Will It Run Or Let It Rust LIVESTREAM/ Turnin Over The Ugliest VW Creation We’ve Ever Seen/ RESTORED

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[Music] warning the video that you're about to see was filmed before a live youtube audience on september 25th 2020 the results you may see could be a total masterpiece or a complete disaster [Music] well if you guys are watching this video you've probably obviously seen our title maybe read the description or seen the thumbnail we're in pagoda texas and we're completely live on youtube right now so it's september 25th it's around uh it's 301 pm we were shooting for three o'clock missed it by a minute so me and dad are about to try to attempt something that we've never really tried around the shop before we've got a lot of will it runs under our belt where we're able to go back and edit them as we're going you know with trying to get these old vehicles up and running we bought this i guess you would just call it a volkswagen frankenstein uh here recently from a gentleman and it was just completely out of the ordinary but right up our alley we bought it he it wasn't running he said he hadn't tried to mess with it or anything like that but the cool thing about it is as we were actually able to film us purchasing this vehicle so we've got all that footage put together for y'all we're going to flash back in just a second so you'll get to meet the gentleman kind of get his backstory on what he knew about the old whatever you want to call it what we paid for it and all that good stuff so we're going to throw this video up there for y'all to watch it i hope you enjoy it and then we'll be back here live here you go within the car community it really doesn't take a long time to make some really good connections with some really nice people today is a prime example of exactly that now i met this gentleman about a year on back and we've kind of bought and traded between each other ever since recently we were able to purchase six bmw isettas off of him so he was willing to bring two of them down a little bit later we went to his house and picked up the other four last night i received a text from him saying he had something that was exactly up our alley so i looked at the pictures i have to say it's very unique i'm super excited to get over there and check it out a little closer hopefully we can close the deal and hopefully we can bring it home with us [Music] [Applause] [Music] most of y'all that have seen any of our videos has noticed that if anybody mentions anything strange or out of the ordinary to lance he kind of gets a little twinkle in his eye uh he's really fascinated by that kind of thing whether it be a little micro car or a big frankenstein looking ugly vehicle or whatever if it's strange lance is interested this vehicle we're going after i haven't seen it yet but as excited as his lance is i'm pretty well going to get excited too i think because he just loves that stuff and if it's he's this excited it's really going to be something special hey man good to see you again yeah you too man you find all the cool stuff no one's looking for exactly yeah man that is right up our alley i told dad i said i don't even know what you would possibly call this thing or category yeah yeah i was studying up on the pictures you sent over to me i've seen it's got little bolts you mind if i open it up or go ahead a little volkswagen motor back here i believe the brakes are even functional oh yeah yeah they they have a the brakes up here still work wow chains run down to two gear boxes huh yeah it's old single port motor it's a volkswagen cab too ain't it that's crazy we got it driven off some chains some gear boxes i guess little drive shafts right that's pretty cool huh it's probably the first three wheeler it was just a volkswagen they didn't know it yeah it still has an am radio in it wow well was there any kind of story you you got with it was i using it for the i actually bought it from the man's son-in-law the man the house was buried underground oh yeah yeah it was completely buried underground all you could see was a chimney and a tv antenna sticking out and uh he just his son-in-law told me that he was just a master inventor and he just spent a lot of time doing stuff like this that big shot back there we had a lot of things like this laying around there yeah this was this was just one of many you know i took all home that i could sit on my trailer yeah like i said man i try to follow you on facebook because you're always finding something that intrigues me some people mentally take or hunt and this is what i do yeah so yeah i live for this kind of stuff uh i've done this since i've been in high school yeah well i'm always looking every once in a while i'll stumble across a good fine but this may be one of the ugliest things the coolest and ugliest i think it's one of a kind yeah yeah that's because i got that foreseen another one like that got their own in all my travels yeah oh no i don't i don't think that i don't think there should be another one like it he even put the steps to me in the wrong place because i had struggled getting in as they put the stick out back here you have to get in over there yeah i'm assuming it's probably not running or anything like that or not running no sir it's just like that yes sir will it winch up on a trailer or anything like that roll around well unfortunately i'm definitely interested in it i don't i don't know why it almost looks like a plane the way that cabs narrowed in first thing it struck me that's about an airplane you had to need some wings or something to come out and hook them up to that tank then you could spray something i guess well you know where you need to be at on it price-wise might be an offer on it i know something like this is hard to price the one man's junk's another man's treasure that definitely falls in this category for sure uh i don't know i told