Homeless at 13 and I lost control

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[Music] Ksenia Fernandes then whining good morning it's a lot of thick let me go back ten years ago you had five parking tickets you never showed up for and they were on Vinton Street East transit plane Ghana and Amherst streets you covered the entire city I've been all over the place all over the place so what do you want to tell me that's when you were driving a Honda yeah you will have gone Evergreen Drive I've just had a hard life like my mom kicked me out when I was 13 and I've just been staying like in different places all over like Providence Rhode Island so yeah I'm guilty of all the tickets because I've known that I've done overnight parking I done speeding my life is always like in a rush I'm always like rushing everywhere question how far did you go in school I got my GED did yes are you working I am working two jobs right now I was working at triple-a for three years I just left it to work with adults that have intellectual disabilities now so I'm working in a group home and I also do Dunkin Donuts on the side there any children I have two boys 19 and 12 they live with you they live with me now I just got an apartment I was in a shelter since October flash you were what in a shelter on Broad Street mm-hmm so I just got my apartment last week you've been on your own since you were 13 since that was 13 years old yes and I look at my son and I'd be like oh my god how did I do this you know you doing good now I'm trying to get my life together I've always tried to work hard and do the right thing but always something just knocks me over you know I wasn't a domestic violence relationship as well which caused me to not be so steady now you know I still wasn't steady then but I'm just like more unsteady now after there's just been a hard life and I want to pay the tickets but it's just been hard I was named money for something else you present remarkably well so you've you've got a good brain and in spite of the problems you may have had in the past you know you've got a good attitude I do you know I'm glad to see you upbeat I'm gonna dismiss the parking tickets they go back ten years ago I'm not gonna hold you responsible I appreciate that very much before you start appreciating anything wait till I finish could you put some other stuff here okay I'll appreciate whatever you do no actually you got a bunch of overnight parking tickets on Vinton Street that was a time I was homeless as well my friend was letting me stay there and he didn't have a parking space so I had to park on the street I mean so let me see you're a young kid you're homeless you're staying at a friend's place there's no way to park you can't park over and let you park the car on this street sometimes in people's parking lot just I'm sorry just those tickets just those tickets were $1,000 I know thank you so much don't thank me yet I know there's more to come you have a six tickets for speeding caught on camera now that's the bad news the good news is that of the six sick it's three of them are going to get dismissed because they were one mile over the limit okay so instead of course new 300 hours that's going to cost you a hundred and fifty for those three in addition to that let's see would you believe another overnight parking ticket that was on Broad Street I was in the shower I parked there everything want me to park across the street in the church but then my car was gonna get towed from there and I don't have money to release my car from impound and then in the back there's no parking space for me so I had to park in front of the street where were you inside of the shelter are you with the shelter yeah this is the one on Broad Street that was one night they just gave me a ticket one night I mean I was parking there since like October how do you feel about that inspector quick she got away with it for so long judge I really did I was like great no no no the fact she was in a shelter judge mr. Davis mr. Parker - yeah of course of course I have a whole bunch of nice people that send letters into the court who have an opportunity to view us either on social media or on television who who are very moved by some of the stories that I hear here in court and there's a gentleman by the name of Danny Elton who is a actually a senior mortgage banker from Chicago Illinois and he sent me this wonderful letter and he said that life has been pretty good for him but he wants to help other people so he actually sent me a check for $100 to help anyone that needed help using my discretion for whom I would I would use this this for it was interesting because he said he wanted to give $50 but his he told his employer so his employer said that they would match his 50 and so they sent a hundred and I have a hundred hours that I'm gonna use my discretion for and place it so we your tickets because I think you would be somebody that is definitely worthwhile for this and I think it would be the intent for whichever for which this gentleman mr. Elfman sent me this so so I'm going to apply the hundred dollars so you don't have a balance of one hundred and fifty two hours that's everything that's right okay that works for me thank you so much you can't [Applause] may I ask you a question yes so when can I start paying cuz I don't have any cash now I understand I understand that I do get paid like sweet listen I'm Friday listen I don't live in a vacuum you know I look at the world through the eyes of the people that I'm talking to you know and right now I'm looking at the world through your eyes I know the hardship you've had I understand that you know I came from a poor family but I had a family so I know what what that means but I don't know what it means to be homeless so because I don't know doesn't mean I can't understand that and you expressed it so beautifully here today do such a good attitude about it that I think you just somebody that's gonna do well just don't ever give up don't give up okay just we're rooting for you come back and see us let us know how you make out okay I will thank you so much I appreciate it entirely for the rest of my life this was really bothering me you know this money was driving me crazy good luck to you one of the privileges that my job affords me is the opportunity to meet and occasionally help people who have lived incredibly challenging lives mr. Fernandez mother kicked her out of the house when she was 13 years old imagine 13 she has been homeless and the victim of domestic violence yet despite all of those hardships she came to court today with an infectious smile a positive attitude in a strong desire to get her life back on track I am truly humbled by her grace and strength of character thank you Yesenia for reminding all of us that the strongest steel is forged in the hottest fires good luck and guard boys gun elves good evening sir establish you have a red light violation on Roger Williams Avenue and Elmwood Avenue there was part because of the snow that was on the ground and by the time I went for the brakes I were as under the light so you going too fast you couldn't stop I tried to stop it by or still late this yeah with the snow and the ground being slippery I I didn't have a chance to completely stop I'm telling you but you know what you you know what you're saying to me you're saying the road was icy and snow and I wasn't able to stop which means you were going too fast for the prevailing road Kim I should have tried the brakes a little earlier than what I did you got a pump up a little bit first of all you gotta go slow and then you pump the brakes a little bit of the time yeah let's take a look at it inspector Carrigan I need your help on this one show us again show this again all right let's go the light is red already here he comes here he comes he switched to the left he swerves to the right he swerved good thing I was by myself I lost control I'm sorry no it's a good thing they weren't other people in the area cross another car come by the time I went for the brakes was too late mr. Alves yes I'm sure you're an excellent driver that you're very careful right on this day under those conditions you will go too fast all right the good news is that it's not gonna go on your driving record but it's gonna cost you $85 thank you good luck to you [Music] Surya soo font yes good morning your honor good morning Surya sir why you have an overnight parking ticket on Kipling sorry I forgot to I was taking another and I forgot to move the car you're put in the driveway guilty I'm guilty guilty yes all right so Roy you know you're no stranger to parking tickets how many parking tickets you think you've had in the past how many oh for this year that's that's my first this year yeah how about before that maybe - how about 29 it doesn't make any difference he's a parking ticket yes I'm gonna waive the penalties thank you your honor the $40 penalty I'm gonna charge you $20 Thank You Yannick was the original ticket thank you don't fall asleep next time move that car yes I will okay yes all rides and hit subscribe so you don't miss the latest viral moments like this one share these videos and weigh in on the cases you be the judge subscribe now
Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 1,513,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Id: SGvTwoQ4_9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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