Hollow Knight - Speedrunner vs. 4 Hunters on Steel Soul AGAIN (again)

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today I'm playing Hollow Knight speedrunner versus Hunters on steel Soul if I can beat the hollow Knight before the hunters kill me I win the game but if I die from any cause the game immediately ends today we're using a new mod which adds bosses back into the game for hunters while still preventing regular non-boss enemies from spawning are the full rules see the description but with that hope you enjoy the video 30 seconds remain ready Gamers we're ready abely ready so ready okay so we need to plan somebody go like toal night four three two and go all right go go go go except for the door all right team the door's not here I swung instinctively I'm so sorry I didn't I didn't mean to no this is already going so poorly this is already going so poorly what's the fast way to get to uh I'm trying to go to false Knight but I feel like this is not the best way this way I'm going to sit at ancestral Mound though yeah I'm just going to check a bunch of Corners if he's not hiding somebody somebody go to salubra I'll go there all right I am going to try to go to false Knight but I'm already a bit behind on that cuz I went the wrong way cuz of the infection I hate the infection in Crossroads leave me alone infected Crossroad is so bad it's so annoying as long as we have mound salubra like ancestral Mound should someone guard greth uh well he needs a boulder killer first so yeah that's true he has to come through me first nobody he gets through Shelby except fire probably oh yes he does oh I need to kill gr I don't hear anything yet gr mother in don't spawn so I'm in the big room before so I'm almost there all right he's not a king what shall I pre fight uh FAL Knight probably if you're yeah yeah I'll do that what could he be doing in the early stages like getting a m sh or probably yeah or oh M he can only get one extra mask now so I'm heading back to the left oh he's here he's here oh that's early Fire come on man wait where is he at Mound what who's at Mound what the hell yeah he got me I'm dead I'm dead he's hit by yeah okay he healed what the hell skip false Knight I'm heading the elevator room he's trapped in there somebody go stack the door I mean you got to figure it takes yeah it takes infection again any percent takes like 4 minutes to get vs it makes sense that he got there that fast if you skip false night do we still think he's in Mound yeah probably should I head up and up around hopefully to Green Path or I I'll head to the boulder yeah I head to the boulder cuz there's no reason to go to Sly right now Shaman is banned so he won't go get that yeah he's in M I'm killing the Boulder now I'm I'm slowly but surely heading over to the boulder at Green how close are you guys I don't want to die I'm I'm working path I am getting there I am now in the the big long room with all the platform I'm just stalling hello hello I'm in here too with you yeah I'll I'll I'll go down I'll I'll try to keep an oh oh i s on the bench he's he's he's leaving M now okay I'm going to I'm going to stay at where cornifer is I'm waiting for him okay okay we got him in who's in here who's in here with me I'm I'm L I'm about to die I'm I'm heading out okay no I am so sorry he's out of here fire here Fire's here fire is here he's heading up he's heading up he's heading up to the elevator room he got past me I'm so sorry for killing you I that was Instinct yeah I'm so sorry all right I'm I'm fire okay stay down there stay down there yeah yeah I'm staying okay all right I'm I'm healing is he in here okay I'm on one Health yeah he's there he's there get him get him get him get him get him go go go go go go go why does his clink with me but mine doesn't clink with it okay back off back off I got him I hit him again go go chase him go chase him go Chas I'm chasing chasing I'm chasing where is he heading he miss I killed him I got him already let's go good job where hey I win okay where do we go GG I win I did God damn it I got cocky I should not have been in there with like four Hunters behind me all right good luck again seconds all right I'll go to false Knight again same plan I'll go back yeah yeah I'll but this time slightly more executed because I I messed up the first time I love how everyone's just big hopping across dirt math everyone everyone yeah everyone got to do those big hops all right I'm off to false Knight good luck Hunters let's kick his ass again oh God again we already have a w in the pocket I'm almost at false Knight I am not hearing any slashes so I'm assuming he's not here I'm going to pre-fight false Knight all right oh no he is here he's here he's here he's here he's here he'll skip probably I hit him I hit him oh no I summon the boss okay I'm dead I'm dead I'm I'm so dead it's okay don't die FAL sense of security I'm on one Health I died all right fire is in in in the fight I think he's he healed I think he's doing the full