Home Alone 1990 Making of & Behind the Scenes + Deleted Scenes

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I thought the Murphy went [Laughter] [Music] to all right okay that bother you when I do that nope when do we Mark Mark well what the heck Christmas what they should be you know you could get locked up for uh for um moping with intent to gawk someone's in my house where's your mom she's outside of the car a and where's your dad um she's at home she's at home no he's at home oh he's at home where's your brother oh he's at home oh he's at home too so everybody's is at home yeah and where you my mom oh your mom's not at home yeah she's in the car oh she's out in the car yeah and what's your address oh um my mom won't allow me to say that oh really yeah because I'm a yeah you're a stranger uh-huh cut not out the window Mar I'll tell everybody at the bar come on are you afraid to go out the window Harry I'm Harry excuse me what's the stuff that you put in the washing machine that makes your clothes feel as fluffy soft as a kitten most excuse me what's the stuff that you put in the washing machine that makes your clothes feel as fluffy soft as a kitten are you here all by yourself ma'am you think my parents would leave me home [Music] alone Captain this Christmas the entire mallister family did you count heads is going to spend the holidays in Paris no you just made it terrible feeling that we didn't do something what else can we be forgetting Kevin welcome to Home Alone home alone's about oh je okay Home Alone about my family leaving me home alone around Christmas and some burglar come and all these crazy things [Music] happen I'll bring it behind the scenes not of all the reindeers you know you're the [Music] Mastermind Run Run Rudolph round off way too far behind John H wrote this movie we did Uncle bug together action Chris Columbus is directing this John sent me the script and I thought it was like the best script I had read in a couple years I just thought it was terrific what should I do here okay do a dollar shot you think so yeah Cass her plays my mom John her plays my dad how could we do this we forgot him we didn't forget him we just miscounted imagine how horrible it would be to leave your youngest child at home if I have to sell my soul to the devil himself I am going to get home to my son oh just imagine I've been from Chicago to Paris to Dallas to where the hell am I hello couldn't help but here and you you got a little bit of a dilemma there John Kenny plays Gus Gus binsky P King of the Midwest I'm sorry did you say you could help me [Music] Joe pesi and Dan turn of the burglars I'm trying to break my house come on jid open up it's Santa Claus and it's elf I'm ready for him H these people leave their beautiful homes and presents on Christmas rather than stay there and enjoy their homes and their families there a bunch of Rich fat cats and we're going to rip them off this is my house I have to defend it he sets traps for them all over the place bloody pain it seems simple enough trying to get in here in the beginning we uh say let's try the door and um they get beat up bad [Music] you guys give up or you're thirsty for more he's a very clever young man but I think we can outsmart him I think in the end we're going to get him I think cut it's a cut so much happens in this movie that's very difficult to describe in one sentence it's a great combination of Adventure and comedy real Christmas heart I got a feeling this is going to be your best Christmas ever yes go see [Music] it how do you want to go in we'll go to the back door maybe he'll let us in you never know yeah he's a kid kids are stupid ah I'm going to kill that [Music] kid when the burglars come in to the movie it's it's a different movie it's it's a whole another thing it's it's slapstick at its finest Freddy he put together the stunts he had uh Troy and Leon who were Fearless I've never seen guys jump up in the air and falling their backs the way these guys did I felt so bad for them a lot of times when we had to do an extra take but they loved it they were going for it and it shows you know they were just Fearless is the only way to describe them you know we get the the road map the script and we'd go over it with Chris but the paint can gag nobody even knew how this would work I mean it was just didn't know if it would knock these guys out back then that was you went in there and landed on your head and said how do you like that but those Falls were very difficult and falling on the tax and the paint cans swinging and everything and if it doesn't work if you see it in dailies and you see that the paint can is too far away from somebody's head you know you got to do it again and they got nicked you know a lot of times it wasn't a big budget movie so there wasn't a lot of special effects Rigs and wires and stuff so it was all basic you know hitting the ground hard to make it funny and so we did everything for real we didn't ever you know use rubber steps or put rubber down on the sidewalks we just actually did it everything had to be so far over the [Music] top the Home Alone fall where the guys all fall well Troy Brown created that we had no idea that was going to happen till the moment we rolled the camera we supposed to walk up the stairs and supposed to just fall down the stairs I didn't tell Troy to do it it's 2:00 in the morning it's January in Chicago We're Outdoors grabs the door knob and does this almost a backflip off the set of stairs flat on his back and I thought he broke his neck I run in there you know and Chris goes