I Randomized The Entire Hunters Journal

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welcome everyone so welcome to another Hollow Knight randomizer uh this game is just constantly getting new settings it's kind of insane and one of the new settings that has been added is journal entry randomizer so every single enemy entry actually has two checks it's killing the enemy the first time which reveals what happens when you kill it you know after 15 or however many it is and those are both checks for every enemy so there's a lot there's like so much and I'm combining this with no duplicates which means if we see oh this is at this enemy we have to do that enemy because there's no other place that item's gonna be and it's also worth mentioning that uh I have all the worst settings on so we have Mentor bugs randomized Hunter's Mark Pantheon bosses weathered mask and radiant void Idol weathered mask is all bindings Pantheon 5. and void Idol is radiant every boss now it's highly unlikely that any of these will be required but they might be required you never know anyways I'm going to be using uh this skin it is the baby mantis skin and it's really well done and I'm just gonna be a murderous little baby here because one of the main focuses of this run is killing everything I see like you zero journal entry so that was for killing one crawled I got the zero journal entry so I can now go here and see defeat one more zero to decipher the Carver Hatcher journal entry so a lot of these are just gonna lead me to other journal entries but some of them might lead us to items that we need to get I have to kill you see I got a king's Idol for killing the bench Vine so it's not guaranteed to just be another journal entry that's just for killing one and then there's also for killing a certain amount of them so it's best to just kill everything to get as many checks as possible which is why we're a murderous little mantis friend oh my gosh I get a little like cocoon okay what's at the shop of journal entry um it's only one Geo so I guess I'll take it there's a grub here too defeat eight more owls to decipher the 51 Essence see because I if I buy these entries there's a chance one of them might lead to something better so it's it's worth to buy these but yeah I still need to find you know all the items I need like qua uh apparently that was Queen station today oh no I should have left this mod off oh no I feel bad there are times when we should leave the trans transmod off let's check the grout massive Moss charger journal entry Mossy zote journal entry Marvel journal entry sport journal entry little Weaver journal entry crawler journal entry and mask check distant Village stag from killing a bunch of uh of those guys so there's an example of getting an item from getting the uh several kills getting enough kills for like the true entry Soul Warrior journal entry which leads to weeping husk journal entry there's gonna be some like huge chain of journal entries into like claw or something I can already see it happening okay aspit entry is a map ASP is of course continuing to be useless and ruining my day volatile zoteling oh no some of these are the zote links that you have to like kill zote several times for God damn it Grim can Master journal entry defeat one more grimkin Master to decipher The Hornet journal entry so every boss is also going to be a check so there's like so many things it's like crazy all right we have to kill barrels or what was this one's name I think it's Barrel ow barrels why are you so strong Soul Master journal entry and slobbering husk journal entry chat does my does killing Myla give you a journal entry I'm not sure there's so much settings that like constantly get added to this game to this Rando if I did in all settings now including all the additional like individual mod settings it would be like impossible to ever finish oh thanks for summoning a friend for me this is now my pet I'm just on full-on murder mode because of the nature of the surrender benchfly King journal entry for killing a bunch of bench flies kind of sitting defeat one more venge liking to decipher the pink egg but I can't get out of here I'll come back for you later remember the space it'll be your doom okay what do you got saliva a bunch of journal entries cyan egg the horn scrub let's see on 26 charms I'll sell you the hopping zote link journal entry I'll take the fluke fluke fee journal entry you know what let's kill a bunch of children it was blurry and it was work let's go I knew killing children with chaos we have a dreamer oh it's infected now it's already infected you're new and you had dream Shields why is it dream Shield my first charm through the power of killing enemies I can really go like so many places this is so sad having the charm menu and all I have is this I'm not even gonna equip it a bunch of new enemies pink egg I want to seal no eyes and yet still no items Mossy boy oh my God defeat one more massive Moss charger to decipher the white fragment Mossy has the white fragment we found one and Sprint Master let's go I can walk faster who needs Dash when you have Sprint master but I can't go this way bird birds birds gave me high blood you have to kill a lot of birds I think I do you can do like a jump here math Squad journal entry wait so I got the masked by journal entry and unlocked the massify journal entry well so much for killing birds being useful this is why you're no longer useful in the low-te run as well I'm sure the bees will give me something good Zumi mantis hey hornet quick slash an actual good charm and two journal entries Galley and journal entry hona seal yeah I have four charms and it's two notches entombed a husk oh that gets me weathered mask so once I kill these I'll know what's at weathered mask and that's kind of a huge deal we need to make sure that's not anything important slug okay we got a couple journal entries fine I'll get Sluggers it costs one and everyone loves select what what's gonna happen to me as a mantis when I select mantis slug Sharp balder sharp balder is Hera that's huge so I need to go to