Prosecutor Sends Innocent Black Man To Jail, Lives To Regret It | Dhar Mann

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
so you see your honor it's without question that this defender did these crimes no that's impossible i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in l.a at a dodgers game he's lying you can tell by looking at him order defendant do you have any proof of your alibi uh uh no we don't have any proof your honor okay well if there's no evidence to corroborate robert's story the court finds the defendant robert williams guilty on all six counts of assault with a deadly weapon wait what what no no no no please he's not my baby boy he didn't do it i know he did it your honor please you have to believe me i'm innocent i put that on my life you know i didn't do this you know it order mr williams that's enough not another word we'll reconvene tomorrow for sentencing teddy no please don't go everything's gonna be okay sweetie i promise daddy loves you so much hey bus what if he's telling the truth what if we got the wrong guy well you don't think i know what i'm doing no no i'm not saying that i'm just wondering if maybe we shouldn't take another look at the facts i just want a case who cares whether he did it or not all that's important is i'm one step closer to a promotion and besides people like him they're all the same just a bunch of criminals please sir please it's never too late to do the right thing i wasn't in philly when it happened i was in l.a at a dodgers game [Music] yeah well i can see my headlines now d.a graham gives low-life criminal life in prison keep up the great work he's innocent he's innocent can you give us a minute yeah what are you talking about he wasn't in philly when it happened his story checks out look i have his credit card statements right here he was making purchases in los angeles while the crime was happening okay so well so if he was in los angeles when the crime was happening in philadelphia then it couldn't have been him we have to get these to the defense right away have you lost your mind i mean uh maybe somebody stole his card maybe he gave it to him i can think of a thousand reasons but sir that's enough the case is over you hear me now what i would suggest that you do walk the line so you can get ahead i have proof what is it now i contacted a local convenience store and i found a photo of him he bought a hot dog just before the game it's not possible take a look he couldn't have committed a crime in philly if he was buying a hot dog in l.a that'd never look like him it's him i had facial recognition confirm it has anyone else seen this no why good let's keep it that way i don't want you humiliating us or risking this case because you got some pictures that don't even look like the guy but sir quiet you want to lose your job i don't want to hear one more word about this case you're not gonna believe this i have video evidence what are you talking about well a reporter was giving an interview outside of the game okay so so guess who walks by there that's robert he just walked through the background of the video i i can't believe this this proves his innocence we have to tell the judge all arise have a seat we have to tell the judge you don't have to tell a soul is everything okay mr graham anything you want to share know your honor very well mr williams these charges against you are not minor crimes federal statute requires a 25-year mandatory minimum sentence no please your honor i'm telling you i didn't do it you've already been found guilty so unless the people have anything else this court hereby sentences a defendant robert williams to 25 years in a federal prison without the possibility wait excuse me hey i'm sorry your honor he didn't do it may i approach the bench you may your honor there is no way that mr williams committed those crimes you see i have here a credit card statement showing purchases made by the defendant with his credit card in los angeles on the same day that the crime took place in philadelphia and i also have a photo of the defendant in a convenience store here in los angeles buying a hot dog just mere moments before the crime took place and i have a video as well your honor that shows the defendant at dodger stadium at the exact time and date that the crime was taking place in philadelphia over 2 000 miles away so you see your honor robert williams could not have committed those crimes he was telling the truth all along is uh is all this true mr graham uh well uh why didn't you say anything because he was more interested in his promotion than he was in saving an innocent man from jail i presented him with all of this evidence your honor and yet he ignored it well what'd you expect huh okay so maybe he didn't do this crime but i'm sure he's done dozens of others look at him he's clearly a criminal your honor order i've heard all i've needed to hear mr williams the charges against you have been dropped you're free to go bailiff uncuff him immediately [Music] and you mr graham constructing justice and tampering with evidence is a very serious crime your honor i'm going to see to it that not only do you never practice law again but that we send the right man to jail this time you bailiff arrested no no this can't be happening this case is dismissed [Applause] i love you so much i told you everything was gonna be okay oh why did you help us well because a wise woman once told me it's never too late to do the right thing hello hey dar man fam so you see we're not just telling stories we're changing lives and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives too i appreciate you watching and i'll see you in the next video hey dar man fam make sure to subscribe to my channels and check out this next video i know you're gonna love it hey you excuse me stop right there what are you doing with two bikes if you really need to know some guy just stole it from a kid and i'm getting it back i'd like to report a suspicious man who has stolen a bike put your hands in the air where i can see them you got the wrong guy
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 15,439,487
Rating: 4.9288778 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, judge, innocent man, why you shouldn't judge others, the golden rule, innocent man sent to jail
Id: X2SAw68Yt_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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