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[Music] foreign [Music] this is so sad oh did you see that I bet them babies starving asked him didn't want something to eat see that's your dang problem you always stuck on that phone you ain't even stopped to appreciate life and even notice them little babies your heart didn't tug or nothing man my picture only got 2 000 likes now I gotta delete it and repost it all right now did you not hear anything that I just said to you oh y'all heard you um which picture this one or just wait this one I don't care about no dang Pizza did you not hear what I said them babies are out there starving and you're worrying about a day because you're on Instagram dang you they would love to have your lifestyle um go out there and I want you to ask them do they want something to eat now and you better be nice about it too [Music] nice nice be nice my mom wanted me to ask do um yeah no read the signs no which time it will save me money okay Echo and I was trying to help y'all learn grateful kids outside then I wonder whether my baby's wrong [Music] they said they didn't want no food oh my God it's probably cause they embarrassed it's you know what I feel so bad for them shoot oh that's these damn credit cards you got some cash on you I got the money that my dad gave me for my allowance because we're gonna give it to him how much you got how much I got well we need to give it to the phone I just told you that they needed more than you'll do and how much dang money you got fifty dollars I need some change fifty dollars you just had a few dollars it's a whole lot of dollars don't give them the whole thing is listen Okay you can allowance every month they barely get a single Chrome go give them the money fine with you the girl and you better get my letter you back and I hope you got something better than boom yeah some better food okay take me through [Music] hold up turn it around that's a little time back it's not really real time it's a full time whatever anyway it ain't no thank you anyway it's not no thank you or nothing I just gave you all my allowance no refunds bye foreign [Music] are you serious you know what see you letting me know that we do too much for you okay they ain't got no parents they out here by themselves on the street begging look what you you've had fifty dollars and you mad cause you ain't got no dang Louie bag I wish I would matter of fact [Music] they probably freezing cold out there freezing cold it's the middle of the summer what you mean it's the middle of the summer have you ever lived on the streets huh no you haven't wanna know why you haven't because you got two parents that love and take very good care of you okay they don't all right you don't know what it's like to live out on these cold streets but you know what huh matter of fact go get the clothes out the car and give them to him the clothes I just got the clothes that I just bought with my money yes go get get out the car and go give it to them they don't need no clothes they got clothes on little girl if I gotta tell you one more time I'ma give them this iPhone next go get them up close shoot and where is this thing oh waiter [Music] just look through these clothes don't even fit me down Jake Paul's make me break out oh so y'all broke and Boogie Who you calling broken bougie you the one who don't have a little futon bag okay get on with your Louis Vuitton and get my clothes back no return this at Walmart oh no she no she not I know she know better than that you're no better put that down let go of it I said give it to him hey how much y'all made today one thousand two hundred swim in it y'all ain't homeless no refunds well at least she was able to keep the clothes come on shoot the scammers [Music] now look y'all we had to move to a new location our last spot got hot but we should be good here for a while what's this we're staking at the bank this a bank but it looks so old and Raggedy yeah this might be one of the broke people go now look we go where I say we go and matter of fact this is a historic Bay this is what people with old money go so we don't want that old money we want that new money Chris a hundred dollar bill yeah and we like new money not old money who y'all acting bougie with I know who y'all think about y'all them Louie what time that you got on right about enough um who paying for that five million dollar home that you're living in now if y'all don't get on somewhere here get these signs and go and make me some money matter of fact you ain't dirty enough now get out and make us some money and I'll be across the street oh and don't forget this foreign oh I'm sorry I didn't see you guys there can't you read yeah I can't read oh I didn't realize you guys needed help help we don't need help we need money yeah we don't need help we need money all right four things here here's five dollars five dollars what is that yeah we can't do no with this all we can do with this is wipe our butt yeah wipe our butt look that's all I can spare it and you're asking me for money Beggars can't be choosy y'all gotta be grateful first off we ain't begging we working and since you so broke you can come work for us yeah we ain't bad then we won first off I'm not broke if all you can spare is five dollars you broke well since I'm so broke I'm getting my money back I'll give him that money skimmers holidays need money hello Miss Austin how are you today I'm doing well um I'm just going to withdraw a thousand dollars today okay um would that be at the checking or the savings checking account [Music] she said we