We made a BETTER Ginger Beer!

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no one improved ginger beer recipe from start to finish all right so we made ginger beer in the past and it was a little bit more difficult to follow and we've learned quite a bit since then and some people said that there wasn't enough Ginger so this time whole hand to Ginger this piece just kind of broke off so I'm going to use the food processor I'm literally just going to break it into uh I'm gonna break its fingers off and uh well it's a hand right and just throw in some chunks you can chop it up if you want to now he didn't bother peeling it though he did scrub it and you put it in the same size yeah it was scrubbed and sanitized why am I not taking the peel off because people told me that you don't need to I was told it makes it bitter but we'll find out won't we I'm gonna go process this up I don't want it to be like mush I just want small little bits you know so I'll be right back all right so everything that we're using has been sanitized in [Music] dress this down see it's just in little chunks I'm going to get it all out and into here this is where a lot of your flavor is going to come from so make sure you get it all in there I mean you paid for that Ginger you know make it work for you now could I put this in a bag yup totally could my experience with bags is this now I'm not saying that they're always bad but in general they tend to catch the gases flow to the top block up the airlock and cause problems that's not to say that you should never use them but in this case I don't wanna I'm okay with racking just a little bit less than getting the a joke it's okay in this case I'm not gonna worry about it but a lot of people like to make a tea from the ginger okay they will boil it and make a tea we did that last time I have a solution that means I can leave it in there longer get even more Ginger flavor out and still sanitize it be right back what I have here is 32 ounces of boiling water and I'm going to carefully pour that into my fermenter because I don't want to cause thermal shock I don't know if these would have that much of a problem but I really don't want it to break right now and what I'm doing is just covering our Ginger with the boiling water thereby sanitizing it looks like we're good because if it's gonna break it probably would have already now because we have a hot liquid in there it's going to Aid us in our next Edition which is sugar this is so we have something to ferment so that we can actually make alcohol right there's a very very minute amount of sugars in ginger not really enough to make an alcoholic oh by the way if you haven't figured it out this is Alcoholic Ginger Beer this isn't like the soda stuff this is Alcoholic Ginger Beer yeah sorry we didn't say that earlier but you know we're a brewing Channel we make alcohol that's what we do so this is one pound of plain old white sugar if you want to use different kinds of sugar you most certainly can I know some people like to use brown sugar when they do it I actually prefer the white sugar and I'm just going to pour that right in hopefully not dump it all over the place and make a mess sugar tends to bounce there we go Steve made it get a little crusty and Now remix now you want to keep in mind when you choose your fermentable sugar of choice and that if it has a flavor it's going to add that flavor to your brew and that's why we chose white sugar because we have found in past that is created a neutral amount of sweetness plus it's not going to add anything even if it ferments out dry other than the alcohol that the yeast you're going to make by consuming that Sugar by the way don't stick your snoz all the way in there and drink deep it's it's very gingery I went all the way in that was that was yeah not good you get a nice facial yeah okay some other things for flavoring that I want to add are some lemon peel now I happen to have half a lemon and a whole lemon so I'm going to use just the peel because that's where a lot of the flavors are not so much the actual acids but the flavors are in there so the essential oils yeah yeah I'm just adding those peels right in and yeah they're going into the hot liquid it's okay it's all right they'll make a nice lemon tea along with the ginger tea it's all good and yes I did sanitize the lemons too by the way the reason for the hot water is because yeah I cleaned all my scrub them and I dunked them in sanitizer but that only gets the outside it doesn't actually get what's on the inside so by doing the hot water trick we actually are sanitizing everything it's killing off anything that could be living in there because as we know pasteurization happens at 140 degrees well at 165 degrees guess how long you need 15 seconds well at 212 I don't even know but you know this is a little longer than 15 seconds and it was definitely 212 degrees going in so I'm going to call it pasteurized and safe and clean-ish when it comes to Homebrew all you can do is the best you can do and that's what we're hoping for here why didn't I make a tea that's a really good question mostly because I wanted to show a different technique and partially because I didn't feel like making a tea I wanted to actually do it right in here and see if I can extract even more Ginger flavor because that was a thing people said that there wasn't enough Ginger flavor I believe though if you are unsure about the stability of Your Vessel if you have concerns that the heat transfer may cause a fracture In Your Vessel you can go ahead and do all this part in a pot in something that's on your stove and then let that cool and then add it to your furniture absolutely absolutely so what we have now is a lemony Ginger tea it smells amazing it does and what can you take some notes at this time so we don't forget oh she wants me to write stuff down all right so at this point now I want to add more water we have 32 ounces of water already if I had 96 that gives us a full gallon but I know we're going to have some loss so we have a