Home-Going Celebration For Madam Doris Brooks

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] [Music] uh [Music] you [Music] [Music] um so i will lift up mine eyes unto the heels from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the lord which made heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth thee will not slumber behold he that keepeth israel shall neither slumber nor sleep the lord is thy keeper the lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the sun shall not smite thee by day nor the moon by night the lord shall preserve thee from all evil he shall preserve thy soul the lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth even forevermore at this time we receive the apostolic and episcopal leadership of the church of god in christ [Music] god bless the presence of our chief apostle and presiding bishop his grace the bishop j drew shared [Music] god bless general board member bishop michael e hill senior we recognize the presence of the bishop desert exactly in hicks and now we receive the episcopal leadership from across the jurisdictions of michigan [Music] the bishop clyde jones [Music] the bishop samuel duncan the bishop percy henderson our friend and guest the bishop dwight greene the bishop philip r jackson bishop givens to bishop charles johnson and now the national leadership from across the church come on let's sing that medley very softly as we set the atmosphere for this great family in this worship celebration we recognize the presence of bishop dwight walls chairman of the national board of trustees and now we receive this great family of this our beloved madame doris brooks the new saint paul tabernacle church of god in christ [Music] family the historic first jurisdiction of michigan [Music] family as well as the brooks family [Music] come on let's lift the spirit of this [Music] family [Music] [Music] to going down [Music] is [Music] [Music] praise him [Music] is [Music] up he's worthy [Music] glory even if this is worthy of glory [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh yes [Music] crazy [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] glory [Music] would you help me him this morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] a strong in here praise him [Music] is [Music] he's [Music] as we prepare for this glorious [Music] celebration we stand [Music] in solidarity of the brooks family in praise in worship [Music] in prayer knowing that god doeth all things well [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] the congregation may be seated as we receive the church family extended family and prepare for this worship celebration of such a beautiful saint of the lord [Music] real softly real softly yes truly the lord is in this place [Music] oh yes [Music] oh yes and these the members who lo many years stood with the new saint paul tabernacle the church of god in christ family coming to pay the final salute to the matriarch of this great church and family oh yes [Music] yes [Music] join with us in this anthem and chant [Music] [Music] troubles rise [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] family [Music] [Music] [Music] we shall prepare to receive the bishop designate zachary in hicks [Music] who shall come to facilitate the sealing of the beer is god bless you we greet you all in the name of the father the name of the son in the name of the holy spirit with great respect to this wonderful family we do indeed give honor to our presiding bishop bishop j drew sheared and his entire cabinet and staff and all reverent clergy and at this time as we prepare for the healing of the briar we're the hands of the funeral directors let's see man for the swanson funeral home [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i will [Music] [Music] eyes [Music] my [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] you the strength of my life [Music] to you i [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are the strength of is [Music] [Music] two [Music] i am [Music] [Music] you are [Music] is you you are [Music] the strength of my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] my strengths [Music] my [Music] then [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] oh man [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] nice amen amen as we continue the celebration of life in memory of madame doris brooks we're calling for the psalm the hymn of comfort led by administrative assistant ronaldo alexander he's coming at this time let's see amen my god well it's that time for us to sing one of the great hymns of our church we'll understand it better by and by everybody but the family please stand and help me join in this great hymn of the church [Music] i want to hear some soprano alto tenor and some bass and let's sing it as we usher mother madam brooks to the throne of god [Music] we are often tossed and driven we are often tossed on this restless sea of time summer skies and howling tempest all succeed a bright sunshine in that land of perfect when the mist miss was rolling come on and we will understand it better by and by oh [Music] we will tell the story oh how we overcome and we will understand it better by and by trials dark on every hand dark gone every and i just can't seem to understand and all the ways that god leads us to that blessed promised land but he will guide us with his eye till we according for we will understand it better bye come on and put your hand together [Music] and we will understand it better bye come on let's let it ring out one more [Music] time [Music] now get that program and let's wave it like we do [Music] and we will [Music] and we will understand come on zion let it ring out [Music] come on and clap your hands and give the lord praise [Music] while we stand in that spirit i've been treating the throne of the most high coming within vocation will be administrative assistant gerald eccles jr followed by the reading of the old testament by administrative assistant virgil l thomas followed by the reading of the new testament administrative assistant raymond a scott then we will be treated to the ministry of music by the madame doris brooks memorial corrale they're coming in that order the same man with the exception of the family all of us please stand in the presence of god yes yes [Music] yes [Music] oh yes yes yes lord [Music] yes lord glory glory yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord let it ring yes lord yes lord yes [Music] yes lord [Music] come on thank him right now give him thanks come on thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you we thank you today we thank you today thank you lord here we are god once again lifting up our eyes unto you knowing that our help comes from you we are praying now that you look upon us in this hour we are aware of what your sons gave us a promise when he says he go on a way to prepare a place for us and where he is we will be there with him [Music] so god we thank you for the promise that you've given unto us we thank you for the life that has been lived we thank you for all that you have done for us down through the years even up until this hour we come now asking you for strength and comfort give strength and give comfort to this family let your glorious presence be made known in these hours that comes before us give strength now let the power of our god rest rule and abide in us on today give strength to our presiding bishop as he lifts them up but these burdens may seem so hard to bear but god we come to you knowing that you are our comforter you are our strength so we look to you now we look to you to come and fill the room with your presence and let your glory be made known this is our prayer today and we ask it all in jesus your name thank god can you praise him and give him thanks can you praise him and give him thanks come on give him a real good praise and thank him for what he is doing right now and what he's going to do in the future hallelujah [Music] the word of god isaiah 28 through the 31st verse has thou not known has thou not heard the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding he give power to the faint and to them that have no might he increases strength even the youth shall faint and be weary young men shall early fall but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles and they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint and the word of god is blessed [Music] the new testament reading will come from first corinthians the 15th chapter starting at verse 51. behold i show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trunk for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on in corruption and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall it be brought to pass the saying that is written oh death where is swallowed up in victory oh death where is thy sting o grave where is thy victory for the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brethren be ye steadfast unmovable and always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord the word of the lord is [Music] blessed [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] what can wash [Music] sweet jesus [Music] nothing [Music] what [Music] no sweet jesus [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes it is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh it's precious [Applause] [Music] i love you oh jesus christ the lord will keep for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] glory to god glory to god glory to god give him trees [Music] hallelujah keep [Music] come on look at your neighbors [Music] [Music] let me tell you something madame brooks was a crazy because she was a praiser she was a worshiper she was beloved by her family by her church and by her jurisdiction and that's what we gonna do but i think this is a good place for a praise break let's give come on put those crazy pick him up together jurisdiction on come michigan [Music] [Music] [Music] forgive me god 30 seconds it helps with the healing process [Music] [Music] three that helps with the healing process how much you've prepared for death when it comes we're never quite ready so let's help this family and this church family and this jurisdictional family home today now we know that we're moving right along our presiding bishop is with us on today and also i said our presiding bishop [Music] [Music] not want to tie him up all day long so come in with tributes and i'm gonna ask you if you would please be as obedient as you can new saint paul women's department represented by the evangelist betty maple she'll be followed by representation from new saint paul tabernacle men's ministry represented by her husband deacon carl maple then we will have a video presentation from the new saint paul video ministry and then we will have expressions from a dear family friend a great friend of our departed five star general bishop p.a brooks also madele brooks expression