How Bad Is Turbo Yeast . . . . .Really?

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in the last video that i recorded all of this uh grifty christmassy stuff for distillers i revealed that i have in fact bought a t500 and some turbo yeast to go along with it i've also got six kilos of sugar here and i'm thinking what i need to do is uh finally finally make a turbo sugar head and uh see what all the fuss is about it going chases i hope you're having a kick-ass week i'm jesse and this is still at the channel all about chasing the craft of home distillation and making it a legitimate hobby now i've been uh chasing this craft for three years now and i have never once used this stuff in fact uh this may be the very first time i've actually held it in my hands but i realized that it is kind of ridiculous that i pass on that knowledge and give that advice without ever actually trying it i i admit that i'm kind of biased against this stuff so let's give it a nudge and see just how bad it can be shall we the first thing that blows me away is that this is only for 21 liters of water and dude it's heavy it's 260 grams that is so much [ __ ] but to be fair i guess when when i make vodka i'll add nutrients in different forms whether it be grain um or tomato paste or something like that in there too and i guess all of this is all in one bag so there is that uh you know what let's open this up and have a sniff because i've heard it smells absolutely horrible yeah it doesn't smell great but i can't hold that against it to be honest because if i'm using dap or some of the things that i've used in the past use like multivitamins for example you crush dap and multivitamins up together they don't smell great either so i won't hold that against it all right let's get stuck into how we're going to make this i am literally going to follow the instructions on the packet uh and there's really nothing to do honestly i can see the attraction in this stuff and just to be clear this is the fast turbo yeast extreme speed 24 hours isn't that crazy once again to be completely open with you i am not going to be using turbo clear and turbo charcoal i couldn't decide which way to go with this i couldn't decide whether to completely follow all of the recommendations they have to be honest i kind of feel like they just like to sell you extra [ __ ] and i don't ever use a product like that when i'm making spirits so it felt not like a fair test between what i do and what turbo is now i kind of regret that decision i don't know you guys tell me if you think i should have just gone ahead to compare the two and used charcoal and turbo clear and all that stuff let me know in the comments down below maybe i'll i'll do so later on and see if it makes a big difference but basically we just need to get 21 liters of water together with six kilograms of sugar at 40 degrees celsius and then we ferment at 30 degrees celsius easy [Music] [Music] [Music] our turbo yeast has been fermenting now for roughly 36 hours and i gotta say within about two and a half hours has it taken off going crazy uh and the only reason i didn't check it at the 24 hour mark was because well that was when i was sleeping i was up late when i put this thing on but it is now fermented out down to a smidge below one uh in terms of gravity so [Music] the tuba wash is in the t500 pot the ceramic uh boiler enhancer thingies i'm going to throw in because why not uh they came in a box so might as well use them let's get this thing up to speed and start making some products job done run is finished just let you know guys i did uh pretty much run the t500 as based on the instructions in the box uh but i did make cuts by taste uh other than just doing the 50 mils of the beginning stuff that they say to do so yeah this test is kind of so yeah i'm i'm sure i could do a better job with the turbo yeast than what i've done here like get a slightly better product although i don't know i haven't tasted it yet and uh actually i think maybe i might bring someone in to help me out with this all right guys wifey on board uh you have no idea what these things are you don't know what i've been making in the shed to be honest she doesn't really care to delve into what very often no no all right but uh i've got two things for you to try they're both vodka and they're both about 40 so try it you can buy either one first vodka would you like to rinse i'm sure i need a cracker a cracker yeah that's proper a water cracker cleans your pellet i like this one better really what does it taste like i don't know it's got something in it though this one tastes real plain i ruined your tasting you did you completely [ __ ] this up i could like actually drink that i wouldn't want to drink this not that i really like vodka i mean there's less flavor to it there's nothing yeah there's way less flavor to it that's why i like this one remember guys that this is the lady who first picked up whiskey and your favorite bottle was laphroaig 10 from the beginning right yes yeah still is maybe a quarter cask try that again and think of sour fertilizer you're changing my views i'm very interested to see if i'm just making this up because i know what it is like chemically and blood and bone almost oh yeah it does smell a bit like that yeah but i like that flavor laphroaig tin that's the flavor i like though something in it that's what i said all right all right get out of here go away get get before we discuss this horrible betrayal by my own wife i need to say a huge huge thank you to the patreons thank you so much patreons the reason i can go out and pick up equipment and ingredients that i don't necessarily want to actually make stuff with myself but i think it'll be cool for you guys to see is entirely because of you and i love the fact that i'm