little bit more we actually have what looks to be 104 ounces of water over there plus our 32 actually makes 136 ounces so we have a set up for our true Bloss if we were making beer or Lee's loss in um ginger beer and meat and wine making I just made that up you're going to work Mark that ton of water okay we're gonna just pour that water in and you can be sloppy about it just don't spill it on your partner sorry to interrupt the video but I wanted to tell you about the city setting VIP Club it's a super friendly bunch of Brewers who get together and constantly help each other and share information a large part of it is our private Facebook group where you can ask questions and get help we also have zoom meetings monthly for most tiers of membership these Hangouts are a great way to ask questions or just hang out with us and the other members in addition the higher tiers get their names right in our videos so consider becoming a VIP now back to the video oxygenating in the beginning phases of Brewing is a good idea it helps the yeast build up a colony after alcohol is present is when you really don't want to do that now I want to mix this through just to make sure that we have a good solid concentration of our sugars and ginger I want to drink it right now it would probably taste a lot like ginger lemonade yeah it smells really good now one other thing that I'm going to add this is semi-optional in something like this last time we didn't use it that is yeast nutrient I actually have 4.5 grams of yeast nutrient mixed in a little bit of water and this is why I'm putting this in now because there is a little bit of water I want to make sure that my reading is as accurate as it can be now I say the yeast nutrient is semi-optional however Ginger likes to stall fermentations so I don't want that to happen so I'm pouring it in you've got a little bit of yeast nutrient on your okay now there's three Mark that on the list I'm so sorry I'm like militant about the list editions because we tend to get involved in this process of speaking to you because you are what's most important to us and in that process we tend to forget to take our notes so I remember what I did sometimes until later then I forget okay now there are two readings that I want to take on this one of them is a pH reading and the other one is an actual specific gravity reading so since I have the specific gravity reading stuff right in front of me right now I'm going to take that one first now this is still warm and we know that temperature does affect the pH or I'm sorry the the gravity reading but it it's a very minimal uh discrepancy yeah there's charts online that you can do the adjustment but even like a 50 degree swipe you know from one to the other it might be like three or four points of gravity it's really just not anything to worry about if you really want to though you can do it for ultimate accuracy in our case we're just looking for a pretty good pretty close it's all we need that's lower than I really want it to be I think we might have diluted too much it's a 1.032 let me just do a quick calculation to see how much alcohol this will make we might end up adding a little bit more sugar to that now Brian was thinking about making this significantly higher ABV and I actually wanted it to be a bit on the lower side of the ABV because more than likely the person who's going to be drinking a lot of this is me and so I know the lower the ABV the more I can drink of it and enjoy it okay I'm gonna I'm gonna go with that theory it should come out to 4.2 with carbonation that'll add another 0.3 makes it 4.5 in the bottle I'm pretty okay with that I don't think ginger beer at 4.5 is a problem still makes a really nice mixer too if you wanted to mix it so I lied when I said I'm only going to take two rings I'm going to take three a temperature reading is the third one because this feels very very warmer still the reason for concern about temperature is past 120 degrees it's a little dangerous for yeast they don't tend to like it that warm and not only will they stop working they'll die so we don't want to do that to our yeast we actually want them to be able to ferment and it's looking like we're safe 111 degrees it's in this perfectly safe range the yeast will probably kick up really really fast but it's okay beyond that like if it was 115 or higher I'd let this sit for a little while put a lid on it and let it cool off just a little bit more okay next is our pH now to check pH is kind of a thing that we didn't really do for a long time but we're finding it's more and more important as we go and in this case we're using Ginger and lemon which could make things a little bit acidic but beyond that it's technically a sugar wash if you really think about it sugar washes tend to drop acidity after a few days once they start up so if we're in a decent range to start with we should be in a good range overall and by good range I mean you know not stupid we don't want to be six and we don't want to be two I'm looking for somewhere around four ish 3.5 to 4 seems to be a pretty good range now this is really interesting it is 6.6 so that means remember I said we don't want to be stupid well this is stupid now so we're gonna add some lemon juice to this to lower that pH now you might be asking what would happen if I just didn't change the acidity level and I let it go well it would probably stall it might not finish fermenting at all it might not even start so I'm using my favorite tool which is my juicer I love this thing we'll have links to it it's awesome and I'm just going to put in a whole lemon because I think this needs a significant whoa It's squirting all over the place so I got the hand got me in the face oh no no know that's why I wear glasses I got squirted one one time when I was a kid Ruined My Eyes Forever I'm jumping so not only will the lemon juice add to the flavor it could also change the gravity slightly so we're going to redo our gravity reading once I get done with this but sturry story yep and then take another pH reading