from that tremendous man of god here in the city of detroit who's taking time out of his schedule to come and be with us in the person of bishop marvin l winans of the perfecting ministry international in the perfecting church hallelujah and then we'll be closed out by expressions from the family in the person of mrs civil street bennett a niece of our uh dearly departed and then the granddaughter sister candice raquel brooks the oldest grandchild granddaughter i should say they're coming in that order let's say man for evangelist betty maple amen god bless you this morning today as i come before you i come today to say first of all it was a privilege and an honor to stand before you today and to pay tribute to madame doris brooks i had the privilege of working with madame brooks for a number of years in the new st paul women's ministry it was an honor and truly a privilege so today i want you to know as i share briefly with you i speak from experience and observation on behalf of the new saint paul tabernacle church of god in christ women's ministry we praise god for the life and legacy of madame doris brooks she was a radiant reflection of god's love continually holding forth the word of truth she demonstrated what it meant to commit wholeheartedly to serve zealously and to love sacrificially and unconditionally she was exemplary in living a life of holiness and faithfulness her character was the epitome of the fruit of the spirit and the grace of god i praise god for allowing madame doris mc doris brooks to be a profound part of our lives as i considered what i should share today i was reminded of proverbs 31 and 10. who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies proverbs 31 and 25 strength and honor are her clothing and she shall rejoice in times to come isaiah 62 and 3 thou shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the lord and a royal diadem in the hand of thy god galatians 5 and 22 and 23 but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against such there is no law these scriptures gives us a glimpse of madame doris brooks exemplary life of holiness and faithfulness her character was the epitome of the fruit of the spirit and the grace of god her life flourished with god's favor she was like a fresh and lovely rose that the angels planted then god chose her and gave us to her her soft and gentle ways helped us through difficult times she encouraged us through loss her correction was received because we knew it was born out of love she always thought of others she had kind and gentle ways and she built us up with the word of god she encouraged us her dedicated service touched the number of lives of all ages madame brooks was a radiant reflection of god's love continually holding forth the word of the truth she taught by example what it meant to commit wholeheartedly to serve zealously and to love sacrificially and unconditionally we praise god that madame brooks poured out her love on our church family her presence continually blessed us individually and collectively madame brooks also brought to us her spiritual gifts i praise god for the time he allowed madame brooks to be in our lives she was a blessing and an inspiration to each of us madame doris brooks saved sanctified filled with the holy spirit counselor nurturer advocate peacemaker and confidant teacher woman of style an elegant example of holiness and a blessing from god my research tells me that one of the truly remarkable qualities of a pastor's wife is that they're able to show a faithful love for the members they serve there was a special anointing about madame brooks to be going to go beyond the normal call of duty she was an extraordinary anointed woman which allowed her in our own special way to touch the heart of the congregation in general and the women in particular madame brooks devotedly provided unwavering support for bishop brooks as he preached the gospel of jesus christ today we praise god that he allowed us the privilege of having madame doris brooks in our life for this time god bless you i'm still doing what i do best following behind my wife bless you on this morning we honor the lord on this morning and to his precious son jesus christ and to the holy ghost we thank god and give respect and honor to our newly elected president bishop the church of god in bishop j drew sheared to his lovely wife evangelist karen clark sheard to the general board member bishop michael hill to our interim jurisdictional bishop of northeast michigan bishop destiny zachary hicks to bishop dickerson wells and to all the defenders of gospel of the gospel we also thank god for our precious mother mary jane walton the third assistant general supervisor of the church of god in christ to mother diane bogan the deputies adjutant mother for the national agency of the church of god in christ and to our own precious mother norma barrel our jurisdictional supervisor our women for northeast michigan and to all of the elect women of the lord who are with us on this morning we certainly want to thank another god for this bereaved family and we pray for god's continued blessings to be upon them today we celebrate the life of madame doris brooks and we count as an honor and a privilege to pay homage to one of god's precious daughters inside we all know that madame doris brooks was a lady of charm distinction and sophistication and therefore it is most appropriate for her to be referred to as madame doris brooks however 60 plus