Hollow Knight - Speedrunner vs. 4 Hunters on Steel Soul AGAIN

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today I'm playing Hollow Knight speedrunner versus Hunters on steel Soul if I can beat the hollow Knight before the hunters kill me I win the game but if I die from any cause the game immediately ends today we're using a new mod which adds bosses back into the game for hunters while still preventing regular non-boss enemies from spawning for the full rules see the description but with that hope you enjoy the video there he goes backwards for some reason here we go maybe he's hiding I'm going to I'm going to check KP make sure he's not hiding somewhere would not put that past him it'd be a pretty bold move but like there's nothing I wouldn't expect him to do honestly I'm going to go sit in front of false KN see if I can keep an eye out for him there okay he's not in KP he's not in did Arena does someone want to go check girlmother I guess yeah I mean he's probably going to try he's probably going to try and Rush false KN first especially cuz we've got infected yeah is anyone at vs if no one's there I can go there cuz I'm way behind not currently I'm coming from the opposite side of false Knight I'm at gross mother okay I am in the room before false night Al also Rush three theoretically I pretty sure sure he has to come this way to get to false Knight so uh Rush be there that's a very B move because you can't get back if you go for dream nail mhm could stack to dir mode I might ask him cuz Stags haven't been enabled I don't think so now all right yes a good question also who's ENT username that's me that's me wait I have entty username okay well I'm enter username nice to meet you enter username I'm hope someone's at fight right oh yeah hi I'm here okay hi all right just making sure yeah you can't go through from false Knight to the shaman so without taking out false Knight I assume well no because it's infected so I'm on the other side of the wall not too yeah chasing him through false Knight is going to be could definitely lose us there mhm yeah yeah he's he's coming to um vs uh he just killed me he's about to get fireball really yep how did he we can enter from that he obviously must have got past you I guess he came through before I got here what wow okay all right what a sh I should have known better than yeah um unfortunately I was hiding in a think we can get through this way yeah we around through the yeah it's infected so there's no point beating false infected Crossroads got to love it I don't I really don't I'm going to go to Green Path entrance cuz I'm close yeah that'd be smart yeah does anyone know if he's gotten grother yet just based on the speed I don't think he's being there yet okay I'm just going to take out pre kill grother I think oh you can skip grm because the um floor before her is open don't have to fight her right oh is it nice it's fine she's already dead yeah he's into he's into Green Path coming into Green Path yeah yep yep he should be at one hit I think he's almost gone oh nobody else kill grother I'm in one HP you know how when grother dies the ads yeah those did not spawn and I was not able to get out of there I am coming back from King's path now I chased him out of Green Path but I don't want to fight him by myself you got it um I'm on my way Green Path he backed off cuz he was low on health so I also backed off back to Green Path entrance I'm in the room just below the big room you might be trying to stack up get some grubs and mask shards and stuff that would not surpris whoever just saw me fall into a spike no you didn't oh was that him I think that was yeah he's at the bottom of big room bottom of big room okay I am still on my way out of King's [Music] pass I need a few minutes he he killed me I hit him twice anyone else on him he's in green poth entrance again okay I'm almost at a big room okay I I thought I got to really fast too wait I can heal I can just go ah I cannot do that I thought I could go behind the Boulder and and heal there I cannot I'm dead I am at Green Path entrance you see just's killing me yeah you fully he's the B I see him hit him once I think I'm chasing him when we spawn back at um PP we should grab the life blood nothing spawns you can do it I am still chasing him that fire ah so he's path now he lost me he is in Green Path I am healing before I continue to chase him he is probably going to try and Fireball [Music] yeah I think he probably went up past Hornet I will attempt to go around the slow way use the back up stretch theoretically that's not that much slower I would say I don't know can't venge fly po can't squit Pogo when there's no squits yeah oh oh yeah other yeah I see the I