Adopted By YOUTUBER Family! (Full Movie)

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today I was in bloxburg and came across a YouTuber family that was spamming chat and saying they were adopting okay guys I want to join this family so I can see what these YouTubers are but obviously like they said in the chat they are adopting a kid so that means speaking now that I'm a kid it is time to see what it takes to join a YouTuber family okay guys I'm just gonna run straight up to the door and it is a totally glass door so I'm just gonna go ahead and knock on it oh my gosh oh my gosh okay here we go oh there is Mr and Mrs YouTuber wow literally there's a subscribe button right above their head I'm just gonna say hi um I would like it to be adopted Mr YouTuber said you want to be our new daughter I'm gonna say yes I love YouTube and I'm a huge fan okay you guys I actually have no idea who these people are but they have a really nice house so they must be popular and Mr YouTuber said welcome to the seriously oh I'm just gonna say oh okay thanks uh that was much easier than I expected this house is so nice they've got like play buttons literally everywhere holy cow Mr YouTuber said all right kid let's go check out your room oh season follow me in a house like this I cannot wait to see what my room is gonna fly here we go here we go whoa guys all of the doors in this hallway look different and they all have numbers in front of them he said here's your room wait wait what do you think about what it's this I am so confused I'm just gonna say why because this room is so gross I don't want to sleep in this room it's disgusting my new dad said you'll get a better room the more subscribers you get that's how to survive as a YouTuber are you kidding me that must be why all of these rooms have different numbers so right now I have zero subscribers and I have to work my way up Mr YouTuber said if you get 10 million million subscribers you get that room over there guys that door looks completely different from all the other in there he said so you want a chance to get some subscribers uh yes sucks apparently I need to since I don't want to have to sleep in here tonight oh it's so gross let's get some subscribers guys my new YouTube family just brought me to a crazy construction site I don't know what we're doing here but they have their cameras out so um I'm just gonna ask I'm gonna say uh so what's what's the plan Mr YouTuber said we're filming a YouTube video ready to get some subscribers okay honestly that makes sense that makes sense I'm just gonna say uh yes I am what are we filming he said look up at the crane you see something up there but there is a [Music] bug the baby is walking around on the crane oh my gosh he said that's right wait they they know about this they said you're gonna save that baby for content if you want to join the family guys I would have saved that in that place but then my gosh okay okay you know what fine fine I will go save this oh my gosh okay okay okay I am going to get this baby down safe and sound and everything's going to be fine oh this is so bad this is so bad oh my gosh oh my gosh this is up okay I'm gonna say um little baby uh little baby come come here I'll get you down come here no no don't turn around no now turning around oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm on this phone I almost fell I almost fell no no no no no no no this way this way over here little baby oh my gosh [Music] Mr the baby be sure to subscribe they're down there just filming you're not helping me at all this is so messed up here come here come here little baby I got him I got him oh my God the baby I got him oh my gosh oh my gosh I can't believe he almost jumped off this crane what a dumb baby Mr YouTube said nice up that video was great now you can come down and we can go back home oh geez you guys that was so messed up you know what I at least better have gotten enough subscribers to not have to sleep in that disgusting room anymore oh we are finally back home and we just posted my YouTube video for saving that baby Mr YouTuber said your first video did great [Applause] okay please be better than the last one please it be better than the last one oh my gosh you guys okay I don't know about y'all but I really think this is an upgrade holy cow he said isn't it nice keep this up and you'll get to 10 million subscribers in no time guys if this is the upgrade from the other room I cannot wait to see what the 10 million room is like I okay you know what you know what in order to get there though [Music] Iris Miss YouTuber said you want to film again that's great let's go oh my gosh yes okay they seem very excited about this guys it is 9pm and my parents dragged me to the super here Mr YouTuber said this hotel is a haunted clown Motel Legend says if you stay overnight a clown will come and scare you one this will be a great video we've already set up cameras inside your room so go have fun huh he's oh geez okay okay fine I cannot believe my parents are just dropping me off alone at a scary motel but I guess I have no choice so I'm just gonna see what happens and hopefully the Legends are fake oh gosh okay here we go here we go you know what I'm just gonna go in here and I will close all of the blinds and it's actually not too bad of a room for a haunted motel I mean I've got a TV a shower I don't have a mirror but you know whatever I do have a shower really I can close these I can close these no one is coming I've checked the closets so far so good close that no one can hide from me no clowns in there okay okay okay I don't see any clown under the bed and that's kind of it there's like no other place they could possibly be now all I have to do is just go to sleep and wait for this video to be over and it will be what was that what was that someone just knocked on my door I I heard it I heard it I heard it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay open the blinds really quick um there's no one outside you guys oh no no no I swear I swear I heard I heard it guys I have only been in this hotel room for a little while and I'm already so strong that's my that's my dad what what is he said get pranked that reaction was great huh what what that was so messed up he said you need prank videos to have a banger YouTube channel duh this will be subscribers that was so messed up I am traumatized for life I better get another room for this guys I am still in the same bedroom right now because I didn't get upgraded to the new room my parents didn't want to post video because I apparently didn't scream enough which I don't know how that makes any sense because I was so freaked out yep I am still in the same room right now and really all I want to do is know what's in the 10 million subscriber room it looks so cool and pretty down there at the end of the hallway you know what what if I just try to sneak into the room I mean it's 11 o'clock at night my parents are definitely asleep I'll just sneak in there and they'll never even know I saw it okay okay you know what