can't go in the car yet but we can't move over there and don't you go buying all that crazy I'm gonna get two iPhones and three iPads and one and five oh my god with a thousand dollars oh okay you got high dreams honey homeless need money Thomas need money homeless need money [Music] poor people Kylie now I'm about to teach you a valuable lesson they are poor and we are rich but that does not make us better than them now what is something nice that you can do for the poor people I don't know say hi you can say hi but think of something more selfless give us some clothes because our clothes are not used honey that's because they can't afford it Kylie now what is something that you can do with the nice people with your allowance give me some money give you some money we're going to give them some money okay here you go that's only a hundred dollars it may not seem much to us but it'll seem like a million dollars to them okay homeless need money homeless need money no more people do you need some money do we look poor you see this Louis Vuitton Louis Vuitton if y'all a person then why y'all big first off way begging we working yeah we like it here you go mama say I give you all my allowance it will and is this all you got because I thought y'all was supposed to be rich listen little ungrateful kids dirty and poor y'all believe me huh it's not my balance because I'm supposed to have a wire come in mom dad boy that's what it is Kylie now they're not rude they're outside sleeping all alone and dirty would you be the happiest person if you had to sleep outside alone no as a matter of fact you're gonna give them all your allowance okay all of it you probably lost your mind you probably hurt yourself excuse me don't make me say it again get this over here and you know what I'ma record it while you're doing it because my daughter is doing a Good Deed by helping these poor people now go so I can get my spot on the chairman go bunny bunny I see you back again you got some more money mama said I give you all my allowance I thought you only said you had a hundred dollars here you go 100 good chance 200 good check 300 good check oh look at my baby doing a good deed she is messing up my video my arms all folded let me know happy more cheerful 400 good check 500 good she gonna leave and not do my hair well good thing mine is done oh so you lucky I'll let you get my dang appointment yeah cause I ain't gonna be out here looking homeless like you say it again I'm gonna take your allowance say it one more time shoot she might be able to do it one of these days no if I might have been doing my house now 600 good check 700 good check 800 good Shake 900. ain't understand the girls that tricked us out of our money yep and she trying to scam that little girl right now hey don't get him your money they some goddamn gone skins hand me that money girl you're not business look here you old ladies if you be in that business one more time I'ma make you some business who is that oh let me see hey hey hey what is going oh what is going on here Kim is some God dang on scammers show this they scare me out of my 50 allowance and all my clothes whatever but anyway listen don't trust them look at them poor little babies yeah they real shoes they can afford that you know what baby you can't afford it if you're still in front of homeless people come on baby they stole from us trust me one more time girl I know something it's 55 now he may be right y'all may be some scammers I'm gonna post this video and get my money back no refunds no refunds I don't know you just posted a video of us without our likeness or consent and we're gonna sue you or I see y'all some little clout Chasers so what y'all can do is y'all can record a video of how giving us some money and then you can pay us for it ain't gonna negotiate with no scam this is evil rich lady is poor shaming us and saying we're poor and she's better than us okay okay how much a thousand dollars each oh a dollars each okay here nice doing business with you [Music] yay hey how much I made three thousand sixteen come on hurry up Road ramps [Music] foreign [Music] money makers that all the business people down here ma why couldn't we just stay at the bank we made like 3K last time yeah we made like 3K last time man we got this spot hot that's why the police be down there so look what we gonna do is we're gonna get down at this new spot right here and y'all get on out and let me tell y'all something if y'all see the popo we gotta go go now go okay [Music] oh good a garbage can we gonna get a lot of money and they're gonna think we homeless even more yeah so we're gonna get that money money [Music] speed up on the phone don't get hit by a car thank you baby baby baby oh look at those poor babies oh they get shiny so talented it's so sad they homeless sad ain't it did you hear me yeah said all right said you think I should wear the pink or the blue shirt I just told you that them babies over there who was singing their heart up just for a freaking dollar or some food and you talking about what color show the way to come to you like I'm Gonna Let You Go to this concert give me some money I know you got some from your animals I left it at home whatever stink like it's money a dollar I think I'm gonna do pink shut up hey that'll go come on here shoot oh babies it's just so Sandy out here all alone I think you enjoy the show thanks hey how you doing I'm good how can I help you uh I need two lower level tickets please okay I got some money that's 350 each so 700. gonna pay 300 fifty dollars for a goddamn gonna take it all