crazy where he goes crazy and that created the Home Alone fall they rely on you to do the stunt and then you just kind of walk them through where you think you're going to land where you're going to leave your feet where you think you're going to end up but you basically between you and the stunt coordinator you you work it out together what you're going to do and then they'll set their cameras according to where you think you're going to land and and uh where you think you're going to slip on the ice and things like that these guys were doing these big Pratt Falls and because quite frankly I was I was afraid that I wasn't going to get it with these three cameras so out of fear out of cautious thinking we had this small camera we ended up calling it the bonus cam ouch and it was the throwaway camera that you know once we set up the three cameras you know bonus cam came in and plopped down somewhere well after a couple of days of doing stunts the most interesting shot was bonus cam so then we started to really think about where we're putting bonus cam because it was working and it was great and the stunt guys loved it because at times they didn't have to do it again yes yes yes yes Chris Columbus likes to shoot a lot of takes and I think our stunts he was pretty good we got it down to about six seven times you know sometimes I just go hey that that's enough I mean I can't the guy's eyes are crossed I mean we he can't even get up you want to do it again you put the clothes on but he was pretty cool about no he was really very very good he loved Troy he was really good with Leon I don't care how much padding you are when you take a slip and your foot goes out from under you and you the first bounce is you're back on steps that are there's there was sort of fake ice on them but those were real steps that he went down I mean first of all you don't know that it's is this going to be funny or you going to be hearing somebody screaming the whole time when you're shooting stunts you're you're obviously working with a stunt man and doubles so it for a producer in some ways there's less pressure because you haven't got your stars on set and everybody relaxes a little but obviously there's the safety issues and so for producer it's there s of half a dozen of one and of six of the other because you do worry about safety one of my favorite stunts in the movie is when the two burglar come into the right below the main staircase in the uh in mccully's house and McCully throws Micro Machines out on the floor they come flying in and they both do this upside downfall I mean it's just no pads no wires no Matrix a crap it was just real two guys fling themselves in the air to their backs they don't make stunts like that anymore this is it don't get scared now the best stunt though when we got McCully Culkin's double Larry on The Bob SL when he slides out through the deal Larry didn't trust Troy and I we rigged this thing it we built a ski ramp inside a practical house put the tobogan on it and shot it out the front door when we did the first test with nobody on it it shot like 30 feet out the door she would have killed the guy so we put all these pads out there and we build this cable system with a brake on it well when we're doing it it's going way too slow and Chris says it's kind of slow and I go don't worry we'll take care of it and Larry's panicked and right when we yelled action I just flipped the brake off I just took it off and that's what you see in the movie it just shoots him out the door [Music] y everything in the movie was used basically every stunt that we had did on the show was used in the movie when we created the Home Alone look it was Leon Delaney and Troy Brown and poor Leon he had to match whatever Troy did so it it it just it it created such a buzz after the first movie that Troy and I it opened up doors for the next 15 years you know I mean I am where I am now because of that it everybody wanted a piece of that Home Alone look you guys give up or you're thirsty for more welcome to home alone I'm bring it behind the scenes I remember they did give me the camera when we were shooting at O'Hare which is the whole sequence the whole family's there and we're all running through the the airport action excuse me sorry that's good C and they you know I forget why I was there cuz I actually not even in that scene Kevin you're here but they had me there I guess they were shooting some other things that day but yeah they just run around and just just basically be a nine-year-old given a camcorder which was a big deal 17 years ago you know having a camcorder was a big deal the holy Cen show going all around the world just for you the behavior of behind hey wait a minute wait isn't that Kevin is that Kevin Mall we love you Kevin oh God can we have you aut our goph please we love you so much the new kids is my hair okay oh you look no no no hold on oh oh oh good oh Fab oh Fab fabulous it won't be it won't be Dopey during filming and [Music] [Applause] action he's at home uh we left on an overseas flight and somehow we this is behind the scenes of home this is our s coming home together I don't know if I can stay down here great action guys great action how you doing pal good CH do you need any help finish your S I need you to direct this scene you okay I'm all confused okay sometimes Chris needs some help setting up [Music] shots yeah and he does cut cut cut cut C see this there you are I already got some interviews K what's it like working as a mother of the actor of Po oh I couldn't ask for a better job I'm the luckiest girl in