I went for Godhome Ending in a Randomizer

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yeah we are going to be doing something interesting uh we're going to just be doing an item randomizer but we're going to go for the god home ending so we're going to have to like beat a lot of bosses and go to god home and once we get there we're also going to be using the pantheon randomizer which i've never even seen so i guess we'll see how it works once we get there but yeah that's the new plan here and yeah i think everything should we do random start location i think random start is fun i like random start okay we're in uh in this place and we've already got a grub definitely not super familiar with the start location i think i can get to the queen stag down here and that's about it really okay what's our check here egg and we got one more check here it's not a whole lot of items to get here so something has to be important right nope okay i guess i think we can go up to green path probably so yeah we have soul totems on so i'll need to try and pay attention to where soul totems are that's definitely something i'm not used to checking yeah we can go up to green path here we can pogo friend our good friend leggy boy over there oh also since this is now a new a new video look i'm beautiful steak nests nice and another grub i just got soul so that's what happens when they get rando'ed with a soul totem so in order to get god home ending we need to beat like pretty much every boss i'm gonna need to look out for all the bosses to fight we actually don't need dreamers as well that's worth mentioning uh we are gonna need void heart but no dreamers is this happening again dude are we gonna have every stag be another stag again okay let's see what's here nope it's a grub this time well this is cool i have access to a lot of places without like any abilities lifeblood heart i mean i don't have any charms so we'll get that and we get to have these pretty little leafs also i didn't even realize i picked up grim child when did that happen i don't even remember doing that great slash is this really like useful at all i mean i guess it's good for damage oh yeah there's there's new effects for the great slash as well so stagnate we haven't gone here yet there's a few items grimkin flame probably gonna need that i mean i have to do grim i have to do the grim fight so i definitely will need that there is map for dive let's go isma's okay isma's is in howling cliffs good to know this is a really interesting like loadout we've got here great slash and dive this is not something i'm used to having city i can go to city i'm not sure how much i can do in city though no i was going to use that guy to get up i think i can get back up to the elevator if this guy is actually nice to me do you run thing yes we did it oh my gosh get over here thank you this actually is kind of scary with this equipment and another grub these grubs better be worth it when i get to the crossroads okay mister you're gonna help me up thank you listen i know you feel kind of used right now but i promise you if you help me up here i won't kill you okay i'll fulfill my promise maybe i should make all the evil choices because just imagine like this little cute knight with the bow being pure evil i mean i am doing the ending where i become like the shade lord and kill everyone so wings vengeful spirit i want that and that's only 157 but i don't have dream nail yet simple key that could be useful another simple key how much keys are in here watch this be another key nope howling rates wow we're getting some really good item luck here all right a bunch of checks here what do you got salubra soul refills soul refills soul refill silvery why i mean i'll take one sure 655 geo for one geo hell yeah i guess i'll buy it because now i'm rich all of a sudden this is such a weird way to get into crossroads i guess i'll do grandmother while i'm here i think i need to do grass mother forgot home buy egg you have 900 you want me to spend my entire savings on a rancid egg i respect it cyclone slash i've already got two nail arts well i mean we got seoul how much soul totems are in the game there seems to be a lot okay i'll take it the amount of damage i can do right now is kind of ridiculous actually the soul totem the best streak it was all to defeat malik look how beautiful the shriek is incredible fight for a journal oh there's another vengeful spirit here for grubs claw is here claw is here i just need 20 grubs that's gonna be kind of a pain actually and void heart oh my god i love grubs we're gonna be saving a lot of grubs this rando everyone although i don't know where they are so i have to just kind of try and find them did i summon oh i got the charm so it summoned them well that's good progress i love grubs what i can do is fall from helmand cliffs we are finally in king's pass watch the the best item of all time is going to be or that or that i'll take that uh oh i can pogo buggy i love you buggy totem and bottom left here in this room not there where the heck is the totem here i'm being trolled right oh what the hell i did not know about that okay we got to do the cool skip everyone loves this game damn it looks less cool when i mess it up there we go and a grubby yo dream nail let's go i'm gonna die here and shade skip why we were so close and you just give up that's why no one likes you don't do it oh my god yes there we go and we got one here