I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm going in I'm going in I'm going in oh okay okay the room has its own hallway where you be holy cow you guys this room is Encina oh my gosh it's got its own living room and flat screen TV it's got a little like sitting area and a huge bed a computer oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh the bathroom you guys this is oh my gosh this is the most insane bedroom I have ever seen with a ginormous walk-in closet holy cow oh my gosh wait no no oh my gosh they're coming in here I've got a hide I've gotta hide I've gotta hide oh my gosh okay okay I'm going in here oh oh toilet room toilet room okay okay it's fine I can just climb up on the toilet and they'll never no I was in here what the heck are they Uma wait they're in the room Mr YouTuber just said our new daughter is perfect with this wait oh my gosh this YouTuber said I know right she's making us so much money when should we get rid of her though wait get rid of me huh hold on you guys I am going to sneak out of here I don't know what they're talking about but Mr YouTuber said she'll get tired of making videos eventually after that we'll just adopt another kid and they'll make videos for us nobody can resist joining our family because we're YouTubers wait wait guys I'm gonna try and sneak over here and see if I can see them oh my gosh they don't want a kid they just want someone to be there now they're using me to make money with their YouTube videos what the heck Miss YouTuber said that's so true she's so obsessed with getting this room we might have a money maker that lasts a while this time guys they must have abandoned so many kids I can't believe this that's so terrible oh oh my gosh you guys guys they left the room they left the room I cannot believe this what definitely like illegal or something right okay you know what I am so gonna get revenge on them and I think I know exactly how to do all right guys I actually left the house today and at Mr BEAST's Warehouse he let me use it so I'm going to build a trap on the plot and then totally trick my parents saying they're gonna be a part of a Mr Beast video and they'll easily fall for because they are obsessed with money and subscribers so it should be pretty simple to get them over here lure them into a trap and then expose them okay I'm gonna go ahead and build it over here and we'll have the Trap be like right here now I'm gonna need my own entrance so I will make a little tiny entrance for me right here here into the basement gonna put some walls up doors we need some prison doors all right now we gotta make my little entrance we'll also have to make this secret and cover it up so that they fall right onto it okay now let's cover this thing up all right there we go that one looks good all right guys it's blending in and it's working and all colors of the grass I make that grass all right let's go back down here paint this gonna make it dirt and scary make it all disgusting since they made my room all disgusting all right you guys let's see let's get some little cobblestones down here here we go guys this is going to be so funny when they get exposed honestly I should make this into a video they should put this on their Channel all right you guys and I don't know how long they're gonna be in there so I am gonna go ahead and add a little gross toilet just like they had in my disgusting room that they gave me should I give them a sleeping bag I don't know if they deserve a sleeping bag maybe they do they deserve a sleeping bag and they deserve one that's gross and covered in mud and dirt and nastiness I'm gonna go back up here cover this little spot up with some couple folders just to like fully make it blend in here okay now I have to create the spot that I'm going to lure them into all right here we go I'm gonna get some walls my plan is to build a little shed and then I'm going to make them think that it's some type of video like they have to spend all this time in the shed I'm gonna add a couple of doors all right here we go you guys and then once they think that the whole challenge is just about how long they can stay in the shed they'll run right in there and then they will fall into the trap easy peasy okay I'm gonna make this look pretty legit though so I will go ahead and add some little lights I'm just gonna add two little lights right here call it a day let me add some little garden things like it's a little garden shed some dirt here and there and maybe like some garden tools all right cool you know what good enough all it has to do is get them in there I'm gonna paint the walls make look like a little wooden shed bam okay we've got the shed let me make the roof a color yep there we go there we go a little metal roof on the top of the shed all right you guys here we go I'm gonna give it a little test since I'm still guessed it I should be able to get out of here they'll just run right in and fall they'll be in this prison cell open up the door I can run it through oh my gosh you got you guys all right guys my parents are downstairs in the living room right now and it is time for phase one of trap my YouTuber parents and expose them so here we go I'm just gonna start spamming the chat and saying I have big big it's a huge deal big news big news life changing money making all right you guys I'm going to run downstairs alone I got big crazy surprise surprise for my crazy parents he said Carrie what's the big news okay okay here we go you guys Mr Beast just invited us to do a challenge video my mom said what I said really no way my mom said when is it I'm gonna say right now I just got the address okay here we go come on come on come on my dad said well get in the car it's our chance to make it big yes yes okay okay guys they are hyped it is time to drive to the secret location my plan is working okay guys we are finally here at Mr BEAST's warehouse and now I just need to lead them down there to the garden shed for the Trap my dad said where do we go are we meeting him inside actually he gave the instructions uh it's whoever can stay in the garden shed longest wins a gazillion Roblox my dad said great let's do this honey okay I'm gonna say uh Mr Beast is is waiting in the shed he's already he's waiting in the shed come on come on come first since you're amazing parents there they go there they go there they go come on come on come on they're going they're going they fell in the gosh guys they are freaking out in chat right now right now okay here we go everything is working perfectly it is time to go into my secret entrance thing is working out it's time to expose these guys oh my gosh look at them dummies you fell for the Trap oh my gosh you guys it worked perfectly oh my God said what's the meaning of this Carrie where's Mr B so I'm just gonna say Mr Beast isn't here because you're not in a video right now I'm sorry what do you mean what do you mean oh my gosh you guys all right it's time to tell them that I know everything I'm gonna say I heard y'all's convo about getting rid of me and I know what you've