years ago when she was alongside of her husband at that time elder p.a brooks they began their work in the ministry being the wife of a pastor not to mention being the wife of a bishop on the general board probably never entered her mind therefore all that has occurred in times of where her life ended we know it was all orchestrated by god you see i read the book in jeremiah 29 11 it states i know the thoughts that i think toward you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end hallelujah the plans that god had for our precious mother were good and not evil and i can say that unequivocally because as i have listened to her testimony it has been made abundantly clear to me that god had been directing her path all along and continued to do so in meadow brooks she was obedient to the will of god it is in the book in psalms 37 and 23 it says the steps of a righteous man or woman are ordered by the lord and he delighteth in his ways it was not by happenstance or some mere coincidence that this union between elder p.a brooks and mrs george street occurred this union i want you to know was ordained by god ms doris brooks was that chosen vessel that god had deemed to be the wife for his anointed man's servant elder pa brooks and thusly she became the first lady madame doris brooks when one viewed first lady doris brooks at first glance you may not realize that this polished and refined lady was a lady of abundant love and humility firstly the brooks set an example and was a model and a template for all that she did she had and maintained that beautiful spirit of humility doris brooks as you've previously heard has been referred often as a virtuous woman and usually quote from proverbs 3 to 1-10 the attributes of a virtuous woman i sincerely feel that no one passed passage and captures all of the attributes of this very special woman of god although she indeed is a virtuous woman there is yet another scripture that comes to my mind when i think of my first lady madame doris brooks from philippians two and five it says let this mind be in you which was also hallelujah in christ jesus first lady brooks was a woman of substance who had that mind of christ she was a powerful inspiration for the women of the church and she was always a great encourager for the men she was forever encouraging the men to take their rightful place to be strong leaders to be the high priests in their homes as well as in the church being holy and living a holy and separated life in this present world was the centerpiece of her life just as god was directing her life this union between elder p.a brooks and madame doris brooks was also being orchestrated by god god had ordained it to be so that his anointed and faithful servant elder create brooks would be the jurisdictional prelate of northeast michigan and become a general board member and later be elevated to first assistant president bishop of the church of god in christ in the course of performing these roles comes great responsibilities and god knew he would need to provide his man servant with a helpmate that would truly be a blessing to him and his career therefore god provide him with the perfect helpmate in the person of madame doris brooks to have a helpmate who has a dignity grace and charm is wonderful but also to have a helpmate who has all that along with being a strong woman of prayer a woman whose faith is unwavering and who has always been had keen insight and godly wisdom with all the attributes that were a blessing to a husband as well as to those who were around her mother brooks was a living blueprint of what a holy lifestyle should be one which is worthy to be emulated first lady brooks lived out what the word of god exhorts us to be the word of god says be holy for i am holy set the lord of hosts first lady brooks was a lady of substance who had a plethora of wisdom to offer at every level that madame brooke served she served in excellence because she was sincere and consistent she has always been that woman of prayer that woman of faith that righteous and holy woman of god she was that beautiful and virtuous woman who had no reservations and letting it be made known to all as the apostle paul proclaimed in romans 1 16 he states i am not ashamed of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek that was our mother's favorite scripture then madame brooks she's sir excuse me she served as a marshal of the women's department of northeast michigan jurisdiction she was also the first lady of northeast michigan jurisdiction and new saint paul tabernacle church of god in christ and because she was this awesome woman of god who was consumed with grace and humility she had received the eagle award at the national leadership conference for the church of god in christ of being an unsung hero someone who had weathered the storms of life and who consistently been faithful not seeking any accolades but just being gracious and humbled because god had favored her so this morning we celebrate the life and thank god for this great woman of god our first lady madame doris brooks for indeed she was god's chosen an elect vessel it is at times like this we empathize with the saints in thessalonica who inquired from the apostle paul about the death of a loved one the apostle paul gave them this blessed assurance he said that you will see them again and you will know them hallelujah just as they are with this assurance of knowing that you will see them again you just stay the course