too are you kidding me egg egg what is this are you serious why do i just get every soul totem in the world wait i didn't check what this is it's a grub okay i'm gonna uh we need boydheart and there's voidheart grubs as well i'm gonna get this actually i should be getting like every crab i see honestly oh my gosh i'm gonna die i got sniped i was trying to heal there what am i missing oh that was all for one grump but i will probably need the scrubby later i'm gonna nail upgrade because why not i mean we have to do p5 right so i should probably upgrade my nail a bit i can't go up here damn it damn it i don't have to do soul tyrant but i could get essence that was fast dude nail 2 and shriek are kind of really good god damn got the grubby potential spirit nice finally a forward spell you need to ravik pogo here all right revick we're nailing these though love key i want that i need that actually because i need to do uh i need to do collector at some point stop revic oh my god rev is gonna kill me god damn it yeah i'm gonna save the love keyed for later though at least i know where left key is there we go well we got isma's at least all right the scrubby let me buy that what do we got grubbies i love grumpy's also i should mention we have to do coliseum we have to do colosseum too because we have to fight oblobles to uh unlock them in the pantheon so hopefully there's something good at color 2 because that would be convenient but either way i have to do it and i guess we might as well do it now because i have good equipment it's a grub are you kidding me this game is making me work so hard for grubs like the biggest areas for dream trees are just grubs and i need them for claw i have to work so hard for these lovely grubs it's okay it's worth it the grubbies are worth it how much more are there this room is so big that's not all of them yes there we go that was so much work for a girl nice soul totem i'm risking my life to get soul totems fight for hollowness seal oh i don't have claw oh my god i didn't think this through oh my god i don't have claw we're fine easy win okay so they're gonna be in the pantheon now that's all that was for really and i guess uh i actually forgot what this even was that's why nope god tamer isn't needed probably the weirdest exception actually we meet again hornet i'm still prettier than you i have a cute bow [Music] and you don't i'm also a brighter shade of pink this proves my prettiness superiority all right crystal heart nice oh that looks so cool on this on the skin look at all the like petals flying around oh my god look i have like a giant bow and the soul totem is a soul there's a lot of items here because the soul totems oh shoot well i guess we don't care about grubs anymore actually i still need grabs for avoid heart but the the claw duplicate has been found grub we're getting close to avoid heart grub i think i mean i can go like anywhere now at this point it's like i need to just clear out the bosses and look for king fragments really okay there's a lot of these i didn't get i remember missing some up here there's some [Music] nice another grab i'm getting a lot of them now i still don't want to do dark rooms because i still don't have lantern but lantern might be in a dark room oh i can do a glowing wound all right you can do this before infected that's so weird this place is infected before infected crossroads even happens this is the true source of the infection the radiance is not the source of the infection radiance framed by pale king grimkin flame oh right i need those two give me the goods that is not the goods hail or i mean i'll probably end up using that the shriek okay we got a bunch of items in this room there's got to be something good right there's got to be something good right there's something good i needed that i think fungal probably has a bunch of checks that i haven't gotten so we can just go through here for now lantern yes finally oh god don't die what was that bounce you see that oh look god tuner we'll take it one geo pretty good price what's it gonna be this guy's delaying it adding tension what's it gonna be [Music] oh my god it actually was oh that's the white heart that's the boy heart grub i think i just got enough and it was uh what was this grub's name again it's um uh don't tell me don't tell me i remember i remember uh what was it i'm not looking at chat i'm not looking at chat what was the scrubs name i need to focus my brain it must have been something to do with mushrooms shroom shroomy oh paler i'll take that that's an easy tree as well king's brand pog nice dude fungal wastes has all the good stuff shroom shroomless shroom free i don't remember its name chat blippi oh because these things are like blimps damn it i forgot if only team cherry patched in all the official grub names and then i wouldn't have to remember i have to have enough of those by now right i've gotten so much of those wait i have one grub short i'm one short i thought it was 21. i thought it was 21. damn it oh there it is we're good duplicate vs oh right that gives you shade soul that's a big that's a big pick up right there wow the grubs were so nice to me this run i love grubs shopkeepers key yes that's good that's good that gives me a lot of checks that's why and maybe that will be what we need you know what i also could really use uh dreamgate dreamgate would be great i don't need a woken dream nail unless there's a check in white palace