I was forced to do a cursed Hollow Knight Randomizer...

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all right some background a few weeks ago scurry and I held a bit of a competition to get good at any percent which is a hollow night speedrun category that we both haven't really done in a few years after 2 weeks of learning the category we did a few races and to make it interesting we had some Stakes if I won I would get to force Scurry to do a 112% all paning on bosses speedrun which is my main category and if they won they would get to force me to do a rando with the settings of their choosing and you've read the video title so you know the outcome so in this video I was forced to do scurry's really really cursed randomizer settings and Scurry being the randomizer connoisseur that they are uh decided to make things really interesting for me so hope you enjoy the video also as of me making this video I at exactly 69,6 65 Subs so subscribe so we can reach the funny number so that I can become all powerful and take over the universe uh seriously though uh I really appreciate the support on the channel recently and I hope you enjoy the video bye hey chat I woke up just outside my house you know it's me Lake I'm also on 1 HP and have 69 goo isn't that great this looks really bad you know I'm kind of scared I don't like the health I'm on the Geo is pretty nice though uh what a great starting charm I can't even heal it costs six notches I don't have any healing and it's Baler shell what am I supposed to do with this you know what chat I have something that's going to make it all better something that will carry us to Victory I downloaded the mod that makes the night dab whenever you press G on your keyboard oh yeah oh yeah chat it's going to be so free we're going to go into low gear City what oh no the elevator's locked okay so I think I only have one choice which is going up to resling I'm going to need to fly Pogo this uh venge fly or this uh hus guard here I can't swim either by the way if I swim I die dude go down that's fine that's fine see it works I figured it out I figured it out we're good we're good you know Chad there's really no cost to equipping the six charm Notch Boulder shell I'm going to be overcharmed but I die in one hit anyway it's free nothing you know first item what's it going to be oh okay that's really nice actually okay hel a seal and a love key Shaman stone for six notches oh my gosh why does it got to be so expensive that's a really useful first item it's still only right claw but if I recall correctly the right claw why are all the charms six notches what is happening every charm is six notches that's so funny grimchild lets me do the Grim fight we might have to do like the zero gear Grim fight with one HP one thing is that I do have a free stag unlocked in the Rando so I have hidden station so I can go to Basin and I can go to dirtmouth hey another one oh yeah I can't leave question mark I don't even get to know what I'm buying oh my God Scurry what are these settings what is in the fountain I don't know it's just a loot box double M Shard okay cool that's good to know go Grim child oh [ __ ] okay is lore totems randomized I don't remember but I will go check this oh okay they are okay cool so now we have distant Village so we have a few key things that we can get in this Village the first one is this thing right here which is a soul totem that is still a soul totem awesome um oh I forgot I can't swim right claw should take me through the entirety of den probably and we'll be able to get some Geo on the way so we can open some of the loot boxes yo best charm let's go dude see I didn't think about it but it seems I can't even do this interesting oh wait unless I wake some of these guys up I lure them to climb over here and I Pogo them I don't think I get enough height from that do I do they get across here ah a I don't think it's enough height no it's not oh wait where does my shade spawn should I try dying I'm going to try dying and see where I end up oh perfect awesome okay killing this devout is going to be hell go Grim child the first time in the game that grimchild has actually been good got it cool so now we have a path back look at look at this okay I can still Pogo up it that's good egg you know how the egg is like a Scurry meme maybe it's meant to be chat maybe this is going to be like the Run saving item okay this is so great what a good Rando seed with such great and wholesome settings for the whole family I need to Pogo that guy you you're kidding I needed to Pogo that guy well cowabanga remind me next time to warp because now if I die I will lose my this is fun I'm still having fun you need to expect a certain level of tediousness this isn't going to be like a happy go-lucky like oh I found all the major items in Crossroads see this is a bit scuffed cuz I need to not die nice there you go nail Master's Glory well how great I'm glad it costs six notches so it's super usable grimchild is carrying right now but it's only because I'm so weak R map mod no part of the challenge is remembering where things are and what you can do I'm not going to do map mod riveting gameplay imagine I die to this