Buck and Charon - Hutts Streams Deck of Ashes

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start the record button I probably should have recorded the little start thing there but welcome to deck of ashes this is sponsored by a why games so thank them for that and we're gonna jump in it's a it's a deck builder it's I said I was talking about it before it's more of like an open world concept to a deck builder well we could you know compare it to say the spire or the art style of darkest dungeon and it definitely is unique in its own way you're gonna see that in a second very good stuff thank you a why games rustic charm everything's hand-drawn which is always a really cool thing to see in a game we did the tutorial we're gonna do a campaign and I think we're gonna start a new campaign with a different character than what I did on the video that I showed so I did one with Lucia the eternal flame she's like a pyro mansur and then there's sly slide turn in the dark side after his innocent wife was executed and formed the gang of outcasts so he's like the leader curse gave him unmatched speed and reflexes yet now he's tormented by the voices of his slain enemies and he seeks to make them disappear there's four different campaigns each corresponding to the 4 different outcasts here buck-buck the beast you'll rage of the foundling a foundling and empath who is not accepted into his native land he has always possessed uncontrolled aggression and can stand up for himself his only friend and Ally is a creature he met in the forest among the outcasts buck and his beast are the most dangerous rivals for anyone to get in their way the ash curse gave them a new strength but killed cheran bucks only friend now they seek a way to stop the curse and correct their mistake Magnus the ugly jester so you're a gesture at the Kings Court where he was laughed at every day over it was only it was he who first found out about the ash box was the weakest the outcast but he was also the most conniving and now Valle is the power given to him by the ash curse most greatly Magnus is driven by a mission hunger for power and desire to get to Lady Death I'm unthinking that I think sliced sounds like he'd be a lot of fun and buck the beast you'll rage ugly gesture I thought that was a which I really think I'd away an Ellen smile ixnay neck boy he's got a neck of a giraffe buck I kind of like it the thing he's a big tough guy but he's got this little pet that he like apparently lost I don't know if he's still with them I like buck longneck Ivo slide - alright everyone in chat sly or buck unmatched speeding reflexes tormented by the voices of a slain enemies or buck whoo let's hear his beats of the most dangerous the ash curse gave him to strength but nearly killed chair and nearly killed this little buddy buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck sly thick neck buck miss brought to you by thick neck gang imagine having a skinny neck all right you guys want buck let's do it difficulty wanderers super easy if you get killed you get resurrected at camp adventurer is like the true roguelike killed in battle you three start from the beginning and then there's an even harder version let's do it venture let's do it let's do the official if you die you're dead so don't die dance and judy have you seen the nightbot timer activate I'm just wondering because I got another button I'm supposed to click over here but it seems like everything's good good to go that's night blah BOTS friendly reminder that ones over here that's every 30 minutes no I have not well it's in the same list as that one that just showed up so I'm hoping that it works save game let's just do this first one so looks like you know multiple multiple games per different person which is like a cool thing if you are sharing this game with any family members or anything like that draft mode is a different mode where you let's hear start a new game with self-constructed starter deck sounds more like a custom thing let's just do the standard mode let's watch this thing consider me in general stupid but I just felt everything valued behind their smiles empathy I think that's what the brainy magicians all this talent gotta click continue' button my bad when our please began to mock me I did not wait I answered right away my blow was heavy burn they were ordinary thoughts behind their files cruel smiles the other I wanted to knock out this sly anger and hate from them well they finally stopped I'd F fear I had no relatives no never found friends and I was strong the Royal Army appreciated it but the story repeated itself a fit of rage are killed several soldiers the captain highly appreciated my abilities and gave me a choice wine from the gallows special Thomas fulfill the secret will of King Octavius the motion was to obtain ancient artifacts from Forbidden Forest it was a sure death but on my terms the Forbidden Forest the territory that spans the vast expanse of a mainland some Salish places where the ancient races got together and destroyed each other on bow their names were erased from history the power of the used magic was so great but it changed the very essence of space and generating hordes of deadly creatures dangerous places to a deadly some fortunately the creatures rarely left their territory where they lived that's where the king sent us and fulfill his secret mission he sent us to accompanying his squad as the battle mages of Octavius went deeper into the forest they fought off one wave of creature attacks after another dying from exhaustion soldiers entirely covered with protective amulets fell under the creatures blows but the monsters mass was endless we tried right back losing people day after day for some mythical artifacts in his wilderness found a creature I could not raise my soul to get lost why him naively in the grunts felt that I could not believe so I took Karen as soon as I looked into his eyes felt this connection after all it was also an empath - of all the soldiers sent to this task I was the only survivor they Swiss not out of King octavius's plans that day I would not have survived it had not been for Karen I heard his thoughts my eight well how he was trying to warn me about the prepared trap in my fight with fled killing the guards and I finally became free only much time has passed before I ran into the outcasts none of them one hadn't told me each of them had their own strong feeling but they were not aimed at me I mean Carol I became real family our lives were about us robbery sorts my strength was finally running free Karen was content with my fury every day felt like Holland we killed people we took their wealth we felt like king firmly one of us knew our dangerous path would lead to even the royal treasury which the Grady jester gave us was not enough Magnus showed us a new target the ash box an ancient artifact hidden while a distant ancestor a king up Tyler's pretty long story no I saw Lady Death realized that we had gone too far I was the first to get the soul and beat the ash box out of their greedy hands of Magnus broke box cursed bursting at us Karen had shielded me it took the entire blow on himself dividing our fighting tool faded in my arms and I felt every moment of his suffering the currents in my last bite is not become the arsh master behind us he promised that if we defeat lady death the ass curse will be lifted and we will be saved we've arrived the forbidden Grove we'll have to stop here in pitch camp the curse to file these wants sacred woods with hideous mutations there is a lurking danger behind every tree here a web or a giant rat or any other beastly abomination the ancestor is the ruler of these lands the father and the king of all beasts the curse changed him and I suspect not for the better he's picked up our scent and he won't let us pass we have but a couple of days before he tracks down our camp you must prepare to fight him well house a lot has a lot to absorb so I'm really getting from this game that these guys love storytelling and have written quite a bit of story behind these characters one thing I forgot to mention earlier you guys is that they have a discord and on that discord they are currently hosting a competition for you guys to design your own mini boss in the game and whoever designs the best mini boss or as the best idea is going to the top three I think the mini bosses will be put into the game view will win a painted statue I wonder if I could bring that up right now that'd be easy enough to bring that up the picture of the statue that you guys could possibly win probably would be worth it to show y'all and you'll also get a prestigious role on their of boss master on their on their discord I don't know how exactly to bring that up right now honestly voice acting is top-notch damn oh cool that's nice maybe I'll find it later I don't the only way I know how to do is by banging up discord but that's gonna ruin the stream because it messes them up with my microphone and it could tell staticky so let's let's continue on stream quality's top priority there's the sponsor thing what sponsor thing oh yeah nightbot there we go perfect cool let's see here so we have four different things that we can go to this guy we can craft cards from our given recipes so we have car recipes we have a deck of cards here these are the ones that we will be able to play in battle as soon as we play a card assuming it doesn't say otherwise it gets used up and put into our deck of ashes which is this bottom deck so there's two decks going on right now your active deck and then your deck of ashes and when it's in your deck of ashes you have to do something to get those cards out of the deck of ashes or keep them in there some of the cards actually they benefit you by being in this second deck well we'll get more into it later on I think telling you everything right now is we're just overloading you with with information I think maybe maybe like that much storyline if you're gonna do a roguelike like you want it to be replayable maybe only give people pieces bits and pieces of lore as you play it could be a cool way to get people to play it even more right the more you play it the more you learn like if you're really into the thing maybe you don't want to sit there for 15 minutes to absorb the storyline in one go spread it out a little bit just my thoughts in the matter um let's see here what do we have let's take a look at our deck first before we go anywhere herbalist stats cure ailments ash rights and renew cards and you can buy and sell recipes and trade resources with the merchants what do we have crushing swing Gill 9 damage battle rush steel three times more damage I'm actually I'm gonna put my face over to the side two on this one so you guys can see the cards there we go that's a better screen for me battle rush when the his rage effect activates buckins one charge of battle rush which he can spend to