able to do this so thank you so much patreons i really really do appreciate it all right guys so all joking aside uh i really do respect my wife's palette and i respect what she has to say and i appreciate her preferences when it comes to flavor in saying that she really just isn't into vodka she just doesn't like it [Laughter] so let's you know say take it all with a grain of salt but i think this illustrates a really interesting point right where flavor preferences are completely personal so it's what you're into what you like what you appreciate and for that reason i need to say a bit of an apology to some people out there that have been using turbo in the past i guess i've been a bit tough on it and i've always sort of said that there's really no place for it that you shouldn't use it it's just silly to use all those sort of things and now trying it i have to say and i'll go into this in a little bit more detail in a second i don't like it i really don't but it's not as objectively bad as i thought it could have been that's why trying things like this is interesting i guess i bought a little bit too much into the hype of how horrible turbo is and it's nice to hit the reset button get back to reality a little bit and actually just try it for myself and try to be unbiased about it bring someone else in who doesn't know what the hell is going on and get their ideas on the matter as well so that being said i don't like it i still don't like it like i said it's not as bad as i thought it could have been or would have been to be fair but yeah there's just something in there that feels like it shouldn't be to me especially when we're talking about vodka honestly if he did put this exact same flavor into an isla i wouldn't be so pissed off at it but i don't want it in a neutral and even in an isla it's a little bit too i hate to use the word chemically because [ __ ] everything's a chemical isn't it that's a silly thing but a little bit almost like cleaning product ish and a little bit too much like fertilizer for my taste but anyway regardless that is what it tastes like it tastes slightly not sour not acidic but hinting that way it tastes slightly i guess it's it's more in the smell to be honest um a little bit like that blood and bone sort of fertilizer yeah it's really hard to describe it's a very odd smell but i'm not a huge fan of it and i don't want it in my spirits now i could have like i suggested earlier on i think made a better product from that wash using different equipment and different methods but at the end of the day um my thinking is why put a flavor you don't want into something at the beginning just so you can try and take it out later on uh one it's more work that you don't need to do and two if there are flavors in there that you actually do like like uh teddy says fast fermenting vodka for example i love the flavors that come out of that if i fermented that with turbo then i'd have to go through all of this work to get rid of the turbo flavor and i would be stealing or stripping or getting rid of hiding the flavors in the wash that i do like so i will say i will concede that being able to you know i literally bought that equipment and the yeast three days ago and now i'm standing here drinking the stuff i can see the appeal in that but uh most of you watching these videos i i hope anyway are chasers of the craft you're here because you want to make a nice product you don't want to buy this on wednesday so you can get drunk on friday like that just kind of goes against what we're about here on the channel so while i will admit that yes i'm sure there are people out there making delicious things with tuber yeast especially if they're using the carbon filtering and blah blah blah blah blah why not just start with something that is cleaner from the beginning and if you don't like clean if you do want flavor pick a yeast that puts flavour in that you do like uh hornendale for example was fun uh maybe a fruity english yeast or or like a crazy whip beer that's gonna throw clove and banana or something in it wouldn't you rather start from that point than this point so what i'm saying is turbo yeast is exactly what i thought it was going to be in terms of quality but it is not nearly as bad on that sort of quality vector that i thought it was going to be does that make sense anyway guys i'd love to hear your experiences with turbo yeast so please please guys down in the comments if someone is saying that they made a certain something with a certain product or whatever and it gave them a certain result that they liked or didn't like you can't tell them that they're wrong because you've got a different set of taste buds and you didn't taste the same stuff what i'm saying guys is every time i have this rant don't be a dick and be nice anyway team if you like the video please please please give it a thumbs up that helps me out a whole freaking lot if you want to help me out some more share the video around to anyone that you think might enjoy it subscribe if you haven't subscribed already because that helps me out too and i will catch you next time guys oh yes uh we will be making more videos on the t500 uh i will make a few videos about how to get the best out of it perhaps maybe we'll look at modding it or changing it up seeing how we can improve it let me know what you want to see anyway i'll catch you next time guys keep on chasing the craft see ya
Channel: Still It
Views: 90,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Turbo Yeast, Turbo Yeast Review, Is Turbo Yeast Bad, Is turbo yeast good, should I use turbo yuea, how bad is turbo yeast, does turbo yeast leave a bad flavour, turbo yeast flavour
Id: EMkuidyOLjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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