guy I wouldn't be too surprised yeah see I I almost did a I shouldn't have said anything I should not have said anything careful he does two masks of damage nice okay that's 60 goo I'm just going to have to do that a few more times cuz I want to buy the Stag things right either this or we farm for another hour and get 3,000 Geo and buy the fountain imagine if progression is at the fountain I'm going to go crazy please we can buy one more stag chat there is hope after that I will have to do Basin pale or arena with the MKS which is going to be hell because I don't have any movement and I'm on one HP you know what I'm going to try the Muller Arena what's my Approach for this I just need to kill one as quickly as possible yeah there's luckily no curses oh come on that's super doable that's super doable okay I just lost all my G okay let me stop being bad go Grim child you're almost dead right okay see we're good now that was not bad at all I don't know why I got so scared about that yeah that's totally fine there was no Pro oh hi grub okay well that's it okay please please give me an item that I can use please yes finally I'm free oh yes oh my God okay having wings though talk about useful God damn let me just goo oh my God that guy just died okay this could be a little scary there's a lot of enemies here however God [ __ ] damn it dude God damn it why' I do that I just wanted the Relic okay I just want I have to walk the whole way back oh boy this is what I signed up for okay I lost the bet now I have to live with it oh God ah oh I should have got my shade first I did the same thing again just Pogo twice it's not hard ah so the issue with this place is that this ledge sucks so sometimes you Pogo it and you Bonk your head and then you die o 200 200 Geo I can't get the Geo okay we're finally free chat now we're going to be stuck in three areas instead of one okay there's a lot of stuff we can do in city now now we're now we're I I I almost jumped into the water there I'm going to be be honest oh okay oh we already have Basin access we can go down into ays now well we don't have Dash so we can't cross the lake so actually no I can't do anything in Abyss what is this Green Path stack okay see chat it took us an hour but I like the sound of this loot box oh come on now that I have Green Path access we we'll just buy Green Path stag as well what is this vessel fragment two that's nice hello gorgeous husk oh that's just vanilla Geo I didn't expect that I thought it was going to be randomized I have q so I can do this thing well I need to not die first I am on one HP so I am going to I said I need to not die oh I love backtracking I need to make sure I get that goo cuz I have a lot of Geo on me right now no [ __ ] why I sign slashed my Geo I had like 600 that's so stupid I might just do Watcher kns I kind of want to do Watcher kns I feel like I can pull off hitless Watcher nights it's going to be slow I don't have any spells but it is something I do know how to do and yeah I have nothing to lose I'm going to try it it seems it's silly it's a terrible idea but I will try it just cuz it's fun slow and Ste if I pull this off I'm actually insane at the game though I just got to keep both on screen if I keep both on screen it should be relatively doable I do have wings so I can air stall ah slow and steady no I'm going to do it I'm going to do it it's not that bad with wings you know I feel like having wings is what makes it possible I've decided that I'm going to prove to chat that I can do this for no reason so they'll they'll like turn around okay whoops oh my God this is something that will be done that doesn't count that doesn't count either shut up chat dude what the [ __ ] just wiggle back and oh I did the exact same throw I'm going to do it one more try I'm going to do it one more try okay come on dude we'll go upgrade our nail done oh that was dumb slight detour we'll be back for the Watchers with like double our our damage output that was gaming did you see that that was cool I didn't see that enemy I hate being on one HP dude you have to do so much backtracking oh PA that was a bad idea maybe I just [ __ ] up chat this could be a bad idea too chat doing this could be a bad idea because now I deal more damage to enemies and then maybe there's like pogos that I can't do let's go let's hope I resent any % runs help me out with this trust the process chat trust the process I will kill them actually re okay no that's really fine it's all about the roll attack though oh God yeah see the roll attack is the only bad thing I forgot I didn't have left claw there see here's a fun Strat for you all if you're ever struggling with Watcher Knights you can Pogo them and wiggle like this them turning around has priority over other actions which allows you to make them be a lot less efficient with their attacking oh no I should have known I should have just keep kept going left there okay that's kind of mean I just want to prove to myself that I can kill Watchers I'm making it a lot worse on purpose one at a time my walk speed is so slow there's nothing I could do there do I leave them for a while oh I'm tempted to try one more though there's I could have just