HoI4: Man the Guns - Poland Stronk! (Part 1)

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hello everybody and welcome to promise gaming a more hearts of iron for a man the guns version 1.7.1 we're gonna do something we've never done before in hearts of iron for an Ironman challenge run specifically as Poland's Poland's being the most challenging historically relevant country that I could think of now obviously in the real world Poland was trapped between the Germans and the Soviets and kind of got squashed the goal of this campaign is to turn the tables and squash the Germans in the Soviets instead now the easiest way to do that as Poland is usually to join one of the two sides usually the Communists in order to squash one of them then swap sides join the Allies and take out the other in our case we're gonna make it even more challenging by trying to stay a non-aligned and form our own faction instead now the only way I can think to make this work because the Allies are not helpful I am going to have to placate one of the two sides specifically I'm thinking I will placate the Germans when they demand Danzig we're just gonna have to give them Danzig then the Germans should more or less leave us alone so we can focus all of our attention on fighting the Soviet Union if we attack them around the same time as they are doing the Great Purge we might actually have a chance at beating them down take all of that Russian infrastructure and factory production then turn it against the Germans and conquer most of Europe as a result it's gonna be very difficult and the Stars kind of have to align but if we can pull it off it's gonna be quite glorious we will be playing on iron man and historical AI focuses so we have at least some sense of what the AI is gonna do also if you play on non historical unless Germans go let's say down the monarchy roots well that kind of takes away half the challenge so yeah let's stick on historical AI focuses go for a Iron Man Poland game yep like so and let's see how well we fare okay now as I said our primary goal is gonna be to fight the Soviets but at least to start let's go ahead and put all of our armies together I'm gonna split you guys up into two separate groups under one Field Marshal any guys can go and sit against the border of the Germans the other against the border of the Soviets I don't really care too much all right now the only way that we are gonna have a chance at fighting the Soviets is to greatly increase our military production we're not gonna have a lot of manpower but we have even less guns right now if I want to fight the Soviets I need to field a large army and I need a lot of equipment to do best way that we can do that then is to get a lot of military factories and the cool thing about Poland is there actually are a lot of stacking bonuses you can get to greatly reduce the time it takes to build a new military factory to start off at least until we can get some of those bonuses up and running we will be building up a couple of military civilian factories a couple civilian factories just to greatly increase my production speed but then we will switch over to military so if you look here under national focus so they're strengthening the Polish state and that's the first one we're gonna pick up for the extra political power after that we can go down a defensive focus which gives a 20 percent military factory construction speed you couple that with let's say a political advisor for the war industrialists for another ten percent then you get the technology for the construction speed for another ten percent will actually go ahead and pick up our standard technology openings right now then you go for let's say a construction Technology Research bonus to get construction to a year early so you have another ten percent bonus then you switch away from civilian economy to a partial mobilization for another and within about a year and a half you have a sixty percent reduction in military factory construction speed it can be pretty powerful and that is the only way that I'm gonna have a chance and actually getting all the military production that I need we're not gonna worry about inter war fighters right now I am instead of me producing some artillery at least in the beginning of the game we are not gonna have anywhere close to the nowhere close to the production that we need to field any tanks or any aircraft so we're gonna have to focus on the tried-and-true method of using really really big guns to blow everybody apart and then we'll take it from there once I have all the Soviets factories under my control well then sure then we'll switch over to tanks and anti-tank sand then we'll take out the Germans the fun way but for now it's just gonna be throwing bodies against bodies and hoping that we're the better bodies cuz Poland this strunk that that might be the name of the series I don't know Owen Strunk I like pulling Strunk we might do that my wife laughed laughed which means that's a definite okay we're a stray from the Poland State first that's gonna be 120 political power by then we will be able to pick up an advisor or change our economy now most of the guides that I have seen for Poland's despite being a little outdated suggest going straight for the war industrialists and that's fine ten percent factory construction speed is good on the other hand we greatly increase our military factory construction speed by instead going directly for partial mobilization it not only increases the speed at which we are building up our civilian factories but it also reduces our consumer goods which means we have more of those civilian factories and it increases by a net of 40 percent for our military construction speed so I actually think that this has to be a higher priority some people don't go for it because it's a bit of a waste if we waited until we were at war with the Soviets we could go directly to war economy which is obviously