"Tell God Yes" | Dr. Gertrude Stacks | Shalom Fellowship International

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] you know when I was in trouble you probably you know party but you nobody but you wanna lujah nobody but you nobody but you nobody but you nobody but you when I was in trouble yes no nobody but you nobody but you yep I gotta get out of here oh come on Gina how come Oh Leo shine by the enemy right now are we standing hallelujah drive him out Carla come on try the enemy out that little Satan away yes Lori you want to stop our blessing here you've been here the Neo shunda bye you can hear it in the spirit where you wanna pray today that devil eyeing me Oh hallelujah yes long yes keep a ring is the best thing that you can do is when you're in trouble is praise God okay shout till you get the dev up off your back because I'm going through it anyhow let you look like it but I'm going through hallelujah yes slow got a good blow in there guess what good blows but you ain't gonna win I got this day and gone with I know Gaga gonna pay me for everything we do he went to name of people that he was he want to pray for and this morning I know we had mr. Wang here last night so we can get home to like one you know our church folks dude and then we had chicken and fries and catfish so you know we were gone hey glory hallelujah yes Lord I have other man's here today was a minister but I told me I've got allow it and we're trying to see you know you can plan a thing and or saying I'll do none of that oh yes Lord so glad to see the same you won't come up this way to the fear never getting to have it up [Applause] in this way let me sit next to you later sort of hear me we took my little chance then you know mo pastor's in it come on come on no give me tap the benches you go a shower give you plenty room come on baby shift every day Elvis look there next your friend I don't know go bad name come on ain't nothing but chance you is the main person he won't be number the place I learned that very young you can sit I'm so I'm just talking I learned that very young when I first got into ministry everybody got a different route and do you mind thank you God bless you everybody have a different route and if you pattern yourself by someone else then you don't know the language yet or to laud the spirit the way you talk the way you act and the way you think I'm sorry I forget PO babysitting I'm so sorry but the way you think means a lot God transform that mind they let this mind be you got what you talking about what man let it be and he says I take you through these courses to learn Who I am then I'm transforming your mind because the way you think naturally so is Connell and foolishness to him to him so it I was thinking back I said God just started off with white dresses white uniforms white shoes everything away and you had to be had to be trained how to take care of your garments before you can take care of people you have to learn how to obey he'll put you in a situation where you have to obey especially if you're a person had never been trained to obey he will put you in a situation where you have to obey the one that's in head of you just to prepare you for what he want for you this generation and you're gonna have to fight this generation don't want to suffer what we did they don't want to go through the tests in the trials that we went through but how if you can give me another way that you can die from all the mess with indeed please tell me what it is because he had to take it take people to kill you it take people for you to get delivered it take people and see we take do you think about you're born in sin and shaping iniquity he said you don't know what that is you don't know what a nickel do you born in then you got your mama's written your daddy's good go back and get your own system you know sister they said no ain't no white people in our family but he's mighty bright well somebody down that land marry somebody white a mess of a woman and you got it you come out with gray eyes nobody got about you all these things God had to solve in your life all the hang-ups all the weaknesses you had to take you by the hand in the spirit once you understand that you've got to get clean and you got to get washed to use his goods and is up to you well how fast you want to go how fast you want to grow that's why I know our mindset how we think has a whole lot to do with what you do so he had to took me out of my apartment that I was in cuz I had to grow quick my destiny was to be a mother boy and my destiny was to be a journal in the spirit and a doctor in the spirit I didn't know that but I'm gonna have to come and get you out of your apartment you don't have no say-so about nothing so dollars I am y'all come and go get her and change your stuff put her stuff in a car and bring it to this house coming out the street now if God give you the right blow all right hit when you come in he'd killed a whole lotta I'm grown he kills a lot I'm grown before you can be able to take and know that you ain't nothing over here but a kid you're a child over here you don't know nothing so I had this what he put in me was to do whatever they say any time you can take strengthening and partying and smoking you know just one behind each other and just keep all over one night I won't see who you are you somebody big you can take drugs away overnight take you take running no more I don't want none of that overnight I got to know who you are and so the Lord blessed us to be in service and I think the thing that really messes up today is the people don't go to service enough and we're in church enough when I come in we went