yeah but like that's such a low chance because i need one item right now speaking of dreamgate it's right here it was pretty close to when i was wanting that actually okay so we just have to talk about what we want you know would be nice what we get right now a king fragment that'd be really nice if we got a king's fragment oh my god look at the shade soul it has a bow too my shade soul is pretty prettiness given form i'll have lord oh right i need shade cloak still okay i need shade cloak as well descending dark i thought that was it for a second good pickup they copied my outfit how dare they oh look at the d-dark the d-dark has a bow easy fight that's what you get for copying my fashion sense one up here oh i just dropped my controller let's go shade cloak so now literally all i need is uh the last king fragment and the bosses easy fight aspect go away aspect go away go away and we get four checks for the price of one marker pride egg soul totem and 20 essence kind of garbage actually yeah oh no watcher knight so scary of a fight what will i do too bad they're free egg that's what the watcher knights regarding egg they put it in a chest and everything what the heck that's all they're guarding is eggs why why are they guarding eggs all right watcher nights you've been created for one purpose to defend these two eggs the eggs of destiny any who enter to obtain these eggs must be slain there's too much power in the egg paler that's useful but we've we gotta find it soon we have to find it soon there's no way we don't find it soon it's right here it's right here watch damn it all right white palace let's see what it is what would you say there it is it's in white palace it's still in white palace you can clearly see the white fragment it's holding wait i need a woken dream nail for this i need a woken dream bill all right watch this amazing fight it's going to take so long amazing fight so yeah now i either need awoken dream novel or like i could find a random boy heart i think right i think i can still find a random one unbreakable strength for 120 geo that's a sick price that's a great price nothing else here is really good 1260 that's expensive what the heck fight me mate g-spot g-spot discovered hey do you like my outfit i got i gotta keep um i think it's neat rude i have not checked waterways like at all because i don't like waterways i should go there though i need to fight dung defender and flute i mean fluke i can i can hold off until the very end if possible i mean there's even a check at godhome like so i could go there early come on i don't want dying to trader lord to be like a common thing that happens on the stream there we go soul totem that's a that's a funky looking soul totem right there there it is there it is it's some random egg in the waterways we got it all right here it is the final piece it of course was in white palace all along and now all that we have left is to ascend to god home is that is that how you say that ascend ascend god home i'm a princess uh basically all we have to do now is get to the pantheons and like unlock them all the problem is i think i still need yeah i still need some bosses i don't think i did zero i'm gonna have to think of like what else i missed there we go okay still missing another one for color two oh my skin i forgot to equip it there we go thanks chad i know no eyes i didn't do like for sure what that was slightly too long however we did it hive night hive night hive night do i even have tram pads uh oh no i don't have it dude okay we have to find freaking tram pass to finish this totem in the bottom right of this room no you're trolling me it was not a troll i had no idea that existed so i have a feeling i didn't actually have dive when i was here so there's like a few checks yep never went through here i probably got the chest but never went down oh no i never went up here either okay it's right there okay we found it we found it all right hive knight it's time to high fight let's check uh let's check this now i only need one in the second pantheon is that fluke arm it's gotta be fluke arm okay let's go we're rushing god home now do i have all the payload let's find out nope that's fine second best nail is is good enough i don't feel like looking around the whole map for freaking one more pale or probably soul refill are you kidding me i didn't need to do white palace at all there was just a white fragment here oh my i didn't need a woken dream now or white palace i just had to come here early well too late for that okay time to see how the randomized pantheons work i have no idea how this mod works i've never done it before so uh yeah let's see how this how this works oh cool soul warrior right off the bat but that boss is in this pantheon right so it might be the same bosses in the pantheon just switched around i don't know these are both bosses that are in this pantheon okay i already have a bench wait is that weird is there normally a bench after two fights so yeah i think it's per pantheon so the craziest one is definitely gonna be p5 because it has every boss so it's going to be in like whatever order it wants but it seems to me like the bosses are locked to the pantheon still so i'm not going to get like abs rad in p1 the bench is usually after five okay so the benches are randomized the final bosses might be locked to the end still i'm not sure because i haven't seen oro and motto yet and maybe it breaks the game if