fight I think when he walks in I'll be hidden behind the statue I think I'm good I'm actually up at the entrance should I go back to false Knight again or should I go yeah just to prevent him from going like back and doing things since he knows we're going to be at M yeah yeah he's uh finishing the fight now okay he dropped the false Knight down below I'm just going to stall for time yeah I'll see if I can see if I can get there in time but I doubt it he's picking up uh City Crest now I've hit him twice I've hit him three times he's he's going up again he's healing he's he once I'm On One HP back off yeah the heal is so slow if we get hit twice I would back off if there's enough of us around all right I'm going I'm going to the right again I'm back in infected Crossroads I'm staying in a bottom area of he might go left still so he might I'm I'm heading to the right to try to hopefully cut him off of doing something but I don't really know is he still in false Knight he hasn't come here yeah he hasn't left to the right side of false he's okay is's going up to false Knight Arena again all right I'm almost at the room next to false Knight he's going to the left he's entering M now entering M or he's entering the the left side of FAL Arena the left uh right transition so okay so I completely wasted my time you see him yet no he's still in the false Knight Arena he's in the false Knight Arena still yeah the Bott okay yep I see hello oh I hear somebody sorry I I don't I don't think I hit him okay that's bad that's bad that's bad if he makes it all the way up here I'm on the left side of the entrance TK all right it's a good good idea okay I hit him but I'm also one [Music] HP I'm dying oh I killed him we got him again again again damn let's go I didn't do a single thing that game that's crazy I'm such a good Hunter this is insane I'm bouncing on a skull I had one H I had two HP he had one and we both hit each other we we ped each other but still hit each other that was insane I thought for sure you'd follow me extrem you played it you played it very smart perfect pin movement setup for yeah I was hoping that if I just like stood where the infection was that you'd assume that I like ran backwards or something but that did not [Music] work no the funniest thing would be to do the exact same thing a third time yeah let's do the same thing again it's on him to adapt I'm going to can you check the top Right Touch he's not in you want what do you want I gu check room do you want me to check up top right yeah all right if he's going for grabs he might be I just finished mik he was not here so I will return to m i mean l it really doesn't matter what he does in Crossroads cuz he still has to go get vs I have now killed false Knight he is still not here I'm going to head back out the way I came and extreme are you at Sly yeah I was I had left he's probably doing grubs then getting money and such what if he's grinding for 1,800 Geo so he can buy Lantern and escape the crystal Peak s then we would hear the toll so then I think we would notice what does he need many uh I don't actually know is it five what does he need for a shade skip L you need just skill I think yeah nothing else I don't I don't think so I think you just need to shade twice so technically he could Escape CR uh I'll go check yeah no there's platforms up to Blue Lake so he could have gone to yeah but we have the platforms every time and he only gets them when he has the ability I don't think you actually need an ability you could do like the shade skip but yeah can he do that has he done that in videos I I don't think he's like that that's my oh he's here he's to the left of the uh SL room left of SL okay he's no he's going well he now knows where we are well he he going down can you go to the right can you see if you can see me I can't awesome unless I get right here I can see a little bit oh wait would you would you get there that's just uh he's going he's still who what he's going up from he's still in the room every skill Okay Go Okay go okay he's going up from the SL room he's up you know I'm going to go trap his ass TK stay here I need to kill fire where where is fire no idea last time I saw him he went up from the Slime room I'm going to check the tram you go I I'll go to the the grub I'm chilling in the G rooms he's here he's here he's at the grub he's at the grub which one uh up if you the SL SL I don't know what I'm following him I'm following him like the where you spike P yeah okay we are now in the uh I don't know where he went uh I think he might have gone up he was outside of the like the the next to the Stag room that's where I lost him okay oh he's he's at the grub in the St room next to the St room he's going up oh okay oh he's going up perfect he's going down again I W past him he's at the grub oh okay I'm doing so much it's crazy I'm in the Spight graub area if he comes back through here run he's going down oh no he's not yeah he's going down I can't I can't follow him he