Hogwarts Legacy Hard Mode PC Gameplay Part 5 - The Unforgivable

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foreign well hello you wonderful humans and welcome back to Hogwarts Legacy I hope everybody's having a fantastic day I'm just realizing that there's no game audio for some reason um sorry for the late start I've got what I think might be food poisoning since yesterday I've been struggling a lot I wanted to do two streams today but we're gonna do one longer stream pending uh how I'm feeling uh but I do want to forewarn everybody if we need to take a little bit of a like a couple minute break in between um y'all know why I don't think I need to explain to you the horrible things that happen when uh your body is wanting to uh fight against you but that's the way it'd be uh but we're good we're good I just had to take a couple minutes before getting started make sure I was good uh hopefully we can make it through the whole stream without any problems but thank you all so much for having a for having a wonderful day I don't even know if y'all are having a wonderful day take a break no I took a break yesterday I took a day off yesterday and I got it will sick from it I hope you'll take advantage of it no I'll give you a brief lesson in Conjuring the room might not provide everything you need on its own Conjuring yes the magic of creating or Conjuring objects I'll teach you ah yes conjuration it's unfortunate because like our hard mode playthrough has been plagued with problems and now oh Lord have mercy has been plagued with problems so we've had like two streams in a row where um either I was messing with settings or the game was broken so hopefully we can get back into the groove of things with this one and just have a good stream get a little bit farther into our hard mode play through for some reason it still looks like our character is trying to poop herself objects you called s 4 resources needed to conjure a particular I look like Professor Weasley's Lost Child some for a potion station and potting table from tomes and squirrels in hogsmead I did where can I find the resources I need while resources such as Moonstone can be obtained throughout the highlands it's much safer and easier to purchase them they can also be collected by Vanishing objects in the room such as the chairs you vanished earlier in fact you should have enough resources for now I see can I regain Resources by Vanishing something I've already conjured you can indeed huh quite perceptive why don't you give it a try go ahead and conjure the potions station and potting table you should find both familiar since they'll resemble the ones you already used to study magical plants and brew potions in class ah but of course the game is looking good I had to reinstall the game over the last playthroughs I think the only thing that I need to do is re-initiates uh frame rates there we go so that way we don't get any any issues and we should be Gucci uh hi Taco how are you finally caught up on the streams and now finally here for a live oh hell yeah what it do what it do all right we're gonna put um I don't think we need reperio so very often we'll put that right there we got pufioso Rutter so are you sitting onto a seat or a bucket oh yeah no I'm on the toilet I'm streaming on the toilet like we'll be all right we'll be okay I got noise cancellation we'll be fine I'm just kidding that'd be great though um let's see here I really like this version so we'll go with this one this is the one I used in the last playthrough we should become an animagus in the game it could have been cool oh yeah toilet stream sometimes it'd be like that you know sometimes life gives you lemons and sometimes it gives you uncontrollable diarrhea it's just it's the moral of life presuming of course that's extreme sit to stand desk oh yeah it's a disaster it's one of those ah the desk of description that bad boy right back there I don't remember that being a oh go with that one right there [Music] uh huh the Quidditch said boom that's looking good Roger yes sorry doodles man I really want to spend a little bit of time one of these days really like actively [Music] you may have not underestimate his Insight that's not giving a whole new meaning to streaming oh no I will be sure to speak with Deke if I need anything thank you good luck I shall linger a bit longer in case you'd like to learn another Transfiguration spell for use in the room ah beautiful The Wizarding portrait the like really like the room of requirement oh level 16 baby speak with Professor Weasley now let's put a plant in there right quick uh we're gonna put a mandrake on that bad boy and we're gonna make uh make ourselves a little bit of nothing nothing we're gonna make a Maxima potion I'd kill for a video that showed where to find all the decor ooh you know I pull there's a lot of freaking Decor in the game rebellious um that's gonna take a hot minute I've found a lot of it but you know I could probably swing that it would take me like probably a day or two to get through all that though there's so much how funny I'm on Hogwarts on my PS5 oh yeah let's scare oops I didn't mean to pufioso everything uh I would very much like to make another potion chamber there squirt that bad boy right there a bad boy right there that bad boy right maybe man I'm making it look like hammered booty again I made my room of requirements look like nasty butts the last time and I'm doing it again just out of like sheer necessity and time saving strategies sometimes you just gotta put Plants where plants want to be you know Katie cat welcome back to the community how have you been welcome back welcome back I didn't get a medium or large pot yet did I please I'd be overjoyed I got you fam I got you currently playing Newt scamander perfect video to watch in the background oh yeah and by playing I mean painting which is pretty cool pretty freaking cool indeed I finally made it to a live of Hogwarts you've made so many at once I couldn't keep up rude fairy queen I hope you're doing well I did make a lot of videos really really quick um there's a couple other videos that I've wanted to make but quite frankly the game really does just tell you where everything is and I know everybody is like man but you can turn it off how many of you have turned it off like somebody commented that I was complaining about turning something off that you could turn off but the fact is like when you're a content creator you know for a fact because you can see the analytics of like people just not needing to look for videos for it um but uh like you're just not gonna turn it off because it's there and it makes life easier like why turn it off and then go look for videos and you just turn it on uh exactly wait where can I turn it off in the menu somewhere um [Music] very well first you'll need to gather some Moonstone you can acquire it by Vanishing items here in the world vanish outside beautiful Hogwarts grounds return to me once you've gathered enough and we shall begin the lesson there's some candies back there too this will be more useful when I have something to identify what am I supposed to do return to Professor Weasley I have the Moonstone you requested Professor good then we may be seriously you can conjure more than potions in herbology tables conjuration can be used to decorate this space to your liking why don't you try it on the walls and floor on the walls and floor Contra wall decoration and conjure floor decorations how about I don't and say we didn't but I'll do it I'll get a nice little pink thing God dang that painting's dark [Music] they really did do such a wonderful freaking job I have no idea if they're gonna make another game I would anticipate if they are it's gonna be years away uh they currently have no plans for any type of DLC that doesn't mean we won't get one but there's none in the works or planned yet which means it's also very far off if we do might some happenstance get one but the rugs who don't love a rug tasty little treat my baby got me this game and now I can't stop playing every chance I get oh hell yeah Katie you gotta give them a crisp high five that's a keeper right there getting you a good game to play hell yeah it's a freaking keeper good luck shall we move on we should move on to your face I've conjured everything I can what's next professor I think you're ready to take on alteration the altering spell will allow you to customize any conjured item and change the colors patterns and styles of your furniture to suit your taste let's get started shall we watch closely as I demonstrate how to perform the altering spell the answering spell but of course Ashley Shannon thank you for becoming a message a majestic Bean I feel like any sequel to this needs to be in either a different school or as an adult Aura uh yeah I 100 agree no one that any comes your item and perform the altering spell to customize it I mean honestly it just uh I don't know it's um it's gonna be it's gonna be really interesting I don't know why I'm saying it like that uh aboinkyoso stuff alter the style of an item where is why don't I have the things I got the expensioso version why don't I have the expensioso things I alter the style of an item change the color of it I'll change the color of your Foos uh gentugo thank you for becoming a bean adjust the size of an item can I make you smaller that's not a thing is it no I can make these smaller though nicely done now you're ready for something a little more advanced you can use the altering spell directly on the room's architecture signs on the floor or balcony try aiming at the floor or at that time oh amen your face we're gonna go with this Decor this time I went with fancy Botanical Bonanza stuff last time maybe a mix like if we go with Botanical up top so party up top business on the bottom question mark Botanical Bonanza and then