they're not the end oh wait we still have malik oh it can then it does randomize the final boss oh no i have merged them together malik the final fight of pantheon one i maybe should have damaged tank to less during oro and motto oh my god i'm actually kind of scared okay this is the final one right we didn't miss any okay nice so yeah uh randomized pantheon seemed pretty fun okay shio is just here at the first boss well i guess i'll fight the rest of your pantheon now geo there's a good technique to try and get me at the start zot shouldn't be in here right because i didn't get so i don't know how the randomizer is going to deal with that but hopefully it just doesn't have zod at all you know wherever you put elder who i'm going to be disappointed because i just don't want to fight elder food oh you're here early okay i need to be a bit careful because if i'm low health after this fight there's there might not be a bench and i might have another fight yep collector right after sly whittles down your health and then collector is right afterwards it's a genius plan okay umu the final boss of pantheon3 good almost missed that actually all right trader lord right off the bat oh i skipped the screen dude the intro skipped the screen insane because i was getting up from the intro to the pantheon the scream didn't actually stop me where'd the music go uh music gone no music no eyes or music i wonder where where pure vessel is to show up still hasn't showed up yet i was kind of hoping i'd get pure vessel as like the first fight oh there he is hi i was just talking about you ow ow that was rude there he is the final boss oh geez i don't know if we're gonna be able to do this fight i have no health bar what the heck your vessel stole my hud okay we did it oh i forgot about you markov right well now i have to do mark off with no hud so uh that's fun there it is hud recovered ah no no no no no no no not a speed run i just need to be safe oh god i really didn't get enough per heal there go away marcotte go away marcotte oh my god is there another boss after this okay we're done we're done definitely the true final boss of that pantheon okay here we go randomized pantheon five see how this goes starting it off with elder who and no music also sisters of battle coming up very early i think the biggest thing that will mess with me is benches if there's no bench for like grim like nkg or pure vessel or something like that could be really hard and yeah i'm also not sure if uh absorad can be randomed or not i guess we'll see you know nasty can't really hit me with the uh spawning when horn is supposed to spawn because there's no time where horde is supposed to spawn anymore bench maybe would be nice or easy boss easy boss works well you can take a lot of damage in this fight if you're not careful oh getting kind of low here oh my god are you kidding me dude why okay okay okay no benches ever oh my god dude there's no benches okay white defender still no bench where the hell are the benches where are the benches or where the hell are the benches tell me did it just eat every bed has anyone done this mod before is there actually benches in p5 let's go let's go we found the bench are you serious i didn't need this bench what there's two right next to each other oh my they better all not be here okay i i'll take the bench now i i appreciate the bench a bit more okay okay good okay dude i don't need all these benches game i don't need honey i'm gonna have none at the end grass mother to no music breast mother you showed up late there's now no fanfare for this fight at all ow hell yeah here's an actual fight i guess he's not the final boss oh hello how you doing oh my god i got screwed oh oh my god that was scary are we doing the cut scene we doing the cut scene who's there who's making that terrifying screech it's marco i knew it this is actually evil why is marcotte always in the worst possible spot new plan full attack mode okay all right final bench right is this the final bench i think this is the final bench i'm not sure how much more bosses we have but uh well it's all one run from here on out okay let's do it oh hi wait did i do all the other bosses i'm not sure either way i'm glad i had a bench right before this that's cool respawning there okay pretty good spawn okay i guess uh wait is that the final boss are we good destroyed by prettiness oh we're not done yet we're not done yet we got gillian it's not over yet oh my god no don't die holy [Music] that was it that was the last one oh my god the bait and switch with galion dude i almost died i almost died so that was so cold i can't see the ending it broke i can't see the ending i can just hear it that was so close dude well there you go that's it that's confirmed it so yeah thanks for watching the god home ending rando everyone that was fun the pantheon randomizer was actually a lot of fun too that was really cool i'm glad i added that on to the uh the god home ending rando as a whole so yeah that was that was just really fun i enjoyed that and yeah thanks for watching oh yeah furries are illegal in canada you
Channel: Skurry
Views: 615,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollow knight, randomizer, rando, godhome ending, pantheons, pantheon, modded, mods
Id: Abz6S-iGO4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 13sec (2413 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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