see the problem no choice oh that's really rough actually yeah that's pretty bad yeah good point really impressed by man to do Fireball skips without Fireball all the squid Pogo without the squid yeah so he just gets dashed for free now we can't catch him yeah so he can't stag so he has to manually leave green PA while down into fog on the very off chance that I can get him while he's fighting Hornet I'm still heading through Green Path good same here just fall twice in the asset of the fireball skip room because I normally don't call it rot anymore have no clue where the platforms are hang on if all shortcuts are open that makes getting to Hornet simpler at least Mo CL has been acquired There It Is Well I'm at Hornet we get Dash now right yeah why am I still into username I'm going to try and get him on his way out I'm at entrance to fog Canyon I think I will guard the fireball room just in case he went back for dreammail as he might think that we expect him to go to for Canyon he could get a sneaky dream nail just in case I guess enough where is he okay uh leaving Hornet yeah okay did you just go down the Stag way or what uh I he's about to kill me but yep uh he's heading down for the Stag he could try to go back to Crossroads to get into fungle that he definitely could does anyone know where fire is uh last I saw him he was heading down from Hornet he's probably on his way here where are yall entrance of I'm at the entrance I'm at the entrance of okay I will come down he's at the entrance where [Music] uh just got on my way he went left [Music] yeah well if he went left I found the ass of God he he might run directly into uh I pogot an invisible enemy apparently he's into fog I'm chasing I'm headed there not really going to be able to do much I think I'm no it's Stone sanctum I am also in fungal and falling directly into acid no I'm on one I had to back off reasonable into fungle from Queen station does strength have an effect on us uh no not on us enies we banned Hart yeah we banned he's not going to get greed so he doesn't really have a reason to go for Le eater unless really wants to melt bosses with strength he's in shro loers okay okay should I guard did he fight false knight uh yes I imagine he he just picked up the charm Notch which is unlucky cuz he just got a free heal okay he's going right at the room below I am chasing [Music] him hi hi I think he went down but I'm not sure I miss his M here yes unfortunate we don't have it yeah he's doing e I'm trying to stop him from doing eogo yeah he's going around man Safari y think it's worth guarding cities he's in the big room with probably has City Crest so probably is he don't go bottom path the the floor's open oh yeah we can we can stop him here well our floor is open so I can't make it across there I stu oh he par me no yeah okay he's got CLA I think unless you can now he has AC it's claw and one mask I think so that answers that question oh two nail upes two nail upgrades I I give up on my username I I am just enter username I have tried every time I've tried to reset my username it does not do it all right I will be Park parked at the beginning of the city Bridge it will look to him like I am floating in midair above a pool of acid and who knows maybe that'll be enough of a power move that it'll make him turn back we both fell no he got away for us no based on how long I was waiting there hiding down the bottom yeah yeah he's at the right room of M's Village oh I see him it's going down again yeah I thought I as I entered the transition I saw him hiding based on how long I was waiting there I would get he definitely had enough time to get crested since got there before I got there and I was waiting there for a [Music] while you might be getting bre because that unlocks a master chard right yep okay well have to get back to dirt mouth for it but I mean he'll be there at some point yeah uh I didn't see where he went he went down left so I was he's climbing up from mantis uh Village I think he just entered the city maybe oh hi hi never mind I don't think he got past me this time because I was here when he got claw so he went left probably he could go to deepness over the SP room that would be a ballsy move but then again this is fire when has he not done ballsy moves I'm fine with losing but I'm not losing to tr pass again so I will damn make sure that he not get there do we want a Lifeline to make sure not to far behind I think mhm yeah okay um anyone in deep Nest nope he's in deep before you to deep Nest to the left of hotring he's going up to tra pass okay I knew it well he's getting tram I'm going to go sit near the abyss not Abyss the Bas in TR he's he's in room left to uh [Music] trest TR sorry