Hollywood's Biggest Player...???

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[Music] hello greg well guys i've got some interesting content for you today as usual i found a very curious case that i would like your opinion on uh but i don't want to give anything away just yet um i just want you to watch the first couple tech talks and then i will sort of explain what's going on okay so this is the first tick tock i saw of this guy his name is dustin tyler it says uh drink a bucket of bleach or date selena gomez again let's see what he says [Music] so yeah deeply personal thing to post on tick tock i feel like i didn't know who this guy is when i first saw uh this tick tock so i was just very confused i was like did this guy date selena gomez it says again it's not just some guy speculating like i probably wouldn't like dating selena gomez so yeah i'll take the bleach so then he made another video responding to this comment it says is he making fun of bryce hall or and i don't know what that's referring to i did i don't know if bryce hall said that he liked selena gomez or dated her or something but this just provides a little more insight into the relationship that this guy had with selena gomez nah i'm not making fun of bryce hall him and i are nothing alike see he has to make stories up that he was with selena gomez me i actually was and then i friend zoned her and then i broke her little heart again a very mean tone to the video condescending to this person who is just genuinely asking a question but gives a lot of insight into his alleged relationship with selena gomez and then i friend zoned her and then i broke her little heart i am curious about the details of the story though because the order of events is kind of weird to me the way he laid it out he says i was with selena gomez and then i friend zoned her and then i broke her little heart he says that things happen in that order usually you don't start dating someone and then friend zone them usually when guys talk about getting friend-zoned it's like they're talking to this girl and then she reveals that she sees them as more like friends this guy's saying we were dating they could have been dating for like three years and then he turns to her and he's like you know i really see you like a sister the best sister i ever had so he says he dated her and then friend zoned her and then broke her heart so he like friendzoned her broke things off with her and then he broke her heart what did he do i dated her i friend zoned her and then i killed her hamster straight up stepped on it this was years later by the way anyway by now you're probably wondering who the hell is this guy is this justin bieber because i know they dated that's what i thought at first i thought is this what justin bieber looks like now but now this guy's name is dustin tyler uh and i scrolled through his page to try to figure out who this guy is and here's what i came up with just like oklahoma mine is coming soon okay so i didn't know who this guy was at first but luckily there's a logo in the corner that says victorious apparently this guy is was a character on victorious at first i did think this was andy sandberg from 2006 but he was a character let's say victorious puppet guy he was this guy robbie shapiro is one of tory's friends at hollywood arts and he's got a few videos where he uh does sort of a glow up he's like this is what i used to look like back when i was on victorious and this is what i look like now don't i look so different and then i was like okay this makes sense now so this guy used to be on like an old nickelodeon show and so he was probably in with the nick kids and the disney kids and so that's how he knew selena gomez and that's how they dated right it all makes sense however after reading the comments on these tick tocks i came to discover that this guy this man is not the guy from victorious these are two different people he's just straight up lying about everything he's not that guy he didn't date selena gomez his page is full of lies and to be honest he's not lying very well mind you because the actual guy from victorious his name is matt bennett and he has a tick tock account and if you wanted to pretend to be him you could at least make your name on tick tock matt bennett i think that would make people believe you a lot more if you really wanted to trick people but he didn't he just made us he just kept his real name dustin tyler that's me please don't google that please don't google my name so this dude's whole thing apparently it's just like making [ __ ] up on tick tock and then hoping it goes viral because people are kind of like whoa you used to be the guy from victorious or whoa you used to date selena gomez and now you'd rather kill yourself than dater again that's crazy it's also funny now that he says that he friendzoned selena gomez because that would imply that like they are now friends you know and this is a pretty [ __ ] up thing to say about your friend date selena gomez again dude oh that's oh disgusting dude that [ __ ] i hate that girl i hate her i wouldn't i would not touch her with a 10 foot pole she's crazy and she's my best friend but again it turns out that he did not friendzone her at all maybe he stranger zoned her he friendzoned her so hard that they don't even know each other and never did this is kind of interesting to me because this is sort of playing off an existing trend on tick tock where people will post like that they have some sort of past or current relationship with a celebrity like my uncle is tom cruise or like uh my grandma is sandra bullock and like tick tocks like these will go viral because people are just like weirdly obsessed with stuff like that the