KENYA🇰🇪 Boeing 787 Nairobi to Kinshasa🇨🇩 | Lovely Full Flight + Great Walkaround

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[Music] good morning my name is kenya airways with me this morning is first officer paula marari and we'll be flying the dreamliner the boeing 787 to kinshasa in the democratic republic of congo this is our dispatch area it's basically where we come and pick up our weather and look at our flight plan for the route to expect today and any information that we need to have for the route we got like things like weather and not notices to airmen and this is where we decide the fuel and how we're gonna carry on the flight weather looks good from here to kinshasa nothing significant and rude notices the airmen a few no terms we've gone through those let's see yep gone through those everything looks good we have decided on the amount of fuel we're going to take i think we're all set and ready to go good morning again um my name is first officer paula as introduced to you by captain mutongi i'll be the first officer on the flight to kinshasa on the dreamliner we are just about to do the walk around the pre-flight around the aircraft so come with me uh we normally start the preflight around the nose area we look at the nose cone no damage no visual anything is wrong um the nose wheel well area is where we have the lines the hydraulics and the gear we look at the tyre condition the wear the nose gear doors they should be in place not moving and this is the area the nose wheel well control panel for the engineer everything looks fine and clean the hydraulic lines are good electric cables are fine we come round to the right side we have the pitot probes general condition of the fuselage the right hand side all good the the door to the access for the electronic bay is flush we look at the cargo area the doors also not damaged in good condition the loading is going on and um we have the static parts on the fuselage we are supposed to check that uh it's it's blank it's not um it doesn't have any tape over it or anything uh general condition on the right hand side is a large the leading edge of the wing we have the lights and we have the cabinet compressor inlet and the passenger service door on the right this is the engine intake general condition of the blades all looking good no chips not dense and the whole inlet area we have static pots on the right as well not blocked holes are clear and then we go around to the right side of the rim right side looks fine as well we have the static port on the right as well not blocked general condition of the cowling uh we have some repairs going on here but this is not bad for the flight at all we have the engineer doing his oil service thing right now he's chopping up the aircraft has just come from another flight so he's just chopping up on the oil leading edge of the wing no dents no nicks no hicks and no signs of any bad strike everything looks fine the whole leading edge from the wing root to the wing tip we check the lights the navigation lights on the right side are green and on the left side are red wing tip looks fine trailing edge of the wing the alarm look fine the flaps look fine and from where i'm standing i'm able to see the whole aircraft a general overview of the condition of the fuselage i walk back into the wheel well on the right side i'm gonna look at the tyre condition the brakes and the whole wheel area [Music] okay so i look at the brake wear indicator this is them they are good when they are worn out they normally they normally go down up to here but these are pretty good we have electric bricks on this aircraft so we don't have any hydraulic lines going into the boat general condition looks good no leakages and everything looks okay the wheel area clear clear of damage and clear of any foreign objects the terror condition the trades are good no black spots no threats showing and we check the general condition of all the tires once again the brickware indicator perfect super bricks still a brand new aircraft and from where i'm standing i'm able to see the whole wheel [Music] while i'm here i check underneath the aircraft and we have the romeo turbine here which should be flush the door is not open check the general condition of the antenna we have several underneath there and then i checked the horizontal stabilizer in the vertical stabilizer leading edge looks fine no damage and no signs of bat strike nothing to write them about the trailing edge the elevator what we have there is a static discharge week none of them is missing everything looks fine and from where i'm standing i'm able to see the whole aircraft underneath the belly the cellphone the apu is on right now a bit noisy and i'm able to see both wing tips we have the fueling going on on the left hand side we have the navigation lights working on the tail they are white right and green where it is left once again the tail plane on the right side leading edge looks fine elevator looks fine static discharge weeks are all there none is missing um we checked the general fuselage area the doors are closed flush windows look clear not damaged from where we are when standing come back to the wheel well area we previously looked at the right wheel well and now we look at the left here where we check for the brake condition the air conditioned the wear the threads are good the brake wear indicators i still find them on the other side the condition of the whole wheel there is no leakages no damage and nothing loose nothing missing therefore tire is conditioned good and we check once again for all the pipes same here the great pair indicators for the front left track condition is good and the wheel well does look fine they're not blocked and they're not um they're fixed fueling is going on right now so we have this is what they used to add the cable they used to to ground the