ow I'm sorry I'm going to be honest I saw your head and I thought it was bouncy mushroom um that was probably for the best anyway I'm sorry no it's okay okay it's just I'm glad I'm back here now so I can get my bearings a little bit and figure out where I can go I think you into the acid as well yeah that's what killed me the acid rip okay actually question ancient Basin tram or resting grounds because I could get to that'll take a bit longer but I can definitely get there I'm going to rush to the dream nail location all right I'm trying to get I'm trying to get to the deepness tram that's how he's elevators right yes but I fighting the flying enemies here yeah so I can probably get the resting grounds see come on [Music] oh yeah I can get there on the elevator yeah he's Tres okay [Music] y okay I'm in the hot swing room okay and that you have to go through there to get to tra pass not TR pass but to get to the tram that lets you out of the nest yeah I'm going to try and find some way better to hide but I love the Q mod oh he's back to the bench okay he's at the bench okay you think he could be coming through Crystal Peak maybe oh God he could be should I hang out near um Crystal Heart probably a good idea how can he escape deep Nest is it's only tram right yeah or leaving yeah he's coming to tra so it's that resing grounds uh tram goes to ancient base and then Kingdom's Edge got I'm fighting him in the big garpede room no he's got the tram all right I'm in the Crystal Heart room right now he killed me he's getting tra now I am in the dream now room ancient Basin or Kingdom's path not Kingdom's path Kingdom's Edge go to Kingdom's Edge this sound will play twice right yeah so he's an ancient Bas right now I will check wings I guess all right he can't get there he can't get there he doesn't have yeah he needs heart no I think the shade platforms are there yeah the shade platforms I think you can get there oh can get there h no right wait no because the shade wouldn't have enough Health shade would need 16 to survive the fireball but platform shouldn't be there oh yeah he doesn't have the stuff yeah I wouldn't know that much about it so whatever you think if you see him at luran I can get there or try to fairly fast I'm getting a little anty how long do we have on the timer 8 minutes unfort there's a nonzero chance that he's going to take down Watchers now and then come back later is someone at Dre I am oh oh no that's a purchase that's a SL I guess is there anything he could get Lu maybe life blood heart yeah he's long now before too I remember him doing that once all right I've killed Watchers so if he needs to fight Watchers I can do it without having enemies I have a weird hunch that he might have taken Watchers already me too I feel like if he gets um monomon Hera before luran we should just head to black egg Temple just in case maybe like half us watch us he's coming to watch us no he's leaving all right he's leaving I've scared him off okay he might not have lauran then if cuz he can't have a dream nail he'd have no reason to go back up there except to confuse us yeah that's what I was thinking I could absolutely see him having already gotten Watchers waited until the end and then baited a bunch of us to follow him speed on through while the rest of us have to fight wers there are many ways he could use the new rules against us mm uh there charm noise you buy a charm another purchase could be charms at salubra maybe could be charms could be charm notches could be mask s from Sly we got 50 seconds till the lifeline should I just use it immediately so where yeah in preparation for that I am at dream nail you're at Crystal Heart I'm rest grab watches cool he's in sanctum okay he's about to get dive though which is can't get dark at least yeah dive still pretty powerful on its own uh dive isax actually peax think ah yes can't wait for him to spend two hours in God home it would one hell of a way to game I mean beat us this way that's deserved 100% yeah if the ending he gets is God home ending like GG that would be incredibly difficult to pull off but definitely not impossible depends how multiplayer Works in God home honestly I was more thinking about the fact that he'd have to get every single boss I'm in sanctum I'm in hell room at the moment trying to catch his exit I am just sitting tight yeah he's in he's leaving sanctum now okay do your best tail him I guess I have a boss here he has shadea he has Shad shad okay one of those purchases was the elegant key then wait so he has been to Peak yeah wait a minute when when did he do that if he gets crystal heart we get crystal heart too right yeah he doesn't have C so he definitely did not sneak that one not as far