we go fancy fun times down here that kind of looks nice tag have you seen everyone's designs for their animal area it's like the new Animal Crossing Islands oh my God I've seen it I wish I could win the online version comes out oh y'all know imma be up all in your stuff alter the balcony or the floor of the room I altered your freaking everything you know what fine I'll alter whatever this is it's getting changed what the hell is a balcony Lord your space Vanessa Butler thank you for becoming a bean don't you think dick would you mind so Weasley Professor Weasley showed geek this bit of magic some years ago big things you'll enjoy it I bet she did Professor Weasley said I should ask you about changing the rooms Ambiance of course ah yes we all look most appeals to you what you gonna do with that big dick butt change the Ambiance focused I focus best in room that's dark and mysterious we haven't tried that one before I want to feel mysterious and Eerie as if I'm in the Forbidden Forest surrounded by Shadows oh sounds perfect oh nice Emily hell yeah laughs I thought I saw the cool moist room for a second hey sometimes you gotta be cool and moist you know quite a difference of course you needn't keep this style if you don't like it you can always ask Deke to change it back now you have learned a good bit about alteration thank you Professor the room is full of possibilities indeed no matter how much time I spend here the room always manages to surprise me all right [Music] foreign oh yeah bigger room bigger problems baby how did that happen the room equips itself to your needs it must have sensed that you needed more space to practice spell casting if you'd like to customize the space further you can use four years of tank is just not enough Gregory gotta keep this magic bus running thank you thank you Gregory I shall keep an eye on you're a scholar and a gentle person thank you this is your space now use it wisely I'm gonna use it everything's kind of a little purple in here mysterioso [Music] would you where are all my potions at Pork lump what you gonna do with all that pork lump I don't know all right how many we got six potions I feel I'm feeling pretty good about that feeling pretty A-Okay hunky freaking Dory what do we got in the shadows of the undercroft or de pulso flight toast a demanding delivery Perry freaking Pippins got oh freaking looking got dang bradleby it's on like Donkey Kong Mr freaking bradledy I think it's the astronomy wing and then the boinky boink Club the Bell Tower Bell Tower Courtyard Let's Get It On gonna clap some cheeks if only someone would make a detailed video of how to own a hogsmeade shop and free enough and make money Henry but I did that's not the location I was trying to go to well a buttereth my butt and call me a biscuit Lucan freaking bradleby where you at boy oh nice as modius all right y'all think we're ready to go I got some nut Grabbers I got four spells I'm feeling pretty uh pretty freaking awesome not gonna lie feeling pretty awesome uh oh he's got double quests over his head hello Lucan you know what let's practice with a dummy first that's part of a quest I'd like to practice with the training dummy excellent idea this time will be a bit more of a challenge ready oh I'm sober that would be brilliant wonderful remember to cast all the spell combinations before the dummy lands again if you need to stop practicing before you finish all of them let me know how's it hard mode because it's on hard oh you on fire and flying cast Leviosa and perform a basic cast three times oh Lord this is something we did not do in our first playthrough one two three boink and habla excellent four oh nice to Arena hell yeah one two three man it's really easy to go a little too far though something oh shut up you little freaking 12 year old words I can't say incendio oh sure Michelle sir thank you for becoming a bean impressive welcome to the community I shouted out loud for you tag I got you thank you Emily thanks Lucan you've been a great help oh stop don't make me blush seriously well done training dummies will think twice before challenging you again plus yeah the training dummies other Jews had better beware hello Lucan all right ready to redeem yourself oh certainly am brilliant are you dealing with a partner I've got explosive diarrhea and Luke and freaking bradleby is just roasting foreign we can make this a real victory oh nice Emily uh okay but hounds come on oh shoot oh no if that's all you've got money [Music] you have to try again sweeps yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there okay this is fine that was what we like to call a warm-up protego potato mentum oh you got it boy wow God dang spicy a meatball s [Music] congratulations oh who got potatoed he muted come here yoso with the bakiosa with the fire with the you got no wand who's your freaking mama me I'm just pleased we've done as well as I did and we and whip and so it is my great honor to present you with this simple yet elegant token of supreme during accomplishment thank you it's been an honor you want it you are a Jewish to be reckoned with now that we've definitively crowned the tournament winner I suppose I should get back to my schoolwork Oh Katie it's just harder as well I haven't tended them in ages what you gonna do Luke and Brad will be cross ones Champion gob s beautiful audio added hello glad you're watching the videos in the background while you work okay we need some depolciosis we need a focus potion and we need to acquire a Maximus endurance and we need to use them as simultaneously and we need to return to and be whatever to get our a broom upgrade this is fine oh well thank you it would be better if they had something for the hard work I don't disagree whatsoever what sometimes it seems all roads lead to hogsmeade yes all roads freaking League leads to hogsmeade we know [Music] oh you're back with something to report I hope are we looking forward hope to see you again Mr weeks I was able to set a record on my broom incredible Miss Rays must have been shocked tell me how was the broom a little turbulent and is wanting for a bit of speed but it fared well enough I will say that it tended to drift a bit to the left on certain turns heard a slight swish when I dipped oh thank you hmm that's precisely what I needed to know I shall get to work immediately even the naysayers will be forced to admit that my Works have potential all along I'm excited to hear more I have a very good feeling about this upgrade I guarantee you'll be pleased expect to hear from me soon squirrely freaking squirrel Oakley and Oakley ladies and gentle people of the interwebs I hope you all are doing well I know we've had a couple struggle streams I ain't gonna say nothing yet but I don't think I can do this yet I need to figure out what I need for an enduras potion you'd think after like a hundred hours of playing this that I would have memorized all of these things by now but there's just so much going on I just learned you can put up your hood on the cloaks wait a second what you talking about what kind of what kind of crazy stuff you talking about right now I'm about to put a cloak on one all right so we need and we got the Maximus We need oh ooh ashwinder eggs and Mongrel fur so we got to go to not hogsmeade we need to take the world map and we need to investigate the world at our fingertips this game has a lot to answer for though I spent ages trying to revelio in Dreamlight life be hard skirt skirt skirt I hate the Flyers [Music] where it tells you you can change the look of your clothes you can press y to put your hood up Lord hath Mercy that's a lot of ball he's Merlin Troll and get the best of me it's because you're a gangster poopio gotta love when there's a cat that just ruins your life on a constant basis and tries to cast Akio revelio all right so we need ashwinder eggs I can't for the life of me remember where I acquired a number of ashwinder eggs Mongrel fur obviously we can just get from mongrels also known as dogos mcborkensteins they were like in mountainous areas I think these are wolves right here there's the ashwinder egg [Music] [Music] the board dog oh no Jesus bungy sweet baby Jesus all right so we need some more Ash Wanda eggs made oh shut up about hogsmeade you know what also is cozy literally anywhere what's up cozy is where the heart is okay okay revelia [Music] um you can just buy one of the potions for pepper you think I got money like that you think I'm out on the street corners given like wizard hand jobs for money right now I'm broke I got no money Becca no money I love your content informed reviews thank you for the hard work uh I will have plenty of money soon but right now I'm broker myself would be proud I was joined and I was expecting to hear that sorry Kayla huh oh God yeah Juan jobs it's where you excite the wand Jesus I hope you've gone too far what's the difference between a wizard hand job and a regular one Magic I can't Dismount here but there's things to get revelio um [Music] I've never seen a sword like it hmm it's just two dude Bros hanging out in dude bro land looks like we got a ruin their day [Music] oh right through the butthole God dang nothing like stealing somebody's ax and then giving them an ax enema that's just rude I'm the highest of levels like good Lord we need uh maybe well I guess we have I think it's just one ashwinder egg right revelia sure there's some up here in them heels yep oh hello [Music] man I really don't want to climb this stuff incendio what is this why is it squirting like that Landing is unavailable what it do I don't think I have a long range fire attack so we're just not gonna do this but I think we got the ashwinder egg we need so I mean we got multiple of them so let's go back it's a Hogwarts [Music] I believe we made a Maximus potion already because we don't have any more leech juice