Kalo unbreakable strength sadly I didn't get lucky with the cost dive that's an interesting first item that's not really what I was hoping for but it's gonna let me get somewhere great s and dive but nothing else very strange like I'll take it but I really want claw or something no not gorb journal entry that's not what I want all right chat we might as well do it now it's a mender bug in time vendor bug spawn so I can kill you there's honestly a bunch of things I should probably do before I do this but whatever the longer it takes the less attention I'm going to be paying when it happens Buck bumble it's not really fitting for this but uh foreign why that Miss I should have just done nail how is that Miss I figured that would be easier to hit than than nail are you kidding me what I hit the wall what are you talking about I hit this wall and bounced off I literally could have mashed I could have just matched if I did that okay there's other stuff I can do that's so annoying uh Hunter's notes a grub Hunter's notes a grub long now not useful mender bug journal entry oh my God I could have just checked what it was Hive night journal entry nobody cares God damn it descending dark yo I just got descending dark from killing that thing let's go wait I need a horn to get up here umu journal entry 45 essence little Weaver mothwing cloak oh my God okay I need to kill spiders the little spider yo cyclone thank you little spider it's pretty cool I got one okay we can get to this guy so I need to kill a bunch of these Fighters I'm probably just gonna reload this room a bunch of times seven okay that's gonna take a while it's worth it Chad we got dash for this to kill more baby spiders than seven let's go dash time and I can go get a white fragment from Mossy now Mossy boy ready to get pet by my Stinger this is how Manti I've had little Hoppers but I can't get over the wall yet unless I do some great Hopper skip stuff or great Hopper percent oh my God oh my God The Hoppers the Hopper's had clogged let's go all right let's get the uh let's get the great Hopper uh full entry why don't we oh God I got it I got it I think we should run they got the total ah let me kill more of these right I'm feeling enough boot flies yet or ASP as anything I need to just kill everyone murder a grub and Geo I came here just for grub thanks for the math card I love just killing enemies and getting items every enemy is a check so satisfying Hera let's go obtain to the Hera oh the corrupt just falls from the sky wings oh wigs and colada and dash we're looking good okay Radiance defeat one more Radiance to decipher the vengefly journal entry thank you Radiance that'd be very useful weathered mask oh [ __ ] oh no we're gonna see what's that weathered mask wait we don't get to see why don't I get to see you I thought I was supposed to be able to see this no preview I don't even get to know um oh no well we'll just hope we don't need it Lantern no previews for the non-enemy ones I didn't know that that's scary well we're just gonna assume I won't ever need it because that would be crazy right are ghosts in the journal I don't think they are right it's just like the Dream Warriors it's not like every ghost I have a weird urge to attack this direction right here don't know why favorite egg Style in this case like in the rainbow eggs or like style of eating eggs in real life I like scrambled eggs in real life and my favorite egg is vengeful spirit the best egg most journal entries I get at this point are not useful White Defender though I don't know of that one dream nail wait what oh it's because okay that makes sense it's because like there's three Dream Nails there's dream now awoken dream now and stream game wait what is this does it say whatever I'm rich I don't care [Music] yo [Music] yo wait did it say it did it say it I read it twice I didn't see it it said it I can't read all right uh backstory for this character now I was kicked out of the tribe for being too cute they thought I wasn't going to be threatening enough to be a mantis to be part of the Mantis Drive so they threw me out as a child but then I became the greatest hunter of all and now I'm coming back to hunt them down I'm back I'm gonna defeat all of you and prove I'm the greatest mantis fighter of all time despite being baby I can be cute and Powerful baby commits multiple crimes including murder and murder fight me pulling out the Stinger is so good I'm home this is for kicking me out as we established in my backstory I win yo let's go all right we got King Seoul it's also only two notches all right frogs I'm gonna kill all of you holy crap 655 Geo frog murder okay I don't have America I like when Marmot just doesn't take knockback that's my favorite marmo thing okay we we got free sharp shadow but also scam Shaman Stone Hunter's Mark is randomized wait what what happens if I get this should I do it I guess I'll do it like if I get this this is gonna is there an item that I get for completing the Hunter's Journal entirely bam I got them I did I got them all so now I have the hunters the hunters and Mark despite not even killing everything yet okay I never checked this I know I never checked this so let's see what's here uoma thankfully I don't have to do that Hopper yo great slash okay I mean that's good at least never even got what's at grimchilds are you in the ground what this girl is stuck in the ground are you lower silly grab it has to be done we require a sacrifice for the journal gods it wasn't worth it [Music] Elder balder oh just a bunch of notes I don't want nope I don't want grubs either cocoon containing a grub there's a grub in here oh that's a big dress okay maybe it's time to upgrade my nail century oh my God tram pass is here okay that's actually huge because now I can go to the hive and get like a bunch of checks and the bees but bees are all new enemies that I haven't killed yet that's actually really good all right bees it's time these guys are new the infinite [ __ ] oh my God Grim child okay we need Grim child that gets us a bunch of ghost enemies yeah it's been a long time without firm