Ten przepis ma 100 lat, nauczyła babcia. Wkładam ciasto do oleju. 🔥 Szybko i smacznie.

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750 g of wheat flour. Hi everyone! Thanks for watching! 1 teaspoon of salt. 600 ml of water. Add water gradually. Mix well. Which city are you looking at my recipes from? Write to me! I am very curious where you are from. Use flour to keep it from sticking together. We knead the dough well with our hands. I advise you to watch the video carefully so as not to miss the details. Let's rest for 10 minutes. Sprinkle some flour. Divide into 2 parts. Divide into 16-18 parts. Repeat after me and you will be successful. 1 cup (200 ml) of melted butter. We slightly enlarge the dough with our hands and put it in the oil. Cover with cling film and set aside for 1 hour. Vegetable oil. Finely chop a bunch of green onions. Fry until soft. 6-7 boiled eggs. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix well. Let's roll out the dough with our hands. Add some prepared stuffing. We fold the dough as in the movie. Do you like my recipes? Write me a comment! Bake in the oven at 200 ° C / 398 ° F for 30-35 minutes. Make sure to cook this recipe with me! I think you'll like it! I would be very happy if you would like and comment on my video. Thanks a lot for watching my video. See you in my other new recipes. Bon Appetit!
Channel: Przepisy od Olgi
Views: 795,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Przepisy od Olgi, przepisy, chleb, przepis, chleb przepis, chleb szybki, chleb turecki, chleb bez mleka, chleb bez jajek, chleb na wodzie, chleb domowy, przepisy wegetariańskie, pieczywo białe, pieczywo drożdżowe, super smaczne, kuchnia włoska, zamiast tego naucz się gotować chleb, pieczenie chleba, po prostu pyszny, Łatwy przepis na chleb, ten przepis ma 100 lat, nauczyła babcia, wkładam ciasto do oleju, szybko i smacznie, prosty przepis na chleb
Id: nUTijilroqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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