St stood on the ground I'm doing again I'm doing it again whoa whoa whoa oh whoa there hey hey how about we okay [ __ ] how about we don't I've got it though I've got it though I'm going to get something good from this I have to oh the other ones really Chad it's more fun this way I'm coping I'm full on coping right now let's go chat okay let's go back to the bench third and fourth pair time no dude trust the process chat have faith in the order of events that is occurring have faith in the order of events that is occurring no that was actually really close I'm doing it I have to know I have to know I'm doing well right now the thing with this type of fight is that either you're doing well or you're dead so yes okay now if I die I'm so bad at the game hey that wasn't too bad I don't know why that took so long nice now watch all the items we get be useless please please don't be useless grub a grub is never useless hey hey hey this could be something you can't deny that love key could be something hey hey hey h that's worth I don't have Dash oh yeah chat I can dab I forgot I should have dabbed after beinga Watcher Knights what do you got for me cornifer yo oh okay all right I can we can do fluke Nest oh we're going to be so op now this area is going to be really fun on 1 HP though chat go fluke Nest get those multi-hits if only I had a dash and I could do a dash slash here to skip all this scuff no okay I need to be super careful to make sure that I don't lose all my my goo cuz I have about a th goo on the line here kill the shade first shade is secured what is this greed I'm going to die and break it immediately all right let's do soul I guess not having Dash here is going to be an adjustment for me God damn it dude I need to remember you know not to do the whole dying thing okay 1,400 Gio is gone well let's go somewhere else then I should have gotten this stuff anyway before going into sanctum oh okay that's pretty huge well I can upgrade nail again I don't really know why I would I guess we do Green Path now chat we might as well do Green Path I'll go back for soulmaster at some point soon oh I have howling Cliff's access now I can do like everything in Crossroads as well because of that that's kind of huge actually hi grubby after that very harrowing and pointlessly drawn Out start from doing Watcher nights for a year we have a lot of options now there's a lot of things we can do vessel fragment hey okay we got a full vessel oh we could go fight Grim that's like a real option I have by the way see this is the problem with getting a nail upgrade shot got to do like oh [ __ ] that was sick nice I'm kind of gaming that was kind of cool see I do I am good at this game sometimes too yo let's go okay that was a great find I'm glad I did that this is a lore totem right oh [ __ ] there's a guy there now I can do janies though I guess now that I'm here I can go do janies while I'm at it I'm going to sell my relics so that I can buy the stagna Stag on the way nice that's the fun thing with Rando Che it gets you really good at routing things on the Fly I'll start with Hornet and then from there we'll go up the left side of uh this top path get the grubs and stuff imagine i' die to Hornet that was a good fluke multi hit the only problem is our fluken doesn't deal much damage Fury wait wait Fury's kind of sick chat my nail damage is going to be crazy that rules actually I'm stuck on one HP anyway so I'm just going to have 75% increased na nail damage yo nice what's this thir yolk ABA absence out okay whatever chat it's just like 112 except they get insta melted oh God oh God why I almost died to the Venge flly easy I hope it was worth it to return here oh it sucks when you don't get to know what you're buying it's so stupid by the way chat now that we have Lantern we could do a deep Nest so we we basically have like almost full access to the map now just because of that Lantern you're oh you're joking I lost my Geo oh [ __ ] dude God damn it [Laughter] watch it be garbage oh come on so much Geo lost you know what chat it's fine that I lost all my Geo and Jon because I just got hella Geo from everything here double mask Shard oh my God if I buy the one from from Bas in chat we can finally be free of 1 HP it's happening I can't believe it oh I'm over Charmed yeah so we have a bit of a dilemma here I am a speedrunner I think it's in the spirit of it to just stay on on HP and then whenever I want or whenever I do accidentally pick up a health upgrade it'll be fine cuz I I'll have done a lot of the game with like insane damage output okay we're going to be stacked on nail damage this is a type of way of playing Hollow KN that I don't usually do thank you nail Smith hello Zelda come on I don't even get to know what I'm buying no chat holl night got bought by EA I'm so sad team Cherry got purchased by EA and now they're adding micro transactions I'm just going to buy everything grub heavy blow best charm in the game let's go dude and Crystal Peak map it's really great to know that I don't get to know what I'm buying that's awesome oh we can check the grubs yo yeah I I'm going to go to Grim soon cuz I want to do the Grim fight with like low gear cuz it's