so as you can see taking a pH reading can be very very important I'm going to rank it off there almost as important as taking gravity readings at this point it really is a big deal we're just going to dunk that in the sanitizer real quick to uh refresh the system by the way our sanitizer is 2.4 pH in case you're curious it is an acidicate yeah it is an acidic sanitizer okay so now we're down to four look at that one lemon dropped it from 6.6 to four so you can see how much difference it's beautiful uh it can make because now that's like perfect that's spot on where we want it to be I just like to give it like 30 seconds to a minute to make sure it's stable even though if it dropped to the 3.9 I'm okay with that too I really like 3.5 to 4.5 seems to be the uh the best range in general um right around four though seems to work very very well some yeasts are a little bit more preferential than others okay looks like we're good all right so if we could take a note on our pH please right and you wanted to take another I'm going to take another gravity reading just to um play it safe because it might have changed slightly um I don't know how much but hey you know makes me feel all mad sciencey and stuff mad sciency mad scientist that's what I meant to say scientist it's a word now if everybody starts saying it that's how words become words so you heard it here first and now you can pass that on scientist d I almost got it out without laughing completely wow what do you know it actually did raise it slightly 1.034 a little bit of sugar is in the lemon juice actually did it did it so just a little bit higher so it'll be like six percent six nine percent that's all good so I'm going to dump this back in because everything was sanitized so it's all clean it's all good to go and one last thing to do well two but one is we want to add some yeast and I'm going to be using say fail so4 yeast which Google Foo has failed us on this one I could not find a proper pH range for this but I know that it's like a 10 to 11 percent tolerance range so it's perfectly safe this should go dry and we have plans for how to make it less dry well sweet um and I'm using half a packet of this yeast this is an AO yeast but it works really well for ginger beer for ciders things like that one of our mods actually uses this for most of his Brews in general works great and I like I said have half a packet I'm just going to put that in and back door package and then just give this a little bit of a mix to get those yeast into the must so they can fulfill their Destiny that's right some of them are going to stick to the spoon they're lost souls that's just the way it is there's I you know I can't save everybody the older I get the more I realize that oh look I got them I did a good whoa there's no oh wait no there's a cup how the heck did that happen I don't know I figured it'd be covered with ginger and lemon and all sorts of sometimes you just let it happen and you don't question it and it's okay so now what we need is a lid and an airline all right can you mark say Phil on there if it is not on there yet so what's left [Laughter] we've been having an issue with the lid it wants to pop watch watch all right it won't tighten down and so we were we've been concerned about it and so we got another lid and then we realized wait this is hot this is glass it's not that hot but apparently it's enough to mess with that so as this cools it'll probably seal better but for now that's what we're gonna do we got our notes we're gonna stick it on there we're going to put this in the fermentation station actually a tray with a lip so that if it overflows nothing will happen someone said why don't we just start off with blow-off tubes every time I don't like to because they're kind of a pain it's just a tube that you go into a jar you can totally use that as an airlock the entire time it's just an extra thing and we usually have eight or ten Brews going at once it's a little bit much to handle we also have an additional issue and Max we have and they like to you know we have lots of cats and they didn't get the memo about curiosity and kittens so yeah but also something else there's not always a need so if this gets to where we have to clean it out more in a couple times we will certainly use a blow off too um but uh other than that we will be back to show you what it's doing when it's done doing what it's doing we're about to do that all right so this has been sitting for two weeks and if you look you can see there's stuff floating around in there you know why because it got Disturbed and here's why I got Disturbed this lid did you hear that it's not staying it's not sealing I don't I think we need to contact Northern Brewer because there's something wrong we tried a different lid and it still didn't do it it's something in this exact fermenter so we have a lot of these and this is the first time we've ever had this issue so please don't take this as a cautionary tale it's just it didn't happen this one just a thing and you know it's a glass fermenter it's entirely possible there's just a little flaw somewhere in the groove and it it's fine can it still work just fine yeah absolutely you just won't get a really great seal so that's why this had a little bit longer than usual to make sure before we took reading blah blah so today we're just gonna check it and make sure this is done and then probably let it sit for another week we started with only a 1.034 so if it's not done I'd be a little bit surprised haven't seen much activity on it in a week or so also goes to show that you don't have to rush these things you don't have to jump on it and get it immediately racked or bottled or anything like that still not floating oh yeah 0.990 it's totally done now normally because this is such a low gravity anything like that we might just rack it and get this ready to go but because I it got Disturbed I want to give it a few days a week or so to uh settle out are you sure because I think we're gonna have to rank this multiple times anyway well I saw