dad i just not em there's definitely not gonna be a market on this but i'm not gonna go anywhere else and find another one that i can try to try to offer them anywhere would be a good advertising piece for somebody yeah yeah yeah it'd be neat to have it set out front i'd love to see if we can get it running and driving though and i think it would turn some heads the [Music] yeah well i don't know you're not going to hurt me it's one of those things i'm thinking i'm probably going to buy and be stuck with but that don't hurt my feelings either so [Music] would you take 500 bucks for it i'm hoping that it'll run i'll take 650 for 650 yes sir that'll work for me man i ain't gonna i ain't gonna argue on that like i said i ain't hey you could almost get that much out of scrap probably so probably so it looks like like it weighs about 5 000 pounds i think it's made out of just salt yeah the man was thinking it was going to last forever i guess yeah yeah it's really cool yeah there might be a good epoxy some good welds and some bad welds it looks to me like some two different people welded it yeah yeah that happens quite a bit right well cool man yeah i'll go grab some cash if that works for you that works for me all right make a game plan on getting it loaded up and move it to pagoda and see what we can do with it so oh great deal all right thank you sir [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] so so there you go this is supposedly the work of a master inventor here so uh like you saw it has a 1600 volkswagen air cooled motor back here uh the motor is not locked up but we haven't messed with it any further than that we basically loaded it on the trailer brought it back to the shop we were going to typically just film this episode wise and we thought hey man it'd be kind of cool just to try to do a live style at this this could either go really well or it could be a complete catastrophe so we don't know if this car is going to whatever you want to call it's going to cooperate with us as well as our technology you just never know with it right now we're just going to dig in kind of show you guys what we do we check the fluids in it this being air cooled there's no radiator to have to worry about so basically just checking the oil see if we can get a hot battery on it see if it'll turn over and see what we got i just got to thinking this actually is a uh a bug sprayer oh yeah looks like we got plenty of oil yeah good black good black yes good and used like i said it's not it's not locked up they turn over easy oh yeah so i don't know that i've ever had a volkswagen that has been locked up but not saying that they won't but i guess we've just been extremely blessed on that avenue that's right yep although fuel lines are dry rotted on it as well as all those spark plug wires and stuff like that everything to be expected so whole battery yeah i don't think that battery's gonna turn it over i was looking on it it's a sears brand there so i don't know how long ago it would have been that sears uh actually had their brand of battery but i'm sure it's probably falls into the antique category yeah yeah got the generator and the alternator there so yeah well i guess i'll look and see i don't know what they've got as far as turning it over he's got switches and all kinds of stuff inside here so this is actually an old volkswagen cab super small in here they narrowed it in just for a one seater here but he's got little levers and toggle switches and the stereo i don't know where the speakers would have been several all kinds of pedals but i don't know what would crank what it does have an ignition switch so we've got an ignition switch here but it's it's actually on the left hand side so i don't know if the column's in there upside down backwards or whatever yeah so i guess it's at least just got one if that turns it over then we won't have to worry about messing with the solenoid on the starter but if so we know what to do we'll run a wire down to the solenoid and kind of show them how to do that but i guess if you want to go grab a battery we'll throw a battery on there and kind of see what she does we're ready so just to kind of give you guys a rundown of all y'all that have jumped on here recently uh we're completely live here so we're trying something we've never done around the shop we're going to see if we can get this volkswagen tractor truck whatever you want to call it up and running again just to kind of show you all how that's going to work we actually got several different cameras set up there's obviously this one right here where you're seeing me right here we've got another camera set back up here at the rear here and then we've got this tv set up over here so as you all are commenting in we'll try to read up on these comments as they come in but we're also going to be focusing a lot on trying to get this truck up and running so bear with us we've got to fight with batteries and all this kind of this is like a mad scientist project and we don't know what we're doing we're just trying to make it happen so i've got my little sister over here she's our filmer she's the person switching the angles and stuff for us so hopefully this will all work out maybe it'll run maybe it won't all in all together we thought it'd be kind of cool just to see if we could even try to do it see how it works out so i guess that's what we're about to do here the battery yeah yeah the poster backwards but i think it'll work yeah let's get that one out and yeah yeah yeah i don't know there'd be a date on here or what sears 55 you think there'd be a date on it somewhere that probably is the date [Laughter] maybe as long as their tables are long enough it should we're saying i noticed the red one's the ground pretty sure because it was [Music] yeah they've got their they had the red one that's the ground there okay get this ground first you got the positive there in the front