How to shoot trap: In depth voice over

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I folks Stan Baker with hunt the racket we thought we'd do something just a little bit different today I'm going to shoot an entire round of at the 27 handicap and so what we'll do is we'll give you the bird real time and we'll slow it down and what I did I actually missed two birds no I didn't do it on purpose now so we'll kind of go over what I did wrong and I'm gonna do a little voice over here on every shot I want you to remember it's very important to to have the vision have your eyes out on the horizon just a little above the house capture the bird remember keep that gun on the house let the bird clear your barrel and the house see the whole bird move to the bird and shoot through it and and so what I'm gonna do is watch every shot and there will be some where it really didn't like to swing that much see which ones you can pick out as well maybe didn't get a good move to the bird but I still hit it maybe a chunk and I'll try to point those out to you as well but I think it's really important to remember in handicap visualize the birds see the bird move to it and shoot through it and it's almost like a boxer left-right combination the left would be when you see the bird that's your left jab and when you go to the bird and shoot through it is your right hand it's a left-right combination but you have to punch through it remember don't punch and stop you punch through it and that's kind of how I look at it in my younger years I did do a little boxing and it kind of feels that away when I moved to the bird it's almost like a punch punch but you remember punch through it keep the barrel moving to remember deliberate dude and go through the bird and with that let's get out on the field and see if we can't we can't kind of show you what we go through when I shoot around of handicapped okay on bird one this is a really good move to the bird you'll see that I let it clear the house and my barrel and just point to it and chop through it okay this shot is a quarter move went to the bird and shot through it excellent move it this is a an example of a good move to the bird but I believe I shot underneath right just underneath that bird good move to the bird however the timing of the the trigger was was not good now this bird is a straight wing notice that I'm still just to the right of the bird it feels like a straightaway however with your eyes on the bird you wind up being on the right side of it not even knowing you know if you if you're looking at that bird and you move to the bird you'll be just a little bit on the right of it okay on on this one post one you'll see it's a sharp left swinging to it and shot through it so I'm on station two and you'll see it's a right bird and that's a good move notice the swing to the bird almost emulates the flight of the bird in an arc [Music] so you'll notice on this straightaway it's a that was a great move to the bird and just punch right through it see the bird and punch through it now on this shot you'll notice that I'm on post two and I get a right bird notice where my gun went it went to the right side of the bird that bird is still moving right and you're gonna have to be on the right side of that bird see the bird punched through it you'll notice on this shot how I emulated the flight of the bird it cleared the house the barrel and I shot through it now this is a post three shot you'll notice I emulated the flight of the bird and pushed through it let it clear the house in the barrel move to the bird and shoot through it this bird wasn't necessarily the best move I kind of got out in front of that bird and I had to come back to it I don't know if you you'll notice this I just got lucky on this bird I was a little bit too far out in front and stopped my swing now this next bird station 3 was an excellent move to the bird you'll see him just a little bit on the right side of the bird remember you're not going to see this the barrel you're just looking at the bird that's the relationship you're gonna see between the barrel and the bird okay this next bird was a good move notice that the swing emulates the arc of the bird and we we let it clear the barrel went to the bird and shot through it you notice I'm saying the same thing over and over but that's what you have to do every time and trap you have to see the bird let it clear move to it and shoot through it this next bird on 4 is an excellent move to the bird notice that again I'm emulating the flight of the bird I go to it and shoot through it again it's like a left-right combination in in boxing you're gonna see the bird that's your left jab you're gonna move to it and punch through it that's your right next one is the sharp right you'll notice good move it was an excellent shot okay this next bird was a sharp right from post four and you notice I went what they do I jumped the bird and I shot in front of it way in front and that's what happens when you jump the bird if you don't see the bird completely and you start moving that gun when it comes out of the house that's generally what you wind up doing is you'll jump it and you'll overshoot it now this next shot was an excellent move I recovered well saw the bird it cleared the house cleared the gun swung to the bird and shot through it where the barrel is in relation to the bird again you're only looking at the bird but that you'll notice that it's just a little bit on the right side of that but you can't see it while you're shooting and that's just the relationship you'll the next bird you'll see is a sharp right on post five you know that was a good move to the bird we emulated the arc of the bird we went to it and shot through it Emmerich all that you're only looking at the bird you know do not see the barrel that is a straight away off a post five on what we're gonna do is go right to the bird and just shoot right through it [Music] okay you'll see by me shooting around we did a little differently for you today and I hope I really sincerely hope that you learned something from this you'll notice that some of those the move to the bird wasn't really good but I managed to hit it and that's because I had my eye on the bird the two that I missed one of them was a bad move to the bird the other one was a good move but the timing of releasing my trigger or in your case it would probably be pulling the trigger was off remember tempo and timing really plays a big part in handicap when you kind of are off your timing you may have a good move to the bird but you'll miss it and I hope that you see that example I'm pretty sure I shot underneath that bird and we'll be able to illustrate that to you so hopefully you learned something on this and yeah we all miss them but you know missing is I don't even call it missing I call it learning you learn from the shots you learn more from the shots you miss then the shots you hit and with that we'll see you at Hunter racket
Channel: Hunt The Rackett
Views: 100,484
Rating: 4.8530884 out of 5
Id: 3ASLG6Ga5gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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