keep the faith and follow the instructions that i left to the corinthians found in first corinthians 15 and 58 and it says therefore my beloved brother be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor i said your labor is not in vain in the lord so today to this bereaved family and to my new saint paul church family we all loved our precious mother mother doris brooks let's just remember the song that she would sometimes sing to us there's a storm cloud out on the ocean and it's headed this away and if your soul is not anchoring jesus you will surely slip away so let's stay the course so we will be able to see her again god bless you so [Music] and i always loved that mother brooks always said to all of us she said i would save all day today and i would laugh and smile because i had to think about that i said let me go back over me today and see if i can say that so then i said i repent and then i was able to say it and she laughed so hard she's an awesome example of a mother a wife a grandmother even though she has a quiet demeanor when she spoke it was powerful she captured her audience each time she speaks because she seeks god and listens as he reveals what he would have his people hear and learn through her mother brooks at one time we had radio broadcasts i remember her doing the radio broadcast she was the radio broadcast announcer [Music] every saturday night the church where she was at they had a broadcast every saturday night at 10 o'clock and we would go there and listen and the pastor there found out that we my family sang so i met her through that and the bible speaks about that we're but a mist and vapor i thank god for mother brooks that she left a sweet inspiration of a vapor and fragrance that will never forget she made a mark on this earth that will never be raised nor forgotten 30 days 30 days september okay come on april june say it again 30 days i don't know i need you to say it so we can learn it okay i know i'm 30 days 30 days september april june and november at april june and november all the rest have 31 except february except february which has 28 which has 28. okay you got it down here okay 30 days 30 days has april april june and november i never ever seen a person same all the time i observed madame brooks how she had that smile she was always full of love she was always willing to share much wisdom not only about family life but about the lord and i just loved it that i just fell in love with this lady madame doris brooks we saw the beauty in her spirit that joy in her spirit was a guiding light of confidence and glowed brightly as she entered the room and exhibited her radiant smile you going too far [Music] she always led by example she taught us how to love god she taught us how to be godly she was just that type and humility is when i think of mother brooks she set the tone she set the tone her beauty her grace her cl she was very classy later very classy lady i think about all the good things and the role model that she played and demonstrated a life and living it mata brooks never talked a lot but when she talks you will you know she will get your attention and these are a few things that i observed about her she was a woman of god she was holy if anybody made it to heaven i know surely she made it i know she made it because she lived the life before all men that we could see christ in here [Music] [Music] [Music] she inspired other women some she was not even aware that she had so positively impacted their lives our friends and associates who visited our church also came to admire her and looked up to her because of the glory they saw revealed in her continents she will never be replaced and was truly one of a kind she also told me um that we need to carry ourself you know as godly women so i always think of her as a virtuous woman because i watched her and the way she carried herself she's an awesome example of a mother a wife a grandmother like a mother she was like a mother and that to me that was refreshing myself and other ladies of our fellowship i am sure will agree with me that we should all work emulating her characteristics to carrying this torch of wisdom forward that her flame of love grace and humility will burn brightly in each of us and i know that she is rejoicing and i know that she's singing this song when we all get to heaven what a day or rejoicing it will be and i know that she's rejoicing in heaven today her presence blessed all of us she was just a very very special woman i thank god for bishop brooks and her a couple that the lord put together i'm gonna miss them i try not to cry but when i think about all them it bring back a lot of memories because i enjoy being around them and to know that they're in heaven that's a wonderful thought because one day i'm going to be there i'm looking forward to but i want to say that it's something that bishop brooks said also and i paraphrasing he simply said if any of you should be around when that day come my day come he simply said i don't want a long-faced fad home going but i simply want you to if you have to cry cry but after you get through crying going and have church we have in church and we're celebrating mother brooks on this farewell homegoing send away celebration we thank god for her for the life of mother madame doris brooks being the first lady here at new saint paul tavern at the church of god in christ may the lord bless you richly family in jesus name and i thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] my praise the lord praise the lord uh certainly i'm giving honor to uh our presiding bishop bishop uh j drew sheard and the first lady of the church of god in christ everywhere sister karen clark sheer and i'm just glad to be here um my mother who was in tennessee right now i talked to her this morning and she expressed that she had already talked to faith and sends her condolences to all of the bishops and all of the elders i praise god for his kindness and i've known the brooks family a long time [Music] i had a group uh called approved and faith was in that group it was a short-lived group but we praise god for the time feel of the time that we spent together but i'm here because uh some years later i was born in the church that mother brooks was born in and that's 2135 mack avenue and we praise god under the leadership of my great-grandfather and you know you have to watch who you talk about because we're just family anyway and growing up children that are here lisa and i'll just stop right there and and the cliftons and all of them that are here it is wonderful what what happens at this time as we reflect as we remember we really recognize that god has been good to us i said god has been good to us and the last time i preached for bishop brooks in in their convocation here i just preached a message on holiness and when we finished we went downstairs and i didn't want to stay because i'm in detroit so you don't have to feed me i can go home but bishop brooks and mother brooks insisted and we sat down there and while we were waiting on bishop brooks to come down she just said bishop winans what a message i haven't heard folk preach like that in a long time it made me think of what your great-grandfather would preach because i told him i said what we used to call what is okay now we used to call sin but the bible is right let me let me move on so i i want to apologize to the bishop because i really delighted and wished that i could stay here to hear the word of god but uh duty calls i am a pastor and someone passed in our church and i have to go preach the funeral i pushed it back as long as i could so i could be here today just to show uh our heartfelt uh condolence and what we praise god for the years that are ahead to elder philip and to evangelist faith you have our prayers there's a song that says sing the wondrous love of jesus sing his mercy and his grace in a mansion bright and blessed he's prepared for us a place when we are get to heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be when we see jesus we will sing and shout victory and oh i want to see him look upon his face there to sing forever of receiving grace all the streets of glory let me lift my voice cares i pass and i'm home at last ever to rejoice huh thank god for that thank god for presiding bishop also in his schedule to be here much like bishop weinings did and so we want to uh honor our presiding bishop's schedule also as we did with bishop wine is that all right not cutting anything but just rearranging a little bit so at this time bishop michael hill general board member is coming let's say amen god bless you the house has been addressed and to this wonderful family the brooks family and to the new saint paul family you are in our prayers you know my brothers and sisters whenever the president of the united states is in the building they don't take the time to read his resume because the office says it all following the somatic selection i'm going to ask everyone to stand except for the family and i will do as the gentleman does my brothers and sisters the eighth in succession our chief apostle the presiding bishop of the church of god in christ worldwide the bishop j drew shearer um [Music] so [Music] to [Music] me i will be [Music] me trust me [Music] oh man [Music] um me [Music] oh [Music] me trust [Music] me [Music] am i will [Music] trust me me [Music] i [Music] trust me trust me i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] trust me trust me [Music] me me trust me trust me [Music] trust me [Music] [Applause] me come on and give god some praise he's worthy come on he's worth more than that let's give him some praise let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight o lord my strength and my redeemer and the people of the lord said amen please be seated in the presence of the lord i certainly give honor to god who is the head of my life i'm glad that i'm saved and sanctified filled with god's precious holy ghost that with the mighty burning fire it kind of caught me off guard i i do have a one o'clock appointment and i didn't know thank you that's what i should say bishop hicks thank you they kind of caught me off guard i was just preparing myself to do an abbreviated eulogy because i knew i had this appointment but thank you bishop hicks and to bishop hill our assistant secretary for the general board and bishop the white walls our chairman of the trustee board bishop duncan shelby clyde jones dwight green percy henderson high smith to bishop mcmillan the adjutant general bishop dickerson wells and bishop philip jackson bishop jerry gibbons bishop tunes bishop designates charles johnson and darren byrne superintendent ways our vice chairman to my lovely wife evangelist karen clark sheard to mother mary jane walton the third assistant general supervisor for the women's department mother bereal god bless mother bogan our assistant adjutant mother and to all of the bishop's