as I know we get C Dash to yeah he's about to leave sanctum he's heading over the big bridge to the top of City gotcha headed back for Lan yeah he he took me out what is a nail out I think this was which one dash slash oh that's no that's how we got shadea the dash slash that yeah they did but a cure thing he doesn't have at least he can get Watchers but he can't get luran unless he got here way early he's like three times already it's possible it's huh that's a toll was a toall the elevator guess you did not go for lauran then probably going for dream Mill yeah yeah I found him he's going to grother at the moment I was going to ask if I should come join you but also I don't think get across that's a for sure that does too grm mother's so dead we have five Health at least mhm yeah he's in blue like he's going for dream nail now yeah is anyone else near dream nail cuz I am here I'm on my way yeah if we can like I can do my best to stall him here as and as long as possible I'm still saw him here if we can if other people can get here I think two or three of us could probably take him down should I try to head to dream Neil tentative yes wait where is he I'm at dream now that's that's me hi you the hell out of me that's no that's not fire that is okay there may be too many of us that dream now I'm heading back up the crystal heart he has not he may yeah if he got to Crystal Heart in the like 5 seconds I was gone I going be so mad yeah ah I feel lost I feel like he's he has to be going down to City cuz he did go into Blue Lake he did go into Blue Lake and he's not up here for dream nail yeah which means the the other way is the elevator down to City yes what he's in he's he ran past me he's in crystal heart I'm going to wait in the zero room cuz he's probably going to drop down to get dream un triggered it boss Trier it triggered y that's what I've done yeah he's de there it is restal heart be upon me okay dropping Dam it dropping down can't put him like right on top of dream nail right he has to come through the zero room yeah okay I may come fight zero heart room right now I may come fight zero real fast too then just in case I would SC this side guess this making me realize coming toam coming to dream right now at zero yep no's okay he's in I'm going after him I going to make him fight for this oh there he is I'm outside the SEO yeah I'm in wrestling grounds now I hold up I won't wait right outside s I'll be like in the middle of the room good plan okay if I could not fall out the world for 5 seconds he said SE he's leaving oh God he got out retrospect m going in here was not a good idea I hit him once at least I hit him a couple times but I don't think any of them stuck oh yeah we have seash it's going to the trim yep okay okay please let me out of here sear I have the speedrunner to [Music] stab why are we both standing here with the tra wi fire is just okay I'm out of that was definitely a decision from us where what are we doing where are we going what are we doing slightly probably it's not at Blue Lake someone just C dashed on the same screen as me was and the dream nail scream that was you okay I can go for laurian if he hasn't gotten it already ready we are close to him and he saw two of us stuck in that dream so he might rush lauran someone else should probably go for mono Hara going for anom monom monom her name's so fun to say he's not at watch I am doing a very bad job at getting there I can do the skip come on I miss Monarch Wings there we go I'm up all right where is everyone heading up to Watchers oh he said watch us he said watch us he's at Watchers okay he's at Watchers I am coming no way near cutting down CH okay anyone else there I probably can't get there in time I'm I'm heading to umu all right I think it wasn't very smart of me to not be watching Watchers even though I've killed Watchers already I think I have done that better oh hi that's you he's he's he's at the top he's at the top yeah yeah he's not in the arena I know I'm just going to I'm just doing some damage [Music] now uh he's leaving oh is he good I won't have to fight him and Watchers the risk I took may have been slightly miscalculated I like how Rush instantly into Arena muscle memory I am at one Health and trying desperately not to die to Watchers that was a bad idea that was such a bad idea yeah um do we know if he killed watches yet no oh he hasn't he was going chandelier I think he has cut them down but uh he hasn't entered the arena yet I'm at archives I've just killed umu okay that's good that'd be smart I should do that too I might try and help you kill umu I don't know if my nail slashes will hit umu they probably will and I'll just see where you're hitting and then I'll