infected going he might go to slly or grother or go to the left again I'm going back down to grother I'm going to stay in this room in case he comes back up again that's fine I'm now going into the next to stag room I he's back here he's might go to false KN oh there he is okay he went down again so again he might go to slide to the right or go to the left again I'll go around I'll see if stay here yeah oh who's in here somebody flashed who's at girl's mother not me he's in here okay he's in here all right I'm heading down yeah I have a killer I have oh no okay so we can trap him in there he needs to finish the fight first I'm dead how how far away are you TK uh I'm in M okay oh okay I'm on one Health I'm on one Health should I stay or to yeah go go go go go go I'm I'm I'm I'm yeah he might we we just say this is lost he killed me do you think we got to change the objective to make it to Green Path just to make it fair for him absolutely ruthless yeah let him get let him get out of Crossroads let's have some fun yeah let's actually play a game this time oh what are he buy he's buying atra right far are you maybe I don't know I I I think we he's doing this shade skip he's oh never mind he's going to the left okay he goes for slly he's resing slime should I stay int M holy nah let him get out get out if everyone's fine with a longer game no he I'm fine with a longer game I I would like to see a longer game you know what we could do we could really we could just chase him and not try to hit him and just like up to him like don't imagine you're going back through the footage after like a close game and you're like man that that one was super intense I wonder what happened then you hear this speedrunner versus Hunter is with a Twist we we let him get stuff because otherwise it's to hard who's going to the left on uh on the top of Crossroads not me Temple oh okay oh oh no I'm in green okay then that's uh fire he's going to the left okay so that means he could go the well the room of the well okay so he's going to the grer drop room might be or going up to dirtmouth because he has I think he's going up to dirtmouth Should I stick I'm going up Should I stick around M or should I switch positions uh whatever we might as well just go get him he's in here he's at the GR in the gr room with me uh see I hard fell damn it where did he just go did he go in he went down went down all right he might have gone left I'm going left I'm going right uh he's not he's above us actually he he's coming down now he's coming down now to the right yeah is he as oh he's in asid yeah he's in as okay I'm I'm also here going up top shortcut I'm chasing up top no healing no somebody should go to the left and go up top as well no no healing fire I'll go there cuz it's funny oh okay I'm chasing him I have no fear he went he's up back um in the Raptor's room I don't know where he went in here he did you lose him uh somewhere in here I think I'm just going to heal I'm on two so all right I'm oh he's next to me come here fire where is he I'm in the grub room oh he's going down I see him sorry I hit you I'm going to heal I got hit once I see him he's going to the [Music] ri Ow like upright or did he go down Arena I'm going let's see where is he is he up or down he's right to right are you still chasing him TK or dude I should be but I don't know where he is I got to he I I don't know where he went yeah he might do FAL Knight now so yeah maybe okay you you two go back toel and Dutch and I will go to false Arena from the right I am at the top left of Mound again I will go in here and check if he's in here I don't think so I'm to the left of the tra that's where I am I don't see him in here so little all right I'm next to uh the Stag I'm going he he's here he's here he's here he's in M he was hiding in the infection he's in M all right I'm waiting for him to come up I hear is he in Mound or is he in false Knight he's in M he's he's in M okay how many do you have on him uh I have no idea well I'm dead he hit the lever by the way so he can just walk out no you die today fire he already did twice you die again what's what's one more true true no no don't abuse the healing no no no no no no no no no he's chasing me oh my goodness [ __ ] I died okay unfortunate he's inside Mound all right all right I'm going to go stack Green Path he's fighting the boulder here he is whoa what did I drink now oh I got something you go first just let me know where you need to heal oh no I'm trapped in I'm trapped in I'm trapped in I need to oh no ow ow no no no no no you're not killing me no no oh I died and he killed you okay I need to he killed me with fire that's not fair okay I'm up what's the sh me H I'm in the gr drop room halfway bro the fireball very annoying difficult to kill him and yet I did so twice oh I hit it he he's so low he's so low yeah he's leaving I can't do anything about it I'm low oh I hear him yep uh-huh I see you uh-huh uh-huh sure oh I'm I think I'm spooking him cuz I'm just standing