Hollywood Van Tour ( Full Experience ) - Celebrity Homes / Beverly Hills / Rodeo & Mulholland Drive

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Looks like another day without Adam. Here’s when he was in LA and took one of those tours around celebrity homes. Watch as Adam has someone else show him around and give him the history of laws around Hollywood.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/handsomemagenta πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Another day of no content. Weird. Just as sure as he rides the same rides at Epcot, we always get travel day vlogs, with either views of the plane from the airport, or Big the Foot cruising along some highway somewhere. Yet these last few days? Crickets. Something is up, not assigning good or bad, just saying after months of the same WDW content daily and then something remotely interesting happens (or in theory is happening) and silence, it's odd.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TangyCommadore64 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
welcome everyone Adam the Wu here today's adventure brings us to Hollywood California waiting across the street for me is a tour van the company has sliced the top off put some seats in it and they're just gonna escort guests of this neck of the woods to want to see celebrity homes the Hollywood sign Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive and who knows whatever the heck else they have in store but right over there I'm inviting you to join me shall you and even though there are a heck of a lot to choose from dozens and dozens I'm going with Los Angeles USA tours dot-com no real reason whatsoever on why I chose this particular one it appealed to me for some reason Hecate it's happened they got the front seat cleaned out for me front door open they're gonna let me ride shotgun now I know I can see most of these places on my own accord on my own time try something a little bit different have someone else kind of drive me around and guide me if you will Holly you see the Hollywood sign as well as downtown LA when they go down Rodeo Drive really walked in the Chocolate Factory dr. Seuss American witch's house this is hocus-pocus little kids go nuts over that one bro we do we go Madonna Tom Cruise Ozzy Osbourne Elvis Presley Frank Sinatra dr. Phil Larry King Orlando Bloom George Clooney Michael Jackson Lindsay Lohan and we drove off kind of reminds me of a van I used to drive around I could have done tours come to think of it just waiting on a few more people to board before we depart maybe that passing by Superman Chewbacca or Jedi up look like they know they're not down they set up camp in front of the stop-and-go market don't want to run one of the vans with only a few passengers so we need a few more people to sign up before it hits the road to you happy birthday to you we have celebrity boats and zigs and landmarks we just gotta make a quick circle around this block to see a few things in the way to Hollywood science 1949 and it was the favorite restaurant of Frank Sinatra that's why you will see this picture here although pretty woman it was velvet in this hotel in both of these balconies you see on the left the entrance to the parking lot of the largest open theater in Southern California the Hollywood Bowl although in 1990 start working 1923 bands and celebrities performed there including and especially the Beatles Frank Sinatra kylie minogue spoke with seagulls by cyrus the capacity of this theater is seventeen thousand three hundred and seventy-six seats as you see the name move on drive that was the name of a movie for no yachts it's also the name of this world and it was named after all the engineer and his name was William Mulholland this is the one who planned the water place and the water Greater Los Angeles 50 miles long for eight doctors start from here goes up the more up we go the wider the road s the nicer the scenes are worthy established gated communities a lot of celebrities choose to live in these gated communities to have more privacy we never stop here for ten minutes you take the picture for the sign Hollywood and Los Angeles certainly a pretty epic view from up here see the freeway but you can also see the seats there of the Hollywood ball thinks huge right there in the side of the mountain it's a little hazy today but you can still see the skyline there in the fog / smogged nice and turning around looking in the opposite direction there's that iconic sign dan dan dan did it done there's signage everywhere stating that you must have a permit in order to park one of these tour vans up here if not you will get a citation they arrested him not because he changed the sign but because he endangered himself later the city of Los Angeles built the defense around designed to prevent any analysis the house of de buri this house on the left we used to play soccer and now he's an actor he was in a movie crew Expendables his name is Vinnie Jones Angeles the Warner horns limousine company called BLS that company sir celebrities he has connections with them and they film it a movie in his house before for Danny Glover 10 million movie was little woman that house was blown up in the movie digitally of course we will shortly see here nice view right former backs to the city at