right into 150 day revival twice a day well in you need all of that just to get to stitch out your flesh not your hair y'all man uh-huh you want to be slam dunk you want just knock me down you want to know something don't knock me down get them blind don't know nothing tell me what this is all about and tell me what I should do and then knock me down but I gotta agree with you if I agree with you I'm but if I don't agree with you when you come be looking at you like they do me what's wrong okay fear I don't know what make you lose God I had to get up they packed my stuff in a car and all that stuff ahead and it took me to a woman's house a mother house okay this is where you going to stay once you tell God yes you don't have none that nothing else to say you choose from then so we had to go to the house I'm going oh my god no the RUS was so glass smiling come on in baby so you got you got you to deal with I've got that thing that day was coming he said do you realize your main enemy is you wake up with this demon go to bed with it we dress them up dress them down we keeping pet accused your nails thumb we put hair on it eyelashes we put we fix ourselves up just for hot Ally and clown my mind went back to God I said I thank you for every day for what I see today I thank you for the way you brought me I had to go in that house you learned how to disobey in the woman's house was clean beckylyn see when you buy yourself I get it I get it in a minute you turn it over hit the alarm goes back to sleep you raise yourself after you get so long and get growing get your own things you get your we spoil our own selves giving anything it won't I think I want steak today let me see sometimes he had to strip us let me take your job that's somebody look over you and you've more qualified than these other woman but I'm after you so I'm not gonna let you get the good job I'm gonna put you where you barely go make it check to check because you got to learn how to obey and let me train you how to discipline your own spirit you can't get shoes every time you feel like it you can't just go and eat and do all this stuff I never will get you but if I give you jazz enough where you write at 10:00 time because you keep in your mind you come dollar bills at hundreds Oh ain't got that let me see go back and do it again fifty dollars no 50 cent oh yes look people want anointing they won't God but you don't want to pay for nothing now if I won't be with the big boys well I mean my dad we've gone there with the prophets and apostle's and he make us reach a goal I'm going up there don't have one strike give me my stones now I'm coming over here if I'm gonna be over here in holiness give me everything to belong to me if I have to whoop the devil give me a weapon and I found out that uh if you walk down this road personally so we loved rubies it's more trouble when you got foreign powerful she got opinion you got the pin back over here she got a penny you forget all about what y'all say at the beginning cause everybody confused everybody I thought you said when you by yourself and your mind is focused you can hear God he don't talk and chaos you know talk with a lot of noise all you want to hear what to do and what you see I walked in that house come my manwich told him he walked when I walked in that house I mean her house was clean he said you see how this house is yes sir this is your law this is your first grade this the way should stay don't come here misters on my house up go on into the kitchen going into the kitchen nothing out nothing clean putting with an old mother they've been here a while now that y'all lose something that's all right just shove it over there throw it in the closet didn't shut the door you got a lot of stuff in and just shut it push it push it they give you something that's old and seasoned been in the net because when you got a grow fast and this generation you must grow fast you gotta grow now everything about you got to be organized he telling me everything because organization and excellence and beauty is in the heavens when you go up in the spirit you get more beautiful your continents get beautiful you changes your voice change your countenance change your color because wisdom sets in your face Hey hallelujah your eyes look bright you smiling when you don't have nothing small about know where I'm coming through here and God pays for whatever you do that's at the end of that tunnel and I had to go through the cold turkey of you can't you know all the music you got to walk out of sin he couldn't bring you out and stops a few things but then you got to walk out of sin that's in you and I had to go God's got there that you're gonna be upstairs okay you're looking for you know nice bathroom and nice room with the door look none of that put me on a landing you come up and they had the landing you know just open space cup of shelves and a desk and a be it that's it and I closed it and I said well there's a rule right here at the door I don't see the man living in here why you putting me on the land I could figure out I could say that just shut up and then here comes somebody else did they come bring it to the house they give hot a rule this fish well it's a day after he asked for something so you got to put in your mind do you want to go to heaven or you want to mess around to hell you have to make your mind up nobody ain't gonna pamper you ain't no back on sit up here and go along with every whim that you have everybody's not gonna do that until you shut up and sit down now you got to tell your old flesh to hum on down I got to get this and to tell my spirit so it got to be a reason huh all my little