been doing with all the kids you adopted just using them in your videos for money until they get tired and then just get a new king and it's so messed up my dad said what no no your misunderstanding things Carrie we love that you're our daughter um I don't think so I'm definitely not falling for their lies again you guys because they are just in this to make a bunch of money they ought to go into jail for a long time officer he said you're under arrest for being bad people that's what I'm talking about oh you can't film YouTube videos from jail all right my job is done this YouTuber family will never mess with another kid ever again today I was in bloxburg and saw that a royal family was looking to adopt a daughter they said their new daughter would become the princess so I really wanted to get adopted by them guys I really want to be adopted into this family because being a princess would be a Beyond adopted I probably a kid so right now that I look like a kid it is time to try and get adopted I'm just gonna run straight up there and hopefully they say yes [Music] you want to be a princess it's a lot of hard work yard work really I promise all right time for your test then what test they just threw me in this tiny room at the top of a tower I'm gonna get myself into another crazy situation oh yeah princess there's a chance you might get kidnapped we need to make sure you know how to escape escape this room within the time limit or else you will never join our family room now but I guess that makes sense they have to test me before I can become a princess I can't just adopt anybody off the street right so you know what I can do this I've escaped from plenty of places before so that means there's probably a secret door somewhere or like a secret password to a to a key code or something oh let's see let's see I'm not seeing none of these bookshelves seem to be opening up hello open come on secret shelf is always the way to go okay that's fine that's fine let me try and look behind some plants maybe there's like a button not seeing any but back here oh oh there's a little crevice but no button no key no nothing I to go out of maybe there'll be something on top of the bookshelf I'm kind of short but nope nothing up there hey behind the bookshelf oh my gosh you guys here we go here we go come on okay it doesn't unlock this door what the hell time is running out you better hurry up okay you guys there's gonna be some other thing wait a second why does the giant window have an open thing right here is this [Music] here we go you escaped you're definitely worthy of being a princess but first you'll need to meet your future sisters my future what I've said guys we are back at the castle right now and these two girls are apparently my future sisters princess Bali and Princess Lacey and they already look like Prince 's girls author author of you are interested in joining our family but only one can become the princess okay I have a feeling I know where this is going all three of you will compete in challenge us to see who is worthy enough to join our family and become this would be a piece of cake both of you girls are ugly so I'm the best feature princess hey that was rude let the princess games begin royalty must know how to dress better than everyone else let's see which of you can win a fashion show both of you are going down oh my gosh you guys I am so nervous because both of my sister my sister seem pretty especially Lacy but you know what I can do this I can pick out but the category is cartoon craziness and I honestly don't really know what that means so I'm just gonna go for something really colorful oh my gosh look at all of these ball gowns okay let's see let's see oh oh I could do like a skirt maybe we'll do some butterflies and I can make it purple I'm going with purple and let's see let's see I maybe need like a sweater or something but I don't like any of these sweaters okay you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna go back from that oh my gosh they already have wings and hair okay okay I need to step it up I need to go find a hairstyle and some wings guys I cannot lose enjoy this royal family so bad I wanna face looks happy I feel like Lacey's gonna pick a mean face oh wait this one's pink it kind of matches my whole outfit okay okay good good good good we're doing good now we just need accessories oh my gosh I've only got 99 seconds left oh this is not good why am I wasting so much time okay so one of my sisters already had those wings oh my gosh but they're so pretty oh these ones are pretty too though okay okay we're all gone for wings we're doing good we're doing good we're doing good 20 seconds and I need Sparkles can't be a princess without Sparkles I already have the game pass for this so I'm just gonna go in here and get something cool here we go big giant Sparkle Bean wait oh my gosh I've only got 40 seconds I I'm having problems with decision making oh geez oh geez okay I need something to hold I need something to hold like a purse or a baton like something princessy this is kind of princessy [Music] I like it I like it's very very princessy okay let's see let's see what else can I get what else can I get guys I feel like stressed out hey come on come on let me find let me find one more clothing item no no okay [Music] okay oh gosh first up okay here we go here we go while the judges time to wow the judges give him a wave and a cheer and sparkles look at all the sparkles okay okay I did it I did it now let's see what my sisters did oh that one looks kind of scary but no we have them hairstyle oh gosh you guys this could be bad I think I styled mine a little bit better oh no oh gosh you guys oh this is gonna be a close one [Music] yeah my outfit was way better than yours that doesn't really matter cause I still love it for your next challenge there's a tiara hidden inside this Castle whoever finds it first wins and gets an advantage in the next round guys I'd better win this one I feel like the other games are gonna get gonna get hurt and I definitely want that advantage for a tiara three two one two oh okay here we go here we go it is time to search the castle it looks like both of my future sisters are going upstairs so you know what I am going to take that time to look in here what kind of room is this supposed to be okay okay nothing in these cabinets I feel like it is not going to be that easy to find but I have got to try and be super fast considering sters already look like princesses that kind of gives them like a like a heads up and I don't have any advantages right now so whatever that next Advantage is I seriously need it okay I'm gonna take a look outside maybe jump in the mope an ETR is in the moat nope okay and I got wet for no reason awesome all right you guys it's not looking like it's outside but Lacey and Polly are still upstairs looking so it doesn't look like they found it either I'm gonna look behind the throne here nope I don't think they would put it in the throne room literally with them so okay what's behind this door oh no