the world do Max Max really special guy and um I'm making a closeup now okay and um I really like him in more ways than one he's cute he's nice next question and he's got cute cheeks do you think K will be a hit me sure oh cuz it's coming out at Christmas it's got a lot of funny parts in it and Mac is in yeah that's it our next interview Hillary how was it like being an actor well it's just it's it's interesting cuz you get to meet a lot of new interesting people and it's very fun Angel is true that you worked with the famous co co okay they're ready for Pur yes it is and I have to go to a movie now unfortunately we are we have been paged and we must leave thank you very much Mr C later later don't be afraid to move those I shot a little bit of um the airport it just looks neat I'm like running through everything well one shot I went through everything like like how it is being my size running between people like hey M you want to film some of the art set at hey why don't I interview you you guys are you guys do an interview together I'll film you guys this what cther want's doing her time to go there okay press the red button and it's recording how do you guys like working in Chicago it's great yeah is that where we are you thought you were in Paris well I was method actor yes I'm in Paris just filming my other documentary here this whole area has to open as we get credit for the shots you got it Jan that's another setup lunch 1 hour it's odd looking back on it it's a different life it's a different lifetime ago home alone is simply my most favorite movie that I've photographed it's very entertaining and it's very heartfelt of the 27 films that I've shot it's my by far my most favorite film where I went to see what was described as a little Christmas film and I had no idea what to expect and I was enchanted every kid thinks if I could just get rid of my parents it'd be great and every parent once in a while tell the truth parents thinks I could just get rid of my kid then the flip side of those two things obviously occurs where the kid goes geez I didn't mean alone I just me not now Mom and the parents go you know we really miss the kid Kevin The Genius of the script that John wrote is that he plays desire and fear be this house is so full of people it makes me sick when I grow up and get married I'm living alone did you hear me I'm living alone my problem in the film business is that I started with John Hughes and so he would give me a script I'd read I go oh that's pretty good you know first draft pretty good it took about 10 years after working with John to realize just how good they were sometimes you read a script and it says you know and the bad guys get the crap beat out of him one of the brilliant things of John's writing was that he laid out the physical comedy in Exquisite detail it's so well written and it's so well executed and it just so it's so much fun and it's so much fun for everyone and so when I first read the script I was laughing at out loud it was like a Stooges thing but shot by shot so he was incredibly detailed in his vision and then Chris brought it to life shot for shot the gags in the film were written u in the script and and fairly specifically at the same time there were elements that didn't exist in the original script the character of Marley I don't think existed in the original screenplay the movie originally ended with Kevin just saying uh just hung around Freeze Frame and we sort of worked together to bring that emotional side to it as well as the intense sort of comedic side of it we were telling this story through a child's point of view for me I wanted to create a sense of warmth with the picture making absolutely certain that Home Alone felt Timeless the Wardrobe the look of the picture it had to have some elegance and give it some style and Julio mcot came through brilliantly it was a really exciting time for me because I was just starting out I had done a very small feature before I think that was was the uh the reason uh Chris interviewed me for the job he saw a lot of stunts on my real which I think he liked I had been working as a stunt man but this was my first big break to double a lead and on a film and be on the film for you know 3 months it was a a big break for me cuz then after home alone I got called a lot to do a lot of physical stunts as car hits and falls and everything because of the nature of the first home alone so it it got me a lot of work after that the set atmosphere on Home Alone was like none other ever I mean it was the it was like going to a a frat party every day everybody was so young you know there's always music playing and Chris was hilarious and Mark Radcliff was the ad and he's now Chris's executive producer on all these huge pictures now and we just had a blast it was actually the first time I cast out of Chicago so I got to go to Chicago and uh and it was uh it was sort of off in Chicago on my own and it it just it was probably a bit of a confidence Builder the Kevin character I I thought it really had to be cast well it had to be somebody that you believe could take care of himself you were afraid for him this is the furnest it's the scariest thing in the basement you should see what it does to me with the wrong kid it could have been an obnoxious child so you needed somebody that uh was just totally endearing Kevin I'm on the phone no we're not bringing the dog put in the C for the hey hey hey get off Kevin out of the room hang up the phone and make me why don't you well mcca's involvement came uh from John Hughes he had been in Uncle Buck