fun cuz I'm crazy but let's go go through Crossroads first what do you got grub King Soul that's the second one oh that's so good shade Soul okay WS isas okay grubs are stacked Scurry know what Scurry knows what they're doing this is such a Scurry Rando chat no oh man see now what I can do is I can just get a another full mask and use fury anyway we can just do that do I still have Fury or is the game broken I just di to moic dude what is this Hive blood oh my God it's so useful I missed it I shot it in the wrong direction oh my God I don't die in one hit holy [ __ ] dude what is this yay hello now we can spend our money on more microtransactions gambling 1,30 1100 why is everything so expensive what is this it's got to be important right it's got to be a major item right oh charm notches well now I don't afford it double mask Shard what was that dream nail let's go we're going to see what Sly has to offer well we won't really get to see what he has to offer but I mean we're going to blindly buy things grub song oh my God that's going to be great over charm for grub song and then get Soul when you get hit for two health and die false Knight speedrun that was a bit faster than I expected actually dude poor guy [Music] there you go there's my false night impression hell a seal are they not Rando I think they're not Rando oh my god let's go I really didn't want to have to do Whispering rots dashmaster yes now I can Dash FAS oh yeah full King Soul let's go oh quick Focus so good I love healing it's so great to be able to heal faster what have you got for me I can buy one thing yo yo Fury meta is so back Fury of the Fallen meta is back let's go watch this damage tank for Fury melt it same thing here melt it and get a charm Notch to heal back up oh I realized for a Split Second that I was like wait this is randomized I won't get a charm Notch but then I did get a charm Notch why didn't that deal double damage to me oh it's cuz I got a charm Notch I'm so dumb I'm not overcharmed anymore oh charm notches aren't randomized oh I'm stupid this could be a bad idea I don't have Dash I don't have Dash I have so much nail damage we're at the point in the Rando where I'm just Gathering a lot of checks that's like the main Loop right now is go to area grab everything and hope that you get something that is good CH I want to see the sickest mantis po oh my God I'm going to die yo dreamgate dream Gate's huge chat backtracking will be so much better now I don't have Dash I'm going to go down to Fury anyway cuz it's more fun bring it up on that didn't take very long oh wait I can't get this can I wait no no I can't get it what is this yo a nail art I can [Music] use oh the movement I'm so Zoomy more mask shards cool I almost have the normal starting Health how nice let's go do Grim chat we don't have Dash that was surprisingly accurate let's go bring it on my guy I'm going to slowly walk in your general direction you think I'll do it hitless chat hitless Grim I'm getting gaming chat I still don't have Dash which is severely limiting my ability to maneuver its attacks that was smooth a man Noob you got so much health my guy I mean I deal no damage that's like the main thing oh right it's vanilla it's just a charm Notch why did I waste my time with this equip greed and talk to her and she says what you'll get won't she say question mark question mark question mark like everyone [Laughter] else nope not happening dude do it no I'm not getting the lore I'm going to buy the mysterious items instead resting ground stack that's great did I just buy an egg for 700 so worth dude equip Dash master I don't have Dash which one do I buy chat 1390 okay [Laughter] God damn it there was so much G let's go chat headphone Warning by the way H oh wait we don't collect sh right oh okay that's kind of nice that's all I can do here though yo dive nice all right let's go do no eyes and then we'll do mossi and then we'll go into uh fog Canyon whoops holy [ __ ] do you see that whoa oh they didn't do it again oh my God no eyes more like no fun G her more like no interesting attacks the essence isn't randomized but who knows what we'll find at Seer cuz the Seer is also a loot box yo Mossy pets in the chat pet the mossi what is this yo I have one thing I want to do with this oh we have swim I can go home take a refreshing little swim I'm home yes let's go oh chat we can do some extra swimming I'm going under look I'm taking a little dive hel Ina sea love key Shaman Stone one I don't get to know how that's so dumb can I do flower Quest right now do I have access to the entire path something tells me Scurry settings are not going to let me know what flower Quest gives me and I'm very concerned about that of absence their abundance shell outer o inner place in absence St void liquid substance a weave absence inner o shell outer thermator PCH void vessel absence all outer contain anyway and what's this yo now we can go ah let's go I can pretty much get all of the grub rewards too now so we're going to have all three upgraded spells does she let me know what she's going to give me for doing flower [Laughter] Quest she doesn't of course okay well we're going to have to do flower Quest at