yeah yeah no sparking no sparky no fire i guess that's good in a way yeah well i'll see if that switch works anyways clear yeah yeah yep so next ignition switch works i'm gonna go ahead and turn it over a little bit let it kind of pump some oil around all righty turning over good yeah we blowed a little bit of trash out of the exhaust not much yeah well spins really good yeah good sort of good hot batter yeah i figured go ahead and take this off let's try just to put some fuel in it and see what it does i doubt it's going to try but make sure there's nothing down in there i ain't even tried to i don't know if the thought if the pedal's even going to work or not but we'll give her a little drink i'm sure it's probably not getting sparked like it needs to but you never know tell me when you're ready i'm ready here we go nothing huh nothing not even a well i don't know if any of them wires or any of them switches could they could have had a kill switch on it so true i guess if i check here at the cool worst case scenario we'll run a wire just straight from the battery over to the coil right but we need to make sure we're getting power to the coil because if we're not you know start there and then i mean that's where it starts at works the rest of the way so right i'll go grab a volt meter and see if we can check it here yeah everything seems to be free on it though i mean as far as yeah nothing's hard stuck yeah want to check it and i'll go turn the key on or yep i say is it showing power already because the switch could be on not much huh not much oh that's right we're on well now it went to zero really yep huh let me try these switches okay nothing nothing nothing nothing still nothing still nothing no still nothing yeah there's wires pulled blue oh i'll trace this back let's see where it goes go up under see if i can see where it runs maybe see my hand just a second yeah it feels like it's got all like it's burned up like it's been rubbing against something yeah it looks like it's i don't know what cable that is it runs through there but it's it looks like it's rubber cable rubbing against it probably yep that's what it is clutch yeah it's completely in two almost down here let me see if i can't get some power down here some tape or anything yeah if you've got some oh i hate for it to find its way back up against something i don't know if it rubs through or if the rats got it or what but either way it's not as only as most volkswagen motors i've seen right such a strange setup on this pretty neat so we got the motor turning over and everything that was pretty simple all we had to do was put a new battery on it so the ignition switch was actually functional on this not sure yet if the if the cool wire is hooked into the ignition switch or not but we found a bad spot that runs to the coil that's kind of keeping it from happening there it still may not work we may have to try to just bypass that and just go straight to the battery the thing i hate about that is you know you can't kill it inside the vehicle if you need to so hopefully that will work fix that problem we'll check the voltage here at it see if we're getting a little juice back at it here now if it does then we know we're getting a fire at that we'll pour a little gas in it and try it again i guess i'll try these switches first nothing nope nothing no oh there we go something happened clicking back here yep okay well let's hook down to the ignition switch now that's good maybe this guy did know what it's doing well let's try it again now got all this stuff up here she does crank falls off so we'll want to not if we can get it going bypass you know the old tank because i'm sure that if it's that bad on the outside it's probably cut off all completely yep i guess you won't give her a little drink we'll see that's a little bear spot in the plug wire there too so it could be oh yeah there we go all righty [Applause] uh owl that easy see if you can keep it running okay ready ready should not be that easy went out all kinds of yeah i could feel it hitting my wrist i didn't know where it was coming from well that was easy enough yeah that was too easy yeah that's that's a scary thing let's uh let's get that carb cleaner and just see if we can get it to run a little bit longer and see if it'll rev and everything dirt like mud or dirt dauber probably all righty just wanted to idle it um yeah also if you can just keep it running i'll come back here and we'll try to see if it'll rev up well i guess i could try the thought all that in here but just we'll say ready yep what that i don't know i think it will well you have to shout out all kinds of stuff ain't it yep let's try to see if we can get some fuel just you know hopefully the float's not hung on we'll just set a tank up somewhere and see let it gravity feed down in there set this off somewhere don't want to dent the truck well that went a lot easier than i thought it would so so far i feel like this video has been a partial success anyways we're going to try to hook up our i don't know faithful gas tank we use on almost all of our runs we're always trying to just gravity feed stuff because the fuel pump never works and it's just it's just kind of easier for us just to set it someplace where you know let gravity work for you and send the fuel down there to it so that's what we're about to do right now is just try to hook it into this carburetor it kind of seemed like it wanted to idle with just spraying the fluid in there but once we get some uh some gas just sitting down in that bowl maybe she'll take off and run and it might be able to even move it today so we'll see i'll let you take that off of that okay right there you need this hose clamp or no i've got one here i don't know you may want to go right back with everything he had going here yeah probably do i love those old hoses hoses that turn you hands black yeah that's get it next thing it'll be