and John said to us look I I you know you may not want to cast Mac but uh take a look at him beat him and and let's you know see what you think I wanted to find this perfect kid to be in home alone and I didn't want to resort to using mcau who was an Uncle Buck I thought thought I want to find someone on my own John Hughes suggested uh me for the part and uh you know Chris wanted you know he met with me early on but he also wanted to meet with other people he just didn't want to just take the first thing that was in front of him guys I'm eating junk and watching rubbish you better come out and stop me after meeting 400 other kids I realized that there was no one as special or as unique or as talented as mcau the camera loved him he just was infinitely relatable to people all over the world little did I realize until I started shooting the film that not only did he have for that film but he truly was a certified movie star macau's become a great actor I think his his recent work is really tremendous as a 9-year-old boy how good an actor can you be so he had a beautiful face he had a great sense of comedy and he had a great teacher in Chris also action the Dork was whining about a suitcase what am I supposed to do shake his hand and say congratulations your dork I'm not an idiot oh really cut okay I'm not an idiot yeah now guys here's what you can do Meg Hillary you guys can you can move a little faster here okay so you can say you're completely helpless everybody has to do everything for you as you're almost here okay let's try one more time guys and action I've never done this once in my whole life that's what Megan said what did I say you told Kev you're tough the Dork was whining about a suitcase what am I supposed to do shake his hand and say congratulations you're idiot I'm not an idiot oh really you're so helpless everyone has to do everything for you Chris was very very good with me he knew how to get me to do the things that he wanted me to do to tell the story that he wanted to tell and that's what it was all about is just making sure that Chris was happy you know you always want to make a director happy and you know especially when you're a kid even more so I'm not sure if there's anyone else in the business who can really get performances out of children the way he can he always knew his lines he was always a professional always prepared at the same time he was a 9-year-old kid so at any given moment he would have to become a kid because you don't have that sense of responsibility that you have as an adult but you know as a kid you get tired sometimes you tend to get distracted you tend to laugh you tend to have fun and that was all part of what made his performance so special what happened to my room Heather Tracy and sandre took it this sh is so full of people it makes me sick when I grow up and get married I'm living alone we're almost there everybody was mcau was fun to work with I mean he always joked around he used to play around with the crew all the time he used I think he even liked to do their jobs if he could me and Chris De shouted that we we would use a dollar shot yeah what should I do here do a dollar shot you think so yeah I don't know do you really yeah okay and what about after this I'm not sure what about a closeup good idea okay should I do that yeah okay someone got the really genius idea of putting a camera in a 9-year-old's hands but it's it's interesting to see my point of view that I don't even remember I don't remember any of this stuff you know they just kind of put a camera in my hands and I just shot away hey can I get you on the other side there's more light I can't really see how do you know all this stuff okay right here right here hi Chris hi Mac how you doing I'm doing good take my glasses off for this I don't want to give you any ideas but going tighter are we going tighter yes is it true that you are in the hit movie Home Alone yes it is true mcau and there's one thing that I have to say um they told me that in about 15 years that they will still be showing this movie because the style of it is going to still be in fashion isn't it true that you're the brother of the famous Bol C it yes it is true do you think Home Alone will be a hit movie yes absolutely because you're in it thank you moving on we just had a great cast you know everywhere anyone from mcau caen and uh Joe pesy and Dan they were just a great bunch of people to work with we were really lucky Joe pesy read it and saw that he could do something with it and he came on board and when he came on board everyone else kind of follow it Joe pesy was someone I was a gigantic fan of from Raging Bull and Good Fellas and I thought God it would be great if Joe pesi would agree to do something like this he warmed to the script we got along when we first met and he decided to do the film which was shocking to me I didn't expect him to do it he thought that a lot of what we were asking him to do was a stretch for him which it was he handled it so well because a lot of it was you know kind of in a different playing field than what he was used to I think his hardest thing was not to cuss on [Music] camera I'm working with peshy he's such a little whiny annoying guy who I absolutely love he pushes you and pushes you and he makes he wants it to be perfect and we love being silly together Mar Harry why the hell did you take your shoes off why the hell you dress like a chicken I had been a huge fan of Daniel Stern ever since I saw it breaking away and he was just I thought a phenomenal actor he was always my first choice although