child it was in the hive the whole time I have to kill Bigby I'm sorry Bigby I need your purple egg yeah I think I've killed enough small bees by now probably but my bloodlust isn't saturated yo oh my God okay we're making progress on some stuff that gets me closer to awoken dream now and also get over here wait is there even anything in here it's a grub right oh my God there we go we found it oh is this not a check until I get the ghosts but the check is the grandchild so I guess that makes sense oh shade Soul let's go okay [Applause] foreign Skeets Hunter notes and and Bloom Hunters notes I don't care about these stupid notes okay we're doing freaking great friends so is there any of that only smile like the temple ones how many times I have to do this where's these guys [Music] and there's awful Hunter notes and masks now where are the volatile ones oh those are the exploding guys okay there we go we got him yo a big streak a fish streak was a dessert thing as well okay so Queen station has several things I just forgot about why is this always something good too I always forget about it and it's always something useful well like ismosphere isn't good I hate instance here but it's always like it's not anything useless ever there's not like a whole lot of enemies left or Journal checks I'm actually starting to get worried that one of the things I need is gonna be at like weathered mask or something there actually is a decent chance at this point because I'm still missing two items I need and we're running out of checks so what else is left Edge tree tuck egg and that's literally all I see yeah it's it's probably some enemy it's it's got to be something random I don't know it might be like the god home bosses we'll see though there's two more checks that I can find on the map and then I might have to do something crazy tuck please save the randomizer you want the fenders pressed on okay tuck now you can save the Rando right because I stink oh my God tuck saved the Rando let's go tuck I can do new things now all right cloth is here all right cloth is gonna die I was literally just killing the enemies to fill out the hunter Journal and as a result saved cloth incidentally all right my bad I like how me being more powerful gets cloth stabbed early like she survives less okay we got Weaver song that's kind of cool I don't want a grub I don't want a pet grab Mom I have 33. well shade cloak really didn't save the Rando did it I guess we're gonna do like pantheons no I think I more so don't want it to be at uh weathered mask or avoid Idol but it'd be pretty funny [Music] okay I will get a check here which is compass compass oh my God was that a double grub that was a double grub I didn't get two grubs I'm running out of ideas um so I guess we're gonna go kill a grimkin uh big boy I don't know I don't know what they're called [Music] a grub and heavy blow I have 87 completion 87. what don't I have mender bug there's no way it's mender bug no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there's no way it's an under bug there's no way it can't be we know one of the one of the things from under bug is useless we know that but the the kill the journal entry itself we don't know what that is it actually could be the dreamer or the void heart but I'm gonna have to spend like another 20 minutes doing this [ __ ] and then I might miss again there is still nkg right nkg's a check that's probably the better option because I won't go insane in doing that where is this guy I'm breaking your sign bro I broke it a billion times fight me please just show up I promise I won't miss this time I mean that's probably a bad thing to say because that would mean you're dead I don't miss but just show up so I can kill you are you kidding me dude it doesn't even work what it did it didn't hit it didn't hit how does that not hit it was clearly hitting how did that miss is the biggest hitbox in the universe how how how how how how did that Miss I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I can't do it I don't care how long it takes I'm checking this right now I don't care I'm not doing anything else you're checking the stupid mender bug entry even if I miss it another five times it feels like acceptance but I'm going through the five stages of grief I hate menderbug I hate thunderbug this is so stupid let's go it wasn't anything good it was it no we opened up dirt mouth stag I don't even care I just wanted to freaking get that stupid thing I'm like satisfied just in the fact that I got it yeah this is a random ends up being very cursed didn't it and I don't even know I might need to do something even more cursed I am running out of ideas maybe it's here maybe it's here I don't know what it is but just something to let me keep going easy hit list give me the dreamer give me the boy heart give me the lucky give me the king's brand Basin tree have I still not checked a basin tree apparently I never checked this and it was here the whole time and nothing I did for the past three hours matter but this is just love key and that's concerning because this gets me a few checks and it gets me Pantheon three oh boy maybe this will be the most cursed randomizer I've ever done [Applause] [Music] I just hope the the three checks I guess it's four checks right because collect your Maps I hope one of those is like a dreamer or King's friend or the White House like something I don't know [Laughter] okay here we got uh masi Vagabond Hunter's notes watch your night Hunter notes please no please no this has to be the good one this is a good one right here back to the pantheons you know what groom child you're coming with me from now on you're pretty you're pretty op now yeah wait that was it was the Grim child shot that oh my God groom child's a genius okay Sly will be a new chat mask Shard and oh my God wait shopkeeper's key that's so fitting that's so fitting okay well we can take a stop by a dirt mouth void idle oh my God Sly you had this the whole time oh my God are you kidding me oh I'm just gonna buy out your shop whatever we have void heart now wait that's bad that