wives dr dorinda clark cole the elect lady of the um evangelist department and to all of these preachers of the gospel to all of you the people of god i am certainly blessed to be able to share for a few minutes with my dear dear brother elder philip brooks i'm praying for you brother i know where you are and for my sister uh evangelist faith brooks of course a lot of people don't know that um faith and i go back oh wow almost 50 years we're getting old and mother mother brooks has always been kind to us even when i would go over their house she was always kind i've never seen madame brooks with a frown on her face now you may have but i've never seen her with a frown on her face and she always had kind words when it wasn't popular to say kind words to me she did and you shouldn't forget people like that allow me for a few minutes i promise i won't be long and you can get right back to your uh session that you're having i know there are some other people that have some very awesome things to say about this wonderful woman of god we certainly give respect to the memory of our father bishop p.a brooks amen come on let's praise god for him i want to ask you to stand because i'm going to be very brief but let's talk about the word of god it's found in the 11th chapter of hebrews and the 16th verse it says but now they desired a better country that is in heavenly wherefore god is not ashamed to be called their god for he has prepared for them a city i want to talk to you for the next few fleeting moments from the subject there must be a better place than this there must be a better place than this the apostle having referred to the heroic faith and holy lives of several of the old testament saints then pronounces the manna in which they finished their earthly course he said these all died in faith this had been their mode of life they lived by faith and and when their uh their life came to a close still they had not received the promise that neither the entire possession of canaan nor had they received the promised messiah but they were unshaken in their belief even in death as the troubles of life could not move them from the foundation on which they rested neither could the dreary waters of death the bible says inextricably they all died in faith and as to the influence of faith and the general tenor of spirit and conversation it is said they considered themselves strangers for they had they had sought to return to their native land the country of mesopotamia they could have perhaps easily done so but they preferred being strangers and pilgrims because they desired a better place and so we live in a world in which we are not comfortable for those of us who are in the faith realize that they're happiest than this when you look at our world we note that it has been defaced and marred by sin sin has converted this world into a region of woe and the shadow of death so therefore my brothers and sisters something has to be better than this morning by morning day by day evening by evening and night by night we're faced with the results of a sin curse world our financial institutions are insecure our educational system is failing our young our medical systems are very few answers have very few answers for the melodies of our bodies surely there has to be something better than this we're faced with police brutality racial injustice and certain rise of inequality among the people we are failing our young mistreating our seniors and have simply said to those somewhere in between get it the best way you can there must be something better than this our water is polluted our clouds are infested with unquestionable germs sickness is in the land for sickness my brothers and sisters is the fruit of sin pain is the offspring of in iniquity and i i don't care who you are i don't care where you live you can't get away from sickness this place in which we live this plagued with diseases even if we look outside of the church there is an ungodly world they're hating god and hating god's people persecuting their bitter malignant tongues devouring spirits ravenness as wild beasts hateful and hating as demons in this world we're lied on mistreated and scorned in this world we're talked about as sure as you're born in this world people won't give you a chance so there has to be a better place than this here we are often distressed through the infirmities of our fellow men one is possessed of an uninformed understanding and and another an unsound judgment a third a stubborn disposition of forth a way with a hasty temper and in many cases we all offend but sometimes this world causes me to become perplexed because of the people i meet there must be a better place than this well i'm closing here but but but they tell me of a place where there is not one envious person they tell me of a place where they're not a detractor not an evil speaker not one person with an evil or evil tongue they tell me of a place where liars and backbiters and evil people can't get in they tell me of a place where the streams are all pure the the sky is cloudless and radiant they tell me of a place where the air is unimpregnated with pollution and holiness spreads throughout all of its borders it has to be a better place than this that that that sounds like that would be a place where we would want to go they tell me of a place that it is healthy they say it's a healthy place because i've been told that there are trees where the leaves are good for the healing of the