even better but I'd rather just go for this effect early on and start snowballing as much as is possible to me that just makes the most sense let's see we are gonna go for probably three civilian factories in total I do need some civilian factories not only to have enough lines to actually produce my military factories but also for training goods because as we get more and more military factories yeah obviously I need equipment to actually still build like I don't know artillery and whatnot more tungsten and without civilian factories that's not gonna last for very long so I think a minimum of three maybe four depending on how we're feeling but there are some national focuses that will give us free civilian factories as well so that's not so bad now in a test game I started to do for this I forgot to turn on historical AI focuses and basically the Soviets got to purge like right away which kind of screwed me over because there was no way that I could actually mobilize for war by the time that the Great Purge would be gone so that would not have worked out well so I'm hoping historically this is gonna work out well for us the timing of the great purge is gonna be very important we are also going to be watching Japan and what's gonna happen with the Marco Polo Bridge incident because that will give us some world tension and once we have world tension so I can actually start fabricating on my neighbors I will because I'm gonna conquer the Baltic States as early as I can and get their factories or alternatively I could try to take out Romania and take their even better factories as well as their oil which is also nice but I'm not sure when they'll take out the kingdom of Romania they've got a much much stronger army so it might be a bit of a slog taking them out a long time ago up there yo Spain long time ago one of the favourite strategies for Poland was actually attacked Czechoslovakia as quickly as you can because the AI of Germany was a little bit broken they not be able to demand the Sudetenland or at least wouldn't know how to there's like a bug in the AI if you owned it so they kept bouncing around national focuses having no idea what to do when you were pretty much safe for them forever in this case at least in version 1.7.1 that does not work if poland takes over czechoslovakia the germans will demand a Sudetenland and you will end up going to war between the Sudetenland Slovakia and Danzig that's like three opportunities they have to go to war with you which is just not not ideal strengthen the Polish state is done excellent now we could go for the defensive focus but I'm not gonna worry about that right now let's go for the four-year plan for the extra construction technology boost and let's swap over to partial mobilization now if you look at these civilian factories right now they'll be done as of June if we go for partial mobilization though we should be able to greatly reduce that in just a moment let's take a look at it now and look hello April yeah we just shaved off almost two months not bad not to mention we now have extra factories which is speeding up as well so this is just I just think going for partial mobilization is smart yeah you wasted 150 political power oh no ever shall we do I think it's fine partial ization get those civilian factories the next thing we are gonna go for is actually a chief of Navy this guy here it can't pronounce his name is an old guard this is not exactly good for the Navy it actually reduces your naval experience game but what it does do is give you never 10 percent political power gain since our base is two that's gonna translate into an extra point to political power per day which is effectively like a 20 percent increase yeah the base values - I'm spending one on our national focuses all the time instead of one per day will gain 1.2 that's a 20% increase in political power which means I can customize my government a lot more so that's usually my second focus immediately after we are done with the partial mobilization let's focus on some extra research speed with mechanical computing we have 76 days until construction 1 is done by then we'll have the extra construction technology so we'll be a fully a year ahead of time in our construction tech which i think is gonna be great cuz that speeds things up even further and actually yeah it can certainly good progress here on these factories now I think this next factory is actually go to consumer goods be nice if we had it going directly into construction but I'm pretty sure it's gonna go rate to a consumer that's alright though I mean you can't win everything I think it's gonna be enough the point is we are greatly increasing our industrial capabilities in preparation for war against the Soviets now as far as our starting templates let's go ahead and start training up at least a few divisions it's gonna use up some manpower we don't have anywhere near enough equipment to support this but we'll go ahead and start training what we can we're starting with 18 combat with infantry divisions with recon so there's no engineers it's not twenty combat with it's kind of terrible we will change this as soon as I'm able to get some military experience we could do some training but that uses up valuable equipment that I don't have we will want to get a military theorist advisor early on because that gets me some of the extra army experience for now we're gonna go ahead and say that this will be our twenty with infantry division at least eventually and then we are ready for an offensive division we will switch over to infantry plus artillery which we've done in the past and it's worked out pretty well for us that's one of the reasons I am producing as much artillery as I am but for now I think that the infantry equipment has to be King has to take priority we'll focus on getting at least three more factories on infantry equipments then maybe one more on towed artillery I don't think we have to