I know where to get it Focus potion ah which means we do need more and we need flux weed and the burger tongue let's go do the next main quests at least learn confringo and then we'll go get the uh the tongue of Doom at some point foreign Audrina that's awesome I wish I could just jump off the edges sometimes like we can do we're freaking Wizards like come on do some wizard stuff predicament okay might some kind soul help me Sebastian it's been a while it has glad you received my owl I have something to show you first let me thank you for what you did in the library of course Scribner tried to give me detention but I have ways out of these things well you took the fall for me and that counts for something did you find what you were looking for accordingly I did I'm sure you will find a much much better job I wish you the very best and thank you so much in the undercroft not even the professors know about this place this way to the undercraft Batman as a secret passage just here it's well discussed Sebastian's Quest is the best questline hands down uh yeah absolutely Jimmy I SIM for Sebastian me too simply it easy you know how did you find this place my friend ominous gaunt he named it the undercroft we used to play golf Stones here all the time with my sister Anne she loved that infernal game what I wouldn't give to lose to her again I should tell you I swore to ominous I would Safeguard this place so please keep this between us he never confides in anyone but he's trusted me since the day we met I wouldn't want to jeopardize that used to sneak in here almost daily we've never been caught I think I've seen ominous in potions or was it herbology I've noticed that he uses his wand to navigate the castle he does no idea how though ominous was born blind and no spell could reverse it his one seems almost sentient not surprising I suppose Ollivander always says the wand chooses the wizard is that how he found this place no someone in his family knew about it the gaunts are full of secrets I've never heard anyone else speak of it and I've certainly never seen anyone else here again mention this to no one as especially ominous he has no love lost for his family or their secrets but this place is special to him understood but why does ominous have no love lost fears his father's family a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin one of the four founders of Hogwarts obsessed with blood status most of them ominous cannot abide them as he'll be the first to tell you anyway the undercroft has been a perfect place to sneak off to away from prying eyes and even practice otherwise forbidden spells really like what like the blasting curse professors say it's not an appropriate spell to teach students political education ought to include all magic my thoughts exactly all like confringo is only truly dangerous in untrained hands such spells should be properly taught not banned to be fair I'm admittedly partial to more fiery forms of magic but you should learn it I can teach it to you safely here oh Harley take a while to get the feels do Slytherin Holly mimic my wand movement the incantation is confringer very well you're getting it ready to actually try it out stick to the targets though best to keep the undercroft intact have a go at those candelabras both have their uses but I think you'll find that a confringo cast I do like confringo you know I never realized that confringo was like unforgivable I remember doing this class like I was here for this you'll get used to it but I don't remember it being like Oh no because you could literally freaking stab people's eye out with our freak with their own wand I have to say I enjoyed that the first time ominous and I practiced confringo we singed our eyebrows I would have paid to see that I swore we'd never live it down so this day there's something about that spell that's addictive the blast does heat things up let me see how you lost your eyebrows you'll get used to it and ominous and I used to practice down here for hours the undercroft was our Retreat haven't been here in some time it's not the same with our time I'm sorry about your sister if there's anything I can do perhaps when I next head to felcroft you could come along meet Han she could use some cheering up just let me know when and she misses Hogwarts she's been stuck at home with our Guardian Uncle Solomon unfortunately you'll have to meet him too well meeting a new student will be precisely what she needs I shall look forward to it cheers by the way what was it you couldn't discuss out in the hall earlier but I'm not sure where to start you said something was missing from what you found in the library I assume it's to do with what you told me about the Porky and Gringotts and ran Rock nothing gets past you and yes it is as I'm sure you suspect there is a bit more to all of this I'm listening foreign you can trust me all right I can see traces of ancient magic ancient Magic I don't know what I was expecting to say but it wasn't that what does that even mean honestly I'm not entirely certain all I know is that I can see Whispers of an old magic that hardly anyone else can fig and I think that man rockers somehow found a way to harness that Magic's power are you telling me that goblins may be wielding some sort of wizard magic that's what we're trying to find out and this ability of yours does this allow you to wield this magic too I I don't know well when you do know tell me I've been studying archaic forms of magic for ages perhaps we can help each other in the meantime with both Rookwood and ranrock after you I suspect a bit more time practicing the blasting curses in order spend as much time here as you'd like and remember keep this place between us when I head to feldcroft I'll send you an owl we have learned a new spell but we don't need it for uh cross ones anymore at the very least since we whooped them hello Sebastian wait you there I can hear you oh hello ominous isn't it I believe we have potions together and herbology I have recognize that voice in the first play through a potions class you're the new fifth year did you just come from the undercroft how did you get in there uh I stumbled upon it that room's called the undercroft ah well I was exploring and suddenly found myself in a strange passage don't lie to me no one stumbles upon that room Sebastian told you didn't he you breathe a word about this place to anyone not even your precious Professor fig will be able to help you dang my ominous he's friends with the Headmaster Jesus I'm not afraid to exploit that connection if I need to foreign is a good friend you shouldn't immediately assume the worst of him I don't need you to tell me about my oldest friend thank you very much ominous I just meant I know what you meant Sebastian gets himself in enough trouble he doesn't need your help Sebastian is going to get an earful about this oh level 17 please help me with my sad predicament I don't want to touch your gobstones girl that's a bad thing spare a moment I could use your help [Music] Duncan Hub house you wanted to speak with me I did hello I'm Duncan hobhouse pleasure to meet you I've heard all about you of course confronting trolls and Dragons oh that's nice to hear I've had my share of Adventure I hope my reputation is warranted I'm going to presume your reputation is in the fact warranted in which case you are precisely the person I need you see we were learning to repel Bogarts in Professor hackett's class and well mine unfortunately took the shape of a a puff scheme oh they seem Innocent but their tongues can be most disturbing exactly I wish more of our fellow students agreed with you regardless of how reasonable I believe my fear of puff schemes to be I'm beginning to get a reputation as a coward some have even taken to calling me puff skin Duncan it's a good name oh I'm sorry to hear that it really is thank you poppy keeps offering to help me and overcoming my fear but I'm too afraid to take her up on it anyway to make matters worse I stupidly blurted out but I must be braver than people think since I have been in the hidden herbology Corridor the hidden herbology Corridor yes rumor has it that the herbology professor before Professor garlic kept dangerous plants there it's supposedly so overrun now that no one dares enter it anymore I was hoping you could go there and bring back evidence that I could use to show that well I'd gone in say a bit of an exceptionally dangerous plant of some kind very well if I'm in the area perhaps I shall take a look Grand I'd very much appreciate it come and find me if you get the proof I shall be forever in your debt oh yes the very least we do this we can get another uh legendary item We're not gonna do that right now because we just got a message from Professor garlic plus we have the map chamber and a venomous find and enter the theme Wingardium Leviosa all right we need to find um I suppose some hidden chests in this area because we're broken oh yes ma'am Miss garlic I would love nothing more than to see you after class I liked this Quest he will pay you for your efforts so in our first playthrough we made fun of him which resulted in probably not getting as much out of it as we could have but I feel like it was a good life choice for us all right so if we need to acquire a venomous tentacular we need to use a mandrake on multiple enemies hello cat vegetarian keys are back aren't they brilliant no they're not brilliant hello Nelly you seem excited you're a pain in my butt vegetarian keys are back the what keys the dedalian keys show flying about Professor mole conjured them to protect the contents of certain locked cabinets years ago Professor black couldn't be bothered to disenchant the Keys and they appear every few years you should try to catch one why would I so we do have a video on the devilion keys so I'm just going to skip through this