aircraft and their fuel underneath the left wing we check all the panels panels secure flush flaps are up normally for the fifth time the flaps are up all those that's here close feeling balls are going on for this flight we're going to be taking 30 about 34 400 kilos okay the left wind trailing edge flaps leading edge red light navigation light and from here once again i can check the whole aircraft and i'm happy with the condition on the top we have some antennas for the radius as well same as the ones on the bottom condition looks good so the leading edge of the left wing all the way from the wingtip to the wing root and while i'm here i check the condition of the engine the left engine the cowling looks good the static part on the left is not blocked and from the back i can see there is no obstruction no signs of a bad strike no signs of any damage from the previous place all the panels secure access panels for the engineers on both sides and on this side the static pot is fine and we also have the engineer chopping up oil on this side so the engineer is doing the same thing he did on the other engine it is chopping up for it because it's kept from a long place while i'm here i'm going to check the belly again and the inlet to the cabinet compressor and once again the static ports are all clear no tapes not blocked and the position the light glass is not broken and the leading edge is fine the last thing i check is the left engine intake all the blades look fine not damaged no next not dense and the spinner the spinner for the blades we have the white line there that they say scares bugs well it makes the spinner visible so we try to avoid bad stress by virtue of the white line that is all for the free fight i hope you enjoy it welcome to the fly deck of the boeing 787 800. this morning flying to i have already set up the cockpit for the departure as you can see this is the navigation display the display we have on right now is the parking bay we're packed at stand number seven that's what we have there for the panel here we call it the mcp i have set up this is the initial heading runway heading we'll be climbing to 38 000 feet i've set up the fmc for our route today all the way with our standard instrument departure and arrival into kinshasa we have this beautiful piece of equipment here the electronic flight bag well i have put in the performance information and it will help us calculate our numbers for takeoff and stuff like that it also has helped us get rid of all the paperwork we used to have in the cockpit before so we have all our charts and plates in here so i've also configured it for the approach we're going to be doing and the departure we'll be doing as well so once we're done with this and polish settled we'll go out and brief with the crew and then you're welcome back in again side checklist oxygen tested hundred percent just at a hundred percent right flight instrument okay headings of one seven six one five five five times and i have one zero two two five thousand three hundred feet twice am i heading on 176 canada zero two two fifty three hundred is checked eft preflight preflight complete completed on the right preflight checklist is complete thank you okay good morning everyone good honey i'll be your captain on today's flight 554 to kinshasa with me first off is apollo and i'll give rachel the opportunity to introduce all of you for the benefit of those who don't know each other [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay well welcome aboard our flight 554 i assume you've checked and gone through the licenses and everything we expect the flight to be carried out as usual professionally follow your sops okay great so the brief for today for kinshasa the weather is good both in nairobi and our departure alternate for both return and departure and return to nairobi the aircraft is good the only add we have is captain's speaker is u.s otherwise not um there's nothing affecting us just a few closures but that's affecting the remote parking bays so for we are parked at stand number seven straight for will push back and taxi out by juliet golf and kilo to the holding point runway zero six this will be a standard company left to take off we shall reject for any master caution below 80 knots between 18 knots and b1 will reject for fire failure separation obstruction on the runway or many predictive wind shear or anything that may render the aircraft on safety fly in case of stop i will call reject close thrust levers and deploy speed brakes you will monitor deceleration and layers with atc an action until the time to stop and parking brake is set we'll then do the recall items followed by the non-normal checklist on my command after v1 we will proceed with the takeoff and no action below a thousand feet apart from silencing oral warnings raising the gain selecting maxtrax if required for stress related malfunctions requiring memory items we shall clean up at 400 feet do the memory items and the checklist there clean up and the checklist thereafter for any other malfunction we'll continue climb to 1500 feet be aware of incapacitation at all times in case we need to come back for any reason we'll just uh look at our situation probably decide to hold a tango hotel sort ourselves out and come in for an ils otherwise for our departure today we expect an ekbar 2 bravo departure the chart is 103 hotel 17th january 2014. transition altitude will be 9000 feet and the seats include minimum noise routing msa is based on november victor vor from our initial sector of departure going anti-clockwise will be to the north east 8100 northwest 9600 southwest 9100 and the remaining sector at 8 000 feet for our sid which is the egg bud says climb straight ahead to flight level one zero zero or above which you have set in the fmc 10 left two egg bud and climb to the cleared flight level so i have set