Distilling Blackberry Wine into Brandy!

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we came that close to having a Blackberry disaster film at 11. I just said yes yes so if you don't know what I'm talking about check out this video right up here that is my Blackberry Brandy Wine base video where I took a whole bunch of blackberries that I had picked myself and turned them into blackberry wine and the intention was to hypothetically turn that into Blackberry Brandy and possibly also blackberry wine so keep a little bit back for wine and take the rest and send it to the liquor ferry to make brandy and then I found out the hard way that sometimes bucket spigots can fail yes they can when I put my Blackberry Brandy out in the garage to uh finish fermenting I took a big plastic tote and I put the bucket inside that tote man I'm glad I did because this happened this bigot cracked in half just from fatigue because of over tightening and the fact that it was probably seven or eight years old so I'd used it dozens of times so it cracked off and all of the wine just came out of the bucket all at once and it filled that plastic tote the good thing is I was able to then collect all of that blackberry wine and then use it to send it off to the liquor fairy for Brandy but because that tote was not perfectly sterilized and it was open to the air and bugs could have gotten in it I couldn't bottle any of that Blackberry for wine to then let it age and try it next spring or something but luckily distilling is much more forgiving and it's not going to hurt it as long as you get to it soon enough my advice is right now down in the video description I have a link to spigots go buy some now when they show up take all the bucket spigots that you have and throw them in the garbage because chances are they may be fatigued or they may be old from now on I will be changing mine out every single year without fail so yeah that was devastating I saw that all sitting there and I was just like you know I hadn't been out there in like two or three days so who knows what was in it so it was just without question I could not make wine with it so I took all that blackberry wine and I went to the woods and then I summoned the liquor fairy and the liquor fairy brought me a surprise which was awesome [Music] as you can see it's only set up for demonstration purposes that would hypothetically be run by the liquor fairy if you hear gunfire that's just my dad my buddy over at the grain bench Channel I'm going to put a link to his channel right down in the video description I highly encourage you to go check him out because Kevin is an amazing monster he can malt anything any kind of grain and he has his processed down pad so he really knows what he's doing and he is excellent at teaching you how to do it too he had an extra still and and he sent it to me as a gift I am eternally grateful it's awesome and the liquor fairy loves it loves it so we're gonna we're gonna see if the liquor fairy wants to play around with that still a little bit more in the future or a whole lot more in the future so I sat down with the liquor fairy after they got a chance to run that still and apparently it's just a machine it just it was so smooth and so consistent and it's running and it just barely needed any fiddling uh throughout the night so very cool still and so the liquor furry then gave me all the jars I had to to make some gifts for some friends and family while I had all these jars with me so I gave some away and what I came home with is a paltry 400 mils at 75 percent of the Blackberry Brandy so now that that's all been done we're going to take this and proof it down to about 45 percent and finish it off in a country Brandy kind of way I call it country Brandy because that's the way I've always seen it is you know somebody hands you a jar of something with fruit in it and and a lot of alcohol so that's what we're going to do today to finish off this Blackberry Brandy but before we do that I want to thank today's sponsor into the am they make all of these awesome shirts and hats that you see me wear the shirts are ridiculously comfortable the graphics are amazing and if you use my link down in the video description then you're gonna get a very tasty discount on everything that they have on their site so definitely check out their graphic tees but they also sell underwear that are super comfortable and no I will not show them to you with the timing of this video's release they've got a big old Black Friday sale coming up where you get a very deep discount on top of the one that you get if you use my link so if you use my link you get 10 off and if you shop with my link during any sales event you get that on top of this 10 discount so uh yeah if you need to get some Christmas gifts Now's the Time to do it alright so let's go ahead and proof this down to 45 percent then we're going to have a little taste of it to see where it is as a base spirit all right so now we are at 45 percent avv here's something my wife discovered you know how you kind of go like this with the the glass around your nose she had her head leaning over and she went and as soon as she did that she spotted the berry off of the 75 ABV I couldn't smell it at all and then I tried what she did I just went and all of a sudden Blackberry hit me in the face it was very strange and I have no explanation for it as completely implausible or dumb as this sounds give it a try and see if you pick up any different smells from going like this as opposed to like this if you do please post it in the comment section because I want to know if