cause several cards to receive an additional effect for one use so if I have battle rush I don't know what it is I'm just as lost as you guys right now we'll figure it out though nine damage but if I have battle rush activated it deals three times more damage interesting dangerous wound apply inflammation on the opponent the start of the characters turn deal one damage to them each turn enemy each turn damage is increased by one but no more than three any healing effects resets the damage from inflammation to one okay but if I have battle rush gains one charge about a rush when his rage effect is activated okay it's been two cause separate cards receive 100 effect the effect is repeated twice for dangerous wound healing balm healing marks dealing damage with Ashe cards to a character afflicted with this mark restores your health by two points okay but did with this mark got it it's strike deal 8 damage boss rush applied trauma both trauma is strike cards that are played against characters with this effect cost one mana point less but no less than one got it another trauma card that's us it's a hit hilt strike plus restores six health points to me steel teeth ash non-playable ash at the end of your turn deal two damage to a random point so if I was able to discard steel teeth it'll deal two random damage per round this is in the ash deck timely lunge anticipation Phoenix deal four damage deal additional four damage for each played card Phoenix when it's played it's returned to my battle deck instead of going to the ash deck anticipation while you have this card in your hand in its mana cost is increased by one when you play other cards so it deals more damage for more cards played but it also costs more got it cool a lot of stuff going on that card conflicts with the other conflicts which one trauma there's a certain like types of cards it says in the bottom some of them are strike some of them are periodic damage healing hex strike hex strike strike strike so what to pay attention to all that that's going on I don't think there's really anything that we can do with zero resources we have 20 gold in 20 ash I guess maybe we could see what we could craft probably don't to craft anything though until I really know how the deck is gonna work deal triple damage of your opponent's health is below half that could be cool cultists pauldron apply bleed and an opponent apply a poison on an opponent or apply burn on an opponent okay card upgrades you buy an upgrade for one of these so like you get to choose like which upgrade you want right that's a lot of reading though there's a lot of stuff going on the spells shield in that one discard a random ailment the healing plus supply regeneration restore high-five as well draw three cards here okay let's just go let's see the world so this is like the open world concept where you can basically go wherever you want to there's a certain time limit that you have that's denoted up here whereby this bar when it reaches full then you're done exploring you got to go back to camp and then immediately fight the boss so you know you know in the I haven't seen a deck builder that's that's done it like this with this open world concept right now we can go to a battle we don't have any keys so that'd be silly to go to the common chests we can go to this undefined tile which could be a random event a monster battle or just be unoccupied each one of these places has a resource that once you're on it you can spend another it's like one hour to travel to any of these places to an adjacent tile another hour to dig up the resources on that spot also there's biomes right this is a location swamp ass over here is location town this is Shore Forest just you know you get different enemies this is a dungeon over here I'd like to clear the dungeon at some point in time looks like the only way to get over there is only going through this path over here to get to this top area so maybe we'll swoop through the bottom and then hit up the top these old triangles are portals that we could go jump between portals if we have them if we've reached them once cool map idea I like oh then let's just go off to the left here random that was unoccupied we can go ahead and mine four one two one herb let's get it I guess get that herb this is gonna be a swamp easy battle mostly in Fester's let's fight I'm ready lots of information it is it totally is and it's really maybe something that I should have just jumped in learn on our own Karen look at Karen Karen rage points let's absorb that for a moment here because I still don't know what that is rage points are a special stat unique to buck you accumulate them for almost every action you perform the more points you have the more damage your strike cards deal when the rage meter reaches a certain threshold a rage effect is activated automatically if you have the right trait we have here at the end of your turn you have a ten percent chance to gain a random ailment which is bad probably because we're in the swamp collar of vigor when you accumulate twenty five rage points you have one extra mana point until the end of battle right now we have five is denoted by this five year Manas like energy basically damage modifier increases by the amount of rage cool I wonder if once we get rage if Karen goes nuts let's just try using some of these out huh healing mark dealing ash dealing damage with ash cards to a character afflicted with this mark I think I'm not exactly sure what ash card means maybe a card specifically in my Ashe deck like this non-playable steel teeth deal two damage to a random opponent if that's in my deck of ashes then maybe that would and it hit somebody with this healing mark but that would you don't do a thing so these guys have special abilities as well when Spore takes damage on or restore health it deals one damage to me so but you don't want to do like one damage you know all 32 times we get 32 damage back it wouldn't be good but look this little guy I didn't see that card before fragile discard all Ashe cards from your hand available once per battle still I guess I'm not exactly sure what an ash card is what it's a ash on it let's see you this is already costing two because we played a card so we could play a couple cards deal a damage battle rush apply trauma let's just go ahead there take out the stitch guy okay bill nine damaged battle rush still three times more damage we don't have bad a rush that's like if Rage is on we could we can't use this anymore cost too much yeah let's just do it I guess I don't even sure what this does Karen is a cutie Karen rages if you don't go to school alright so now I'll end the turn and you can save up to or you can put your cards are automatically saved they don't go anywhere you just draw however money you need to get a full hand or if you don't want them in your hand you can go ahead and select them and then stick them on the bottom of your deck up to three cards per turn that was a lot of damage that they just did I suppose I should be like reading the stuff or stars for health points for every character in battle is what the stitch just gonna do and then this guy's gonna do two to three damage all right fungal disease so we did actually end up getting a bad card your speed is reduced by one until you end the battle by drawing this card I can go ahead and spend five energy to put it into my Ashe deck but that's gonna be all of my energy right now regeneration to myself that sounds nice another hilt strike plus Hilde strike Hilde strike killed strike let's finish this guy off don't even think about it Karen wood Karen eat him I don't have enough energy to play into those cards I I don't want to put this in the bottom my deck because then I'll just redraw it and it'll affect me again we kill keep the hilt strike Plus start restore six six hit points if I use it apply information gonna point it I don't really want to do that on this opponent because it's gonna do that small amount of damage and every single time I do that it's gonna hurt me back um uh see here do the hilt strike Plus discards all Ashe cards maybe every card is a nash card it could be maybe let's see her if we let's say we got done with as many cards as i want to play right i don't want to use this dangerous wound i'm this i can't play it it needs to be in my ash deck to play if i do this do i get rid of all these cards cuz fungal disease going to my ash deck would be great steel teeth going to my ash deck would be great dangerous wound i'm not gonna use it so does that one say ash on it steel teeth ash Oh any any card with an ash modifier any card with an ash modifier makes sense to me got it so that's pretty good that's gonna be how we discard that card you know what charge on this guy what does that even mean while you have this card in your hand it's mana cost is reduced by one when you play other cards so right now it's very very cheap we're getting to the point where almost all of our cards are in arash deck and we have to use this hurts ourself for 15 damage and it'll renew five random cards could be really bad once since this is able to be put into my ashtec I should just do that now so it's not taking on my card draw probably kill this thing be pretty easy right now you're done you're done all right eleven gold five ash one key now after every battle you get to rest with your rest points you can bring back cards or heal yourself you can also craft cards for ash let's hear any one of these is really good triple damage if your opponents are below half health I'll do that one looks like that also cost me an ash point let's hear my health strike plus is pretty good regen is pretty good crushing sword I just got that one steel teeth I want that to stay in my ash deck so I'm not gonna pay to get a back healing mark I need to use that on somebody and another health strike that's all my points I didn't use any on healing should we get the resources another herb might as well stock up on herbs all we're here see her forest unoccupied unidentified swamp let's go there events on your path you suddenly meet the ash master he offers it before an ash writes the same thing that he would do back at camp but we can do it out here right now renew all of our cards for zero money resurrection right what's that after you die you will be resurrected at the camp at 50% health points but you will also lose all your recipes in half of your resources I don't have enough money to buy that so no mutated ancestor he just moved a little bit closer because we spent enough time wonky to open we have one key ten gold zero ash and a recipe here another inflammation card another crushing swing nine damage deal three times more damage if my rage my battle rush is active amulet of heartbeat restore one health point for each card in your battle deck we can go heavy on run regen like we have a couple of things that have regen on them it's just a recipe so we don't even have