nation i have been told that the atmosphere is untainted by human offenses they they tell me that diseases and viruses that can't get in they tell me that the air is solubious they they tell me that the enjoyments are without peril and the food is incorruptible say what you will but it sounds like a better place than this and so i came by as i go to my seat to reiterate that jesus said in the 14th chapter of saint john and the first through the third verses he said let not your heart be troubled uh if you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house of many mansions if it were not so i would have told you but i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am hallelujah there ye may be also so i came by elder philip to tell you to fret not mother has gone to a better place she did her part here on the earth she was a good soldier she she was never short when it came to her responsibility faith she made plans to go to a better place it's good to know that there's a better place than this and in that better place you won't be confused anymore in that better place in that better place you won't be misunderstood for i heard the songwriters say trials dawg on every hand and we cannot understand all the ways that god would lead us to that blessed promised land but he guides us with his eye and we'll follow till we die and we'll understand it better by and by by and by when the morning comes when all the saints of god are gathered home we'll tell the story how we've overcome and we'll understand it better by and by yes my friends don't get it wrong there are some good things in this world but the richer blessings are in this better place and i believe the other day that madame brooks realized that in this place we only have a sip a gleam a taste of enjoyment but in that better place she saw an ocean a new day light and an eternal banquet of enjoyments so i tell you my friends that every man that has this hope he must purify himself and i want to tell you one more thing that if in this life we only have hope we are men most miserable you're gonna have to meet your make up one day and i'm so glad that there is a better place i came by to tell you that mother is going to a better place she's gone where the wicked shall she from trouble and the weary shall be at rest and all of the saints of the ages shall sit at his feet and be some glad morning [Laughter] better play we'll go ahead and give god some glory go ahead and give god some glory go ahead and keep [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on put those hands together for jesus come on one for the father one for the son one for the holy ghost the three in one that we enjoy our presiding bishop didn't we enjoy our presiding bishop a better place now i need you to please cooperate with me as we continue this celebration the program calls for three minutes please and i am asking you to work with us we're calling for the niece and the granddaughter mrs sybil yes hallelujah it's healing to the soul thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord hey i better please thank you lord thank you jesus [Music] hallelujah come on let's help the family come on let's help the family come on crying let's help the family let's help bring about some healing hey it's all hallelujah do we have any saints in behind there's any praises any worshipers in the house [Music] i gotta feel it's gonna be all right everything gonna be all right [Music] everything's gonna be all right [Music] [Music] all oh [Music] all right all right [Music] everything is i gave you guys let's help this family this is [Music] [Music] sometimes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] the lord done came the lord that knew hallelujah he has changed the order of service come on let's say amen we're going to [Music] praise our reign out of here come on everybody let's praise the lord come on what a way to celebrate many books what is [Music] we had an audience [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] he's here as we continue to praise god we're in your hands we're calling for ladies who will serve [Music] [Music] we're calling for ladies that will serve as flower bearers please come into the center ladies that will serve us flower bearers please come into the center flower bearers please come into the center no flower bears [Music] [Music] is [Music] palm bears come to the front [Music] my right your left palm you're coming now [Music] [Music] more palm bears the palm bears are coming down all right those of you those of you as you stand please please those of you who will be going to the cemetery upon dismissal which is now after the family has left the sanctuary we asked that you would immediately go to your cars and be under the direction of the funeral directives we're sandy [Music] [Music] everybody standing please hold your places until the family has exited the sanctuary the lord to lie down and green pastures he leads beside the still waters he restoreth my soul [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is every day [Music] [Music] is many [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] um [Music] um [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] we ready to go
Channel: BishopPA Brooks
Views: 31,655
Rating: 4.8136988 out of 5
Id: 9nkkCgAmcXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 39sec (8799 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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