he wasn't originally cast in the film because we couldn't afford him they hired another guy and then I think uh the other guy whose name I can't remember and peshi rehearsed for like a few days and then they called me said okay ironically because of a a failed screen test Dan ended up getting the role thank God that other guy didn't do that movie would have been so stupid to a past when we first started shooting Home Alone Chris wanted to have a real sense of danger until the explosion at the end when all the gags are set up and then mcau pounds us and pounds us and then it got more cartoony so it was kind of being silly and stupid but trying to keep some malevolence to it and unleash the slapstick at the end hi pal we outsmarted you this time get over here and they had me hung in the hook which was a whole kind of little system thing that they had to put me up there and stuff and so we're rehearsing and and you know Joe goes first thing I want to do is bite off every one of his FV one at a time I don't think he did it on purpose it just he bit me and he I think he you know think he just meant to put his teeth on my finger but he bit down a little harder than he thought and I still I have a little jesi tooth Mark scar right here on my finger and still there but you know I'm actually really proud of it it's my little home alone my battle wound although we tried to rough up mcau as much as we could cuz that was our our best shot at him you know stationary Target finally that kid I'm going to kill that kid what are you going to do to him Harry going to burn his head with a blowtorch smash his face with an iron the iron the way we shot that actually was interesting because the way they did that obviously they shoot up and they have a iron dropping towards the camera but when they want to film down looking at me they built a rig where they put the camera on a rope and dropped the camera at me and the Rope was supposed to poing you know stop like right there so and I'm supposed to be looking at this 300b camera dropping at my face okay I hope we know what we're doing the stepping on the nail was a rubber nail that I could that I could crush you know like that walking across the bulbs those were all made of sugar there's a tarantula crawling up my face and there were supposed to be a mechanical tarantula and so we got to the day of shooting and I said you know where's that mechanical tarantula cuz I saw the box with the big hairy one and they said yeah that didn't work out didn't look real so it's the real tarantula did you take the poison stinger out of the real tarantula they said well you know if we took the stinger out the tarantula would die eventually and I said but if you don't take the stinger out I will die if it because it's going to be crawling on my face and I'm supposed to scream and I don't want to scare well tarantulas can't really hear that well so you can scream that's when I let out a scream that I think I copied from psycho I hope you're making this behind the scenes interesting is this making sense so far I think what happened with this film is is something that doesn't happen often you have a good story and then you have a good performance and then the next layer is you have interesting way of presenting the story you know with the photography uh with the sets it it was like a layer cake that just got better and better and then you get one of the best music people in the world to score it there was another composer who was originally scheduled to do the picture and his schedule all of a sudden didn't work out which is like one of those accidents where you know like getting joe or certain other things you know the a puzzle piece flips away and a better puzzle piece falls into place and John Williams came on board sometimes people make associations with composers for example in my case and the budget's a film they may not ask me to do a film if the budget isn't big or they or may want someone else to do it because it is small actually from my point of view I've never really cared about that it's all if it's it's more a visceral thing the kind of reaction that one has to the material that that is irrelevant to the cost of it really and the size of and the scale of the production so I was delighted to be asked to to do the film John Williams and I have done five or six pictures together and uh he has truly uh just taken my films and just giving them new life and uh he's honestly I think the greatest living composer the holiday atmosphere with from an orchestral point of view is always fun to to paint and the other aspect was the comedic aspect of it and a lot of those comedic sequences that are scored if the music is is a little a few frames off one way or another it it won't do it needs to be really sewn to the action in a way that you would with a an animated cartoon [Music] almost it's a difficult piece to do even though I think I had more Chuckles and more fun doing it than than a great many other films that I've done this film had a lot of heart to it as well particularly the scenes in the church and he gave it just a big christmy feel which was one of the real things that John Hughes was trying to do was to deliver a Christmas film at Christmas you sit and it's always the same films being shown endlessly um it's it's wonderful life and well you know more 34th Street well he remade that for that very reason so he's he had his eye on that market and John Williams really helped us hit that Mark both Chris and I had uh talked about a Christmas story which was kind of a contemporary of this film it was a