them make it into a card if you don't want to we also got shrapnel compound two-ply bleed a consumable belt over here on the left what do we get for digging here another herb let's go to the medium difficulty battle maybe try to get another key by the time we get back to this chest what do we get from here one unk relic one relic for buying upgrades from the ash master sure all right tough fight Kara is not a good boy guys you're all wrong it's what healing Marcus a single target foe it's pretty easy it's going to apply bleed to us so what else does it have Nightwing's card effects activate twice okay double bleed then ash scar isn't gonna be very useful we could play it for zero cost though just to get rid of it so doesn't eat up my deck he's like I'm trying let's put healing on ourselves buy up the bat that sounds nice well yeah we can apply inflammation because it's not gonna hurt ourselves let's do hilt strike + and inflame this boy [ __ ] arm keep the card all right so that's one damage twice for two turns if I'm reading that right Karen is best boyy I'm not a pizza dad Karen is a good baby shush we just said Karen's not a good boy norther Amoy bill 10 damage apply trauma does this stack up rage points it seems like we started with some triple damage if your health is below half it's not for damage per card played just keep up the damage we will have to use our ash pact we probably should just end it with the ash pact so that we get some card drawn next turn so use this we take 15 damage and it renews 5 random cards steel teeth not good that's the one that we wanted to keep in our ashtec and I just use the discard move from Karen got rid of it he's actually at a little bit above half we damage them once then we can chastise the wounded I don't think we need that one put on the bottom game looks like wheel kick is something to be aware of should I put a second healing mark on him it's free all right do a little bit of damage and then we can chest size the healing your the plus it's he'll strike plus nice this would be doing a bunch of damage 24 damage baby still have to energy what I must have to use that on nothing boo my bleeds finally done him it's 68 health 11 damage or 11 health I mean use that once and then this should kill him here yeah done medium battle CDM dance let me know if anybody from the a why games team or any devs from this game pop in a chat make themself known just keep yelling at me until I pay attention healing work I want you back healing balm I want you back he'll strike plus yes and you know what I'm just gonna restore some health here because that was 30 health points restored and if we're using our ash pact that's 15 damage per ash pact twice we just paid for which is renewing 10 cards instead of three more cards right so it's kind of a balancing act of what's more worth it to use your ash pack to get him back use this to get it back are you gonna be by camp anytime soon or not because you could just swing by camp and do it for free resources one to two herbs get that herb I'll keep an eye out so yeah the pet is in the deck itself kind of thing last I saw the pet nearly died and was fully grown unless it got time reversed yeah I don't really know I think that you know maybe they were gonna explain it further but it was an you know it was too much maybe it got hurt so it like I don't know shrunk on your path you suddenly meet the blacksmith aware of the long road you've traveled he offers you special services when an opportune time and bitrates from him but I don't have enough money what kind of traits do you have though when you accumulate 25 rage points deal 25 damage to a random opponent that's cool this is gonna happen automatically when you accumulate 50 rage points restore health points equal to the damage received during the last turn restores all mana points used cool cool when you accumulate 75 rage points apply 8 inflammation effects on random opponents when you accumulate a hundred rage points still 35 damage to each opponent renews one random card except for ash cards for every opponent killed with this card that's cool you do not spend rage points which allows you to deal more damage with your strike cards you don't have to spend rage points so you just keep them indefinitely right now we have when you accumulate 25 you have one extra mana point until the end of battle that's currently active I don't know if you can have multiple traits active or not I can't do anything with that right now all right you did it ancestor the boss just got a little bit closer what we get here more herb little loaded on herb we also got a crystal or for the blacksmith we don't have Mickeys so maybe we'll get a key from this mostly see at the shore yeah it's employ that's them pray for dinner started with 18 or aged so it does accumulate this is an ash card our ash scar will allow us to get rid of it which is great thank you Karen healing mark which will heal us every time that that card that we just put into our ashtec deals damage which at the end of your turn deals two damage to a random opponent assuming it's in the ash deck which it is lots of stuff huh health strike plus you're good you heal me and I don't have enough mana for anything else what are you gonna do grants or gains shield applies shield on a random fish egg there is no fish egg but here at the sea following one of the following effects appears every five turns a sea wave brings a fish egg a sea wave restores three health points to all sea monsters and deals three damage to all the characters or a sea wave brings a sea monster to the battlefield fish looks merlok ii i kind of like how the hand looks like it could have been like a morphed like fish fin like its oversized its webbed let's see here let's do the regen on ourselves that's always just nice to have let's a sh packed now and get five random cards back we ended up pulling the freaking steel teeth back I want that to stay in my ashtag that's so unlucky let's see here twelve what does that mean D little additional for damage for each card played twelve damage that's pretty good if we could only have one might as well do that that's the card - that doesn't get put into our Ashe deck ever my my my rage just reset so he just falling a fish egg looks like which inherently has a shield evolution after three turns its reborn as a clamper hydra or fish folk which is what this guy is so we want to kill it immediately it's spent stuff to do that you Shh it reminds me of the ben10 Fishman dude it's the Benton Fishman dude old Greg did we notice the effects of our rage happening at 25 is that why at reset when you came at 25 or H points you have one extra mana point until the in turn end of battle so to be serviced six maybe we did probably did and another one's down and another ones down another one mats dusts to burn with fire return three into the bottom of my deck and there's only one card we had to pull so if we put them into the bottom we just pulled my back could be a good way to take advantage of cards that gain something by drawing them so it seems like this one just like over time keeps adding on to it it gets more and more expensive let's here let me reread that now that I sort of know what's going on well you have this card in your hand it's mana cost is increased by one when you play other cards its main effect has also increased each car to this type this maximum cost that cannot be increased max cost is five okay cool so three times more damage on battle rush which you don't have unless we do do we have that is that why we got 25 and it's spent it flash of vigor you have one extra mana point until the end of battle so we do have that damage modifier increased by the amount of rage all our vigor I don't see you like if it tells me I've got my rage effect active right how do I know that Oh issues we can see if it applies trauma strike cards that are played against characters with this effect cost one mana point less no it still says three so I don't if I understand it maybe it's only on that turn that we got to 25m I don't know let's bring you some cards here next turn please the fish man could slap you from six feet away not very long arms just long hands are you below 50% health you're so close we had that one that deals extra damage the lower your health is I'm gonna think selling it's in our ash deck chastise the wounded we didn't get it back health strike bus is nice and any of these it says a green 9c here why is that why is it doing more damage than it normally would because we have 17 rage got it slowly learning a lot there's a lot going on right there's a lot to read I'm new to this too which is probably best for you guys otherwise like I'm on monster train and I'm just whipping through you guys are like I don't know what's going on at least now I have the ability to kind of explain things to you as I'm learning or you guys could tell me if I read it wrong which is always helpful most of the time helpful I should say I could kill that egg thanks Stacey hydrate does anyone want to fix my posture does anyone care about my posture right now no one mutton shanks is just on it though egg is scaring me posture check alright alright alright 10 damage is good but we need to blow the shield on this thing could probably end up killing the fish folk before we even need to deal with the egg cuz it's three turns until that thing does anything it's Magnum build your age spinal Raj I'm still mister around in a cage if I kill this thing without me even needing to use my ash pact yeah it's megohm plus we have 25 rage okay so that just boom used it my carry neatly got a little bit bigger there for a second and we got this battle rush when his rage effect activated gains one charge of battle rush which she can spend it cause several cards to receive an additional effect yep we got it so battle rush still three times more damage 27 damage we just laid waste that fish egg but it only lasts that turn okay kind of wish I could have saved it for the next battle just start off with that that was a little overkill their healing mark is good chastise the wound he'll strike plus healing balm and up above restore my health I don't think I need to craft any of these cards so I think we're pretty good we're doing Auto eights get another or then we got a key we still didn't get a key so let's maybe activate the portal ashstorm random chance for this ash storm to come quickly drawn their power before they just appear so like if we can make it to one of these spots then we can gain this recipe there's a recipe here's a recipe or here's an ash chalice which just gives you a set amount of ash if you reach it any good cards a damage to all opponents deal triple damage if you have less than 30 health points discard a card of your choice from your hand so we could use any of these discard cards to get rid of the ash cards chastise the wounded I do like that one having two of them would