worry about support equipment at least for a while so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna do anything with that now as far as our production what we want concentrated is good for just raw factory output but I kind of like dispersed because it's still 10% instead of 15% so it's still pretty good but you also have the efficiency retention and at least in the early game as you are swapping around you know various factories to let's say upgraded infantry equipment or better tanks retaining some efficiency actually makes a big difference more and more I think I'm coming to like dispersed and I might just start getting this in the future instead not to mention you're also less vulnerable to bombs which is good if you're not gonna have an air force to defend yourself against said bombers so yeah I'm happy with that let's go ahead a sign a field marshal this in the early game somebody defensive makes a lot of sense will pick you up will probably want you and probably you this guys should be fine let's go ahead and give you a traits we have organization first or charismatic I think I'll take the organization for the extra reinforce rate because that is good whether you are playing it defensively or offensively that's just always pretty helpful not gonna worry about any of these decisions right now we don't have anything if we did control Lithuania we could reform the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth and get a whole bunch of states as cores which is nice I would like to do that the four year plan is done okay so now the question is do we want to go for the defensive focus kind of depends let's take a look at Japan they don't have a national focus set yet we can wait a day okay guide the okay so they're not going for the Marco Polo Bridge incident once I see them doing that that's when I want to go for Polish militarism I don't know if I'm gonna be building any military factories this exact second let's hold off on that we're gonna add on one more civilian factory and then we are gonna go for the military factories this is a little bit more aggressive last time I tried this I went for military factories a little bit earlier but I think for now I'm gonna go a little bit heavier on the civilian just so I can trade for those goods because that will become a bottleneck I'm trying to pre em to the bottlenecks you know before it becomes an issue if at all possible so we're gonna conquer the Baltics there is actually a national focus to ally with all of them and I think they will join a faction for you but it's also better just to own them they've got like no troops sorry hang on sailor that there we go there are like three troops I got nothing I got a handful of factories it's just a really easy way to increase my economic base so I'm gonna take them over instead we'll just do that it'll be fine construction tech one done let's go directly to construction tech level two it is a year ahead of time but it's still only gonna take 140 days it's actually 0.56 years ahead of time but the point is it's gonna be fast we have that ahead of time bonus cost reduction which means we can really ramp up our construction speed even further so let's go ahead and get that National Defense Fund then we're gonna swap over to getting the military factory construction speed bonus we are about to get the advisor for the extra political power so there we go now you're making one point two three per day not bad that should speed things up quite a bit and then we can focus on getting our theorists and our political adviser I feel pretty good about this start so far Soviets Stalin Constitution they're not going for the Great Purge early that's great keep an eye on Japan we do need to watch for when they go for the Marco Polo Bridge incident that almost always leads to 10 and extra world tension that's what we'll use is our excuse to go and conquer the Baltics and bring them under our protective banner it probably will upset the allies but let's be honest the Allies aren't going to do a whole lot to defend me in the first place the allies are not exactly useful against both the Germans and the Soviets Poland is gonna get crushed maybe they went eventually but by then I'll be long dead so now I don't want to rely on the Allies the Allies are unhelpful we're gonna go our own paths Poland Strunk pull an independent pull and not rely on other clays I say alright National Defense Fund is done now we can go for the defensive focus the other reason I wanted to focus down the 4-year plan tree over here you can pretty quickly get to an extra research slot and those extra research slots certainly add up for extra well extra technology give you a bit of an advantage even if you can't figure out what to use an on I mean heck just getting extra excavation tech for more resources can go a long way too so that's just always going to be a win for me so let's see we are up to sixteen civilian factories so that's not bad we should be able to finish this in about a month we're now to the point where taking just over four months for every factory that's pretty quick guys that's pretty darn quick very happy with that games of the Olympiad ninth Olympiad 11th Olympiad sorry ah Roman numerals what do they mean aha defensive focus for the extra 20% construction speed of course is gonna be quite nice also another 20% fort construction speed which is even well not better but it's also really good because we will want to fortify our borders against the Soviets before we do go to war with them at least level 2 maybe level three forts across the board you don't necessarily want to go beyond that though and I know that sounds counterintuitive cuz a lot of people would think you want to have like up to level 10 forts and whatnot why not right well the reason why you don't necessarily want to do that is because the AI looks at the super strong forts and is like that's suicide I'm not attacking that and they