Hollow Knight Randomizer With Every Setting On

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hello everyone today we are going to be doing randomizer with every setting so what i mean by that is every single option here is going to be on so you know i can press everything here and it's still not everything i need to click all these too i need to click this and i need to click random and of course the best option so now everything is on what i mean the only helpful one is randomized start items that's going to give me a couple useful items at the start so that'll help a little bit the everything else screws me i'm pretty sure everything else makes it harder oh look i'm here so this is my skin for the day uh it's kind of like a lifeblood inspired skin you'll see more when i actually have a hud bar there we go but yeah i guess i start with some items you can see i have right and left claw that's interesting i can go a lot of places with just both claws and i have wings and ismus and apparently i started with slug shape of on four which gives me four notches that's pretty uh that's pretty lucky actually that's a really good start what the heck this is lore wanderer seeking death welcome we find swift end upon our claws whose claws yours okay too easy no i have one health this is not easy like i might have claw which is gonna let me get like a lot of places but i only have down nail still and i have one health and like no spells so i wouldn't call it easy i do get pretty lucky with being able to like get a lot of places early on but i think it's still gonna be really hard should i do this i feel like i'm gonna die if i do this i'm dead in here why am i doing this this is a bad idea this is terrifying with one health oh my god i almost landed on that one no i pogo'd i pogo'd come on well now i need to get my money back i can't wait for this to be one geo one two let's go don't kill me oh my god oh my god that was a hard starting area yep saw that one coming so whoever said it was going to be easy because i have claw and wings uh do you feel corrected yet wait there was a grub noise oh my god we're fine see i i realize i have to check a lot more places than usual so i'm probably going to be forgetting it a lot because there's some things i like never randomized like geo rocks lore tablets they're such a pain in the ass that i i don't usually randomize them so that's why i feel like uh it's really justified for me to use the the starter items because it's still going to be really difficult and also it's not all settings if i don't use all settings you know no exceptions where should i go should i try and get to a bench i think i should try and get to a bench because otherwise i'm working back to that room and there's one right here random benches oh my gosh hornet no there's no rando benches this is every setting so far this is the most recent randomizer update right muffin cloak yeah yeah it's cool that's cool that's cool just like let me get out of the animation so i don't die all right well we've we've found a good item already i can dash one direction and then i found more one geos so yeah the the thing that's making everything one geo is the cursed option so everything that's not like an actual item is just gonna be one geno so we're gonna be seeing a lot of that oh i got bird's room there's actually items in here now nothing [Music] nothing what why is that a thing one geo and nothing so there is actually something worse than one geo now you know what if i get like a thousand one geos that's a thousand g right there i wonder if i should like get the bench first before uh going for zone yeah i'm gonna get the bench no i have to do so there's an item there heck why do i have why is there so much eggs oh wait so so one of the new options chat is uh egg shop so what i can do is i can bring my eggs to gigi and i can buy items i forgot about that actually so eggs are kind of like actually pretty good now another one of the new item things is mimics so grub mimics are now an item so that means that a grub mimic can just show up like anywhere look at my look at my recent items isn't that amazing having a great time you know i'm just gonna do one pogo at a time like i can't really do much more this is all i can do with my kit right now oh gosh do it attack me oh my gosh this takes forever hey there we go this is gonna be worth right okay do i do hornet like this i think we do hornet it's gonna be hard oh don't jump into me i need to be careful about being above hornet because she's going to jump like that [Music] it's definitely not a shotless hornet no i suck why did i do that i panicked i like how my shade has one health too so i can just one shot it okay we got this we got this [Music] no oh my god wings i love wings let's go that's the fake out this is the good one you know what maybe i'll get a good item for that egg it could be it could lead to something good isn't there something in here oh there's this yo dash slash one direction dash slash i can dash slash to the right i don't even know if i'm gonna use that but it's a thing i guess i mean i don't have any directional attacks so that is pretty good can i even get this i can't right because like i can only dash to the right oh wait i can't leave oh never mind yo shopkeeper's key that's pretty good okay now we're gonna go to dirt mouth and stuff and get a bunch of stuff along the way corny you always save the randos save this one no corny is now scamming me all right we're finally gonna get to kings pass hey everyone and welcome to the randomizer oh hey grubby i heard that that's not a grubby that's not a grubby there's got to be something in here right right right right that that's not something good that's a charm but like that's a bad charm that sucks [Music] they're actually talk to elder bug isn't is there unblessed now yo yo the reds blessed the reds blessed oh my god i have health it's worth noting that i don't have healing though but i'll take three health one geo for 14 grubs quick focus for eight grubs nothing for 17 grumps wow grub father you're really ungrateful aren't you nice if i found like life blood or something lifeblood lifeblood okay that's actually good great slash i could attack simple key dude i can i can go to the egg shop now yes why do we have all three what the heck all three nail arts that's so weird that i have all three already i guess we're gonna be using a lot of that quick slash for two that's awesome yo we're getting some good stuff now elderbugs where it's echoed there's a time and place for everything but not now goddammit elderbug let me ride my bike elevator pass wait that's a thing i didn't even know that was a thing i can't go in elevators well now i can okay we're fine so if i save sly i actually have shopkeepers key already so maybe i'll have even more one geos and we also have salubra shot which is gonna be one geos probably yo compass for two i can't afford anything and these are bad charms anyways sly you better not have just all one geos and nothings okay i'm relying on you here you've had you have a bigger stop than anyone else i have the the shopkeeper's key you're going to have something right oh right i have this already i forgot why is it one geo table oh i thought it was gonna be important a grub for 260 which is useless because there's nothing good at grubs a white fragment okay so if i go for true ending there's a white fragment at sly but that's really the only thing i can get up here oh my god i can't swim wait seriously normal water kills me but acid water is fine how does that make sense okay let's check out this uh this elevator thing because apparently it might let me enter it from here my fancy elevator pass oh my gosh it does that's so cool so we have a way into city then interesting though that the elevators are also items city crest oh boy i'm glad i got city crest when i got into city already courtney give me something good god damn it courtney oh egg egg shop unlocked egg shop unlocked let's go uh the first key you get has to go to waterways because otherwise you can get locked out of waterways grubby what are you doing in there [Music] i got you [Music] dream gate oh that's dream nail oh that's 300 why is it 300 that's dream nail though i need that egg shop [Music] have you come to me because of your eggs seven more eggs essence eight more eggs a grub eight more eggs one geo nine more eggs nothing ten more eggs nothing why would i give you eggs then i'm keeping my egg unless i need the essence whoa wait can i sell egg no this is just empty damn it i can't choose to sell like there's just no ways to make money at all all right egg shop was a scam big surprise all right well i need three hundo like city enemies are like maybe the best way to make money okay give me a dream now give me that [Music] dream nail that's my dream now look it's blue blue i guess i should head up to see her yeah i'm gonna do that before i go to edge what is with all these grimkin flames i guess i'll take a fifth one six flames what is going on soul eater for one that's cracked that's amazing okay well i got one good thing at least fluke nest one i'll take these one notch charms that's pretty awesome do flower requests well let's check what fly request is if it's one geo i'm not doing it ow i always forget is this waterfall gonna kill me no it's it's shallow enough let's go are you real i don't know if you're real i've already had two grub mimics so statistically this is not a fake wrap [Music] ah cool why have i found three mimics already isn't there four in the entire game honestly i'll take any ending probably i feel like if i commit to saying true ending then it might become an extra like huge thing so i'm just going to say i want to finish this and you know sometimes you get all the the true ending requirements before you get the normal ending requirements well there's one good thing there's one thing for an ending a dreamer easy okay let's see one geo here's my prediction one geo nothing damn it i almost had it nail masters glory that's useful for my build right now well that's more useful than soul leader right now because i can't use my soul all right what do we got here 3 000 geo if this is something if this is like something really important it's over oh no oh my god oh no that's the last resort that's the last resort there's no guarantee there's anything in there wait how does this work it's infected and i'm trying to fight false name is this still is it still good oh my god yes yo focus oh my god we actually found it wow i should have checked this earlier nice we have three health and focus this is like the best thing that could happen really [Music] okay you're done and wow i can heal it feels so nice to be able to heal it's crazy i love healing there's explody bubbles i don't have spells i have to just damage tank dream now this one oh nice that works give me that one geo oh that's not one geo that's not one geo that was work we could go to peaks now see sometimes the the randomest little things are the good items you gotta check everything and a lot of these are just not actually anything like that oh my god matabot's actually here that's two out of three monuments in the right spot kind of up slash my beloved fog canyon is stacked i can swing upwards up slash is perfect for elder who let's go it's the worst boss fight ever designed get out of here give me my nothing oh my god i just got all three dreamers all right we have to go for true ending now what the heck that was so fast we're going for true ending that was so fast i can't believe elder who was actually worth you're real too ah you're not real you're not real okay that one was not real we found four out of five grub mimics that's fine oh spell twister default not bad corny okay you have to have one deal for me this rando like one deal one deal is all i got god damn it i actually have dive so i can get the uh i can like full clear this room if i ever remember where that dive floor is though which i usually don't oh i found it rocks dream gates something good and love key two good things there's no way that's illegal to have two good things in one space three good things damn it that would have been a crime i think you're real [Music] ah i found five now did we actually find all five or is it like a rig well there's a lot of items in here a lot of freaking enemies i don't need to pick that up yo right shade cloak awesome i didn't mean to pick that up i'll take it that's one shade cloak and one no dash the classic i can never get both dashes at the same time unbreakable strength four why would you balance this no why would you balance that so many items here weaver song there's so many charms here is that what they're mining around here charms i don't know i okay someone told me that there's more mimics this this mod added more mimics so i don't know what to trust anymore i don't know i don't know if i should trust you grub i don't know trust okay this isn't gonna be anything good this has never been anything good in my entire randomizer career it's never been anything good and it won't be this one either [Music] knew it you're gonna pay me one geo to do that i'm out let's check ke i don't have seoul i know how to get soul got it got the soul whoa relax yo it's actually good crystal hearts should i get the 420 geo rock oh wait it's a it's a random it's randomized i assume all right i guess we're gonna go in here why would you balance shamans no okay i just i just want to get to the bottom of here please i just need to know what's at the bottom it's obviously going to be something amazing it's a grub why why are you locked down here i i think i have an idea of why you're locked down here it's because you're a friend [Music] okay you actually were a friend well i'm glad that was worth my time let me just let me just look for a sec did i ever do this oh i never did that oh my god all right that's awesome to ever check you if i did i was disappointed twice casual strats the pogo finish i was gonna mess that up so we got like panicked i'm so glad that killed i would have been screwed lore tablet but what is the lore i don't get the lore i don't get the wisdom oh my god i want this can i do this this isn't cut over here is it no [Music] it's not cut whatever i can come back here i'm gonna do it now i want i want fireball okay i want this give me this this one there oh i see one in there vengeful spirit let's go i have all three spells hunter apparently you have something for me because i got your journal earlier take my journal that's not your journal that's a nice that's a nice uh charm cost though i could have like a ton of health actually i need to buy this not the crab this i don't need to buy that grub okay black egg is always something good it actually was it actually was i'm going to pleasure house actually let me let me get my grub father money first because that's actually a good idea [Music] so what are the what are all these trash one geo whoa that's a lot of geo 8 41 nice your shows to 2007 goodyear [Music] a little butterfly on my head [Music] chat you want to do a pull [Music] no is currently winning 61 percent not the biggest lead oh 40 60. come on dream nailers final push [Music] that's a lot of votes though how much scurry bucks did you all use oh my god 10k 10k to 8k [Music] 57.43 that was actually very close okay you all didn't waste all your money it was 361 channel points 60 bits [Music] thanks for the bitty stuff oh i actually i actually just like wasn't paying attention i'm so sorry chad i actually i'm like i just auto piloted that i've actually i like i was like okay time to get back to the game and then i'm like oh there's a ghost dream miller ghost grubby ah that's not a grubby he's trapped though hi unfortunate for you you spawned in the wrong spot outplayed all right courtney you've scammed me every single time is this going to change nope i guess i'll take the quill though you know it's nice to have the quill actually why did i