Homeless Man Gets His DOG TAKEN Away, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
here you go scott you need this more than i do excuse me is that your dog yes it is his name is scout poor thing he deserves a better home not to be living out here on the street well i wish i had a home just lost it recently and the things have been so it's really irresponsible of you you shouldn't be taking care of a dog when you can't even take care of yourself hey scout is he even feeding you do you want a real home i'm feeding him i may not always eat but i always make sure he's well fed he's not going anywhere oh yeah we'll see about that i'm going to call animal control you don't deserve to have a dog hi yes this is karen kaufman i'd like to report a case of animal abuse thank you man so you must be out too huh there he is that's the guy that's neglecting that dog excuse me sir we have a report of animal neglect when's the last time he's eaten just a few hours ago i gave him my sandwich why yeah right you can tell he's obviously lying that dog probably hasn't eaten for days do you have a home room to sleep in well it may not be considered a home to some but we make it work see this dog needs a real home not to be stuck out here with him jacob what do you think is going on over there i think they're trying to take the guy's dog away i'm gonna record it look there's a new law that passed if you don't have a home in this town you can't have a dog we're gonna have to take him no wait please you don't understand i can't be without him we both need each other you see i wasn't always homeless i used to have a respectable job and on one of my walks home from work well that's when i met scout he didn't have a home and he just looked so sad but when i took one look into his big old eyes i just knew i had to take him with me i brought scout home and took really good care of him i watched him every week i fed him the best food and before i knew it scout looked like a brand new dog we were inseparable and things were going great that is until a few months later i lost my job and all of a sudden had no income coming in i got really behind on some bills and ended up owing four thousand dollars in rent with no way to pay we both lost our home so you see scout needed me when he was homeless and now i'm the one that's homeless so somehow we both just need each other yeah that's a great story and all but but we don't know how much of it is really true either way rules are rules right uh right let's take him what wait no i can't clue scout sir sir when you get your home back you can have your dog back if the dog hasn't found a home by then ready scout should we go find you a new home [Music] come on no scout sir i'm so sorry i can't believe that happened to you yeah it's so unfair i mean i saw how good you treated that dog we got to do something there's no use if i don't have a home i can't have a dog and unless i find a way to get four thousand dollars i'll never get scout back we gotta do something go fund me what we can start a gofundme look we can uh we can tell everyone about the story about how you found scout and i'm sure that people would want to donate you really think that that's gonna work jacob yeah please just let me try it [Music] okay if you think it'll work yes okay my computer's at home come on let's go jacob runs off so excited about helping to get scout back to his rightful owner [Music] he gets to his laptop and starts a gofundme page telling the world all about scout and the need to bring him back home he sets a goal of raising four thousand dollars and before he knew it the story about scout ends up going viral people all over the world start donating money jacob and his mom can't believe what just happened and then a couple days later jacob and his mom go visit the homeless man excuse me sir oh i wasn't sure if i'd ever see you again of course now look we actually have a little surprise for you what is it why don't you come with us i know it seems strange but can you put on the blindfold okay okay right here almost there and stop you can take off the blindfold now okay this is my old apartment but i understand what are we doing here actually this is your new apartment hear your keys what you paid off my four thousand dollar pass due rent even better we bought the unit from the owner so you own it now i own it what really but i don't understand you know the gofundme idea that we had well let's just say that it worked and we got just enough money to buy the place wow i can't believe it this is going to change my life thank you so much actually um i have one more surprise hi i miss you so much i can't believe you got scout back i can't tell you what this means to me oh god bless you both you're so welcome god bless you too [Music] hey get out of here did you not hear me dog oh you must be so hungry sandwich wasn't free i didn't pay 12 just to waste it on you i spent my last dollar on this sandwich you need this more than i do you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 12,209,601
Rating: 4.9434304 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, dog, showing kindness, helping dogs, helping the homeless, don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge others, how to stop judging others
Id: J-Yc3D_pl1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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