no no no no oh gosh you guys okay I don't really want to go down here but the other girls haven't gone down here yet so that means that if it's down here I'll be the first to find the Tiara here we go here we go oh man I don't want to be down here this is so scary okay I'm just gonna look in here it doesn't got any prisoners right now so that's a good sign guys all I'm seeing is a bunch of Dirty Toilets man that means the other girls are upstairs then they're gonna find The Tiara before me where is it there there oh my God oh my gosh you make a real real this oh my gosh this is crazy this is so cool I found it this sucks I feel bad that I made my new sister super angry but now I have an advantage in the next trip royalty must know how to avoid danger so you'll need to walk to school in Ohio and whoever makes it to level five first wins oh geez okay what's my you get to skip ahead to level three okay no fair shut up you should have won the last challenge then okay that'll make it very easy for me to win this hopefully ready go all right well they try and make their way out of the house I'm gonna go ahead and Skip to level three here we go at the gas station so I have to walk across the suite over there which means I have to avoid that truck I'm going I'm going after it I'm going after it oh my gosh okay [Music] I'm walking I'm walking and walking oh if you oh me it got me it got me I have to go around to get that key I can do this this truck is so annoying oh my gosh here we go here we go here we go here we go oh geez okay there it is there it is I'm going in the corner got the key give me the key no that was close oh I walked right into it oh my gosh what a dumb move oh no how am I supposed to is okay I'm going I'm going this will be the time oh geez oh okay I made it I made it I made it avoid the car oh avoid the train okay I think okay okay what signal okay I have to wait for it to tell me to walk oh no you guys there's lazy how no I hate this I hate this here we go you guys I'm following Lacey I'm going to make it there okay guys I finally made it to level four now I just have to get through this before he does where the heck is she oh geez this might be bad all right stepping around the puddle I have to get that key are you kidding me how am I supposed to get the key when the Roomba is acting like a fool here we go I'm going go go go go ah no getting it getting it getting it I don't understand I don't understand oh of course and there's Polly guys Polly's already here and I don't see Lacey so I guess that must mean that let's see already won I'm giving up I'm giving up on this challenge I won and I didn't even have an advantage yeah yeah I get it I get it but I'm most challenges so far so I think I'm okay I just have to win the next one royalty must be smart so whoever makes it to the end of math race wins this isn't good I'm not the best at math but I'm gonna do my best okay I lost the last challenge so I've really gotta try to win this one oh geez here we go okay I can do this I can do this uh one what one plus eight what uh nine nine nine nine nine oh I got it over here right here right here right here oh I guess I definitely could have a little bit farther than that but I wouldn't want an immigrate answer two plus one three looking for a three looking for three oh blue is three here we go we got one right here I'm jumping to this one I'm dropping this one oh there's still ahead of me on one plus one oh easy okay two guys I'm not that dumb find a two find a two find a two find a good two find a good two right here right here this is a good two okay it's like this dark brown color I can find it good eight I can find a good eight right here right here right here come on gray color I can make it to this one oh my gosh okay 777 is all these pink colors I can do it I can do it I can do it I can make it I can make it no okay [Music] that's that one You're dumb okay you know what I've only lost two challenges I can still come back from this okay I just have to win the next few easy time to test your Royal knowledge whoever can build the best item made for royalty wins okay hopefully I can build something really well need to win this one like need to okay needs to be something that's made for royalty so I am thinking I'm just gonna try to appease the king and make an even better giant king's crown okay so for that I am going to need a big circle we are going for big extravagant that is not the one that I needed okay there we go this is what I needed okay I'm gonna try and make that red oh the like poofy thing I'm talking about the poofy red thing that goes on top of like Royal Crowns I don't know I don't know what I'm talking about big big big here we go they're Big Daddy's good that is what I want to do okay now I just need to get a bunch of these around the edges and if I make one I can just copy and paste it here we go bring it all the way around yeah that's sort of what I was talking about kind of all right now it I need so it's got the big poofy thing and then it's got normally like sparkles around it you need it to be fabulous over here all right cool beans cool beans let's just make it bigger we go up and out yeah okay that's what I'm thinking there we go boom right there okay also call me crazy I'm not gonna do it all the way around I'm not gonna do that I'm just gonna do the front part I hope they don't look at the back because I think that this is good enough I'm calling it good enough gonna have to add Sparkles somehow but I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to go about that yet and then we'll add y'all this might be ugly I'm just hoping that uh whatever my sisters do is uglier you know what honestly I'm just gonna connect these and I'm gonna call it a day I'm gonna I'm gonna paint it and hopefully once it's all the same color it will look okay it's time to wear colors there we go boom boom boom boom and this is all going to be a Gold Everything Gold and then it won't be bad I think I'm gonna try one one thing and see what I can put up here that will work as um Sparkles or some type of jewels or something can I put it there oh my gosh wait I think I can oh Game Changer Game Changer Game Changer Game Changer go right here on the top right here on the top I know what I need to do I need to put a board right here oh [Music] there we go decorate lighting heart oh heck yeah what are lights can I add is there any more lights that look cool like that I don't think so but honestly I think this will do I'm just going to paint all these different lights different colors of jewels so that it looks like it's covered in different things there we oh that's not really like they're that's more like emeraldy right yeah that one at the top can stay red all right you guys is it the best Crown no is it flashy absolutely so I'm just betting on the fact that I built something for the king I don't know what the other girls did but let's hope this wins times all right guys we're gonna see Paulie's first oh oh she built an entire Throne oh my gosh this is crazy I mean it's not for