just sit there staring at you it is actually to my advantage to have them attack me in a losing situation for them or at least I have a few defensive bonuses and let them exhaust themselves waste their experience waste their equipment will waste their organization and and counter-attack so anything more than level three forts might be a little bit too much of a discouragement to the Soviets to actually attack me on my terms so we're not gonna go above that but at least level two forts across the board is gonna go a long way to helping me survive against the Soviets all right we're about to finish this fort at just the right time not for it sorry factory just in time for defensive focus to finish there's mechanical computing as well there's dispersed industry as well beautiful and if we see this end hang on how long is it taking right now we'll be done the 17th of September okay we're done with that now that speeds up to the 2nd of August of next year now granted only has two factories so it's not a very it's not a very good representative sample but the point is we just shaved 20% off of any more of these factories which is really really nice for me alright so we have our dispersed industry we're looking pretty good over here we have our extra research speed which is great we are going to go for some motorized so I can get other companies and we're gonna go for the extra equipment there's nothing in particular I want to build I don't really see a lot of point in going for like tank research and stuff right now we won't really gain anything out of that so I'm not gonna worry about it in Sabre it's gonna go ahead and focus on some of these default bonuses getting motorized is what unlocks things like field hospitals and logistics companies which of course would make my life easier if we can get enough support equipment to motorize to support it I don't know if we will by the time we get to the Soviets but field hospitals would be awesome I think that one of the primary disadvantages Poland has going into these wars is we will get bottlenecks on manpower very quickly so we have a couple of ways to get around that one we could certainly go for things like scraping the barrel eventually by the way let's go for that war industrialists for even more construction speed we could go down that route and get scraping the barrel but that reduces my factory output by a huge margin alternatively there is an argument to switch over to the mass assault doctrine cuz if we go down this route here there is a I think 5 percent yeah five percent recruitable population increase which is pretty massive and lets you actually get a lot more people on the field this could be really good it's really either between mass assault or superior firepower superior firepower preserves your manpower by letting you do more per guy on the field right it's good value but mass assault might actually solve our manpower problem so I'm actually thinking we will go down the mass assault doctrine and so sort of forego the grand battle plan and I think we will let's go ahead and get rid of trench warfare and get started on mass assault doctrine as early as possible that's an increase our reinforcements rates and eventually to extra supply and organizations let's see division attrition reduce is nice recovery rate can be nice lots of organization and I really like this infantry combat with reduction because instead of having um let's say I think it's ten infantry for a ton twenty combat with army you can have eleven infantry which just means if it comes down to 120 with versus 120 with infantry division's yours are gonna be better because you've actually got a little bit more people in the field yeah that cost you more manpower but it's more stats for your 21 combat with infantry division's I don't know I'm not totally sold on mass assault I think that there really is a solid argument to be made about superior firepower but I think this would be fun it's a fun challenge I never really get to play with mass assault so we're gonna try it how we doing with Soviets extra research okay how we doing with Japan they're going for army expansions just watching for that Marco Polo Bridge incident any day now that is gonna fire and I want to swap over to militarism as quick as possible but while we're waiting let's get that extra infrastructure and start working toward another research slot so I can have a little bit of an extra advantage going into it so let's see are we working on those military factories we are about to so that's gonna speed things up in a minute there you go alright living more civilian factories unfortunately that went to consumer goods we are now able to produce a military factory now in this case we'll have another one in less than a month but look at all these stacking modifiers 10% for our advisor 10% for more partial mobilization 20% for deterrence 10% from exports 20 more percent from construction tax that's pretty awesome the ante Comintern pact Germany's proposing we sign a pact to upset the Soviets basically I guess I can accept there's no reason not to accept in this case the Soviets are already gonna hate me regardless we might as well as far as I'm aware there are no downsides now let's pay attention Japan what are you working on liaison conference okay the Soviets have begun work on the Great Purge alright alright well it's gonna be a little difficult to field a large enough army remember that the Great Purge lasts for four years for the Soviets but it gradually tapers down it's in effects it starts by giving them a minus fifty percent to their organization which is huge because it's so easy just to tear right through them with just equivalent troops their only advantages their numbers they have huge numbers compared to you but that's really about it so it's easy to tear through them but as it tapers down now that effect kind of goes away down to like what thirty percent and then it is gone so