flight level 380 subject change depending on the clearance otherwise unless you have any questions my brief is complete no questions a take of gross rate of 1.80894 kilos with a zero one four sixty small four it's a seven eight seven dash eight gen x one b seventy seventy five engines uh cg20 the small one flaps five acceleration altitude a thousand feet runway zero six take off gross weight of one eight zero eight nine four d rated uh 10 19.1 temperature 46 degrees centigrade v1160vr163b2168 vr3147 that's okay you can send it send it 160 163168 stick across with 28.9 28 percent and i have three five zero at four knots that's okay you can request that clearance please okay thank you good morning ladies and gentlemen my name is irene for me in the fly deckers first off is the paula kahujo and in the cabin the crew are led by fly pasta rachel kamal and fly pastor rachel in your mili i'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you about this flight 554 to kinshasa we're just now getting our clearances and we'll shortly be departing otherwise settle down and i'll talk to you good morning [Music] checklist thank you very much as briefed okay before that checklist passenger sign we have it on control kenya mcp we have one six eight zero five three and three eight zero checks take up speed speed sets at v1160vr 163 and v2 168. chucks see your preflight completed before star checklist is complete and we are clear to push ground from fly deck go ahead please we've been cleared to start and push go ahead your checks right pick on its own engines will be clear when how to pay and those are locked and cross checked ready for pushback okay can i release the brakes yes you may brakes are released you can commence push starting right and starting that parking brake is set and we have two normal starts you can clear your equipment and signal to the left thank you and bye-bye good morning appear anti-ice is all auto recall i have sad voice and tickers oh okay console flight control check ground equipment clear right is clear before taxi checklist is complete request taxi please okay front control in your 554 request battery kenya five five four clear taxi via hotel before golf conductor one of this month again hotel fast right lights please lights are on right is clear okay left is clear thanks so fast right by a hotel that's right hotel tower 18 okay there you are five five four copy clearance go ahead player three eight zero to the kilo november mic departure zero six right on to upload five which is set to kill on november mike depicted [Music] thank you zero four zero zero before takeoff checklist for takeoff checklist take off briefing is reviewed right turn on heading select to upload tracks cabin ready and pa confirmed before takeoff checklist is complete we are cleared for takeoff all right it's clear on the runway okay okay rolling tricks can't fall send your proceed holding point report ready fast set check 18 knots strike hold d1 protect positive rate error gear up i'm not engaged check heading select having selected okay all right good morning kenya five five four with you coming to through 7500 kilometres a good morning radio control departure continue client flight level three eight zero directions thank you uh and standard out of nine seven now standard nine seven project once there's your climbing we have to take off checks and passenger signs can go to water okay after takeoff checks lights are off passenger signs is on auto after takeoff checklist is complete thank you my house climbing up here [Music] [Music] five kilos will echo at seven minutes past ten o'clock local time which is ahead of shadyol for our routing today we we're currently over tengan in airspace we will be flying over randy's airspace before we enter the democratic republic of congo we anticipate light to moderate turbulence on routes so i'd advise you to keep your seat belts fastened while seated otherwise sit back relax and enjoy our cabin services and i'll talk to you before we begin descent to pass on the weather for kinshasa thank you well uh we're currently cruising at 38 000 feet now headed toward kinshasa we've just crossed over into tanzanian airspace this here is our airway map which we formerly had on charts but we have everything in here now as you can see the yellow highlighted is our route that we're following this is an airway basically it's like a road in the sky what we follow as we go into our destination um you see the green line over here let me reduce the zoom this is a different airspace it divides the different airspaces as you can see now we're currently over tanzanian airspace and right behind us is the kenyan airspace and then the points in bold letters those are our waypoints and we use we're gonna call the different controls that we're flying over just to let them know where we are so at any one point although they have radar in some airspaces they know where we are at any one point based on when we call the positions you can see in the bold letters um once again i'm captain kakimu a captain on the 787 i've been with kenya airways coming up to 19 years now i was the first female pilot that they had i got into flying from interest i developed at a very young age i was flying from about two i was very fortunate my dad was a pilot with the airline as well so he'd take us along and i'm sure by around five years old i knew that i wanted to be a pilot and grew up telling everyone i wanted to be a pilot but nobody believed me eventually they realized i was not changing my mind i didn't have a lot of support from my parents initially because my dad didn't want me to become a pilot but he was convinced by some of his friends and he changed his mind and it's been an awkward it's been good after that i initially started at the kenya school of flying where i did my ppl and proceeded to the us and did all my other