conversation because we know what this is all about I hope you follow it follow a cabinet I'd love to know what you find let's at least get the first one I would really like to get the Hogwarts one I know it's not I feel like the Hufflepuff one was pretty fire but the uh the Griffin did I say Hogwarts the Gryffindor one on the other hand what do you mean dude to myself you found your last key yesterday [Music] you can help me Mr Plumley euros everyone is really taking advantage of the the new kid that is for sure God dang I don't remember this being up this high really what's that what I I have played this game so many times because I never had to go up here I never noticed the room of requirement appearing before like I know I had to do this like go up here but I fast traveled up here on the first playthrough so I never saw the room of requirement reappearing it's a Damian key wonder where it might lead me probably into the dedalian key thingy boob huh Rebellion oh my God we gotta slap it in there again oh no there's the cabinet how do I get this key in there oh oh God come on go across the hole oh Jesus Christ huh where'd you get that was that really the cats man cats destroy everything that is good in life but they give oh God I wanna see key get Jesus Christ only look at the keyhole you're a keyhole cat get off the keyboard Jesus I'm gonna where you going no no yeah I'm gonna scream why can't I do this today I see it fly over the keyhole that's literally the only thing I'm looking at is the keyhole I want to die I want to freaking die right now jeez [Music] I hope this key loses all of its wings that was just out of spite God dang it [Music] now I understand why there were so many comments being so frustrated about this clear oh no I can't unplug it dang it all right I got this i got this I hate everything [Laughter] God dang it let's go an old Queen perhaps Lily knows what it means Jesus Christ [Music] all right Victory Is Ours all right where were we where do we gotta go for this this is the this Courtyard how do I not have the Fast Travel plan for that yet is it right here yes clearly tag is not wait what y'all are rude dang it this was not the right spot all right uh where do we gotta go that way Lord hath freaking Mercy slap the like button I don't deserve it I really don't return to Nelly with the token oh whoa oh I've never seen this before revelia what and Sam hell that's so cool there's so many like little interactions that you can see oh my God does somebody die oh [Music] bro just stabbed us straight through the freaking chest oh what yeah why are you excuse me what the done [Music] what no that's no they're so angry I send some tension Hogwarts tag you deserve the likes this was the most I've laughed in months because you're laughing at my Misfortune though all right thank you for the Super Chat I appreciate you thank you loading looting looting we do have the Fast Travel Point what hello Nelly I managed to get to today in Key into its lock brilliant what did you find in the cabinet a curious token of some sort looks like a Gryffindor House token I bet it unlocks our house chest I call them house chests I've seen the one in our common room and heard there are also in the other common rooms keep an eye out I do hope you continue on for so much yes yeah I got it uh rehooked up today actually pass through and find the Gryffindor House chest all right I know for certain I have the Gryffindor fast travel point I don't necessarily remember how to get there I've been there like one time I swear the only thing I are not looking forward to on this game is the 800 pages I gotta find God dang yeah it's a nightmare it really is God dang where's that chest quite a few by the look of it I know he just hangs out in here after he's all depressed and doesn't get into the Headless hunt all right uh we need to focus on the main quests now all right let's get back let's get back to our life here we gotta go talk to Professor figius cerules over in the astronomy Tower uh Professor Fig's classroom [Music] Clorox 2.0 it really is and really really is y'all want to see some Pokemon cards opened up I was hoping to see you you finally Minister spavin talks more than he listens ranted on and on about Rogue dragons wouldn't listen to a word about goblins speaking of which listen Professor so much happened while you were away nearly headless Nick asked me to get some rotten roast beef from the kitchens rotten roast beef yes well I thought it was odd too but then we took the roast beef to Sir podmore of the Headless heart I met the Headless hunt that must have interesting to say this yes and then had to find Richard jackdaw's head in the pumpkin so that he'd tell me how he died who on Earth is Richard Jato he was a student here long ago anyway he told me about a secret Cavern I went there and right next to jackdaw's skeleton I found the missing pages you found the pages I did and because Jack tour had followed the map they contained when I found the pages I found the location on the map believe it or not it's a room below Hogwarts why am I not surprised shall we I was hoping you'd say that oh and we'll need to bring the book ah to the map chamber volume is called the map chamber by the way and a portrait of Percival Rackham awaits us there Professor Rackham I look forward to meeting him how did this jackdaw get the pages from the book because he's a dirty little klepto thief and Jack door stole them from him oh peeves [Music] to think it was beneath the smallest time this looks promising [Music] [Music] Sam Who you calling stupid peasants I'm just trying to enjoy a cutscene I just look over and see stupid peasants and of course Hogwarts it's magnificent [Music] [Music] if only you were here to see this [Music] hello Professor Rackham we've placed the book on the pedestal as you asked and this is my mentor Professor fig how you do Professor fig and you my young friend see now why you needed to return with the book I do I also see why you refer to this room as the map chamber that you have come this far tells me that you possess extraordinary magical ability the potential and power of which we'll unlock should you prove yourself worthy the location of each of four trials will in time appear on the map trials that will test you and give you access to invaluable knowledge trials that you must complete on your own do you recall the pensive memory you viewed in my vaulting Gringotts you and your friend Charles spoke of the portkey and of Trials you'd created for one who sees traces of ancient magic precisely Charles is another of the keepers a designation we gave ourselves centuries ago in light of the knowledge that we have been bound to keep hidden until perhaps now so the passage from your ruins to gring Gods everything in the vault the Restricted Section finding this room none of these was a trial they were an important part of the journey but they were not trials themselves the fact that you have come this far however bodes well the trials were designed to ensure that the power and knowledge we had kept secret for so long does not fall into the wrong hands they will test your abilities both innate and learned but of equal importance everything you witness as you complete the trials will inform what you choose to do with all that we share you will need patience the trials have much to teach you it will take time I'm afraid we don't have the luxury of time we have waited this long Professor fig surely a few more respectfully sir while I do not know the secret you keep I do know that our young friend here has seen traces traces of a powerful dark magic being wielded by Goblin Kind and we encountered an uncommonly powerful Goblin wielding such magic as we prepared to leave your vault at Gringotts we may already be too late this is grave news indeed young friend do you trust Professor fig I do then in the light of your considerable skill and all you have already accomplished we shall begin you will find the location of the first trial marked on the map below you whilst Professor fig May assist you in locating the trials they may be completed only by one with our ability and we shall complete the first trial shall we have a look because then we can get all the good stuff if the first trial is like where we actually start being able to do a lot of the stuff I've seen it yourself man this only fans account be doing all sorts of crazy stuff thank you Bungie um why didn't that why is it not working there we go it looks familiar perhaps your young friend is more well traveled than you might think as your Mentor the least I can do is go ahead to make sure it is safe join me as soon as you can I'll find you at the tower as soon as I can until then they can they care and do not tell anyone where you're going someone told them about the one jobs hey sometimes you know the wizard hand job is uh is the best kind of hand job [Music] can be resource indeed we don't do only fancier just only yucks yeah goofy needs to make that money it's time you learned Iglesias the freezing space Oh wait remember how I said I needed money and we ran right by the chest that has all the money in it once you've done that come see me it's uh uh witchesonly.com it's like farmersonly.com but for like witches and wizards we need to pop five balloons over Hogs wait what oh is that for Iglesias really hmm it's got depulso glacias and Wingardium Leviosa which I think we have enough to get a large pot so let's head to hogsmeade real quick we should be able to do that which means we need to go here [Music] I hear the witch's version of Christian Mingle is popping here I come and be like that is this where we no we gotta go to tomes and Scrolls for the large crop block I believe we already bought the stuff for the venomous tentacula which means we need to go right here slowly but surely nice to see your familiar face