comments are always like holy [ __ ] i didn't know tom cruise had a family i'm not really sure why people are so surprised about it i understand just being like huh yeah i never really thought about like what tom cruise's cousin would be like before um but then again why would you you know like i can't imagine why you'd ever be in like a mission impossible movie wondering like i wonder i wonder who the guy who plays this character's cousin is what's that guy like what's he up to so i guess it's just surprising to like see him but it's not really surprising to find out that he does have a cousin i don't think we're all under the impression that like chris pratt just showed up on it like just came about through natural causes if you go if you just search on tick tock i think famous relative check lots of videos will come up about being related to charlie dimlio or bob saget okay this guy is saying that his mom is flo from progressive this is kind of like a popular thing on tick tock and anytime like a big celebrity has some cousin post about them it goes it goes viral but the downside to blowing up in this fashion is that it's kind of hard to keep this momentum going you know most people don't have multiple famous relatives so you can't just keep posting about like having more famous relatives i mean i guess if your cousin was justin bieber you could just sort of keep filming him at every like family get-together but you are kind of just limited to one famous person which is where i think this guy dustin tyler has it all figured out because he doesn't just pick one celebrity to be related to he'll lie about being related to anybody in a multitude of ways [Music] now i should say that in this dude's profile it does say jokes satire so he is covering his bases just in case someone tries to like sue him first whatever that would be lying being weird case anybody tries to sue me for being a little bit strange it's all jokes also all of his tick tocks about like dating famous women are about him friend zoning them or like him like dating them and being like yeah i dated like the most famous woman in the world it was trash loki i'm a little bit out of her league i mean look at me dude i've got tattoos and i live in a hallway and he kind of tries to disguise it as sort of like self-deprecating like oh what a duh what an idiot i am i dated the most i dated the most famous pop star in the world and i was too good for her and i broke her heart ripped it to smithereens and now i kind of regret it dope i'm so stupid oopsie and this is all of his content then like his whole friend group must just be famous pop stars right if he's friend zoning all of these girls and they're just then they're just his friends now uh maybe this is the only way he knows how to make friends put your back into it tell us why show us where you came from look at you now uh the caption for that one is this is what i look like when i friend zoned ariana grande okay that that one's not even trying to disguise it as like a self-deprecating joke that one's just like look at how ugly i was when i friend zoned a literal pop music icon and now look at how hot i am i can't decide how i feel about this because on one hand it's kind of creepy but it's also it also is kind of funny that he's just like pretending to be dating all of these famous people i will say very disrespectful to the guy from victorious the fact that he's using this guy's picture to be like his past ugly self and being like but now don't worry guys now i'm hot i don't look like that ugly ass dweeb anymore and he's like showing a picture that's not even him it's some other guy and he's also kind of like lying about things that that guy did too now he just starts assigning all of this horrible [ __ ] to this guy that's not even him yeah this is what i looked like back when i robbed that bank can you believe this is what i looked like back then damn that was that that was the same year i blew up that hospital too [ __ ] i've really changed since then my name is matt bennett by the way and i did all those things people just walk away from those videos being like wow that the guy who played that kid in victorious is kind of an [ __ ] also one of the weirdest things about this is he also posts all of these tick tocks on instagram and he's verified on instagram which seems very weird because literally all he does is pretend to be other people and somehow that gets him verified but he does in fairness also say jokes and satire in his instagram description so when instagram verified him what they're saying is don't worry guys this really is the guy who pretends to be the guy from victorious if you're wondering if this guy really is who he says he is he is really the guy that pretends to date selena gomez they do get a little bit creepier though this one is like that sound that's like back in the day me and you baby we used to have fun and it says my mind when i bump into ariana grande when she's with her husband with like a uh emoji imagine this guy that ariana grande has never met before bumping into her in public with her husband remember me it's like i've never seen you before in my life oh the fun we used to have if he keeps making tick tocks like these these are only going to get progressively more and more creepy the more like life changes ariana grande goes through the next one's like me following ariana grande's daughter home from elementary school to tell her about all the good times me and her mom had me in court while ariana grande is trying to file a restraining order against me [Music] imagine ariana grande's husband like just randomly stumbling across this tick tock what the [ __ ] i don't even know this guy imagine if he sees all the other