close up when I hung my color put my little pictures out different things he said I want all of this out what don't at that time we will hip huggers everybody wearing pants today - but we won't hip huggers we had changed you said well all this man ain't never going back here again take all this out when he got through had nothing no clothes put on a little uniform the white uniform maybe the white shoes going to the revival going to church he come a lady we're bad with a brown paper bag she walking to me like easy up to me listen until way she would come up like Oh swallow it swallow it tell my spirit don't you act like you don't wanna come yes sir and moreover she said baby I just the Lord give me to bless you and he said and I know you need a few things God to bless you thank you thank you now you ain't no gang go away he got to kill pride or what he hates pride us what he hates he hate horniness arrogance because his give we put that gift in you he can't carry none of that so it took her with that brown paper bag and they were stranded to be straight you got to be straight maybe she put I pulled that dress out and they had tents flowers Digby and I kept going to get Oh God the whole dress all over and then brown shoes pointy shoes and they weren't wearing them little short him oh god oh god whatever it is take it out on the wedding alone nothing angle where if you got people there people asked are they coming in they say see you could sit in the back dad sit in the front that's why I tell people if you don't know how you got what you have you don't have it don't fool you ain't fooling you I can look at you know where yet I've been in all them places and I say you messing around cuz you don't want a Hummer down you got the humming down and make up your mind I'm not doing this if I'ma be over here give me what I need whenever I supposed to be let me go through this class and in a hurry but I you tell my shower I shot it more when that flower looking dressing them funny looking shoot I mean because we were saving glad to you I was on everything baby I love everything and you got to shout your way out of frame yes no you gonna do this thing mercy then you have to know how to serve and then I'm saying people a lot of us don't know how it took but you shouldn't be saving don't know how to cook in no way you're gonna be saving y'all know nothing that ain't him oh you're gonna know okay oh you hear you didn't get up and make this bed yeah that's for your tongue you'll make this bit turn around he trained you the way he sent my father closer Denham mother a brother that he was my mother was signals attention let me teach you wanted 12 sons for whatever reason she wanted 12 sons she had 10 she had you and their sister see what y'all look like so thank you very kind lot of things that people's messing around in this generation he's picking out sinners I'm at the cinemas if you're not a sinner and he ain't reaching you that ain't talking to you he talking to sinners and he talking to people of God that want to go although everything else you have to get about my way I didn't done that I've had a whole lot of classes with sinners and things and people today if you hard to train you ain't going this train is moving fast you got to think now you got to you have to make up your mind now if you call you in you know what are you doing you gonna see it do you want to make it and you tell you keep telling him no everyday then he switches your man you seen you so else I believe in telling you what's up you know since you playing with her you give you know you can I'm trying to hurt y'all got to kill you I hate to hurt your heart I'm going for the jugular you didn't know I want you to have power hey you want power over the devil and he gonna front you the more power you get the more he coming that's why you came tall weak that's right we should have a testimony service but you can't how to have one and we alive through all of it I said maybe best we did sit down cursed some of us just love it with your eyes closed everybody open your eyes no you don't like the 1x team get laugh I told God I said I'm not going through this for nothing ain't coming but what to have going through this ain't going back you had to fight for what you know and when when I found out that this is gonna be rough so you had to listen to the instructions you got to listen to the instructions to know what is the way of God what do he want from me and how you want me to add he stopped talking when you did a deaf ear and since he want to talk to me and show me I'm asking him for what are we doing you can now take all these clothes I hear it all just you didn't dance then James Brown and brutha Franklin get all this mess out of it did you ain't never wearing that mo take these ashtrays probably decoration so I'm out because you ain't gonna never do that again so you stuck up there with that one dress shoes and he made a way for me to get it like to mow two or three white fences I want you to white uniform white shoes white stocking I don't want you to have color in your mind because you got to die I want you have to worry about what you're gonna put on how you're gonna fix your hair with my red shoes that my purple ones I know I saw my purpose shoes you have white you don't have time to think about color your mind gotta be focused your mind got to be clean I got to get in your eyes before that demon come back again they try to seduce you because you when you get saved you only push you for so many thousand feet ahead and the devil study coming he coming back just he can he trip you up so I had to pray to God the appearance in mother boy were come to