be pretty hot what's this one treasure map choose draw a rare card or draw an epic card it's a little as you know we could still reach it in three turns but let's go for what do you what do you guys think ash chalice for just some free ash or chastise the wounded Chadd have an opinion on it we've used it once and it was pretty good triple damage on a opponent below half health or if you already want to see what the chalices Reynaud says chalice CDM says chastise I got a second chalice third chalice the second chastise AoE one it's not a OE technically it's just does more damage if they're below oh this one a damage to all opponents AoE dying wrath you know that you know you're right that is actually not bad since most of the cards only do a damage this one does eight to everybody I didn't read that I don't want to have to discard a card though that's the problem is that I'll have to discard something and if I've already gotten rid of my Ashe card which is what that other card the chair and card the karin card i mean is for then we'll be discarding cards i don't want to get rid of will be rudely ripping through our own cars to to quickly then i could choose not to discard than yeah but when you discard them into your ash deck the only way to get back is to spend blood or a rest or go back to camp I think I see more chalice I think so let's just go we just did this question mark but I think the question mark never goes away wanted to herb let's go from some more herb let's go heavy on the herb one to two we've only ever gotten one ash chalice ten ash ten doesn't seem like a whole lot and there's a two key chest I haven't gotten a single key yet I'm thinking maybe we sweep right back through camp would be it maybe a smart idea let's do that okay so the mutated ancestor just broke that road the closer the boss gets when they're looking for me for or Venus still don't have a key so just passed through all right set up camp and see what we can do we didn't get a whole lot of money there and get a whole lot of money we could get some card upgrades with our ash we have 25 ash renew all of our cards setting that's a smart idea it's free now that we're here upgrade with our herb we can upgrade to start allow purchasing purchase of stat increasing items which are these increase your crit chance by 2% 490 I don't even have 90 180 to increase your max health and so forth and so forth that was mean breaking the road allows you to cure all ailments except for parasites so we could get rid of that I believe we still have it right where is it yeah fungal disease we still have that but I'll get rid of this go away or restore three health points after each battle let's do the ailment cleaning cleansing next one will allow us to cure parasites and one after that halfs the cost of curing ailments so much how costly is it 20 deal I'm said that's worth it merchants you have any good cards I could buy with the rest of my money deal 10 damage dill additional 10 damage for each shield applied on you I don't have any shield at the moment chastise the wounded we could buy another one of those Phoenix lifesteal deal one damage three times in a row that sounds like that could really stack with my rage right if it's doing more damage if strike cards or do it if it does two damaged times three three damage times three its Phoenix so it never gets burned up amulet we already have one of these and I'm kind of choosing not to make it we store one health point for each card in your battle deck upwards the maximum of 12 it would heal which is not bad for one cost but let's try the ancient ritual there's some consumables that we could have bought but whatever we can sell some of these if we don't think that we're ever gonna make them I'm still not sure what our build is we could trade 2 for 1 or 4 goblets I don't have any goblets to upgrade him one of the best ones I can think of is increases the amount of rest points that be super nice Danny DeVito became a merchant card upgrades I'm kind of feeling the upgrades here we can upgrade our ash pact so that we renew eight cards instead of five cards if we type we hurt ourselves for fifteen or strain for double or actually that double instead of fifteen damage would be twenty damage what we can choose the five cards of our choice so that we would stop ourself from pulling back steel teeth let's do that loan where we go to choose we can buy a five cost upgrade on one of these if we want to dispels shield on the timely lunge this one what's the difference applies to more inflammation effects that the opponent has less than half health points apply regeneration renew one random card note strike plus we can do deals additional three damage for every twenty health points that I've lost restore health points we already have a held strike plus that restores our health points I kind of like that honestly let's get another one cool I believe you can only upgrade cards once and you can only upgrade certain cards so that's all of our ash I think we're ready to go let's hit up that dungeon still don't have a key battle-ax school new day has begun like my doorbell going off package which I should go get healing packs well if we draw that Ash card and it does damage from my ash deck it'll if it hits the healing mark person then it'll heal me it's probably worth to put it on somebody he'll strike timely lunge what was this one deal additional for damage for each card played this card is scaring me deals three damage the damage is based on total strength of all humans this one's still in for a six damage possession someone's an imp succubus or satyr with five health points once it dies because it's being possessed by one of those things let's take the guard out first so we save the chaste sighs the wounded then and not spend it and tell us below half maybe cuz we don't to put it in her ash deck stick it on the bottom then let's have been watching it for a while and I want you to know that you're awesome thanks private Penh private penguin or private pan Owen something it means a penguin steal T thoughts put it away ugly bum four total four months of the Hutts welcome back ugly bum nightbot just put the sponsorship message to you guys in the chat that's the length of the steam page if you want to check it out right now or wishlist it or follow it or do whatever you want to do we're at eight rage right now just keep Adam you know three times more damage on a battle about a rush that's not gonna happen for any time anytime soon he's at three health for now so now it's not even worth it didn't use the timely lunch sorry not the timely lunch the chastised the wounded alien bomb was always nice information we could just finish him off with inflammation what are you doing increases strength by four part we should just kill them then get rid of them and flame that boy posture check boy never seen a skinny yet infinity guard modern up hung up my donut one or not let's see if we can't get this guy without having to refresh my deck 19 2006 and in my turn and then I got it am I gonna lose it for this next turn I was never able to use it or do I get it for this next turn I get it this next turn that is perfect so now we have battle rush activated so we apply trauma on this nothing more on that one but he's at 15 health since he got damaged from my steel teeth I think and the inflammation so chastise the wounds gonna finish him off it's the mate then I'll battle rush trauma year but you're done 13 gold 5 ash one key such a great this is such a great to fix your posture scraggly little imp heap hog I'm liking this Steel's teeth stay in my ash deck please Mike in there a nice full health but hit strike pluses always a good thing chastised awarded crushing swing is cool and everything but we need more of them and I'm a master crafted card just get a normal health strike back cool what do we got here goblet I'm probably gonna end up spending the goblet I'm not gonna lie goblet though that's the one that would allow me to get an extra rest point so I probably should have gone with the goblet bore it's so small compared to all the other guys zombie boy I mean that's the ash curse right since we don't have our steel teeth we could go ahead and use her ash scar and get rid of it but we might get it back when I use my whatever card that hurts myself and brings everything back excuse me we're heavy on the heels right now we've been staying it almost maxed out the entire time ash packed is what it's called it's ash packed plus though five cards of my choice I forgot that I did that we take more damage but with all the healing that we have I think we're gonna be okay we'll never have to worry about pulling that card back because I can choose which one I want that's perfect so I can just get rid of that I won't eat it sorry bud let's do that right now don't strike Plus sounds good rushing swing healing balm another hilt strike is that did that choose them or got to select each one oh there's a little like thing by him I see it I could use another healing mark and mark them again let's see here let's strike plus that puts in below half and then chastise them three health left it's gonna do two damage just by the steel teeth there's healing mark double up I'd like to think so I don't think it'd be smart to use it right now cuz he's gonna be dead if I just skip this turn all together I think it's over yeah did not get a key yelled strike plus chastised the wounded one health points information held strike held strike sweet that's perfect that's the only card that we really want it's as an ash card in our ash deck I'd say that's about 40% on the boss more herb more herb double key chest with no key gotta love that medium fight you know what screw it I'm feeling spicy right now oh we're boar baloney barb somebody got a little frisky there look buddy I don't need to see or do in your spare time we build striking them not worth it the crowd chastised the wounded oink-oink MF new deck builder rogue yeah it came out on the 9th two days ago we're bored looks and gorgeous honey you're glowing Healing has always done nice for me dangerous wound and he'll strike blossom +6 health back every time that we use a held strike plus at least the hilt strike pluses that we plussed he's doing 12 to 14 damage wise strength is +5 healing mark healing damage with Ashe cards to a character afflicted with this mark already yet I put that on that's my thing I heal every time that it damages him which is 2 per turn he'll strike plus he's always a good time 47 out of 80 he's not below 50% yet three times more damage as soon as we hit our rage meter and that's gonna be like pretty much next turn we'll be there so I think I'm gonna save some of these cards okay we hit we hit it right there all right super damage round go 27 damage chastise him to finish him off easy chastise back he'll strike Plus back both of them crushing Swain that was cool healing healing mark and now