right thanks have a good day uh ladies can I help y'all come with me money business is slow nobody giving us money yeah there you go people right there homeless need money homeless need money Kyle why are they ignoring us and not giving us money baby baby [Music] baby no baby [Music] foreign excuse me can I get one ticket to the upper level six please up a level I ain't gonna be able to see none oh whether you need to use some binoculars or something um no all my friends got lower level like they got 4C well tell all your friends to come up to the upper level with you um no cause ain't nobody gonna be able to see nothing then obviously they ain't your friends if they won't go up there and sit with you and leave you up there by yourself so what you're gonna do is take these um can you please tell her that ain't gonna be able to see nothing up there I'll be honest you're super right though they're like nosebleed seeds like low class you want to get to the lower ones they're the best seats in the House oh really are they yes the best seats well let me tell you a thing of three I'm not paying 350 dollars for some lower level seats when she can just pay fifty dollars for the upper level seats because she doesn't deserve that and I'll forget it then cause anger baby Cena anyway so oh 50 dollars and here you know what I would rather have the fifty dollars those homeless people over there now go take it to them I'm not taking money you're taking money no no no not your ticket money they taking money go give it to him go take it to him now [Music] my mama said I gotta get y'all my ticket money so I hope it's for a good cause or something it's real all right ticket money uh yeah for tonight's concert yeah I probably don't know about it and let me tell you a thing of three okay okay you guys don't have kids do you I do well then if you do really have kids then in front of another adult you wouldn't be telling her and yeah I ain't got nothing but nosebleed seat money then you say girl get the nosebleed seats okay can you do that for me next time you must have no sleep hey let's go for 350 I know because I got multiple uh ain't y'all broke and begging for money Aiden cook the music honey you are my business now moving on nosebleed so sick of these skimming kids Kaya there goes someone and this time we ain't gonna let them ignore us yeah trick them up how much need money oh oh sorry I didn't see you though homeless need money oh y'all you guys are homeless and y'all need money three I'm sorry I don't have any extra money I just used my last few dollars to buy these tickets and I gave my loose change to the kids around the corner there's some homeless kids around them they were on the corner uh they playing music and everything they pretty good too what what now where where just now uh right around the corner I'm sorry I couldn't help you guys people are are tired we the only people who fake homeless yeah they supposed to give us money and they still have our money I wanna flap him punch him bet on him push him and I'm a drop kicker yeah then I got right there they got harmonica guitars [Music] what y'all think y'all doing yeah what y'all think y'all doing what's up we're getting money you got some this block ain't big enough for five people too far well y'all need to be going to a little uh-uh y'all gotta leave yeah y'all gotta leave Google makeups weird yeah we is you and what army okay okay we'll be back we'll be back let's get this little kids they think we're scared but that was a good idea they think instruments why did we think of that yeah I have an idea nobody liked the popo oh yeah [Music] it's your emergency I would like to report a disturbance there's these children and they're all alone they do not have any parents and they're sitting around the block uh we're just gonna need a confirmation on your location and take a look at it okay yeah yeah boys nice do the whole day nothing to do no calls or nothing that's what I'm talking about either day I love the Munch much on the job make money that's what I do that's what I do officer 472 the headquarters come in please hello tempo disturbance yeah man this better not be another Karen call is it disturbing on some children yeah I already know big Tempo I'm gonna go check on the Karen I already know man can't even eat my food so you work here you own a place I work here you work here does that mean you don't own it so that definitely means what why you doing all that anything you ain't the boss um some scammers huh what are you talking about my whole fifty dollars see what I mean not only is she disrespectful a little liar because she lying lying she got the audacity to sit here and lie in my face because she want to go to that little stupid concert them babies is homeless in Polo again um no they're not they just scare me oh they just scammed you oh she gonna come in here thinking you're gonna tell me that story because you want to go to the little monkey concert ain't gonna happen ain't gonna happen now go out there and apologize um no there's other using the radio listen [Music] they sound good what a radio at no keep listening there's a radio it's a radio so they've been playing this whole time nope keep on getting called that disturbing the peace man I'm just trying to eat my food eat my sandwich that's all I'm trying to do hey [Music] hey this smells good get out of my head for a minute hey y'all kids out here making all this noise disturbing the peace I just got a phone call saying y'all disturbing the piece and y'all I'm down here unsupervised wow baby look at me I'm black