Hold Points For Trap - Clay Target Shooting Techniques: #25 Go Shooting

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[Music] hi Russell mark from go shooting this week we're going to talk about one of the most debated topics in trapshooting the starting position or hole point for your shotgun when you're calling for the target to be released in this video we're specifically going to talk about down the line or American trappers is sometimes known but in a future video we'll also cover the holding positions for Olympic trap traditionally many of us were taught to shoot down the line by dividing the trap house up into these five sectors the first clay to represent the holding position for station number one the second clay the station number two starting point and so on not a bad starting point very old-school though and certainly not right for every trap layout or every shooter today I'm going to use station 2 as our example but follow the same procedure on all five stations the first thing you have to do when you arrive at the shooting station is to establish the correct stance in a future video we'll go into great detail for both right and left-handed shooters on what all the correct down-the-line stances are to be then we need to find our ideal hold point to begin with we look at the point on the trap pass where the extreme left hand target will appear and we look at the point where the extreme right hand target will appear from those two points we simply divide it by two and the midway position becomes our starting point so once again the target on our left will show where the extreme left hand target appears and the target on our right will show where the extreme right hand target appears from the trap house now you may think that this position is the same on every trap house but the reality is that is far from the truth this particular trap for instance has a dual hopper which means it has two throwing arms one throwing in a clockwise direction and the other in an anti-clockwise manner these types of traps have become quite popular the Australian national ground in Wagga Wagga currently uses these matter alley machines exclusively these traps by their mechanical nature will always throw targets that are closer to the center of the trap s single traps with large hoppers will generally be deeper in the house therefore causing the targets to appear wider from the center both are perfectly legal but your ideal hold will differ from trap to traps now if you're a one-eyed shooter this is where today's lesson ends I mean one I by having to close an eye for any reason or to put a patch over your shooting glasses one-eyed shooters can't hold any higher above the trap s because their leading hand will cause them a blind spot therefore starting on top of the trap house roof is a more logical solution so for our one eyed shooters this will be the starting point softly focus out through the end of your barrel and just over the top of the trap s for our two eyed shooters so I'll be asking you to hold your gun well above this point now I know my mid exit point I'd ask you now to look in the skyline above the trap house and look at the point in that skyline where you believe the extreme right and the extreme left hand targets are being broken Wow whoa whoa whoa now draw an imaginary line between these two points and again pick the halfway point now between that point and your trap house exit point you'll have your whole point on what I call the fifty-fifty line this midway point is pretty easy to establish how high you hold above the trap house on this hold line is a matter of personal preference it comes down to experience even weather conditions particularly in the wind I believe the less you have to move your gun to break the target the less chance you have of making an error I like to teach anywhere from a quarter of the way to a half way above the trap house many go higher and many go a little lower if you hold too high you run the risk of slowing down your barrel so much that you've got no gun speed and you'll shoot behind angled targets if you do the opposite and hold too low then you run the risk of overshooting target's finding the sweet spot is the trick I will warn you that one of the biggest problems with holding your gun too high is actually moving the gun from your hog point before the target actually gets to that position you'll see the target sometimes in your peripheral vision and you'll make a move upwards before the target gets there if you do that under pressure you'll be in a world of pain however by finding the 50/50 hole point line you're putting the mathematical odds of probability on your side by this I simply mean you are placing your gun in the center point where there is an equal chance of the target going either left or right from that point this tool that you can use of holding above the traphouse is a distinct advantage at two white Rooter has over his or her one-eyed opponent the big weapon that a two-eyed shooter has of course is his or her peripheral vision which allows you to see the target leave the trap house no matter what direction the target takes as long as your eyes are softly focused out through the end of your barrel for those technically-minded this is a summary of everything we've discussed today and for those that just want to know where the whole points are these are the five different hold points from the five shooting lines on this particular layer again every layout is different so don't make the assumption that always have them same machinery inside the trap ass that is definitely not the case you do need to have a good look at the targets being thrown before you shoot as an example here's a completely different layout with a different trap altogether and you'll notice the whole points are different on stations 1 & 2 the whole point for a half way zone is further to the left station 3 is pretty much always the same but on stations 4 & 5 the whole points on this single hopper machine a far further to the right I hope this helps you on your way as always from everyone here at go shooting we look forward to seeing you at the range reels [Music] you
Channel: Go Shooting
Views: 65,318
Rating: 4.9265308 out of 5
Keywords: Beretta, Dominant eye, Go Shooting, Clay Target Shooting, Clay Shooting, Skeet, DTL, Trap, Double Trap, Sporting Clays, ISSF, Shotgun shooting, Russell Mark, Lauryn Mark, Trap Shooting, Clay Pigeon Shooting, Skeet Shooting, Shotgun Shooting, Olympic Trap, ISSF Skeet, American Trap, Shotgun coaching, Clay Target Coaching, Shooting Australia, Length of Pull, Shotgun Pitch, Shotgun Cast, Canting Shotgun, Balancing Shotgun, Shotkam, Point of Impact, Point of Aim, Cheek slap
Id: CjLk0ronpqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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