Universal Studios where most of the studios are indicated this view is better in the night because the lights define it and make a call 820 foot elevated from the sea level one hundred and forty meters right White House with all Oh it's now sober for one prisoner current actor his name is Wayne Johnson this house with the law is powerful people together you can catch three dates brood was one point four the white house here on the left both voice and white McLaren the McLaren is not here so probably yourself get this at the bottom of the hill there is a pink house the breath the bright pink house this is the house of Jennifer movies and if you look at my hand were in pointing on the top of the mountain there are three houses on the right white house would be roof beach house and then height house with oranges the white house with the beige roof that was her first house was when she used level mark-anthony but she sold it for 50 millions to a boxer from the Philippines and his name is Manny if again next to anybody out there is a beige house that's world Stefani and next the bonus the funny white house and orange move that's the house of Britney Spears on the same Hill in the middle dress another white house but a lot of that bigger than Britney Spears white house would ordered roof in the middle that's the house of Samuel Jackson and on the far left there is a white house with glass fence this is the largest house here and it's the most expensive 155 million dollars house the owner did not buy she got it as a birthday present from the owner of Airbnb her name is Kendall Jenner this is the first day of Disneyland the owner loves Disneyland and he bought the whole ten letters for 38,000 people part of the deed that he is here at the rest around his house his name is John states or colleges first we will see the head or the entrance of the Sun right and his views many Mikkel kendall Jenner wanna Stefani and some objection this is how we go to the for the next evil [Music] the most eye-catching house me on the left and this is the house of Denzel Washington this house here and what doesn't Washington there is a house with orange roof surrounded by trees that's the house of Sylvester Stallone escape the house after Sylvester Stallone go a little bit to your right you'll see darker gray house between the trees with four chimneys this is the house of movin boom you know them guys yeah that's his house and all the way on the top drive three houses in the top of the mountain next to each other they look like each other each one has two chimneys of the top this is a father son and grandson brush and deliver vehicle they call him the king of the Vorta his name is Sergey Abramovich and but this is the new house of Paris Hilton again unique ellipse on the left you see a celebrity warm his mom lives with him he's originally from Italy his mom hear the noise of the band she opened the window and she threw water on us his name is Leonardo DiCaprio in this lighthouse on the top of the very top they beautiful white house coming up on the left now former owner died unfortunately in December 26 2016 with cancer her mother died the following day with heart attack that was her house your name was Princess Leia from Star Wars hood Carrie Fisher it was her house last I was above the multiple today ours looks like like Apple store very modern design house owner is and I you see beautiful white mention above the mountain that's the mention of Alfredo James the cheek or Al Pacino house used to belong to the state of California the government used to own it and then used to give it as a 30 residents to the governor last governor the field was first California suffered financially during this time they shrink at the budget this one house to Italian businessman fashion designer his name is George Marciano is the owner of messages and I was also right to Vermont and Nancy Reagan when he was an actor he used to look together at this house two years after he became the president at the United States they sold it to John Paul Newman and John Paul Newman later sold the house to a producer house number 1017 the first level he left here was Kirk Douglas the father Michael Douglas defended here two movies melody hell belly and get your key the house was later sold to American businessman his name is Ray Kroc you know you guys don't acknowledge the owner of McDonald's and now one of his grandsons lives in the house the very next house also on the Left used to belong to action movie star about five seven years ago he ran away to Russia he doesn't want to come back because if he came back he will spend the rest of his life in prison because he is convicted in 10 rape charges his name is Steven Seagal that was his house the key music's right there on the bike this is the gig and after this black part of the writer isn't over how is the former owner of this house is a good friend of Obama in August 3rd 2012 I remember the day because I was stuck here and questioned by the CIA when I tried to get him that's it he told me no you cannot go here today because the prisoner is resting his friend George Clooney to tell him thank you for his support in his election in and today today not what happens he look at the branches of history is Obama can land here with helicopter to visit his friend you