How to Shoot Trap: Visual Hold

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brought to you by Cleanse oil Europe cleanse oil the ultimate cleaning lubrication and protection for your precision firearms the next thing we have to establish is our visual hold now in any other to sporting disciplines sporting skeet we know where the birds come in from and going to and with the trap food we know its trajectory but we don't know its angle because it's some oscillating so what we have to do is you have to learn to start with a soft focus this goes back to anticipation it's no good anticipating direction you have to have the soft focus and harness the pursuit movement of the eyes our natural default setting is Skidata k-- which means peripheral and when something moves our eyes going to pursuit movement or central vision and we must harness this when we're trap shooting to shoot it effectively and consistently if you look at the trap pull pull pull we've got three distinct trajectories and every time so you have to learn to look and find the position usually I'll pass the gun you've got to cast your eyes out to the target lift your eyebrows gently let a lot more light in look softly out past the trap house and just soft focus don't look at anything in particular and what will happen is is the bird comes out the first thing you do is see the bird then shoot the bird trap see bird shoot bird so you see it pursuit movement kicks in the I see it the tenth of a second through the brain works the receptors and we move gently to the target in harmony and tempo and rhythm with that shot and we'll kill it trap is about rhythm and temple and it's focus and hard focus that achieves it but we've got to learn to just rest our eyes just where the clay will appear for the first time to us and then crank our focus up pursuit movement lock hard on the target and let our eyes guide our hands to the target so I'll just demonstrate it for you just one target pull so I'm going to look for the transition of the target from a blur to a solid object there's a speed bleeding off the target and it's slowing down I'm going to look for that target that's my visual hold I'm going to soft focus there pull Seibert shoot bird and you'll see the rhythm and tempo there's a tenth of a second even though the eyes are fastest muscle in the body there is a tenth of a second lag from the message getting through the brain into a muscular movement and so we have to allow the eyes to get that message through so once again I'm going to soft focus get my eyes out where I'm going to pick the target up at that transition point soft focus let the target come into my vision my eyes to lock on it and guide my hands to the target in effect I'm going to see bird shoot bird pull and as you can see see bird shoot bird could be your mantra to more consistent trap shooting you
Channel: Clay Coach Online
Views: 557,834
Rating: 4.8085809 out of 5
Keywords: outdoor sports, Range, Clay, Target, Shooting, Sporting, Clays, Skeet, Trap, Online, Coaching, Outdoor, Life, Shotgun, Sports, Lesson, Chris, Batha, Coach, Krieghoff, K-80, Pigeon, Instruction, Magazine, Field, and, Stream, clenzoil, europe, clenzoil europe, Field & Stream (Magazine)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 13 2012
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