Yamaha Powered Airplane Conversion Part 2

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[Music] it's a good day guys it's a big day for the fazer project let's get out of the shop and see what's going on hey guys this is ben from the future um i have some clips of me installing the engine and stuff that uh was from like a week ago so i'm just going to throw that in right here so you can see how that happened and then we'll get back to the more exciting part that's happening right now [Music] so there it is first time the phaser has been installed on this colb and it is a perfect fit a little nervous about my homemade uh motor mount and everything lining up but man i built this little contraption here that slips in the the prop shaft so i could uh check the thrust angle there i don't know if you can see that to hold the camera up above my head but uh i just matched exactly how the rotax 503 was on there and uh nailed it so all that should be good i gotta buy some different hardware for the mount because they're a little long but uh man i'm excited now it is on the plane a lot of work left to do but uh heck yeah that's a big step let's keep on trucking okay guys it's been a few days since uh those earlier clips you've seen so here is where the project stands now obviously the engine is installed i have everything connected obviously the battery and the wiring is just kind of dangling right now i was just trying to get it running so i can kind of see what i need to do and work out any kinks before i finalize all that but check this out ah now that is cool i'm super excited to be at this point and my plan for today is i'm going to uh bring this thing outside i'm going to put the prop on it because as you guys know i don't have a clutch in this gear box it's just a rubber donut thing so it's direct drive and i want to determine if this thing idles without the clutch um and then i can decide you know if i need to order a clutch and see what's going on i prefer not to have a clutch personally uh just because i've flown with them without them and my personal preference the way they fly i know they idle and start up easier with the clutch but i like the way they fly without one uh for the kind of flying i like to do but um so yeah i'm gonna put the prop on get it outside unfold it and um we'll start it up for the first time with propeller and um you know i'm gonna just bungee up this stuff so nothing falls and we're not going flying today we're just gonna get it out in the yard and see what happens so i'm gonna do that and we'll get back with you um real quick i just thought i'd uh talk about a few more things before we put the prop on let me there was a couple issues i had uh with the engine when i first got it on here and started it for the first time i had all kinds of uh you know errors blinking on the screen and it was throwing like all kinds of codes so it took me a good part of a day to figure all those out um obviously this isn't a sled so it's missing some stuff that normally would have the major thing i ran into is this green light let's see if it will light up here there's green light on the dash there that shows it's in drive in the transmission for the sled obviously there's not that existing anymore in the airplane setup so i had to bypass that and i figured that out by studying wiring diagram because the problem i was having is that green light was flashing and uh that indicates that it wasn't in gear and it wasn't letting the engine rev up over three grand um i think that might be part of part of the the torah system the throttle override system that yamaha incorporates uh there's an easy way to bypass the tor system uh which we can talk about later and also um so the gear the gear thing blinking uh from studying the wiring diagram all i had to do was ground out a certain wire um on the connector for the transmission where it plugs in where it goes from forward to reverse on the sled and i figured that out so basically all i do is ground a wire and then boom problem solved and the rest of the stuff had to do with the codes i had were the hand warmers it was blinking i think 81 and 83 which is the thumb warmer and hand warmers so basically what i had to do is plug in um the hand warmers from the sled i still had the handlebars and stuff uh and turned everything off like i started it up connected everything temporarily to uh this bundle of wires back here and was able to go through the menu on the the panel and turn off the thumb warmers and hand warmers so now it's not trying to send power to that and nothing's there so that took care of those codes uh everything else seems to be pretty good so all right let's uh let's get the the prop let's get let's get this thing outside and get the prop on and start it up music so all right guys well i got it all set up and uh the prop clearance is good it's exactly how the 503 was no worries there everything was good and tried to start it it does start but um it doesn't want to come off idle uh it seems like it is going to need a clutch i did get it to rev up a few times and once it was over like 2500 it was completely fine um but with the prop on it it wants to try the idle like 1100 and it just kind of stumbles around um so it's it's i don't think it's gonna work i'm gonna have to put a clutch on it unfortunately and figure that out so that's where we stand but it it is running uh that's a minor thing to change and i think uh we're looking pretty good for test flying this thing soon everything else seems to be pretty good i got to finalize a bunch of the stuff on it and um i don't know we're making progress so mission accomplished we figured out if we needed a clutch or not today and we're gonna keep uh keep working on it and i'll hopefully the next video i'll have a clutch in it and maybe do some test flying so let's uh let's see what happens oh also um i know i haven't been posting a lot of videos it's been busy working on these projects because uh i've been working on another project too that you might remember the old trailer project so i've been skinning this thing and i'm probably to make after this video make the video about this um being completed let me squeeze through here and little sneak preview of what's going on so it's looking pretty good i'm going to finish that up now and make a video about that before winter hits here in michigan and we'll be able to use that to hopefully move these planes around and go fly in some cool places that we can't just fly to so subscribe and i'll have another video out soon thanks
Channel: Ben Kairys
Views: 12,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kolb, Yamaha, airplane, light sport, ultralight
Id: 30YTnPdDJqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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