some point that's awesome I love that shitel oh this is where everything is isas I could waste this all on dropping it in the fountain and hoping it's something good I shouldn't have said anything you're going to force me to drop it in the fountain of course you are okay well you know what why not we can do um broken vessel while we're at it chat okay chat I'm going to drop all my GE in the fountain now this better be useful it better be useful drop all your GE in Fountain for question mark I love question mark H what did I expect no no I don't want to do it on one Health oh I can just oh wait hold on I'm a genius sometimes I do actually think of clever things to [Applause] do this is going to mess with my 112 muscle memory a lot there we go hgo oh my God holy [ __ ] we're rich oh my god dream Shield a grub Green Path map this guy's got so many items so let me think can I do flower Quest I have swim now so I can go from grounds to Crossroads Crossroads I can go to fog Canyon oh yeah okay flower Quest is free we'll do flower Quest I have to it's a matter of principle it won't be a useful item but it's especially fun because I need to walk we're home see this is the nice part we get to walk through my house chat this is like 112 flower Quest but boring it's not even infected Crossroads I just realized I'm still going to have to do long the long way around through Queen's Gardens because I haven't been to Queen's Gardens yet which means I need to do Queen's Gardens hitless like the all of the Arenas this was great what a great idea Chad I had of doing flower Quest wait I have ismus here right I thought I only had swim for a second but no I do have ismus here as well okay dude all right well maybe I would have been fine if I didn't do that I I could definitely do flower quest in in one attempt with all of this extra [ __ ] as well slowly but steadily walking through archives can I have some movement options please I'm not dying to umu dude you're still not dead oh my God there we go what the [ __ ] what have they got for me bring it unless dreamers are vanilla I guess we'll find out yeah there's one more Lord tablet and a I can't heal I don't have heal you can't give me the dreamers if I don't have heal what the [ __ ] that's so stupid what the [ __ ] dude I can't even leave that's so dumb oh I spawn here that's so dumb woken dream now cool we can do white Palace now more health I guess we'll return When I have healing pale or I can upgrade my nail again we could have nail three chat that's kind of crazy hey more pale or bouncy boys one in the chat if you're a bouncy boy in this case boy being used gender neutrally oh yeah yo great slash now I can check sly's basement Sly Sly I'll race you to the basement you ready 3 2 1 go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go f F come on oh oh he beat me to it oh man he's so fast I mean not really all he had to do was go like slightly faster than walking speed what what the [ __ ] man what he kicked me out and now I have inventory storage I didn't even get anything what the hell dude what was that I think I got L that's what happened yeah is there a thing here gaming gaming gaming I can do that give me four fireballs and it's doable I need to a so close that's got to be doable right I don't have spell twister I'm just going to have to wait until I get more Soul yeah I can only use three that's the problem because uh they don't recharge in time unless I do one before the um before Wings yeah so I go here I Fireball stall from here and then I do it before Wing yeah okay shriek Pogo wait you're right I can just shriek Pogo this I hate shriek Pogo but I can do it I need to do it before Wings hold on no that's that's that's easier that's a lot easier I suck at sh Pogo chat it's there we go like that okay I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it trust trust trust no no no no no no no no no no what's happening there is that I'm doing everything too early so my wings are getting eaten by the uh shriek good thing I have King Soul equipped I'm doing it too early again still not it still no it's still too no it's not it's not too far why am I so bad at shriek poke I hate this Strat so much what if this is like Dash chat I have to do it there we go it's still not enough it's still not enough I got sh po it's still not enough I need a fireball at the end of that okay why am I wasting all my time on some stupid Strat that's like 50 times harder than what I could be doing God damn it dude I fireballed in the wrong direction dude doable that's free that's right how long have I spent here how long have I spent doing this that was so easy why did that take me so godamn long oh no oh no oh no no no dude no no no no can I dreamgate here I can't dreamgate here here okay I got it I got it I got it okay so what we do is I Pogo I immediately shriek and then I Pogo again trust trust oh I have wings yeah that's a better [Laughter] idea H we're continuing tomorrow chat so yesterday at the end of the stream you might have might remember that we spent maybe a bit too long trying to do a skip here wait can I actually do a shade skip here if I bring the shade how far up does the shade go un ironically I