take that i need to save money what am i doing [Music] oh god there's so many like random dead ends and deepness that have rocks this is the worst area ever i don't want to be here but there's probably good items here yo there's an amazing item dreamwielder for free okay there should be a lot of checks in here because mimics are random so big room but as we know big rooms are usually just useless anyways oh my god it wasn't let's go that's two out of three one more and if i get 300 more i can actually go to birthplace now what there's two like overlapping grounds it's a it's a venn diagram of grubs okay are both of you real i don't trust both of you one of you has to be fake right which one do you think is the fake one which one's the imposter amongst us i think left one's fake they're both real okay what are you two doing again get a room a grub that's actually worth because they'll get more money back [Music] courtney actually scammed me again that was a minute there's finally something that i can maybe make a slight profit on and corty gives me a freaking mimic oh i can make tons of money here i should make some money i should make some money here free money money dispensers i mean there's a chance we just find the final void heart piece and not have to um go to abyss at all but it'd be cool to go to abyss and i i think i'm gonna go to it anyways probably make a lot of money by doing the arena here [Applause] the other one there you are yeah 3k we've made it i can't believe we actually got 3k in this freaking moneyless world we finally have 3000 geo and we can finally get king's brand will it be worth maybe maybe it will okay where are the geo rocks there's a bunch like on the way down here right there's a couple just eat off the cliff there's one in here oh my god we got swim i don't even need this but we can finally swim in normal water oh my god abyss was stacked this is stacked swim and left shade cloak we did need that 3000 geo i think it's just dead ends okay lorian i don't need you anymore i have i have nondescript dreamer number three i don't need you both of these were in here both of the left dashes were in here trampass everything is in here oh my god honestly even if this is nothing this was worth are you kidding me okay so this randomizer was like oh you're playing cursed you're gonna have no money well how about we put everything in abyss gated behind 3 000 geo you know what let's do my palace let's do white palace because i feel like this is leading into this why not we're right here i could do path of pain there is a check at the end of path of pain because it's a lower thing i'm pretty sure or it's a it's a it's a journal entry i think yeah i have no doubts that randomizer can become even more cursed in this but this is already pretty bad like they're going to add new settings there's always new settings being added like i think mimics grub mimics was very recent so yeah there's always new stuff that's why it's so good because it's like i feel like every time i do a rando there's some new setting to play around with it's great shout outs to the dentist all right we'll do path of pain and you know this kind of means that all of my healing options are gone so uh don't get hit hopefully this is work i'm doing it hitless just saying almost at the top ah grubby i got you oh my god so far so good [Music] what's in here nothing what why does that look like something's in there well we're not hitless anymore because i'm a dumbass okay we got this we got this stalwart shell poggers [Music] [Music] [Music] too easy dude okay now i need to not die to these things that's actually more hard than the platforming with this loadout i have [Music] this is actually the true final fight here oh my god oh oh [Music] got it oh my gosh okay what do i get for all that lifeblood core all right well we didn't get anything too amazing but that was fun we did path of pain oh yeah i can swim now i'm swimming ow let me swim in peace oh big b pippy do it okay oh my god left slash there was something good here and it was big b's thank you bigby okay let's check out distant village oh my god the first check we did it it was just sitting here on this ledge all right this cursed rando is finally coming to an end [Applause] [Music] god damn it i'm trying to i'm trying to right swing all right here we go we're getting this first try i'm telling you that was close to him [Music] big damage ow that was unlucky i panicked oh that was unlucky what hp yet again one of the themes of this rando apparently bam there we go all settings item randomizer has been complete all settings like i got pretty lucky it could have been so much worse i could have had to overcharm to get three health which would have meant i had two health the whole time and even then i might not have even found it [Music] so i would have just had like one health the entire time yeah it ended up being really fun but i could see it being like awful right slash at geo rock green path acid bridge hold on i need to find this what the heck it's got to be in this room really we told you about it
Channel: Skurry
Views: 839,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow knight, randomizer, cursed, all settings, everything, mods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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