we're done no keys man wanted to herb still only one herb well here's a little time counter right here looks like we're 7th hour of the day day two maybe I don't know making it up we should had some numbers on this thing up here about 50% now we could go ahead and activate the portal or swoop down and get this chest I don't really see myself teleporting to this portal over here for any reason there's nothing really going on so portals kind of seem like maybe they're a lost cause I wonder if I could travel to the portal from camp though travel to camp be a travel stone so I can travel to my camp but I don't think I can travel to the portals unless I think there's an upgrade that I can get on one of the the npcs to travel to a portal you mark them off the bat he'll strike plus him off bat what do you got 46 damage coming in you got nothing healing go objective there's three portals though right I just don't see myself traveling between them all for any really good reason unless the same portals are used in the next part of the campaign doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo crushing swing when that battle rushing chastise the wounded he's not Bluff pity timely lunge he's that timely lunge we'll come back next turn or one cost I think four or five damage always these below 50% now I'll extend hard then 26 damage just like that now we can use this to finish him off he'll strike back oh we just ended up by hurting myself with the ash pact I enabled my beastial rage that I guess I got a little extra energy on that so I could just finish this now before the succubus kiss of a succubus restores five health points to the player discards the top card to the players battle deck now sorry I'll pass on that got a key crushing swing back dangerous windbag he'll strike back look at that let's craft this life steel card that we bought and then heal ourselves cool that's it ash storm what he got empowering protection non-playable ash increase your strength by four as long as you have shield I don't even know how to get shields I haven't seen a single shield card yet Omaima machine there rounin buy a good one get the chalice here first look that it's gonna cost time and do that ash Alice another healing mark I would like to stack healing marks we get so much health back if we were to do so or another crushing swing let's go for that this thing is a cost time to open the chest boy oh I hope it doesn't blade of whoa deal 5 damage to all opponents or battle rush apply inflammation and all opponents chastise the wounded or dangerous when I like the chastised one that's pretty hot stunning compound stun them fight this battle just to get to that card break Ava's arms so we can play with it I thought Karen was a good thing good animal do some health strikes who first tho succubus when any card is discarded sucky with supplies burn on me optical illusion discards the top card of my players deck so the two of them work together obviously to apply burn to me so we go for the satyr then Oh and I just burned up one of my cards and then burned me Karen is never good let's do a little healing lark on the suck let's do a little healing on myself a little hilde strike plus on the satyr for health left's it just burned up both of my chest I know what did it burn up my timely lunge I think it burned up took my burn and my bush alright finish you off I'm taking eight burn damage per turn here because of the month discard that we had less than ideal ash packed me now and now I'm raging crushing swing on a battle rush this is crazy good and what else we want back healing ball maybe ancient ritual we're only raging right now though that's kind of poor timing that wasn't on the end of the turn that was in the middle of the turn so I only get it for right now it's trauma they'll strike cards played cost one last mana on it but still not enough 69 HP more like 60 it's not gonna be dead before long do I really need to worry about trying to heal myself and burning these cards into my ash deck no do we have the thing that does damage for them but being below half health no not bad or rushing anymore finish him off with this lifesteal nice cool health strike pluses chastise the wounded back any mark health points he'll strike go for the healing mark firm extract resources uncle be our second honk hit this mystery he said it answer his ancestors pissed wanted to walk went on into he just broke whatever that was right there rip into the dungeon so I think in the dungeon we take one damage every time that we move so it's like take as long as you want to the boss won't reach you but the longer you take the more damage you take one health point is not that bad we have really good region medium battle let's go fight me do little little little little bit level one fnatic initiation someone's a possessed with 15 health points it's done it don't strike blossom if it ain't broke wait for a battle rush for that guy so here's the thing is that we can just keep this in our deck as long as our in our hand rather as long as you want to chastise the wounded we should probably keep that and this is call it a day okay regen is always nice we kill the possessed first increases a random human strength by - maybe we should applies a burn on a random monster and increases strength by six probably should take care of it as soon as we possibly can then OOP deals 1 damage 3 times in a row we could totally do that on this guy you chastise him he could do this let's do this and hopefully he gets the two damaged what's that oh we just activated our thing because we hit him twice waiting get extra energy though what a freakin rip I thought we were supposed to get extra energy with that one extra man appointed until the end of battle unless we had zero now we have one it's kind of a waste of that rage hopefully it does the passive damage to him note that did the two damages fanatic well poop 6 this would have done so much damage the blue it Klaas your check it's for my back it's worth it right all right we're gonna end up hitting this guy before he gets to do the damage anyway so he got a lot of strength he's doing 1012 damage just Phoenix I'm dead succubus takes the place I forgot about that and another ones down and another one's dead past us dude bleep dude dude just finish it bonk oh my golly just like lay down when they die just like that flughhhh sticks let's do this he'll strike he'll strike healing mark ball timely lunge sure his voice is from the game the other voices that are not mine they're not people behind me do we have our thing activated right now no we don't I don't have 2 points left I just didn't spend them yet I think that we could probably get away with just honestly using some of these we'll get them back by the time we even get a battle rush again just wasting time what's half a 77 34 33 no 38 38 39 see if healing marks stacks it should say times two it doesn't those a waste now I guess if there's two character is no matter which one and hits it'll do the thing that's gonna lame Arthur I'm three months welcome back strike bless him bloop 39 is the high end of half so I won't be able to crushing below or chastise them but I can do this which is stealing three damage three times in a row why is that two extra damage because my strength is now at two because damage modifier increases by the amount of rage 14 I don't I still don't understand because I feel like my rage is at 21 at one point in time and I still only had one times three damage on this thing but whatever sure did okey what are you gonna do restores a random monsters health points by an amount equal to its strength what is your strength 6 you should just calm down to that level 2 game looks like it has a lot going on yeah it does I think what benefits that is the fact that it is a it's not time-based right it's not real-time is what I'm trying to say and it's a big campaign so take as long as you want to absorb as much as you want to the more it has could be the better right seems easier to pick up the monster train I don't know why people struggle with monster train I find monster train very straightforward animations are underwhelming it bothers me I think that I've been seeing more and more the power that's good like really really like overwhelmingly good animation and sound effects have on a game like this I think that this one like definitely lacks in like sound effects and then there could be better right it could be like like when you have a something that just like has a really good sound to it it's almost subconscious it just makes you feel better in every single way hearing that noise that might not be something that you guys ever think about but it has been something that I've been thinking about lately a lot with games like this you don't feel the impact of the hits but yeah I would say that I don't think I mean the animation is bad I think that what it is it's it's very slow but yeah you do know you have to have that like visceral like you feel it right that feedback chastise this wounded piece of poop got um I'm at full health to look at me go crushing blow alright altar burn up up a BA trap okay travel stone cooldown is increased by five hours oh no my travel stone that I never use mmm a double key we've got three keys the key boon twenty gold zero ash this spells shields from all opponents deals zero damage to all opponents I'm glad that they put in there that it deals zero damage increases your strength by 2 for 2 rounds applies astana and all opponents finish off the wounded non-playable ash deal 5 damage to a random opponent when you gain shield I see so many shield when you gain shield things I haven't seen a single card that gives me shield I think that maybe we're just incredibly unlucky rush of power draw two random cards started earlier drink so I can punch it to eagle's nest scheming fall months in a row welcome back Eagle's Nest anything Karen you can poke out their eyes and drink their are fluid later as a Hydra the single headed Hydra aka snake i fluid I mean has he not been saying things like that so far he has been someone's a sea wave I'm not gonna have that not in my house proms all over the goddamn carpet and that's the sea wave how am I gonna clean that up Brenda let's hear Hilde strike plus let's take the Hydra out I mean the guard is this gonna keep buffing his own damage and it's gonna be real bad by the end but still waiting for the scholar shock say no this guy's not Scottish shizzi you're getting a Scottish vibe from him I'm about one two a one two punch there I want you to get your fish egg out of my face heavy blade I'm still gonna one-two punch ooh one damn it's three times in a row would strip the shield off this thing we'll do that next turn finish oh god I didn't read that who knew - pack now we're getting a lot of restoration that's just going to nothing is we're full health got too much health okay life's hard for me you wouldn't even