memorizing everything oh yes there is a super secret scroll chest in here all the money they really did give you pretty much the majority of the money that you would ever need in the game pretty much like right off the bat look at what we have shall we [Music] uh Toy Box new we need a large potting table [Music] three parting table three small parts no with five small parts new with a large with two large oh I guess this is the one nothing like finding just the right thing is there all right now we need to go back here off the keyboard sir I have nothing for you dude bro really if you all only knew all right so let's go back to the secret rooms we'll go to the room of requirement download this game yesterday and can't wait to play it oh nice pixie Elliott oh my God all right let's collect our ditney and then I think what we'll do we probably have enough Sydney for a hot minute now got a couple mandrakes that's one two three four five six why does this one have a thing on the end why is this one so much different what's going on here what is this Gregory thank you for the 10 gift memberships thank you so freaking much holy Jesus thank you and welcome David uh Vanya Rio Emma Donya Adrian danger sworn and Aiden and bethan what's what's going on how you doing [Music] Gothic style um I'm gonna put the bigger ones back here pixie you think for the four months I swo hello tear dude rubs his butthole against the microphone and moves it away from my face this is the level of cat a holery that I have to deal with on a daily basis foreign [Laughter] we should be able to oh I didn't buy the venomous tentacular I know we need some flux weed oh thank you bethan um we'll get some shrivel fig growing so I need to sell my soul for uh some venomous tentacle I think it's a thousand [Music] as long as we go do that tear dude go get it oh the price is different in hard mode ah not that I'm aware of all right so we got the enduras potion the only thing we don't have is the stuff we need for the [Music] um we needed some oh oh oh oh I know where to get those no no sir be gone Pharaoh Beast the thing is like you give them aggressive pets to try and tell him to go away and he just likes it more I feel like tear needs a chat voted hat that quelled Aragon it did but I feel like there's nothing to quell him because he just wants to play so he's the cat that plays fetch in the house so he will literally find anything in the house that he can fit in his mouth and he will bring it to you he will bring it to you and he will demand that you play fetch with him like utterly no matter what demand you play fetch with him it's usually round objects so uh Heritage caps to bottles um anything that makes noise and can be batted around with little cat paws usually pretty fire for tear um and especially if you can pick it up and bring it to you because like he wants to play all the time so if he can pick something up and drop it in your face and then harass you until you pick it up and play with him that's what he will do isn't that right here your cat plays Fetch with bouncy balls yeah it's a thing wait why oh the prepping balloons up uh mine loves to pull tabs off milk cartons and nice the cats are just the epitome of like chaotic and neutral or chaos they have no right no wrong just chaos that's all they care about it's all they want they have no remorse no shame they'll stick their butthole right in your face they'll stomp on your keyboard and ruin your life here I have nothing for you dude only four balloons oh there it is I was trying to find the last one was hidden in the trees all right now we're gonna go to the Quidditch pitch which is on the other side of Hogwarts my friend's last cat would steal Beanie Babies this cat will steal literally anything anything you care about this cat will steal and he will hide it now he's just watching me play but I know he's gonna wreak havoc soon it says life goal nothing else in this cat's life makes him happier than the misery of others oh Christ all right we got this we just gotta go this way for a bit one of our cat steals bits of our dogs food just to bat it around and play keep away that's that's Peak cat for sure RM I have like a 30 pound cat do that every day it's not 80 pounds but it's it's still thick it's a lot of it's a lot of cat probably weighs a good 15 20 pound he's a thick boy 30 no 30 wasn't I don't have an obese cat okay I'm not a bad cat owner but he is thick I've never weighed him I don't know I don't know what his weight is but he's a big cat bungee can uh attest to tear is a big cat not fat just a big cat with a giant dumb face the thick cat does thick things brilliant her behind me he is he's a solid unit you have a Maine that weighs 25 pounds yeah Maine Coons are how did you assigned wonderful I trust you became more familiar with your broom through the process I'd say tears probably 12 13 pounds something like that yes that's a lot for a cat that's good to hear keep it up and perhaps one day you'll have a spot on the Quidditch team if black ever permits quidditch again well with those tasks out of the way let us get started glacias ah glacias I do like glaciers I avoided getting it for so long in our first playthrough but it's such a good spell so useful well done it's your new spell here in my office I recommend you cause I'm done with you never have to see you again [Music] all right so let's go actually let's assign our spells oh put that there come here yoso is assigned yeah yes I want to upgrade our our uh flight thingy my boober pretty soon too how far away are we going right now I haven't gotten the armor upgrades in a bit I feel like on hard mode we probably should we've done a lot so far I'm starting using all the tag renames for my spells while playing it makes the game way better hell yeah you got come here yoso pushioso explodioso there are some good names right there and you don't have to wonder what spell it is what's going on down here I remember this being for a specific Quest something's about to get clapped are they coming for me what are they doing over there I like the Hub oink yeah hablancioso is pretty op I'm not gonna lie I like that these dum-dums are just staring at a wall like it's their job I mean it is their job don't get me wrong but a collectible oh a circular painting oh Christ uh [Applause] have you read the Harry Potter books yeah I mean I read all of the books all of them all of them every single one oh Christ skirt skirt betting on the dragon fights was the best decision I've made yet revelia what do we got going on over here we got a couple of Dems a couple of D's a couple of porks it pleasant surprise all right so we're gonna oh since I've found anything worth poaching Nick yeah I'm a pojo butthole a bike oh no use glacias to get past the fireplace for the chest you right you right you right all right what'd it do here revelio uh nope accio [Music] I like that they're all exactly the same stack revelia did we do it [Music] I remember [Music] oh balls it's here dude you can't just like come hopping in and purring and then Smash in everything it's not God dang It Bobby ah [Music] did we not do it cheers mother bruh you rage quit on these I don't blame you the Hardcore Parkour is like thing it's a thing don't lick the whiskey stop trying to be an alcoholic cat Jesus Lord I keep forgetting I have that button oh you ain't got no antlers son what was that this is almost too easy I can't freaking see dude I can't see your butthole is huge stop s dang it you know what what have you done no oh it bit me right in the butthole oh where'd that dog come from it just went I'm nom nom nom right all up in my booty hole Jesus Christ you know what screw these people working against each other when you should be working together what goodies won by himself when together we can stand undefeated I agree now die how about you take a good old die too uh a punk a bunk and a bonk ers oh what the hell was that the whole world caught fire what was that hard mode can suck a bag of something Jesus Christ what the hell was that I saw who Prince the forest the other day that I swear I'll show you some freaking footprints how on Earth are we to forge screw you I put forth a fine approach of how we should proceed and it simply ludicrous that I've been defied yeah you're dead it's ludicrous that you were even alive are you the one casting weird stuff I want to teach someone a lesson time to teach someone a lesson Indian you're a freaking chicken oh Jesus Christ yes it is the best I got yeah screw this person simply complete a few tasks and then come and see me Jesus Christ well ladies and gentlemen of the interwebs if you are finding yourselves not completely hating the live stream alike would be uh one day people working for me oh look at the two cute little goblins they're like trying to make like little goblin babies or something but like what if somebody made them not make goblin babies you know let's put on some nice whiskey and eating dinner oh shoot look at that Goblin probably has a family kids all sorts of stuff really humor to worry about it I won't rest that's dead totally has a whole family too late for you to learn the error of your ways rebelia revelio that's not a chest worth getting oh there's an Infamous failure yep these are what I was looking for actually okay oh dang got tongue for days oh shoot oh yeah oh Christ I think they hit so hard oh if you get the counter attack right you can like float them in the air while they do that God dang holy Jesus oh [Music] Jesus Christ they had hard just got tongued to death I suck at the game today I don't know what's going on I just can't seem to get into the I mean I've had explosive diarrhea since I woke up yesterday so I don't know if that equates to like being bad at games like food poisoning sucks I'm getting tongue punched in the fart box are you freaking Jesus Christ I know a Merlin trial when I see one seems quiet too quiet if you ask me not enough Mal is sweet what I just haven't been growing it it's a good thing this isn't a no deaths challenge I mean you're right though you freaking so right all right let's go meet Professor fig at the tower of death that's where we're heading anyways and let's complete our first trial so that way we can unlock all the good stuff man why I just like the past week has been just an embarrassment like either it's been game problems or I've been dying or trying to figure out Ray tracing ah this whole playthrough is a mess I'm sorry who doesn't like butt touches what's it's different when it's like the butt touches like a fist you know I'm doing great Tech studs I appreciate I appreciate you but we know that's not true what are you up to now we're not alone we are not ran Rock's loyalists around a dozen I can see but could be more can't we operate pause them into the tower we could but we've no idea what's in the tower more importantly however I'd like to know why they're here they've set up camp just ahead I suggest we investigate a little before doing anything else let's go wow this way and I'd suggest we use the disillusionment charm here nonsense in announcing our arrival we're not disillusioning anything actually you know what we 100 are you can definitely tell that like stealth was gonna be a really important part of the game stay hidden because it's used in a few quests but other than that it's just like you never see it again well done oh we stealth through this Mission last time you will regret coming oh no ah yes I gotta Focus I'm I haven't slept because I've been pooping my brains out and uh oh yeah just gotta Focus I can't multitask right now very well but you know what it's fun [Music] who's Yo Mama it's me it's me a mommy oh restaurants that serve Saucy foods and improperly prepared chickens so I went to a Mexican restaurant and I got uh uh basically spicy shrimp and I think that's what did it to me because one you got the spice then you got the spicy butthole uh but then you got the bad shrimp then you got liquid spice and oh tell you what I know there's a thing called over sharing but y'all just don't even know pretty sure that's where it came from it's been a it's been a rough couple uh basically anytime I eat or drink it's just not fun times liquid spice the missing Spice Girl well when you put it that way liquid spice I hope you have a bidet man you know people are getting into bidets nowadays dang that rhymes I don't have one though I'm not I'm not that fancy directly from rental that they're after something to do with names what names oh hello I will draw blood oh who's your mama ah radiation not today homeboy that was meant for me everyone's new favorite breakfast food ghost s what it's freaking excuse me [Applause] do you see this like the freaking things aren't popping it's glance off of me I've been having this problem on PC where the uh where their defensive bubbles actually disappear and you can't see them you can only tell that their defensive bubble is gone when they go to uh when you hit them sucks how is this person regenerating their freaking mother flip ah Let the Ocean put me down the days are Universal you have one that's a Walmart you have a bidet that squirts warm water into your butthole the conversation and me saying butthole and warm water in the same sentence is slightly and like unnerving but you know what something is significant about this place though [Laughter] bidets are for all you know a clean butthole is a good butthole I don't know why we all are afraid of it you know I have a bidet seat that warms the water what I didn't know that was a thing and the seat itself forms too you know but if you don't learn it soon enough we can work on it back at the castle I so agree if you live in Hogwarts like if you lived in Hogwarts though would they have bidets or would they just like cast some kind of like water freaking do wizards have toilet paper days are a must for a clean hoo-ha bruh we have one that only does cold water and I think the bidet needs yeah so like I understand a bidet but if you're getting squirted with cold water straight into your No-No area like that doesn't seem like a pleasant experience it's the centuries never seen an enchantment lost like I'm curious you know they sold like hot cakes during the pandemic okay so what about the pandemic okay wait if I had if I could turn on wait I can hold on hold the freaking wait a second I have a question because now things are starting to piece together you know things are starting to starting to come together my whole oh it doesn't work the camera doesn't work dang it Okay so what we need to have a conversation what exactly about covid you know the disease from like coughing and in the air made people the first thing people thought about was like oh I'm a poop a lot apparently toilet paper there was a toilet paper shortage like what in what world when you have an upper respiratory sickness is your first thought I need to wipe my butt way more than I ever have in my entire life okay we got way off track no Gregory we got Way Off Track like so unbelievably far off track but now like now that I know that Not only was there a toilet paper shortage but there was also an incessant need for having your butthole squirted by a bidet like in what world were people like I'm gonna get locked down and I need some stuff in my life like you need toilet paper you need bidets like what other kind of butt related accessories did people buy during covid clean butt equals Invincible yeah apparently a clean butt equals can't catch covid maybe that's why I caught covet three or four times I don't know Stockholm equals make own food equals food poisoning we way off track no we're so far off track we're not even playing Hogwarts Legacy anymore San because Tower Professor bakai is a keeper you have yet to encounter I'm glad to see that I was correct in presuming that we would meet again soon after our last encounter in front of some eyes based on the commotion I heard that you did not have an easy time getting to me we did not Professor we encountered goblins outside the tower all I know is one of the side effects of covid is an explosive diarrhea so there was no need for a toilet paper I made a connection to this Tower then the threat may be greater than I thought all the more reason for us to move forward downstairs near the entry a reservoir of ancient magic like those you've seen I love the video of that girl crying because he had to eat her mom's food not Chinese Takeaway I'm afraid I cannot say more as Professor fig cannot join you he and I will in time see you back oh no see oh we're going to need to understand how ranrock's loyalists knew about a tower that once belonged to a keeper for the moment however even more important things to set your mind to a reservoir of ancient magic I believe yes sir then I shall leave matters in your increasingly capable hands that said be careful I will sir I'll see you back in the map chamber I'ma be honest though I actually kind of Miss like Peak Covenant Magic downstairs near the entry like you could go to the store and yeah you couldn't find any food or toilet paper or any of that stuff but you could go to like Walmart or Target or wherever you needed to go during covid and there was no people there it was so nice airports during covid oh my God going to the airport during covid was like the best thing ever no lines no people I go to I go to the airport now and people are like coughing all over the place like wiping their snotty disgusting human selves all over the place being disgusting just absolutely disgusting humans nowadays and it's just packed like nut to butt just so many people everywhere I'm just very anti-social I think it's the moral of the story I was born for the pandemic I'm just so anti-social I don't like being around people all the time which is maybe why you got covered so many times now I work at the airport it was great during that time it was uh I mean I know how I caught covid each and every time I've lived in Texas that should explain enough you've done something not at my target weekends were easily 2 000 people at once with a 400 capacity oh my God yeah no we didn't have any of that I never had to stand in the line to get into anywhere ever just nobody ever left their house but also like the nice thing about living in like a city area is you could get anything delivered and you still can but I'm in front line Healthcare was actual liberal health no I don't I I'm not trying to down the nightmare that was the pandemic by any means like I know I'll so many people had it way worse than I did and I'm not gonna downplay that at all but not having to deal with people all the time was really nice I want traces of ancient magic like us anti-social people during covid we were at our Peak now that it's over we're back to our anti-social everybody hates ourselves thank you [Music] I was playing 600 hours of Animal Crossing in 303 months exactly I can't use covet as an excuse anymore exactly exactly the best part of when I had uh kovid was like oh I can't go do any of those social things because I have covid no I can't spend a ton of money to fly to your freaking wedding I'm sick with covid so he's a never a welcome sight but now it's not an excuse anymore now you just have to like be like nah I don't want to go to your wedding Christ exactly exactly so anybody that ever needs to get out of anything in life just say you have explosive diarrhea nobody's gonna ask questions about it if you want to take a day off of work or not go to a wedding or just anything in life really that you just don't want to do explosive diarrhea nobody wants to know more about it like if you say you're sick they're gonna ask like oh like what are you sick with like what's going