here standing there menacing you [ __ ] he fireballed me I forgot okay do we know where he is yeah the room he he just went up and landed on me and killed me might be going toen it's okay I psed him out he went into Green Path transition all right so the game is officially longer now because he's made it to Green Path hell yeah let's go we gave him a Fighting Chance let's go don't do the skip can we uh no there's no there's no squid so we can't can we on each other uh yes it's risky dude I have no idea how to go through Green Path the normal way he insane I'm going to go head down towards um fungal is I think I feel like fire would have done a either a fireball skip or a aely it saves so much time yeah the fireball skip is easy you would do it I can't do it don't call it easy you'll cry this man also does like dark deep nest for fun so oh I did it I did it once in a game I played with my friend that was fantastic has yeah there it is D now we give ourselves F cloak we give oursel cloak uh yeah cloak I'm on the in the room next to Hornet so go go go Dash all right oh you can go oh the Short's open of course he's here he's here I see him where where he's here he's here he's getting out of hornet okay I'm also here oh no I'm going to heal that's a good idea he's leaving Hornet I think yeah he's he's probably going to take the St no he's going up there's no Stags for both of us oh yeah he's going up oh going to the right I'm up 2 Hp I have no idea where he is now I found him I don't know where I am I know I'm sorry I just went down uh he's in like where the long the long Corridor long Corridor all right like where the oh I see him I see him I see him oh he just we need to rush claw cuz that's his next yeah I think we need to go to claw I need I think we need to leave him here I'm still chasing him in he's on the if if you're still chasing don't let up but if you die then just go to claw oh I suck what's the fastest way from from here to claw I don't know where you are I'm now in the long [Music] corridors GRE station to the right yeah oh he's here [ __ ] I'm on how am I on one where Shelby where did I oh I dunked an in the's room ob's room yeah yep just heal up Shelby he went down he went down he went down none of us die we need to just stay I'm on three I'm on two I'm I'm not risking it I'm going to heal once I'm dropping down I'm next oh did Skip goingon he's going to fog Canyon okay I don't think he's here at Queen station he's probably had a to Claw is there anything else we should be guarding I don't think so he needs claw to do anything yeah he could be hiding he's not at blast yet so is there anything else we should maybe think about I'm at eogo uh he could be doing Blue Lake sh like one should we go to dream can we no we can't get that quicker I'm in manta's Safari so if somebody hears me dashing that's why I am now entering manta's Village okay well we're here with three Hunters there's absolutely we're all four all four of us are here I feel like we shouldn't be what are we missing I'm respawning okay I mean the only place he could go would be the te Shad oh he was here he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here I I H him okay I can't get back out I fell into the transition I'm bad don't let him Fireball you I fell down all right he's going over he's heading towards claw I see him he's trying to hit me through the floor like a little coward like a little breedy okay he's uh he's about to come in to claw you see link yeah I can't really hit him from here oh he got he got it claw has been acquired all right so now we got CLW and we get a a heart two as well and life oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to let me know out okay I'm coming from Fung so let me know where he goes I'm I'm I'm I'm he's going up he went he went up from from claw I lost him I think might might he's going back to eogo he's on eogo I don't know where he went I think he went left but I'm not sure oh he's up I I got him he's a corner for he's corner for uh I don't see him anymore I lost him I hear him bouncing he might be at the massive explosion uh place I'm going to die and I'm going to go to Shad okay okay I thought he was at the big exploding Place uh next to Queen station but I I was wrong oh he's in Queen station to the left he's to the left so he's in we think yeah oh shut up he's left left left with the lumafly thingy he's going to uh ra this is a desolate boys I'm just going to Camp the entrance to yeah shall I go in see if I can fight him yeah I'm in all right just back off if you're low don't let him kill he has it he has it he has R yeah okay that's new I see him okay he got past me okay I am at the shade skip for Blue Lake okay cuz unless he gets uh he can't get anywhere else unless he go get stve but okay I'm on one Health I'm I'm moving he's P me he's P me he's coming for you I missed him he's out of M now I should heal I'm on he's going to the right again to the Luma fly yeah okay he's going he's going to the