can shade skip here we'll just go like this I spent freaking years doing this yesterday now we're continuing the Rando today I don't have access to Healing so I need to not die to stuff what is this it's two lifeblood masks of course it was useless it was all for this yeah so worth bless me with power of egg what I'm confused what is this okay something really annoying about this arena in speedruns is that they always spawn in the same order but they the spawn animation takes a random amount of time so you can get completely screwed over I'm going to do a swag chat there we go that wasn't too bad see I can shriek Pogo chat I'm going to over charm flukenest just for nosk the hit boxes linger and flukenest multi-hits enemies yes okay simple key is kind of huge chat let's go is that a suspicious impostor there they are again oh my God I need to press the report button I'm going to cut this out of the video okay let's fight nosk I'm sorry chat sometimes you got to embrace the cringe oh God I'm going to die if I die here I do deserve it so oh no suspicious imposter from Among Us my comedy is so funny strength that's not bad I think it's Egg Shop time all the settings were chosen by Scurry so surely it's all in the Egg Shop really it's gambling wait hold on let me show you this again I skipped through it it's just loot boxes it's all randomized there's nine different rewards here I do have more than nine eggs so let's go oh my God that's a lot that's a lot of items elegy okay henis steal all right pretty standard egg egg in the Egg Shop Journal City Crest okay that's like moderately actually not really useful lifeblood sportroom sportroom is good sport room opens oh unbreakable strength that's pretty great okay thanks GG so I'm going to I'm going to equip strength in spor room spor room is really useful because there are a lot of lore totems in fungal that you need to read with spor room so I think we just do the nail upgrade now cuz I might as well I'm going to going be so op I have nail three chat or I'm going to have nail three Juna now we go to leer because now I want to buy all the things double Mas Shard more Health a grub another egg okay well I'm just running out of Geo now I could sell the rest of my eggs to still Soul Jin anyway this one does have a low totem right that's the one I was thinking of grubby oh we need to do crystal Peak I haven't done Crystal Peak yet another key okay uh that's waterways access that's pretty good okay so I don't have left claw here so we're going to have to do some oops I grabbed the the wall we're going to have to do some maneuvering you know I really don't want to die here there we go now it's pretty free no dude I'm not dying here I died here I'm so bad there we go totally first try shot another key okay ooh elevator pass that unlocks actually it only unlocks one item um yes finally dude I can get all the dreamer checks that took so long we've been going this entire time without Focus I hate this this in particular sucks it is possible though see quick slash hey that's pretty good yo vanilla payor I dab on your Radiance when's there an item over there oh it's cuz the C Dash is divided into left and right C Dash oh trass is important trass gets us access to lower Kingdom's Edge And Hive after I've done with this area I'm going to have to start racking my brain though to find which areas I haven't done yet you know it's a grubby we got to save The Grubby come on shoot go come on thank you grubby cool uh that was Hive there was nothing there I'm just pogoing her doing that attack it's really weird I don't have Dash so it's a it's going to be a little awkward if she does some certain attacks I do have shriek though I can't just melt her if I have the soul that is yeah remember chat I have a very very very strong nail right now oh wow what's it going to be holy [ __ ] void tendrils journal entry no way dude ow yeah I don't remember which mod it is but you know usually when you hit this thing you know it drops two um two great Hoppers I'll show you what happens in modded actually I need to dab on it first yep paleor okay cool insane life blood core okay well now we can do lifeblood core hello I should equi quick slash by the way why do I still not have quick slash equipped I could go fullon nail build in Overworld dude I'm dying there's something with me and always ending up on one HP after things okay grub finally oh my God wait I got dash for both directions I finally have Dash yes I'm free it was that collector all along I could have gotten this so much earlier charm Notch okay so this is the only one that's going to be randomized fight for Gia okay thank God I really didn't want to go do Callos yes yes I'm going to be free I still haven't been to waterways properly so now we're just checking things until we find until we find the dreamer you know and now Hera remember at the very start when we did Den without anything and it was terrible also fun fact this room is called dream Guardian hegal as you can see in the bottom left apparently hegal was supposed to be a dreamer Once Upon a Time hi Hornet sorry I killed your mom it was a Canon event I'm sure I'm sure you understand right I never did Soul Master