too but where your parents at y'all are supervised and we are supervised our mama's over there [Music] okay so um what year did y'all do then we're getting money to perform okay well go ahead and show me something baby baby baby all right baby baby baby baby [Music] I would like to tell y'all y'all very talented and y'all going somewhere in life thank you officer I'm sorry to bother you I'm just gonna leave y'all alone okay wait officer so there's some kids that were around the corner they were asking for money and I have no supervise and they try to get our money okay well um thank you I'm gonna go ahead and check it out right now okay they're that way oh uh-uh y'all aren't going nowhere yes we is we going out no no no no those Armani season nephews out there and y'all are not about to take away from them y'all are staying right here let me tell you a thing of three I don't care if it's your niece or nephew I want to get up out of here and if you don't never come across stuff yeah no y'all aren't doing that no I'm gonna call my brothers up in here and I'm gonna call my sister no y'all gonna stay right here and enjoy this show I got brothers and sisters run oh you know what I got no time for that go eat my food hey homeless kids anyway okay me um and me amanas will pull up on you with our minnows yeah it's almost getting dark you know what you don't open the door we're gonna kick it down shoot Hermanos Hermanos no he ain't oh see that radio I see all right listen here you little scammers let me tell you something you won't give my baby back that fifty dollars or I swear it's gonna be on with this little money I'm not getting nothing bad she's talking to me and she's talking to me she's talking to me this hair you will think of three little girl I fight kids I fight grown-ups what the man it's from always going on over here I just seen them kids early today them kids ain't no scammers oh you broke her guitar destruction of property a thought on a kid say security [Music] oh baby let's go I'm in training when I get that badge you really gonna go to jail [Music] foreign I'm talking about big money we've been driving forever and why it took so long to get here yeah I'm tired now look rich people move on the outskirts so they don't get robbed now this time we're gonna try our look and then Rich folks neighborhood I thought it was going on a trip in my favorite rocket ship y'all is going on the trip you get to go doe-to-do and get our money okay Mom what you want us to tell these people tell them you're trying to raise some money to get us out the project we don't live in the project I know we live in a two-story home with a maid with a two-car garage but they don't know that now shut up with the attitude and get the looking posts [Music] they don't call me until y'all made the quota how much is that ten thousand ten thousand yeah get on out [Music] thank you [Music] where should we start from oh no I live in this rich people neighborhood me neither well let's just start at the top okay I guess homeless need money money watch where you're going there's someone talking to me uh it's just poor people I don't speak your language excuse me Who you calling for we rich yeah Who you calling for we rich and what will cause y'all look at my report to me do you see these Louis Vuitton shoes well I'm leaving before this poorness rubs off on me yeah you do that let's just beat her up rikaya we don't want to waste our time we got to make this money homeless need money how many money [Music] always need money my poor babies what are y'all doing out here by yourself we're hungry hello everyday today 50 days yeah we're gonna know food no money or no mama we living on these streets hi y'all you know what let me just see how much money I got okay okay [Music] well listen this is fourteen hundred dollars you think this is not to help y'all maybe y'all get a room or something yeah it's some food oh my goodness [Music] yeah that was trick date lady oh no water whoa got no money [Music] is anybody here never mind thank you [Music] highly appreciate it [Music] I'm tired and 10 000. this is the easiest money we ever made yeah the easiest let's call mama so we can leave not so fast we got one more house on the Block do we really need the money mom said ten thousand no but the more money we make the more money we take I'm hungry come on you can eat when you Dad I'm going when I'm dead I'm Dead come on [Music] thank you well well well this is the poor little baby kids excuse me you got one more time to call us poor yeah say in my face and you happy yeah you're right I don't need any of your poorness on me you know it's contagious what's going on nothing if they don't look like nothing it looked like you were bullying these two little pretty girls here she was a Leia you should be ashamed of yourself taught you better than that but they start they still hurt everything you're out here picking on the list I'm fortunate I've taught you better than that but that's okay because you're gonna learn your lesson I'm going to give them your entire allowance who else isn't funny clothes for mine what too bad this ain't Fair well life is not fair you ain't Fair oh here you go thank you this really helps you're welcome and if you girls need anything else you just let me know okay actually we need Wednesday what's that spell oh actually I'm cooking I've made fried chicken macaroni cheese and green beans if it isn't a problem could we have some I don't know mama don't wear stretches in our house ain't that right Mama Well normally that is the case and I'm glad you learned