hit there as well okay that's purchase okay I cannot heal okay right what was that noise after the purchase was that a mask I think it was a simple so hard to heal either mask shards or random to make us nervous we have a Lifeline to use whenever we need and whenever oh we do okay yeah sorry I the timer ran out when we knew exactly we game I'm so Rusty this game this so bad you and me both yeah me too do we need use the lifeline that might be best right Crossroads going up to dir yeah he's in dir mouth right well that explains the buying of things yeah the buying was probably salubra that's a that's Sly 100% that's a s today we have hope once again failing a skip a bunch of times I had to attempt the acid skip to get here like four times it's not even a hard Skip it's the Monarch one to get into spire oh oh that one yeah grandpa is just is just good he does it a lot yeah yeah y would it be dumb to die to Watchers again I can take them this time and it's for strategy it's if he gets here I can get his ass thank you so we have two at monomon and two Luan two at monomon not sure if two luran but I imagine so no I can't do no did you die yeah no two at monomon onean and one in KP I've beaten these guys hitless before unfortunately I am very Rusty yeah I'm I'm doing really bad this game to be honest I got a few hits in on them I'm proud of that mean ially PVP in game I think we should wait below the arena so he doesn't see us is anyone at Hera no cuz no one wants to go to the Deep Nest I guess understandable yeah I don't either yeah uh it it is but I I don't okay so he's at Cyclone slash all right yeah that's good to know he's probably wondering if he needed to play the sound oh right okay so he's not at cyone anymore Dash slash was probably oh he might be trying for M yeah oh God oh God we're going to die we are going to die to nmg yeah if he gets to I think we're pretty screwed oh yeah he's he's absolutely getting enmg yeah and we wouldn't have known if you didn't say that do I to fight the watch kns again I do not that was too big a blow to my pride I'm not strong enough to do that again question do you have the Watchers beaten or of course not so who I will not fight him with two nail upgrades and no spells I know someone did I'm I did okay a username dude all right hello and I am bad at associating names with skins and voices with skins and voices with names if you really think one of us should get it in case he's fought them already then I can try again I'm confident okay I'll do my best to help from over here PR one done is this hitting it something yeah it's it's it's already dead but [Music] oh just in case what's her Lifeline timer Ates okay he hasn't got any dreamers yet cuz we'd hear the dream nail sound yep yes done all of them yeah nice thanks you did it that's no no no that's okay go six Health now I am almost tempted to try again but it I no I mean I could you help inside the arena this this time theoretically theoretically yeah in practice yeah what's Lifeline at 4 minutes okay you and I both know he can get there very fast he's here he here yeah okay well he has energy well it's safe to do this then okay to STI back okay yeah leave the arena to heal if you need to yeah don't probably don't be that close though cuz he can still Dash slash you ow this is honestly a little harder with you in here I'm sorry I I would out sorry I hit him there we go first one down hit him again what's your health at I'm on two three masks okay um all right I'm healing up oh you're go back out back out and heal y got knock to the acid mhm I at three I don't have enough soul to heal more okay I'm going to back out and heal now I'm on two I think yeah umu okay man to heal up to two shocking way have to heal up yep no I'm a three I don't know where he's at no I think that was the last two yeah watch out for a cyclone drop got it how are things going with umu um we're kind of holding him off but I think he's about to win I think he's about to be fight did he just leave yeah okay yeah he just left he he killed umu oh but he did leave he kedu but he left okay I'm he might be heading for luran then I am on my way back do you want to stay here I'll go try and yeah I go okay I don't know where he is I haven't seen him yet I'm at full health again at least yeah me too he's here he's here oh he's there damn yeah okay he he got past me but I hit him once yall want me to come I'm close to there are three um there are three interaction things he needs to do so just try and stop him you yep do you want me to come there I'm close uh up to you he's he's interacting once all right I'm on my way then I hit him twice uh he's backing out oh I remembered we don't have ASAS I'm dead my bad I