stay at the house as well is gonna be where I sign to be in the spirit with she already gone in spirit you know raiding the dead at 17 14 so I'm coming in this house but grandmother that's been - been a while old mother the motherboard coming you can feel the power of forward to coming to do but she was in a class of helping the rejects and people throwing away in she never throw no one away they say we in the street don't you walk up on me you're lost now you got to go through with your spirit with other spirits that have to die too so it's best to know what the law get up make your bed put your clothes on be dressed north yourself come downstairs there's a clock prayer they're gonna pray for three hours then they want you to pray a trail I'm sleep I think I'm into folk my body still take us four o'clock in the morning he made a man you got go through the cold turkey of who you are and what you got yourself in he got to change your time clock your appetite your craving everything about you you don't want I'm the og you thank you favorable u-shape in iniquity but everyday meet that same time as like hitting a rock and the wives go crap and the Walia and when they went in that spirit when you put enough hours in put enough get enough credit you put enough hours in getting a print telling the devil no forget you demon you don't know what to say fur coat turkey with no joke there's your flesh being fed they've been cravings craves it won't stuff because we fed it anything we want to give it so that's the single get down slow it's gonna try to come against what God is saying you bro you ain't got to do this no you in bed go to bed you gotta get up he changes your your psycho he changed everything now crossing your legs stop on the switching you know we got our waiting how you doing baby bad fine no no you are got to tell me I know him he gotta kill that beep hey kill her Thibault that's vicious all right so you don't know how to walk normally been a long time Oh bless him but after you go a while going down and learning how don't forget don't leave nothing out he's training you for himself you got to understand I'm being trained for God I'm pretty trained for the gift and I'm gonna carry hallelujah Hey Oh bless him he loved me enough to come and get me out of all the people in this world I just want to thank you lord oh I just wanna praise you you didn't have to do nothing you left me in there fix left me messed up but you love me enough to get me out of him bring me in here and I thank you going through the bitter tears you got put in your spirit I'm a winner not die I'm a win and at that time they had test him on the servicing and you get up the devil cussing you out he save so I'm so nothing sanctified yeah you know why we freely let the devil have his way he ruled us I found out you don't pick and choose he give you what he wants you to have up unto your ability and you wise and you smart get all A's and do you know you really good in school he give you extra strong demons to do it work for him when I thought about that I was working for the devil that's all every one of you demons getting up out of here you guys it's your mindset that's a god you just show me I mean you go down there you got a lot of people in class this is like in the church here don't look honey don't you see them demon everybody working on some demons leave people alone everybody in here is striving to do something if you have more ability and more strength to let yourself know you into another that they may not have that yet have compassion one to another tender-hearted be compassionate because you would be mean yourself you gotta remember to help a little help us god help us that's how you gotta be but after so many days and weeks proving to him that I'm standing ain't going up it was time to get that shot that first shot but first he he had to vote my feet to the ground because of the way I was gonna come it was gonna be rough and see when you party and do all that stuff in the street you miss your body up you know really fill it until you get in a place like this where the light is on and the bright lights of dollars on you and then you really start feeling what your body have gone through and now they realized that that night life carries a pause and so that body took me to from that eating my blood was like 4.5 I turned white I turned yellow so much so the doctor and the doctor put me out his office cuz you ain't down in my office go get you a transfer you got insurance no then you let me pay for it no money just move but see God loved that because he know what he gonna do and he know what you gonna do a thing he do it and I went back to the car and they were sitting in any way saying that they Oh cheer all the way that whole concept that og hey they didn't touch you you gotta come through this tunnel honey when I got home my legs my body like you're pointed you know putting that saying out there dog slowly going out that's how my life was going time I hit the church I was totally almost yellow [Music] God wanted me to come to that point to do a miracle in my life that was going to fold my feet to the ground all of it was good work together for the good in that night and that my father he was a prophet and he didn't know was his own Torah you say it's a dead woman in here she about to die like that my boy put there to put the chatter get in it I couldn't walk to it but that's how your they left they drove me to the chariot set me up on a chair and it's something about death your aunt you know question they're coming to take you out and that thing hit my feet and was coming up that's all I stopped going do you hear him say