favorite of both of us and uh both of us wanted to do something that was a little more fine-tune and a little more classic in the sense of uh presenting Christmas in a more Regal Way the key for me is to always create films that don't feel dated picture like Home Alone still makes an audience laugh as hard as it did when it was first released and that's that to me is what we wanted to do way back then you know the goal was always the Mantra was always guys when we're old and gray and it's 3 a.m. and this pops up on The Late Show I want to make sure that none of us are embarrassed by it it's still funny in the way now today that it was back then and I think it will continue to be I think it's it's a classic movie and it's just I'm very very proud to be a part of that home alone is the most special movie I've ever been in actually I mean I love all the movies I've been in and I'm very proud of them and I've had great people to work with but home alone has been a calling card throughout the world what else did you do while we were away just hung around we just trying to to make a good film as good a film as you can and and making good films is like putting lightning in a bottle I mean you you assemble the best team you can and then you pray because you don't know I mean that's what makes making films of quite an exciting business in in all respects I think home alone is is is everything it's a it's certainly a holiday movie I me see it every holiday season and it's a family movie and it's wonderful slapstick and a comedy so I think it I think it probably hit every every area so kids could love it parents could love it it was it was a true family movie where everybody could have a good time at the movie and you know I've done a lot of thinking about what we did right on the film because I wanted to recreate it in another films and it's really difficult to do because the film took on its own style I think by handling the scenes in the right dramatic context and being aware of the scenes that came before and after the film took on its own flow that worked for the [Music] film that's it we're done but they got nude beaches is he a grip I don't know what is Buzz was a good kid I I really don't know do you know what he's doing I dropped out of high school uh my senior year and I ran off with old man Marley to uh to join the circus maybe he's just trying to be nice no way and I did end up in prison just like everyone thought uh for putting a donkey in a bathtub in the state of Iowa but while I was in jail finally ended up getting my PhD in Marine Biology and uh I am now the first marine biologist to uh identify and explain uh What uh what trout sniffers are in the mid East Atlantic the little trout can use a couple of days in the real world so yeah I've been busy and now I'm touring as Elvis not really as Elvis just as one of his impersonators I'm actually an Elvis impersonator impersonator I impersonate Elvis impersonators how you kids doing huh good lot of action around here today huh what you going away vacation where you going Disney World Disneyland okay that's 12250 not for me kid I don't live here oh you just around for the holidays yeah I guess you could say that well you dink are my Witnesses I was here in 30 minutes or less as soon as I get something on that old Maniac I'm calling the FBI and turn his ass in for the reward money and you if you don't get out of my room I'm going to nail you to Marley's front door and ring the doorbell go ah microen is the guts of a butterfly hey you part of Vu Fran yet squirt huh my name's Kevin your name's Kevin you know what they're going to call you in France don't you huh no yank hey pizza's here guys there you go all right that's 12250 it's my brother's house he'll take care of Excuse Me Miss are you Mrs mallister yes I am oh good oh but I'm not the Mrs McAllister who lives here Frank hi hi Merry Christmas Merry Christmas you Mr mallister yeah the Mr mallister who lives here yeah oh good good cuz somebody owes me 12250 am I under arrest or something no nothing like that I just want to have a word with you yeah uh you know it's Christmas time there's lots of burglaries so we're just checking the neighborhood making sure you know taking precautions for security things like that there's nothing wrong no no no I just want to see how you set up for security that's all oh yeah well you mean like uh automatic uh timers on the lights locks on the doors that sort of stuff yeah we do all that hey look I'm really sorry but could I have my 12250 H my money gee my wife's got all the cash she'll be down in a minute all right did you get some eggnog eggnog that's it right no I didn't get come on dad let's eat eggnog Hey listen are you gonna when are you leaving you know you could get arrested for interrupting people when they're trying to talk kid God I'm sorry you live around here yeah yeah one of these big homes yeah huh maybe we should check your house out too it's close by oh yeah I could I could walk you over there I guess yeah yeah yeah wait just a minute five families gone on one block alone and they all told me from their own mouths it's almost too easy remember the good old days when people used to stay home for Christmas yeah now it's off to Hawaii or Aspen or Paris whatever happened to sitting around the fireplace with your family yeah roasting chestnuts singing Christmas carols that's why I hate Christmas M I hate it people have become too cynical too jaded it's just another sign of the ongoing moral decay of contemporary Society that's all it is it's all it is yeah so which house you