wispies come out okay so it's in the liquid not really yeah it was much clearer when I first got it out it got messed up in the room see all the stuff coming up that's what it did in the room all right so because of that I'm just gonna put our notes back on it put it back in the fermentation station see you in a week this has been sitting for one week and now we're going to take our final reading on it sort of final kind of final um it's a check okay it's just to make sure that it's done it was at 0.990 I mean you know it's probably done but kind of go through the motion sometimes just to be safe do we have to no not really I don't know what am I doing reading oh right I'm taking a reading she puts all this stuff in front of me 15 videos to make today I'm exaggerating it's more like 25. it's smells like ginger it does it's probably a good thing because it didn't I'd be a little nervous I expect it did not move it is floating so I don't have to put anywhere in here uh if it moved it went down but I don't think it did uh it's it's 0.990 it hasn't moved gotta find my pen it's right there by the scissors I see the flag yes we bring flag on price pen just so I can find it because she hides it on me ah you might be tempted to dump this right back in there don't do it because it'll disturb all the leaves and then you won't be able to wreck it today don't ask me how I know but you already know how I know so we need a fermented yeah okay so we have a sanitized fermenter I'm just gonna dump this in carefully so it's not oxygenate it even though it's a very very small amount now you may be noticing some foam our new car B foaming sanitizer it does that on purpose so that way those bubbles can get into any little tiny microscopic cracks and crevices to make sure your vessel is completely clean because of it being an acid-based sanitizer you don't rinse it you just carefully dump out your sanitizer liquid and it's clean it's good to go they say to air dry what they mean is don't wipe it down but we don't even bother letting it dry just just use it it's totally fine the minute amount that's going to be in your stuff is totally fine not anything to worry about we've had a few people that say they rinse it with water afterwards well here's the problem the water may have microbes and things in it that defeat the purpose of sanitizing in the first place and please please please do not use like any kind of wood alcohol or isopropyl alcohol or anything like that because that's toxic so humor bleach or vinegar yeah especially vinegar but anyway so we are going to siphon this I'm using an auto siphon with the cap on the end because there is a bunch of leaves in the bottom here and I don't want that in our Brew so I'm just going to go part way in and she's going to lower the destination from the source and that way we can get it started because you have to have an elevation difference otherwise it won't siphon video on Ratchet reaction in the description below if you want a further explain but for now we're just gonna rack this we'll see in a couple minutes all right we rocked it put a bung an interlock back on it take a note dry off the spot put your note back on and what are we going to do with it now realize that's it I'm hoping it clears up a little bit I might have gotten a little bit of sediment in there that'll get in there if you wanted to you could technically at this point just go right to the priming and bottling step which is coming up next but I suggest giving it an extra week just to settle out a little bit it'll make for a little bit nicer looking product in the end it's not crucial but it just does look a little nicer it's been it's been a week it really has it's been a week but anyway um so this is done we racked it it settled out a little bit what we want to do get it out of this into this that would be the fermenter versus a pitcher otherwise known as wrecking yeah because there's there's reasons you'll understand in a moment and there's a very very small amount of sediment on the bottom I don't want to lose much product so I'm going to take a Kappa and yes this is called racking we did it already in this video so you know you don't need to see it again see in a minute okay some things that now have to happen okay first off I want to mention something so first off this is basically what I called The Perfect Storm beverage in our most recent unpasteurized unstable home group so what we want is we want an alcoholic sweet carbonated beverage so those three aspects of this Brew what we intend for it to be is something that can be problematic hitting those three criteria can be problematic in The Homebrew scenario because it can be complicated so we made sure first off that our Brew went dry which to you might be counterintuitive because we want it to be sweet we'll get to that in just a second okay so what we want to do is taste it now because this is where we're going to sweeten it I'll get to how in just a moment but um right off the bat it smells gingery it's very dry it's also not highly alcohol alcoholic but let's figure this out shall we to do this we use the formula in parentheses OG minus FG which is original gravity minus final final gravity and we multiply that total by 135. it's very important to do the order in order so we started with a pretty low gravity 1.034 Derek I wanted this to be like four or five percent max so that's why we're going with there and it ended at 0.990 that gives us .044 points you know 44 4.044 points of Gravity used and for this I'm going to use 131.25 instead of 135 because it's a lower ABV makes it a little bit closer to accurate and we get 5.775 plus we're going to carbonate this the amount of carbonation we're doing adds about 0.3 percent ABV so plus 0.3 this actually comes out at six percent ABV even with only that low gravity kind of amazing how something like that works all right so this Brew we intend to both consume so by saying that we are actually going to sweeten it to Brian's preference because I have been known to eat ginger just straight