ideally you want to attack the Soviets early at the height of the Great Purge in order to get as much value out of that as possible and just rip right through them surround Moscow and then they have no supplies in their entire country and they just wither and die that's ideally what you'll want to do but as Poland we don't have an absolute ton of troops so this is one of the reasons going for the early production is so important so I actually can field an army that actually can you know do anything alright let's say nineteen thirty seven we should go for probably another level of dispersed industry we should not be at our efficiency cap yet that we are getting close especially with things like support equipment we're getting there and we'll come back to that in a minute but for now let's go for dispersed industry just increase my factory output by another ten percent and then as soon as the motorized is done we'll switch over to more machine tooling still looking okay here in tungsten we are about to finish up some more military factories okay so now we are producing a bit more infantry equipment that's good forty guns per day I want to get that up to at least sixty as quickly as we can I've got a good stockpile of artillery right now so that's nice we can modify the government let's get a military fierce for the army experience also it reduces the land doctrine research speed so we can catch up on things like mass assault doctrine a little bit faster low manpower yeah I'm aware I'm aware still not quite able to fully equip these guys invest in the old polish region alright so that's done now let's take a look Japan they are forming their faction but they are not working on militarism so we're gonna go for the research slot next again just trying to go for as much of a research advantage as possible pretty soon we are gonna be going for the militarism regardless that does increase I believe my recruitable population by a good amounts yeah two point five percent also gives you some more support also reduces the effect of partisans that's not bad also some army experience which lets me actually create reasonable templates so I like that revanche ISM more war support generate war goal tension limits goes down so we're not gonna upset the Allies quite as much and justify war goal time it's a lot faster to actually get the war goals we need to take out these guys here we do need to be a little bit concerned about maybe the Allies guaranteeing people if they think that I'm being too much of a war monger that would be the smart thing for them to do but I don't want them to do it I really don't want them to do that that would suck now let's see we're gonna go for the production efficiency cap plus 10% just so we can keep producing a little bit faster yeah we should be able to at that before these guys hit the cap and these are the two that really matter artillery and infantry equipment we're gonna get ourselves up to a third toda artillery and then we'll focus a little bit more on infantry equipment I think maybe two or three military factories on infantry equipments for everyone on artillery is probably a pretty good way to go we actually have some free civilian factories which is amazing it's built some more here in Warsaw for the extra infrastructure obviously we're not building anything in Danzig I would like to think that it's sort of obvious as to why we're not doing that because we're gonna give up Danzig so that the Germans don't want to kill me okay I think I think that's obvious at least I would certainly hope so alright Soviet Union the Great Purge takes a very long time for them to research I didn't even realize how long it takes it's pretty slow going huh it's not like an 80 day thing well either way fine by me - fine by me oh let's see 60% stability ok par that's due to our popularity I don't think that there are any advisors that increase our non-aligned popularity no there are not so that's not going to be very helpful to us non core manpower actually could be very helpful I wouldn't mind getting myself a Prince of Terror also is just a cool title yeah you got Prince of terror on your resume you want to elaborate on that yeah I scare people I scare people a lot no that's cool all right let's see more mass assault doctrine maybe do I need this right now is there anything else that's really pressing no we're gonna go ahead and get started on this just cuz it does take so freakin long unassigned divisions cool we actually have a single another troop that we can use yeh research slot research slack give me all the goodies give me an excavation tech lots of oil blah blah blah there's actually a really good argument to conquer Romania just so we have full control of the oil and they can't trade it to the Germans when we want that would mean in theory that the Germans will get starved for oil and their tanks can't produce too much at least when they get to war with the Allies cuz it's not a lot of oil sources for the Germans on the other hand they'll probably just build a lot of oil refineries and synthetics and stuff I don't know maybe it's better for them to stick on Romania for a while no swap it later Japan Marco Polo Bridge incident perfect timing we're gonna go for Polish militarism then work toward that revanche ISM all right we have another slot what should we work on next let's see 1937 huh could start working on some of these support companies really would like to get field hospitals to use these though we would need to produce motorized not a bad idea to go ahead and upgrade our interwar artillery as well since we will be going to war soonish I'm gonna go ahead and move these guys over here let's go and start getting some planning bonuses and whatnot sign everyone here these guys have like no troops they should be total pushovers but i just want to have overwhelming force to keep my casualties casualties thank you brain down to a minimum so yeah I will pushing