decorated but it is huge so I don't know I guess it just depends on what the king is looking for oh oh guys guys he's running over to Lacey's okay here we go here we go dang okay okay guys it's just a bunch of golden bars money stacks and diamonds okay so that is definitely made for tea big diamond I don't even know how she did that oh oh wait wait he's going over tomorrow he's going on okay he hasn't so he's cheering now he hasn't said anything but he is cheering come on that's go go to the back don't go to the back okay that was a close one guys he almost looked at the back but he did it Carrie win she made me a new Crown wait really well guys making the king a crown was definitely a good night I can't believe it baby this is the final Challenge and determines who gets adopted by us whoever is the last one standing in slap battles wins what that means lost but the ones that I've won don't even matter the other challenges were to teach you Royal skills this will test how much you want to be a princess this is perfect princess Polly let's team up sure hey this is so important Polly was supposed to be the nice one okay you know what though I have to be a princess I cannot give up so that means I just need to get a really cool glove okay here we go I'm gonna get this little glove right here all right time to do some slap oh there they are there they are and they are both gonna cover me okay I could I all have to do is not get knocked off the island first hit each other at the same time okay oh hey they got me but I also got them boom boom boom okay okay guys oh geez oh geez okay I gotta run I gotta run guys I'm gonna try and go to a smaller Island okay here comes here comes Lacey Here Comes Lacy I got Lacey off oh now it's just me and Polly now it's just me no no no come on where'd she go where'd she go oh right on the edge Carrie you have officially completed all of the challenges are you ready to be a princess yes I so to the royal family oh my God oh my gosh you guys I cannot believe I believe I'm an actual princess now dear we need a kid I want to train them to be a soldier I am not getting pregnant I lose my gains I have an idea we can adopt hey leave me alone you jerk nope girls are stinky oh my gosh both of you shut up but Miss Jane Mason won't leave me alone hello we are here to adopt a kid to join our military family it's amazing house no adopt me instead I'm way better than Carrie she's a girl rude hmm boys would be better than girls in the military honestly way better than Mason in the military it doesn't matter that I'm a girl I have an idea you two can compete to join our family come with us oh okay I guess I'm joining the military all right my new parents just brought me to this crazy military base which I guess is supposed to be my new home welcome to your new home soldiers you two are gonna compete to see which of you is better only one of you will get to join our family only one of us is gonna have to go back to the adoption agency oh that means I better beat Mason in all of these challenges time for the first challenge you two need to get in uniform whoever finds their uniform in the base first wins got it wait oh hey we're starting the competition already just like that I'm already behind Okay okay I better start looking and fast jump through these bushes okay I'm gonna go inside the building and see if I can find it in there where the heck do they have prison cells what kind of military base is this okay okay just keep looking and whose office this is but I have a feeling I'm not supposed to be in here so far nothing oh there goes Mason he's still in his regular clothes so it doesn't look like he's found his yet but she's a good thing conference room nothing in here oh dang what is this room it's like a science lab or something okay I'm gonna try my best to like not knock anything over but I'm also not seeing anything that looks like a uniform what the heck okay okay don't see anything all right that's it I'm going outside going outside I'm running I'm running oh oh the barracks I bet it might be in there that's probably where we're gonna be sleeping so it makes sense for our clothes to be in there let's see just a bunch of bunk beds you check this one still nothing oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm taking way too long there's no way I'm gonna win this challenge there there right there right there yes I did it I did it I did it I found my uniform I found my uniform come on please don't let Mason be there yes I did it first I found it this is the first challenge uh what the heck I won't lose the next one [Music] if you're in the military you've got to be able to people save your new mom before she dies go seriously seriously so messed up but I have got to beat Mason still and I don't die who's places serious where it looks like upstairs is definitely not an option there's no way I can jump up there either oh my gosh this is so bad nope nope can't do it can't do it okay okay through the kitchen come on come on come on come on oh gosh more fire more fire oh this is really freaking me out it doesn't seem like Mason really knows what to do either he's sneak in here holy cow wait I think I might be able to use these boxes but I've got a careful okay okay I did it I got through that little fire over here gonna hop on these boxes don't worry I'll learn what I can parkour up this way I've gotta go here we go here we go made it in to the upstairs bedroom the floors are literally falling through oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay how are we gonna get the heck out of here uh I have an idea mom follow me here we go this might be dangerous and we're gonna have to jump I did it I did it I got her out I got her out first Carrie wins this challenge again time for the next one time to test how much you know about the military in a Build-Off whoever builds the best military weapon wins oh I don't know a whole lot about weapons this one might be really difficult you won't win this time Carrie okay the only thing I really know that they use in the military is like those big tanks with the with the conveyor belts and the Little Blues those those things I don't know it's kind of like a car I'm gonna see if I can even do this first thing I need to do is build like a little platform for it see okay here we go here we go but I've been doing pretty well challenges so far so I'm gonna try them out panic I need to make the little windy thingies I don't know what it's called but it it exists okay and then we'll just do what if I rotate this will that round it off because it does need to kind of look like a circle oh yeah that could work okay there's like the big one and then we'll put another one on top of it all right now we need a tube for the piece let's go right here in the middle we can and then I'll get a skinny one yes okay I feel like it needs to have one more little thing on top like one more little Cube thing up here like a window kind of yeah I add something I need to make this more look more like the windy thingy so do I look like someone