Making a Custom LDShadowLady Dimension

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okay so now this place is full of very scary girlfriends hey guys what's up ldshadowlady here today I am building my very own custom dimension in Minecraft themed around myself so first we need to decide how to get to the ldshadowlady dimension so we need to build a portal now this is a normal nether portal but I thought we could decorate it to look much cooler so I'm going to try and make this bottle look like a bunny Tara the bunny portal now if we light this up you get the full effect so let's go through the portal and into the ldshadowlady dimension that is definitely not the nether we have arrived just kidding this is a super flat world which we are going to now transform into my dimension so let's start at the very bottom underground where we currently just have dirt and stone well not anymore my friends let's start out by making some caves down here because I want my dimension to have some fern caves to explore new creepers no.9 my dimension now this is a pretty big cave but it looks a little bit too boring for my liking so I'm gonna do something a little bit crazy and we need to go above the surface for this so what I'm gonna do is try it and make the cave rainbow which is gonna be really complicated but I'm gonna do it for you one utility later finally it's time to see what it looks like oh my goodness oh no it's full of monsters we need to light this cave up why don't we open up some of the ceiling like a ravine this looks crazy yeah and then I think these really dark bits we should light up with glowstone yes this is perfect now even though this cave looks super cool there is a problem it has nothing useful in it there are no ours and no mine shafts and no spotters so I'm going to add in my own ores which are exclusive to this dimension spawn egg oz so I've added in some custom blocks and these the AWS and these will generate in the caves randomly I only made three as an example but in my real dimension we would have every single spawn egg available as an AW so when you mine it with a pair of shears it would drop the spawn egg so you could collect all kinds of different spawn eggs making this dimension actually really useful so that is it for my rainbow cave but I'm also gonna add another type of cave that will generate in my dimension so this time let's light up the cave with glowing water tada oh my goodness it's beautiful now in this cave we're gonna have a lot of diamond ore so let's just we'll delete that so there I think we need more diamond yes no I want this cave to be really magical so I'm also going to build some crystals and we can have these coming off the walls and just everywhere really let's put some crystals on here even why not so if you stumble into one of these caves you've pretty much hit the jackpot and that's why the ldshadowlady dimension is the best dimension for mining so those are my special caves next let's work on what is on the surface so I actually really liked the way that this looks I think these trees are really cute and this area is perfectly flat for building so I'm going to leave this as one of the biomes of my dimension however I'm gonna build some custom biomes as well so let's go over here we'll start by chopping down all of the trees over here so now we have a blank canvas to work with for a custom bio I'm gonna add some terrain now I'm gonna go a little bit crazy with this first biome and we're gonna make the grass pink so let's start painting it on this is so aggressively ldshadowlady now obviously I'm making mini versions of the biomes because I don't have all century to make this dimension so this is the size we'll work with for now and next we're gonna need some trees so I'm going to plant a selection of trees of different varieties and I hope this doesn't look super ugly but let's speed up the growth oh actually looks kind of cool as it is but I am gonna make some chain to these trees and make them are shall we say ldshadowlady like so let's replace the spruce leaves with white cherry leaves and hope that this looks cute okay next let's change the oak leaves to this beautiful purple oh that looks so cool let's do the rest now frankly this is amazing this is probably the most beautiful biome that has never existed in Minecraft I wish that I could bonemeal the ground and get some grass but unfortunately it's not a very nice color because it is grass so I'm going to replace some parts of the grass with this much brighter pink and add some grass to that instead there I think that looks really cute and on the outskirts of this biome I would like to add some bushes so there oh I love this oh my gosh how cute is this my room okay the final thing I want to add to this biome is of course some puns and you guessed it the waters gonna be pink oh my gosh it's beautiful okay these ponds look really cool I think it would be also cool if we could add a river that goes around the back of the biome here so give me a pork chop and let me go crazy so this is how I am making a river that's gonna go around the back here Wow very cool I am very happy with this biome look how cool looks on the map - OH so the next biome I'm going to build is the ldshadowlady dimension version of a desert so of course the sand is going to be pink people what did you expect so first of all let's get rid of all of these trees and then let's start painting the grass with sand now it's looking a little bit too flat so once again we're gonna add some layers now I got a little bit of terrain here so similar to a regular desert biome this is going to be quite an empty place however there will be a special structure that spawns here because