electric fly uh place I don't know where he went did he go up or down don't know I'm going to check he's to dream nil what way would he go I don't really know well unless he has 1,800 to go through the toll in Peak he needs to shade skip or he wants to go get [ __ ] pass if somebody wants to use a Lifeline I can hit the timer no I think that for uh one per right okay I'm running around right side City so I'm in for gton Crossroads should I go check uh if if he went to Blue Lake sure I mean if you want I don't really know what else I don't really know what else to do I go check oh well I think I know oh wait no that's that's fly I think that's fly that's that's a mass Shard okay yeah that's yeah he's a dirou I'm currently in Blue Lake okay stay there or at least salute bro oh I hear him he's here he's here he's here all right he's he's he's he's walking away okay he's here I hit him I hit him I hit him Shelby can you go back to okay I am on one Health I'm on one Health I'm on one Health on the other side of Blue Lake so if he makes it over here I'm here okay he's not entering wait what he left I don't see him anymore I don't think he got past me is someone else in is someone else in Blue Lake T I'm with quirl in Blue Lake I hear nothing going on though no dashing or anything can you hear my Dash from the other side you know what he could do you could trick us all and just freaking Rush Hornet too with a fireball and race and then go down the street oh no yeah that's a genius he could though you never know you could no honestly I wouldn't put a pass should we use a Lifeline just so that we have some direction of where to go cuz somebody somebody open it and I will start the timer when you say it's open I don't have map no matter how many times I press control M I just don't get it so okay should I do it yeah yeah okay so I'm I'm holding it now okay it's open okay there's two people uh uh in he's in the same room with me so he's to the left of the city of Tears elevator if you guys know where that is going to the I think he's I think he's going towards the entrance to city with the uh no that's that's me I'm going to go Blue Lake City entrance and try to meet him on the other side I've lost him in the in the room before City entrance right okay I don't think he's doing the city parkour city entrance parkour so he might go to deepness then Village oh maybe I don't know I'm going to check unfortunate map timing by the way I know yeah unfortunate that's okay though all right I'm in City you know he could be joining to go for a nail upgrade I am now on the right side of city in the the massive big room well that has to be nail upgrade I'm in here I'm going to find him I am now in like the the the tower that he's in here yep yep he's got upgra he's in here he's at the Relic which like any% Rapter I'm going back up you go right okay where are you guys go right to LM uh any% rapor by LM like where you sell the lamb oh I'm at lamb oh I just got walking storage I didn't know we could do that whoops all right he's about to drop into L he's going up he's going up I don't know where he is through this still s I'm going get to S I'm going to Watchers that's a good idea he screwed me last time by getting Watchers early and I'm forever angry about it fair enough H he's here he's here he's fighting the boss I'm going in from Soul Master Soul Master Soul Master fight Master okay wait maybe Shelby should stay at uh I'm in I'm go through the other side like all our shit's open like you can go through the other side right yeah yeah that's okay do that please he he where is he is he down already I think I think he just finished he stopped attacking maybe he died like a ly nice where is he go to you I just saw somebody he's coming up he's coming up to right be me I'm not I'm now at where he would uh what is that all right I'm I'm ENT from the other side he's in that long ass Corridor I'm here get him okay I've pre-killed Watchers okay he's he's he's faster than me though oh okay he already hit me oh my God I just took the worst movement of all time no I fell into the fighting the boss I'm stuck by the oh no the boss I'm still on here forgot okay wait we need yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah are you still following TK uh yeah yeah he he just pumble to dive but because this game is [ __ ] he got away with it uh he's he just abused the transition what a scumbag he just left sanctum uh like the normal entrance I lost him you bastard I think he's I think he's at I'll check all right I'll I'll should I go to watch nights as well to reinfor no no I just I killed them oh he's here he's he he's going up I saw him I saw him he's going to the the toall bench in uh next to San yep okay going to go that way he's going back into s back yeah he just I'm going around to the bench yeah do it I'm going to try to stop I'm in the long hallway yeah he's here y he got past me he got past me ah he got ah he hit me he's going to the platform's room in the yeah he's in