who knows what they're doing never why would I yeah we're gonna add these all the way around I can add some of these things let's just do some that go all the way across just like this we'll just cover up the top it'll look like a windy thing without actually being a windy thing I just did these on both ends and then I'm just gonna make them a different size this is not exactly my vision but kind of it gets the point across all right well you know what I can even get crazy I can actually add some little chains all the way through yeah now I just have to change colors okay and we'll have this all be back yeah [Music] cool you know what that looks like a tank to me time time see those build soldiers all right time to see Masons and you know the whole grenade what the okay okay you know what that is a little more creative than I thought he was going to be and it's not actually that bad I just hope my tank is more impressive impressive here it is oh man I should have added more deep Terry wins wait seriously heck yeah let's do a strength challenge so I can kick her butt oh please with how these challenges have been going you won't win that one either whoever breaks down all the walls and reaches the end first wins okay I am not that strong but I have to try my best to win this one I've been doing pretty good so far so maybe it'll be a piece of cake three two one go all right here we go here we go hunching through the walls all right oh no oh no Mason's right next to me oh oh wait how did he get past that wall so quickly what [Music] oh my gosh guys I am so behind right now what the heck how's like how long I am clicking as fast as I can to try and punch these walls down oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh she's gonna win I don't think I don't think guys is he literally about to lap me oh my God he is this is bad this is really bad oh gosh here we go here we go I'm running please oh this is gonna take me forever holy cow and he's already laughed me and is in front of me again oh this is embarrassing oh I've only got one minute throw this thing dangle almost there I can't give up I cannot get up okay we're going we're going we're going we're going oh my gosh 5K oh this might take me a minute it looks like Mason's getting a little caught up but I have no idea how I'm gonna catch up to him oh three seconds girls are weak I knew it Mason wins this round next challenge oh geez I better do better in the next one in the military you've gotta Escape buildings that blow up whoever escapes the building first wins holy cow okay that was an explosion oh my gosh you guys I've got to get out of here there's no way I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm dead so I better start running come on oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay here goes the door I'm going through the tubes Mason is already in front of me oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay we're going we're going we're going I'm catching up again okay running running running here we go here we go I've got 30 seconds to escape here we go here we go oh these tubes you scare me oh oh no Mason's back in front of me that's not good there goes the floor okay okay oh nice and fell okay I'm in the lead this is good this is good this is good oh this is not good okay okay I'm jumping jumping oh my God one and Mason has only won one challenge so far Let's test your ability to climb whoever reaches the top of the castle first wins oh man guys I'm scared of heights okay okay up up I'm already stressed out okay okay here we go here we go why am I jumping so intensely and oh no I'm back at the bottom oh this isn't good I don't even know where Mason's at but I have a feeling these higher up on the castle than me okay fell back down to the bottom you've got to be freaking kidding me come on I can do this come on oh my god I've got 10 seconds left there's no way there's no way oh no okay no no come back down come back down no I'm not even that's that's all right well don't get too cocky because I'm gonna win the rest in the military you can get captured by the enemy try and escape the prison and whoever escapes first wins this round okay guys I cannot lose this round otherwise Mason has a very good chance of being adopted over me he's a kid give me that oh and now I've got this thing oh now I can dig all Mason figured that out before me oh that's not good oh geez okay here we go we're jumping oh my God oh my God they fall oh my God they fall I fell into the lava but so did oh geez oh this is scary what the heck um excuse me oh man okay I'm jumping big jump big jump oh geez okay I haven't had amazing here which is good into the vent into the vent that's what I like to see here we go oh I don't like this though where am I going where am I going where oh and in here in here I made it I made it there's the floor oh man I almost just walked right off of these tubes okay come on over here into the vent oh man I'm stressed out I won't lie okay okay I'm assuming you avoid the dots and get to this door please let me throw this door oh what do these do place place where oh like okay it fell awesome love that for me yeah my way get out of my way Mason if I stand over here and I place it right there then I can climb on it and I'm going through I did it okay I have to make a bridge here we go there we go there we go now we're moving why do I have to go in this bathroom I don't want to be in this bathroom oh there's a person in there awesome oh and I can jump down here bye oh please okay and I fell right into this ew and Mason is right behind me and I'm jumping that was a dumb move oh they fall why do all these move why can't it just be easy no oh oh okay no hesitation through the vent or through the door I don't know I don't know when I'm going oh I don't want the stupid trophy oh Mason fell forward too I'm gonna act like it was necessary get out of my way into the vent um go back down I don't know where I'm going but I'm oh okay cool cool cool cool cool good yeah yeah distractor distractor oh I got the key all right let me in okay I did it I'm in I'm in I'm in can I get on this train am I done am I out of here I just broke out of prison time for the last challenge Winner Takes all wait what why does it all come I won one oranges almost who cares once I win this you're gonna be homeless the other challenges were to train you for this one whoever finishes the obstacle course first wins three two one go all right that's it I have worked way too hard out I am gonna win this obstacle course if it kills me Mason is literally already in the lead though so that might be a problem well I don't think so I don't think so okay jumping jumping go under jump jump under jump world climb rock climb rock climb go faster faster faster come on come on come on come on yes I am in the lead here we go here we go tall one didn't expect that oh man there he is he's behind me okay yes yes here we go here we go almost there again no I lost looks like Carrie wins so she's joining the family uh actually go ahead and adopt Mason I