Homebrewing Safety and Methanol

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hey get your buddy clan I just want to do a quick video today over to relieve some concerns I get in the comment sections about safety of what I do home brewing and making of beer wine what happen in my most popular video is called simplest way to make booze at home I get a large CERN is this poison you're hurting people well this make you go blind what about the methanol so it's not like relax first and foremost I used the term booze in the video it was my first video ever did booze just kind of a catch-all term for anything alcoholic but a lot of people's mind they think distilled spirits or hard liquor what we did in that video was just made homemade wine for lack of better terms simple homemade wine you'll you'll hear the term prison wine that's another thing I talked about the video and getting the conversation with prison well I heard prison life kills people just relax the alcohol that's in wine whether it's homemade or commercially bought it's the same alcohol because the other day they're using the same process they're just taking these and fermenting grape juice and it's the same type of yeast there's not a different strategies that makes different types of alcohol it's all the same alcohol now yeast produces ethanol but in that ethanol and then alcohol there are sub alcohols including a my new percent of methanol and give me one go to my notes here in this video down below the description ships I'm going to put a series of links to different articles you do further research on this stuff and see where I'm getting it and the first one I put in there is he linked to the Wikipedia link for methanol let you know what it is describes it basically ethanol wood alcohol or alcohol used for industrial purposes this is what poisons people this one makes people sick in the article it talks about how it will break down internal organ functions how you cause blindness methanol's the bad alcohol it's also chemically the simplest alcohol the compound itself is ch3oh and where it comes into play in the production of drinkable alcoholic alcoholic beverages is it has a boiling point of one 48.5 and that comes into importance and escalation because its destination that will concentrate the alcohol and that's where people are getting sick it's not from homemade beer homemade wine is when that alcohol gets concentrated that amount of methanol gets concentrated and if you drink concentrated methanol that for hurt you my next link is the Wikipedia link for ethanol ethanol is the alcohol that we consume in beer wine me one had ethanol compound is c2h6o and it has a boiling point at 170 2.8 so it boils at a higher temperature why that's relevant is in distillation you have a batch of let's say wine you want to turn to brand here beer or something beer like that you want to turn to whiskey you will put it in your still and you'll start to heat that up that's done commercially to at 1:48 we're at the blowing plain of methanol so methanol is gonna be the first thing that comes off that still and it's not till we get to 172 does the ethanol start to come off so running a batch let's say moonshine like the old moonshiner so they've done your first bit of that run is going to be that concentrated methanol on a commercial distillery or someone that knows what they're doing at home what have you they know to throw out that first bit that concentrated methanol unfortunately the old bootleggers moonshiners some unscrupulous people that make some of these legal that list booze they do not throw that out and that unfortunately got sold or given to people and they thought they were just buying straight moonshine but what they got was concentrated methanol and that's where people started going blind getting sick dying and that's what you got to worry about but again this only happens in distillation not in home brewing again my video is making homemade wine we're not concentrating remember that video speaking concentrations I found an article on reddit called methanol home brewing and again it discusses that the example they give is if you made a five gallon batch of wine let's say you wanted you had a five gallon still you'll run that and you get a shot glass or so of the concentrated methanol yes if you drink just that shot glass of constraint methanol you can do damage to yourself but that shot glass gets diluted in an entire five gallon batch so unless you drink the entire five gallon batch you're not really getting a lot of concentrated methanol and again it's the concentration that methanol is how diluted is go check the FDA website or noted a little research about allowable traces of cleaners poisons where they get in commercial food its parts per million it's picograms it's the dilution or the concentration that's the big issue next is probably the article everybody will click on and probably one that I think hopefully sells it to you can homemade booze kill you it's an ABC news report and they start off telling the story about some illegal booze made in Libya end up killing some people hurting a lot of others but again it was distilled booze it wasn't homemade beer or wine and in that article they discuss that homemade beer homemade wine is pretty safe now any consumption about ethanol included has its downside there's health risk anytime you drink alcohol but we're all hopefully belts and more importantly one or two beers water it's not that big deal but well again we get to the distilled spirits and the concentration of methanol that's the danger don't confuse them to another article I found was winemaking and methanol on howstuffworks.com and then it has a couple of numbers I think will alleviate research in wine commercial wine er homemade one rough with the methanol percentages roughly between 0.004 one and point O two percent methanol very very tiny trace highly diluted so that should hopefully alleviate some of your concerns again this about distillation it's about the concentration alcohol I get a lot of questions about distilling water I don't do the selling but I have spent days and distilleries seeing the process actually work today in a distillery and if you are interested in that a couple articles for you step by step home to Stirling distilling by mother earth news again we talked about how various parts of the run produce various types of alcohol beginning alcohol it's not all Kitsch alters out methanol ethanol what had that methanol again because lower blowing points the first thing that come off that still so you need to know how long that is how long is the ethanol part and any other trace alcohols toward the end there's also another article how distilling works Popular Mechanics that goes to the technical details to talk about how the first few percent is that methanol now you want to separate that toss it out or use it for the proper industrial purposes it was meant for please check out these links if you've any questions or whatever you know look at those also I talked to my home brew local homebrew shop total you know kind of dilemma hat you asked him how to better explain it and in the way he explained to me was that methanol is a bigger player in products produced by grain and as grapes homemade wine is fairly safe and only beer safe call your local homebrew shop you're not sure you know getting in the follow up video I talk about giving wine or beer yeast to use water ask that guy behind the counter if you any questions comments concerns because he can explain to you what's going on and then again this is not distillation is fermentation of methanol is highly diluted you will you should be safe well I hope you liked this video and if you did please subscribe down below also please like the video so let's YouTube know we're putting out good content any questions comments concerns please leave in the comments section or you can always contact me on Twitter page till next time
Channel: Platt R.
Views: 41,841
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Keywords: homebrewing safety and methanol, homebrewing 101, home brew, homebrew safety, methanol, ethanol, ethanol vs methanol, bathtub gin, moonshine, bootleggers, home distilling, homemade booze, homemade wine, how to distill
Id: J6Qgc5Bd_0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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