the platform he's he's going to the the elevator I guess oh he's going down he might be going down no okay he's going down okay he doesn't have the door oh oh he's he's here he's oh he got past us he got past us is he going back up again yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep Jesus going up he's going up what was that game check he's down he's down he's down he's down he's down I am at LM I don't know where to go uh down he went going down down into City go to the left Shelby you can intercept him I lost him he might have gone to no Smith or to the right or rors I went the top half of raptors like above L I don't see him at all okay we can't all be in here I'm going back I'm going back he's here he's here he's going back up the elevator oh my okay I'm going to stay over here on the right side like like the rapor elevator uh yeah yeah yeah sorry yeah yeah yeah I think we lost him uh why did those moves actually work that's insane so he definitely oh no he's probably paking paking or dream nailing do you need to pay for the big elevator in store rooms yes okay so then either we hear him leave through that or yeah there it is there it is I'm back in right side um upper City so I'll go up to right side Blue Lake all right I'm going left side of Blue Lake you can also go through Crystal Peaks and then J right yep is anyone at or SE I'm at se right now cool yeah stay at sear I'm going to go I'm going to go to the crystal Das I have no idea where it could be you know I'm going to go check Edge cuz I'm right here I don't trust him has been acquired okay what that's insane so now we also get Crystal Heart okay um back to I'm going to go back underneath sear TK stay at sear where should I go I'm currently in King station um he's leaving now should I stay here in in in in City he's going down stay in city I would stay in City cuz he'll do the drop into dream nail oh that's our timer we could use another one if we want it he's going to the left to the dark room with the bench and Crystal Peak I'm going to go fight uh Watcher Knights I guess he going back up again he really wants to go dream now yeah he knows we I'll stack it though oh I just triggered Zero's fight whoops Zer if he drops down the dream nail I'm here all right I'll Whack Him yeah he's going dead way he's in the dark room now okay cuz we BTY dark so he's stuck right this is a difficult fight because we don't have spells or anything no but you got nail upgrades true he left again he left dark room I am almost dead okay well don't die that's bad trying not I'm dead fantastic oh no oh that's bad I'm going to try to head back there as soon as possible but I'm back at King's pass he could actually go back to Crossroads and back to dirt mouth if you want since you're dead I would stay over in Crossroads for a minute okay I wonder how much money he's T cuz if he if he went through Peak he could have gotten shopkeeper key and I was going to buy elegant key and go get Shadel and just wreck us I have not saved life so I cannot actually end s shot but I can stand outside of it yeah where are you at I'm on crystal Peak he's here he's here he's he is indeed yeah he's buying for fly okay he's either buying long nail or freaking elegant key oh yeah okay uh head he's heading towards King's pass I'm going to get my way over to Shadel in case it was elegant key he might be going for the the the slash here I don't know which one it is oh right it's annoying I'm checking yeah he is here he's here getting cycl Flash oh my God damn it fire yep he's got it oh I POG on him he didn't expect that okay he's dashing he's see dashing he's see dashing uh I have lost eyes I think he might have gone down I'm in infected Crossroads at the tram I'm just going to Camp the crystal Peak entrance to dream cuz dream is like oh he's here he's here he's here by Crossroad stag he's in here okay all right okay I think he just went into the traum entrance and just did he just get away from me he doesn't have tra F uh the hallway to tram I mean oh uh he just see that he's in uh girl's mother fight he's uh he justed into blue L I'm dropping down then I'm PE to yep yeah he's here he's he's going to dram now I'm SE dashing across blue leg right now I'm going into the Dre nail transition with him do the dream nail transition we can go see each other in there uh he's not in there yet is he not oh boy oh no there he's in there yeah he's going to fight me while the platform spawn I'll come with you I'll come with you all right I'm going here too I'm at dream Neil but I feel like I'm going to get stuck as soon as I walk over there no I fell dude I should have entered I'm in here too should I go in there as well uh no no no you you should be at okay yeah he's going to get out before us but uh he has to deal with the cut scene we don't we get out before him if you're fast enough oh we do have to doal with the cut scene I totally Li you he's here I see him one I hit him I hit him out of his Crystal Dash all right well I've Tak