made successful movies like four brothers super-dead and lone survivor his name is Mark Wahlberg we have two more houses here in this street there is a huge house of the right and another house on the left corner the one on the right is a celebrity scientist former Harvard professor and he is the inventor of the three dimensions his name is George do you know Josh 40-fathom Josh would even believe another celebrity used to live here most of my friends outside United States they don't recognize this lady she had a red hair used to be Arabic hat and talks with her hands you could see her an old black and white TV shows sometimes on postage stamps or in the wax museums she made the famous show called I Love Lucy her name was Lucille Ball currently a beautiful Lucie Arnaz lives in this house if you look here my friends on the right corner is a fire hydrant and that's in silver that's only in the burials in any other city either yellow or red also only in Beverly Hills street names related to white backgrounds for black letters the shield of Beverly Hills Oh God the former owner surrounded with these Buddha statues to bring him luck and protection he passed away but his memory still on the mouse his name was Elvis Christie can see a little bit of the house from these holes across from Elvis another celebrity booster in this house another the end pose hundred thousand dollars month now's that he used on is in a village called Neverland it's by the city of Santa Barbara about hundred and thirty miles north of Beverly Hills his name was Michael Jackson that was his room where he died it says before he died in this room the original owner of the house is also a celebrity he used to make the roles of James Bond his name was Sean Connery Sean Connery some house later to a French fashion designer his name is Christian Audigier Christian Audigier is the owner with her e-voting he couldn't do anything until he finished investigations of Michael Jackson's death later he was able to sell the house to investor and a shareholder from Bank of America his name is Steven Mayer the funeral of Michael Jackson you will remember and this scheme this is where the people came to say goodbye and this is where the ambulance came to pick him up it was in front of this [Music] at the end of the road there is a mansion the former owner of this mansion founded almost two years before he died sold it for 200 million dollars who won edition and after he received the money he has to stay in the house until he dies then the new order can move him and that happened in September of 2017 his name was you or wrinkly the mansion is behind the trees but still you can see it from here guys Oracle's good flow he had another house above the fellow that he used to call it the button house and this is where he used [Laughter] you see stones on the corners of each gate and she put them in purpose like instead of writing campaign she put something to represent him and on the right corner here by that red cone there is a house the owner of this house is not is not a celebrity this see how big the house and the owner of this house is not a celebrity actually until 2011 he was on this someone saw me felt sorry for him he gave him $1 he went to 7-Eleven store he bought the lottery four hundred and fifty million dollars he's very generous and he donated have this money to build other charity organizations to help the glass be left 11 years on the house so that the 1990 second which is one year after his son was shot and killed just before making the right there into the right let's now start on C and immediately have the best you'll see on the left side one of the science of paper tickets here it is [Music] this could not find him or arrest em so the as with other mafia members the present to shoot him and kill him and exchange for their part and that happened in the house of the left hook and after the stop sign they climbed that balcony while he was eating and he shot him and killed his name was Bugsy Siegel Jeff house was a crimes for in this market Beverly Hills the city code does not allow all tenses over six feet in height around the house that's why you will see shortages or offenses at work and that's why there is no privacy that's why they do this area did not attract a lot of celebrities when some celebrities don't care about their privacy and we have two of them here in this room the fairest is after the stop sign on the left over a celebrity lawyer he was defending only Simpson Michael Jackson is one of the defense team his name is robot chicken this house on the Left go [Music] see the gate here big house another celebrity also did not care much about his privacy used to live at the end of the road on the right his name was dr. Seuss dr. Seuss brought the Spanish architect from Spain to design the house his name was gal the architect designed house where there is no engines or corners small circles over circles [Music] this is the commercial part of a rifle the brand names on the fashion designers are in the store of design darn that needs an appointment to go to and it's the most expensive store is after the light on the left and you'll see one of those exotic expensive cars this yellow rolls-royce the car won't lot more and it's real value because it is signed by his hand left hand