don't want to join your family wait really what is our way too intense for me so so forget a girlfriend where are you adults bullying me I'm just a kid that's messed up oh he ran away what a loser bullying is so much fun but he might [Music] he might are getting kind of old we can't do this forever wait yes we can what if we got a kid and made them a bully too I am I am getting pregnant but we can adopt Miss James is it true am I actually getting adopted yep thank the Lord I can finally get rid of you okay that's mean I sure hope my new parents aren't as mean as you hey we're here to adopt that kid huh oh Miss Jane are those my new parents what's up kid we are the bully family and we're gonna turn you into a bully just like us I don't know about this I cannot believe my new family is a couple of bullies and they just brought me to a mall before you can be a bully you need to dress like one but that's what I was what I don't wanna be a bully don't before the time the times out or else we're dunking dunking guys I mean I thought at least since they adopted me they wouldn't try to bully me but clearly toilet so I better find the outfit that they're talking about oh oh here's something here's something what the heck why am I trying to hit the Miss okay okay I need to keep looking I need to find something else I need to find a new outfit pass oh I can't let them see me dressed as a hippopotamus he's already laughing at me look at her she's so stupid yeah yeah I get it I'm still looking for a different outfit now get out of my way wait what was that just ran right past this box okay um I mean my hair is pulled back in this really weird ponytail and I've got a leather jacket and black basketball sure I mean I don't know but I've got an Ang they put a little angry face in there so I guess I kind of look like a bully I don't know I look kind of mean good job now it's time to train you to be the best bully ever I don't even want to know what that means bullies are tough and can survive scary he's like walking to school in Ohio make it to looks if you want to pass this challenge level six I've never made it that far more but I don't think I have a choice [Applause] okay I'll do it I'll do it here we go I'm running I'm running I'm running go go go go go go go go go go go go I'm in it wait for it to go away running I'm running I'm running get away from the robot go for go for the eight got it key acquired no avoid the knives avoid the knives avoid the knives here we go here we go I got it I got the door's unlocked come on let me ask for a disease still here um this way can I go this way oh I can't I go around it good good good oh what is that two to the gas station you gotta be kidding me okay I died again all right all right I think I can do this I I've done it one time I've made it past this level once solid one time okay and run run and run and get the key get the key get the key no it hit me it wasn't fast enough it wasn't fast enough okay fall behind it follow behind it there it goes give me the key oh no I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die it's too fast oh all right here we go and we're moving gotta get the key oh barely missed it that time now I'm moving now we're moving across the street here we go all right here we go now we're dealing with the Roomba again I have to get to that key and I how I'm supposed to do this I literally don't know I don't understand how people in Ohio are dealing with this got the key I got to the key I got it I got it I got it okay okay level five One More Level I just have to get past this level and then I am alive and fine okay um if I go around these and go here that car is on fire but but I can do this oh died of grass poison but that grass is dead oh okay it didn't kill me that's cool here we go walking again walking again but how do I get out of here there's a door need to find that Kate why are there so many dang Keys how do I get through this car when it is on fire there's no key in existence and I died of grass poison that's it pay to skip I did it don't tell my parents they're bullies I can lie to them it doesn't matter I made it nice job you have what it takes to be a bully it's time to start bullying no I don't want to do that if you want to be a bully you gotta slap around some nerds beat up both of these nerds or else you won't get dinner tonight are you serious right now okay nerds she won't beat us at this game she's a girl I was feeling but they're underestimating me just because I'm a girl all right I'll show them I'll just get myself a fancy glove here we go all right here we go time to show these boys okay we both slapped each other but at least I still hit him oh that was a close one okay okay running to the small island going to the small island here we go oh too close too close too close where'd he go where'd he go oh okay these guys are tougher than I thought where are they no how how boom get off where did he go in the tree I got I got out wow you bullied those boys so easily time to go bully more people okay those guys but I I guys my parents just brought me into this little nerdy kids house it looks like they already broken took the kid out of bed and are like holding him hostage on the chair right now supposed to be doing here for the next part of your training steal this nerd's homework before the cops get here so you can you get this Criminal let me see let me see um it's just a bedroom come on why are there no lights in this house okay oh man oh man oh man oh man uh oh geez oh geez okay okay where's the light turn on the light what the heck where is okay third bedroom hopefully please ew why is this bedroom so okay a homework please where the heck are you guys I'm running out of options I don't know where the heck this homework is nope nope nope come on come on I must have missed it in here I messed him there there oh my gosh oh my gosh it's right here it's right here it's right here [Music] Everybody Run okay we're going we're going we're going oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I cannot believe that we just broke into that some parents think they're smart so you need to beat them at games that they're good at just like Piper these nerds are definitely way smarter than me but if I lose I might get beat up at my mom so okay name a planet in the solar system uh Earth okay here we go okay okay I'm already losing I'm already losing oh geez okay love is rising Love's Rising sad lose to a dumb bully this isn't good uh name a board you can ride on board Sarah just name something in the bathroom toilet oh I can't think man oh man okay Chris is definitely winning oh I am I'm losing so bad right now are you kidding me the lava rise five blocks after this question what am I gonna do okay name one of the world's oceans get pacific Pacific but I am still losing Sally said what's the matter foreign [Music] oh okay that one's not gonna give me anything wait my mom just messaged me and said embarrass them with Robux she's I can just I can just buy blocks I'm buying blocks I'm buying blocks here we go here