that lesson but today you are going to be serving them dinner what Mom are you running everywhere because this ain't you talk back one more time and I'm gonna take your allowance for a year now go set the table for your guests can't believe in one of these little rats into my house this is nice nice cute girls you're welcome [Music] make sure the food hot yeah not cold sure [Music] chicken [Music] I love that chicken oh give me that drink [Music] can y'all move I have to put the chicken down don't talk to your guests like that that ain't no way to type to your guess matter of fact servant y'all ain't no guest there we use we just doing this cow guys are homeless [Music] do y'all guys have any home training because look at this and look at this what's wrong with you we're poor remember well I do remember but this is unacceptable whatever they're making a mess in the house they're making a mess in my house oh my gosh oh and I'm full too wait Ty did you see my glass yes it's empty yeah bad side [Music] more drink please who you think I am yo maid do yourself how much stuff no you're not in here disrespecting them but they no ma'am I don't care you will not disrespect anybody in this house now serve them you will be their maid today remember your allowance is at Jeopardy how do you want me to serve you you can start by tipping my glass off a little come in it's open reach up research a girl when I say I'm so hungry I'm sorry I am late but baby it was so much traffic but I hope you got that chicken uh oh what they doing here no refunds I [Music] delete it foreign [Music] man it's Dave and Buster's giving y'all a check no I don't think so now before I was interrupted this is what I need for y'all to do to go instead of shop outside of JJ Wings when do we get a JJ's Wings we just got it and today is the grand opening and it's gonna be people out there giving out money especially to the homeless people but Ma I don't want to be outside JJ Wings asking for money I want to be inside JJ Wings eating wings yeah eating wings man why y'all being ungrateful think about it who bought y'all all that designer stuff that y'all wear to school don't y'all want some more Louis Vuitton fine how much money you want us to make glad you asked enough to make me smile now get extra dirty and get out there and get us some extra money thank you where should we start shop at I don't know maybe right there because that's where people walk in oh my name [Music] yeah she got me working on a Sunday she ought to be ashamed of herself Chick-fil-A ain't even open on a Sunday no way you don't get your near head butt off that phone I will call you back look let me tell you some XJ Wings we provide excellent service and you can't have no excellent service on no phone and you know I need the most help that I can get because listen with short staff it's just me and you so what you can do is help me better the chicken you can help me prepare the fries you're gonna help me do some other than just being on that phone now I need you at your very best I need a smile on your face I need you to be in top tier let me tell you why today the grand opening and also today the inspector is coming and I need an A plus a plus because see A's equal more money and we're trying to get our money okay all right now I gotta hire them inside we're gonna get more help soon but I need you TT baby to be on their best behavior now get the chop chop go get the chicken prepared go and stop make sure everything will be here stop everything need to be stocked stocked up to Perfection stop oh poor baby your mom's dying and she's having heart surgery here I I take your buddy no I insist thank you you might be the person that makes sure my mom lives thank you so much your mom is dying yeah thank you I can't believe y'all mother's just abandoned on your poor babies but you know what I love your nails don't envy me I have a condition and my nails are gonna be purple forever my baby maybe this is enough money to help okay thank you so much everything counts we're Kyle why ain't nobody coming I don't know yes we need to go talk to them what you think you doing yeah AI spots could afford me I don't see your name anywhere but you see these hands don't you yeah you do feel like this right calm down I ain't gonna mess up my nails messing with these poor scammers and we so poor why you copying our hustle yeah look honey I'm an entrepreneur and I'm doing it way better look you want our turf so move calm down I'm hiring so you gonna work for me girl you must be crazy must be look y'all need my help cause whatever y'all guys doing ain't working there's a plenty of money out here for all of us says who says me for one your clothes ain't dirty enough for two your faces ain't sad enough and for three y'all ain't got no gimmick continue if you're going to hustle you're gonna need a pitch watch this she she's dying or this my grandmother she fell when she can't walk again please help oh that's a good actor I see your point but we scam entrepreneurs and we don't work for No ba D okay how about this we split the money 60 for me 44 y'all um I just love math for school today okay how about how about 50 50. Bill Deal [Music] welcome to J Wings how can I help you what's up with you so let me get a 10 piece let me get a chicken tender combo I want some loaded Ranch fries and let me get a 30 piece for what you calling me fat or something I mean if it's I mean the shirt because it ain't really fit man you know what you got me messed up I don't know what type of business they running right here oh it scares me hello