signature behind the front will involve a lot of money in the world of design if you get a chance to work here guys we orient these names on the windows those are his clients you read here George Bush the son and the father Barack Obama Jimmy Carter Blackmun Putin Angela Merkel Queen Elizabeth you wish face those are his rights in front of us FEMA pseudocode equation other part the great human replace in the balcony of the third floor [Music] the big sign whatever else and there is also restroom this is a celebrity restroom by the way the arrested air George Michael we go to the right which is east 2,162 lines will take us to Chicago Illinois this is actually route 66 we call it Santa Monica Boulevard within the limits of Los Angeles County we are those count Levinson is 66 it is the bathroom and Beverly Hills scientific sign is here this means guys we are in the center of the city of Judah because the stigma medicine it is good that the driver stops on occasion how to stretch your legs and see some of the sights up close my own personal style and a little bathroom pitstop never hurt anyone sometimes it's required everyone loading back up all right take off once again this is the Civic Center the city wall and the police department abilities they can be geared to movies Beverly Hills Cop and rush hour it's a little be policed one they don't have jail cells but they have jail sweets the slave nation this is the I can eat beside this ground sign in on the right by the underneath the street name label type see that sign the ground sign roads 66 this area here called sunsets it's Martin West Hollywood but it's different it has beautiful nightlife it has a lot of activities shops restaurants clubs bars good use Asian system and for accomplis for celebrities anything here has a relationship with celebrity that becomes famous expensive or it gains more value like the liquor store on the Left got Pierre Paul Gil Turner's it became famous after Halle Berry drove her car into that door which was drunk it was 4:00 in the morning she left her car stuck into the door she ran leaves later discovered that was her car and started dealing with famous parkour brain boom were musicians rock musicians especially hangout after they finished performing and they performed it as well table number 16 in this bar witnessed the last half an hour of John Belushi's life after we do business gossip - Karachi club is a famous club as well they could place for missions and Regan place was now his Jim Morrison and Elvis Presley were the first to perform in this club was called said event little games for celebrities including Obama won all those orders ordered a parade from the minion revenue is this restaurant another famous restaurant the yellow cake guard won't God is expressed the favorite of Elvis Presley and this is where he gave his car as a tip the way Cristobal's is being a very special young ones he used to stay in this hotel until he bought the most Miley Cyrus Jonas Brothers Orlando Bloom the old state here and tell debug their homes also Jennifer Aniston every man she dated she is to make him your restaurant who rest here on the bottom floor comedians like Venice teller Jim Carrey and Eddie Murphy London and before then maybe the names of the wall here our future famous comedians they have other two locations on a Long Beach California and the third one and as women the map products building as the office of the now it is not powerful if it's on the back of the mountain a bullet and the only two ladies in the house - because celebrities usually stay at hotel during any event for the most part of a meal rule number nine twenty-eight this hotel is wounded by their liberal dose current he spent a lot of time in this home and he can read more about this if you go from on your bed laughter Jamie Cambell a Capitol Theater known also as well this speaker because they bring view all these shows in season until remain the same stop so we can open book please do not forget to become in cell phones cameras or any personal items thank you so much that's gonna do it for today if you're new here please subscribe by doing so helps keep you in the loop and up-to-date on future adventures I will be going on endeavours in my life as well as uploads here on this channel you enjoyed this particular episode give it a big thumbs up lets me know you care I'll see you in the next video let me just show you the setup of this real quick-like I have the front shotgun seat this is what it's like in the back angle pretty cool much more fun than I expected it to be it was kind of nice just being along for the ride see you in the next video the blog is over
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 516,932
Rating: 4.8438506 out of 5
Keywords: hollywood, california, tour, van tour, bus tour, hollywood sign, mulholland drive, rodeo drive, beverly hills, los angeles, things to do, tourist, ride thru, ride, celebrity, homes, houses, full tour, adamthewoo, adam the woo, thedailywoo, adam, the, woo, daily, micelis, overlook, location, sunset strip, rainbow room, the roxy, chateau marmont, el capitan, vlog, vlogger, tour guide, guide, las palmas hotel, mansion, experience
Id: f07HPsj3C_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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