out of the bottle the pickle Ginger not the candy ginger the pickle Ginger like as if it was candy yeah yeah I can't do that I like ginger beer but it has to be have some sweetness for me um this has a very strong Ginger flavor so far very dry not a lot of mouth feel it's kind of like watery but low gravity low ABV that's to be expected do we have a stirring device handy we do again back to that perfect storm scenario that I was talking about to avoid complications we are using yeah our sweetener why are we using allulus because it's a non-fermentable sugar exactly non-fermentable sugar literally means just that it will not ferment so had we just put regular sugar in here and then we bottled this that could over carbonate and cause bombs if you wanted to keep it sweet in the past we had kind of done the uh play the game of time you can try using the plastic squeeze bottle but it's not all that accurate we've had many that were felt like it was rock hard but really wasn't carbonated much at all so I like this you can do that method if you choose there's just a lot of guesswork in that this way that we're doing this time no guesswork takes out all the guesswork and removes pasteurization from the equation exactly makes it much simpler much safer so how much am I putting in enough until we like how it tastes that's that's the honest answer I know that alulose we always end up using more than I think because it's only about 70 percent as sweet as sugar but it dissolves super fast in a test where we did Sugar versus allulose versus erythritol which would be our number two non-fermentable sweetener we actually chose allulose over erythritol and when I was trying to guess which was sugar I actually guessed allulose was real sugar so that gives you an idea of how close it can taste to real sugar now in our experience I lose tends to be slightly more expensive than erythritol so if you're working within a vegetarian restraint you can certainly use a or tall just know that it's going to be a very minute different flavor speaking of very minute different flavor it was very minutely different oh sweeter very minutely we will give a gravity reading at the end so you know about how much we added this is how we do it we add some taste it add some more taste it that way it's hard to add too much we've had a few people that said oh I backsweden too much what do I do well unfortunately there's not a lot you can do I mean you can try diluting it a little bit there's there's other ways but the best practice is to not over sweeten it in the first place that's getting to be pretty nice just a little bit more which is good because we only have a little bit more yeah something like that it's probably good we'll find out in a second I'm still going to seal this up and put it to the side the dissolving is really one thing that I do love about Iowa so it dissolves so fast way faster than any sugar ever could just really works super well for that basically what we're doing is Flavor alteration at this point we are just getting it to taste how we want it in a moment we'll be doing the carbonation so stay tuned to find out how that works I think that's pretty nice it's got a good strong Ginger flavor um yet it has a little bit of sweetness to make it work better it doesn't taste as watery yeah I think that's going to be great can't wait to make a whiskey Ginger with this one all right so now we need to get our measuring equipment back out so we can let you know what our final gravity reading is exactly okay so Cody reading right it's actually much clearer than you think has a bit of a haze in the picture but it's not too bad I didn't give an estimation on this one oops but it's not going to I guess well because I'm looking at it now it's not fair you know I'd have this cheating way of doing it I'm not doing it it is that's looking like 1.020 to me so that's moderately sweet um by some standards you know everybody has their own standards for sweetness but uh for me that's pretty typical for ciders and stuff like that so I'm not surprised I could have gone higher but I didn't because ginger beer you're gonna use that for your thing but now you have to use spacer it's fine what aren't you gonna do the pre yeah dissolve but I don't need that I don't need that because I'm using a pitcher pictures have spouts I do however need something else I'll be right back would you please sanitize this for me I think you're the only person that says shall I don't know anybody else's I shall do this yeah I've never heard anybody else talk like that I mean have I I don't know I have lots of unusual yes utensil beverage yeah I think it's adorable it's pretty awesome when I was teaching and I got all the kids to say utensils I don't have a Pepperidge okay so what I'm going to do here this is how we're going to Prime this for carbonation um in you olden times people used to just take like a teaspoon of sugar and put it in every bottle I don't think that's a safe way to go instead you want a pre-measured amount distributed among the whole gallon so I have here 28 grams for our one gallon almost exactly one gallon of Brew now this is just plain old white sugar you can use whatever you want for sweetening some people like to use brown sugar blah blah blah blah this isn't for sweetening this is for carbonation so it must be a fermentable sugar I cannot stress that strongly enough yeah I misspoke this is not for sweetening this is for carbonation now carbonation is a small fermentation a lot of people don't get that connection it is just a small controlled fermentation that will stop when the sugars are used up but it created CO2 in a closed environment making fizzy ginger beer okay that's really all this is and that's is why having an exact measured amount is important because you that way you can keep that fermentation controlled now online there are calculators that can help you calculate how much sugar you want to add I don't know why she took that from me but uh you need to know how much carbonation you want in order to be able to use