INSIDE Paramount Pictures Private Backlot Tour & Filming Locations

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well good morning lion Hearts it's 5 a.m. I hope you guys enjoyed the robo light walkway yesterday meeting Kenny Jr I had no idea what I was walking into when I showed up there man was I happy to be there that was so cool today I'm up early because I got booked for something I auditioned for this last week I booked it and I'm going to be working at Paramount Studios today I don't know what I'll be able to show you I don't know what the deal is there a lot of these Productions you guys know as soon as you get there they make me sign a non-disclosure agreement and I can't use my phone sometimes I can but I love Paramount because Paramount's one of those few Studios that like every stage has one of those plaques in the outside of the building telling what was filmed inside so if I can show you anything show you any of the plaques and any of the um famous things that were filmed there I will I think I'm uh from the map that I got it looks like we're going to be on New York Street a lot of things have been filmed on New York Street one of the things that I love is the uh schlam schlamazel L and Shirley intro is right by one of those staircases in front of one of those fake apartment buildings so should be an interesting day now I do have um a vlog set aside just in case I had to work and I can't show you guys anything so we'll just see how it shakes out either you'll get to see some of Paramount Studios with me or you'll be uh seeing something else that I saw a few days ago days of Jordan the lion begins now and let's take this joker out for his morning pee before I head out oh I did get a text message from my friend Kevin yesterday telling me that he had forwarded my chichin Chong Up and Smoke Vlog over over to cheich Marin himself my friend Kevin knows him pretty well from uh being on the K Earth Morning Show quite a few times and it's pretty cool to know that you did a vlog that the man himself who was in the movie cheich got to see or at least now knows about here we are let's go do this well here's one stage 25 looks like no features but we've got the Lucy show Cheers Frasier out of practice it's like two of the most famous shows of all time Jesse lasky's offices were there's the Paramount Tower yep I was totally right my uh my directions were to go to New York Street so let's see what was filmed at stage 29 it looks like quite a few things are on their uh little board Gloria Swanson building Leonard Nemo away I forgot that Star Trek was out here Scrooged Star Trek generation Star Trek Beauty the Beast Mission Impossible moral Court orcino Hall and Dr Phil got to go over the dumpsters but that's the Great Gatsby from 74 The Godfather Happy Endings see Cone Heads W World 2 King Kong Brady sequel Adams Family Values Little House in the prairie amen wow well I found where lever and Shirley's front step is we would have seen them doing the schlam schlamazel right here how awesome is that is that crazy so their uh their apartment would have been down here when they would have shown all those establishing shots it looks like the bushes have grown up but they put out an album at that time too they were sitting right here on the front step for that album oh you know just spending my workday recreating lever and Shirley's album cover it was kind of the main thing that I wanted to see while I was over here on New York Street and I'm pretty happy I got to see it now there's actually multiple uh front steps that all look pretty much similar but this is the only one that doesn't have the telephone pole which is how I matched it up see they have that little block there that you can add a telephone pole if they would want to but uh this was definitely it crazy now what's strange is if you remember in Wayne's World 2 they reenact that scene but they don't even do it here they actually do it like right around the corner so I'm going to go over and show you that at some point today well after matching up pictures that definitely absolutely was the front step of lever and Shirley look it's the fake Subway that big staircase thing in front of me is actually the big blue screen that you see at the end of Truman Show like the big land of water stage 14 oh I noticed soap dish dangerous mindes face off Glee road to Valley so a security guard just told me I could come over and check out the uh blue blue water wall and there it is pretty famous backdrop you've seen it in tons of stuff so the security guard just told me some more interesting stuff about that so let's go back and look at it here you can see that they use the water part for like a parking lot when it's not used for filming and what he was saying is he said they used this for um 10 commandments when Moses splits the sea they use this for um the end of Titanic when the boat is Sinking The Truman Show so all those things would have been filmed right here in this uh this water area so I was just told that this over here is the neighborhood from Everybody Hates Chris and uh security guard also told me something interesting about the lever and Shirley apartment he told me that right here in the episode where Fred gets a uh Fred Merz and I Love Lucy gets a Cadillac and uh when he shows up it's all beat up and run down he's actually driving right down this street and Parks right in front and the I Love Lucy apartment building was also this apartment building from leat surely how crazy is that here's some more in New York Street the part that they're not using now this is pretty interesting because right here this is where they re in Wayne's World they recreate the uh lever and Shirley scene and I'll match up that photo right here you'll notice that green bench that was right here is gone but that is exactly where they shot at ironically they shot it literally right around the corner from where the original one was makes you kind of wonder why they just didn't film it on the original steps all right gang we're on lunch I'm going to walk over and I'm going to show you guys the original bench from Forest Gump now there's some argument as to whether this is the real bench or not but it is there is