How To Shoot Sporting Clays With Gebben Miles (3x PSCA Tour Champion)

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[Music] hi i'm kevin miles professional sporting clays shooter and I'm here with BNP to teach you how to break more targets and to show you which shells you should use to break those targets with to find the proper shooting stance that works best for you figure out how your lower body moves the best for me I like to have my feet just inside shoulder-width apart so that I feel like I can move fluidly with my lower body some people feel more comfortable with a little wider stance some people feel more comfortable with the more narrow stance so for me what I do is I feel like I could jump if I can jump that puts me in athletic position to move the gun very smoothly the next part of your stance is figuring out your upper body position for me I like to put my butt behind my heels and my shoulders in front of my toes so it looks like this [Music] [Music] once you have the proper posture for your shooting style now we need to learn how to look at the target clearly so for me that means putting my eyes in a soft focus area where the target is gonna flash so that soft focus area is between where I can see it clearly hard focus and the Machine itself I love my eyes just kind of rest in that area and when I see the flash of the clay my eyes lock on hard focus that means we can see the target clearly and then I watch that target all the way to the breakpoint and see it break it's very important to see the target clearly separate from your gun so that you can break the target consistently you can't shoot what you can't see oh [Music] [Music] the next most important aspect of breaking more targets is learning how to match the speed of the target with a speed of your gun so we need to utilize both our stance our posture and our eyes to be able to do that so for me my move starts in my lower body when I say pull push off my legs I see the target come from soft focus to hard focus and then I pivot them out match the speed of the target and watch it break so if you can do this utilizing your legs into your upper body and have a soft grip on the gun you'll be able to match the speed perfectly watch the target break and break more targets consistently one of the aspects of this move is using a golf grip or the concept of a golf grip to hold the gun very softly between your hands Ben Hogan talked about holding his golf club like a baby bird and a tuba toothpaste so for me I'm pretending that I'm just like Ben Hogan baby bird to the toothpaste [Music] lots of people are curious about the differences between sustained lead and swing through so this first technique I'm going to show you is sustain lead the most important thing about setting up a sustained lead is to find your break point your hard focus point and put your whole point halfway between so let's take a look at a target and then I'll show you how to shoot it pull bang so I want to kill this target right here and I marked something in the distance I've got a tree marked and something on the ground next thing is hard focus I'm gonna put my eyes slightly out of the machine because my hard focus is right here so I'm gonna put my whole point half way back right over the number-5 house and this sustained lead looks like this so that was a perfect sustained lead the thing about assist an lead is when I say Poe I got a push off my legs but keep my barrel quiet and patient and when I feel it connect to the gun I match the speed and pull the trigger I'll do it a couple more times both [Music] Oh or the next technique I'm in a show on the same target is a swing through now a swing through you're gonna watch the clay actually pass my gun and since this clay is going down I'm going to hold just under the line so I can have the swing through as close to the line as possible on this particular clay the only reason why I would shoot a swing through technique on it is if the target beat my set up so I give my brain a little flexibility to move my breakpoint out just a little bit further than I would as a maintain lead and I'll show you a couple more swing through moves on this particular shot [Music] Oh [Music] oh so you can see a swing through needs to be just as smooth as a sustained lead a lot of people will move their gun way too fast for a swing through technique we want to go nice and smooth just beating the speed of the clay so remember I'm going to do the same setup but I'm gonna have to shoot it a little bit later after it passes my gun [Music] Oh Oh [Music] you let's talk a little bit about some of the ammo used in sporting clays in America you can shoot a 32 gram or ounce 1/8 shell the rest of the world in sporting clays you can only shoot a 1 ounce or 28 gram I prefer to even suggest for kids to shoot a 24 gram which is a 7 8 sounds it's even lighter recoil than the 1 ounce or the ounce an 8 so let's look at some of these shells this shell here is a 1 ounce seven and a half you can also shoot an 8 or a 9 in sporting clays but I prefer to stick with just one shell which is a one out seven and a half this is an F to mock that travels 1,300 foot per second BNP also makes the sporting clay load in in different speeds you have a 13:30 which is a high velocity they also make a 13-10 a 1260 and a 1200 in the sporting clay around there's also a lighter shell that travels 1160 if you're looking for less recoil vnp offers several different shells for sporting clay they have the specific sporting clay line here in different speeds they offer a 13 30 foot per second speed a 1310 a 1260 and a 1200 in their sporting clay line you can get those in seven a half's 8 or 9 the f2 mock is a shell that I've been competing with this year and that I absolutely love they offer it in 