where there's sand there are castles and when I think castle I think the crazy craft Disney Castle so that is going to be the structure that spawns in this desert so let's build it and while I build this obnoxiously large replica of the disney castle you guys can't vote in the poll on this video because i'm curious to see how many of you watched the crazy craft series that we all did or if you have no idea what i'm talking about and here is the finished build now let's not forget the rainbow carpet that leads into the castle and you're probably wondering what is inside this castle it's going to be a dungeon with treasure so at the end of the rainbow here I'm gonna put a chest and inside this chest I'm going to put this sword which I have renamed to Big Bertha which was the super overpowered sword in crazy craft that did like a hundred damage so this is a real good treasure and to guard this amazing treasure from intruders we're gonna have some mobs in here and I will create them using the custom NPCs mod so I'm making a bunch of girlfriends because my crazy craft Castle was full of girlfriends and since we don't play crazy craft anymore and I abandoned them they're a little bit angry so I'm going to give them the aggressive AI and they will start attacking people that come in here let's even armed them with a sharpness 5 sword so they're gonna deal quite a lot of damage ok so now this place is full of very scary girlfriends I kind of want to test it out and see how long it takes them to kill me so let's go into survival mode and see how long we can survive can we make it to the check no we can't make it to the chest is the answer to that one so as you can see the crazy craft Castle structure is very difficult to beat so if you ever find yourself in the ldshadowlady desert use caution so the next biome I'm going to create is an unusual one I'm going to try and make an ocean or at least a rather large lake we'll see how this turns out hopefully it will look better when we fill it with water boom its wagon yeah there we go we have an ocean people so now the first thing I want to say about this ocean in my dimension is that it will have animals but not aquatic animals oh no this will instead have all the usual Minecraft it will have sheep polar bears foxes and most importantly lots of bunnies and you'll have to use your imagination here but imagine that they're all wearing snorkels just like this oh gosh are they dying see this is why they need the snorkels so just imagine that the ocean is full of these delightful creatures swimming around and then there will also be islands in the ocean and that's what I'm going to build now and this is not just any random island I am building a specific shape yes this island is a sea turtle so this is going to be a little oasis in the middle of the ocean covered in life it's got flowers and it's got trees because sometimes you're in the middle of the ocean and there's not a tree in sight well how lovely would it be to find one of these turtle islands just swimming along so I've pasted a few more of them in just so you can get an idea for what it looks like and I think it's so cute although it is a little bit weird so that is the ocean biome complete let's move on to the next biome so I'm gonna build it over here above the rainbow cave so this time we're gonna keep the grass green however we're gonna change the color of it slightly into this flowering grass because it's adorable so let's see what this looks like oh oh my gosh this is so pretty and instead of having trees in this biome we're going to have giant flowers so I'm gonna need to try and build them so this one is supposed to be a rose I mean let me know what you think is this acceptable let's also build a couple of different flowers as well this one's gonna be a purple wine yeah and let's do another one over here and this one is kind of supposed to look like a dandelion so we have three flowers now all we have to do is copy and paste them so that there are bunch more of them okay I'm really happy with this now now let's add some more of these flowers onto the ground I wish there was a first way to do this okay actually I have an idea don't know if this'll work oh my gosh okay let's try that again but with this multicolored combo Wow okay it's a little bit glitchy but hopefully eventually these will pop off this is so cool well I love it and of course this biome will also have some special creatures in it you guessed it fairy horses I'm a fiend for fairy horses I'm gonna spawn fairy horses of every color to bless this sacred land Oh cute they are this is the best thing that has ever happened to Minecraft to be honest now I'm just kind of sad that this biome is real now the final thing that my dimension will have is a beautiful night sky so let's switch you tonight and look at the boring sky but in my dimension this is what the sunset will look like and the night sky is full of stars and look at the big old moon so what do you guys think of my custom dimension would you ever want to build this portal and visit if so please leave a like on this video and let me know in the comments what would be in your custom dimension if you haven't already please consider subscribing to my channel and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 4,140,623
Rating: 4.9672861 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough, minecraft dimension, custom dimension, mod, modded, mod dimension, custom dimension mod, custom biome, custom biomes, custom biomes mod, kawaii biome, cute biome, cute builds, cute minecraft build
Id: O4ziP2WlycE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 14 2020
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