a bench in a museum where they film the movie that is not the real bench that is a replica bench that they were going to use in case they needed it but they didn't even on the Paramount website it says that this bench here is the original bench they brought here so let's go see it actually let's go check out stage seven first [Music] Clueless that clueless the original Nutty Professor anything goes oh I used to watch Brooklyn Bridge monk cool now let's go see if we can find the uh Forest Gump bench now if memory serves me correctly it is right down here down here towards the fountain and I hope you guys are enjoying this you're actually getting like a free backstage Paramount Studios tour for meet Grimlock that's an animated Transformers reference and check this out guys right here's where Gloria Swanson's car drives in in Sunset Boulevard to visit Mr deil this used to be the original entrance to the lot now they've kind of extended it and uh here's the bench right up here now I hope this will put the rumors to rest now one of the cool things is that uh when the movie first came out and they had this bench here Tom Hank sat out here with a box of chocolates for a day and uh pulled off the the uh thing from the movie let people sit down take pictures and everything so here is the original bench and if you want to contest it you can keep contesting it but Paramount's website says that this is the original bench from the movie and uh I can't imagine a movie they knew that was going to be an Oscar winner and everything I can't imagine they would have left that bench uh in Alabama or Georgia or wherever it is or wherever that replica one is in the museum here I am sitting on Forest bench mom always said life was like a box of chocolates well here's stage one let's see what was filmed on stage one son of pale face more Nutty Professor Truman Show mcgyver cool of thought like an original Paramount movie would have been filmed on stage one stage two is a lot of the same movies as stage one but I did notice that one eyy Jack is there and I love that that was the first movie that Marlon Brando ever directed stars in it it's a great western fantastic oo The Man Who Knew Too Much there's the Paramount Barber Shop guess Superman must have been filmed here I'm kidding Wayne's World coming to America classic A Place in the Sun Shelly wyers Montgomery Cliff Elizabeth Taylor directed by George Stevens so cool now we're over here by stage five let's see what was at stage five road to Rio Bob and Bing moland Drive Brady Bunch Movie I've actually filmed on this stage before the disorderly orderly The Graduate Rosemary's Baby man this is just chalk full of hits Mommy Dearest road to Bley man a lot of the road movies and the TV version of The Brady Bunch wow super cool those are all offices but they look like stage sets see if I can find a plard for stage three see what was there I actually have to get back to set and I couldn't find the placard for stage three so let's walk by the uh the big outdoor pool area again maybe I can give you a wider shot of it there that's a better shot of what You' have seen they use it for car commercials they do all kinds of stuff creepy there's actually one other thing I want to show you guys while I'm over here do you remember what was it like a week two weeks ago that I did the Montgomery Cliff Vlog and I told you guys a story about how he kind of flipped out in the commissary when he thought that lady was staring at him and uh was ringing the steak in his hands while he was under the table bark or like growling like a dog and putting the um putting the steak in his hair it was actually right over here here it is the Paramount commissary not a huge thing to see but since I told you guys that story I thought it'd be nice to show you where it happened all right gang I can't speak for anyone else but I am wrapped they're done with me for the day so on our way out let's hit the tube uh stages that I didn't get to show you and see what was filmed there all right let's see what was filmed at stage 27 and 28 actually I think I showed you guys 27 but I was kind of blocked when I showed it earlier Remember The Godfather The Great Gatsby Morin Mindy oh yeah Dear John I loved that show chud HS there's Dr Phil and then just in case I didn't get to show you uh stage 28 also The Great Gatsby The Godfather part two and then television entertainment tonight was filmed here well gang I hope your old pal Jordan gave you a good tour of uh the Paramount back lot I did the best I could maybe one of the best parts of being on sound stages is just thinking about all the history and all the people that have walked down these same alleys that I'm walking right now goodbye Paramount well I hope today's Vlog was a pleasant surprise for you all I know it certainly was for me I did not expect to have such a LAX day and uh with such a cool group of people to work with and they were all pretty accommodating when I told them that I was walking around vlogging they were all pretty cool with it and uh even were pretty helpful even told me where I should go and things that were filmed there things some of the things I already knew some I already didn't know so feel like it was a pretty good day I didn't expect to really have anything to show you so if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and uh I'll be here tomorrow I hope you will be too um have a great night I was going to trying to think if there was anything else I wanted to say and it was just no just have a great night thanks for watching thanks for being so supportive and uh hope you guys have a smile on your face every day when you watch my video uh it certainly puts one on my face when I upload it knowing everybody's going to watch it so have a great night from your PO Jordan the lion good night
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 337,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paramount pictures, Titanic, Truman show, Tlc, Backlot, Tour, Hollywood, Los angeles, Movie locations, Vlog, Vlogger, Vlogging, Lifestyle, private, behind the scenes, on set
Id: 69fnhSjrRZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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