ratings my cpl and everything else came back to kenya and applied i did a little bit of bush flying just six months before i joined kenya airways after a very rigorous interview process with kenya airways i was their first female pilot and here i am today when i joined kenya airways i was initially flying the forka 50. the process here is you work your way up the ranks you start as the first officer sitted on the right side and you work your way up the ranks and then when you get to the biggest aircraft in the fleet you move back down and start as a captain and work your way up again so i started on the fokker 50 then transitioned to the boeing 737 flying the dash 300 700 and 800 after that i flew the 767 still as a first officer and then came back down and started my command as a captain on the 737 again the entire series and back to the 767 and now i'm on the dream liner it's a beautiful aircraft to fly i think it's so technologically advanced it's like flying it's like for people on the ground driving a top of the range car it makes and it's so much easier we have so many things to assist us in what we do it's not like the flying we used to do before and then there's this little piece of equipment here the efb i think it changed it's it's a it's uh what do i call it changed a lot in the aviation industry it made everything a lot neater a lot easier and of course if it's a lot easier a lot safer and apart from that the aircraft is amazing to fly it handles very well as you know the most technologically advanced aircraft we have on the market right now in the aviation industry to your left now you can see lake victoria it's the largest freshwater lake in africa and we share it between three countries tanzania uganda and kenya we're currently on the tanzanian side coming up to the city of mwanza if you look to your left it's a little fishing town you should be able to see it it has an airport and everything and yeah basically most of the people around here live off fishing and yeah and they get a lot of tilapia and now patch fish out of here mostly for experts and yeah basically it with little islands there's plenty of islands on it so you have control okay approaching kinshasa the weather looks good um for the approach i've set up on alva's one alpha arrival for an 2-4 chart is to echo uh 12th october 2007 effective 25th october american transition level will be 6-0 msa is based on killer sir alpha vor 4500 all around so far rooting on checking all this will live on 265 degrees descending to 4500 feet checking overhead big girl at 4500 as you turn right um on the ark and then on leaving bigel on all the swan alphas that descend four thousand feet which is set we'll then transition on to the localizer chart localizer papa runway 24 chart is 11-1 8th august 2014 we have the frequencies at the top and uh ils sorry localizers1103 no videos checks okay it's uh on park and your final approach costs 241 and minimum altitude at the outer marker 2550 feet our mda will be 1470 sat on the left okay in case you need to go around for any reason i'll let you know we're going around i'll hit the go switches simultaneously putting in power you give me flap 20 positive rate i'll take gear up and the procedure is climb on radial 241 okay climb on radio 241 thousand five hundred feet and turn right to the vor r is directed turn right vor three thousand five hundred feet we'll do that on l now okay once we're on ground kinshasa um thinking we might end up going all the way to the end and backtrack but affect i'll set auto brick 3 in case we can make whiskeys i doubt if you say we have full length of the runway so we'll see apart from that one way too far is the right hand circuit and there are bags in the vicinity our alternate is to luanda and i've said that in route 2. okay so unless you have any questions my brief is complete no questions okay you send checks and then you can talk to him okay okay uh passenger sign is on recall i have data link plus that voice lost okay note none auto break level three here okay we get to kinshasa with 20.4 tons we need six tons to luanda more than enough 600 kilos 167.2 okay 167 one now it's changed okay okay landing data okay bref 3142 minimums one four seven zero set we have thirty one point two bar minimum is one possible zero cent right approach briefly completed decent checklist thank you enough five four go ahead five five four flat number three is your check position impact initially flat double law three four zero defense initially flooded three four zero report leaving three eight zero three four zero reported plan number three reporting bye [Music] 0 [Music] reporter [Music] via six h [Applause] 2 000 to go sure one thousand to go check request lower five five four percent can go up [Music] reporting for 5000 feet over foreign [Music] one check holding position ready to copy clearance whatever four 46 to maintain all positions approaching positions landing three hundred two hundred 100 50 40 30 20 10. manual breaking checks 80 knots 60 knots uh 300. 200 100 50 14 13 20 10. here we go navigation climbing to flight level 350. clearance correct maintain for top of the patch i call it for takeoff club okay okay he doesn't try to swim is um you
Channel: Just Planes
Views: 2,099,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cockpit, Flightdeck, Pilot, Pilots, Pilotlife, Pilotseye, Pilotsview, Kenya Airways, Kenya, Boeing 787, 787-8, Dreamliner, Cockpit Kenya, Cockpit Kenya Airways, Cockpit 787, Cockpit Boeing 787, Cockpit Dreamliner, Nairobi, Nairobi Airport, Cockpit Nairobi, Kinshasa, Kinshasa Airport, Cockpit Kinshasa, Trip Report Nairobi, Trip Report Kinshasa, Trip Report Kenya, Trip Report Kenya Airways, JustPlanes, Just Planes, Female Pilot, Female Crew
Id: dcGMkrwJThI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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