we're crazy or not we're probably crazy I'm definitely getting a lot from the Blackberry party um it's pretty darn good there's a little bit of sugar but on the flavor it's like a Blackberry party that's a really good base it's subtle it's not like eating blackberry jam or anything but it's definitely blackberries I'm very very happy with it what I keep this is as a white Spirit as an Ode to be yes would I age it I don't know because my only concern is I would Age this and I might lose some of that nice strong Blackberry character um and I don't want to do that I want to enhance it so that's what we're going to do before we get that made I just want to say a huge thank you to all of my patreon supporters so all the folks down here and all of my patreon supporters thank you guys so much for sticking with me and for constantly giving me input and ideas I am grateful as a way of saying thank you I'm gonna give away two of these shirts not this design specifically but this one and this one and I'll have a post up on patreon right now so that you can go and enter the contest to win all right let's put this together [Music] I know complicated right so basically uh with Sloe Gin or anything like this where you're macerating the fruit in the alcohol with a little bit of sugar it's really just about how long you want to leave it before you actually drink it and I'm probably going to start drinking this as soon as it's purple foreign but you can already see it's picking up a tiny bit of the color when you walk by I wouldn't shake it I try to keep the berries as intact as possible until they start to burst on their own so I'm gonna let this sit for 24 hours and see how much color and flavor we can get out of this stuff so I will see you in a minute look at that weirdness yeah see how it's stripping all the color out of the berries the Sugar's all dissolved the berries look like little alien brains let's go ahead and do a quick tasting and look at the color we've already got off of that yeah definitely starting to get a Little Bit Stronger Berry flavor in there and to me the sweetness is perfect I've seen recipes where you put almost an equal portion of blackberries and sugar to me that's way too much if you do that you're approaching a cordial and not of the core which is basically what this is going to be flavor is excellent I think if this sits for another week to continue to pull out the color and the flavor it's going to be even better I think the sugar level is right at two tablespoons per jar but here's the thing I don't think this is enough berries I put in about a half a cup I think I wanted to have even more flavor and even more color to it I mean right now it's gorgeous but I think I want it to be a little deeper and I want that flavor to be a little bit richer so I went and I bought some more berries and the good thing is starting at an ABV of 45 means that all the liquid from the juice isn't going to drop it down too terribly much I mean I think this may proof down to about 35 percent once we get all the all the juice out so I'm gonna let this sit for probably another week or two when your berries are fully kind of bleached out from the alcohol then you can just strain it you have two choices on the straining you can either strain it through a cheese cloth and leave the berries whole and let the everything drain out that way you've got a nice pretty clear liquid to uh to bottle or you can Mash that up squeeze all that through the cheesecloth basically just leaving the seeds behind and if you do that it's going to end up being a much thicker beverage because you're going to have all that Berry sediment and stuff in there so before you serve it you know make sure you give it a shake but you know keep in mind see how these berries are all bleaching out the sediment that's going to be floating around in your bottle is going to be you know kind of pale like this it's not going to have that deep color this used to be a red chili pepper it was fire engine red and now it's white so that's going to affect the appearance it may not look as good as what you want so keep that in mind so I think what I'm going to do for gifts is actually just strain this without squeezing it or you can leave the weird looking berries in there it's totally up to you personally I think if I give this to someone with the berries in it they're going to be like uh all right so I think that is it for this video so if you enjoyed it do me a favor and hit the like button because it really helps out the channel if you want to see what I'm going to do next time hit the Subscribe button and the little bell icon right next to it so that you get notified when I post new content if you have any recipes for your own versions of blackberry Brandy please post them down in the comments section down below if you're Keen to share them all right thanks for watching talk at you later [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Bearded & Bored
Views: 15,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bearded and Bored, blackberry brandy, blackberry wine recipe 1 gallon, blackberry wine recipe 5 gallons, how to make blackberry brandy, how to make blackberry wine, how to make blackberry brandy at home, how to make blackberry brandy from scratch, how to distill blackberry brandy, how to make brandy, blackberry liqueur recipe, country brandy, blackberry moonshine recipe, blackberry wine, distilling blackberry brandy, distilling blackberry wine, how to make brandy from wine
Id: FGhm8qMHT4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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