Home Alone 2 Minus Kevin

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[Music] what's the point of going to Florida you're gonna put on some battle carriage like an old suitcase I'm getting toasted great now you can be a scag with a slightly darker shade of skin he's just jealous cause he can't tan his freckles just connect hey hey easy on the fluids pal the rubber sheets are packed just of the new celebrity ding-dang-dong stay at the world-renowned Plaza Hotel Bonnie do you know where the battery for this camcorder yeah I put in the charger [Music] Frank [Music] my prank was immature and ill-timed immature and odd it was pretty gol-dern hilarious it was very nice [Music] what a troubled young man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know I complain a little free tripping geez you guys get the worst vulgar and wake-up call I've got some here's your families I've got my family how come none of us are sitting together this time here we're lucky to give them the same clean 11 where's Kevin [Music] 8:17 8:17 [Music] [Music] here please ma'am you have to board the plane is ready to leave so just make sure everyone gets on come on don't worry man we'll get everybody on [Music] [Music] boy I think we were gonna make that feeling we forgot something no I don't think we did oh I just have that feeling bad memories that's all we did everything we brought everything we have everybody there's nothing to worry about yeah yeah you're right you're right we're fine nothing to worry about [Music] [Music] negative [Music] [Music] Kelly's not here give it's not here that here [Music] what [Music] what's the child's name Kappa KTV when did you see him last curbside check-in no I saw him at the door and he was with us in the terminal most people get separated at security checkpoints didn't everyone I don't know we had to run all the way to the gate when did you notice he was missing when we picked up our baggage here that's boy ever run away from home no has he ever been in a situation where he's been on his own that's a matter of fact this has happened before it's becoming sort of a McCallister family travel tradition funnily enough we never lose our luggage he was left at home by accident last year that's what my wife meant when she said it's becoming a McCallister family travel tradition we'll call Chicago and notify a mother situation the odds are that's where he is very unlikely he'd be anywhere else you you right tail into some foreign country Arizona l to rob 14 cents from a sandy every little bit helps sides now we got our new nickname we're the sticky bandits [Music] [Music] Chevy serves you right come on let's go I think she likes me Merry Christmas no sign of it uh we're gonna have to be able to get a hold of you you have hotel arrangements yeah do you have a recent photo of the boy I have one in my wallet I don't have my wallet my wallets in my bag Kevin was looking at my bag at the airport he was looking for batteries kevin has my wallet did you have credit cards in the wallet credit cards money will notify the credit card companies immediately if your son has the cards we can get a location on him win and if he uses them no I don't think Kevin even knows how to use a credit card ceedric yes don't count your tips in public and find out everything you can about that young fella I'm gonna give you to the count of three to get your lousy lying lowdown four-flushing carcass out my door one two Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year [Music] housekeeping [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's the most wonderful time of a [Music] with the kids jingle Belling and telling you be of good cheer it's the most one move [Music] it didn't look this bad [Music] [Music] [Music] would you like a scarf we want to forget about the scarf mark we got to talk we don't have the equipment to pull off anything big you know your banks you jewelry stores we don't want Goods we need cash hotels tourists carry lots of cash there's no guarantees I got a better idea stores naked a deposit cash on Christmas Eve the only stores that are gonna have cash on ones that deal in moderate price boots right right ergo what store is gonna make the most cash on Christmas evening nobody's gonna think to rob candy stores nine-year-olds rob candy stores this that's brilliant Harry brilliant yep nobody dumb enough to knock off a toy store on Christmas Eve oh yes there is [Music] [Music] you [Music] bah-bah hey nice house but there's no bathroom in it all right so what's the plan everybody leaves for a nice holiday off we come out of our little houses yeah then what we empty the registers or walk out like we all enjoy great man Harry well where to well you promised you'd take me to the Central Park Zoo hold it right there this is the concierge I know it was you I could smell you getting off the elevator you was here last night - what again yes sir I was and you were smooching with my brother I'm afraid you're mistaken sir don't give me that you've been spoken with everybody Snuffy al Leo little mo with the gimpy leg cheeks bony Bob cliff no it's a lie