know you would even know what to do with all this health if you had it I'm channeling my inner care and is it working not to be confused with Karen return these to the bottom of my deck am i saving any of these specifically are me I gonna get foster ocean anytime soon you like fish eggs Hut's caviar I don't think I've ever had caviar I don't think I want any ever no thanks I'm all set this is mini try kid one of these fish eggs meanwhile this guard is just buffing himself or guards my time at lunch I'm not super excited about you 13 damage that's a lot of damage though fish eggs done surprise it doesn't have some sort of like Metapod to hardening move gotta go wash dishes and make some spaghetti for me family's is JRPG I want spaghetti all right battle rush has activated oh there's the Scottish feel three times more damage 27 that's pretty good I like it crushing blow chastise the wounded I mean yeah it's a little wasted out of one overkill Karen brings inedible don't even thank the bilat Chiron kind of almost sounds like a tear grace but like tear of grace after he had some significant mouth surgery welcome little ball under the laws are neat it's gonna aspect we're gonna pack that ash call me Big Daddy when you pack that ash up coming I have to cringe dear grace still around oh yeah he's dreams like every day still doing Isaac videos too I think his hot slant accepting immigrants wears huts land I feel like I should know I should be the mayor mayor or something is that gonna hatch right now are you hatching here's such a dirty dog you have zero all I thought it said zero to five health the egghead zero out of five health right right right right right right make sense tonight smack them smack them a little bit mom mom good ain't broke oh you know what we never crafted the second healing mark so saved herself a little pain there I would like this chastise and crushing swing but we're not collecting very much ash we're just not getting the ash yeah sex is fun but have you tried ash I got four ox7 relics nice your speed has been decreased by three for three battles I'm not sure that my speed even affects any of my cards he went first because of my low speed but you just activated my battle rush so fool you absolute Oprah twenty-seven damaged yes get him with that trauma wait I'm at the freeze pop heal myself flame Lord thanks for the host boom-boom-boom-boom what's half of 74 37 times 2 would be 74 as I say our below half really you're gonna do me like that nickel and dime me like this still questioned it's like my math is wrong I'm gonna look like a dumb-dumb activated my trap card I kill them dang we're good at this look at me go okey I got a key um inflammation ancient ritual another chastiser loomed it's I like I like the ancient ritual though it's been pretty nice for pumping up my rage it's it like every time I hit him poison and vile how does it actually work how do I accumulate rage points again can I read that somewhere do you remember let's just maybe check in the next battle I think it's every time I hit something or get hit a medium battle alte acquired 44 gold nice he chastised the wounded crushing swing i partially swing we already have another chastise the wounded waiting on us rush of power we already have one of those as well we should maybe start using some of our stuff it off more than you can chew no jutsu brah I'm sorry it's what he sounds like let's just get rid of this ash scar every time I don't have any other ash cards to use it on you just a bore you don't even have a name tag you know who I am do you know how many nameless henchmen of Kilmore die and that seems like it doesn't matter how bad the deck is as it's different in the way that you get to keep your cards if you don't use them which is something you generally have to pay for on other deck builders right I don't want to hit my super rage despite all my rage I am still just rather cage I think if I don't do anything its hold that I'll activate my rage in the next 10 yep let me go any of them that I don't want right now no I think there are pretty good maybe that one a lot more damage excuse me sir I'm busy doing stuff thanks and then chastise the wound and finish them bum-bum-bum you're really good at the game holy crap stop bidding on me what the game would say you know what we should be grafting more cards just you like though I'm on the rest points if 35 ash trap health restoration in the tent now restores five health points over two hours you're dumb hates you Markham he okay mark a bit of the tip you're so good at this game to speak' Thanks mark more like bark okay sure sure 18 rage seems worthwhile we just finished the possess off I don't even know if I care buff's the strength up like a lot though it applies a shield do them on that scared think I'm scared I'm not information take slight inflammation he like pulls in a cold pack no he's got a cold pack I did not foresee this now I'm going to hit you with minor irritation it's in your eyes too juicy for you what's up Biba boy yo our imps out amps out stems out buzz burn to Marana monster increases its strength by six we do nothing will get raged next turn I don't fully understand ok let's see a rage points are special stat unique to puck you accumulate them for almost every action you perform the more points you have the more damage your strike deals but when does it when do I get it for almost everything right when I take damage when I do damage is at one point for one hit of damage is it like I get a point for every 5 hit points of damage I take is it what what is it what what what because if I activated right now if I'm gonna activate and I don't know how I get to but I'm thinking I was gonna get one because if I who got one I think I would if I got to rather I would just skip it but I don't want this guy to get like super strength read the rest of rage bars description huts when the rage meter reaches a certain threshold the rage effect is activated automatically if you have the right trait done did I learn anything no because I read them I just didn't read it out loud to you what do i do what do I do I'm gonna try to hit him it uses my value activate rage I'm gonna blow my top maybe okay what if he applies burned to himself I don't want him to get +6 strength I'd want him to give +6 strength to the imp that way I could just kill the IMP off easily and that strength is gone smart you do restoration at the moment if that activated my rage I would have quit see I got to rage points there for what Biron oh wait a [ __ ] products that bouquet your back will hurt if you sit like that settles into the other side alright let's kill it now let me get extra strength for this shouldn't this be doing two points of damage three times in a row because I want to kill this thing it has seven strengths it's also gonna summon another one you're a douche for damage it needs one more damage than that could you work with me here police 27 damage we just got to get it off we got to go no that's got to happen it's below half health so I really need to chastise the wounded - do I have the ability to do this can I hit him with a potion easy watch me do Chad you watching me do right now is I'm gonna do this is the hardest dude that ever done look at me go full health could I be any better at this game damn it oh let's see her he's almost done let's finish him 12 damage that would almost do it Punk in a second bomb 8 early dog gets the meats write that down get a bomb rushing swing chastise dangerous wound fancy dog gets the shrimp it's not something from see if these mana only have two mana five minutes from 2gc for you lovely BOTS keep up the great work for that I'll hit him with something to kill him immediately you know that lifesteal elderly dog gets the loot donkey quote I'm not up on my donkey obviously feeling grim tear oneself welcome appreciate that what the heck I thought we were done we're done okay Croft a card a 45 ash I'm thinking having more crushing swings increases the chance ooh but what about this Oh inspiring might with a stun two rounds increases my strength thing increasing my strength by two I believe will increase the strength of my did where is it ancient ritual it'll be doing three times three damage witches with the stun on top of it inconsistent box 14 months welcome back so I'm pretty excited about that that was all of our ash but I like I said I believe that was worth that back got back that back I've too many Irish a spent them all it's a go too many points swimming in points alter crit chance has been increased by 15 for three battles we're doing so well in here I don't understand why we wouldn't just clear the entire dungeon out how do I get my battle rage above 25 I have to have a different trait right that like there was one that goes up to 50 weight that activated immediately okay what does that do for me then inspiring - oh it ready to go I can trauma trauma Thunder clatter boom boom boom might as well double trauma do you stack trauma you don't stack trauma can't stack the trauma let's do battle rush effect is repeated twice Co double inflammation why doesn't say times two are we battle rushing anymore we're not battle rushing anymore is it just the first card I pull after a battle rush what I don't know I clearly don't know battle rush is consumed I didn't know that I thought it was the whole turn I got battle rush well goobie so increase my strength stun that boy so it doesn't summon anything stupid eggs three times three damage just like we predicted just like the simulation 36 times 2 is 72 and it's not half I've ran the numbers well hit him next turn another one yeah don't even think about it Karen that thing's inedible and another one's down well what is it gonna eat huh what's this guy's name buck man was called him Brock let's get this thing out you trying to kill these things with our free cards honestly mind Reynard I'd rate also my stupid I keep like slumping in the chair I can't get comfortable man I don't want to sit up straight I'm tired it's roguelike yes after we after you die you to start all the way over on this mode that I'm on Brock the rock Johnson toasted it that's a good card I like that card don't strike plus we're out full health so oops I didn't get the chaste sighs the wounded I thought we had enough there's a lot of health strikes new day has begun I thought I'm stood still in here all right last thing in the dungeon the dungeon Lord plague wielder how's the situation in the US right now a new video everyday some horrible happening healing mark off the bat that's a good thing to see we're at 5:00 rage we don't need to hit strike plus him right now too much health this guy gives me Black Plague cards and was wearing the apple chips trying to eat healthier snacks there any sodium in this Wow look at the nutritional facts on this thing 100 calories or seven slices oops there we go zero percent on everything except for 14% for