Beef Meatballs stove top cooking

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all right so we got meatball so I have three pounds of lean ground beef all the ingredients for this you go to pick up on my website chef Warren dot CA I'll have this recipe posted there step-by-step where we gonna put some seasoning some herbs I mean half an egg so what I did this is just crack the egg in half and just kind of stole half of it basically and get all the gradients in there a couple tablespoons of barbecue sauce not much a little bit of bread crumbs not too much and want the meat to be really light and fluffy then what we're gonna do is gonna roll them up so it'll roll the meatballs what I do is I kind of make little cups in my hand right so I kind of cut my hand a little bit and roll it so there's a bit of a space and we make little balls not too tight when I make them tight enough so they don't fall apart when we cook we don't have squeezing too tight so when they're cooked they're gonna be too dense or a nice and light muffin meatballs but make sure they hold their shape really well get that on the go so I preheated the pan for the water beads and we put the meatballs in a brown them for about five minutes I have my flexible spatula here I'm gonna loosen up nice and easy slide the spatula right underneath kind of loosens the meatball up flip them over and we gonna keep rounding them nice and easily nice way to make this work cut up those oils and fats and it's a little to add an additional oil to fry our meats here then what we do is after I flipped all the meatballs I'm going to add the garlic that we chopped up and some chopped onions now the onions and the garlic I want to put on the bottom they get them right under the steel the pasta nice and hot there's a bit of fat coming out of the meatballs now that we flip them over right we throwing all the everything in there so mushrooms and tomato paste tomatoes some rosemary making sure that onions and garlic right on the scale if you know those little Tomatoes go in there then listen for the tomatoes is gonna really start to fry up those lot of onions as well now filled the tomato paste in there crushed tomatoes a little bit more salt some dried herbs you got a bit of dry basil a little bit of dry time we can lift this cook I'm gonna put the lid on and let it cook on a medium heat no the whistle goes off probably about seven to eight minutes and I started to reduce nicely here or I'd have it a medium heat I'm gonna turn it down a bit now this is a nice trick I'm gonna add the half a teaspoon of baking soda what the baking soda does it counteracts a little bit of the acidity so if you have like heartburn and you don't like those tomato type foods acidic food this is a nice little trick and it really makes this sauce very thick an error rate since you want to make sure when you put the baking soda and just give it a good stir and let it cook out for a few minutes but it also makes the sauce nice and done and a little bit of brown sugar just a balance of flavor as well now I'm gonna put some measure of the cheese on top of the meatballs and just put the lid on and turn the stove off and now when your past is almost done I'm gonna serve it up so I cooked some pasta some penne pasta with you the pot or vegetables and broccoli cauliflower carrots I'm gonna put those on the plate with the pasta butter sauce we've got our meatballs and that's meatballs enjoy
Channel: Kitchen Charm™ Canada
Views: 94,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, #kitchencharmcooktowin, greaseless cooking
Id: wI3ZtBI2I2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 14sec (194 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2018
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