and I have about his same mother in front of me praise st. and everybody in there was just new convert that's all I'm in trouble Oh God pray they look at me like oh and mother prayed and next thing I knew I was sleeve out the chair but what I love about him he know how to fix you for him and when that power came it was just like live while hidden water that Powell said boo like that so much so it lifts me up off the floor and when my feet hit the ground that's what he gave me that nun and shout I was you tell my show that powers on me he shot in my was coming through my veins and the people could see the blood mother coming through my bag and seeing by me being y'all that's a common I won't go to the I'm uncle emergency I won't see my face was red my list was black I went to the emergency and when I got out of the car Joey hit my belly like you know you won't believe this like he'd laughed at me he laughed at me because you come into mergency I want to see and I'm when I got in there and people treatment I'm just smile he said lady lady this is the six folks what are you doing I'm like you know my blows four or five doctor testifying grinning make you nuts but my brother was like went up to like 17 way beyond 14 and when I heard that he bowled him up they'll be down I'm all right I mean he did that this whole me because when you're grown and when you want you want to do your own thing it's something when you tell your flesh you can't do that this is no more get rid of this get rid of that you better know the man you better know God so flesh it's not going to want to do that so if God is putting you on a a strict diet you can go help us just certain amount of money he had to take that little $170 I'm gonna give you $50 to her for the landing then I want you to take this money here further offering for 25 cents a piece you proud everybody else given hundreds and fifties you're not in that grading talking to you you got to know how to win and not lose don't give them no excuses there is no excuses die good lord whatever you want change my mind turn my heart around but when that power came from the heavens he was a little nursery and mother had to lay like she had wings on her feet or she build on one minute next minute she's well we have like and I've had to work that floor willing to work because you've got to learn in the spirit just that working that floor that spirit tell me back up and then here comes somebody coming through there coming through you got to learn how to move on the floor it's a spirit it's a haunting I've known it to work the floor non into us sure not just see the brush the same distinctive show every course you get in you had to build nothing to get out I had to learn how to us your people in that's trifling rebellious they'll do none you say and you and you ain't never took another us and that's in sweetheart you sit out here maybe I'm a missionary I sits in the front now what you're gonna do with that looks said come in I tell you what you do let me tell you what you go do I'd alert that's like I'll help you don't even think about it you have to death he took my tower how to be skill and handling people and their deal the stronger force winds when that shot come I want my payment but we got to Harrisburg in the hair fair we got to Chicago Ill hinted shirt and I got up a hand mother to go and I went through a dimension like it was like you ever seen on thriller some of them like that like you hearing your face go to something that's the way that spirit did take you from this world into the next and when he take you through when he take you from this world he don't want the breath from here he says tainted and when he took me through that other to me into the other world my breast says I had nothing wait a minute I couldn't breathe they literally pick me down the block of cheese I couldn't tell no it's not that when that breath came back saying but it made me have the speed to that other world is on another time two hours there is eight I was here that's why I gotta outrun them I'll do everything that I was in the end of the world for now the world when I came back to myself my timing my speed that's fast my thinking got fed they everything was quick I can go behind her spirit because she lived in that world you came be with a person and you spiral minded and you got a person consecrated you can't be with that to paint walk again that's their free don't give him time I'm ready to go but I'm going to bed I'm going up I don't know you getting up and hitting the flow that's right people don't want to get up on this gray I don't have that time he asked the people that want to go and I think him because he gave me connection of time I can shorten your time to give you time to redeem the time okay you don't have to go that long distance but you show gotta have a maid of mind not just getting a hit just be getting a hit you want something give me power over the devil now I want to go through that class again man the house is crazy mama crazy crazy don't you back to Holland screaming drinking smoking weed so you in half you better know Jesus listen to him tell me what you won't do which one me do you all know how are you gonna carry you to get to where you going people telling people purpose fine destiny fine but where are you I saw myself teaching in my sleep I would even testified that he was surely what you're gonna do going getting Claire's learn how to socialize how to hurt people how to speak how not to drop and get mad quick quit threatening folks in the corner say it again I wish you looked over your mouth in Jesus name I'm not cool dad yeah get that demon up but you gotta you know