by the way how long until I kill him not very not very long that was pretty quick imagine it's like void heart oh grub on head grub on head oh my God dab let's go forgot I could buy this oh my God Compass timer it's uh we're going to sit here for a little while just a little bit shot the the last time I did a rando a really long time ago I don't remember what video that was it was like random teleport or something uh I accidentally killed Marissa and I'm not going to do it today chat just enjoy the moment fun fact chat that LM by the fountain is actually a totally different LM from the one in the store he actually never leaves the store they just close the door when he's gone which implies LM has a uh a secret twin we don't know about Soul Eater okay Soul Eater I hardly know her I'm so funny this is going to be very fast riveting boss fight chat truly a pinnacle of difficulty yo Crystal Heart let's go Fragile Heart okay well that's another check at Divine 3 2 1 me and Beans by [Music] I'm going to die to dung Defender why am I always one hit on these fights I mean it's cuz I'm overcharmed but I think it's more fun this way left claw was a Divine this entire time actually that that makes sense cuz I only got Fragile Heart just now so it makes sense well it's a very disgusting way to acquire this this uh item but you know what I'm not complaining I don't like the sound effects though if I just do this now it's 112 practice chat what is randomized in White Palace even oh I don't have shade Dash great awesome I have priorities chat I'm going to show you the best skip in the game real soon I think you'll like it and I feel like I have to honor scur as well you know usually here we have to go up and around you know but what if What If instead this is really finicky it's easier with a fireball stall but I don't have the soul right now I'm going to die doing this I don't want to die doing it no okay hold the thought hold the thought hold the thought hold the thought hold the thought keep holding watch this slug Skippers unite there we go nice spell twister that's not bad come on void heart void heart void heart void heart void heart shopkeeper key H gambling stagnis wonders Journal grub double vessel fragment okay lore and another grub okay that was useless I still haven't bought everything from leater H life blood heart H Defender Crest which means we can go back to tuck cuz defender's Crest allows us to get a check from Tuck h H potion Cella enough of these games I'm going into battle question mark train me in the art of question mark to witness Secrets sealed one must endure the harshest punishment my work doesn't move you I mean yeah oh this was shade cloak all I could have gotten dashed so much earlier dude oh okay I'm doing flower Quest I'm I'm out of options I'm doing flower Quest there is a relic here right yeah there is see you're joking you're joking it was here it was here all along and I just forgot it oh my god oh the pain very very smooth flower Quest I swear if it's at flower Quest there's no way right there's no way come on okay I feel better about it being useless than if it were really important oh speaking of things we haven't gotten yet we didn't have C Dash or left claw you're joking you're joking it was here it was here I even Drew attention to this spot but I didn't have the ability to get it oh finally see this is how randos with these types of settings go every all of the progression is just spaced out in a way where you have to find a really specific path to get out of early game and then from there you have to uh from there you have to just like pray and go around and pick up everything in the game this fight is going to be a bit underwhelming though get true Hornets all right let's finish it out one final battle let's obliterate the radiance chat I haven't fought regular Radiance since so long this is going to be weird I'm going to go all in on this this fight though I'm going to try to do as much swag as possible oh my God I'm overcharmed I'm not dying to her not doing it not doing it not doing it not doing [Laughter] it chat [Music] hold speedrunner with 3,000 hours dies on Max gear regular Radiance she's so slow I'm used to ABS Rod this is really weird why am I doing this fight overcharmed I'm going to un over charm now okay I'm going to heal once because I'm not I'm not good with the beam timing as I said I'm very used to ABS rad these beams are so slow all right and the underplant to finish it there we go GG's chat GG's 7 hours later the Rando is complete I'm free from My Punishment actually though this was really fun it's been so long since I do a rando this was really fun thank you Scurry for winning against me and then choosing good Rando settings shout outs to Scurry by the way shout outs to Scurry this was a very interesting Rando chat very very interesting Rando how many percent did we get 93 it to took so long to find void heart that we got 93% and
Channel: BlueSR
Views: 351,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JZhDjrJzk0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 26sec (3026 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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