means I can do family on five um yeah I'm gonna be honest chat that was kind of the worst possible thing to find because I don't have Abyss yet which means all that gets me is P5 and that might lead to something worse wait if I kill White Defender in this Pantheon does that count as White Defender journal entry holy [ __ ] does that actually work I guess we're gonna find out wait was that was that the logic all along get to Pantheon four to kill White Defender to get into White Palace this is the craziest Rhino I've ever done here we go if this works we're gonna get the awoken dream now foreign we might be saved there was literally no way to get into White Palace until I did Pantheon IV that's so funny okay we got it we got it we got a half of pain to check we got the white fragment to check there's a lot to do why are you over here what the hell you're not supposed to be over here what the heck come on there has to be something in here the logic has all led to this moment right it has to be in here it's got to be like half a pain okay it's time chat it's time for some pain let's do it first try hitless no I already failed I'm just going around I don't know what's going on with my Grim child Grim child Grim child the hard part is over with we all know the hardest part of this is the first room there we go is this where it all ends is this where the dreamer is grandchild you're blocking my view of the lore why am I blinded I didn't get anything I you don't get anything for that I don't know why that doesn't count as anything either but I guess we just did that for fun okay so that's on me then I left a couple settings off because they were a separate setting apparently but it's okay well one more check and then we have to do P5 come on Dreamer no not a grub okay um well I guess we gotta do some P5 bosses because there's nothing else um nasket is new sisters of battle is new and absurd are new I don't know if they all have journal entries I feel like noskit probably does I'm not getting abs around they don't it's only abstract it's actually the whole thing for one check okay that's unfortunate oh at least you get some uh some awesome content I don't exactly do this a whole lot okay final three I'm actually trying folks today so I don't throw I'm throwing I'm throwing oh my God okay I'm actually going oh my god dude I don't know what happened I'm just not like playing should I spoiler check now maybe I should just spoiler check now oh no chat journal entry radiance grub weathered mask is grubberfly's elegy wait what am I missing oh my God chat uh I'm gonna show you something Chad we figured it out we figured out what we have to do void Idol 2 which I think I think is ascended right that's ascended so I don't have to do radiant I have to beat P5 which I just failed at which will unlock Radiance and and then I'll have all the bosses and then I have to beat them all ascended right that's what void Idol 2 means I'm pretty sure it's just bp5 and then beat ascended that's not gonna take long we got this okay don't throw this time please I'm gonna like actually Focus foreign I keep missing that there we go we're good this time I'm once again thankful for radiance full heal not that it matters because we just made it to Radiance which is all I needed to do [Applause] God home ending randomizer come on we're gonna get the god home ending before the true ending bench fly Hunter notes oh yeah I forgot we actually got something for uh eating radiance and now we can beat every boss uh ascended I now have to do every boss I think most of these are still going to be very easy but a couple I might die let's see look it's Jennifer in the foreground the greatest god oh it was one hit all right we're getting this one first try too this will be free now no I said first try no just edit it it's just a blooper put a little Scurry over the chat I'm sure that's less suspicious all right time to get revenge for uh losing during P5 that one time do this first try no and there we go okay that should be every boss besides Radiance let's go so one more boss then we should be able to get the king's brand and then we can finally finish this random oh my God I forgot you did four sometimes no don't die of the climb let's go first try the only boss I died to was pure vessel I mean what I did them all deathless let's go oh my God it's me yes the king's brand and apparently a grub as well I don't know where that came from all right where where if I was the randomizer where would I put this I'm gonna guess that the egg It's gotta be at the egg break the dreamers right here no it's gonna be the last place I check it's gonna be like shade cloak never mind there it is we can finish the true ending after already having finished the god home ending I got this I already beat God home I already did every boss to send it because it's gonna be free oh wait we got one more check it's a Gruff wait I'm missing one grub I'm missing one grab I almost got every single room [Applause] get good Radiance I've already beat absolute Radiance so you don't really scare me but I'm gonna threaten you with my Stinger it's somewhat radiance possibly Radiance uncertainly radiance here we go the journal entry Rando is finally over bam yo look at the the shade mantis okay that was definitely an interesting random but we did it go back for the grub I'll go back I don't I don't really have much checks left I think it's in Abyss probably it's got to be down here in one of the three checks four checks because no there's a lot of checks because there's also the birthplace in the egg elegant key wait it might be there too is this going to end up being some long chain to get the last grip this is the post credit scene grubby gravy do The Grubby dance you're the last scrub grubby dance all right there's 46 grubs my true goal this randomizer was to get every ground
Channel: Skurry
Views: 354,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hollow Knight, Randomizer, Hunter's Journal, mods
Id: dbZy7yuXg_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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