want to hit first somebody anybody I'm starving I don't remember the food groups [Music] for the crime of belonging to my rashy brother and allowing yourself to be displayed in this pig sty he calls his room I sentenced you to death by BB wounds and falling all the way down the laundry shoot to the basement we'll get massive head injuries and die instantly or an [Music] [Music] [Music] arrival go PL well they should be through customs by now are you sure this is the right yeah right over here come on okay great okay um girls try for your cousins very good I'll take unfold it that okay hold it up watch for them I don't see them yet keep looking I I think wait who's look there they are oh wait to your cousins girls look how happy they are to see us hi hi hi everybody welcome what are they saying I I don't know do you want understand French no uh uh do you speak English no no no no don't I don't speak French don't speak French did you get anybody I can't get anybody there's nobody home nobody's home for the holidays they've all gone shopping operator look what I have found in the kitchen Frank those are for later Frank come you want to have a little shrimp heye I didn't get one Hey You Punk sewer La floor Megan what Megan this is so pointless what what we're here riding in this apartment Kevin's at home mom's with the airport so you don't think it's weird no you're not at all worried about Kevin why should I be he's home alone you idiot so he deserves it no he's acted like a jerk once too many times and this time he caught it in the butt but he's so little and don't you think he's flipped out sure he's probably going through a stage 10 Brain fry down right now but he asked for it you're really cruel look the little trouts can use a couple of days in the real world you're not at all worried that something might happen to him no for three reasons a I'm not that lucky two we have smoke detectors and D we live in the most boring Street in the United States of America where nothing even remotely dangerous is ever did ever or will ever happen period where did he go I don't know wait minut where did he go H I don't know how could it just disappear like that look let's just forget it okay come on we shouldn't be following a kid anyway it's like sending an invitation to the cops I don't like the way he looked at me come on Harry you're just getting an edge on you man now look we're doing good come on now look it's getting dark right here's what we do we drop this stuff off we get something to eat and then we come back for some more holiday surprises huh oh you better watch out you better not hide if your doors are open we're coming inside Harry and Marv are coming to town we know when you're out dancing we know just what to take we know where all the money HS so come on give us a break oh you better watch out you better not hide if your doors are open we're coming inside Harry and Mar are coming to what what did you mean about uh that I had an edge before huh what did you mean that I had an edge I didn't say that where he go I don't know where'd he go I don't know how could he just disappear like that what is the big deal I don't like the way that kid looked at me well we shouldn't be following a kid anyway it's like sending an invitation to the cops he knows something so what he's a kid I mean what can a kid do to us he knows something look Harry why don't why don't we go to another neighborhood we knock off a couple of houses you'll feel better I don't like the way he looked at me I'm telling you this will make you feel better made you decaf made it too strong you steal something you know how'll work it's [Music] good oh no I just brushed my teeth with so Goods better wipe off the fingerprints here's Johnny I didn't mean it if you come back I'll never be in pain in the but again I promise good night pushing the card for Mommy yes ma'am what a good little helper you are I bet you'll get lots of swell things from Santa tomorrow morning you never know excuse me what's the stuff they put in the washing machine the mix CLP smells fluffy soft as a kitten smells fresh as a springtime Breeze fabric softener it's for momy it's an aisle too thank you have a most Merry Christmas you too dad Lenny what are you doing up sweetheart have you heard from Kevin no you want to sit down okay where's mom mom I think she ran off with some Parisian Playboy Dad no she just got on a plane to Scranton to go back and get Kevin oh she won't be here for Christmas Kevin won't be here for Christmas won't even be like Christmas well we'll just postpone Christmas a day I think that's a bad idea well we don't have much Choice sweetheart well family shouldn't be aart on Christmas no matter how mean they are to each other the rest of the year us here them there it's stupid dad Christmas isn't about Paris what is Christmas about well Christmas is about families being together and a girl okay
Channel: DVDFilmBonus
Views: 936,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: making of movie, behind the scenes, movies, film, movie, VFX, CGI, Pixar, Disney, Oppenheimer, barbie, Детки против пришельцев, #trailer, #makingoff, #movies, #shortsvideo, #short, #movies ., #fastx, #fastandfurious, #vindiesel, Bakom kulisserna, #backstage, #greenscreen, #greenscreenvideo, cartoon, animation, lego, classic movies, sfi ci movies, Fantasy movies, DC, Comics, fast x, aston martin, james bond, #jamesbond, #cars, Rebel Moon, dune part 2, marvels, винни пух
Id: pmKP0axyncY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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