what but you gotta see you gotta see it you don't realize how bad we are to do to come God we some demons right did devil go straight I was saying do somebody with him for I knew that thumb over to being he missed the whole bathroom all over the beach you got to hate you no bless him but the payment no payment yes Lord when they us you into the spirit world tell her you can come in now I can trust you with this Oh hallelujah you can witness and I know you're gonna tell them the truth you're not gonna be seduced by another spirit and then when it's time for you to pass your pass he'll let you meet up with him let him come your way we were and we was known to damage some dancing spirits go that time you had to know how to dance to be popular in this in Detroit with the best ones almost in the country and they they were coming and they come behind him and music was going he didn't let me my ears they got clean enough did it in penetrate they were watching me they can't believe you meet em you gone for real ain't see him no more after that day but he let me see you past this he got to let you come up to the man that she was in love with you let you see he was nothing no way look at it I mean not your eyes and let you see the real Oh help me yes this is what I'm trying to tell this generation time is short time for the Gentiles is almost over no more Gentiles would be safe so while you got a chance you better run with everything you've got ain't no you don't see it in the Bible where's in the Bible and listen go somewhere and sit down I ain't talking to you you don't wanna do nothing either you gonna hear not what you want to do I'm a mess of people talk crazy and so what's wrong with you Ben he said nothing wrong with the whole it goes to Timmy nothing wrong with it she got a boyfriend at the house I'll be right back one chirp what see the horrible go tell you to you can't hide them tell you now now with a real Saint you can't you go tell everything you do everywhere you go we follow you what you're doing over there you come back check Greene did nothing you ain't got no all of it and depends of what get that person help now my gift for follow you musically I walk in the house in the spirit world and see you if they're with your drink talking mess he said the Drake will think you got it like the spirit that was in there see you come us I'm not coming for you I'm looking for another one this one here she in the kitchen now I'm in my sleep get about here but she God know how to do I love him see where you saying you singing truth oh how I love because He first loved me you ain't saying nothing Jesus no people said they wouldn't let you you should give that ain't no pimp that's a demon saying you know what there's a demon saying demon plan NEMA shine no I said God please what if he bet you got to give up God knows everything you do you can quicken why you're nothing knock a person down we have time for you to go you graduated at the graduate from every course and the graduate messed up about that house all the little people come in there or they won't just won't be around anointing won't be around anointing I know you'll do nothing you gotta know what your job is who the main person in your life it's God I respect you and I'm gonna do exactly what you're saying love you respect you but they they not pushing your love to them they pushing your luck to God so she's step back and and wait we thought we was gnawing because we wit anointed my mother controlling everything we thought we had that power to into that don't matter came in like 2 or 3 y 4 in the morning Bama on a dope somebody what is a man coming in he set him in there all right you don't up side hit the flow I said somebody calling us what time in oh god what here's a put here for some O'Hare sleep get down said he down there he white here hip a one more vain left his half never seen eyes read he was dying out now all you wonders come previous man you cannot pray what a hang up ain't gonna work and they never know it you have to come you got it let him give you enough shots to have his compassion not you you got he got to die you got to die for who you are - who he is that when he seen you his soul you have no hang-up kind of nasty out we have to learn that you have to rock them in your arms they stay an alcoholic we will everything easy everything free everything you owe I said no you ain't we operate move they have you around me and you see them just respectively looking no we asked the enemies here to fight we gotta whip him off of this body and when you beaten yeah he can't come through that game can come through that line take me a missing link The Watcher people's baby Ringo you ain't gonna be able to go oh the devil he cometh he coming to see do you have anything of his goods amen get enough food all right God is alright oh yes long he's sweet I know he's sweet I know dark clouds me right I'm sorry we you know ha save come on one more time well [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ha [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] hey dark cloud and I'm so lonely we are going up [Music] ah see
Channel: Dr. Gertrude Stacks
Views: 26,275
Rating: 4.9093657 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Gertrude Stacks, Gertrude Stacks, Mother Stacks, Shalom Fellowship International, Mother Boyd, Estella Boyd, Mother Estella Boyd, Mother Dupree, witherspoon, Pentecost, Cogic, Prayer, Zion, mother gertrude stacks, dr gertrude stacks
Id: Bp4jkOJDJuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 0sec (3300 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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