those calculators we've taken a little bit of the difficulty of that out and I looked at the lowest versus the highest average them together and went somewhere smack in the middle this should be safe for most bottles that can hold compression okay if you use a regular old wine bottle but it's not made for compression not going to be safe because this does create some pressure so you want like swing top models or beer bottles that are made for like the pop caps and stuff like that you want something that is made to hold compression so what I want to do is mix that into some of our must now I could just dump it in there and I could mix it through and that would work but if I didn't get it fully mixed it could be a problem so instead what I'm going to do is just take some of this and pour it right into the sugar solution I'm making a sugar solution I guess I'm going to use the Whisk of semi-unusually small size that she just sanitized and I'm going to stir that up because in this container I can see if I got all the sugar in he's kind of making a simple syrup minus the heat right because we don't heat it at this point if I was to just use water to do this I could but I'd be diluting the product so that's why I'm using a little bit of the ginger beer itself same concept now yes we have adjusted the volume by adding the when you add volume like that you are changing the the actual ABV if this went from 6 to 5.5 okay you know what I mean that's that's about how much difference we're talking it's not that much also the variance caused by adding the amount of iuls that we did probably isn't going to be surpassing the variance of guessing exactly where your mark is by taking a gravity yeah exactly the only way that you can get an exact reading is through lab results and as I said multiple times several of our audience actually work at Labs though and do it so yeah but anyway you can do it I mean it's like 30 bucks or something but even commercially their variances is oh yeah for wine it's like plus or minus two percent in either direction for beer I I don't know how what it is but I think it's closer to like half to one percent and that is the regulatory allowed variants that's the government controlled amount and this is almost dissolved and once it's dissolved I just pour it right back in carefully so as not to oxidize any more than is absolutely necessary and now I want to give that a little mix just to make it homogeneous and so this packet that I've scanning from Brian is yeast and we are going to add a little bit of yeast at this point because we have wrapped this twice already so we don't know how much of these colony is still viable within there now yeast or microscopic so I can go hello are you still in there I don't know because I can't see microscopic things without with just my eyes is it possible that this would carbonate without us adding any more yeast yes however we're starting to uh like the term insurance so we're calling this insurance yeast and I'm literally just going to put just that much not much we don't really want to build a colony we don't really want extra sediment in the bottles but we do want enough to make sure that you know it carbonates we had a bad experience it wasn't a bad experience but the fruit wine it didn't it didn't carbonate we wanted that to carbonate yes disappointed we weren't angry we were disciplined so but it was so good I'm still really really good the other night okay so I just want to mix that up so I can equally disperse that throughout that should be pretty good and that also gets everything all nicely mixed and now so to do so so we are going to be adding our bottling wand to our Auto siphon because it has the springy thingy otherwise known as the stem stem valve I think there's other names for it as well um and that's going to help control the flow into our bottles limiting mess in other words when you put this into the bottle like this won't flow touch the bottom and push it slows lift up stop flow stop flow stop so the the big thing you want to remember with using that is you want to have someone depress it as you're starting the autosiphon otherwise you're gonna be going yeah you're just going to be forcing air everywhere it's not it's not good so if you have to do it with one hand on each you can actually do the thing like I do and you can hold the other bottle down but it's a little bit more complicated we do however have a video fully on bottling and I'll link that in the description yeah we'll just we're going to bottle this and be back to show you when we're done so we got eight and a half bottles yeah so what do we do about bath bottle we're not really sure we've we are under understanding that that amount of head space could cause problem potentially but we've never put it to the test and I'm not sure if I want to to be honest so I'm probably just going to stick that in the refrigerator and drink it later yeah it's the safe way to go but the rest of these we're going to label and then we're going to put in our bomb shelter which is basically just a heavy duty plastic tub that we put carbonating beverages into just in case something goes wrong they'll sit in there for probably about two weeks then we'll put one of them in the chill chest also known as the refrigerator and we'll be back to give you our preliminary initial tasting wait these don't go for a year do they no no so we'll be back to give you the tasting it's been a couple weeks it's been carbonating let's find out did it carbonate a little bit I heard it just the tiniest little whiff someone has told us a few people have told us that we need to use more sugar and that is a possibility I'm going to try that because this should have more carbonation than that it's got some I can see bubbles it's not exactly like four minute head or anything no you know ginger beer is supposed to be a little sparkly but that seems to be the issue is that maybe we're not putting enough sugar in and we're keeping it too cold so sugar Clarity wise it's pretty clear I mean it's got a slight haste