welcome to J Wings how can I help you and this poor customer service man my customer service what a customer service customer service but you know what no matter how she knew so how about I hook you up with a free of 10 piece Wings how about that that sounds good right there and you supposed to eat the front porch anyway you know what I'm gonna give you more than that you know what I'm saying I'm gonna add some little special things you know you need any condiments or something I want ranch let me get some ketchup and hot sauce too look you know we don't charge extra for the sauce okay oh yeah that's what I like oh don't give them no money they clearly scare me y'all thank you this will really help yeah a lot thank you thank you y'all need to move y'all showing away our customers stop hating on our hustle and while you talking you should join us and what they paying you in chicken nuggets shut up we're the busiest restaurant in the city we made two bands in one hour two thousand dollars in an hour y'all hurry oh we hiring yep that girl ain't gonna do no kind of work first of all she out here supposed to be sweeping and she out there talking to some greasy crap first of all my cup ain't greasy in hey is that you where's your mama I bet she don't know you out here well wondering if my mama knows that you saw her Famous Recipe Chicken and then you open up a restaurant oh first of all okay your mama stole the recipe for me so it was mine first so you can tell how you want to speaking of that two-piece please I know what kind of police have anybody seen J Wings yes uh yes right this way we've been expecting you um we got a uh best restaurant I'm talking about the best wings that you ever had in your life I came up with the recipe myself you did I did and you're gonna really enjoy it come on um she just cleaned up everything you see everything out here right this way Mr inspector this way let's see the dishes clean everything good okay yeah it's good perfect yeah you know we gotta keep a clean kitchen oh I'm good just me and my little niece here everything was good no I see yeah nice and clean yeah you got a very clean restaurant hey oh I see there you get your secret recipe from yeah I see that oh but I'm sorry to be a bother or you know man I think I can get a little something to eat you know tell you to see what it tastes like I have Reese prepared for you to come I said you know just in case he asks but you know here you go uh-huh and you you can eat right on that side yeah you know make sure you say Hey you know you think about the grade and you brighten it up and we'll come back tell you okay hi right that way Mr inspector okay I got you yeah I'm gonna try this out you cook that good to me you think so look look just in case that ain't good we gotta go ahead and prepare some some real good like the special special chicken you know a new special chicken yeah yeah I you know what I'm saying it's sausage and it's special it was really quite delicious I can see myself coming back down here dining on my off days these chicken and waffles and grits yes yes this is it right here that's the inspector hey okay don't be you know you be give me a real fat and it's great now I just need to make sure how was the food not so good huh yeah not so good no I'm just planting witches I give this a 10. I will be here on my off days yes this is it for me yes thank you so much look if you want another one we could cook you up another one we can get you whatever I never could turn down a good free meal you know what let me get this one clear this out your way and guess what I'm gonna bring you something even better I'm doing real better ain't that right close yeah we got a special special food for the inspire I'm gonna I mean that's my money it's good people right now welcome to J Wings how can I help you I'm looking at that chicken sandwich combo I'm trying to see spicy spicy good best one with fries and drink fries and a drink you got that please tell me you made the special special chicken for the special special yes I made a special chicken did you do it right hey excuse me can I get this special pledge y'all talking about I see the special specialist for uh it ain't out yet on the menu but what you can get what you said you wanted a 15 combo yeah it's gonna come up right up I swear you're gonna love it um let me go and get his condiments can you bring him up for me baby but that chicken it'll be right on up okay okay thank you can I get extra ketchup too quick as much as you want Mr inspect or okay now listen now this right here it's a new recipe that I ain't even put out yet it's special for my special inspector I ain't trying to post but I promise you it's gonna be the best for me to keep up ahead because I use my special ingredients [Music] you know what you give me a hill you feel you nice doing business with you well it was nice doing business with you yeah nice doing business with you suckers how much we got we made a lot of money now I'm talking big money look it's the most money we ever made oh let me see hey she forgot to give us our hat who scammed you that little girl man y'all gonna let somebody out hustle y'all dang let me tell y'all a thing of three it's pronounced Ka now subscribe I crack myself up thanks for watching cause watching me is better than watching TV
Channel: Kinigra Deon
Views: 5,139,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BV2rIII-qMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 20sec (3320 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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