I could go on forever baby terribly sorry sir but I'm afraid you're mistaken all right I believe you but my tummy can't don't get down on your knees and tell me you love me on your knees I love you you gotta do better than that I love you I believe you that's why I'm gonna let you go I'm gonna give you to the count of three to get your lousy lying lowdown four-flushing carcass out my door ray stay in your rooms this is an emergency [Music] over there [Music] no say you're a welcher kiss irritability school bus oh my god it's the police they know where Kevin is where he's in New York well I'm sure he was scared he's not a troublemaker yeah what would you hold just a second please hold use your credit card to check into The Plaza Hotel do they still have him do they have him okay we're on the next flight out thank you we're going to New York move it he ran away from the hotel when they questioned him about the card he must be so scared I wonder if he'd know enough to go to my brother's place aren't they in Paris maybe they have a house-sitter I thought you said they were renovating we'd like to offer you a complimentary suite while you're here it's a penthouse with a view of the park I think you'll find it satisfactory it was recently vacated by the contests of worcestershire what kind of hotel allows a child to check in alone the boy had a very convincing story what kind of idiots do you have working here the finest in New York well I mean when you discovered that the credit card was stolen what I made the discovery why did you let him believe when we attempted to confront him he ran you scared him away it's Christmas Eve and because of you our child is lost in one of the biggest cities in the world could you take our family and our luggage up to the room please yes sir run along see pic I'm gonna go down to the police station and make sure that they're doing everything in their power to find Kevin I want you to stay here with Frank Leslie in the kid no I'm going out to look for him what with all due respect madam your son is lost in one of the biggest cities in the world could you stay out of this place as you wish thank you I don't think it's a good idea for you to start running around all over New York City all by yourself I think if our son can do it I can do it okay the Peter I'll be fine the way I'm feeling right now no mugger or murderer would dare mess with me madam there are hundreds of parasites out there armed to the teeth do bundle up it's awfully cold outside [Music] Marv Marv come on let's go [Music] [Music] Merry Christmas Harry and there's nobody that even knows about [Music] [Music] Harry that was in Crabble [Music] [Music] how many fingers am i holding up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I've reached the top [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow what a hole [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like a rock come off [Music] I was the sound of a tool just falling down the stairs [Music] [Music] Mary why would anybody so good rope and Cara see [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] guy should've started early prisoners have already exchanged gifts we missed the presence he made us hide out in this door so we could steal all the kiddies charity money you know he's a little cranky we just broke out of prison a few days ago we're no longer the Wet Bandits [Music] well mr. Duncan it's all over with we apprehended the thieves and we recovered some money good I want to get that money over to the Children's Hospital soon as y'all handle the person ah excuse me mr. Duncan yes I found his note looks like a kid broke your window [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm looking for my son have you seen my son he's there he's been missing for two days have you filed a report yes of course we have didn't trust us we'll handle it but IRAs mother I realize that man but you're looking for a needle in a haystack do you have kids yes ma'am and what would you do if one of them was missing I'd probably be doing the same thing you are doing thank you look put yourself and your kids shoes where would you go what would you do me I probably lying dead in a gutter somewhere but not Kevin no Kevin is so much stronger and braver than I am I know Kevin's fine I'm serious but he's still all by himself in a big city and he doesn't surf that it deserves to be at home with his own family around this Christmas tree what do you got I know I need to get to Rockefeller Center [Music] oh it's morning [Music] who's mr. Duncan all right everyone just calm down Kevin hasn't screwed up in the first place again then we wouldn't be in this most perfect and huge hotel room with a truckload of all this free stuff Merry Christmas Kevin all right number that's GUI show of emotion [Music] mr. McCallister's room service bill sir Merry Christmas sir nice family Merry Christmas indeed Oh dad [Music]
Channel: NowNowBoys
Views: 40,687,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s-RYdj-kIRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2014
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