all on my face and yeah it won't wash off for three days watch it start pumping fuel up let me uh get you to hold this down low so i don't think you got a long enough hole i wanted to get a running start normally we don't have enough hose to do anything so it's i'm going to add a little extra i put it up in the cab when we finish the scout i thought that's that's going to get some more holes put on it just so we have plenty next time we want to run it from the back we'll run it from the back i'm not real sure you know there's hoses running here and there on this you know i don't know if they were spraying i mean obviously they were spraying something right had a big old tank on it but i don't know spraying it straight out the back or what they were doing you think just said it i think yeah i think we set it back over there somehow another thing yeah we can do it safely yep hear it squirting or anything now here i may have to tap around on that but surely that thing's let that fluid come back climb back up here huh together yeah surely that's how you can pull it loose just to make sure we're not fighting that air trapped in it so that hose is long we may not made it down that far yet yeah yep it may not like this new gas ethanol like i said i don't hear it i don't hear it squirting no not never spraying it'll tighten let me keep i should route that tour card over there but tell me when you're ready i'm ready i don't know how much i trust that belt staying that's right i'm gonna see if the throttle works inside okay yeah trying to anyways yeah it might need some wd-40 or something with a little fumi ain't it you can tell they need them plugs yeah yeah but well done how long has been since he runs but i ain't smoking well hold on that smoke or dirt yeah wait for a mouse to blow out shoot out of it i thought it was it's still peppering pretty good whatever's up in there it's still blowing out some bugs disturbed up in there and that'll seem running back and forth i'm gonna try to put it in gear and see if all this stuff does anything get up in here don't die don't let it die oh i'm assuming this is the clutch hey stand clear too though all right i'm in gear about to try all right you clear i'm clear yep going forward backwards yeah backwards too i don't even see a brake pedal though do what well i don't know about brakes there's uh there's two there's two pedals in there so i don't know if they had a break set up for each it may have yeah each wheel maybe surely well yeah i guess so probably and then there's also this little lever thing here can you see what that's doing oh it's it's not hooked anything but it's moving this right here they may have had something back here that was a belt driven that because that's what these holes probably went to hmm it's hard to say that maybe the pump may have been back here right well some things just happened to us how was i ordered about the same yep i think she's running good enough to move her around you could definitely you know pull the plugs clean the points all that good stuff but i mean it's idling so i've seen you drop them when they're running a lot worse than this yeah i guess we if we run the hose might be able to run it through here maybe kind of keep it from well it might even be able to stay right there yeah we're gonna put that breather on it or just set it tonight i'll just leave it off for right now okay well when we started this project i have to say i never thought that it was going to be up and running this fast uh you can't ever tell with these old volkswagens sometimes they can be contrary you know you've got valve problems always have to clean the points it seems like but this one right here is popped off pretty easy so i think we had to put a battery on it uh run a fuel tank to it a bad coil wire that had gotten eaten on but other than that all this scientific mess right here with the chains and the drive shafts um it's at least working in first gear and reverse which i can't imagine if you'd want to go much faster than that with the way this three-wheeled setup is anyways so i guess right now what we're going to try to do is get everything where we can shut it back down here i'm going to try to see if we can pull it outside the shop and at least make it around the shop yard here make a block or something like that don't know how we're going to do that honestly i didn't think we would get this far so we're gonna try i don't even know where my gopro battery's at so we might lose my gopro but if we do that we'll just kind of take a little break my sister will switch out the batteries and stuff like that uh so hang on how's my battery look you still got pretty close to 50 50 47 so we got about 50 i think that's going to be good enough for me to try to pull this around if y'all wanted to try to move around the cameras or something like that whenever i get outside there maybe they can feel me not even sure how far the mics are going to reach or anything like this so this is completely just you're just trying this out so bear with us hopefully this works if so if you all enjoy it we'll try to do some more in the future but yeah i mean i'm really happy with this thing bought it because it's just so weird so cool to me so ugly but knowing that it runs i don't know what we'll do with it i've got it run over here so it's it should be out of the way i think we're fine okay as long as i may want to make sure you crank up before we shut it so yeah but i think it should be well i don't know how that's going to close yet as long as you don't pinch it but it doesn't it's not really pinching it but it might when it's flopping around uh i think it'd be all right surely you think i don't think so the weight of that one's you probably better shut it out first okay i'll try so as long as i have room to get out uh maybe a lot of back and forth yeah back and forth so if you want to cut that okay we put some tape across here