dietary fiber and four percent potassium I'm a poop like a boss wait total sugars 19 grams so yes there are a lot of sugars in this 19 grams seems like a lot doesn't give you a percentage on that I guess 9% carbs but shimmer with the fiber is supposed to be better so they say it's okay to have sugar if it's in fruit we're doing right now cell strike normal we're not bad or rushing so save that well where we will be by the time you get that card back dried fruit is dangerous so easy to eat damn that's dope fiber is good [ __ ] huh it's sushi did there people would get to the sub the happy DK welcome back happy DK awesome stuff let's go ahead and stun this boy give me old wrangle dangle give ourself the Healy Healy Phoenix then three times three I don't even need this much health I've got too much health mr. J what's up it's not artificial sugar though happens have a lot of natural sugar as far as the body is concerned is there much of a difference like sucrose and fructose and but I'll get Stern into the same thing it's just it's just the addition of the fiber that makes it okay right is it not like a different type of sugar that could be understanding this wrong I think that's just what your mom says to get you to eat fruit and not candy watch your YouTube videos for a while so I decided to come by the stream and say hi this is master what up natural sugars are easier to process as yo yo hallo but aren't they like literally the same thing like if I went upstairs and just had a mouth like a spoon full of white sugar right that's like what pure sucrose or something but then this is like a combination of sucrose and fructose I don't know strike from like that I don't know the exact details I remember looking it up I mean coming out of it like okay that certainly matters have too much health could you do something sir too juicy for you under beds let's just get this now I'm so tired of waiting for him to hurt me I'm just gonna hurt myself I'm good that's pretty good that's pretty good that's nice I like this new dance high-fructose corn syrup is like MSG for sugar natural sugar stuff you feel fuller longer because they're digested slower aren't they only digested slower because of the fiber though right it's the same sugar isn't it that's the fiber doing its thing yeah too juicy for you hundreds and another one thank you thank you thank you and another one under my arms Thank You pk okay so rage is consumed it says well well well buck gains one charge of battle ROG twitch can he can spend to cause several cards to receive an additional effect for one use okay there's the confusion when it says that you can use it on several cards it makes me feel like I can use it on several cards for one use like none of us have any idea what we're talking about not to chemically no I don't feel like digging into my biochem [ __ ] that was my point I don't think that the sugar is chemically different it is the fact that there is fiber added in that makes it so you digest it slower or eat whatever the fiber does to make it better another one to juicy return up to three cards to the bottom of your deck I know well yeah I guess I could okay he gave me a black plague because he's a douche and I just drew that Black Plague because I'm an idiot increase your strength by two for two rounds of a battle rush what do we want about a rush right now we want about a rush chilled strike with trauma and then we want to stun him and then we want a three times three damage for three times three health because we're smart like that is this annoying yet to juic says another one piqué no it's not I mean gosh so annoying ah I don't know what I'll do if they don't stop doing that is it working refined sugars can contribute how and if you mentioned it anything about 5g swear to God Blue Coast galactose fructose or chemically different galactose when is he invade bones another deck builder dude when I made that tweet saying that there's a seven thousand bajillion roguelikes made every day I'm not kidding someone needs to make a roguelike about making roguelikes you want me to stop sassy huh oh gosh you guys it's just I can't just please stop donating money to me it can't handle it so making me so angry I might just snap 84 times 2 is 168 which means he's below half you know I've said Bischoff yeah oh yeah good stuff shout out to all the people who hate what I eat on stream sorry it's such a waste to hold strike bus but whatever Black Plague go away I can't gain any more health thousand bits to juicy final stop and goodness they're listening but he was just a crazed man out for blood kindly lunch do I want you I want to do this so that we get close to the rage mark put up 23 we're almost there then we hit him with a little hilt strike that's 24 then we stop hitting him and then next time crushing swing him right in the neck don't give me another poison plague thing we're not friends anymore if he give me another plague I took damage what is this bull dad PK sorry I'm still here to annoy you two keys for that okay we have more than okay I can't bring back all my cards nor can I heal myself boss chests though 45 gold choose a recipe beast mode non-playable ash increase your strength by 1 for every 10 hit points you have lost this only applies only if your health is below 100 aid from the spirit of the hunt guild 20 damage to all opponents afflicted with a mark apply trauma on them 5 cost though 5 cost domination deal 20 damage deal additional 4 damage for every 10 of the opponent's health points 20 members is a lot battle rush to the opponent dies you you restore all mana points scales of Everest spend 1 mana point deal three damage cost I don't know what that means 3 damage period cost period spend the rest of your mana points deal three damage for each mana points spent I'm thinking beast mode or aid renew cards for the win restore my mana points II mean we can get this 20 damage to everyone afflicted with the mark and then buy the other mark but for single target foes aka the boss probably maybe like how frequently do we fight two enemies for a long period of time I'm thinking beastmode go ham dom sounds good dog whistle from the start of your next turn beasts cannot summon other beasts the effect lasts until the end of battle probably use that on the boss so I can't summon any help not sure it would but it's mad it's so mad got nothing left to do except for let's maybe just go directly to home and then boop boop boop double chest double chest with our four keys what can we do it to come craft some cards oh we haven't crafted beastmode yet we're not there's no way we're gonna get 60 ash in the next couple turns so wrap that idea I guess card upgrades family lunch what do you do discard a random ailment dispel shield slam draw three cards after healing yeah you just do he'll strike pluses all day long was when restoring health points deals an additional three did damage for every twenty health points they'll double damage if the opponent has less than half health strike plus that would just be like my crushing blow right or picking on the week whatever that is apply inflammation apply a random mark if we got Hilde strike plus and marked everybody and then we would have gone for that one that Dells that deals twenty damage per mark I would have been good see a chance here ash at the end of your turn till two to three damage to a random opponent I like that because that would go with our card that heals me every time I damage someone from the grave for from my ash decks let's just get a help strike plus they're cool we have enough money to buy at rates we could buy a different one 25 range points to hit one extra mana point we can do 25 range points to deal 25 damage to a random opponents 50 rage points to restore health equal to damage received during the last turn 75 for 8 inflammation 100 rage for 35 to each opponent or you do not spend rage points which allow you to deal more damage I think we go for this this one here deal more damage a strike cards you need to unlock an upgrade you kidding me I've got three or I need four or I need to unlock the ability to buy traits you got to buy the DLC so that you can buy the traits you're killing me you're killing me just got here what is hydrate posture check okay that's a tough blow I can upgrade you well its purchasing of strat stat increases restore three health points up to every battle go I can upgrade ash master the ash bastard I could for free renew all my cards but I'd put black plague and steel teeth back into the mix I can adjust burn the cards outright for money upgrade meditate to the in the tenth for three rest points to get a common or rare recipe always resurrected at full health points I don't even have resurrection goodbye it voice of the storm increases the amount of ash obtained from ash chalices by 50% I can't use it anything else well what a bus man still have nothing that makes shields another ancient ritual it's been pretty good for me dispels shields from character renew to random cards for each shield dispelled I haven't seen enemies with shield honestly besides the fish egg damage of your strike card is based on the total strength of all humans in the end of the until the end of battle that sounds really really good doesn't it let's buy it until the end of battle cards seem like really good okay um don't have enough ash to craft another ash to upgrade we have money may use the money for can't buy a trait cuz I need to upgrade this guy to buy the trait why why she swallow fly perhaps she'll die let's go and see if I can humdrum up or where's or depleted depleted herb herb herb okay there's nothing but herbs jealous jealous jealous depleted or I'm not gonna even make it that far I can't make it there - I've got four keys and that's for these two let's just make a run for it ash storm Wow what do we got dangerous wound apply inflammation more inflammation for every two strengths I have I don't my increase in my strength temporarily returned three cards draw three cards that sounds pretty nice but turns them from my replace the card at the bottom of your okay don't mind it's not that good treasure map probably just my ash chalice I just upgraded that so it's taking me off my path but I wanted to be on you douche okay about 80% I'd say unlock this sucker stone fish steel eight damage battle rush apply stun on inspiring might that one's has been incredibly nice in a Red Hook nope herb where are you I will leave no stone unturned but I will find you Rosen add another all inspiring might I gotta get back to like make the card first foul bite ash at the end of your turn apply inflammation effect on a random opponent every two round let's go on sparring light I'm gonna strike the potion increase your strength by two until the end of battle I like it instead of poison herb okay got my or so go home oh I can't travel stone is charging can I travel there from the portal no is this closer to