so ginger beer just kind of always does yeah um smells very gingery yeah I see bubbles coming up the side so I know there's carbonation you can still see it's carbonated hmm that's definitely carbonated that's more carbonated than the last couple that we've done this is not overly sweet which means more for me no actually this would be a good mixer I think yeah you could do your Ginger whiskeys with these yeah yeah these came out at six percent it's not bad as Ginger beers go this is actually pretty decent yeah um we don't have any commercial ginger beer at the moment because we tend to drink it right quick in a hurry when we do get it what's really shocking to me is this is 1.020 it don't taste like it it does not taste that sweet no and I think it's because the ginger the ginger yeah has a very sharp distinct flavor and so it's it's gonna this is strong Ginger It's Gonna Cancel out lots of other competing flavors it's a similar thing with our caps canals that went through those with the chilies the capsaicin is so prominent that you tend to have to sweeten it more than you might think to create that balance of flavor by the way I don't know if anybody noticed got our new glasses let me see if I can hide behind cover your face so that we can focus on it I don't know if this is going to work at all or look really really stupid it's probably looking stupid I won't know until editing so you know and there's no way to edit that out now it's it's in there overall I think this is a huge success I think this worked out really really well um before I pour more we should do our numbers let's do the numbers and then I have an idea all right so we're starting off with our the per score the per score performance and repeatability of the recipe score I like that the per plus we have cats you know it's just the thing so basically this is where we decide did this work the way it was intended and based off of the way we did it can you repeat the results at home can you make this I have to think hard because she always gets me on these she does better at deciding this than I do I'm critical think back I don't recall any issues with this one either I think it went pretty smooth yep so I got no reason to ding it except for performance well I think it should be slightly carbonated oh really you think so like the first couple of sips I was getting plenty of carbonation but yeah it goes away kind of quickly yeah so I think it was more carbonated all right but it might last longer well then we don't even need to do a big reveal let's talk about this one and come to a score I I think that's a better way we discuss it and come to one score that we agree on I'm thinking nine to nine point five I am in that range as well and part of this is um perplexing to me now that we've we've integrated the per score and to our scenario I agree that it's a really good idea because that way we can take away our personal prejudices towards the beverage and the flavor profile and just think about the logistics of it that's basically what we're doing how did it work how was the process how smooth it was were there any hiccups along the way did it meet or exceed our expectations or did it fall flat uh it didn't fall flat it didn't fall flat um tape's coming off yes okay are very expensive labeling um did you do you need any tape my microphone fell off all right let's find the tape but now I have a removing microphone I keep moving oh there's there's no ways I can I'm good I'm good I could put it back all right I keep moving stuff on the Shelf which is yes it's a real show see yeah it's not a green screen like some people think and sorry I messed with my microphone that's probably not coming through really well all right and we're back we're back but we were talking about performance reliability right I'm willing to go to like nine to nine I mean nine or nine point five which do you think I would say 9.5 because it was carbonated it just and that's really the only issue we had is a slight less carbonation than we wanted and it's not even it's not even a lot less it's just slightly less carbonated than we want yeah um and so just put more sugar in it yeah priming sure yes and don't like do a ton more yeah we do 28 grams or one ounce I'm thinking like one and a half times that maybe even double that but we're gonna try one and a half times on our next carbonated brew and see what happens and then we'll uh play from there just to see because I checked the online calculators and the highest level of carbonation that they suggest was basically about almost double what we do it was 1.8 ounces so it's 80 percent more than what we put into this which yeah it's probably still in the safe range that is the absolute highest carbonation that they have on their chart but so that gives you an idea various people have given me various ideas on how they do things some of them I'm like yep that's awesome and I may Implement some of that there was a few that people were just putting in a ton of sugar and I'm like no please don't do that and then you go I've never had a bottle bomb well not yet I'm sorry you put in half a pound of sugar for priming in one gallon you you are asking for a bottle bomb and this is something that we kind of glance over but we don't really talk in depth about and our recipes are designed so that way you can create them yourself at home in a safe manner so we're trying to eliminate things that are going to cause you difficulty and frustration because then that's going to just reflect bad on us we want something that's relatively easy we want you to want to do it again that not only can you enjoy the end product but that you can enjoy the process as well because that's what this hobby is about if you're not having fun you're not going to want to do it again if it doesn't come out the way you wanted it to you're not going to do it again so we try to make it simple and enjoyable so that you'll want to do it again you know pretty simple stuff yeah when it comes to enjoyment score um and this one is really just our own personal