tick tocks and like believes them because he doesn't know who is this guy she's like i have no idea he's like [ __ ] you're just saying that you're lying to me this guy friend zoned you and now he hates me she's like no i literally have no idea who that guy is he's lying you obviously do know him he was on victorious that guy was not on victoria you are so full of [ __ ] he's verified on instagram babe okay that one just throws off the whole thing i thought he wanted ariana grande back and all the other tic tacs he's like damn i wish i never friend-zoned her and now he's saying i would never date her again how how do you reconcile those two oh i wish i didn't friend zone ariana grande i wish i killed her these are getting a little creepy kind of like bringing her husband into it there's one comment under this tick tock that says you're using her name a little too much i think and he commented under it i'm obsessed with her i'm not using her name too much i'm obsessed with her i think i'm using it an appropriate amount how am i supposed to stop using her name if i can't stop thinking about her how does that make any sense again i get that this is all a bit you know it's all jokes and satire but i do feel like he may be taking the bit a little bit too far and committing a little bit too hard to the bit now he's gonna get arrested and be like that video that i posted of me over ariana grande and her husband sleeping was a joke i was making fun of someone who would do that the knife in my hand was a goof you want to know the craziest thing about this is all this dude does is pretend to be other people and pretend to be related to other people and he has 1.7 million followers on tick tock you know john legend like an actual famous person just started a tick tock you know how many followers he has he's got 1.6 million followers he's got less followers than someone pretending to be related to somebody famous dustin tyler has four times as many followers as the actual guy from victorious matt bennett has 400 000 followers and the guy pretending to be him has four times more it's like how do you get more followers by making tick tocks about being like re related to somebody than you do by being that guy he hasn't just pretended to date celebrities he also has pretended to be keanu reeve's son people tomorrow morning 8 a.m [Music] and a lot of them have this kind of theme where like people and like potential girlfriends only like him because he's keanu reeve's son and i just think it's kind of funny that in this this fictional world where he can make up anything he picks such a sad reality for himself he picks these worlds where like he turned away the love of his life ariana grande and now he's bitter and he despises her husband and he picks this world where keanu reeves is his dad but like he can't really be sure if anyone actually likes him for him because everyone's just so obsessed with keanu reeves he's turning his life into a a tragedy he's made a tragedy of himself also i think it's kind of funny that in this scenario it seems like the she that this this video is talking about would be ariana grande you know how ariana grande is obsessed with keanu reeves and that's a thing about her screaming crying also i want to know where he's making these tick tocks he's always either like in a hallway or in a storage closet i feel like i'm way more interested than his life than than like whatever whatever fantasy land he's coming up with i feel like he's making these at work whatever job this guy works i must be the most boring job in the world i get daydreaming about like dating ariana grande or like having a famous parent but then like daydreaming and fantasizing about like dating selena gomez but it was trash it's kind of it's like you've gone through everything else there is to daydream about and now all you have to daydream about is like what if people only liked me because my dad was in the matrix anyway i don't know what do you guys think is this creepy or normal is this creepy behavior or is this all in good fun and uh it's just kind of like a silly guy being goofy and wacky let me know anyway thank you so much to seatgeek for sponsoring this video guys live events are back and you're gonna be going back to them in style you wanna know why because thanks to seageek you can save twenty dollars using my code greg on seatgeek if you don't know what seatgeek is it's basically an app for your butt and what i mean by that is it helps get your butt in some dope ass seat seek is a ticketing app that helps you get tickets in the easiest way possible i've got the app on my phone i've used it to get tickets to a variety of shows in the past and i really like how it tells you whether or not you're getting a good deal on tickets it basically color codes the seats and the tickets to so you know whether you're getting a good deal or a bad deal green means good red means stop whether it's concerts baseball basketball football etc whatever you're into that has tickets you can probably find it on seekgeek i personally am going to an oliver tree show in february which i'm very excited about got the tickets on sea geek it was super easy to do and again thanks to seatgeek sponsoring this video using the promo code greg you can get 20 off tickets from sikhi that's 20 off your first purchase if you use my code greg and make sure you click the link in the description to download the app thank you to seageek for sponsoring this video and thank you to you guys for checking out seeky bye
Channel: Danny Gonzalez
Views: 4,562,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor
Id: _8bzFEBTTvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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