Homemade Meatballs Taught From Scratch

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something got me angry today I was at the store and I saw someone buying a frozen bag of meatballs and I thought to myself don't buy frozen meatballs it's just not right you shouldn't do it so then I grabbed that bag of frozen meatballs and I looked at it and I saw on that package I stopped counting at 19 different ingredients after the first four I couldn't even read the ingredients of what it was and I just think that it's a super quickly out I get it everyone's busy no one on earth I think at this point is not busy but my goal here teach you some easy meatballs that you could make it kind of Tuesday what not Wednesday night that take a few minutes that your family are going to love so let's think it's real quick we're gonna serve these meatballs with a little red sauce simple we're gonna call it like weeknight red sauce so I just sauteed a little bit of garlic i sauteed a little bit of onion real minced minced garlic minced onion in a little olive oil and I just hit it with a 28 the 28 ounce can of crushed tomatoes and then I put some salt some pepper and a little bit of Italian seasoning there I'm just gonna let that simmer while we crust get a nice crust on these meatballs so real simple sauce okay know you know I always used my cast iron so I got my cast iron out I'm getting it hot because the first thing that we're gonna do is take these onions that are right here as part of this recipe we're gonna take these onions and you can see I I minced them real fine we're gonna take those onions in this garlic and we're gonna saute those down until they're nice and caramelize and then let them cool off a little bit and then we're gonna incorporate everything into these meatballs so you're gonna have a sauteed onion with sauteed garlic and then here's the rest of the meatballs already I use this whole milk ricotta cheese I think I say that wrong Sam Ric ricotta cheese I think the Italians actually say Regatta but I'm not I don't know if I am Italian or not actually but I just say ricotta cheese so it's 1 cup this is let me start here this is about two pounds of ground beef normally I would grind this but it didn't have time today this is one cup of that ricotta cheese this is two teaspoons of salt two teaspoons of pepper one two it used to be one tablespoon of basil it's a little less than that now one tablespoon of oregano a third of a cup of Italian breadcrumbs one I would say that's lightly beat egg and then I like to add a little you know I like to add a little spice and everything that I do so I just got like a little 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper so what we're gonna do right now is we'll take a break I'm gonna saute these onions and the garlic and then I'll show you how to mash this up to get these meatballs back into the cast-iron skillet to give all these ingredients in this meal let me just tell you that why are you looking at the meat look at me I want to talk about you for a second Samantha's on the camera she got some there's her hand she got some tripod and selfie stick she's standing on the counter she's really upping her gang when it comes to the video game so thanks Sam for doing all that and how does how do I look from this view do you like my beard in this view should I be getting rid of this beard very soon your mom says I should be getting of it like right now I should be getting good that's me all right see this this is what that little concoction is the sauteed onions and the garlic now you might be thinking to yourself self that doesn't just look like a sauteed onion in garlic and you would be right that's a sauteed onion and garlic that I deglaze with a little red wine I made a snap decision in the cast-iron skillet it was tightening up a little bit I didn't want to add more oil so I deglaze it with red wine goes back to the fact that there's no rules I'm kind of excited to see if it does anything to enhance the flavor so we got all that that goes in we got the pepper that goes in salt goes in basil goes in oregano goes in breadcrumbs filtered in the one egg in then the one cup of ricotta cheese in I'm gonna take these you know I like to work with these most these are the claws so I'm gonna take these and I'm gonna incorporate all of this and then once I get this all incorporated I'm gonna roll these into about I don't know maybe a couple inches across and then we'll come back and see how we sear these in the pan right now right this is about how big do I make them right here they just kind of fit in the palm of your hand and I just kind of work them around like this so once you grab a little clump of meat decide if that's how big you want it that looks about good to me right there once I have to meet on my hand it's kind of form it I'm used to doing this from playing baseball like rubbing on a baseball to get it dirty for pitching just kind of rub it through your hands like this so I'm gonna finish making these meatballs and then we'll come back and put them back we're gonna turn them here in a little bit I left some of the residual onions and garlic in there too so once we get this pan nice and fired up you're gonna get a good crust on all the sides and then we're gonna take that red sauce we're gonna top it with the red sauce let it simmer for a few minutes look like oh yeah well that's the crust we're looking for oh yeah baby look at that pull in on that that's what we're looking for right there unlike the flavor police when it comes to the crust on the meatball all right I'm gonna flip these and then once we go to put the sauce on the cross that's what we want right there you got a good bacon on right now watch you might have to back up this cuz here's what we're gonna do I'm a lower the heat it's a little bit go down the low then I'm gonna take this dress off I'm gonna cover these ready careful that was too hot and Danielle just cleaned this it's actually the right amount of red sauce the cover them to get them a simmers lettuce that is entirely too hot look at this mess that I made but I have no doubt that these are gonna be delicious so we're gonna let them simmer for about 10-15 minutes then we're gonna serve them with a little penne pasta and some garlic bread and we'll be right back to show you that all right in 15 minutes on the simmer I got my taste testers in place over here so let's build this out you've got a pound of honey in here he's gonna put some pasta down Oh spill it everywhere I'm making today's a messy meal it's like a true Italian messy meal that's where we're at with this but we get won't let this go away so it goes on economy's give alright now look at these meatballs in the sauce and go one two one two nice crust and then we'll go here with the sauce like this silky it's a silky sauce right there and then we'll go a little more sauce on this one all right and then the finisher will just be one shake of oregano on each one shake of basil on each I'll back and forth of olive oil on each and then a couple nice pieces of bread to dip in that sauce so now let's see if the homemade version of Meatballs outweigh the frozen version we have our pupils here mr. Craig Smith and Tony far so just take one bite of the meatball and then give us an honest reaction honest reaction Craig it's very hot it's good honestly this is good very flavorful yes you've been watching cooking shows also very extraordinary in my mouth you should Craig this thrown out extraordinaire yeah alright so I think we proved you don't bind meatballs in the frozen section by the ingredients you put it together you sear them up you top it with sauce who cares if you don't use that in those ingredients use something else use your grandma's ingredients but make meatballs at home don't buy them frozen that's the end
Channel: The South Chicago Chef
Views: 128,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: CND2RphVunk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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