Home Depot delivery CUSTOMER Says " knock you the F**k out!" Aftermath! Please read description

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[Music] not even the deaths of hell could have forged a diamond this special all right guys just got into this altercation with this customer he had a load of lumber i brought up the hill he pulled up maybe not even five minutes after i got here i was talking to the electrician i thought he was the main contractor but that guy who owns that truck is so i bring the material up the hill and i asked him i was like hey bud do you wanna throw some material down on the floor uh for me to put your material on top of it so it doesn't get ruined and uh he was like wait a second i'm trying to figure it out i said okay no problem he said how about you just wait there while i offloaded into the garage i said nope not my job like i you know i'm gonna i have other deliveries i gotta make sorry i can't wait so he goes how about then you just bring it back to the store and i go how about i just leave it curbside because that's what my job says my uh my job my uh basically that's what i get paid to do drop the curbside so he so he starts walking towards me super aggressively he goes how about you just get knocked out i was like oh yeah so what do you want to do so i started getting ready and he's he starts coming around to the other side and then he uh ends up just ripping the material off the fork so i'm like all right cool no problem so i called the cops because it's policy so let's see what the cops say are you all set here did you have yeah i need like a uh case number or report number or something we'll have a cfs for you like i said that's gonna he's he's just stressed out he got a billion things going on yeah well when when is it okay to threaten somebody and get away with it i still need oh so you missed it the your uh supervisor heard the full story but he said uh when i had told him how about i just leave the material curbside because i wasn't gonna wait for him to drag it inside the garage off the forks and i said how about i just leave it curbside and then he starts walking towards me super aggressively and he's like what's your form of address you want me to show you okay okay so walk like charging at me talking about how about you just get knocked out then and then he comes around my so i'm sitting on the machine facing the house he comes around to the side and right as soon as he gets to the side he's like how about you just get knocked out the electrician was there he saw the whole thing what did you do at that point i was like oh yeah and he was like yeah and then he comes around to my um my left side that's where the opening for the forklift is and then he just continues yeah i was on the forklift never left the forklift so all right we'll document everything for the company and we'll go from there okay thank you yeah the electrician was there that the other gentleman he saw the whole thing okay you got a piece of paper we'll give you the call for service number on it sure no problem how do i go about picking up a copy of the report there's not gonna be no report it's gonna be a documentation that it'll be a coffee service call for service pretty much shows exactly what we did here we spoke to both parties there'll be a narrative to it and everything else that we can have printed out for you let's go in and give them that number okay they'll have it for you and you're gonna get a copy there all right and then how soon will that copy be available probably the next day or two will be all set okay by the end of today business which would be 1900 uh seven o'clock tonight okay so all the notes would be added to it parties etc perfect okay no problem and then do you guys know if there's a turn around up there not really a turnaround yeah there's a road you could probably go down and back up it a little okay well yeah it's yeah this sororities are meant for these i can tell you that yeah the story of my life six days a week i ran out of red carpet a long time ago i would welcome you guys to my world but yeah the deal with this six days of the week guys thank you thank you for the quick response gentlemen and that's it guys that's how you handle it cool calm collective professional that's it now we just continue on with our day we continue on with our route let's sit another delivery in the books still get paid for it god damn that's annoying and that's it y'all i'll see y'all in the next one
Channel: Safford Delivery and Transportation Services
Views: 474,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EUXW6nfD0vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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