through that the guanxi cleek joins the Chinese United Front the Chinese United Front forms alright so they're gonna have fun against the Japanese Marco Polo Bridge incident alright so that's gonna generate plenty of world tension you wait 50% world tension is that right Hindenburg I'm just trying to make sure that I'm remembering this correctly so revanche ISM yeah I think the generate war goal tension limits - 40% that's what okay yeah that's why it's not that it generates less war tension when you justify on people it's that we do not need 50% aural tension to conquer anybody only ten which is why there was no point in going down that routes earlier because we're all still only sitting at 5% but I know for a fact the Japanese are about to create some more and that's all we'll end up needing so that's gonna be fine I don't know if I want to hold on to some political power in preparation for all this I kind of got everything that I absolutely needed I don't think we could go on for war economy by the way none of our opponents have anywhere close to enough factories or fielded troops to justify war economy so that wouldn't have been an option so do I want to use the political power on say the Prince of terror do I want to work on some sort of commands maybe an industrial thing research speeds it's pretty good I'm gonna hold on to it for now cuz I don't remember how much it's gonna cost me to justify Shane she joins the Chinese United Front okay this has been a good solid first start so far first episodes looking pretty good I'm happy with this need to drink something because I'm dying here a little bit there we go military factories more artillery please okay now we are at the point where I have to start doing some trades we are gonna trade for a bit of Steel and you know what let's go ahead and trade for a little bit of tungsten that does get rid of a couple more my factories so now we're down to only 14 but we're building quickly it's only taking me five weeks or less dispersed industry is done great more factory output for me I'm gonna go ahead and pick up the reinforced rate plus 5% machining tools are done okay not gonna worry about getting any planes or ships already working on that already working there let's go ahead and research things like let's go ahead and research things like logistics companies actually wait does it tell me what it requires to build these manpower that's it it only cost manpower okay yeah logistics companies are fine we can add those to pretty much anybody feel hospitals require manpower and it doesn't actually tell you that it requires it doesn't tell you that it requires motorized but I thought for sure that it does all right amelia earhart circumnavigates the globe congratulations she lives 20 combat with let's go ahead and toss on that extra infantry we are up to 20 combat there boom because I have enough army experience we'll go ahead and make sure those guys are getting trained up all the way some of my troops will probably go back down to being green a lot of my troops actually are already still at a veteran's status which is nice I would train them but I need the equipment to keep fielding troops cuz right now we don't have a lot it's going to add on a few extra units by the way just make sure we are always training something never stop training modify government that sounds fun ten percent perfect Japan declares war on China that's what I wanted to see Polish revanche ISM okay so in a little while we are going to be attacking these people will probably start fabricating claims on all three of them simultaneously if possible I really hope the world tension does not go down a little bit in the next month Hey look we have troops sweet let's go ahead and toss you over here okay now ideally before we fight the Soviets I'd like to have at least 80 troops but I'm not sure if that's gonna be an option you start with war economy and service by requirement that's just wrong that's just wrong all right so be it Strunk not as strong as Poland though pulling stronger there's actually an achievement by the way if you get all the rocket technology so that Poland can go into space so to speak there's an achievement for that I may or may not go for that on camera kind of depends I think we just focus a bit more on infantry equipment I mean artillery is good and all but let's keep focusing on the infantry equipment because at the very least even if I don't field artillery I'd like to be able to have more 21 combat with divisions that's just manpower and guns manpower and guns is all we need all right toss you guys on here actually you know what let's go ahead and add you to this army here we got a full 24 combat with sorry 24 division army ready to go I will need to increase my manpower in a little bit I'm just holding out for a moment while we get polish revanche ISM I know we are out of time for this video so we are going to be ending things but so far this is going without a hitch we are building factories very quickly with a lot of stacked modifiers might actually need to get myself another civilian factory here at some point just kind of increase this but we're looking good we're looking solid so far if we can just conquer a few more factories that's gonna go a long way to increasing my capabilities as well thank y'all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and you're looking forward to this achieve and run well challenge run there's no particular achievement in mine but it's still cool if so they don't ask to hit that like button leave a comment and subscribe and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Pravus
Views: 210,346
Rating: 4.9475102 out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, Hearts of Iron IV (Video Game), Paradox, HOI4, expansion, man, poland, non-aligned, neutral, 1.7.1, strategy, guide, part 1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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