New Jersey Police Lieutenant Arrested for Drunk Driving; .36% BAC

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The fact that this is a big deal is sad. I know it'd be hard to arrest your friend and boss but just do it. He should get LESS leniency because he's a cop, not more.

👍︎︎ 397 👤︎︎ u/SurturOfMuspelheim 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

For those who don't go by BAC system, 0.08% is the federal limit. This driver was more than 4x over the limit and would be considered super drunk. Roughly equivalent to 80mg/100mL in some countries.

👍︎︎ 270 👤︎︎ u/tomytronics 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Screw that guy...what an ass to put his fellow officers / subordinates in a position like that, and then harass them by expecting special treatment. The most angering part about this is that it’s most likely not his first time driving like this.

👍︎︎ 235 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

"Can we shut these off for a conference real quick?"

How about no. There's no reason to turn your body camera off, ever, and suggesting you do it "for a conference" should be punishable. They knew the cameras were the only thing stopping them from just letting this guy go, and even commented on how they'll have to treat it as if it were any other DUI stop.

👍︎︎ 453 👤︎︎ u/Gbuphallow 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

I can’t believe how much effort they make to not arrest him. It’s really sad.

👍︎︎ 55 👤︎︎ u/paulc327 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/designgoddess 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

My dad dated a counselor for the police at one point and she had a guy come in with a .55% and they couldn't understand how he was alive. He had constant medical supervision and was released after two days so he could sober up. I mean... I've been smashed, but holy shit. That's a whole new level.

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/Puppy69us 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yeah so this was in my town. It's really sad. This man was trusted by our community. I can't imagine how long he's been a functioning alcoholic and how many hours he's spent on the clock intoxicated. This happened a while ago, but I didn't even find out until a few weeks ago.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/manningthehelm 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies

holy fuck. Go to 4:05 and listen to the officer on camera ask the cammer officer "are you on?" then a few seconds later you can hear the cammer officer ask "did you get any..." and trail off like he doesnt want to say the words, and the officer on camera gives the most sheepish little nod. These guys did NOT want to bust their boss and only did so because they knew it was being recorded.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/kogbob 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
(sound begins) (siren activated) Corporal John Armbruster: Nine-Zero County. I'm 10-30 with that vehicle. Honeysuckle and Main. New Jersey Zulu-Victor-One-Five-Five's here. Radio: This is ((??)), Nine-Zero. What's your 20? Armbruster: We're okay here. (unrelated radio transmission) (door chime) Fuck. Gotta do what you gotta do. We got calls on it. Mike, how was the observation? Patrolman Michael (Mike) Nuscis: What's up, L.T.? Armbruster: Hey, L.T., how you doin'? – Nuscis: Somebody called in on you driving erratic. – Armbruster: Erratic driver. Nuscis: Headed home? Lieutenant John Chew: (gestures forward) I'm home. Armbruster: (sigh) (On phone): Hello. Armbruster: Hey, I'm sorry to bother you. My mic's live, so you know, at this point. I mean my camera. We had an erratic driver call. It – Lieutenant Chew. We got him on a (10)-38. Uh, Honeysuckle and Idell. I'm in charge right now. I just wanted to call and let you know. Phone: Understand ?? ??. Armbruster: I'm not saying that yet. I haven't went up to the – Nuscis went up to the car. I kind of stayed back. – Phone: Did the caller ?? ?? – Armbruster: Oh, I... ??(( phone conversation ))?? – Armbruster: Yes, sir – Phone: You're at Honeysuckle... And Idell right near, right down the street from his residence. Okay? Yes, sir. Did you see who was... –Armbruster: Did you tell him to stand by? – Nuscis: I did. Armbruster: I am on the phone with a Lieutenant right now. Told me to hang tight for a minute. Nuscis: Are you on? Armbruster: Yes. Yep. Armbruster: You're not. Turn it on. Nuscis: Oh that's how I switch the cameras up. Armbruster: What did he say? I was behind him. I was... or I was behind you. Did you get any –? Yes? We gotta do what we gotta do. We're gonna have to lock him up, cause he's 4-50. – Don't let – you told him to just hang tight? – Nuscis: Mm-hmm. Armbruster: You didn't have the odor of any alcohol in the thing or anything? I know you probably didn't... It's a high truck, is an odor yet or anything? – Nuscis: No. – Armbruster: You didn't get an odor? All right. Fuck. I gotta call Edwards. Just to let him know I can't pick him up. He's dead. We're gonna hafta – We're gonna hafta pull him out. Hey, I'm gonna be late pick y – I'm not gonna be able to pick you up, can you drive in? We have an incident. Nah, my mic's live, we have – we're on a 30 here right now, with someone we work with. (Over phone):Wait a minute. ?? ?? ?? Hang on one second. Hang on one second. We had an erratic driver call. Lieutenant Chew, with Lieutenant Chew. We pulled him over, we're doing some investigation right now. I'm waiting for Lieutenant Priole to call me back. So I'm gonna be late picking you up, obviously, if you could drive in? All right? All right. Thanks. Nuscis: Can we shut these off for a conference real quick? Armbruster: Hang on. (to phone) Hey, LT. ... This – Okay. Okay. Yeah, we're not gonna mute our cameras at all or anything. Okay. Absolutely. Yep. All right, seeya. We're gonna have to pull him out. We can't mute our cameras or anything. Let's hope – hopefully, he's – all right. Safe to drive, Edwards is coming in. Come on. Hey, LT. So we had the erratic driver call on you. Um, I guess Nuscis had some observation. We have to 'hey, notice' like anything else. He's gonna ask you to step out, we already talked to Lieutenant Priole. All right? He's – he's gonna, he's gonna make sure you're safe to operate the vehicle. Chew: It's driving. Half a mile. Armbruster: I understand, but everything's recorded now, sir, you know that. We got to handle it how we have to handle it. It's – Trust us, we don't to be put in this position either. Chew: You know...I get it. Armbruster: Can you step out sir? Chew: Sure. (engine shuts off) Armbruster: He's just gonna talk to you, you know how it is. He's gonna ask you some questions, make sure you're all right. Chew: I'm fine. Nuscis: Do me a favor, could you take your hat off for me please, sir? Chew: Hm? Nuscis: Please take your hat off. Feet together, hands down at your side. Armbruster: LT...let's get him off the – we don't want to do it in the middle of the road here, let's get him off to the side. I'm gonna kill my lights too, alright, I just put the back one. LT, let's get you out the middle of the road, we don't want you in the middle of the road, here. Let's go off to the side. I'll get it, Mike. Nine-zero, County. I'll give you a 21. (door chime) (door chime) Ugh, man. (door chime) Armbruster: Hey, it's Armbruster. We're gonna be 10-6 with your driver for a little bit. Already let Edwards know, he's driving in. Okay. All right. Thanks. You got it? There's nothin' you can do. Go ahead. I'll be up there with you. Nine-zero to ((??)) your original relief, if possible. Nine-five's gonna be tied up for a little bit. Nuscis: All right, LT. Let's go check your eyes real quick. Hands on your side, feet together. See the tip of my finger? I want you to follow it with your eyes and your eyes only, okay? Just your eyes. Don't move your head for me, all right? Ah – don't move your head. (Armbruster's phone rings) (phone's ring silenced) Nuscis: You all right? Chew: Mm-hmm. Nuscis: Don't move your head. Stand right here for me? Left foot on the line. On this imaginary line I want you to place your right foot in front of your left foot Heel to toe contact, put your hands down to your side. Want you to