to be you start off early the girl right now we're buying the HondaJet Bilbao aircraft right now I'll give you a couple of quick specs on the aircraft it goes to flight level four three zero which is forty three thousand feet does four hundred twenty two dots at level three one zero the capacity is seven factors there's one pilot six passengers the engines are made by GE and Honda they produce approximately two thousand pounds plus climb out at the airplane is about four thousand feet at 3995 per minute and the FF duration or stays length is about twelve hundred twenty-three nautical miles and standing here about three hours and really awesome jet built by Honda knows it's my family Jeff almost 4,000 foot a print yeah and I can you really picture you can go a little bit higher but at normal combat would be a 4,000 foot a minute okay and we don't think he knows just wow basically how well-balanced the aircraft is and how well flies hand flies it's very stable it feels like a twenty thousand popular plane rather than 10,000 pound airplane so it doesn't have what I would call a wet noodle feel where we controls very easily maneuvered so I could fly the aircraft behind look somewhere an aircraft you know a time which is very stable and I call it a carving aircraft you know it carves through the air very nicely kids for people having day before you briefly go over a couple of simple controls and a little bit of money there absolutely but you know I can start up by the buddhi-yoga you know it's a multi-faceted joke you know it right here is a trip this terms the aircraft goes up it goes down and also right wing down and left wing with drink on Joey we call the China one three four point this is the automatic flight control system that is a faster release of that auto flight system so if I release it all of it I can push it you hear a noise that noise up get 5 5 10 rating zero Niner zero zero nine through that noise you just heard was a warning to the pilot seen that the system disconnected itself so if you got your head down they want to hear that noise you go it autopilot now Lebanon boy all those times are you both because you know what there could be 87 Roger this is a scroll button that we use to go scroll between checklist and that'd be there is on Tommy controllable negative move this is a sister of at robot which beginning which allows us to when clear that Yemen is a very easy feature with uh not yet so then we run it in three hundred jogger when you're all the lightest in the airplane or one with a moment in here which other things that we most frequently do while we're fine I push the system control and this booze back and forth yeah they're picking up by we can shift between those two filters fabulous that Arlo originally out this is because we're you know when you control the interior lighting new control thermostat we can throw throw tantrum cellphone show back to my previous was sick calories I move along though intensive joined the temperature this is the autopilot disconnect button this does the same thing as this one does except that it keeps the yarding for existing channel in center one three four this is control wheel steering which is basically five 932 of the pitch so I can release that while not disconnecting the entire autopilot but yet still adjusting the pitch on the airplane and it back here we have a button called the ident mode which rate for your sometimes if you're taking aa potato and your radar unit I drew like you don't that ident but and it said that I flash more signal through the radar screen controllers yes Here I am but that's all the control wheel and then down into here I've got oxygen supply oxygen mask for my oxygen mask over here and implement a hoop yep after years and in case you're backing me man I'll just cut yours off nicely and then I can drop the basket behind us I think you know so if we they drop automatically but if I need and I had emergency like smoke in the aircraft yeah and we wanted to drop the back immediately I'm if you're not back to them so they can they can breathe clean air okay obviously we've decided try to land appeared smoke in the airplane and that's not be weird my you know ejection inside no ejection speed at all kinda hurt you if got rides in right and so those are kind of unique features this is the auto flight system so if I wanted to do a heading I could just do in such a heading this way and the aircraft would do it and I could go back how do you know where your attorney is just means like you're spinning well I am but it's just one of those things where you usually do this right here this is the heading okay so we can see it though ah got it okay so this is this button right here this is the actual ejection seat it's called the JC and Ajax Jason that's awesome let's not put in anything these are fire button so if we have an inch higher it would bite and then I would lift the cover and I would push it to shut down all the fuel ok that is it then if we want to fire the bottle there's a suppressant where to have a fire and obviously we didn't use these at the very beginning just to start the engines insert them individually on and any other one right and then roll Ronald's flaps over twenty forty frames so go ahead of us we pray your alcoholic level plus at five fifty five degrees or the prom leg or a carrot long yeah we know use an eggless better one to zero poison feeling my new doctor our attitude they just big big before and egg once better ones we briefly by cetera 3 3 5 7 11 654 these are all this is a fuel system which will heat ice protection systems and this is a trip system so in case we have a runaway creme we have a secondary credit system because elevator trip is really important ok what do they do elevator what it does is it use one source for elevator trim pioneer the primary source and this if you press this pitch mode you can use us you could push that secondary one and get control of that pitch because there's nothing worse at how we're only pitch them up and it makes the control pressure so so much ports because their air didn't have a course at the pitch runs away so won't be able to push that real quick and get control of that through this gold button right here ok yeah so you know another good thing about the the HondaJet it has what we call rudder bias so he listened to disrupt the class eventual power we all wanted to pushing the other one let go it goes to zero so wants to twist okay okay what's the y'all aircraft so what this does is it this isn't you know it was male he need Russian control by adding rudder America have to take for that I don't think that me to them yeah and like they talk to you talking a little bit about what the screen keep you right so right now this is the multifunction display it's right now it's the other aircraft of the we have to observe language power monitor aircraft that will also if they get too close closest point of approach velocity through the aircraft up or down you resolve that conflict so this is a wallpaper hit display which means we give you multiple things on it so phones iterate point you go and I want to keep the pad on the right-hand side let's put the screen to like a leather coat this is appointment I can multiple things implement the weather back I want to go to the weather selection this is provided by accent I can go to when to act like XM radium by the poet I know so what little bit of yourselves are I can do this all these are the mass Center what two