to keep people from uh trying to walk in on a live video so ribbon cutting all right y'all holler at me if something goes haywire on this end and i'm ready uh i don't have no brakes so hopefully i don't roll too far i'm just going to try to make it around the block or so okay well not the block but the yard it is so hard to get in here and the shifter's right between my legs honestly this gas pedal yeah the gas pedal needs a little tweaking i pushed it and it went down it ain't coming back up oh yeah oh yeah do we got any penetrating should be let me look real quick we've got some oil we haven't been doing a very good job on reading the comments and sorry about that um so y'all seen the caution tape there gem seal says love the format this thing looks like fun ronnie bailey uh needs some air in the front tire i'm scared to put any air in that front tire because where where the bottom of it is i don't know there's no tread on it so yeah that thing probably definitely uh needs some attention for sure but i don't think i'm gonna try to put air in it yeah it needs a lot more than air in the tire so over 450 people watching uh joe teeter said so we appreciate that this was something we wanted to try to do where someone could watch it live and enjoy it and hopefully later on you know kind of get the same same feel as our episodes out of it where you can watch it it's still kind of a will it run style video i mean obviously not every one of them is going to go like this we know that because we've done several will it runs sometimes they do go really easy and sometimes you just spend lots of time have to buy parts you never know what's going to go with them i'm really happy with the way this one has turned out if dad can get this gas pedal working where when i'm backing up i don't push it down and stays revved i'll feel a lot better about it so no car uh monster rush said no car wash for this one ah i'm i would yeah i would i would typically take it over there but i don't think that where my gopro is definitely not going to reach that far i know my mic won't so maybe if we can get out here uh hopefully y'all can still see me and i'll make it hopefully i make it back to the shop anyways and we can kind of close this video out any luck yeah i think it's going you can check it that's right it felt pretty good i think we pumped it enough it's good it should be flooded then we'll have to start back over yeah it tries to hang doesn't it yeah now i'll give it a go if it stays very revved up i'll just kill it okay you may have to help me kind of guide you guide me yeah i'm going to pull forward and then kind of back up and just make sure i don't hit anything now i got to try to get back in here probably wouldn't be easier if i took that out give me a little bit more room ouch yeah this was not made for tall people yeah pretty cool though i can put an arm on each door i think i'm out of gear i'm gonna try to crank it it hangs up just a little bit but i can lift it back up with my foot so okay i just want to be here in front keep you from hitting the thing yeah i'll kill it if i get if it it's too crazy oh i think it'll pop a wheelie maybe you should have been up there all right i'm going backwards yeah do you think i'll clear that door yeah you you know i mean like with with this fender or whatever you wanna call it right now it doesn't look like i can't see them here just keep keep turning okay keep going those things are low gear yeah i think you're going to be okay keep turning like you are when i get outside you can try to move that tripod navy and see okay keep turning there's nothing behind me right right right you're fine okay straighten up all right i'm gonna go ahead make it go for it i'll wait to see if you can get the camera move i think these orange windows smoking a little bit now okay we're going i'm just gonna make it around the downtown stop sign back all right maybe shouldn't do that it's smoking just a little bit i feel like i need to start my it does look like some kind of bug come on bring her back in crazy first thing this get out makes it kind of nice to be able to get out yeah i'll get out passenger side well i feel like this was pretty much a success uh i hope that you guys enjoyed it like i said they're not always going to go that way god definitely gave us favor on this one i'm super happy to see this thing up and running when we bought it i didn't really care if it would run or not just because it was something that we wanted to set outside to grab some attention and it'll definitely grab a lot more attention going down the road so with that being said thanks for hanging out for the with this video we'll try to keep improving on it we put together a little short video of an upcoming uh a little short clip of an upcoming video we have coming out uh within the week or so so we're about to shoot that to y'all hope you all enjoy it and see you on the next one [Music] that's a beauty ain't it is everywhere i went everybody's going on and on about it we're trying to guess what it is yes sir we'll get her unloaded here and see what i can't do with it right like i said it definitely belongs in y'all's collection that's for sure yeah i've been running with lightning
Views: 161,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, kravened kustoms, turnin rust, turning rust, classic car, classic truck, rust, junkyard, c10, abandoned, rescued, kraven, custom, bogata, lance bush, restoration, chevy truck, wyatt bush, ratrod, patina, antique, kraven custom, weird, unique, will it run, neglected, apache, fleetside, chevrolet, gmc, huge, rare, swamp, honey hole, boat, woods, saved, maxxd, parked, found, lost, rusty, memories, graveyard, forgotten, run down, live, livestream, volkswagen, vw, volkswagon, rat rod, revival, rescue, be restored
Id: DUdJkrSmO90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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