remain in that position. Until I tell you to do otherwise. Put your left foot... touch the heel to the toe of your right foot. Armbruster: Call, 90. Radio: I have a call on hold, can you give a 21? Armbruster: Is it urgent? Radio: No, actually, you... Radio: If anybody has time to call the Port Authority... I can do it for you if you want to. (Nuscis: On the ninth step, I want you to take a series of smaller steps, turn back around...) Armbruster: Just stand by, man. I'll give you a can when I – quick. (Nuscis: ...nine steps back. One, two three.) When you star the test, don't stop until you're finished. Count each step out loud. While you're counting, I want you to look down at your feet. Do you understand those instructions? Can you get back in the starting position for me please, sir. Left foot on the line, right foot in front. Begin. All right, the next test I want you to perform – Leg of your choosing. Gonna raise that leg approximately six inches off the ground. You're going to keep your foot parallel to the ground. Both knees locked out. You're going to count in this manner: one thousand-and-one, one-thousand-and- two, one-thousand-and-three. And so forth until I tell you to stop. Do you understand those instructions? Chew: Yes. Nuscis: Begin. Do you not wish to complete the test, sir? Get – get your hands off the truck, sir. Okay, I'll give to you again. Hands together, feet down at your side. We're gonna raise either leg of your choice approximately... can put parallel to the ground. And you're gonna count, one-thousand-and-one, one-thousand-and-two, one-thousand-and-three While you're counting, I want you to look down at your toes. Keep both knees locked out. Do you understand? Chew: You know what? Armbruster: Hold on a s– LT. Armbruster: You don't – you don't want to complete the tests? Chew: No. I don't. Armbruster: Okay. Armbruster: You want to give it – you don't want to complete the test, sir? Chew: No. Armbruster: All right. Armbruster: Sir you know we don't wanna be put in this position. Chew: You know what John? I get it. You don't have your weapon on you or anything, you don't have any firearms – Chew: No...shit, no. Armbruster: No, it's stuff I gotta ask, sargent. Er, L.T.. Chew: Shit, no. No. Armbruster: Okay. All right. Armbruster, to Nuscis: Your observations. L.T., we're gonna have to bring you in, and put you in the box. Based on the – on the test. You know we don't want to do this. We have to do what we have to do, everything's recorded. You understand that. Chew: No, I get that. Armbruster: Want me to grab your phone or anything? Your friend's not on here, right? Armbruster: Like gonna check make sure it's isn't anything... Chew: The truck. Armbruster: Okay. Armbruster: All right, nothing personal. For our safety and yours... But you know we have to do. I just want to check to make sure you don't have anything on you. All right? Chew: You know what, John? Go ahead. Do what you gotta do. Armbruster: All right, can you walk back to this car with us, please? Chew: Nah, you know what? Armbruster: What, sir? Chew: I would love to know who called. Armbruster: You could find that out. You know that. You could find out. I don't know who called. I do not know, but you know you'll be able to find that out. We did not know we were looking for this truck, sir. It came out as an erratic driver. Handled it how any cop would've. But unfortunately, we're in a situation now Chew: No, go, I get it. Chew: I Totally get it. Armbruster: Yes, sir. Chew: I mean I've never disrespected... Chew: No, I wouldn't. Armbruster: And I wouldn't disrespect you either, sir. Armbruster: So with all respect, can we get you back there so we can get you off the street, get ya – get away from this? Chew: It...I'm not going back to that PD. Nuscis: LT, at this point, our hands are tied. Nuscis: I'm gonna hope – I hope you understand that. Chew: I ... Chew: I totally get it. Armbruster: And we don't to make this situation any worse, sir. Chew: No listen, I – I – I... will not... Armbruster: (I know you're not gonna...) Chew: ...make it worse. Armbruster: I understand that. I know you wouldn't. Armbruster: That's what I'm saying, if we can get you in the back of the car, get you out of here Chew: Let me ask you this. Could I have 20 minutes? Armbruster: Sir, you know, we cannot do that. Everything is...sir. Chew: No, no, I get it. I totally get it. Armbruster: See, people are starting to drive by, L.T.. Let's get you out of here. Okay? Armbruster: Can you come with us? Chew: Yeah. Armbruster: Okay, let's go in the back of Mike's car. We'll get you out of here...make sure you're safe... Chew: Okay, you know what? Armbruster: What's – what's up? Armbruster: I can't let you get in the car. You know that. Chew: Well, then you drive it. Armbruster: Well, if you have someone on scene, we can get it. I see Mr. Eckel's here. Chew: Yo! Armbruster: We can try to get him to... Chew: Drive my truck home, please. Armbruster: The keys are in it, we'll handle that, LT, we'll handle that. All right? Armbruster: Do front, but search him, okay? Don't put him in the back. Nuscis: Okay. Armbruster: I've seen you cuff him in the front. Armbruster: Hey Rob. Eckel: Hey. What can I do, man? Armbruster: Not much any of us can do, unfortunately. Armbruster, to Nuscis: We can't do that Mike. Armbruster, to Eckel: Yeah, I just...just do me a favor and hang tight, all right? Armbruster: L.T., you know you can't do that, sir. Armbruster:We can't have you in the front seat. Nuscis: I can't have you in the front seat. Armbruster: We're not gonna cuff you in the back. Okay? We're gonna do it in the front. All right? Chew: You serious? Armbruster: Yeah. Sir, you understand this. Armbruster: You would hate to be in our position too. John, please. Please, John. Please, John. Chew: I don't... Armbruster: John. Please. Armbruster: We'll get you help you need, let's just...come on. You know we don't wanna do this to you. Alright, well we gotta get you, we gotta, we gotta... we gotta get this proc'd up, people are starting to come. We're all gonna get, you know what? Chew: You know what, John? Tell me you... Armbruster: Other people responding out here. Armbruster: Sir, I would like this... Chew: Do you, just... Armbruster: This is what's gonna happen. We're gonna get you behind this door, so no one sees. Mike's gonna put the cuffs on you in the back... Chew: No. No. There's no cuffs Armbruster: You know what we have to do – will you...? Policies and procedures. Let me call the LT. Just, you can shut the door for now. Oh, man. Did you search him? Make sure you search him, Mike. Armbruster: This is gonna be... Nuscis: You patted him for weapons, right? Armbruster: I patted him for weapons, but you still... You know this is gonna be...scrutinized, and. Nuscis: John, I'm gonna search you quick, okay? Chew: I don't have a weapon. Armbruster: Okay. Armbruster: Just do me a huge favor, just stay by the car with him. Priole, on phone: Yeah. Armbruster: L.T.? Priole: Yes. Armbruster: All right, based on observations, um, he's gonna be arrested for 4-50. He's okay with us. He doesn't want the handcuffs on. I'm trying to give him a service by doing it in the front. Is it absolutely necessary we handcuff him? Okay. Okay, cause... I appreciate it, because he's being cooperative and stuff. Okay, understood and, um... One of his friends rolled – what? I'm sorry. Yeah, we'll read him his rights when we get 19 absolutely. Um, one of his friends rolled up on scene. Can we turn the truck over to him, or do you want that towed according to John's Law? Priole: Ah, you can't do that. I know. Priole: Give me one second, all right? Armbruster: I understand. I understand. Yes, sir. Nuscis: Oh, okay. I understand...I understand. Okay. Yes, sir. Armbruster: No, we can't let you. But we're gonna make him happy, and let him think that way – we don't wanna upset him. I mean, we'll do what we can for him. So just uh... Armbruster: Rob, do me a favor, wait by your truck, I'll come talk to you in like two minutes, all right? Eckel: Yeah, no problem. Armbruster: Kay. We gotta cuff him in the front. We can do it in the front but we gotta do it. L.T.. We just talked to Lieutenant Priole. We have to – in the front. We'll do it right here. Don't want to have to do it behind your back. Okay? Armbruster: Please – please cooperate with us. Chew: No. Nuscis: John, c'mon. Armbruster: John, we don't want this to turn into anything more, you know that – we don't want it... But we cannot lose our jobs, you understand, sir? You're my first sergeant. Thank you. All right. You get him out of here; I'm looking for the – I'm gonna check the truck, and I'll call for John's Law. Nuscis: Who's on the box? Armbruster: We'll figure it out, I'll call Eddie. There's got to be a 6:30 guy in there. Nine-zero, County. Actually I'm gonna give him a 21 with it. Go ahead – go ahead and go. Armbruster, to radio: I'm gonna give you a 21 with all the information. Yeah, I'm... well, just call your mileage out. I'm letting 'em know what's going on. Just say 'I'm enroute to 19.' Just call your mileage. We got to do everything pretty much by the book here. All right Pickett, we got 195, John's Law. It's a registered owner. Radio: Nine-five, County. Armbruster: I know. Can you start me a hook for John's Law? We got one 10-95. You should be calling out his milage. Thank you. That's water. Oh, man. You can come over here...Rob. This is still on, just so you know. I gotta just advise you. Not much...there's nothing we could do. We would've. He's my first sergeant. I have to get it towed. I have to tow it. Ugh, man. Well we've had guys get these before and go back to work, just so you know. Eckel: Hopefully he'll get the help he needs, John. Armbruster: I know. I hope so too. It's terrible. Eckel: Love the guy, man. See him throw it all away. Armbruster: Well, hopefully – we get the help he needs, and... All right. Armbruster: Can we call you to come to get him? Eckel: Anything you want. Eckel: You call me... Armbruster: I don't know if he knows your number off the top...what's your number? Eckel: Ugh, I can't even think of it, I'll just give you my brother's number. Armbruster: It's okay. Armbruster: I can always get your number if I don't have it. Eckel: Yeah. Armbruster: John's Law waiver, we'll explain it to you. Eckel: Whatever you need, whatever you need. Armbruster: Okay. Hopefully it will not be too long. Eckel: Whatever you need, yeah. I just hate... You can' gotta have the god damn thing towed? Armbruster: I have to. Everything – there's no... Eckel: I just don't understand why somebody can't just drive it a block and put it in his driveway, it's gonna be expensive. Armbruster: If his wife...if the registered owner was on scene... Eckel: She can be... Armbruster: Which she's not. You understand? She wasn't. Eckel: I gotcha. That's no problem. I just, you know... Avoid one more headache, you know what I mean? That's all I'm tryin' to do. Armbruster: Trust me. Eckel: It'd be nice if we could drive it away. Eckel: Well, you know what...I mean, if he was doing something he shouldn't, you know... Well, he's gotta be with the rest of us, and, you know... Armbruster: Yeah. Eckel: know? Armbruster: All right, we'll give you a call. I'll talk to you later, all right? Eckel: All right, buddy, yeah. Armbruster: Thanks for coming down, though. Yeah, I...yeah. Oh, man. 10-4, thank you.
Channel: Real World Police
Views: 3,906,951
Rating: 4.7349253 out of 5
Keywords: new jersey, lower township, dui, police lieutenant arrested, body cam footage, real world police
Id: i2a9wijk6Yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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