days old retriever but if you are insulated storms down in Florida in a big storms everyone your area these are the wind patterns I want victory don't think there's some storms down in the Louisiana Texas in what if appeared vote for you our missile shows are forgive them for you let it do it you know so if I wanted to show something else o ll controller a show the actual traffic that we're watching 7:24 why the hell individually you can see the same aircraft combine aside to come to us or T except this time it's a pure breakfast over here please go after to maintain both ignominy amount of people be human if you around you may buy sonic pages these are their profitability coverage so they can check my environmental now or I could move over to your stream I could do the same thing I can check their power bill I'd like to call Bill sister as protection and hydraulics so I can change all that uh-huh and it just takes a while scholar Gloria your iPhone you know use almost all driven the other unique attribute is it's got a highly load on us or handles turbulence really well the more new hydraulics is our fuel electrical system check all the phony 8.1 but I feel a ting Victor ladies want to review a chart again I'm sure there are you lazy Delta 2020 Airport information but I don't do one stuff they can take that hardness I would do their my hub westbound don't be bloody finger gesture lets you all hope that out if you are going to one consider a brief refinance awesome and then if I wanted to be that on a saucer I'm on the cocoa powder that with you and then I can move it around actually wear them and in this involved mismo garment 2000 iveco various below trigger new amazing and you send the top speed 422 and that's a 500 feet to the picture but I got everything I got the insider hold back right now because weirdest other clothes they look at a specific very opening so in some Honda automobile stabbed with called each terrain they're just like little hidden gems that are in the in the vehicles in a computer spring behind the jet put any little hidden gem for little things in here that normally we find yeah we've got recipes for how to bake the best brownies ever the tile recipe recipe the carbon 3000 of the night does opening really great your album of customizing or to refer to those all the attributes to how you want to really kind I operate this system for example you know I'm going to an airport 30 by myself when I want a single pilot what I'll do is I'll split the screen do this that what I'll do is I'll Howard I'll have the map over on this side so I can set the map over on this and then what I do is because I know when I land I know the run is the previously transition to the airport environment so what I will do I will go to charts and then I will go to chart again go to your PO here I will hit this button here I'll expand it to my landing runway and that way I know it will land on t3 and so I've already set up I got everything set up I land and now set up I called my nest like a bird and everything in its right more mode and the carbon three thousand does a really great job of allowing you to set up your own into the individual okay so coming in and when I land I know that I'm going to switch over to my airport directory your thing any of you do now is push one button I don't need to push poor like I did you get there I'm going to I'm already ready to taxi and that's that's one because more stuff like that everything that's kind of stuff that Robert allows you to do because you have another another pilot like they're different right and so Garmin also does what they call stings so that my profile under Tim I can go to utilities and I can go to crew profile if you see my name temp right yeah whatever however I have my profile selected everything I do in here is now stop it I like a certain way figuration free for matters like just stick to exhalation on the airplane ones that are popping in and I pushed em he goes right back to me so bill gets in here he doesn't like that he like some valves the mill can do what Bill us to do so so those really truly are the shoot it dip set the functionality and the eight the ability to customize to your unique behavior isms what's the furthest people in that area think of chocolate is fast Bob he flew to China put some on TECA how many stops and make your number six hours I thought - Tom I can remember look what they under oh yeah I think not put across the barrier and to Russia then down Russia East Coast into super Japan that is the support to hang high oh my god Hey imagine one nautical can i but when when google penis it shows around the world it's mom area you don't get that there you know every why yeah we fly every bit of it very good they tested another five five fi Greensburg twenty four point three five today reports it's over so we're going to get down here okay we're going to head out for the west up and I'm going to cancel our achievement my rule okay and I'll be like you climb good splitter so pull back or push in a little bit it's noted Wow okay sir now it knows here have some take a pause so what I feel some light a little bit of vibration what happens that Oh got it absolutely I don't which way how much do I turn now [Laughter] turning back whoa whoa okay you want me to let go for right now okay the require cells of the traffic my slash plus will go [Music] oh right wow I can feel it in my thought like total in my boy this has been setting oh my gosh the ground is Wow this is unbelievable yeah when you said you didn't care how much I turned it that's why this is that says wow that's that's great can I control it for one more second urgent Allah inaudible it down a little bit right I can see I could feel it I could yep I guess that middle that's your honor Lima HondaJet Tim you're amazing that was awesome I were brutalized let's land shall we ourselves up throughout life like a decelerating and descending say from T cells same time system of course [Music] then on trip the aircraft would stabilize stabilize means I've got me into spooled up register give me more power around here and unstable air so this is all about trent analysis so I'm looking for Trent of down port speed across horizontally as well as vertically eating the aircraft wheels on the road 1099 tower runway five right clear to land now I want to try that y'all gopherhoff Hyman pushed my button by three and that I think is powerful shorter five right that amount to their roller if I reckon if I project a very small it puts this point virtually an airplane you don't want to over control it why stop looking down the runway just some eight six mannequins square it off when the pronoun is button period will have the parking party back on the ground at Honda aircraft in the HondaJet I'm behind a pro and now you're in the know here's the fun fact this exact plane just flew down to Mexico to pick up a customer that bought their own HondaJet I was there when they took delivery it was epic a bunch of employees were there everybody clapped we all took pictures it was I mean I'm gonna tell you it was it was a little emotional
Channel: HondaPro Jason
Views: 2,037,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honda, honda jet, hondajet, hondajet flight, hondaprojason, hondapro jason, honda airplane, honda jet plan, honda plane, honda jet flight, honda test flight
Id: Z63V8PV7TJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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