taste I will be totally honest the ginger beer is not not my absolute favorite thing but I like it when it's really sweet shocker I know Brian likes something sweet I know this is not overly sweet but I think I I never intended for this to be something I would drink alone I always intended this to be a mixer for me where I'm coming from a basically perspective and the lack of sweetness isn't bothering me the punch of the ginger is making me happy what is actually not making me happy and this is going to be blasphemy particularly on this channel is the ABV I actually wanted it to be lower than that yeah it was a compromise to get it someplace that Brian was more comfortable with but I really wanted this to be more like a soda it's a preservation thing than a beer but when it comes to the lower abvs as Brian already mentioned you can end up with infections more easily or turning into vinegar which is and we may have these for months so I don't want to take a risk that's why we try to go above five percent when possible I think we started out where it was supposed to be much much lower and it just ended up crawling up and crawling up and it fermented out way drier than we thought too yes so there's that but anyway personal enjoyment score this is just what do we think of it if someone handed this and said what do you think this is where we're gonna do the one two three announce yeah you ready one two three six point five wow all right so this is where I'm at and where I'm being Uber critical right now is I am this is the day after a super bad migraine for me and the weather is being funky and I'm starting to get a headache again and so it's making me very irritable now Ginger is my go-to thing when I'm having a headache because it tends to to help them if I can if I can consume it right as the headache is coming on then I'm normally okay uh and my preference is ginger tea if those of you who prefer Medics but there is a smell or maybe it's a smell flavor combo that's making me think it's a smell but it's not really a smell it's more the flavor that's kind of funky to me lemon and I think I'm more sensitive to it because of this headache and because of of being recently I think it's the fermented lemon I just I'm not it's not working for me and it could it could very well be the fermented lemon because I remember when we did Scare pee I was just like yeah you have a problem with Citrus when it's fermented yeah you're much more sensitive to that smell I I recognize it but it doesn't want to bother me yeah I think it actually kind of adds to it so that's why I have the six I went 8.5 because if this had carbonated really really strong and if it was a little sweeter this would be a fantastic example of a ginger beer to me and it did I mean 8.5 is already like really really good I intended this for me from my point of view to be a mixer which means this is how I do my wit my whiskey gingers whoops don't break our new classes yeah I know right this is bitters just like uh a couple dashes two trees oops I didn't mean for three drops but I got three drops because usually I do three drops for like a whole glass now I'm paranoid on my microphone I can feel it it's moving and a little bit of whiskey I'm not going to do too much damage I usually do like an ounce or two in a like a 10 ounce glass give it a little swirl that's why I love these glasses because they are actually just a stemless wine glass don't tell anybody that because it looks much more manly when you do it like this and um that way we can still oh yeah get the nice smells it focuses the Aromas smell that though I mean that's just changes the color and everything yeah oh yeah now we're talking taste that just taste it gonna be sick might as well be fully sick right sorry babe it makes such a great whiskey Ginger and that was my intent so I'm sorry it'll also help your headaches because there's a lot of ginger in there but for whiskey Ginger yeah she doesn't do so well with the whiskey anymore that's why we stopped doing the whiskey uh channel that we had yeah whiskey Wars yeah we stopped doing that just because of that she would be sick for like two days but which is crocheting because whiskey is so lovely yeah but we're derailed against trucker anyway back to gingerbread as a standalone I would go a little bit lower on this but that's because I'm not a ginger beard drinker Derica gave her score my score is as a mixer to use for other things I could even go a little higher because this came out really that amazingly good it blends with the Wild Turkey 101 just so perfectly so go ahead make this ginger beer and I like the new method of the non-fermentable sugars in there that makes it a lot simpler much more approachable for the average user and a few people have asked about non-fermentable sugars just really really quick before we wrap this up we use dalulose you can use erythritol too it is probably those two are the most common um try not to use W it doesn't taste good it's going to make a weird metallicky flavor it's not going to work there are some others maltodextrin is mostly non-fermentable mostly mostly it's three percent fermentable so I'd be careful using that one but erythritol and allulose they work great they both taste really good it's more expensive than regular sugar I will tell you that right now but it's probably worth it in the security and safety that way yeah you don't have to pasteurize but anyway as always guys thank you so much for watching and have a great day bye [Music]
Channel: City Steading Brews
Views: 108,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ginger beer, ginger beer recipe, how to make ginger beer, homemade ginger beer, easy ginger beer, how to make ginger beer alcoholic, ginger beer homebrew, ginger beer homemade, diy ginger beer, how to brew ginger beer, homemade ginger beer recipe, how to make ginger beer from scratch, make ginger beer, easiest ginger beer recipe
Id: JePoInOdaeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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