1300 foot per second that may seem fast to you listening to that speed however BNP and all their shells offers the Gordon case and the Gordon case is amazing it's a recoil reduction system within the shell so that the shell actually feels softer than its actual speed you can shoot more speed and feel less recoil it's amazing the NP produces shells in quality and consistency that's second to none the components that they use are unbelievable they have the top-of-the-line shot powder and watts which produces the most consistent patterning shell on the market you we've received a lot of questions about what type of targets are harder than others and it depends on who you are and your style and feel for shooting some people struggle more with targets that are going away some people struggle more with targets coming into you almost everybody struggles with crossing targets at first just because they require more lead but I would say what makes a target more difficult than another is the speed distance and trajectory that may be tough for that specific shooter on this particular field the hardest targets in my opinion are the number three target which is a left-to-right target that's angled down it has a lot of speed coming down as well so it takes a lot of lead both in front and under another target is a right-to-left rising target that's basically the opposite angle and that takes quite a bit of lead as well just because of speed and distance it's about five to ten yards further than the three target there's also a very fast and far rabbet target on this field which is typically something that we don't see too often most rabbits are crossing this grab is gonna be from right to left and it's going away from us it's very fast and it's getting further and further as the trajectory moves on and then those are also a very hardcore turn away shot that is going to need to be treated more like a crosser than a court on a wet shot simply because of the speed distance and angle so let's take a look at these and we'll shoot them [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] you we're gonna address some of the common mistakes that shooters make and so Andrea here he's gonna show me his normal shooting posture so Andrea I want you to pretend like you're just gonna shoot a couple cross there's a left to right and a right to left crosser so why don't you get in your stance and your posture and let's see how we need to change it alright so so that's decent so go go ahead and pretend like you're gonna shoot alright the thing the thing that I don't love about this is is is well I mean that's pretty good I I would say it could be a little better if you got a little more narrow stance okay not not quite that narrow okay yeah there you go because his his initial wide stance created a lot of tension through his whole body so go ahead and stand wide again okay so and then pretend like you're holding a gun so I can see all this tension coming up through his body and what that's gonna do is that's gonna cause his hands to be really really fast and tight so we want to be a little bit softer with our whole stance and posture so that that stance is way better now feel like you could kind of jump yes okay now let your legs kind of be nice and soft like that yep and and stick your butt behind your heels shoulders in front of your toes you know okay now that stance and posture is is much better let's pretend like you're gonna shoot okay now I can already see less tension through it through your body now let's bend this elbow a little bit keep keep bending it yep so if I give you this gun go ahead and put put the gun up there nice now the next common mistake that people make when they actually have the gun up and they're going to shoot the clay is their eyes will start locked on the target and then they'll check the bird and the barrel relationship so if you can see this bead at the end of my gun as the target is flying towards the gun a lot of people will look at this bead and if you look at the bead everything is going to stop and you're either going to shoot behind or stop and push your hands too fast now that's accentuated if you have a really tight wide stance and you have a lot of tension in your hands if you have if you have tension in your hands it's going to enhance your eyes to want to check something out there check the bead and go really fast and choppy so the key is to get this nice athletic stance soft hands smooth moves all right and I want you to pretend like you went back to your old style real quick okay I'm gonna give you this gun okay there's a lot of tension going on here like I can see his knuckles are white okay so let's let's turn your hand like this as well yeah where this fingers on that side of the gun loosen up that grip okay loosen your grip soft okay soft hands now let's get your stance closer together there you go that's better okay let's bring this elbow in just a hair yes soft hands go and put your finger on the trigger nice and smooth that looks way better so this posture that shooting stance is gonna be much better to go nice and smooth and soft now I want you to feel like you can turn off your lower body right nice and smooth just like that and red that looks great so we went from a very wide hard angle like this where everything's tight to nice and balanced and smooth and effortless that looks great good job absolutely [Music]
Channel: Baschieri & Pellagri
Views: 792,838
Rating: 4.7645097 out of 5
Keywords: baschieri pellagri, Sporting Clays, Clay Shooting, Shooting Sports, How To Shoot Clays, How To Shoot Sporting Clays, target shells, Compak, Clay Targets Shooting, Shooting Clays, Shotgun
Id: 9hcAo2ss6fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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