on but not a single person is gonna ask more questions about explosive diarrhea it's a life hack so if you just want to get out of something in life just no I can't sitting on the toilet can't stop pooping no I find explosive diarrhea half of my life so is period stuff yeah exactly sorry can't do jury duty explosive diarrhea exactly you can't focus you won't make you won't make an educated decision because you're going to think about having to poop your pants all the time I know this is an uncomfortable conversation but it's useful life information I'm getting married in October wanna come no I've got explosive diarrhea I can't make it thank you tag I have to remember that Lord you too scared to 1v1 me in multiverses yeah because I don't know what that game is and I fear the unknown I have IBS direct oh no RM it's a rough life you should start a a new series life hacks with hat with tag I don't think that's a series that anybody wants or needs it's literally going to be talking about the most absurd things anyone could ever come up with gonna have to do with explosive diarrhea because they can get a it can get you out of a lot of life problems no better bidet shopping I don't even own a bidet I should examine things from both sides of the old Joy I feel like I should though I don't know how I would feel about it though more statues oh Christ where did you did you from oh Lord God I do like no damage a boink and shove Blanc Williams God we need the ancient magic wait we have ancient magic throw we just need ancient magic throw damage upgrade my sister got one she said she loves it I don't understand how my bum gets dried if it's spraying me with water but I still have to wait wait that's a good question that's a really good question like after your you know these are this is a conversation that really shouldn't happen during a live stream I know we're scaring hundreds of people away from this live stream at the moment talking about you know your butthole getting squirted but it's a really important conversation like the days are becoming popular like this needs to be a thing that people know about and the only way you can know about it is by talking about it but the question stands how exactly do you dry your butt [Music] so stupid but you use less TP pat dry I don't know huh I only go to store every two weeks for food and I don't like come when I was a kid in like 200 would feed us for weeks you can't go to the store nowadays like 200 will get you like three things and they'll feed you for like five minutes your personal Link in Discord to a bidet did you send me a bidet on Discord huh what did that burst of magic change for a while some streamers were even advertising them was that the one from like uh Ludwig would be different seems like ought to explore I don't get to watch much live streams or anything like that live streamers in general um so I don't know many but I do know I think I think it was Ludwig that had a bidet something like that foreign 500 in groceries for the month from my wife and my kids it's crazy for the month 500 for the month detect never get used to these I have to walk 10 miles uphill and back to get to school as well yeah uphill both ways Hello Kitty machine be like me 39 cents for ramen and frozen spinach yeah look I've been homeless before I lived for six months like a lot of you don't know my past um but I've had to do a lot of things to survive like I come from a family of uh we don't need to get into it because it's gonna be a depressing conversation but no I've I've lived that ramen noodle oh my God spicy nudes well not even spicy nudes just the the really like a couple dollars in ramen will feed you for a long time I learned that at a very young age I don't remember there being three of these mother Truckers oh survival at the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches still one of my favorite foods cause man a little bit of bread some peanut butter you don't even need jelly really at the end of the day can feed you for a long time I forgot I had this but it looks good foreign Jesus okay I need to stop sucking butts right now I'm so focused on talking and reading chat literally getting my cheeks clapped so I've been homeless multiple times in my life I lived a tent I lived in a tent in the woods for like six months as an adult I've been homeless as a child get used to these floors it's a thing life be hard sometimes ain't no time for bidets when you're just trying to live take one out as fast as possible I suppose all right let's let's not screw this up I gotta stop reading chat for a second we'll get back to the bidetalk after I stop screwing up my life hard mode be a lot harder as far as like multitasking like I don't think it's like hard mode is very hard as like a standard kind of playthrough when it comes to trying to like multitask like easy mode like actually normal mode I can um stream and really not oops look at the game and I can talk to chat but I can't do that on hard mode yes we'll get there though okay Bobby God dang it everybody else oh I burned my exfoliarmus [Music] come on ah Jesus Christ [Music] all right we just gotta kill oh that was close we're double close struggling so hard with this playthrough I don't understand what's going on with my life all right biggest boys are gone three small dudes no HP I casted oh thank you Caitlyn I know I like uh like I've talked with Dustin about like a lot about my past and uh never get used to these flaws this is why he's so good at survival games and he's mentioned on many occasions like that I need to uh talk more about my past he's been trying to get me to like a TED Talk for like a long time um but only talking about my past but I know I need to do it more because there's certainly been instances in my life where you know other people's experiences have helped me get through [Music] um what I'm going through and encouraged me to like all those things and it's hard to openly talk about that kind of stuff all right we're gonna win this time I'm sorry that I'm sucking so bad today awesome I know I need to take a break in a second I wanted to do three hours but I need to take a couple minute break because I'm starting to not feel good I've basically anytime I eat or drink anything I've been having to use uh NADA bidet incendios oh no oh [Music] I really get to catch the live stream but watch all your content just want to say [Music] oh Christ I look over every time I look over I just get clapped we got through this fight it's not even a boss fight which is the sad part it's just that I'm dumb part revelio man Lord have mercy how many pens of Guardians are there uh three uh we're gonna go for another hour after this but after the end of this I do need to take us a second um I'm not feeling particularly great I think it's the main distraction at the moment but we'll be okay for a bit so there's three pensive Guardians uh the fourth one the fourth so basically one per trial and the fourth one isn't is is uh is different thank you Maricel it's the twin time your pants are doing great I feel like that's how all of us should live our lives you know I like the look of this I really need to I'm not not read chat for a second I apologize I don't have enough uh uh HP for this John ah shoot thank you John God dang it incendium ah chimney crickets from ice freaking excuse me where are your manners I'm a lady what in the Sam Hell all right now upgrade my armor this is redonk hello pensive Guardian when guardian pensive guardium oh shoot oh shoot doing two yellows in a row that's just rude [Music] you head to that boss fight yeah the boss fight's on hard mode they hit like prick poop houses and the problem is I really should uh I have it like this there we go so our smooth is hard especially when you haven't focused on upgrading anything the whole game no God dang it's going right into the fire right there come at me bro what you want huh oh no roll out like roly polyoly baby a hard time on hard mode and not popping is poop in his pants excuse me sometimes life is hard okay come on [Music] glacias confringo shush y'all are so rude so rude bike got dang we did it baby what a relief all right I'm gonna there's a cut scene and I'm gonna run away and I'm gonna do unspeakable things and then I'm gonna come back because food poisoning sucks and I've been struggling for a hot minute but I wanted to make sure we got through that point her name is Sickle yeah yeah what about it [Music] your ability to transfigure the world around you is remarkable what is it my father isn't getting better I don't think he'll ever recover from a definite brother it is agonizing to see those we love suffer throughout was years ago now as if he doesn't need pretty pillars he needs peace what if I could help him professor you do so much for your father already it's not enough I want to take away his pain it is tempting I know to use this magic that you're mastering to transfigure more than the physical world but human emotion is a potent Force unto itself even the most well-meaning and competent witch cannot possibly know the consequences of irrevocably manipulating it so I'm to watch as my father's pain destroys him it is not your pain to take every year a student sees something sillier than I could ever imagine in their tea leaves oh Miss Morgan welcome back to Hogwarts professor it's going to take some getting used to professor rickwood I was so pleased to hear that you'd accepted the position of defense against the dark arts Professor say it sit is Adora tell us about your travels I was actually hoping that you and the others might join me at my home this evening there's much I'd like to share with you that would be delightful we shall let the others know very well I'll see you then another memory now to find a way out of here well that was uh a decent timing right more crystallized Stone that