Sister Calls BROTHER'S Girl A GOLD DIGGER, She Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey are you okay your hand is sweating i'm just so nervous i mean what if your sister doesn't like me not everyone understands our age difference stop she's gonna like you okay as soon as she sees how much we love each other she'll understand here she comes now hey maggie over here sam [Music] i'm so sorry i'm late no no worries excuse me so i said i wanted to introduce you to someone special hi i'm gail i've heard so many great things about you thanks i have didn't realize your new girlfriend had a daughter she doesn't this is her the woman who i was telling you about you're telling me that this is your new girlfriend sam she's half your age well i mean yep maybe but none of that even matters only thing that matters is that i love her she loves me oh my gosh sam don't be such a fool you really think a 20 year old wants to be with you because of love i'm 25 actually and why else would i be with him clearly for his money honey maggie why would you say something like that about her you don't even know her i don't need to know her young women go after older men only for one thing and it certainly isn't love you know you really shouldn't judge someone before you get to know them you know she's right and for the record she didn't come after me it was mutual so that doesn't change anything i can't believe you're being so naive to make her your girlfriend gayle's not my girlfriend oh well thank goodness at least you got a little bit of sense i thought you were saying that she was i'm his fiance oh my gosh please somebody tell me this is a sick joke nope no joke i proposed last week sam why would you do that i can't believe you're so blind oh hello ma'am could i get you anything oh my gosh yes can you get me a drink get me a dirty martini with extra gin sure right away would either of you like anything else if she asks for a cocktail i think you should check her id who knows she might be underage would you like a drink uh no i'm fine thank you i'm okay thank you look i get that this is hard for a lot of people to understand but i promise i'm not interested in sam's money sure you aren't and the sky isn't blue maggie give her a chance please i know that if you would just get to know her that you'd love her every bit as much as i do you are not in love with her sam you're in lust with her and there's a difference i wouldn't have proposed if that was the case i've never felt this way about anybody neither have i okay well let me ask you this if you ever got sick do you think she would stick by your side she probably would want you to pass so she can take your money i know that she would stick by my side gayle's loyal but that brings us to the real reason why i invited you here today i am finalizing my will and i would like for you to be a witness you're leaving 100 percent of everything you have to her yes i am i thought long are you insane sam you're giving her 250 000 you put him up to this didn't you no i insisted that he didn't give me anything because i knew the problems it would cause yeah right sam she is playing you i can't let you do this i'm old enough to make my own decisions okay now if you don't want to sign it that's fine i'll find somebody else but i really preferred if it were you fine if you want to give everything you have to a gold digger then so be it there but i'm telling you this is the biggest mistake of your life no maggie see that's where you're wrong sam are you all right here drink some of this oh please don't act like you care look i am not as easy to fool as my brother you just care about the money maggie you need to stop and you need to apologize i don't need to do anything one martini estrogen for you and i'll leave the check right here thank you i'll take that of course you will she probably doesn't pay for anything she pays all the time maggie you know what i just can't sit through this anymore this is painful one day when you get really sick she's going to leave you all by yourself to die and then you'll know the truth don't say i didn't warn you babe i am so sorry about that i mean i don't know what got into her she usually doesn't act like that it's fine i knew that was gonna happen not everyone understands our age difference yeah you're right but soon she's gonna realize that sam are you all right you've been coughing a lot lately we need to get this checked out hi are you gayle yes how's sam doing not very good unfortunately do you want to come with me turns out sam has late stage cancer honestly i'm amazed that he hasn't been in here sooner what it can't be we had to put him in an induced coma and the only way he can say doctor is my brother gonna be okay well i was just explaining to gail the only chance he has now is if we operate on him immediately okay but even so it is a slim chance we have to do whatever it takes actually we took a look at the wheel and since he is in a coma gail's the one that's going to have to make that call of course i don't want to lose i sam live without you i love you so much doctor yes what is it i have some bad news we took a look at his insurance and it won't cover the cost of the surgery [Music] i am so sorry um it looks like sam's going to have to come out of pocket 249 500. that's fine i have signing authority but that's all the cash that sam has that means you won't get anything and i do have to say that it's a 10 15 chance at best that he will survive so you may want to think about it i don't need to think about it i love sam even if there was a one percent chance i would still do it all right then we'll get started immediately okay nurse can you prepare the team and i'll get the operating ready please don't leave me i can't live without you gail maggie talk to her oh please give us some good news doctor actually i don't need to sam can tell you himself [Music] oh my gosh i was so worried about you oh i'm so sorry sorry it's okay i'm just glad you're doing okay yeah me too and you thank you for making me come to the hospital doc said if i would have got here in it later i wouldn't have made it of course i'm just so glad you're okay i love you so much i love you too sam um i don't know if the doctor told you but we had to use the rest of your cash to pay for the surgery it's okay i understand so gail are you sure you want to stay with sam what are you talking about well he just doesn't have any money left so here you go gail here's the credit card and receipt for the cost of the surgery thank you what her credit card i'm sorry i'm confused i didn't use sam's money to pay for the surgery i used my own you see gail owns a tech company she has way more money than me that's what i've been trying to tell you so you really weren't with sam because of his money no i'm so sorry it's okay i just hope you know i never should have judged you before getting to know you i see that now yes but more importantly just how much i love sam oh babe i love you too oh come on bring it here if it isn't my soon-to-be ex i am going to milk you for everything first you cheat him and now you want to take all my money too i was always loyal to him don't believe those lies wait you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 13,707,046
Rating: 4.9081535 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, gold digger, family advice, family drama
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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