the he's here okay Le he's charging his he's charging his thing okay okay careful where is he from using it I stopped him from using it is he going to go in there well that answers that go he's going to go to City I'm going the left way to City yeah he's he went left I'm going to the elevator from from the left Fireball me he is about to enter where King station is I'm going to Watchers I already kill killed them somebody go guard Shad so we don't know what he bought yeah thought you might also want ah have to watch us oh you didn't kill him I didn't I I no they killed me I I don't think he's at Watchers I don't hear anything and he would be fighting them now oh he is here what where is he okay he's in watches okay he in watch get out get out get out don't die don't die all right should I head back or should I stay here is lagging so much cuz he keeps hitting the dead of M oh my God terrible should I should I head that way or should I stay here all right let me start no he killed me should I stay shade shade Soul or should I [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it's okay I'm here and I've never ever died to this guy ever cuz he's a goober wow nice nice nice dive man no you're really talented at this game please all right don't shoot a fireball to the left okay it appears as though theing Watcher Knight's going to beat you to it okay I died no I don't think I hit him once I was s all right I'm in the fight uh out what I'm going to go to fog Canyon I'm going to go that way maybe mhm if he's I don't know no no we can we can choke him at uh at Lian cuz he has to go and get and then come back now I'm about to die I'm about to die I'm dead he's he's still fighting W Knights I think I think it looks like he's still fighting I'll make my way back yeah H it's crazy how much weaker you are without all the all the insane upgrades that you would usually use to fight Watcher Knights I'm going to go back across that's isn't it yeah yeah I'm not going to get there in time I don't think any of us are right definitely not okay I I'll I'll check on emo I'm going to go to I'll go to deep Nest maybe we wait a few minutes and then we use another Lifeline to check where he's do you know what he could do he could come down and try to do Spike tunnle and get isma so we can't screw him in the ass of the umu I'm at the exit of spire closer to uh the broken elevator should I pre fight umu yeah I'm going to go umu yes yes oh my God pre- fighting umu is such a necessity it's crazy I'm going to go sit at ismma I think maybe now is a good time to use a Lifeline all right somebody open the map yeah I'll uh I'll open the map someone is in G station going to the right not me I'm in I'm fighting UMO I'm not on the map yeah he oh he's he's getting all the nail arts anyway [ __ ] okay okay I think I'm gonna go I'm on my way to dash slash right now I'm going to go back up to Kings uh yeah he has to leave through the choke point uh so I'm on him I just okay he's just yeah just just like the lower part of it I'm at the very entrance of the Hidden section to it so I'm like actually in this like the Stag so try and choke him there and if he gets past you I've got him he's going up to where like corer is basically I lost him cuz I DED in acid he's still going up okay oh I hear him just make need to make sure I don't fall down ceiling no way that didn't hit him are you for real on card for eel he's he's coming to you sh me okay okay on okay I got to I hit him once I hit him once I'm Crystal dashing oh no he has to be pretty low now he's going up up up up up up like all the way up or did he go to the stack I don't know why he go to the St okay he's not up I don't see him anywhere in here I'm to the left of the big room's room yeah he's not hiding he might have taken the elevator we might need to head back to umu then I'm at umu I'm waiting he's got Dash slash [Music] man he could oh he's there he's here he's here he's about to fight UMO he's about to fight UMO okay I'm going to deep Nest all right I'm just did the acid skip so I'm close if he gets umu somebody immediately go Oh no I'm I'm about to die I'm about to die on yeah I'll have I'm not sure I can get not I died I died I couldn't heal in time oh that's not good no I was doing so well no should I also go to herrow or should I try to see if I can get him again at at UMO so I'm going to see what I can do except I did not pre- fight my move did he do it dude he oh no he didn't he's trying to cheese me uh I've hit him at least three times he might have healed but kind of getting his ass whooped oh he just fired above my umu that's my go are you still in here you're telling me neither those hit him okay no yeah no I'm heading back over there I think he I think he left I think he finished okay this sucks ass cuz now I'm just in umu oh he's still in here he never finished what the [ __ ] he was just hiding for oh there he goes okay he left he's about to get uh Bon yeah this is actually about to be the 177,000 cycle [Music] it is dude this slow ass heal he's heading back up he's going to rush Hera I don't think I can get to Hera fast enough I'm just going to go to black egg oh I can hide right here yeah just stay hidden everyone else i' to go to black egg are you oh he's here he's already me okay okay okay okay you go first I'm going to stall I'm up at Hara where are you I'm going up now oh I don't know Beast enough to where he spawns stay at the bottom like um by the Trap bench area like down there yeah he's see him oh no that's you no that's me I'm going to keep going around and freak him out a bit yep oh [ __ ] okay all right I'm on him on on he's coming up there's no spiders to dodge fire I'm going to get you I dumped never mind I'm stupid but oh that's my alarm okay we can use a Lifeline great I don't think it really matters he's coming okay I'm coming back up I'm coming up the right side where are you guys back Temple back Temple no he killed me he's going up all right I'm keeping him trapped here I will try to stall as long as possible nope I'm not going to let you use your nail arts on me I'm not stupid fire you can't win I know what all you have one hit Perry I think we both hit each other I feel like you should stand near the like the beginning of the room and then warn up his approach okay okay okay okay I'm on one I'm letting him get Hera he has to leave so I'm going to go all right yeah stay there I'm healing okay I'll take that dream healed him dreamer healed him careful oh yeah of course forgot about that all right how does he get out he can't stab he has to go through deepness manually backwards I guess wonder if he's going to go like reverse qga that would be very impressive we have two lifelines right might as well use him reverse qga God damn it he is yeah yep okay I'm screwed I went the opposite way I think we should just all gather at black EG Temple yeah yeah what else can he get now like I don't know he could take a big detour and get shade so or something but like I'll be quick I'll be quick he's got to get a vessel fragment or something I'm going to keep looking for him I'm down in Canyon he could be going to get gry slash I wouldn't be wouldn't be surprised I'm outside leater maybe you should also come back up he might buy strength though something a to oh yeah Green F might be he going to go get gr flash he's going to get he already has grash and he's all way back do we want to use a Lifeline we can't we have eight minutes oh he's here the well is it the well he's yeah okay well I'm just going to die and come back we're going to fight wao this is it stagger yourself in the room he through me he's coming up to the entrance okay I think we're all in different rooms he's in he's in he's in the temple okay I'm that's me I hit him I hit him okay that's bad got I have to heal I'm coming in oh that's a lot of damage oo no okay I'm not dealing with that no thank you I'm about to drop down the well I I just see Dash directly into that great slash he did get great slash God damn it yeah I did got them [Applause] all now I don't just yet no I'm coming in right now I'm like SE dashing in the long room I'm in a killing fire all right I'm in I'm going to die the t g okay I'm [Applause] dead oh wait we have a we have a dream gate here what no that's the entrance to Radiance oh okay supposed to deal two yes that's why he gets those because they're very strong one yeah Cyclone is one I did not know that I died it really doesn't take that long to get back all right I'm about to reenter the [Applause] fight I feel like maybe this game we lose no no no no no dude dude he was trying to Camp the out of me that's not even the hollow Knight I'm about to enter ah I messed up is anyone 5 minutes till another life I'm in here I think we need the lifeline I feel know where he is I feel like I feel like we have the P we have a good good idea all right I'm about to die I'm on my way in I'm in I'm in as well thk you [ __ ] I hit him okay I I hit H him at least twice nice hit my G seriously a that's unfortunate gg gg reverse qga and getting great slash was brilliant that was a good idea yo what's up yo GG well played reverse qga got me man I had a feeling oh no gg gg oh [Music]
Channel: fireb0rn
Views: 124,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollowknight, hollow knight, hk, team cherry, tc, indie, independent, indie game, independent game, metroidvania, metroid vania, metroid, castlevania, exploration, hard, hardcore, difficult, challenging, expert, video game, game, games, pc, computer, steam, gog, speedrunner, god gamer, walkthrough, guide, walk through, faq, help, manhunt, man hunt, hunters, hunt, hunting, hunter, speedrunner vs. hunters, srvh, dream, minecraft, pvp, hkmp, multiplayer, player vs player, fight, mp, online, teams, fireborn, manhunts, man hunts
Id: hH86M35bvAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 17sec (3017 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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