we go come on come on come on now I can get higher Nike higher Sally said hey what do you think Chris said hey not fair guys I am literally still buying blocks Sally said no we're gonna lose we can't lose oh man oh man okay oh gosh the lava is rising I'm Gonna Keep on buying a Robux awesome Chris said oh I give up I can't have an F on my resume he left the game wait they're literally giving up because they don't want to lose by default you did it bullies are way better dressers than nerds make these amazing show oh gosh okay you know what at least ugly clothes do this fashion show but I do feel really bad that these other nerds okay let's see the theme is city life so I need to pick something like fancy it's sophisticated oh I could be Barbie maybe I'm going off theme but I like that it's Barbie so I'm sticking with it and can't be Barbie without a skirt oh oh I just realized that I literally don't have any hair on okay we'll go with these braids there we go okay I got braids now I need a face oh geez I wasted so much time oh this is a nice pretty face okay let's see now I'm definitely gonna need some accessories though let's get some wings and oh I can do a cowboy hat is it on theme absolutely not but I love cowboy hats for me okay I have got 85 seconds left and I need some you can't go on the runway without Sparkles hmm moons butterflies oh hearts hearts I'm going for the hearts and we need a good purse here we go I need more accessories got the Sparkles let me I'm getting them I'm gonna get a baton or should I get an animal ah cute no I want flowers give me those flowers oh and now it's time for the runway okay here we go okay here goes Sally Smarties and oh she looks really cute it's got a big bow and everything oh all right and here goes Garrett games he got a tie and everything a little soup vest it looks all time to wow the judges I'm not gonna lie I don't want to be a bullying really afraid of my parents we have a little wave okay okay okay okay but all the outfit oh really good I think this is gonna be a close one hey I won I'm so ugly ugly what no no to you hey no being nice you're a bully get with me oh I think I just got myself into trouble guys my parents brought me into another game and I don't know why but I have a feeling something bad is happening you're in big trouble why were you nice to those nerds well because Facebook they filmed if they weren't ugly just because I won the fashion show I didn't want them to feel like that oh you're a bully you're supposed to do that for your punishment escape the bully or else you die yes I would want me in this school with a bully okay okay you know what I'm just gonna do it I do I did get there all right guys here we go I am in the hallway right now coming after me absolutely not absolutely not absolutely not I made it out okay okay I made it away from the bullying bully jumping across books so I don't land in this fight okay okay here we go here we go here we go going through another vent let me in oh heck no heck no I don't want to do this I guess I just have to run oh big pencils big pencils running I'm running across I'm running across all right and more lockers that I have a feeling I made it I made it all good all good here we go what do I do climb this okay I can do that I'm gonna get the heck out of this school is this what bullies really do oh geez back onto more books oh I don't like that as the hands are there go away just freaking me out okay other side other side okay okay I made it through made it through and get grabbed that time good what the heck okay I have to build steps I guess I can do this can I make it oh I made it oh I have to oh I have more over here okay I thought I was gonna have to bring those all over I was like that was unfortunate okay here we go I just need to I can do this there we go come on let me in oh absolutely not all right I'm going for it threw it down the hallway down the hallway down the hallway down the hallway I made it I made it easy peasy yeah I can't wait for me gross face we're going we're going we're gone oh geez oh bouncy erasers that's kind of fun all right we're going we're going really fast we're going really speedy this toy fell and we're running okay so far so good now I have to climb up some more okay at least these lockers aren't falling down Into the Depths what is this oh I don't I don't I don't want that I don't I don't need it I don't want it I I'm not here for it here we go all right guys I'm stressed out this is freaking me out I cannot believe my parents put me in here oh geez and now I've gotta fall into the this and not get hit by the lava oh man this is awful okay okay I made it I made it I made it crossing the bridges across more lava in this school what is going on here what kind of bully organization do they have all right we're going we're going we're going oh there comes Souls all right here we go here we go come on to the next to the next oh of course okay moving platform I did it okay I'm on the moving platform don't get hit by The Swinging balls all right laser beam time laser beam time okay doing good so far oh that was close that was close that was close that was close but I'm good I'm like a ninja here we go and we're still moving all right you know what guys I am getting so fed up with this when I get out of here I'm gonna have a firm talking tube with my parents I thought I'm not gonna lie oh except for not when I fall into the lava not fun here we go here we go here we go I need to oh I fell in the lava again okay I need to be on the end I don't form okay here we go come on I want to be done now thank you oh no no press the three buttons okay I'm running from the bully I'm running from the belay pushed a button I got one where is he not fair not fair you I'm going I'm good I'm good to be with a bully oh geez all right time for Speedy fast time it is whack a doodle time I am getting out of here alive weather my parents like it or not all right basketballs okay running here run past these ones and there we go okay not too bad not too bad get to recess come on assistant let me the heck out of here oh good grief I've Gotta Fight The Bully [Music] I'm taking you and all the boys like you you're all going down you're going down and my parents are going down oh that was a close one boom boom boom almost there almost there almost there yes yes come down in your face stupid bully all right now it's time parents good work Carrie you passed your punishment which means you can officially join our bully family for the last time I don't wanna be a bully that was awful what not because Bullies Are mean and I don't want to be like that and you know what happened agency
Channel: CariPlays - Roblox Movies
Views: 960,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox movies, cari, cari plays, cari plays roblox, cari roblox, roblox cari, Roblox Movie, RobloxRP, Roblox Story
Id: xdv-zVWM66o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 21sec (3981 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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