I think I hate you all good all good ah he's got it okay the timer's leaving in my ear and I'm fighting fire he's got M on his left I am on my way to Watchers son should I have watch Temple cuz I'm right next to Black Temple uh I don't think we need we can get to the black egg Temple pretty fast and he's only we've only heard him get one dreamer correct yeah I'm on my way to her and we know that one is monamon so worst case scenario someone can die which sounds horrible I'm in The Crossroads elevator he's in qg he's going to Hera okay okay yeah can't do anything about that might be worth following him through qg but I don't want to go anywhere other else in deep Nest I'm going to be honest I'm just dunking in thorns and he's gotten away from me damn all right I'm in city now I'm heading to despire pretty soon he's about to get to base in I'm not fighting Watchers again not I'm fighting them on my God home save after this specifically to redeem myself heading up Spire now if you see one someone on the wall with Crystal dash at the top of the Elevator Shaft that is me please do not hit me honestly there's I'm not going to stay there oh Dash slash okay he got me he's got Hera rip I'll just stay down here probably just let you know that he's coming up all right y there's why is it so cold in here all of a sudden fireborn yeah I'm coming up Watchers room now or I'll stay in the room below Watchers should I Lifeline just to make sure yeah good plan sure we got nothing better to do mhm uh yeah he's he's right here yeah okay well well he's exactly where I thought he would be I'm trying to back up I'm on I'm on one Health I'm entering the room okay I hit him trying to not die oh god oh he's going down and he's charging oh God this is terrifying oh that's him hit him I'm just healing as much as I can that was a mistake ow okay I hit him once I think I might hit him a second time I'm retreating to heal out of the room he might be healing oh he left oh he'll want to get upgrades right cuz cuz now he knows that we're stacking Watchers cuz you know that's all yes he's coming need to get him locked into the watch night we need yeah I'm fighting him below like actively yeah I'll see if I can help oh he got me he got me he's coming up C is back right now he just went up I'm chasing him let's get him into the arena is he in there yep he's going to try and fight us before kill us before the Watchers is he in the arena yes yes he is fighting [Applause] them I don't think there's any point in me trying to catch that right I just got to the [Music] elevator all right that was AE going to sit a black egg okay fair enough one HP oh I triggered the fight good luck thanks he died he died got him oh he died wow oh wow redeem myself and watch Jesus wow boy yo GG I got nervous believe that worked and I'm about to die to watch Knights for a fourth time we had some good oneon-one fire yeah there were a lot of really good good and close fights watch your nights for Hope zero I was trying to kill them so that we could stop you there so many times and it did not work a single time oh you just kept having to try and kill them yeah I think it was fairly balanced at The Watcher Knights fight I just kind of there was a lot of pressure on that fight so I got a bit nervous much with nail Master's Glory I hope you know yeah I had 2 Hp at the end so one more nail out and I would be dead oh damn that was close oh that part at resting Grounds was really good I was down to one HP oh you were oh really wow I'm glad I got a hit on you as you were trying to fall down mhm you were confusing us at the start you rushed I got the false Knight fast I should have checked and Sack the arena Hope was ging let the room before false night just in there killing it oh did you actually fight false Knight or not we were never sure yeah I full killed false Knight but I was trying to be like really quiet about it yeah you succeeded [Music] oh
Channel: fireb0rn
Views: 291,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollowknight, hollow knight, hk, team cherry, tc, indie, independent, indie game, independent game, metroidvania, metroid vania, metroid, castlevania, exploration, hard, hardcore, difficult, challenging, expert, video game, game, games, pc, computer, steam, gog, speedrunner, god gamer, walkthrough, guide, walk through, faq, help, manhunt, man hunt, hunters, hunt, hunting, hunter, speedrunner vs. hunters, srvh, dream, minecraft, pvp, hkmp, multiplayer, player vs player, fight, mp, online, teams, fireborn, manhunts, man hunts
Id: CRx7xgTgpkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 44sec (2504 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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