must be the way back oh better ah yeah let's just say yes what have we here I'm a student at hogwartser and this is Professor fig professor Charles Rookwood At Your Service someone completed the first trial I have Professor Rookwood the foreign indeed so you found the port key to access Professor rackham's Vault and you decide I did I can't identify the drop the kids off of the pool yes you find a similar artifact in each trial you must take care to keep them safe you'll need them to complete the journey we have set forth for you once you have them all we will tell you what to do with them very well are you able to tell me anything about the next trial before you proceeding situation involving the goblins goblins the student has seen traces of a powerful dark magic being wielded by Goblin Kind they and their Mentor Professor fig not only encountered goblins lurking outside of San bakar's Tower jokes aren't my favorite jokes at least it's solid I'm afraid it would be wise to Halt the trials until we know more we shall defer to you in this matter of course now then wait professor the name Rookwood do you think that there's a connection to Victor perhaps but we can't be sure of its significance if any for now tell me what you saw in the pensive before the witch from the last pensive is Adora became a Hogwarts professor she argued with Professor Rackham about using mad to remove hmm hopefully the next pencil provides more context for now we should learn what round rock knows I will be honest I've no idea where to start actually I might know of someone thank you speaking to a goblin once oh god well it's worth a try see what you can find out of course don't forget my studies yes sir yeah give me the Beast Beast you dirty boy Professor have you encountered swirling traces of magic in the world yeah aside from those along hours of the Keeper's efforts to manipulate the power of ancient magic during our time if I am correct and I usually am you should be able to use them to inform and enhance your own magic thank you sir I will look out for them [Music] we finally made it to Autumn look we did it oh it's so pretty I was gonna go for uh let's see if we can get some the Fantastic Beasts such a pretty game I know I keep like one of the things I say the most about this game but God dang my God all right so we got so seven talents holy Christ I kind of want to go for a plant build this time I'm not I won't buy this one this one [Music] ah see I just don't know I don't know about any of these right now we don't have any Dark Art I'm never gonna use stealth additional increased damage and break enemy Shields I'm gonna go with that one I think we're gonna use enduras a lot core I don't something in the core that I want ooh that one's pretty good with the double thingy my boob made no dark arts in this playthrough well no no no no no we're still gonna get crucial in this playthrough because I mean even Harry freaking Potter used crucio in the books and the movies I just don't want to invest in it while I don't have it so I'm gonna save those three points for right now think I should ask spectacular news the new crucial other students yeah technically yeah ooh Aloha Mora we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to do all that I'm not Resto momentum descendio [Music] the stream has cheered me up my 10 year old ah kimmykins I'm so sorry about that oh so I you know it's so hard losing a pet like I know there's a lot of people out there that are like me like animals are just so innocent you know like humans they make choices in life but Anna like especially pets like their whole life is dependent on our choices so like when a pet dies like super hard I completely understand hope you're doing okay I know a lot of people don't understand but I do pets are often closer than family yeah for sure I 100 agree I hope you will come and see me about oppressing and highly confidential matter at your earliest convenience I believe that we may be able to help each other see me after class once you have completed the tasks I've set for you welcome everyone I see you've already met some of the many beasts we study in this class though be advised none of these creatures should be taken lightly they are all in their own way especially if one does not know how to handle them properly no it seems many of you are out of practice let's take some time to review the basics of how to care for a beast shall we miss Sweeting would you please assist our new student with the lesson today yes Professor Howen hello I'm poppy coffee Sweeting don't worry about Professor how in speech she over exaggerates sometimes all the PC perfectly safe eating take some please the tongue of a puff skin can be a slippery devil uh yes professor here you can practice on Gerald just keep an eye out for his tongue use my brush innocent I'm sure my cats have a roster of whose job it is to annoy me today yeah cats are the exception to the rule for sure wait a second what's going on here why can't okay that was really weird I've never played the game with the keyboard before so whoa I pet that little poofy thing right there that's lovely would you mind giving him some Beast feet ah Corey you are a 1 000 correct I know I need to do it I just don't want to what do you suppose the pellets taste like to Gerald pudding I like to think that thing's got a tongue bigger than its body where does that tongue go he is kindness is one of his best qualities right after ambition and cleanliness good work everyone now let's make our way to the pens and select another Beast and please do be careful as you feed and groom them Miss Sweeting why don't you show our new student to the needles in the father that's the living bidet in front you've gone too far over here you have gone way too far nope I mean I was gonna say nobody you know what I'm not gonna go there if you cannot say at least enough to buy something from honey cheeks stickers you stupid little Slytherin I don't remember this just took achilia poppy worries about a worthless little rodent her name is Persephone her name is Persephone that's really not funny [Music] yeah look at the disrespect that he is getting from both the teacher and the student newsel's Earth I mean measles are essentially boys Persephone was onto them instantly thank you for your help let's carry on feed and brush the measles just as you did with Gerald um they have like a Bengal spots but the thickness and the fluffiness of the uh the one cat I can't remember the name of the big one they know a good egg when they see one I want so many of these pets as real life me too Jessica has come to an end please close the pens and see yourselves out now is our new student ah man you are yes I would like a moment please hello Professor you wanted to speak with me I did how did you find your first Beast lesson it was wonderful I believe I'm really going to enjoy this class good seem to understand that when beasts are properly controlled they can play a vital role in our lives some provide us with magically imbued materials if cared for correctly which does not include torturing them for whiskers well done by the way probably best to let me handle it next time yes Professor they're nearly as bad as the savagers in rookwood's poacher pack sadly we're the ones who suffer stumbling over dead beasts terrible waste of resources surely the poachers can be brought to Justice by someone the ministry perhaps [Music] hmmstick idea now why don't we focus on more immediate matters that we can control Professor Weasley has asked that I prepare some assignments designed to help you catch up to the other fifth Years be on the lookout for my owl meanwhile I also encourage you to study as many beasts as you can on your own time foreign ly unlocked beasts and our way to make money in the game look how pretty Hogwarts is looking um I want to do three hours today but I think I I got I gotta stop here I'm not I'm not feeling good um I've tried to be as like charismatic and energetic as I could be um but I'm not feeling particularly great so we're gonna stop here for now I'm sure tomorrow will feel great um we gotta do more Hogwarts Legacy as well as more we gotta talk to puppy um uh we gotta do more Hogwarts Legacy there's another game coming out very soon I was looking up so there's so many games coming out this year that we're going to be playing we're gonna be doing uh let's play Oh sons of the forest horror game coming out in three days sons of the forest so those of you that have been around the channel for a very long time I played the forest I didn't have to way back in the day at noon in the desert but sons of the forest comes out in three days we're gonna be we're gonna be streaming that it means that something we're gonna be streaming this we're gonna be streaming more of uh that's what we decided it meant I couldn't stand there and watch them harm the pool Disney Dream live in the mind actually in light of that someone I'd like you're gonna play a horror game it's a survival horror game it's different so yes we're gonna be lots of things coming over the next week I I uh really really really really really really hope you all come to hang out for it I appreciate each and every one of you thank you so much for being a part of the community I hope you all have a great night I'll see you all in the next one you've intrigued me very well lead the way I'd hoped I would
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 35,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts, legacy, hogwarts legacy review, hogwarts legacy first impressions, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy hard mode, hogwarts legacy mods, hogwarts legacy pc
Id: fXPL6c-lJmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 17sec (9377 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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