home probably gotta go gotta go gotta go right now event the herbs in the ground are incredibly similar to those you usually get from the herbalist will they make will they make your life easier weird way of asking me if I'll smoke these shrooms I just came across it's better not use these things you know nothing about well does it have natural sugar or almost fiber we talking can I see the nutrition label guess we're hydrating then yeah if I miss it you guys have to drink I'll say my issue with the pronunciation of herb is why is the H silent and herb yet in Ferb the F is pronounced well do it you were right about the herbs and your journey becomes easier health restoration in the tent in our stores fifteen health over two hours Oh boss is mad he's don't mad [ __ ] he made it back though I what are we gonna do with that though we can we got two more awe-inspiring mites but they cost 40 H so that's kind of off the table I can't make anything for 15 which I have I can buy that trait now though allows you to buy traits thank you for allowing me to buy things from you appreciate that all right there we go you never spend my rage points will never get the bonus Nana point but we'll be able to do more and more and more damage which i think is going to be nice I think maybe possibly um yeah I don't really have anything else I need to do another banner of Octavius smiting compound bill 20 damage good chance 10 damage to all opponents I'm pretty happy with my consumables um I can sell recipes for money that I'm not going to use for what though one of my buying I need to buy anything no he here my Black Plague there we go if we're gonna cure the black plague then I'm gonna go over new all new cards and call it a day it's really simple though one is an H and one is an F how many words is there a silent F in you Bob and I F silently we made a road carrying a backpack full of loot after throwing it under the root of a tree the owner of the backpack has gone searching for some firewood steal it you got herb you also got the following recipe gained shield it's a shield card gain one more shield that's a cheap shield but I got ambushed no uncle more nor a more Markham heal myself it's strike plus health strike cool shield H is silent all the time H is never silent kind of makes sense it's not salad all the time you know I mean unless you're British no help maybe I even said they're bloody ell finally a shield car to utilize there we go there's my steel teeth so I can ask our it noise now what are you doing increases the Mach speed is speed stun him don't let him do that give him some blisters I got blisters on my fingers you know where it hurts do we still battle Russia 25 because I took my trade away does that mean we never battle rush because I'm never gonna get my battle rush stuff done then or do I battle rush at a hundred I don't know it means you don't have battle rush anymore when I said all the time I met constantly like all like every moment of every day constantly you dug this hole for yourself okay um battle right ash at the end of your turn dealt two or three damage that's nice veteran our ash deck a [ __ ] up 24/7 wheel kick sucks all the time while you mad dull triple the damage of bonus health is below half go one more damage to be done boopie full health just kidding here's one more - juicy still sneaking them in we don't have any more points I didn't get everything I wanted but I want some herb what did I get that I want her to spend then I get a recipe for something ashstorm no one cares unless I really care I don't think I'm gonna get there by the time the boss treats just me but that's a good one I don't need I don't need any more recipes please sir stop what did I get reactive armor that's the one let's do that gain some shield shield me bro and that'll do don't care about upgrading her that on that one at least I already bought that I need away to that refresh is in order to use that again okay let's just go can I fight the boss can we do this I'll go for the the ash chalice there's no guarantees like it there yeah NIT the ruler has found us quick prepare for this decisive battle this guy's just leaking my makeup it's been crying all day and the girls bathroom cryin I don't need to do anything I think I'm ready to go I'm ready wait he can renew all cars Skakel go hold you can choose wrong starting with 33 rage which is nice that that's a big boy that's a big boy let's get the steel teeth ready to go I'm gonna run in the bathroom quick don't go anywhere okay we've got stun him someone's a giant rat blood wolf or boar no you don't from the start of your next turn beast cannot be cannot summon other beasts are you a beast category Beast dude you suck don't remove it use it starting next turn if I start him now then that'll cover this turn creatures tank by two until the end of battle damage of your strike card is based on the total strength of all humans until the end of battle it's a beast so that puppy won't even affect me oh well because son him this way I have a son card bruh oh my gosh if his main ability is to summon other beasts he's done we're gonna be able to see our Karin level of two or three when we get that 100 I'm assuming that this point right here we got 17 damage or 15 damage to 17 bro killing it neutered him deal suti damaged deals triple damage if the player is no strike cards left in their hands now you don't shield let's put this in our ash deck we need to mark them beep oh boy five minutes take this it will help you in battle appreciate it where is my heel mark and look heel mark triple damage of the players no strike card in their hand again okay you need to save at least one of the strike cards supply regen on myself save the timely lunge fifteen damage just like that someone's a giant rat blood wolf or boar no you don't false about fifty eight rage by the way look oh look at her dude there's another bar in there that I didn't even see when we got he's not below half I'm not in battle rush anymore we forgot to check on that to see what the battle rush thing was but oh well let's just use it then bar over 25 points boy I just can't see the middle one I just couldn't see it in there wait a minute yeah you're not supposed to do that you're not supposed to do that he can't summon a boar I I specifically read the item and said they can no longer summon anything ever ever ever ever pour a burp four times three damage on our ancient ritual lifesteal though I don't even need that much life steel right now increases strength of all summon allies by five until the end of battle okay so he's gonna buff this bore we should get rid of it then I suppose seventeen damage so quite nice squash and lock it and I like it and then just chastised a little bore chastise that a little more I don't need this one well do chastise might crushing reactive armor or Bohr said for the next turn it did it did say until the end of battle see diem yes unless it's like it'll block the next one and it'll last until the end of battle that could have been it I look at my buck put that one at the bottom it's unbearable mods ban get them getting don't well now you shouldn't increase in my strength is just great how much damage is this ritual doing six times three plus the healing back for that this is a good card to get happy the habits rep Reynaud it's just not I'm not gonna get enough healing out of it it's the problem well we'll get it back to sear chastise the wounded 34 damaged oh my god we're smooshing him I can't have any more health back I'm too full he's sitting there like what the hell do you want me to do with this health item said the effect starts at the turn it's played and lasts to the end of the battle that is what I read you have discards two random cards in the player's hand to the deck of ashes takes double damage though you don't ancient ritual again it's just good damage it's just good damage to put on them and shield shield the character with shield ignores the damage from the next plate opponent's strike card so it is worth using nineteen damages good one more thing and he's done we're never gonna reach 100 turn to three cards well he just tripped and fell over I wanted to see what he looked I got a hundred rep it is amazing to see such a creature following a simple warrior the life next to you disappears faster than it appears but you're here and he's following you what the life next to you disappears faster than it appears but you're here and he's following you but you were here he's following you you have hair and this is a fire we just hit it off we just hit the Dolph his powers are deeply hidden now but he is capable of a lot more I'm listening I will reveal the secret knowledge to the blacksmith it will help to control and direct the power of Karen and now use the time wise you should rest the arsh master led us to the valley of death we will help somehow stop the torment not safe Karen there's nothing to lose anyway we can lady death we'll finally return there is no mistaking this smell the dire Marsh this at the place where primordial my Azzam creates diseases and from where they spread across the continent watch your step if you care to keep your legs this sickening place is thriving under the curse I asked the herbalist to prepare additional remedies breathe through a cloth the air is soaked with poisonous spores wear masks rushing headlong into the swamps is a foolish idea we'll have to camp here why more Deol my Azam will not miss the Jazz must is fresh Anthony as my master he will find us on his own once we cleanse this pestilence we should be able to cross the marsh my Adam the kid our brain my Azzam oh this is where we are going to stop for today with this game that kibosh is don't forget you guys check out the steam page for this game it came out on Tuesday so it's available there's four playable characters we just checked out buck today looks interesting yeah I like the open world style card deck builder it's you know seemed like it would be hard to pull off but I think they did it with the whole like you only get so much time to do everything don't don't forget too that on there discord page you guys can sign up and submit your mini-boss ideas and potentially win some cool stuff like a cool role on their discord server you get a free statue that they hand-painted of one of the bosses I believe and yeah so do that I like it damn looks nice do you plan a played outside of the sponsorship unser I'm just I'm not sure I know my schedule is pretty full right now so I'm just gonna leave it at that cool stuff huh
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 9,671
Rating: 4.9349594 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, deck of ashes, charon, buck, boss, roguelike, deck building
Id: e_o3njvWVIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 49sec (8749 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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